Challenges - July Rule 34 Story #2

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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After Talon mysteriously ends up in Kumatetsu's world, their equally hard heads eventually turn into infatuation; especially as Talon follows Kuma to a bathhouse one night...

Thank you all for your support on Patreon! I hope you enjoy the story!


The sky overhead was soft on Talon's eyes as he watched the clouds pass by; an ocean of blue with a land of white, whispy puffs flowing past his eyes as he laid out on the ground staring up into them. The tile under his head felt like stone, but to him, it was a brief respite of comfort from the past few weeks of confusion. The panther reached a claw up over his head and imagined trailing a line of scratch marks in the sky; to his surprise, the clouds seemed to be obeying his outreached talons. For a moment, they began to swirl around; and then in the next moment, the image of a face over his head looking down at him broke the mutant's concentration.

"Hey, kid. You alright?" The bear asked in a gruffish manner.

Talon groaned and sat up, turning his gaze to the man. Kumatetsu was one of the few people in this land that seemed to not be unnerved by his presence. The bear was well built for an older warrior with a spit of youth in his demeanor, the curl of fuzz on top of his head fluttered in the wind as his reddish brown fur was sharply broken by the bright red gi top he wore. The sword hanging from its hilt on his hip wobbling slightly as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other and crossed his arms. His dark blue pants were loose, but not loose enough to keep Talon's imagination from running wild at what could be under there. The bear cleared his throat at Talon's lack of response and quickly, the panther's eyes blinked to meet Kuma's own.

"I'm fine. And don't call me 'kid'." Talon answered. "I've already told you--"

"Yeah, yeah." Kumatetsu responded lazily before picking up a broom and shoving it into Talon's hand. "You ain't a kid. Got you, but you've still got chores to do around here."

Talon rolled his eyes; a part of their agreement that he live with the bear was to clean whatever Kumatetsu had no time to clean. Little did he realize at the time was how little Kuma actually did outside of his training. He jabbed the broom handle into the ground and glared at him. "I didn't ask to be your maid." He said.

"Sure you did." Kumatetsu said. "Now you can either honor your word, or you can hit the road. I don't have time for freeloaders."

Talon scowled at the bear's attitude, but realized that he may not find another home willing to take him in until he could find a way back to his world. This world was strange to him; filled with animals with human traits and no apparent knowledge of the human world. Aside from his own set of wings, he might have been able to get by as another creature of this world, but it appeared that flight was also a very rare trait in this world. He inhaled and slowly let the air from his nostrils. "Fine." He said with a growl.

"Don't worry.... Derek Maza... I'm sure we'll find a way back to your world any day now."

Kumatetsu had been saying this for almost two weeks now, and had been seemingly making no effort into helping him find a way back home. The only thing he remembered was taking a wrong turn when heading back to his home base on Earth; the winding, twisting paths of the New York sewer system weren't as cut and dry as one would think. He eventually found a labyrinth of tunnels he didn't recognize, leading to an alleyway out into the central market. Everyone who spotted him screamed in his presence and scattered; a lion even attacked him with a sword, forcing Talon to defend himself until Kumatetsu arrived and talked some sense into the situation; by far, that was probably the man's most redeeming moment. "Don't call me that." He said. "The name is Talon."

"The card in your wallet...the image looked nothing like you, but you state that was you before you...became this..."


"The name on it was Derek Maza....yes?"

"That was my old name. With my new face came a new identity!" Talon snapped. "I'd appreciate it if you would acknowledge that."

Kuma chuckled, his shoulders shaking as he tried to hold in some of his amusement. "Well then, perhaps you should give me a reason to call you 'Talon' then."

Kumatetsu then made a sweeping motion toward Talon, the panther growled and clutched the broom handle so tightly that the sound of wood splintering suddenly sounded out, and before he realized what had happened, the top half of the broom fell flat to the ground beside him. "Heh. Good luck with that." He said as he turned and left Talon standing there, the look of surprise still on his face.

Talon found a small vial of glue on a work bench and squeezed a portion of it onto the end of the broken broomstick. Pressing the other half of the stick onto the end, he waited several seconds and then let go, only to have it fall to the ground once again. Talon tried again, and again the broomstick fell apart. He let out a growl of frustration.

"Perhaps wood glue would be more appropriate for mending broken wood?"

