New Experiences (By redscale101)

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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#10 of Received stories

Here's redscale101's part of another trade! I recently figured out that I very much enjoy the idea of gentler, more reassuring dom type, and then combined with my other recent thing about moms... you can check out the beginnings of that in amenon's birthday story for me here.

But! :> this one's a story about a young college-age-or-so Lukas and the friendly neighborhood mom, Kay. They've known each other pretty much since he was a lil puppo, but today they get to know each other just a bit better ;3

Original upload here:

And here's my part of the trade:

Lukas had grown used to his lazy Sunday afternoons. Typically, his father-globetrotting attorney for a firm with three equally pretentious sounding names-would use Sunday to fly back from the previous week's excursion, dropping in so late that Sunday became Monday. Clothes would be deposited in the laundry, Lukas's shoulder would get an affectionate early morning pat, and then the otter would see neither head nor tail of his father for another week. Mom was almost as infrequent a sight, constantly attending to patients in or just out of surgery. One time when he was little, Lukas had kept a calendar coded with two colors-red for mom being home, green for dad, and marked a check on each day he saw them. He stopped when he realized the number of days without any checks far outnumbered the number with two...and did not trail far behind the one-checked days, either.

This Sunday was no exception-dad had sent his customary "flight leaves in twenty, love you son" message, coupled with a meme that demonstrated, unequivocally, that his father neither knew how to internet, nor had time to learn. But he always sends some stupid image, Lukas thought as he shook his head, tossing back a knock-off cola that somehow tasted better than the real thing. So like my teacher said, A for effort.

Seated on his back patio, which shared a chain link fence with their leftward neighbor's yard (and none to the right, unless the street butted up against their sidewalk counted as a noisy, hornery neighbor), Lukas felt his phone vibrate in his absent minded grip, nearly dislodging it into a suicidal freefall. Fumbling with it, his tail twitched and went rigid, until he heaved a sigh of relief as he managed to grasp the phone in a tight clench. "Gotcha. No more broken screen repairs for me!" Curiosity drove him to bring the screen to his view, and he blushed as one of his boyfriends...some cute wolf, sophomore fellow moving up to the varsity soccer team, with the leeeeeeggggsssssss of a god...was sharing a photograph of himself that Lukas both enjoyed and knew well and good that he shouldn't.

"Whatever happened to your boy Willis?" A deep, svelte, sonorous voice drifted from over the fence, causing Lukas to freeze in place. That same voice had been almost as great a factor in his childhood as his own parents'; its owner had served as his caretaker nearly as often as they. Kay-short for Kayla, Kayla Ridley-was part babysitter, part godmother ("Den mother," she'd once said, "Cuz god ain't got nothing on how much I love you, Luka."), and part...something Lukas could never put his claw through. The otter remembered his psych teacher last year-strange, skittish foxy lady, literally-had said all little boys go through a phase where they wanna fuck their mother. Or rather, she said that this one old human dude thought that and because he wrote it down long enough ago the kids of today had to pretend to know what he was talking about for the state exam. Well...Lukas (THANKFULLY) had NEVER EVER wanted to do anything remotely involving his mother's ERROR IMAGE NOT PERMITTED. Still...he figured if the old dead Austrian dude had had Kay as his neighbor back when he wrote his theories? Maybe they would've made more sense.

Her words finally processed through the boy's speech recognition centers. Willis. Right. Bat. Best hugs you could ever imagine. Cute guy, as far as bats went. He tried thinking...had Willis been his spring fling junior year, or sophomore? No wait...Willis was over summer that one year...aaaaaah yes. Now Lukas remembered. Steadying his voice, and pushing the lock button at long last to hide the wolf's indiscrete image from the world, Lukas gulped out, "A bit clingy, yeah. Kept um...pressuring me to do stuff? And like...would NOT take no for an answer. So...more fish in the sea. As it were. Not to eat. Um." Realizing how poorly that metaphor applied to species that ate fish in the sea (indeed, the mental image alone caused uncontrollable salivation until he ceased pondering it), Lukas clamped his mouth shut.

