All Bared

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A young man visits a naturist resort to celebrate his entry into adulthood, but when he meets a figure from back home he soon finds himself experiencing a lot more firsts than he expected. ^^

This story was written for Kio Redsen as part of a 2 day Patreon reward writing extravaganza. ^^ It contains M/F sexual acts between consenting adults. :3

All Bared

Tennessee was finally here.

He had booked this holiday on the day of his eighteenth birthday, and had been waiting three months for this day to come ever since.

He was an adult now, legally allowed to make far more decisions than he had just ninety or so days before. And with that in mind, he was here. The zebra-horse hybrid stared up at the large sign adorning the gate ahead of him, and grinned to the rather curious taxi driver who had brought him here from the local train station. He handed the driver his fee with a nice tip on top, and after gathering his bag, small due to a lack of what would normally be necessities, stepped towards the manned gatehouses which stretched out before the metal gates themselves.

"Good afternoon Sir. Do you... have a reservation? This is a private venue."

The mouse who greeted him at the gate was polite, but though the zorse was perhaps close to two feet taller than him he still regarded Tenessee with the look of a grown up not entirely sure whether he was meant to be addressing the person before him as an equal or a child. When Tennessee showed the gatekeeper his documentation however, not only the reservations themselves but no fewer than three forms of ID to prove without doubt his age, he saw the mouse's tone change. Shifting from that of a guard trying to keep out potential trouble to a welcoming and friendly concierge.

"Ah, of course, Sir. And, thank you for being so diligent with your identification. As you understand I'm sure, we take the privacy of and respect for our guests very seriously."

Tennessee nodded, glancing up at the gate once again and the words stretching out above it.

'Spring Cove Naturist Resort'

He spoke to the mouse in his soft, deep southern drawl, slipping his identification and other papers back into his bag as he did so.

"That's why I chose here. I've never had the chance to live this lifestyle. Back home I probably never would, outside the walls of my own home. But... I'm interested. And now that I'm old enough, I don't plan on wasting my time."

The mouse nodded in understanding.

"Well, you're smart to start that journey here. I can't think of a more open and welcoming place to learn about this side of life, and see whether it's right for you."

They spoke a little longer, mostly the mouse giving Tennessee a run down of what he could expect to find beyond those gates as well as a few points of basic decorum since it was his first time. Most of it was just common sense of course, being respectful towards others and not doing anything in public that you wouldn't do while clothed. The only thing that really surprised Tennessee was something that he hadn't really considered before now. Alcohol. Though he had lived here in the UK for many years, his accent still portrayed him as American to most. Therefore he found himself being instructed by the mouse on drinking as though it was something he must surely have been unprepared to do for the next couple of years. Tennessee didn't have the heart to tell the mouse that he was more than capable of holding his liquor, but that quite honestly he hadn't even considered having as much as a single drink while here. Of all the things to do while exploring a whole new side of life and himself at a naturist resort, getting drunk was so far down his list it barely even registered.

Once he had listened to the mouse's advice however, and thanked him for it regardless of its necessity or otherwise, Tennessee soon found himself on his own. On the far side of the gate and stepping into a small block of changing units on the far side so that he could remove his clothes.

He did so, nervously yes but far more excited to finally be in a place where nudity was not frowned upon but actively celebrated as the default, sensible state. He neatly folded each and every item of his attire and placed it in his bag, tucking them down to the bottom safe in the knowledge that they would not be necessary until he left the resort again at the end of the following week. For just a moment the zebra-horse hybrid paused and looked himself up and down in a nearby mirror, examining his body for remaining flecks and fibres of clothing, blushing as he caught sight of his ass and other intimate regions but trying not to think too hard about their exposure. Nakedness was not sexual. Nudity was not erotic without context. He believed that. He knew that. And so, he told himself, would everyone else here.

Still, it didn't hurt that even flaccid his equine member was still substantial in how it hung, and that his rump was as firm and tight as the rest of his tall, toned figure.