The voice startled Talon who jumped and turned to face Kumatetsu's monkey-faced roommate leaning in between the open shutters of the window. Tatara was the one who initially suggested Talon to live with Kuma until he could find a way to return home. After three weeks, it became apparent the two of them were nigh-inseparable, and though Tatara seemed about as contented and lazy as Kumatetsu, he also had an air of friendliness that Kuma tended to lack from time to time. Tatara's smile was infectious, and Talon smirked back at him. "Perhaps that would." He said.

"That...'wood'!" He cackled and rolled back slightly. "Talon, you have a way with words."

"I didn't intend the pun, but thanks." He said. "Do you...ahhh happen to have any wood glue lying around?"

"Nope." The monkey shrugged. "Unfortunately, that's a human invention."

"Right. And we found out the hard way that Shabuya isn't the same as the one in my world." Talon recollected. "I'm still not sure how I got here, but I'd like to return home."

"Then you'd have all the wood glue you'd like." Tatara said with a light grin. "But for now, I guess you'll have to use the short-stacked broom there."

Talon looked at the tool, then let out a slow sigh. "Yeah. I guess so." He said.

It was getting dark by the time Talon finally finished his chores; having gone most of the day on his hands and knees, even for sweeping the back patio, he slumped down at Kumatetsu's table with a groan of pain as his back twinged in response. He looked at Tatara, who drew a pair of chopsticks to his lips, plucking small clumps of rice into his mouth, while Kumatetsu was ravenously devouring the contents of his bowl. Talon took his portion and began to eat as well. "So, have you been diligent today?" He asked.

"Have you?" Talon smarted back, getting the expected rise in the bear's fur, who glared at him angrily, Talon simply smiling as he took a bite of his food.

"I have been busy training all day, I don't need the attitude, kid."

Talon growled, slamming his fist into the table and making both of the others jump. "Quit calling me a kid! I am a full-grown fucking hu--beast..." His voice trailed off. "Just a beast. Like you."

"It sounds like you two have a lot in common." The monkey attempted to intervene.

"You know ever since you got here, you've been pretty ungrateful to my hospitality." Kumatetsu said.

"Your hospitality? I'm nothing but slave labor to your laziness!"


"You're about ten seconds from being booted out of my home!"

"If this is how you treat your 'guests' then I don't fucking want to be here anyway!"


The sheer violence of Kumatetsu leaping to his feet and hurling his table across the room was enough to get Talon's attention. The mutant jumped to his feet and hissed angrily at the bear as he slammed his chest into Kuma's own; their heights were roughly similar, though Kuma still had two or three inches advantage on him. The sheer look on his face was that of untapped anger seething from deep within. The look on the bear's face was enough to give Talon a bit of amusement as he watched the color red practically climb the beast's scalp and fill his face. "You think you can tak--"

Talon's voice was cut off by a sudden tackle from the bear; he grunted as the ground came up on him quickly, his back cracking hard across some of the wooden furniture as he was wrestled to the floor. He didn't expect the old bear would have such a temper; at least not one that he would actually act on. Talon growled and grappled Kuma's face and forcibly flung him over onto his back. He brought his hands down on Kuma's and the bear grabbed his fists as they tousled and fell about the room. Tatara let out an 'eek' of surprise and flung himself back like a maid avoiding a mouse. Talon tucked his legs under himself and kicked Kuma hard in the chest, knocking him back into a bookcase at his far wall; Kumatetsu's back went rigid as he struck it, the case suddenly exploded in a mess of books and wood and he slammed to the ground with an agonizing grunt.

There was a long pause before he moved again, doing a pushup to set himself back upright once again. He glared at the panther for a moment before Tatara helped him to his feet once again. "You wanna leave? Fine, I ain't gonna stop you." Kuma said. "But if you want to call this place home until we can get you back to wherever it is you came from, I suggest you pick up this mess."

With a violent shrug, he managed to push the monkey off his shoulder and with a stiff-but-pained stride, he made his way to the door and exited the room, leaving the others in silence. "What a dick." Talon said. "How do you put up with him?"

"He likes to put up a wall, but once you get through, he's genuinely a good guy." The monkey responded. "Give him a chance, he might surprise you."