Kay nodded pensively. "Had me plenty of guys just like that, years ago. Erica's father wasn't much different," she sighed. Lukas did not hear Kay speak that often of her ex-husband-he knew the divorce had been cold, not loud, and he'd grown up with Erica being an older-sis like figure next door. When they were kids they played doctor sometimes, and he remembered Erica laughing when he dropped his pants for the first time. What exactly she'd been laughing at, he couldn't have said, for his first reaction had been to run crying from the privacy of the playroom out into the living room...where Kay had been watching some program on TV, only to be interrupted by a nude otter boy streaking by. Thinking on it, Lukas realized Erica had been in college a year now...yeah, would be a year in August. And she had only been back to visit what, four months ago over the holidays?

Glancing over at the matronly grey wolf, Lukas could see the loneliness in her slump on the fence. She'd smoked, he recalled, adopting that pose while gossiping with his mother over a weekend barbecue, the same fence supporting her then as now. Mom had worked hard to help her quit, and she'd actually taken to the quitting this time (for...what, two years?). Still, Lukas could see her fingers rolling an imaginary cigarette around between them, paw pads brushing along each other while her muzzle would puff into the classic "O" opening many a smoker made while attempting to blow rings. The little otter had loved that trick, though the stinky rings made him cough if he breathed in too hard.

Oh, right, fuck she said something...ex-husband? Different...clingy...bat boy...Lukas was back in the conversation, though late in replying, "Ah, well. You deserve better ma'am."

"Ma'am me again and I might have to spank ya," Kay raised an eyebrow, the threat delivered with a playful growl coupled with her incredulous expression. "Never did have to do that when I sat for you though...always a good kid. Woulda been the perfect boy for my Erica, but...she always did walk on the wild side."

Lukas did not feel it appropriate to mention that he had never felt that sort of attraction for Erica. Not to say she wasn't a beautiful wolf in her own right, but...well, there was that distinct lack of a Y chromosome and all the fun little bits that came with it. "One of those missed connections," was all he said to that.

Kay chortled, the sound tumbling from her muzzle as though it had gone through a wringer of gravel on its way out. You can get the wolf to quit smoking, but the smoking ain't gonna quit the wolf, his mom had said to explain the lingering vocal alteration. Not that Lukas minded all that much-the huskier tone loaned itself well to a slight masculinization of Kay's already resonant voice. One that...embarrassingly enough...endeared her to him in ways that boys his age (some of whom still had yet to have their voices crack) couldn't manage.

"Not to judge, but I don't think you and she would have ever formed a connection in a way you'd've enjoyed," Kay crooned. Not like Lukas had any argument to that one. "So, Luka. How long til you fly the nest yourself?"

"Um. Move out is...what, three weeks from now? Yeah...semester ends next week. The week after is graduation. Then packing...and moving out west," he said, tapping his fingers with each week's significance stated. Senior year had fucking flown by, he noted.

"I could swear just yesterday your mom asked me to change a diaper," Kay mused. "You've come a long way since then. And to're gonna go a long ways yet before you get to my age."

"Really? And how far do you think a couple of years will take a young otter like me?" Lukas winked, that endearing shit-eating grin plastered on his expression winning a heartfelt laugh from his neighbor.

"Darling, please never change," Kay said, hand resting on her blouse as she sighed, small fit of laughter ending. "I tell ya, for a guy with no interest...romantically the opposite sex, you sure can sweet talk us." A pensive frown fell over her features then, and Kay glanced away, eyes drawn to the small alley between their houses that looked out over the street, where Lukas's clunker was parked. The otter's tail wagged once, and he wondered just what was occupying his neighbor's mind.

