WereLords - Chapter 8: Twisted Faith

Story by saaru on SoFurry

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#8 of WereLords

Here it is, chapter 8! This one took a while to write and edit. It's also much longer than any other chapter yet, there's a lot of action in here.

Nathaniel wakes up to Howler carrying him through the woods. The Guide explains his beliefs until they reach an Altar, where he leaves the Bride and his husbands as sacrifices for a particularly hungry titan.

Warning: contains oral vore. This theme will be a one-time only.

Nathaniel woke up to the rising and falling movement of Howler carrying him; he was still slightly stunned from the shockwave from before. His eyes were half open as he desperately tried to stay awake while looking at the trees above him passing slowly. What had happened back there? What was that shockwave that incapacitated him when he tried to touch Kyle's Core? What are the Guide's true intentions? And above all, what was Howler doing? So many questions were going through his head. There was no conversation between the wolves, the only noises around were the rustling of leaves from the wind, the chirping of birds and the small stream of water they were following. Nathaniel weakly looked around and saw the large figure of the Guide leading the walk with Howler next in line, and then Runner. He couldn't see Quake from where he was, but he guessed the last of the family's Heads wasn't too far behind Runner, closing the procession.

  • "Guide..." began Runner, "are we really going to do that to them? They... looked friendly..."

  • "Are you questioning my authority, Runner?" replied the Guide with a sharp tone, "You know what happens to those who do."

  • "No, of course not! I... I was just wondering if there was a better way of doing this..." replied the white wolf with his ears low.

  • "There is none. It is all according to His Will. He will protect us from harm."

  • "What's going to happen to them exactly, Guide?" asked Howler.

  • "Howler, Runner. You two are to stop asking questions about this."

Runner whined, but complied. On the other hand, Howler continued.

  • "Guide." said Howler, "I need to know. Please..."

  • "Howler," sighed the Guide, "look at what this twisted Bride did to you. You were a faithful child before he tricked you into being his obedient sex slave."

  • "I am not his slave! And Silver is not twisted!"

  • "Watch your tone when you talk to me, Howler."

  • "I will speak the way I want, Guide! I want an explanation. What are you going to do with Silver?"

  • "You will see when we arrive at the Altar, but until then I will tell you His story. When the gift of these powers was given to us werewolves, there was no order. Just chaos. Over time, a few individual rose as leaders and became chiefs of what we call now packs. There is one such pack whose Lord offers his protection to other families. It is He, the one who will save us. Three months ago, which was a couple weeks after Sanctuary was founded, He sent one of His messengers to us and since that day we worship Him in exchange for His blessing and protection."

  • "So He's not a god. He's just"

  • "Watch your mouth, insolent child. He may not truly be a God, but He is our saviour and as such, we will worship Him. I cannot imagine what would have happened to Sanctuary if He had not been there for us. Countless time has He protected us. We must be grateful to Him."

  • "And so, what does Silver has to do with all of that?"

  • "Listen, child. I already told you that you will see once we get to the Altar. There is no need to be impatient. I now forbid you from asking any other questions until we reach the Altar."

Howler pouted, but he stopped talking and the walk to the Altar continued in silence. Nathaniel was able to slowly recover his senses during the walk there, making it easier to perceive his surroundings. They reached a small cliff where the river split in two separate streams and fell in two high cascades in a crystal clear pond. There was a small island in the middle of the lake with a carved stone in the middle bathing in the generous light of the sun. Between the two cascades in the rocky wall was a gigantic opening, linked to the island by a wooden bridge. They climbed down the harsh road that descended to the lake.

  • "Welcome to the Altar, my children." said the Guide in a serene voice.

  • "So? What are we going to do with Silver?" asked Howler.

  • "Howler, please put the Bride next to the Altar and then follow me, for we are going to meet His messenger to clear your mind of any doubt. Quake, Runner, please also put down the two other wolves there. You two will stay outside and wait for my return."

  • "Why is Howler the only one that" started Runner.

  • "Will you stop defying my authority?" scolded the Guide, "I will have you meet Him the next time. He does not like crowds, which is why I am only taking Howler with me."

  • "Fine." pouted Runner, while putting down the unconscious Kyle next to the Altar. "Have fun without us."

Nathaniel felt himself being put down against the cold stone of the Altar. He was looking straight at the two cascades with the gaping entrance to the cavern and saw both the Guide and Howler walk over the wooden bridge before being engulfed in the shadows.

  • "Why did he not allow us all to go?" complained Runner while nervously tapping his paw on the ground, "I mean, one more or one less, what's the difference?" he threw his arms in the air.

  • "Quake thinks Runner is too noisy to meet the messenger." said the mountain of a wolf calmly.

  • "I'm not noisy!" shouted Runner, "I'm just... a bit excited! Or nervous! Or both! That's all!" said the white wolf before starting to walk in circles.

  • "Runner is too agitated now. Runner should calm down and wait until the Guide's return... That's what the Heads should do. So Quake will do that. Runner should too." said Quake before sitting on a nearby stump.

  • "Quake! I'm not agitated!" protested Runner, "I'm... gah! I can't think! Fine! I'll sit and wait!" he said before sitting down on the ground.

Nathaniel was listening to the two of them while checking on Tide and Kyle, who were slowly waking up from their slumber too. Kyle was groaning and the blue werewolf was still deep in sleep, he had been hit pretty hard by Quake earlier.

  • "What's taking them so long?" said Runner while standing up, "We've been waiting for a while, now!"

  • "Runner sat down... thirty seconds ago?" Quake half-sighed, "Runner should really try to restrain himself..."

  • "No way it's been only thirty seconds." countered Runner as he started running around, "It was at least five minutes!"

  • "Runner is being annoying again... It's tiring Quake..."

  • "I'm not annoying, you're boring!" pouted Runner.

Nathaniel stopped listening to the two and went to tend to his two lovers. As Kyle wasn't a husband of his he had to have direct contact to infuse power, so he kissed him and injected a bit of power to wake him up. As soon as the chocolate werewolf was awake, he hugged Nathaniel tightly before the two of them turned their attention to Tide and tried waking him up. Pawsteps were heard, making both Kyle and the Bride look toward the cave entrance, from which Howler and the Guide were running out of. Howler's face was distorted in terror and he began racing over the bridge, stopping in his tracks a moment to look at Nathaniel for a second before shaking his head and fleeing toward where Quake and Runner were arguing. His face hit an invisible wall, making him yelp from surprise as he fell backward on his butt. Everyone turned toward him, including Runner who instantly went to him. Howler put his hands against the invisible wall, and started thumping on it while Runner put his own against the panicked Lord's.

  • "Howler, what's happening?" asked Runner, worried.

  • "There's a wall! I can't go through!" yelled Howler from panic.

Howler moved to the side and tried to go through but he bumped against the invisible wall no matter where he came from. Runner stepped forward, passing the barrier without a problem.

  • "Here, Howler! There's an exit!" shouted the excited white wolf while gesturing at his friend.