Despite Kuma's warnings to clean up or leave, Talon didn't start cleaning. Instead, despite Tatara's obvious gaze of "what are you doing?" the panther headed out into the cool night air. The lanterns from the village were collected so well together that it felt like a red daylight out on the streets. The mutant felt bad for injuring Kumatetsu; he was after all, the first person he could be considered a friend in this place. He knew where Kuma would go for a long soak in the spring at the edge of town. He couldn't exactly stick his hands in his pockets to avoid standing out, but he also found that not as many people were staring at him as they were a few weeks before. Approaching the entrance to the spring; marked out with several small red flags, he noticed a blond-headed boar exiting them at the same time.

"You looking for your master?" He asked tauntingly to Talon.

"Hey Iozen, did Kumatetsu come this way?" He paused. "And he is not my master, he's just my... roommate for the time being."

"Mmhm." The boar responded dubiously. "Yeah he's here. Looks pretty beat up too, I'm proud."

"Yeah, whatever." Talon answered as he brushed past the man, leaving him rather confused.

"No clothes allowed beyond here" A sign that stuck out like a sore thumb was over the doorway into the main room; there was a doorway off to the side that led to a changing area where visitors could leave their clothing, but this was strictly a men's bath. Talon entered the second room and saw Kumatetsu just on the other side of the room, stripping off his shirt and leaving him in nothing more than a fundoshi.

Talon's eyes fell to Kuma's backside; thick, slabs of meat separated by the white fabric. He'd never given any thought to being attracted to another man, but the way the older bear kept up his body; a sheer form of masculinity, certainly had its appeal. He felt the arousal forming in the front of his leotard and immediately regretted Kuma's suggestion he find different clothes after being stuck here. Quickly, he moved in behind Kumatetsu and turned his back in an innocent attempt not to look like he was creeping on the martial arts master. "Funny finding you here." He said.

Kumatetsu grunted. "What're you doing here? You not gonna clean up the mess you made?"

Talon frowned. "Look, I'm sorry I overreacted like that." He said. "I'm just... I guess I'm not used to being told what to do, ever since I left the force... I've kinda been my own boss, you know?"

Kumatetsu removed his loincloth, his cock flicking rather openly in front of Talon, who undressed just fast enough to cover himself with a towel. "Well, we'll just have to talk about that later. Right now, I need a good long soak. I never figured you were the type to go to a public bath." He said.

"I'm... I'm not." Talon said. "New Yorkers don't really go to public baths, unless they're looking to---you know, hook up."

"Hook up?" Kuma raised an eyebrow.

Talon shook his head. "Nevermind." He said with an amused chuckle as they stepped into the bath area.

The heat hit Talon like a wave as they entered the main room; the pool was crudely carved out in the center of the room and wasn't as full as the surrounding lounge chairs and tables were. The room was noisy with people socializing and laughing; but Kumatetsu made his way straight toward the hot bath. He stepped in and let out a long, relaxing groan as he sank into the water. Bubbles began to sprout forth from where Kumatetsu sat and Talon stared strangely at it.

"It's a jet for the spring." Kuma said with a monotonous tone of seriousness. "Always works best when you know where they are....ahhhhhh....yeah...." He moaned as he rested.

"Di-did I really hurt you that bad?" Talon asked as he stepped into the pool, careful to discard his towel until after his erection was hidden safely in the water.

"Kid, I been beaten to hell and back in my day." Kuma said with a bright, toothy grin. "I'm gonna be fine after that little tussle." As Talon seated himself, Kumatetsu righted his posture. "You know, you put up a pretty good fight." He said. "Most of my opponents wouldn't have been able to throw me across a room like that."

Talon cleared his throat nervously. "Ah-ehm... well I wanted to say I'm sorry about that, guess we're both kinda hot heads, aren't we?"

"HA!" Kuma flopped back against the stones again, stretching his arms out wide. "That's for fuckin' sure, I was about ready to tear you a new one. You just fought back, you really threw me off." He folded his arms back behind his head and rested on them for a moment, he was leaning back far enough for---something to pop slightly out of the water and Talon's eyes fell right to it; the warm pink-tinted flesh of the bear's cock right in the mutant's line of sight. He opened an eye, and Talon quickly turned his gaze back, wondering what the bear had noticed. "You okay there, Derek Maza? You looked a little pale for a black-furred thing..."