Wolves aren't meant to be alone, something inside him said. Not his own mental voice, nor one he associated with any particular individual-no, this was simply...fact. And it was true-wolves are pack animals. Lukas remembered nothing of Kay's husband, since they had nearly been divorced before Kay's move into the home next door. Kay had apparently won full custody of Erica during the legal proceedings. Child support and the occasional phone call were the only reminders she had of their relationship. Well, them and Erica of course, Lukas corrected himself. Still, Erica had only been five when the pair moved in, and though Kay couldn't have been beyond her late twenties at that point...well. A five year old daughter? A house swimming in debt? Kay and his mother got drunk together some nights, and Kay's refrains on how men her age were not interested in entering a relationship with a kid already in the, what kind of mother abandons her daughter even for a single date? And by the time Erica graduated, Kay had already celebrated her definitely-not-fortieth-birthday, so...if Lukas's experience with romantic comedies was anything to judge by, she was doomed to be forever sidelined for someone younger, prettier, and less of a mother.

"I appreciate the compliment," Lukas warmly intoned, letting his paw come to rest on hers. Seconds passed before Kay's muzzle turned back to her young neighbor. Their eyes locked for a moment, and a small smile twisted her muzzle's impassive expression into something resembling contentment. "And...Ms. Kay...It's not hard to be sweet to someone as deserving as you."

While fur didn't blush, exactly, not the way that human skin did, from this distance Lukas could pick up a slight prickling of the wolf's fur, standing on edge for a moment while her ears flattened against her hair. And suddenly, Kay wasn't forty three, mother to a daughter almost half her age...she seemed every bit a teenaged girl, flattered by the simple words of a boy. While Lukas's paw rest on hers, she allowed her left paw to gently cover his, an otter-paw-sammich on the pole stringing together chainlink metal bars that did little to separate the pair. Leaning down, she rest her muzzle and nose against Lukas's forehead, pursing her lips together to plant a grateful, affectionate kiss there, remaining in contact for several moments. From his position, cradled below her head and gently grasping her hands with his, Lukas could smell her far more acutely than before-cleanly, with the sort of scent that lingers and identifies itself without ever being assertive. Though...that wasn't to say it wasn't inviting. Disarming. The very sort of odor Lukas had never experienced before...for men, no matter their demeanor, even in their most intimate moments never have so charming an odor, that positively radiates welcome and sincerity, only to sweep whoever might catch the faintest whiff out into a helpless sea of promise...

The sun's golden light cast a gentle reminder that night, while certainly not upon them, would soon yawn and swallow the waking world. Perhaps sensing that impending departure, Kay withdrew her lips and sighed, shaking her head slightly. "That...was not like me. Sorry, little Luka," she said, releasing his paw in a single fluid motion. "Dunno what came over me."

Uncertain of his place in this moment, Lukas shook his head, words dying on his lips as they parted. Halting thoughts trembled at the threshold of utterance, ways he could console her, assure her, offer some degree of comfort or distraction or...but none passed into substance. For all his charm and the sweet soul ensconced in his form, Lukas had no experience with the...well, melancholy sells it short, and sadness does it no justice at all...that gripped Kay.

"Ms. Kay, why're you apologizing?" He finally croaked, leaning forward and extending his arm, unsure of himself. "You didn't do anything wrong. I...think we all just want contact, sometimes. Um. Like...I hug my boyfriends and don't really mean anything by it or nothing, having them close there? That's what I need when I do it, and I think that's what you did now. Really, it's fine!" Lukas threw in his classic, charming smile.

The wolf nodded, eyes unable to meet his, now staring downward. "Thank you Luka," she whispered, after a time. "Look...I know your mom and dad are off doing amazing things. you want me to cook you up something? Still love mac and cheese and sausage slices?"

That, he did. Already drooling at the prospect, Lukas nodded fervently, to which Kay laughed. "I swear you have some puppy in your genes somewhere."

"Did a few weeks ago!" He said proudly. "He was a fun ride..."