Howler took Runner's hand and followed after him. Runner was able to go through but Howler bumped once again, making him fall backward on his butt once more. Runner wasn't getting it, why was he able to go through while Howler couldn't?

Meanwhile, the Guide had walked behind Howler. He sighed, went around the gray Lord and passed through the invisible barrier.

  • "Guide, Guide!" yelled Runner, tearing up, "Howler's trapped in here, what should we do?"

  • "There is nothing to do." said the Guide calmly. "Let us go back to the village, our job here is done."

  • "No it's not! We can't give up on Howler!"

  • "Commandment number nine: No sacrifice may escape the Altar." said the Guide, still as calm.

  • "What? Howler's no sacrifice! And what's that commandment, I had never heard of it!"

  • "Howler defied my authority, breaking Commandment number three. For that, he is a traitor and must be dealt with as such."

  • "No... No! No!" yelled Runner, "Guide, you can't do that! What am I going to do without him? Please reconsider!"

  • "Are you defying my authority too?"

Runner shut up. He looked at Howler who was rolled into a ball, crying.

  • "Runner," said the Guide in a soft voice to the white wolf, "it is harsh for us all. Let us go back to Sanctuary. Everything will be better once Commandment number ten takes effect."

  • "And just what's commandment number ten?" moped Runner, in tears, "there's no way it'll make me feel better for losing my..."

  • "Sacrificed ones shall be forgotten. Now come, let us go." said the Guide while offering his hand to Runner with a fatherly smile on his face.

Runner slapped the Guide's hand away, got up and ran deep in the forest alone.

  • "What should we do, Guide?" asked Quake.

  • "Let him be. He will be back once number ten takes effect. I'll have to choose a new Head, to replace this useless singer here. Let us go back to Sanctuary, Quake."

  • "Very well, Guide." said the large wolf, before turning toward the ex-Head of the family, "Howler... Quake is sorry. Quake liked Howler. Farewell." tears welled up in his eyes as he turned away to follow the Guide on the way back to Sanctuary.

Nathaniel and Kyle followed the scene from afar as they were trying to get back on their paws and waking up Tide. Howler got up, approached the three of them and fell on his knees while putting his face in his hands, his ears and tail lying low.

  • "Silver... I... I'm sorry."

  • "What happened in there, Howler?" asked the Bride.

  • "There's this... gigantic fat wolf in here, and... the Guide said you three were sacrificial 'meals' for him. I think... I'm also one now..."

Tide groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. Mixed emotions were showing on all the wolves above him: Howler was filled with regrets and sadness, Kyle with fear and Nathaniel with worry.

  • "This... This aura!" said Tide while perking up. "Guys, we must flee!"

  • "We... we can't..." replied Howler.

  • "We have to! It's my old Master's corruption!"

The ground under them shook. They all looked toward the cave entrance, where a gigantic shadow slowly appeared. With each of its steps everything around them shook. Tide stood up and ran away at full speed only to be stopped by the invisible barrier, just like Howler before. Kyle grabbed Nathaniel's arm and clung to it so hard his claws were digging into his Bride's flesh.

A gigantic thirty feet beige werewolf got out of the cave and his stature was impressive: he had an enormous belly that protruded forward and the rest of his body was heavily muscled although covered with a thick layer of fat. His balls hung down to his heels, heavy and sloshing with cum. The fact that he was able to move around with a belly this large and balls this enormous was a miracle.

  • "Why hello, snacks!" said the monster.

  • "That's... That's..." said Tide, "Glutton! The werewolf-eater!"

  • "Woh ho ho!" pranced the titanic beast. "It seems I have quite a reputation! That tricky wolf wasn't joking earlier. Those are some incredibly tasty looking snacks right here. "

Glutton patted his belly while eyeing the four wolves trapped in the altar.

  • "Though, I like my meals with a bit of sauce, if you know what I'm saying."

The gigantic monster sat on his fat behind, making the whole place shake from the impact, and started caressing his balls while huffing. Nathaniel would not let anyone get eaten by this beast here; he stood up, bent Tide's power and drew all the water from the falls to make a gigantic bow and arrow.

  • "Tell us how we can get out," said Nathaniel. He tried bluffing his way out of here, "If you don't, I'll kill you."

  • "You'll need something sharper than water to pierce my armour. Buuuuut there's no way out anyways. Commandment number nine of that tricky snack delivery wolf is 'No one shall escape from the Altar' or something and this whole area is the Altar, you can't escape from here."

Nathaniel cursed their lack of luck, but he had to try: he shot the water arrow. Just as the giant said, the projectile just bounced on his fat belly before falling on the ground and reforming into water. The Bride lowered his arms from defeat, if water couldn't hit the monster there's no way air could. His power of authority could only buy them some time until King's power was exhausted, same for Aegis' protection, and he could still not contact Arkion to borrow his hellfire which would probably have been useless anyways. He fell on the ground and looked down.

  • "You guys aren't really spirited people, are you?" observed the giant wolf. "Oh well, it doesn't matter, you're all going to end in my belly anyways. Oooh I wonder how much I'll grow from eating you all, I can't wait to find out!"

As Glutton said that he continued patting his balls, making the fat sheath hidden underneath his large belly slowly fill from arousal. Nathaniel tried going all out, he bent a volley of watery arrows and shot them all at the gigantic wolf, forcing him to cover his eyes. Everyone hoped the assault would work even though the chances of that were slim, but all of the arrows once again bounced on the excessive fat of the giant.

  • "Come on, stop that." complained Glutton. "This is the end for you regardless of what you do. Remember? No escaping from the Altar. You can't leave this place even if you kill me, so you better feed me and become part of me! Now be a good little snack and let yourself get coated in my 'special sauce'!"

But Nathaniel readied another volley and fired it once again. Glutton cursed and stopped working his balls, getting up to teach the Bride a good lesson.

  • "It seems you won't wait for me to finish seasoning you. I'll just eat you raw as an appetizer and then eat all of your friends!"

The fat titan then started walking towards Nathaniel, huffing as he did so. If the silver wolf had wanted to he could have easily outrun the giant, but he had a plan and he needed Glutton to rush at him. While rush was a big word for the beige monster, he was still approaching fast. Nathaniel conjured another bow and made two arrows, linked by a chain-like link between the two. Upon seeing another attack incoming, the titan started walking faster at Nathaniel, making it a perfect occasion for the Bride. The silver wolf shot the two arrows at both sides of the giant's paws and the large chains entangled the legs of the monster who started falling. Nathaniel and his husbands all ran out of the way as the titan of fat fell right where they stood a few moments earlier. While Glutton was trying to get up and untangle his legs, paws and balls from the chains, Nathaniel saw what he was searching for: The altar was shattered in pieces, crushed by the sheer weight of the titan.

  • "Everyone, run!" Nathaniel said to all of his husbands.

  • "But, the barrier?" asked Kyle.

  • "It's gone!" yelled Tide. "We're free!"

Tide, Howler, Kyle and Nathaniel ran to the forest, freed from the destroyed Altar.

  • "When I find you, I'll tear apart every single of your limbs!" Glutton yelled angrily. "You hear me? Every! Single! One! Hey! Come back! Wait... the barrier is gone? Does that mean I'm free too?"