"Huh? No, I'm fine. I just wanted to come and apologize." Talon shook his head. "But I really wish you'd stop calling me Derek Maza...and kid while we're at it."

"You wanna stop being called a kid? You're gonna have to prove to me you ain't."

"Wh-what do you mean?"

Kumatetsu sat up and sighed. "Well first of all, you don't gotta sit a hundred feet away from me, you can come a little closer; this tub can fit about fifty people and right now it's just you, me and the odd couple over there."

Talon looked at the two boars conversing on the opposite side of the pool; as soon as they realized they were being looked at, they quickly stared at the other two and began to speak a bit more privately among themselves. Talon shrugged and slid over two seats, settling on Kuma's left side, immediately the bear's large arm fell to rest around Talon's shoulder. "That's better." He said. "You seem a little nervous though, you okay?"

"Fuuuuck..." Talon thought. "I can feel his body under the water here, it feels tight and does a guy as old as Kumatetsu stay in this kind of shape?"

"Hey...Talon? You're talking to yourself."

Talon froze; he hadn't even realized that he was muttering his inner-thoughts, his entire body went rigid and before he could make any action or movement, he felt Kuma's arm wrap tighter around his shoulder and pull him toward him. "Y'know, if you really want to know how I keep up this shape you're really gonna have to stop thinking I'm that old first off..." His almost-malicious grin moved in and before Talon knew it, the rugged beast had pulled him close enough for a kiss.

Talon wriggled as Kuma's strength kept him pinned to his lips. Their bodies pressed together and the feeling of the bear's cock brushing against his own made Talon blush as he felt Kuma's muscles flex against his own body. He wasn't exactly sure what aroused him more, but his struggles slowed, and to even Kumatetsu's surprise, Talon returned the kiss, awkwardly pressing his tongue past Kuma's muzzle as they pressed together. Talon's claws dug deep into Kuma's back and dragged roughly downward. It took a minute for their kiss to subside and as Kuma moved back, it apparently left Talon in a state of shock.

Talon wasn't the only one surprised by the move, in fact, the entire bath had stopped to stare at the pair of them, and the mutant felt even more isolated now than he had before. He didn't care though, in the blink of a moment, Talon's legs straddled across Kumatetsu's lap and he could feel the bear's cock slide along the furred cheeks of his ass as he rested himself, chest-to-chest with the agile martial artist. "So, tell me. Does the rest of you feel as good?" He asked.

Kuma chuckled a bit, again resting his arms back behind his head. "You know this ain't a sex house, you're risking a lot in doing this." Talon's hands grazed the bear's muscular chest, briefly fluffing the isolated tan patch of fur in the center, his cock riding between them along Kuma's stomach. He stared down the bear's body and his talons squeezed inward, testing the muscle of his chest. "And I guess you don't really care about that."

"I... I don't know what's wrong with me... I mean, I've never gotten off on muscle before it--I mean... fuck..."

Kuma chuckled, a rumble emanated from his chest, vibrating Talon's hands. "Well maybe there's a reason you keep yourself in the shape you're in."

"It's just--" Talon couldn't stop long enough to let go of Kumatetsu's muscle. "I'm... I'm... I'm not into men."

Kumatetsu's claws retracted from behind his head and slipped down the mutant's waist, falling below the surface as they followed the contour of his hips until they reached each of his ass cheeks. He gave them a rough squeeze, and Talon winced; his cock bouncing in response. "Could'a fooled me." He said as he began to grind his cock against Talon's ass. "Why don'cha have a seat then?" He teased, continuing to apply pressure to the panther's waist, slightly pushing down on his own flesh.

Talon was wordless for the moment and continued to feel the thickness of Kumatetsu's body, his shoulders were broad, but his arms were somehow lanky at the elbows, his neck was thick and his head was scruffy along the jawline. He leaned in and rocked his body backward as he pressed down somewhat, feeling the sting of penetration and he winced, hissing through his teeth as Kumatetsu drove himself upward.

"Kumatetsu! You can't do this!" Someone shouted. "What if the boss comes in and--"

"I'll deal with him later." Kuma said, emitting an air of confidence before tugging down on Talon's jaw. "But first, I want to deal with you." He said; his grin broadening as he kissed the feline lewdly now.