Taking one last breath as he stood in that indoor space, recognising that this was going to be his last moment of privacy for at least a little while, Tennessee hooked his slightly heavier bag over his now bare right shoulder and walked out of the changing area. Back out into the sunlight, into the warm summer air of the south coast, and began to head down the roadside path towards the resort itself with a spring in his step and a rosy, giddy glow upon his cheeks.

It wasn't long before he saw people. Naked people. Dogs. A lion. A pair of cheetahs. An elephant. A badger. Several foxes, cats and rodents of varying species. The further he walked away from the entrance, the more lively and populous the resort grew. People out sunbathing on the grassy verges of almost every building, people walking in the parks and meandering from one activity to the next. He paused for a minute or so to watch a quartet of men playing doubles tennis, being watched by fifteen or twenty other men and women. Some were just a little older than him, in their twenties or perhaps early thirties. Others were older, some what seemed to be substantially so. Not every body was toned and lean like his, but there was no-one here, young or old, thin or chubby, who didn't look happy and comfortable in their nudity. Indeed they barely seemed to notice it at all, and to his joy Tennessee found that before long he was able to shrug off that fact about people too. Instead of seeing a naked lion, he just saw a lion who happened to be naked. Instead of seeing a naked wolf, he saw a wolf whom just happened to not be wearing any clothes.

By the time he had arrived at the villa in which his room was located, guided to the room itself by a beaming vixen in her forties who was absolutely thrilled to see a young person like him expressing such a sincere and open interest in this lifestyle, Tennessee had entirely overcome his initial fears. There had been no rampant erection as soon as he saw a body that remotely seemed attractive to him. No association between nudity and sex. Instead he felt comfortable. He felt at peace and relaxed, vulnerable yet safe in his naked state.

And thus, to further foster that sense of relaxation and comfort, the zorse wasted little time in setting his bag down and settling into the room itself. He was eager to get back out into the resort. To check out the beach around which it was built, and perhaps take advantage of the inclusive bar which the mouse gatekeeper had mentioned to him while he was there. He had no intention of getting drunk of course, but the idea of sitting naked on the beach with a cocktail in hand was just too incredible an opportunity to pass up.

Unfortunately for Tennessee, he didn't actually make it to the beach that afternoon. Fortunately, the reason for the lack of sand upon his hooves was not something dire or in any way worrying. In fact, it proved to be one of the most astonishing pieces of good fortune that the zorse had experienced in all of his eighteen years. And all he had to do to set himself on that immensely lucky path was to step out of his villa, and into the resort's bar.

"Oh my gosh, Tenny!"

The zorse's face burned crimson, and he instinctively moved to cover his naked crotch before realising where he was and a split-second later that the person who had recognised him was also stark naked. He stared, unable to believe what and whom he was seeing, as one of his best friend's mothers rose from her seat at the bar and rushed towards him. The bear, shorter than him but broad and curvaceous enough to make up for it in how she carried herself, flung her arms around him and leaned her upper body to his in a warm hug, a manner that Tennessee had seen several people embrace while here, no doubt to keep their lower bodies from touching in their naked state. He hugged her back, still somewhat shell shocked, and began to murmur a greeting.

"H-hi, Mrs..."

She cut him off before he could get any further, shaking her head and pressing two fingers to his lips.

"Now now, none of that. We're all adults here. You'll call me by my first name, not Mrs Anything and sure as heck not Sasha's mum! I'm Armel, dear. And you... what are you doing here?"