Glutton was still struggling against the restraints when they all disappeared in the thick forest. They ran for a few minutes, putting as much distance as they could between them and the ravenous giant. Even if the titan of fat tried to get to them, he was so massive that they were sure to hear trees falling and feel the ground shaking. They all used that respite to sit or rest against trees to catch their breath.

  • "That was genius, Nath!" complimented Kyle.

  • "It may have been, but..." replied the Bride, "I'm worried I might have also freed him."

  • "How's that a problem?" asked Kyle.

  • "What if he gets to Sanctuary?" said Howler, visibly worried.

  • "Anyone can outrun this fat thing." argued Kyle. "He may be big, but he's not fast."

  • "Sanctuary is my home, I can't just leave like that!" yelled Howler, getting emotional.

  • "Hold on, you two," intervened Tide, "there's no proof that he'll also be freed, and even if he did, there's very little chance he can find your village."

But to contradict him, trees were heard falling into the distance as the ground shook. They could discern Glutton's voice cursing and a loud gurgling sound, so they all stayed as silent as they could until Howler's face became paralyzed with fear.

  • "He's going toward Sanctuary!" said Howler, "I... I have to go and do something!"

Without waiting for an answer, Howler disappeared among the trees. Tide was staring intently the ground under him with ears lowered, Kyle was looking at where Howler went. Nathaniel didn't know what to do. Should they go after him and risk their lives fighting against that fat-armoured giant?

  • "So... What now?" asked Kyle.

  • "I don't know, Kyle..." replied Nathaniel.

  • "Silver... It's dangerous..." said Tide.

  • "I know, Tide."

  • "So what?" countered the chocolate werewolf while standing up, "it's because it's dangerous that we have to go save Howler! And look, the Guide may not be worth saving, but Runner is. Maybe Quake too. And what about Wall and Riddle? And all the others? None of them have done anything to deserve being eaten by a gigantic ravenous demon." He offered his hand to Nathaniel. He was really trying to act tough but his whole body was shaking in fear, and worry was visible on his face despite the heart warming vibe he was trying to give.

  • "But... how are we going to deal with that monster?" said Nath, looking up to Kyle.

  • "I don't know..." answered Kyle, "we'll figure something out. Come on. We have to. You know it."

  • "Alright." The Bride grabbed Kyle's hand, who helped him get on his paws. "Tide, we're going. Are you coming with us?"

  • "I..." muttered the blue werewolf, "I don't want to die..."

  • "Come on, Tide!" scolded Kyle, "you can't let Howler be eaten, right? He's accepted you despite your attack on him when you were still corrupted, you have to prove himhe made the right choice!"

  • "But I... I have no special power like Silver... And unlike you, I'm just a weak-willed coward..."

  • "Tide, look at me." Said Kyle while grabbing the blue werewolf's head to force him to look in his eyes. "Does this look like the face of a fearless hero? I'm extremely scared too. But I can't let my lover's friends down."

  • "Kyle..." Tide grabbed Kyle's hands and put them down. He then got up, looking away. "I... You're right. I'm a different man now. This... This is not my atonement anymore. This is proof of who I am."

The blue werewolf grabbed Kyle and trapped him in a hug while he assaulted the chocolate werewolf's mouth with his tongue. They broke the kiss shortly after, and Tide's face was showing his resolve. Nathaniel saw the ocean Core in him was shining bright.

  • "Let's go purge the darkness that is about to invade the sanctuary." said the blue werewolf "My ocean powers will drown the corruption!"

  • "That's the spirit!" encouraged Kyle. "Nath! Let's go!"

  • "Alright," replied the silver werewolf, "for Howler!"

The three of them ran through the trees once again, following Howler's scent until they reached Sanctuary. The fat titan was still a few dozen steps away, making the ground shake in rhythm with each time his paw touched the ground. The small haven was in complete panic: werewolves were running in disarray and confusion, not understanding the thirty feet giant that was coming to them. Howler was helping Riddle walk to a safer area, Runner was guiding people toward the exit, Quake was nowhere to be found and the Guide was cowering behind other wolves. Tide and Kyle instantly went to help Howler with the evacuation while Nathaniel prepared himself for his second fight with the fat titan. He just needed to buy enough time for everyone to escape.

  • "Guide! It's your responsibility as our leader to protect us!" yelled Runner at their chief.

  • "It is not, Runner! It is your responsibility as the Heads of the tribe!"

  • "Your power can save us!" shouted the frightened white wolf "Use your commandments to prevent him from entering in Sanctuary!"

  • "I will not! Runner, it is your duty as one of the Heads to cover for me and my family's retreat should something happen to us."

Howler was trying to appease Runner but to no avail, the white werewolf wasn't listening to anything. As the Guide and the hyperactive wolf were fighting, the fat titan got into the clearing that is Sanctuary. He trampled over the wooden cabin, flattening it under his immense weight.

  • "So it's just like when you sacrificed Howler, then?" yelled Runner. "You're throwing us to our death so that we won't bother you anymore!"

  • "It is not, Runner! Please understand. I cared for you and Howler since the first day."

  • "No you haven't! We're just pawns to you! And you know what, I'm not going to play into your paws anymore!" Golden ghostly chains rose from the ground and restrained Runner's hands, paws and neck, surprising the werewolf, who quickly recovered before yelling again, "I'm going to... make you pay!" he yanked the golden chains on his feet paws, "for trying to sacrifice... my soulmate!" he bit at the chains restraining his arms, "and for trying to sacrifice both him and me with your stupid 'decoy' plan!" he lunged to the Guide, trying to bite him, but he was too far and the restraints were too sturdy. "Where are you going to go anyways! This place is our home!"

  • "You cannot make me pay, Runner. You are bound by my commandments." laughed the Guide "And because you disobeyed me, you're going to stay here until that fat slob will eat you! You're dead either way, Runner, it's the end for you!"

Glutton was slowly approaching Nathaniel, who readied another water bow after taking power from Tide.

  • "I won't let my life" began Runner while pulling, clawing and biting at his golden restraints more fiercely, "be decided by the likes of you, Guide!" he desperately struggled against the chains. "This," the chains broke and disappeared in an explosion of tiny golden particles, "is for sacrificing Howler!" he lunged at the Guide and grappled him.

  • "How did you?!"

Runner trapped his ex-master in his grip, firmly wrapping his arm around the Guide's neck. He then ran to the fight between Glutton and Nathaniel, dragging the Guide behind him.

  • "Let me go, Runner! Let me go now!" ordered the Guide while struggling against Runner's grip

  • "Never! This is for all the family members you sacrificed! Hey, you, the fat titan! This guy's your next meal!" said Runner before throwing the Guide to Glutton's feet.

Runner then took Nathaniel's hand and ran with him toward Howler. He then scooped up Howler and proceeded to sprint to the crowd of wolves that was slowly exiting Sanctuary. They heard cries of panic from the Guide as he was being picked up by the titanic fat wolf.