Talon was completely lost now, he'd never been fucked before; not by another man, his heart was racing and he felt his hips being driven down hard onto the bear cock just below the surface. Talon leaned back a bit and his grip tightened on the bear's shoulders, he howled out as the thick flesh penetrated him; it hurt like hell, but the water seemed to be helping the bear cock gain ground, and his own member began to pulse, mixing the pain with the pleasure as Kumatetsu's arms wrapped tightly around Talon's torso and he began to drive himself harder and harder into him. The bear was definitely thicker than he thought, and the panther's ass was stretching apart like he was being violated by a coke can from back home. Talon barked out loudly, yowling and howling at the man's intrusive shaft drove itself deeper into him. Talon could feel his cock grinding against Kuma's stomach, which continually crunched and rubbed against him with each tightening lunge. For several, long, uninterrupted minutes, Talon felt Kumatetsu's grip tighten on his hips, his cock plunge deeper until he was riding the bear all the way to his balls. The feline couldn't help but growl every time he bounced up again, the water splashing around his waist, his cock slapping out of the water over and over and Kuma's tongue licking across his lips with a ravenous hunger.

Everyone around them were either staring at them or trying to ignore the blatantly obvious fucking going on in the center of the room. Talon was ashamed and aroused at the same time over this treatment.

"Hhnnnhh! Ahhhh!" Kuma grunted as he pushed down on Talon's shoulders and buried himself completely in the panther. Following several muscle spasms, Talon could feel a warmth fill his ass in spurts as Kumatetsu's body shook, eventually slowing down so that he could breathe. And slowly, Talon felt Kuma's member slide out of him as he climbed off the bear's lap. The two kissed for a moment as Kuma found Talon's wanting member and began to twiddle with it between his fingers. "Now here's something that needs attention." He said with a grin as he climbed out of the water.

"Wh-what?" Talon asked as he watched the thick form sit up on the edge.

"Well come on, don't you know how to use it, kid?" He asked. "I'm sure you've fucked before."

Talon cleared his throat in confusion. "O-only girls." He said.

"Ain't no time like the present to make an exception." Kumatetsu replied, resting on his forearms and raising his ass in the air. "It's not gonna bite."

Talon couldn't fight the urge, staring at Kuma's ass. He had realized that by this point several of the patrons of the bath had taken on their own perverted interests with each other, likely delivering shock to the people that run the place and unable to resist any more, he climbed out of the water, spread Kumatetsu's cheeks with his fingers and eyed the dark spot in the center. He couldn't help it, as his shaft dripped warmly in between the cheeks as he ran it through. Kumatetsu chuckled and wriggled his ass, silently begging Talon to do something with it.

Talon felt the tip catch on the ring of muscle and his cock pushed inward; Kumatetsu hissed through his teeth and grunted a moan out, his body pulling back into place to send Talon even deeper. "Ahh...!" Talon felt his entire body spasm from the depth and the warmth the bear gave him and he grabbed the muscled butt even tighter. Talon's hands trailed up Kuma's waist and wrapped around his shoulders, allowing him to grasp and pull himself even deeper. He ignored the pained growls, as Kumatetsu's insistent thrusts told Talon he was enjoying this.

"Fuck... ahhh..." Kuma grunted under his breath as he rode Talon's cock, his own spent member began to twitch and grow again from the sheer stimulation as the pair of them sprawled out in the very public bath. He growled in enjoyment as Talon leaned forward and bit down on his neck. "You better be carefu-careful with that bite, kid. I can dom you in a second...ahhh!"

"But you're not right now..." Talon panted. "Fuuuuck..."

The pair of them grew louder in their throes, Talon had forgotten how many people were here just staring at them, some even initiating some sex with each other as they watched, but he didn't care; Kuma's ass felt so good, it was only a matter of time before-- "Nnnh! FFFFFF----" Talon barely managed to grunt before he suddenly gave in, his entire body spasming as he plunged as deep into Kuma as he could, only to have his cock pop out after another lunge and spill strands of white across the bear's reddish-brown backside. "Fuuuuck--" He managed to speak at last as he roughly grunted and the last of his seed spilled from him and onto the floor under the two of them. "That--was amazing..."

"You ain't seen nothing yet, look what you did."