Before the zorse could speak he found himself being taken by the hand and led to the bar by the naked, buxom bear. He felt his cheeks reddening as she ordered a drink for him, a rather potent cocktail by the description he saw upon a nearby menu, and as they waited for the drink could only sit and try to explain in a way that didn't sound totally dumb why he was here. To learn about himself. To explore. To grow. To relax, above all else, in a way he'd never been able to before. He started so nervously, so embarrassed to be naked in front of someone who knew him, never mind the mother of the girl... now the women he had harboured not just a crush, but a deep and abiding, almost loving affection towards for as long as they had known one another. The more he spoke though the more the words just kept on coming, until before Tennessee realised it he was pouring out his heart and soul. All the feelings he'd ever had about how far too structured and rigid the rules of society were towards nudity and the things that people should be ashamed to express to one another. Not just sexual desires, indeed he barely even mentioned that, but feelings of friendship. Of love. How idiotic it was for people to be mocked for what clothes they wore or who they chose to love, be it a different gender, the same, or in regard to the number of people they loved.

Tennessee exposited all that he had ever wanted to say to friends, to his family, his parents, but had never dared. He spoke to his best friend's mother about the kind of stuff he would only normally share with his best friend, and just like Sasha the older bear listened patiently and with understanding, nodding, smiling, though without the slight blush which normally rose upon Sasha's face when Tennessee spoke of romance in his deep drawl. A blush he had long since given up hope to mean any affection towards him, since she had said nothing, and he was far too happy to call her his closest friend to risk messing things up by confessing a romantic attraction to her that would almost certainly not be shared. After all, he might have been handsome by the standards of many, but when it came to romance he was as inexperienced as anyone.

"Seriously though..."

The stallion sipped on his drink through a curly straw, somewhat undercutting the supposed seriousness of his point.

"...I might not have waited nearly this long, held out for the right person, if society hadn't been so damned set on me only finding one right person. On making it seem like if I share my romantic affections with one person before another, the second person is somehow less special to me because I didn't know they existed when I kissed the first person."

Armel giggled as she listened to the zorse, beaming at the bartender as he addressed her by name, handing her a fresh drink without even being asked when he saw that the last one was empty. She paused for a moment, and held up a hand as she took a sip from her martini glass with the other.

"Wait. Wait wait wait. I get that there are some folks in the world who are so caught up in traditions that they might think sexual virginity is important. But... you mentioned kissing there. Who the heck spends their time worrying about kissing?"

Tennessee said nothing, though his cheeks flushed. At first, Armel didn't realise why. She looked to the bartender, saw the wide eyed smirk upon his face, then looked back at the zorse in shock.

"Hold on a fucking second."

She dragged him away from the bar and the bartender's prying ears, each carrying their drink with them as their hands held one another tightly.

"I know you're just eighteen so forgive me if this sounds creepy as hell, but I didn't pick you as still being a virgin. Never mind this. Are you telling me that... you've never kissed someone, romantically?!"

Tennessee shook his head, his hoofed feet shuffling at the ground nervously.

"Not exactly, no."

The bear shook her head in wonder, and chuckled under her breath.

"You two really are perfect for one another. Adorable, and both as thick as two short planks."

The stallion looked at the shorter woman curiously, wondering who she was talking about, but Armel shook her head as though telling him not to worry about it. She looked around the bar, rather quiet with most of the resort's population still outside enjoying the late afternoon and early evening sun, finally growing a little cooler than it had been all day. She smiled at Tennessee, and stepped closer to him. Inside that invisible bubble of personal space that had existed between them thus far as they sat and chatted.

"So, now that you're here... even though you've only had a couple of hours, what do you think? Do you think that the outside world has it the right way, that we should restrain our feelings, keep them to one person, and define who that person should be by the standards of society at large? Or... do you think affection, love, sexuality, should all be far less strict? With some rules, sure, just like here. But... less. More transparent rules, leaving more freedom for those who want to, to express themselves in whatever way suits them best?"

Tennessee chuckled.

"There's no question, I'd love to see the world act more like people here. To be able to share my opinions with anyone like I do with you and Sasha. But... much as I wish it did, it doesn't really matter what I want. The world is the way it is, and while I can live as best I can to my true self... I can't just ignore it."