  • "Runner, Howler! Save me! Please! I'll do anything!" yelled the Guide.

  • "You know," began Glutton, "I always wanted to eat you. You look decently big, I bet you'll be a delicious meal!"

  • "Let me go, you monster!" said the Guide to the monster holding him before turning his attention at the fleeing wolves, "Bride! Please, save me! I beg of you!"

Nathaniel refused and turned away to not look at the spectacle. The titanic fat monster opened his mouth wide and drove the Guide head first down his throat, making his neck stretch wide to accommodate for the breadth of his meal. The Guide fell down further inside the monster's maw with every gulp. Soon, there was nothing but kicking feet and the tip of a tail that were out and with one last slurp they disappeared into the giant's gullet. The bulge slowly travelled down Glutton's throat down into his already large belly.

Quake appeared from the forest, panting from exhaustion after running around to guide the wolves through the forest. When he asked where the Guide was, he received no answer. He looked at the giant who was patting his full stomach and whose belly bulge was pretty large. Quake's jaw dropped.

  • "Is this... The Guide?!" He yelled at everyone.

  • "Yes it is, so what?" defied Runner.

  • "How could you let that happen?!" Quake yelled before running at the fat monster. "Father! I'll save you from that abomination no matter what!"

  • "Oh ho ho. That's a quite rude meal we have here." replied Glutton, "but I must admit I'm still hungry, I bet you'll do nicely!"

The monster reached his hand to the gray and white werewolf. Quake slowly lifted right leg up in the air and sent his paw with tremendous strength back, creating a small quake and a giant pillar of rocks rose to smash against the ravenous wolf's forearm. Glutton yelped from pain as he withdrew his arm and patted it.

  • "You're... an awakened one? That's bad..." said the ravenous beast, "but if I can eat you, I'll get to use your powers for myself!"

Glutton lunged at Quake, who was panting harder from exhaustion. The smaller wolf barely dodged in time by rolling on his side before getting on his paws again. He lifted his leg once more and sent it to the ground, but Glutton was expecting it and he pulled his hand. Except that this time it wasn't a stone wall that rose, but giant spike that grew toward the giant. Glutton wasn't fast enough to fully evade the hit, but he dodged early enough to make the sharp rock pierce his shoulder instead of his head. The monster yelled in pain as he was holding his shoulder.

Quake was visibly shaking as he was using too much power. Glutton used that time to break the gigantic rock and use it as a bat, which he used to swipe at the ground, hitting Quake in the process. The smaller wolf was sent flying through the clearing and landed with his back against a tree that broke down from the sheer strength of the impact. Quake fell on the ground along with the tree, unconscious.

Nathaniel watched in horror as the ravenous monster was slowly walking toward Quake. Glutton was holding his shoulder, which was dripping with blood from the gigantic rock spear that went through it earlier.

  • "He said he'd eat Quake!" began Howler, "Silver, we have to prevent him from doing so!"

  • "But how?" countered Nathaniel.

  • "I don't know! But we have to!"

Howler instantly started running toward the beast while grabbing stones before throwing them at the monstrous wolf, who didn't even flinch. Kyle joined Howler, and Nathaniel began showering him with a barrage of arrows once again. Glutton grumbled, stopped moving and used his improvised bat to swipe at the three wolves. Nathaniel was swift enough to jump up and dodge but Howler and Kyle didn't react in time and the pillar of rock hit them, sending the two to the ground, completely stunned. Glutton grabbed the unconscious wolves in one hand while swinging his bat at Nathaniel.

The Bride was too nimble and the Glutton's armour of fat was impenetrable, making the fight a standstill. Seeing how the gray werewolf dodged every swing of his bat, Glutton brought the two wolves close to his maw. Nathaniel got careless while trying to focus on freeing his two friends and got hit by one of the swings. He was sent flying across the clearing, landing right before Runner and Tide who were the only two remaining wolves in the forest as the rest had evacuated.

  • "Silver!" said the two wolves in one voice.

Glutton then put Howler in his wide maw feet first, despite all of his kicking and clawing.

  • "No... No! Howler! Please, no!" muttered Nathaniel weakly.

As Howler was slowly going down in the ravenous monster's gullet, he was yelling in fear while trying to prevent his fall by clinging to Glutton's large fangs. Runner was ran full speed at the demon, but he was too blinded by his rage and did not see the incoming hit from Glutton's rocky bat. Nathaniel closed his eyes from anger while crying, why was his body refusing to move? It hurt so much, but all the others had to be in even more pain than he was!

  • "Tide!" yelled Kyle, who was still pinned in the monster's hand, "don't you dare forget what we just talked about! Who are you, a weak-willed coward, or are you a hero?"

Glutton shook his hand in an attempt to shut Kyle up. But the chocolate werewolf took this opportunity to bite as deeply as he could in the fat thumb of the giant. Glutton grunted from pain as he let go of Kyle, who fell on the ground.

  • "Kyle..." whispered Tide. "Thank you."

Tide closed his eyes and breathed deeply, his expression of terror from moments ago disappeared as he was calming down. His face looked serene and he slowly walked toward the monster.

  • "Tide, what are you doing!" asked Nathaniel, panicking at the idea of losing all of his friends.

  • "There is something I have to do." replied the blue werewolf.

  • "Please, just flee!"

  • "I won't, Silver." he then turned toward the fat giant and introduced himself, "I am Tide! I am..." he paused a small moment to think about something, and then his eyes lit up, "I am the Werelord of the Ocean and I will purge the corruption invading this haven!"

Nathaniel saw that the blue werewolf's Core was radiating power. Tide reached just before the monster, who was still trying to swallow Howler. Only Howler's head and shoulders were still out of the demon's mouth. Glutton swung his bat at the intruder once again. But just as it was about to hit, Tide raised his hand to the left and summoned a gigantic wall of water that shattered the gigantic spike. Glutton then slammed his fist against the ground in an attempt to flatten the blue werewolf, but Tide had created and was now riding a geyser of water high in the sky. He raised his hands in the air and created a gigantic and deadly looking spear. The fat giant finished swallowing Howler and laughed while looking up at his new opponent.

  • "You can't do anything to me with water, you dumb mutt!" yelled the titan.

  • "Oh we'll see about that. You've seen nothing like the wrath of the Ocean Werelord, Glutton."

  • "You guys are all bark and no bite. Stop struggling and get in my belly!"

While they were talking, Tide had created a gigantic war hammer and sent it in the belly of the beast, making him throw up Howler from the strength of the impact. The blue wolf created a bubble of water to gently cushion the gray werewolf's fall and to cleanse him from the saliva of the despicable demon. Once it was done, he focused on the spear in his hand and made it shrink, compacting it as much as he could. The gigantic spear from before was now no longer than half his own size. The titanic monster was coughing from the impact while holding his belly from pain.

  • "I'll make you pay for this, you freak!" said the monster angrily between coughs.

  • "Go ahead. Try me." said Tide in a very calm voice.