Talon's eyes widened at Kumatetsu, who was erect again, his cock dripping from the ride he'd just endured. The panther didn't have much of a moment before Kumatetsu moved him back and stood over him, the meat slapping Talon's lips temptingly. Talon slowly wrapped his tongue around it and immediately, Kuma grabbed the back of his head and pushed every thick inch in. Talon tried to gag, but managed to swallow the reflex as trails of precum dripped down his throat. Kumatetsu was in full-fuck mode it seemed as he began to thrust his body wide, letting his balls swing and slap Talon's chin with each long lunge he made. Talon wasn't sure how much more of this he could take, his eyes had started to tear up from the sudden intrusion, but he found he wanted it more and more now. He swallowed and breathed as the cock would allow him and with a proud, triumphant roar, Kuma exploded into Talon's gullet. Shots of cum hitting the back of the mutant's throat as his chest expanded and his head rolled back in lustful pleasure. He pulled back all of a sudden, and the trail of cum along Talon's tongue now became several wet streaks across his black-furred face.

"Damn kid, that tongue of yours sent me over the edge a lot faster than I would've wanted..." He panted.

"Thanks." Talon said almost dubiously as he splashed some of the spring water over his face to help clear up the markings.

"Wh-what-what is this?!" A panicked, shrill scream emanated from the other side of the parlor as a plump dog-like beast emerged from the crowd. "Stop it! Everyone stop it at once!" He turned to Kuma and Talon. "Kumatetsu? You're responsible for this-this---this perversion?!"

Kumatetsu chuckled a bit. "Yeah, I guess so... but to tell you the truth, Talon sort of started it."

"UNACCEPTABLE!" The dog screamed. "I want you two to leave here immediately! You're both banned from this bath!"

Kumatetsu looked at Talon. "Hey, Talon. Why don't you head back to the house while I talk to this guy here?" He asked. "And do me a favor, stop at the market and pick up some fish for tomorrow's breakfast I think I'm out."

"You think this is the time for errands? idiot!"

Kumatetsu looked at the man. "You and me gotta talk about things, maybe we can work something out..."

Talon had returned to the locker room and gathered his clothes under the scrutinizing eyes of several patrons; he wasn't sure if it was some sort of respect he had earned, or if they looked at him like the pervert that ruined a bath house. He ignored their gazes and made his way out to the market. He passed by the familiar man selling melons and turned down the alley toward the second area where he could find the fresh meats.

"Talon..." He said. "He actually called me by my name. I wonder if that old bear is actually starting to warm up to me." His musings made him chuckle, and as he made a right turn he bumped into a wall. "Ouch!" He exclaimed before looking up at the object he had bumped into. "That's weird, I thought it was this way..."

Talon turned and started to his left, following the wall until it too reached the end where he had to make another turn. After he turned again, he looked back, only to see that another wall had appeared, blocking off his return. "No..." He said to himself as he broke into a run. "No, no, no this isn't..."

As he turned another corner, he bumped straight into a woman walking the other way and both fell to the ground. "E-Elisa?"

Talon had recognized his sister with her dark hair and red jacket. She had looked nothing like him anymore; a human with dark skin and wide eyes who was now getting up off the ground. "Derek? Is that you?" She asked.

"What--what are you doing here?"

"Where have you been!? Maggie and the others say you've been missing for weeks!"

Talon's expression fell, and quickly he turned toward the direction he'd come from, only to find the familiar Manhattan-sewer wall instead. "I--I'm back?" He said, trying to sound relieved. "Oh man, Elisa, you wouldn't believe what happened to me I--"

"Talon?" Maggie; a feline mutant like himself had appeared, looking at him with a great concern in her eyes. "Talon? You've returned?"

"M-Maggie..." Talon's words failed him as he got up. "I'm..." He couldn't think of much more to say; of what had happened not half an hour ago, he frowned. "I'm sorry..."

"Derek, what happened to you? Where have you been for the last few weeks?" Elisa asked.

"Please, tell us."

Talon felt like he could cry; he was finally back home, but now had the strangest sensation...the want to return to Kumatetsu. "I...I'm not sure where to start." He said. "But I think we need to talk. Let's return home."

As Maggie and Elisa led the way, Talon turned to look over his shoulder one more time, and once again, he saw nothing but the solid wall from the direction he had come.


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