Into the Night [Displacer Beast TF] - Part 1

Story by TwoHeadedTigress on SoFurry

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#1 of Into the Night

I figured I'd emerge from my hole and get back to work! This is an old work in progress I had lying I'm finishing up part 4 and going to be posting these rest over the next couple days. Don't expect too much plot's mostly for the dirty >_>

Thumbnail commission from x0sweetpeach0x on FA.

"I'm thinking about two thirds of the people in this room are werewolves," Thoman said quietly, startling Tana who was overlooking the dance floor from the balcony.

Her frustration with how he always managed to walk up behind her so silently was quelled by the weight of what he'd just said.

"Act casual, we're in danger," he said, his tone still pleasant, like discussing the food at the ball. "Kalad over there is already moving so he can eavesdrop."

The young man leaned against the balcony as well, overlooking the ballroom like nothing was wrong in the world, and the disparity between his tone and what he'd just said left Tana completely off balance. Still, she knew better than to say anything--or to look at Kalad who was indeed slowly walking towards them with his wife's arm laced around his. They seemed to be carrying in normal conversation, but Thoman wasn't one to jerk her chain like this, nor to act so utterly casual in the face of something serious.

"I'm getting restless," Thoman said after a moment of silence between the two of them. "Another dance?" He gently took her arm in his and tugged slightly, evidently wanting to get away from the snoops.

Tana obliged, letting him guide her to the spiral staircase and slowly walk down it. In a part of her mind, she knew the nobility were a large majority of the werewolf population. It wasn't so much that the nobility were all werewolves as that the werewolves were the nobility. Being able to change into a monster at will and dispatch one's enemies meant they tended to rise to the top of the social hierarchy. But _two thirds of the people? _In this very room?!

Her eyes darted over the crowd of well-dressed men and women. They were dancing, laughing, enjoying the band and was a demonstration of wealth and decadence set in a manor that was a wonder of architecture in and of itself. Upon first setting foot in the Chenshires home, Rica had been in awe. The resentful young woman had been washed away after dating Thoman for the past year, and she was coming to appreciate the comforts of the wealthy, even if it made her roots as a butcher's daughter uncomfortable.

Thoman led her onto the dance floor, through the crowd and almost directly in front of the band, where the sound of the music would drown out their voices to any creeping ears. His expression was pleasant, but she could see the traces of worry creeping around the edges of his eyes. It was hard to tell, but over the past year Tana had come to learn when something was bothering him. The smile he had was on his typically so earnest face no longer reached his eyes.

Then he pulled her close and set into a slow dance, his face inches from her own. "How much about the nightwalkers do you know?" he asked, straight to the point.

A pit forming in her stomach, she tried to keep her expression pleasant as well, hoping it looked like they were having intimate conversation. "That some houses have werewolves among them who act as assassins?"

He nodded ever so faintly. "All houses," he said softly, his voice almost inaudible over the music. "I'll explain the nuances if we make it out of this. But there are a bunch outside as well. I think they want to take me hostage. Use me as leverage to get to my father."

It took Tana a moment to put all the subtleties in that statement together. Thoman knew exactly how the magic of the nightwalkers worked, but he was frightened of the werewolves, yet his father wasn't--otherwise they'd go for his father directly. There was no way Thoman was a nightwalker himself...they'd been dating over a year now. He would have told her, or at least there would have been some indication if he was.

"Your dad's a nightwalker?" she hissed. Thoman's father was exactly how she envisioned a werewolf among the nobility. Big, tall, always in control of the situation during the day, and if need be, a monster in the night.

"Tana," he said softly. "My whole family is, except for my father."

It took all her willpower not to blow up right on the spot. She had given the matter a lot of thought, but as a newcomer to the family--and not a member any major house--it would have been highly inappropriate to ask. Instead she'd assumed Thoman's older brother and their father had been the family nightwalkers.

"When were you going to tell me?" She asked, a bit too loudly and causing his grip on her hip to tighten as a warning. He leaned even closer to her before he spoke again, still swaying peacefully to the music.