He sent the spear at the titan, who tried ducking despite his earlier confidence about being immune to water weaponry. The spear was so fast and hard that it pierced through the monster's whole rib cage, making him yell in pain as blood began flowing abundantly from his new wound. He fell down heavily on the ground and writhed from pain.

Tide made the geyser holding him in the air weaker and weaker until he was back on the ground. He rushed at Howler to check how he was and confirmed that he was fine. Kyle ran at the two of them and hugged Tide tightly.

  • "I knew you could do it, Tide! I knew it!" said Kyle excitedly.

  • "Ah... well..." replied the blue werewolf, blushing slightly, "it's all thanks to you, Kyle."

  • "What just happened?" asked Howler as he was recovering.

  • "Well, I..." started Tide.

  • "He got some amazing powers and saved us all by putting down this fatty monster!"

  • "Don't you guys..." said Glutton in a weak voice while coughing blood, making all of the rejoicing wolfs freeze in fear, "dare count me out yet!" he said while getting up and approaching the trio.

Glutton then suddenly stopped moving and stood there silently for half a minute. His expression gradually changed from anger to despair.

  • "Wait! Master! I can explain!"

Glutton's Core suddenly exited his body.

  • "Please, Master! I beg of you! Please give me a second chance!"

Glutton's Core shone brightly before breaking in tiny fragments. Glutton yelled in agony as he fell on the ground, writhing. He slowly vanished into thin air. When his belly started disappearing, a small cream coloured werewolf covered in saliva fell heavily on the ground. Everyone was horrified by the spectacle. Nathaniel finally found the strength to get up and slowly walked toward the trio of wolves, joining them all.

  • "What was that?" asked Kyle.

  • "It's... my previous Master." said Tide, "I bet he's the one that did this. When Silver saved me from darkness I wasn't fully corrupted, so he wasn't able to do that to me. But Glutton was completely under my Master's spell, so he decided to break him before he could leak any information to you guys."

  • "That's horrible! Who would do that to anyone!" yelled Kyle, angry.

  • "My previous Master would... He's a twisted demon and would stop before nothing to get what he wants. And he wants domination over all the wolves. If someone fails to help him, that someone is thrown away..."

  • "I seriously hope we won't meet him or another of his servants," remarked Nathaniel.

  • "With how much we've weakened him," said Tide, "I doubt he'll let us go this easily."

  • "I doubt so too," replied the Bride, "but we can still hope, right?"

The four of them enjoyed their small window of peace, when Runner suddenly jumped in Howler's arms, making the two of them fall on the ground.

  • "Howler! You're alive! I'm so glad you're safe!" he tightened his grip around Howler.

  • "Calm down, Runner," said Howler. "Everything is okay now."

  • "Weren't you knocked down a few moments ago?" asked Nathaniel.

  • "I was! But I woke up and now I'm better!" he replied while wagging his tail excitedly.

For a moment, Runner just laid there, snuggling in Howler's embrace while the others were watching them with a smile on their face.

  • "Father! Father!" said someone near them.

The five wolves turned their heads toward the noise. It was Quake, kneeling at the cream werewolf that came out of Glutton's belly and holding on to him tightly. They all noticed that Quake's funny speech pattern had disappeared as he was overcome with emotion.

  • "Father, wake up!" said Quake.

  • "Shut up... Junior..." said the wolf weakly.

  • "Wait..." whispered Kyle, "is that the Guide?"

  • "I think so! Why's he so small?" asked Runner.

  • "Shhh!" said Nathaniel.

  • "Father, you're safe!" said Quake while whimpering.

  • "Junior... Go find everyone. We need to rebuild my empire..."

  • "No, father! We need to get you patched up!"

  • "I'll be fine, Junior. Just go find everyone."

  • "Did he just say 'empire' or did I hear that wrong?" asked Howler.

  • "He did!" replied Runner.

Runner got up and hopped toward the Guide. He was followed by the other wolves who were now standing all around Quake and the Guide.

  • "Guide. Your days as our chief are over!" said Runner angrily.

  • "Runner? You were here?" asked Quake, surprised.

  • "You're not fit to be our leader." continued the white wolf, completely ignoring Quake, "Sacrificing people because they don't want to obey you, you're as evil as that hungry giant was!"

  • "Shut up, Runner," yelled the Guide, "it was all for the good of the tribe!"

  • "For the good of your empire, not our family! You tricked us all along and used your powers of commandments to enslave the whole family into serving you blindly!"

  • "Indeed I did! So what? I saved you! I accepted you here! You are an ungrateful brat!"

Runner was about to jump at the Guide but Howler put a hand on his shoulder, making him calm down slightly.

  • "It was all for the sake of everyone. I am just a misunderstood genius!"

  • "Genius? You? You could have used your commandments to restrain that beast, but you used them to manipulate us! Even today when the fight started, you didn't make a new commandment to, I don't know, prevent anyone from eating anyone else!"

  • "That's because I ran out of commandments! I had only ten of them."

  • "And you used them for stupid stuff, like 'all must obey me', 'if you make a pact or alliance with me, you become my slave', or even 'my slave will blindly follow me'!"

  • "I didn't say slave in my commandments!"

  • "No matter the word you used, we were slaves to you!"

As they were yelling at each other, Nathaniel remarked something with the Guide's Core. It was shrinking and slowly emptying from all of its power. The smaller it got, the more the Guide lost his wolfish traits.

  • "Dad!" shouted Quake. Everyone shut up. "Stop it. You're digging your own grave here."

  • "Wait... 'Dad'?" yelled Runner from anger, "you transformed your own son into a werewolf?"

  • "So what? He was willing and of legal age! Tell them, Junior!" said the Guide.

  • "Dad, I... I can't defend you. You're to blame for everything. I'm glad you're alive, but enough is enough!" Quake's voice was slowly rising as he was unleashing everything he was holding back until now, "Ever since mom took her life because of your drinking and drug problems, you've been an asshole to me, abusing me! And then you forced me to... to do that! And you made me into another slave of yours! And you enslaved everyone here so you could have the 'power' that was stripped from you when they fired you because of your fiscal fraud! Don't try to justify your actions, you're the worst kind of man there is!" Quake was unable to hold back his tears.

  • "How twisted can you be! You monster!" yelled Runner.

As the Core finally dried up of all the power within, the Guide was by now back to human form. He had large black circles under his teary eyes, he was bald and had a messy gray beard. He suddenly realized that he had turned back to human.

  • "Junior! I... I became human again! You have to transform me. I understood my lesson, please!"

  • "No, dad. Fuck you, I'm not playing into your hands anymore. The Guide? Sanctuary? Your 'empire'? It's all over."

  • "Are you betraying me, like your mom did?" asked the Guide.

  • "I'm not the one who betrayed you!" Quake exploded from anger "You betrayed everyone here in Sanctuary. You betrayed people at your job. You betrayed me. You betrayed mom." He sighed and calmed down for a moment, "I thought your fall would have opened your eyes, but you're just the same as you always were."

  • "Junior, as your father, I order you to make me a werewolf again!"

Quake snarled and opened his maw around the neck of the human, showing all of his teeth. He was slightly pressing them against the bare flesh of his father. It made the ex-Guide fall unconscious.