Armel shook her head, smiling not just warmly, but mischievously as she stepped closer still to the zorse, moving between him and the bartender.


She murmured, the hand not clutching her drink reaching down and gently caressing the length of Tennessee's flaccid but substantial member with her fingertips.

"...but, some rules can be bent. Or even broken, if you know not to get caught by the wrong people."

Her hand closed around the length of his shaft, responding instantly, instinctively to her touch. The first touch of another woman to his member, not how he had expected it or planned it. Not how he had ever dreamed or fantasised about it. Yet in that moment... not unwelcome in the slightest.

The bear smiled as the stallion shook and snorted in shock, staring at her wide eyed as she kept on holding, gently squeezing his rapidly growing cock, and then murmured to him once more.

"Millions are true to themselves by living uabashed with their sexuality, no matter what much of society thinks. Hundreds of thousands engage in polyamorous relationships, not giving a damn that a bunch of backward folks think that the heart only has enough space to devote itself to one romantic partner at a time. Every day people's passion overwhelms them, and they sneak off to make love in offices, bathrooms, outside and in broad view of the public because they simply cannot help themselves. And somewhere in the world right now, in a respectable adult's only nudist resort... a middle aged woman is stroking the cock of her daughter's best friend, because as soon as she realised that he's never made love to a woman... never even kissed a woman before, she realised that she had to break a rule. She had to go against what was expected of her, so that late as it might be... she can give this man a birthday gift he'll never forget."

She released his cock and stepped away from him, grasping his hand and turning him with her so that Tennesee's now huge and upward pointing erection was not noticed by the bartender.

"Come on,. Let's go somewhere a little more... within the rules, hmm? And once we get there, you can show me if my daughter has a good reason for wanting you so badly."


By the time they arrived back at Tennesee's room, the zorse was almost panicked in his desperation. Not a desperation rooted in his physical lust, though as he lifted Armel off the ground as the door slammed behind them and pinned her against the wall that too was at a level he had never known before, but one based almost solely on what Armel had said to him back at the bar.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and tried to draw him in for that promised first kiss, but he resisted. It wasn't that he didn't want it, the fact that his cock was already rubbing between her legs proved that to be absolutely untrue, but more that he couldn't let himself get distracted until this first and foremost question had been answered.

"You said... y-you... Sasha, you said she... wants me?"

Armel giggled and rubbed noses with the zorse, though she refrained from stealing the promised first kiss quite yet.

"Well of course she does. That hunger I can see in your eyes now... the longing I've seen you look at her with when you're over hanging out together. I've seen it in her eyes too. I've spoken to her about it countless times. So many days I watched you two go into her room together, I left you alone certain that when you left I'd have a giggling, squealing ball of a daughter telling me that it finally happened. You finally kissed her, or she broke down and kissed you. But no. You're both too nice. Too happy as friends. Too open with all secrets but this one, the one you never could dare to share."

Tennessee groaned, half in joyous relief, half in dismay.

"Why would you tell me that? W-why would you tell me that now, when we're about to... w-when I was going to..."

Again the bear giggled, and finally, before the zorse could stop her and before he knew that he truly did not want to stop her, she kissed him. She stole away that first time as her younger lover to be thought of her daughter, and murmured happily as she felt the raw, untamed enthusiasm of his kiss being returned to her. Only when they were done, her body more forcefully pinned between Tenny and the wall some thirty seconds later, did she answer him.

"Because you deserve to know. Because no matter what, honesty is important, no matter how casual or brief or weird a relationship gets. And because it's true. It's as plain and obvious that you and Sasha are gonna fall head over heels in love as it is that we're not wearing any clothes right now, and after hearing what you said today... I know you don't need to wait any more. You don't need time to learn and grow up and hopefully figure it out for yourself. You're there. You're ready to be the person my daughter needs, and who needs my daughter."

Once more the stallion let loose a strained moan of lust and confusion.