"In a few months," he murmured. "Family policy. A year and a half, then I propose, then I tell you if you say yes. Can't have it known on the street who's a nightwalker in the household. If they know, then those who aren't are an easy target."

The fact that he wouldn't let her know about something like this should have made her angry--and typically it would have--but now it only emphasized just how closely guarded the secret was. Then again, she thought, it was an open secret among the nobility that plenty had alternate bodies, but she hadn't realized they put such an emphasis on identity secrecy. Taking several deep breaths, Tana got control of herself again and kept that same happy expression Thoman was forcing himself to maintain.

"How do we get out then?"

Thoman suddenly groped her bum, coming onto her in a way she didn't expect. "Make it look like when we vanish off to a corner, it's for sex. Not unheard of at these parties." He said, pressing his cheek to hers and speaking into her ear. "Then we can make a getaway."

"You're going to infect me?" Tana whispered, suddenly conflicted. It felt like such a major life decision she was about to make on the spot. "Can I even get infected with lycanthropy? Isn't there some condition for it to work?"

The whole while they were still swaying to the music, a powerful brass section carrying a tune composed specifically for this event. To Tana's ears, it almost felt like a waste to not be focused solely on such a beautiful and professional performance, something the average person heard only a handful of times in their lives.

To her question, Thoman laughed, waiting for the brass to die down. "It's dependent on how much magical potential you have," he said in a low voice. "And I probably would have never approached you if you didn't have some. Don't get me wrong, I really do think you're pretty, but when I first saw you, it wasn't your looks that caught my attention..."

Tana sighed audibly, a whole slew of emotions going through her. Panic at their predicament, shock at what Thoman had just revealed, conflict at what he was proposing, and now...exasperation. Typical Thoman, being entirely honest even when he really shouldn't. But he was right, and while Tana was certainly far better groomed now than a year ago--and thinner--most noble women were a step above the rest. A byproduct of only the prettiest girls marrying aristocrats for centuries. Then she frowned, realizing what he actually meant by that statement.

"You can see my magical potential?" she asked curiously.

He shrugged slightly. "It's closer to a scent or an aura that I feel than something visual, but yes. So you most certainly can become a nightwalker. Now hurry up and come onto me so I can drag you off to a corner!"

Tana rolled her eyes at the absurdity, then kissed him, allowing herself to become fully absorbed in the moment. Thoman tended to get quite busy hands when they made out, never just holding onto her calmly, but a hand running through her hair, another playing down her side...

Then he broke it off and resumed dancing for a moment. "Last thing I need to ask you," he whispered, since the music had died down. "What do you know about it being transmitted?"

The disparity between his tone and expression on this face versus what he was actually trying to discuss with her was really setting Tana off balance. It felt like a joke, it felt ridiculous, but being totally out of her element, she had to trust him.

"It's a bite?" she asked tentatively.

"Any bodily fluid," he corrected, a sly grin slipping onto his face. "So blood, bite or..."

"Oh goodness," Tana muttered, letting him swing her to the music. "You're going to turn into a werewolf and fuck me in a broom closet."

"Not a werewolf..." Thoman said lightly, not objecting to the rest of her statement.

Somehow, that set Tana at ease. Werewolves were almost a symbol of class oppression at this point. It was the way that people who wronged the nobility--or even didn't offer the proper respect in many cases--seemed to die to the monsters on a regular basis.

But then if Thoman wasn't a werewolf...

"Then what are you?" Tana whispered. She couldn't believe they were having this conversation.

In response, he suddenly spun her, taking her arm in his and leading her off the dance floor. "Last I heard," he said slyly, speaking slightly louder so that the prying ears could hear, "there's a nice little private lounge just this way..."

Tana played her part, looking slightly nervous and slightly excited, most of the emotions genuine. Now that she was looking for it, there were indeed several people watching them. Whether or not it was with the malicious intent Thoman described, she couldn't be sure. But they weren't leaving the dance floor unnoticed, that was for certain.