  • "Dad... You're an asshole. I'm going to bring you back to your burnt home, the one you lit after transforming me, just to remind you that it was you who ruined our lives. And then I'll bring you to a police outpost, you're going to pay for your crimes."

  • "Wait, burnt house? Father and son missing after the wife took her life one month prior? Just like the story that was in the newspaper about half a year ago? Are you..." asked Kyle.

  • "Yes." admitted Quake, "my father is the crook that the police were investigating. He tried to disappear by burning everything in a fire along with himself and I. They thought it was suicide."

There was a long silence during which Quake lifted his father in his arms, while looking with tears in his eyes at the pitiful human.

  • "I... I'm sorry, Quake," said Kyle and Nathaniel.

  • "It's fine. I see you've dealt with the monster... I'll bring my father to a police outpost and then I'll come back here and rebuild Sanctuary. And I'll live here alone, praying for the souls of all the people that my father has wronged and killed."

  • "Quake... What the fuck, man," said Runner while sobbing, "I never knew you had such as sad life! I'll stay with you! We'll rebuild Sanctuary together, okay?"

  • "Why would you help me? I'm the son of that despicable man..."

  • "Because you're his son!" yelled Runner as if the solution was right under Quake's eyes, "you're not him! You deserve better than him!"

  • "He's right, Quake," added Howler, "we're here for you. After all, we're the three Heads of Sanctuary, right? I'm sure the others will understand too."

Quake fell on his knees and burst into tears. He put his father on the ground and cried loudly. Both Howler and Runner went to him and hugged him.

  • "Thank you, you two." sobbed Quake.

  • "Though, I'll come back only on one condition, Quake!" said Runner.

  • "What... what is it?" asked Quake while wiping his eyes.

  • "I want you to talk funny like before!"

  • "You mean when I..." he began, before stopping and clearing his throat "Does Runner like when Quake talks like this?"

  • "I love it!" said Runner, over-excited. "I think it's just too cute! Especially now that I know you're a child!"

  • "Quake is not a child... Quake is fifteen. Quake's birthday is the day after tomorrow."

  • "Really?" said Runner excitedly, "Oh boy oh boy oh boy I gotta find a present for you. That's amazing! We'll throw a party for you, I'll try to find a cake and a nice present and pretty wrappings and party hats and cookies and birthday candles! Oh boy I can't wait! That's going to be the best party ever!"

  • "Thank you so much... Quake is so glad of being friend with Runner."

  • "I'm glad we're friends too, Quake," said Howler.

  • "That's the spirit!" added Runner, "Your smile is so pretty, Quake! You should smile more!"

Howler, Quake and Runner broke their hug, and Quake picked his father up again.

  • "Could Runner and Howler go find the rest of the family while Quake is away? Quake will be back after delivering this criminal to the police."

  • "Of course! You can count on us!" said Runner, "I'm the fastest guy around! I'll go tell them right away!"

And with that Runner was already gone, leaving nothing but a cloud of smoke where he stood a couple seconds ago. Quake bid his goodbyes to the rest of the wolves and went on his way.

  • "That was unexpectedly emotional..." remarked Tide, while wiping his teary eye.

  • "It was indeed," agreed Nathaniel.

  • "How can something so sad happen?" asked Kyle, tearing up and jumping to Nathaniel to snuggle close to him.

The four of them rested after their exhausting day. Kyle and Nathaniel were sitting next to each other and the brown wolf was still crying in his silver lover's chest. Tide was sprawled on the ground while looking at the clouds as the sky was slowly becoming orange from the setting sun. Howler was sitting in front of the Bride, looking slightly away with ears lying low.

  • "Silver..." began Howler, "I'm so sorry for betraying you."

  • "It's alright, Howler," replied the Bride, "I'm sure you were forced to because of this commandments thing from the Guide."

  • "I still... almost got all of us killed..." moped Howler.

  • "Indeed you did. But it's all fine now."

Howler didn't answer. He lowered his head and started crying. Nathaniel grabbed his head and put it against his chest, making Kyle and Howler's noses boop.

  • "Everything is alright now, Howler." whispered the Bride, "just rest, now."

Howler closed his eyes and enjoyed the silver wolf's touch. For a long while, no words were exchanged. Eventually, both Kyle and Howler calmed down and regained their composure. Kyle was holding Nathaniel's arm and was resting his head against his lover's shoulder. At this moment, a familiar nervous white werewolf came back and stopped just before Nathaniel and Howler.

  • "I told everyone! They're coming back!" said Runner excitedly while hopping in place.

  • "Should you really be hopping and running around so much when you've been knocked out pretty badly earlier?" asked Kyle.

  • "I'm okay! I could run a marathon right now!"

  • "Don't worry about him," explained Howler, "he's always been like that. Over-energetic and over-excited. He was like that even before he became a werewolf."

  • "Before he became a werewolf? You two knew each other from before?" inquired Kyle.

  • "We're husbands!" said Runner.

  • "What?" replied Kyle and Nathaniel in unison, startled.

  • "Yeah, well... we met, and despite my calm personality and his hyperactive one, we kinda clicked. And when he became a werewolf, he transformed me and introduced me to the Guide."

  • "Ah... erm..." began Nathaniel, "Howler, I'm sorry I seduced you into a husband. Runner, I'm sorry I 'stole' your husband."

  • "No!" said Runner. "Don't worry! I'm okay! I'm fine, really! Really really fine!"

  • "Actually, Silver..." intervened Howler, "as soon as I talked to him about you, he said he"

  • "Don't tell him!" interrupted Runner, "I want to tell him myself..."

There was a long silence, with Runner having completely stopped hopping around. He was looking everywhere but at the Bride.

  • "Why don't you tell him, then?" said Howler to the white wolf.

  • "Silver!" said Runner. He gathered his courage, breathing in deeply, forming fists with his hands, taking a step forward and looking straight at Nathaniel's eyes "Please, do that seducing thing to me too! I want to feel the same as Howler did!"

For a moment, both Kyle and Nathaniel looked at Howler and Runner, not knowing what to say. Runner was quivering and was looking intently at the Bride.

  • "Come on now!" grumbled Kyle, "Nath is mine!"

  • "Aren't you two... in a relationship already?" asked Nathaniel.

Runner's ears lowered, his tail stopped wagging and his hands fell against his sides. Howler looked equally sad.

  • "Do you... not want me?" asked Runner.

  • "It's not like that, Runner," reassured Nathaniel, "you already have someone in your life, don't you? So... why?"

  • "I..." began Runner, closing his fists once again, "Howler told me how great, how gentle, how kind, how awesome you were. I want it because I'm jealous of him! I'm jealous that he has such an incredible second lover! And I want a second lover like you too! I... I want you because I want you!"

  • "Silver..." added Howler, "I'm fine with it. Don't hold back because of me. I want it too."

Nathaniel didn't know what to say. He looked at the two wolves that were expecting his answer. He then turned toward Kyle, who was pouting.

  • "Why are you looking at me?" pouted Kyle. "One more rival won't hurt too much if you want to go for it."