"But if all that's true, then why are you here? W-why are you... trying to sleep with me, when you know your daughter and I are in love, or... could be in love?"

Armel extracted another kiss from Tennessee as payment for her answer, and gasped as she felt the male's cock beneath her throb and twitch with such urgency that it seemed as though he might slip inside her at any moment.

"I... ah... I'm doing it because... w-we all know, we all believe that it doesn't matter. Us sleeping together won't diminish Sasha and you being together. Your first time being with the mother of the woman you love, do you care? Do you personally feel like it's wrong, forgetting anything that society might have to say on the matter? Because, I don't feel like it's wrong, and... as her mother, you'll have to trust me when I say that Sasha won't either."

Tennessee never said whether he thought it was right or not. He never spoke those words to Armel, but he told her how he felt nonetheless. He showed her as he dragged her away from the wall and across the room to his as yet untouched, unlaid in bed. He didn't throw her down upon the sheets but fell upon them himself, crashing down on all fours over the bear, landing on his elbows with the lengths of his forearms wrapped around Armel's back.

He may have been a virgin, and as eager and overwhelmed by all of this as anyone on their first time, but he didn't let that run away with his senses. He didn't simply thrust into the bear without question, without thought. Tennessee kissed Armel deeply, and murmured to her words that though he did not know it he would one day relish murmuring to Sasha, making her tell him exactly what she wanted in excruciating detail no matter how much she whimpered and blushed and begged him to just do whatever he wanted to her.

"How do you like it? T-tell me... tell me how I can make you happy."

Armel groaned happily.

"Good boy. O-oh... you know what to do. Put it in. Slow, b-but... deep. So deep. Don't stop until your body tells you its far enough."

She had barely finished the last word of that pleading command when her muzzle fell slack and her eyes wide. When the equine male's thick, flared cock tip began to press inside of her with a firm, steady action that drove her crazy in how patient, how effortless and yet focused it seemed. Within thirty seconds she was gasping and panting. Within a minute, as he ceased his slow, steady inward stroke as deep as he could reach inside her, she was clawing at his back and letting loose keening whines like a wild animal in the midst of heat.

He kissed her neck. Nibbled on it with his large, flattened teeth. She arched her back, ample breasts trembling, and cried out. At first she had planned on simply telling him to fuck her, focusing solely on his pleasure this first time. But it felt so good. He felt so good that she couldn't resist him. She couldn't resist the chance for him to pleasure her, and satisfy her to the extremes that he so sincerely seemed to want to.

"T-take your hand. Your thumb. Run it down my belly. Over my crotch. T-to my... my... ah, yes _! Right there. Yes. R-rub it. Rub my... _ah, my clit. Stay in me. Feel me around you. H-how hot. Wet. Rub my clit, a-and feel what you're doing to my body, Tenny."

She guided his hand with her own even as she spoke, and before long was writhing beneath him. Grunting, gasping, fighting just to stay in control as the stallion looked down at her with the hunger of a man not just experiencing sex for the first time, but a man whose whole world had changed. Though he was looking at her, though he was here in this moment with her, Tennessee was thinking about Sasha too. About her daughter, and what he would say, what he would do the next time they saw each other. Armel didn't mind that though. Indeed she was glad to see his focus on her daughter was unaffected even by the allure of sexual congress.

Loudly, her voice a gruff, deep rumble of lust, she commanded the stallion once more.

"Now... start to thrust. Set the pace. Trust that I'll tell you if I need more help getting there. T-trust in your ability to feel, to see whether I'm feeling good. Remember, this isn't about you and me any more. It's about us. Sex is... it's... all about stopping being a pair, a couple, and being one set of lovers."

He began to thrust. To make love to the bear. To fuck her. To fuck anyone for the first time. It felt incredible. It felt like... fuck, it was cheesy as hell to even think it, but there was no comparison. Her insides were warm, wet, and while tight when they clenched around him, they weren't the vice-grip that Tennessee had sometimes heard described. Her pussy wasn't smooth, though by no means was the interior anything but overwhelmingly wonderful in its texture. What it was, however, was every bit as addictive and wonderful as Tennessee had ever been able to believe, and a thousand times more so.