Thoman had the sense to make his way further into the manor rather than to the outside, as to not raise any alarm. The last thing they needed was to be interrupted while Tana was halfway between human and beast. They walked down a hall to the kitchens mostly trafficked by servants, making sure they were seen dipping into a small private lounge. A heavy oak door was cracked open to the hall, a dim orange light coming from the room. Thoman pushed it open, revealing a small sitting room with the only source of light being a fireplace that crackled gently at the far side of the room. There was a couch with a luxurious covering on it, a small table in the corner, and on the floor was probably the thickest rug she'd ever set foot on.

"This room couldn't be more overt," Tana said flatly.

Thoman pointed to the heavy bolt lock on the door. "It really couldn't," he chuckled.

Tana took the liberty of pushing the door closed and sliding the heavy latch so that they were effectively cut off from the rest of the world. Then she let the façade drop.

"I don't even know what...I thought you weren't...!" she hissed, trying to find the right words but not really able to express herself. "Why?!"

Thoman had been bracing for that reaction and stood his ground. "Because of situations like this," he said softly. "They aren't even sure I'm a nightwalker." His expression suddenly became far more serious, bordering on threatening. "It doesn't matter who it is, word gets out, intentionally or not."

Realizing her reaction was more out of fear than entitlement, Thoman relaxed his tone again. "I was going to tell you," he said earnestly. "I just wasn't sure how to break it to you. I know you see the nightwalkers as monsters, but..."

Tana glanced at him briefly, then at the ground, feeling slightly ashamed. On more than one occasion she'd made comments expressing her disdain for the werewolves, dragonborn and the like. It was partially out of fear, but also jealousy. They had the power to do things most people couldn't dream of.

"Hey," he said gently, leading her to the couch and sitting down beside her. "I know it's a lot to take in, but I think if we make it out of this, you'll come to love it."

Staring into the fire, she eventually gave a small nod. "What are you?"

He took his arm from around her shoulder and held it slightly above her lap, palm facing down. His skin was darkening and the fine hairs on his arm starting to thicken. "It's easier to show you," he said, removing his suit jacket and unbuttoning the shirt beneath.

There was excitement in his voice, and a hint of pride. Despite the melancholy tone of the conversation, Tana realized he'd been dying to share this with her, but safety more than anything had prevented him from doing so. But now with no choice... It suddenly made Tana feel better. Thoman wasn't ashamed of being a nightwalker, he was proud of it, and he'd been waiting to bring her into the fold. Even in dire circumstances like these, he was still excited at the prospect.

Tana watch curiously as sleek fur grew in all over his body, quickly and radically changing his appearance, despite no alterations to his body structure yet. Obviously, that didn't last, but Tana was not ready for what came next. Thoman raised his arms and grinned, his teeth now pointed and fangs started to form, and a second pair of shoulders forming underneath his first pair, quickly turning into a whole second set of arms.

"My mom was a displacer beast," Thoman said, keeping his voice low enough so that it didn't carry through the closed door.

Tana opened her mouth to speak but found herself at a loss for words. She wasn't sure what she'd been expecting, perhaps a dragonborn? Or a naga? Certainly not...this.

"Interdimensional predatory cats," Thoman explained, shifting his head as his jaw changed form slightly. He now had a half muzzle, somewhere between human and beast. "Because of their alien origin, we have some...extra bits."

He then turned away from her so she could see his back--and the tentacles that began to grow from it. All five new limbs came in at once, four tentacles about half as thick as his wrist growing from his shoulder blades, and a tail of similar size. Tana watched in fascination as his tail grew to roughly four feet long, and each of the tentacles over ten, finally capping out with a squidlike spade. He kept them suspended in the air like they were underwater, drifting about.

Tana tentatively reached out and grabbed one, curious. They weren't really tentacles, not like an octopus or a squid. All of the limbs had a uniform thickness their entire length and were void of suckers unless one counted the spade at the end. They were firm and sturdy to the touch, but also covered in that sleek fur, making them feel like a living rope more than a fleshy limb. Thoman watched her as she examined the limb, letting her manipulate it without resistance. When she reached for the space and flipped it over to find the suckers, he pressed them gently against her hand, latching onto her skin.

Tana tried to pull it off, and frowned when she couldn't. "Wow," she murmured, peeling the spade away with more force, making each sucker pop off her skin one by one. "That's surprisingly strong."