  • "Alright," began the Bride, "let's do..."

Nathaniel was interrupted as the large white wolf had jumped at him, pinning him on the ground. His arms were held against the ground by Runner's tight grip.

  • "Thank you!" said Runner, almost shouting from excitation. "Thank you so much, Silver!"

Runner didn't wait for an answer before starting to kiss Nathaniel, making both their tongues dance against each other. The white wolf closed his eyes as he explored the Bride's maw. He quickly broke the kiss, huffing loudly and leaving the silver wolf wanting for more. He then started kissing and running his hands against Nathaniel's body, going lower with each second. He kissed a nipple, lapped the top row of abdominals, tickled the navel and finally, groped the rapidly filling sheath. He wrapped his mouth around the hardening cock while massaging the Bride's large balls. Frustration rose in Nathaniel as the white wolf wasn't even trying to make it last; he was good, but he was going way too fast. As soon as the first foot of Nathaniel's spire was in Runner's mouth he stopped suckling on it, got up on his knees and took a few steps forward to stand over the Bride. His own cock was fully hard at thirty inches long, throbbing with need and leaking copious amounts of pre. He lifted his tail and lowered himself down on the Bride's hardening cock, moaning loudly as he did so and began riding Nathaniel's shaft fast while massaging his own dick, slowly bringing himself to orgasm.

  • "Runner!" yelled Nathaniel, "that's enough!"

The white werewolf completely stopped and his ears lowered.

  • "Wha... Why?" asked Runner.

  • "You're just going too fast!" complained the Bride, "your kiss left me wanting, same for the way you caressed my body, same for the blowjob and now for the ride! Are you in a hurry?"

  • "I... uh..."

  • "Silver..." intervened Howler, who was watching the scene, "he's always like that if you let him have the lead. Just... take that from him. He loves it either way."

Nathaniel just watched at Howler, puzzled. He lifted his hands and put them around Runner's shoulders before getting up in a sitting position, pushing the white wolf against the ground. He then lied over him and kissed him passionately. Runner let go of his cock and wrapped his arms around Nathaniel's neck, enjoying their second dance of tongues. Nathaniel caressed Runner's cheeks lovingly, took a pause from the kissing to catch his breath before diving in once again to assault the white wolf's maw. Their kiss continued for a while when he felt Runner's cum splash against his snout and both wolves started lapping at Runner's massive load. Seed joined the dance of tongues as both of them were eagerly welcoming it and drinking it. When the orgasm was over, the two wolves were looking at each other lovingly while panting, cum dripping from their maws.

  • "That was amazing... Silver..." said Runner in between huffs.

The white wolf's Core shone brightly in his left foot, but Nathaniel didn't look at it. After all he still hadn't got off yet.

  • "We're not done yet, Runner." said Nathaniel, grinning.

  • "Eh? What?" replied the puzzled white wolf.

Nathaniel's cock was still lodged in Runner's asshole, but he wasn't fully hard yet. He groped Runner's pectorals and began thrusting his shaft in. His arousal level was high and as such, his cock was hardening fast, spreading wide the rear entrance of Runner who yowled from pleasure at the intrusion. Nathaniel made sure to make every thrust very slow and every time he pushed in to add a couple inches, the white wolf moaned louder. The Bride's enormous knot began growing in his sheath, slowing the insertion of his gigantic cock inside Runner. The white wolf howled as he reached another orgasm, spraying his seed all over their pectorals and maws once again. This time, Nathaniel wanted to touch Runner's Core, so he pulled his cock out of Runner's tailhole, turned around to grab the white wolf's leg and pick the Core in his hands. He scooped with his other hand some of his pre and painted the sphere with it before putting it back in its place and turning back to Runner, who was still shooting his cum all over himself while howling weakly.

While Nathaniel was busy with Runner's Core, his knot had slid out of his sheath, bringing his cock to its full 3'2" glory. Nathaniel then lay once again over Runner and inserted his spire in the white wolf's awaiting hole, pushing inches after inches inside until his knot bumped against Runner's furry butt. He felt the familiar tingling sensation of the power flowing in him, and his whole body grew. Muscles swelled slightly under his softening fur as his curves were staying as sweet to the eyes as ever. His cock surged while inside Runner, making the smaller wolf yelp from surprise before letting out a moan of pleasure. With his increase in size it became too difficult to push his knot into the tight hole, so the Bride infused Runner with his power. Runner was taken by surprise once again as he felt his body grow. Pulses of power went through him, making him gain an inch and grow even hornier every second. He took his cock in his hands and began working it wildly once again as it was growing fast, reaching higher against his body with each throb. As the white wolf's asshole was getting bigger, it became wide enough for Nathaniel to be able to push his knot in. Runner howled as the knot slid through his hole, bringing him to another orgasm. As soon as the knot was in, Nathaniel began firing his load, shooting waves of cum inside his new husband's belly. Runner's stomach swelled from the sheer amount of cum that was shot in him.

When both their orgasms ended, Runner's belly was nicely round and their upper bodies were completely drenched with the white wolf's seed. Nathaniel forced his knot out of Runner's asshole before pulling the rest of his spire out. As soon as it completely exited the tailhole, the excess cum was released, making Runner's belly progressively deflate as it emptied.

Nathaniel turned around to look at the others. Howler was idly stroking himself while looking at Runner's deflating belly. He then turned toward his blue and his brown lovers. Tide was hilted deep in Kyle, doggystyle, and the chocolate werewolf's stomach was swelling with seed. The Bride felt relieved that it worked out for them all.

Nathaniel turned toward Runner and Howler who were back on their feet and walking toward each other. The two of them were almost the same size right now at just under ten feet. Howler's cock was incredibly thicker but its length couldn't compare to Runner's extra long shaft. They really complemented each other in more than just their personalities. The two ex-heads then passionately made out while hugging.

A strange feeling ran through Nathaniel's body. There was something happening to Howler and Runner: their Cores were changing, just like what had happened with Tide the day before when they escaped the nasty laboratory! Nathaniel walked to the two and knelt before them. He grabbed a cock in each hand and began stroking both. Runner and Howler broke their kiss and looked at the Bride, who was drinking the pre from both their cocks. Howler's Core was becoming light green, relocating to his lungs and morphing into a swirling tornado shape while Runner's Core was recolouring to yellow orange and reshaping into a stopwatch. While the changes were taking place, all three wolves grew. Runner and Howler partially broke their embrace to welcome Nathaniel who was still sucking greedily on both the spires.

  • "Fuck, Howler," said Runner, "this is the best! You were right!"

  • "The very best, my love!" replied Howler

  • "I love you so much!"

They resumed their wild kissing and gave a hand to Nathaniel to help him milk their cocks by running their fingers against each other's spires. The Bride was diving deep on the dicks one at a time, going from Runner's elongating dick to Howler's thickening shaft and vice versa. All of their three growing spires were throbbing and leaking abundantly pre. As soon as their growth was complete, the trio orgasmed in unison. Howler and Runner's shafts showered Nathaniel with cum while his' coated the two others. All three of them were trying to drink as much of the seed as they could.