And to his joy, to his pride and absolute delight, it wasn't just him that seemed to be deriving such bliss from this act.

"Yes. Yes, T-Tenny... there. Ooohh... ohh yes..."

As he fucked the bear, he could feel her pleasure. See it. Hear it. Sense it in every motion she made and every ragged breath to wash out over his face. He kissed her and felt her lips trembling against his, barely holding back a cry that erupted as they parted ways again. He thrust a little faster, a little less deep, and felt the contracting walls around him change with the unexpected variation of his pace, a strangled cry escaping Armel a split-second later. He circled her clit with his thumb over and over and over again, never once stopping as the bear's reactions only grew stronger and more beautiful to behold. And of course he felt himself rising, building alongside her towards the inevitable.

Her embrace around his neck tightened anew as he snorted and gasped in rapidly building pleasure, and she stared the male deep in the eyes as she growled savagely to the much younger, larger, stronger man.

"Harder now."

He picked up his pace. His cheeks flushed as he heard their bodies meeting. Wet. Sloppy. Incredible in how lewd it sounded, and how overwhelmingly good it felt.


He obeyed again. He heard Armel shriek and for an instant thought he'd pushed it too far; pushed her too far, but a moment later realised there was a word in that almost unintelligible wail.

"_ Faster _!"

Tennessee was so close now. So ready.

He couldn't wait.

He couldn't hold back.

"Armel, I..."

He didn't even manage to truly begin asking the question before she snapped up at him with a desperate, shrill scream.

"Leave it in! C-cum, Tenny. Cum... in me! Inside!"

His balls slapped against the bear's buttocks. So full. So ready. He bellowed and whinnied, and her screams rang out alongside him as a flood of juices suddenly erupted over his crotch, gushing not directly from the depths surrounding his member but from just above, lashing the already dampened fur upon his crotch and the base of his member that simply could not fit inside the writhing, wailing, cumming bear.

"Oh god. Oohhh god, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes!"

She grunted, she cried out over and over as she squirted amidst the fury of her peak, and as Tennessee dragged his heavy lidded eyes open to stare down at her unabashedly pleasure stricken face, flushed and wild and beautiful in its shameless lust, the last vestiges of the stallion's virginity were swept away.

"Aaaa aahhhhh!"

Tennessee's voice boomed around his room as for the first time in his life he poured his potent, copious cum out into the depths of a waiting, writhing woman. As he hunched down over her, pressed in as deep as their bodies would allow in that moment and held her close, near motionless aside from the rampant shuddering of their entwined forms and of course the wild, urgent twitching of his member with each and every release.

In that moment, and for the rest of his life he was grateful to Armel for what she had done for him. For her gift, though it was so much more than just a kiss. So much more than a first experience of shared sexual pleasure. Because as they made love, as they shared in that act for the first but not the last time during Tennessee's week long stay at the resort, one thought had crystallised in the very core of the zorse's being.

Even if Sasha's affection for him wasn't as certain as her mother suggested, even if their being an item, and remaining that way wasn't certain, and their friendship might be put at risk were that relationship to blossom then fail, he had to try. Not just because he cared for Sasha, or even loved her. Not just because he wanted to feel this with her. To make her feel as he had seemingly made Armel feel. But... because even now, as he lay over the older bear with his cum still lashing deep into her and his eyes staring into hers, it was Sasha he was thinking of.

In everything he did, every act he accomplished to better himself, it was Sasha who in some way motivated that action.

That was the truth. Bare. Naked. Exposed. And now, here, in this resort where everything was out in the open, Tennessee knew that he would never again be able to deny or forget that fact.

Always, and forever, Sasha.

By Jeeves

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