"I haven't actually finished transforming them yet," Thoman said cautiously. "But we tend to keep them in that gentler state typically."

Holding the spade a little ways further from her hand now, tiny white points appear in the middle of each sucker, and when he flexed them, giant claws emerged. Tana took a sharp breath in at the sight.

"That's...actually really disturbing," she said quietly, eyeing the spikes with caution.

"They're really good for climbing," Thoman said. "Or fighting," he added bashfully. "But..."

Rather than explain himself, he just reversed the transformation on the tentacles, making the spades disappear completely, giving him four long furry ropes emerging from his back.

Tana took the limb in her hand again. "They are a lot less threatening this way."

Thoman wound the tentacle around her hand and arm, gripping it snugly. "Still strong," he said with a twinkle in his eye. "But certainly won't draw blood." To illustrate another point, he held out a hand--his lower left, for he had four now--and extended some dangerous looking claws from his fingertips, then retracted them again and promptly made them disappear as well.

"Can you just...pick which limbs you want?" Tana asked, somewhat flabbergasted.

Thoman shrugged, the nodded. "Pretty much. These are all of mine though. A few of us will have six tentacles, and the very lucky will get six arms as well..."

After a moment of silence hung between them while Tana took it all in, Thoman spoke up again, even quieter this time, and sounding incredibly nervous. "Is it...too much?"

Tana looked back up at him, top of bottom. He was what she expected a werecat to look like, plus some extra bits. The tall, if somewhat thin man she'd fallen in love with had been replaced by a lean, alien cat whose body rippled with muscle beneath his sleek fur. He was broader at the shoulders--both sets of them--his arms and legs thicker, and even taller than before. Still standing flat footed, his feet not even digitigrade yet, he was probably six and a half feet tall. He was tall, intimidating, inhuman...and yet knowing it was Thoman, the nervous stance and earnest look on his face, still wonderfully expressive if not entirely human...the charm was still there.

"I...could get used to it," she finally said, trying not to smile too much.

Her reluctance to outright admit it told Thoman everything he needed to know, and she could see he wanted to give off a little cheer.

"But how does that get us out of the manor," Tana said, thinking back to the werewolves he'd mentioned outside the building.

Thoman had been ready for that question. "Interdimensional cats, remember? Watch."

The he vanished.

Tana jumped in her seat, on her feet instantly. Thoman had just slipped into nothingness in a flicker of dark light, but before she even had time to do much else but look around the now empty room frantically, he was tapping her on the shoulder. She squeaked and turned her head to see the displacer looming over her with a grin that probably showed more teeth than he realized was acceptable.

"We can warp though the fourth dimension," he said softly. "Though walls and everything."

His whole plan dawned on Tana. "We can just walk out from this room," she breathed.

"Well, run," he corrected, taking her hands in his lower two, while his upper hands gently held her shoulders. "But yes, we leave the manor from this room. I can stay in the fourth dimension for about twenty seconds. I bet you'll make five or so, but it's enough to get us outside."

Tana grinned. "Man. You really have a lot more going for you than the werewolves."

Two of his now spadeless tentacles were now playing around her ankles, gently winding around and brushing against her legs.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" he asked. "I know it's a lot..."

Tana ran a hand over his chest, feeling the muscles beneath his sleek fur. "It's weird," she said, "but it's not...unattractive?"

The tentacles playing around her legs started to hug her skin more closely. "I'll try not to tie you up too much..." he grinned. "It's my first time in this body, tell me if I get carried away."

Tana kicked off her shoes and tugged and his pants, which he was till wearing. "Well then get on with it! You'll killing me here!"

His tentacles crept up under her dress, one of them sliding over her slit and up between her cheeks, two others wrapping around her legs in a gentle but firm way. Goosebumps appeared on her skin--it felt like furry snakes slithering over her in the most sensual way. It was disturbing but pleasant at the same time.

While this was happening, Thoman had used his lower hands to pull his pants off, and his upper two to lift her dress, pulling it over her head. Thoman raised and eyebrow. "No underwear?"