When their orgasm faded, all three of them were drenched by their combined loads. They all spent a couple minutes licking each other clean before admiring themselves. Runner was now 11'5" and sported a 4'3" long cock, Howler was slightly shorter and his spire was a foot smaller than his lover's, but still outmatched him in thickness. Nathaniel too had grown, reaching now to 10'8", from both making Runner a new husband of his and the magnification of the two husbands' Cores.

  • "So, Silver, Silver!" inquired Runner excitedly, "What's my power? You know what it is, right? What is it?"

  • "Calm down, sweetie", said Howler, "let us catch our breath first, ok?"

  • "But I want to know!" grumbled the white wolf before asking again "So, what is it?"

Nathaniel sighed before looking at the core. All he could think of was "speed" and "swiftness". But maybe the stopwatch-shaped core hid something more? Tide and Kyle had joined them, also curious at what was the new power that Nathaniel had acquired by seducing Runner. Kyle's belly was still inflated from his earlier action with the blue werewolf and he was walking funny.

  • "Swiftness." said the Bride, "That's what I can see from your Core."

  • "Swiftness as in... Speed?" asked Runner, "That's amazing! What can you do with it?"

  • "I don't know..." replied Nathaniel, "Want me to try?"

  • "Yes! Please do! What do I have to do?"

  • "Just relax," replied Howler, trying to calm his overexcited lover, "open your heart to Silver and let him take a bit of your power."

  • "Okay!"

Nathaniel sighed. This guy's excess of energy was tiring him. But he picked a tiny bit of power from Runner's Core and inspected it, he wasn't sure how to use it until he realized that time around him had slowed. He grinned widely and used this time to tickle Runner in all places that are usually tickly: armpits, between the paw pads, neck, everywhere. He was still tickling the white wolf when suddenly time resumed its normal flow and Runner jumped from surprise while exploding in laughter.

  • "Whoa." said Howler, impressed, "That was fast."

  • "Actually..." corrected Nathaniel, "I wasn't fast at all, I was moving at normal speed. It just felt like you guys became all incredibly slow. As if time slowed down for you."

  • "That's amazing!" said Runner while hopping back on his feet.

  • "Yeah yeah, that's amazing" intervened Kyle, "so, can you make me a husband too, now, Nath?"

  • "Well..." said the Bride, hesitating a long time. "I'm actually scared... Because of what happened this morning. You know... the... shockwave. Did that happen because you are my Lord and we broke some sort of taboo of our powers? I don't know, but I'm scared it'll happen again..."

  • "No risk, Silver!" reassured Runner, "it was because of one of the Guide's commandments. 'No one shall enslave another in my domain without my consent'. When someone broke that, it made a sort of explosion that prevented the transformation from happening! So you're all safe!"

  • "Really?" said Nathaniel, his eyes lighting up. "Let's do it, then! Although... can it wait tomorrow? I'm exhausted and I'd love to rest."

  • "I guess I can wait some more..." pouted Kyle. "But! I want Runner and Howler as body pillows for tonight, then!"

They laughed and talked some more as the sun disappeared on the horizon.

  • "Guys..." interrupted Howler, "there's a helicopter coming this way. I think we should hide."

  • "Really? I can't hear anything..." replied Runner.

  • "I think it's become part of my power as a Werelord... My hearing just got much better."

  • "Alright," said Nathaniel, "I trust you, Howler, let's go hide for now."

Howler smiled and hugged Nathaniel as he held back tears. The fact that his Bride trusted him despite his treason meant a lot to him. As soon as he let the Bride go, the five werewolves walked out of the clearing to hide between the trees. They whispered to each other, wondering what a helicopter would be doing here. Just as Howler predicted, the flying machine was getting very close to where they were. It stopped right above the clearing and started its descent, making all five of the werewolves hold their breath while watching the intruder come down. When the helicopter's blades finally slowed enough, the cabin opened.

A man in his sixties climbed down from the helicopter. He wore a suit, white gloves and small glasses. His moustache was clean cut, his gray hair was neatly combed and his bow tie was completing his classy attire. He carried in his right hand a silver plate with a cloche over it. He looked around and then started walking toward the five werewolves.

  • "Good evening, gentlemen. May I ask which one of you is Silver, please?"

  • "What do you want?" snarled the Bride.

  • "I am here to deliver a letter from my Master."

  • Shivers ran down Nathaniel's spine. Was it Tide and Glutton's ex-master?

  • "Who's your master?" asked the Bride.

  • "I'm afraid I cannot give up this information to anyone other than Silver."

  • "I am Silver. Who's your master?"

The butler didn't answer and instead, he offered the plate forward while lifting the cloche, revealing an envelope with a wax seal. Nathaniel got out of hiding and walked to the man, picked up the piece of paper and inspected it. It seemed to contain more than just a letter. He broke the seal, opened it and his heart sank. A tuft of black fur which clearly belonged to Arkion was in the envelope. He quickly unfolded the letter and read the pretty handwriting aloud to everyone. There was a part about Arkion being in their care, another part about him requiring his Bride's immediate attention, then there was a request about "cooperation" or something and finally a signature. Sir Curtis.

  • "Wait, Curtis?" asked Kyle "As in, the painter?"

  • "Precisely." answered the butler. "Mister Silver, I trust you understand what it means. The helicopter has enough room for you to come, but my orders are to bring you alone. I would appreciate if you accepted."

  • "What choice do I even have! You guys have Arkion hostage and are asking me to come! It's certainly a trap, but I'm going!"

  • "I believe there is a misunderstanding, Mister Nathaniel." began the butler, "we truly mean Arkion no harm."

  • "That's what bad guys always say!" countered Nathaniel.

  • "Nath, you can't go..." whined Kyle, "what if something were to happen?"

  • "If something happens, I'll let Tide, Runner and Howler know. I'm sure they could get there very fast." He winked to Runner.

  • "Oh, right, right, fast! I can be very fast indeed with my powers!" agreed Runner.

  • "Runner..." said Kyle while facepalming, "you can't just reveal our plan to the enemy!"

  • "Ah oops! Sorry..."

  • "You, the butler." growled Nathaniel, "Let's go. If you dare touch Arkion, I'll kill you and your master, you hear me?"

  • "Very well. Please, follow me."

Nathaniel got into the helicopter, but stayed in werewolf form as he wanted to be ready for anything when the trip was over. It was going to be a long and cramped ride, but he was doing it to save Arkion from the claws of this Sir Curtis.

WereLords - Chapter 9: the Gentlewolves's test

As the helicopter finally landed Nathaniel hurriedly got out of it, or rather he miserably fell on the ground. The trip had been less than ten minutes long but it felt to him as if it was two hours of torture. He swore to never ride a helicopter ever...

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WereLords - Chapter 7: Sanctuary

Nathaniel, Kyle and Tide reached the forest on the outskirts of the town. The Guide was supposedly waiting for them there. His intentions were completely unknown to Nathaniel, but he hoped it would go well, for the life of his husband was at risk. As...

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