She slung her arms over his shoulders. "I expected something to happen, just this," she said, biting her lip.

The last tentacle that wasn't preoccupied with her legs--or between them--snaked around her arm, onto her torso and between her breasts. Then suddenly the tentacles wrapped around her legs and bum tightened, acting as a harness and lifting her into the air, pressing Tana against the wall. The motion was powerful yet gentle somehow, not restricting her movement at all yet still supportive.

With her back up against the wall, Thoman kissed her. It was strange to feel his mouth on hers without a human face, yet to still be locked in a kiss. She could feel him growing hard, his cock pressing up against her belly and growing much longer than it had been before. In its sheath, it had almost been unnoticeable, but now it was long and thick and much larger than he'd been as a human.

While they kissed, the third tentacle that had been between her lips and sliding up her back repositioned itself, winding around her torso like the other one and those two growing back their spades. Lined with suckers but not spikes, they cupped her breasts in a sort of makeshift bra--one where Thoman felt everything underneath.

Tana giggled as a sucker latched onto each nipple and he reached down with his two lower hands, one grabbing her on the ass and the other fingering between her legs, making sure she was ready for him. She most certainly was, and both his upper hands took hers and guided them down to his cock, letting her feel this new member for the first time. Along his shaft were soft little spines pointing backward, so the member could slide in wonderfully, but not out. Tana ran her hand down it in wonder, then back up it again. Yes they were spines, but they weren't hard, somehow they just gave him...texture.

She broke off the kiss and pressed her forehead against his, starting deep into his eyes--bright green and slitted.

"That's going to feel so good," she whispered, running her hand down to the base again.

In his hands were hers, and in her hands, his shaft. "Well let's put it to use then," he murmured back. "We're on a time limit you know."

It was strange because while Thoman was distinctly inhuman in his form and capabilities, he wasn't bestial. Or at least it didn't feel like she was fucking an animal. Right before she slid his cock up inside her, the tentacles that were wound around her legs regrew their spades, sliding up to her folds and gently pulling them open. Then he slipped in.

Tana stifled a moan. "Thoman," she murmured, taking a deep breath in.

His alien cock slid up inside her, his girth filling her completely. He went in slowly, and withdrew equally so, the soft little spines rubbing against her walls, stimulating her and sending goosebumps up her spine. No longer needing to guide him in, if she ever did at all, Tana's hands played up Thomans body, fingers running through his fur and over his muscles, feeling the ridges of his abs and the solid slabs that were his pecs.

He slid up into her again. This time one of his tentacles was playing with her clit while his two of his hands slid up her sides and the others continued to support her under her bum, giving Tana a seat against the wall. She couldn't get over how soft he was! She slid her hands over his shoulders as he pulled out and thrusted again, then pulled his body entirely up against hers, feeling his fur against her skin. Thoman thrusted over and over, the soft spines on his cock bringing Tana to the point of orgasm faster than she had even experienced before. It was hardly a minute in and she already felt it coming on!

Then he pulled out, lifting her off the wall and stepping back. Because he had his tentacles wound around her legs and torso, he had total control over her body. It was trivial for him to lean back and sit down onto the ground, all the while keeping her suspended in the air! In one smooth motion he had sat down on the rug with his back to the couch and set her on top of him. And he was amping it up too--a hand on the back of her head running fingers through her hair, three others playing over her torso, the tentacles effortlessly lifting her onto his cock again and dropping her on it...

Tana kissed him again, no longer disturbed by his inhuman face, riding him hard, aggressively thrusting the cock up inside her, hands wrapped around his back. With the sensation building up inside her, she wanted to touch him, press her body against him...there was no sweaty skin there, just soft fur. The more aggressive Tana got, the more license Thoman took with her body. Before she knew it, the tentacles were lifting her up and down over his cock, doing the work for her, slowly pulling control away from Tana. With Thoman having that many limbs, she was really just along for the ride. He didn't even need to try and subdue her, it was just an effect of the displacer beast going down on her.

As the first orgasm crashed over her she moaned, Thoman aggressively thrusting up inside her and pausing for a moment. The tentacles quickly readjusted, the ones on her legs winding downwards as well to control her calves, and the tentacles that had been groping her breasts, tweaking her nipples, encircled her arms instead. With her limbs under his control, he rolled her underneath him and spread her out on the carpet, entirely at his mercy.

With his cock still inside her throbbing but not yet cumming, he ran his tongue over a nipple, its rough surface eliciting a response from her body she'd never experienced before. It wasn't an orgasm, but it wasn't benign either. It made the hairs on the back of her neck rise and the orgasm between her legs intensify. He licked her nipples a few more times, then ran his tongue over her breast and up to her collarbone, gently thrusting in and out all the while.

One of his hands was rubbing her clit, another caressing her side, a third on the back of her leg and the forth groping a breast. Between that, the strange cock up inside her lined with little spines and the tentacles subduing her arms and was overwhelming for her. She strained against the tentacles, trying to see if she could move in their grasp, and for a moment she was locked in place--but then he released her--stopping his thrusting and pulling out.

"Too much?" he asked anxiously, starting to climb up off of her.

Tana used her now unrestrained hands to reach behind Thoman and grab him where the tentacles emerged from his back, using that point as a handle and pulling him back down on top of her.

"Hold me down and fuck me no matter how hard I struggle," she whispered into his ear. "This is incredible!"

After the moments hesitation it took him to process that statement, Thoman gladly obliged. Tana found her arms pulled high above her head, stretching her out and the tentacles tying her arms together. His hands aggressively groped her again, he slammed his cock up inside her and did something she didn't expect. With his mouth near her forehead, for her was indeed much taller than her, he began to run his tongue through her hair, grooming her like a cat. It was an oddly pleasant sensation, the gentle tugging on her hair, and Tana probably would have been able to appreciate it more if it weren't for the massive cock he kept slipping up inside her.

Directly on top of her with tentacles wrapped around her arms and legs, and his four hands supporting her torso, Tana was suspended in the air again, and inch above the carpet and pressed up against his body. The way he was using her body like a toy would have normally been unpleasant, but Tana was quickly discovering she loved this kind of thing. The two had had rough sex before, but nothing ever came to this level, she had never been so utterly under his control.

When the second orgasm fell over her and she contracted around him, squeezing his cock, he came as well. He thrusted up into Tana one last time, shooting a hot load up inside her as his cock pulsed in orgasm. With the tentacles having gone slack around her arms and legs, she grabbed him behind the head and pulled his face to hers, planting a deep kiss on his lips. He melted on top of her, his heavy bulk crushing her into the soft carpet and making her squeak.

Understanding her distress, Thoman rolled to the side and used his wholly unnecessary amount of limbs to pull her up to him and maintain their embrace, his cock still up inside her spurting a final few times. His four-armed embrace was warm and snug, pulling her into his soft fur as he shifted her down slightly and groomed her hair again. Tana snuggled her face up into his neck and kissed him, feeling his massive kitty-dick slowly going soft inside her.

Eventually after a minute of catching their breath, Thoman nuzzled her gently.

"So, are you ready to be able to do that yourself?"

The whole purpose of that endeavor clicked back into her mind. Tana had been so caught up in the strangest sex of her life, she'd forgotten their predicament.

"How long until it starts to change me?"

In response, Thoman pulled her tail.

Into the Night [Displacer Beast TF] - Part 2

For the second time that night, Tana had to stifle a yelp. Somehow, she had grown a tail without even realizing it! "I can't believe it!" Thoman exclaimed, his voice giddy. "You didn't even notice it growing in!" Tana quickly disentangled herself...

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Through Hell [Gorgon/Naga TF/TG] FINAL CHAPTER

Srida didn't really remember falling asleep, though her last conscious memory was leaning against Leo. It was the sort of situation where she expected to wake up peacefully, or at least with a warm feeling that something was going right for once. Yet...

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Through Hell [Gorgon/Naga TF/TG] Part 7

For the first time in centuries, Methidion feared for his life. The imp had been killed countless times, his body destroyed and his soul reborn again and again, unable to ever permanently die. It had always been the way of the umbral plain. Until now....

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