Taken aback by the cavalier comment, after nearly ten seconds of silence Kay burst out laughing. "Seems like every week there's a new lover to remember," she winked, leading the otter to a kitchen he was quite familiar with. With the frequency of his parents' work related absences in his youth Kay had often brought Lukas over for nightly cooking, babysitting and gossip sessions. Hopping into a seat in the kitchen, Lukas watched as Kay slipped the fridge door to its open slot, fetching a pair of sausages from within as well as some heavy cream and assorted cheeses. As she darted to the pantry to fetch some rotini, she called over her shoulder, "Help yourself to some soda or water. Ran out of milk yesterday, haven't had a chance to pop by the store yet."

"Thanks Ms. Kay!" Lukas replied, slipping out of his chair and glancing at the selection proffered. Right away he spotted his prize-strawberry vanilla cream soda. To his knowledge only a single company produced it. Nectar of the gods, Lukas mused as he twisted the cap off, sliding the door shut. "Did you want anything?"

Kay, rifling through her pots and pans (and nearly causing an avalanche of metal as she pulled out a load-bearing strainer from the bottom of the pile), shook her head and panted slightly. "No no, damn diet only allows one a day."

"Diet?" Lukas chirped. "Why? You're, like, skinnier than most of the girls in my class. Prettier too."

A momentary cessation of motion settled in after Kay unburdened herself of a pair of sauce pots and the liberated strainer. When it passed, she flipped the gas burner to high for the corner and low for the center, the clicking of the flint striking false a couple of times until the flames caught. Moving to the faucet to get water for boiling the pasta, Kay gazed at Lukas and just smiled, her tongue ever so slightly lolling out from the left side of her muzzle. "Well, aren't you the sweetest."

"And, unlike your sugary sodas, my kind of sweetness won't go to your hips!"

"I suppose not," Kay smirked, turning her back to him again as she set the pot down to boil, using a haphazardly selected lid that was far too large to cover it. "I see you found your magic beverage," she called over her shoulder.

"Seriously, how do YOU keep finding this stuff? I swear you and my family are the only ones who ever buy it. Gotta figure the company would either go out of business or stop making it," he said, tipping the glass bottle back and letting the smooth, creamy fruit taste slide down his tongue. Popping his lips together contentedly, the otter's tail began to wag-a habit he had acquired from Erica during their childhood.

"Well, if I told you that, you wouldn't have much reason to come visit me on your own, now would you?" Kay flicked her tail absentmindedly, shifting her stance as she began slicing the sausage into properly sized cuts to accompany a thick mac-and-cheese.

Whimpering in a playful pout, Lukas groaned, "B-but if you dun tell me how can I get it at school Ms. Kay?"

"Guess you'll just have to come back home and visit me and your parents if you want any," Kay sighed, putting on her best weary voice.

"Holding my drink hostage?" Lukas protested. "Not cool!"

Kay laughed, turning back with the kitchen knife in hand, a predatory grin painted across her muzzle, stretching those orange beauty lines in a wicked accentuation of her expression. "And I'll kill one drink every hour you don't call or come visit, you hear me?"

"Now now, that's just impractical," Lukas shook his head, tone edging easily into the cool and collected one he'd heard a thousand and one actors on TV use when they thought they were lawyers. "See Ms. Kay, let's assume that I'm gone for a semester at a time, not counting summer. That's like...sixteen weeks at a time. Then, each week has seven days, twenty four hours therein, with each hour comprising sixty minutes. So like...sixteen times seven times twenty four times sixty" Lukas started counting on his fingers and quickly gave up. "A lot more sodas than would be practical to purchase! I doubt the company bottling them even makes that many."

"So?" Kay chuckled maniacally, slamming the blade down dramatically and cutting off another slice of sausage. "You doubt the power of a woman scorned?"

"Scorned how? By not hearing from your neighbor's kid for months at a time?" Lukas raised an eyebrow, unable to keep a smile from his muzzle. "Come now, surely you're being unreasonable."

"Did you," Kay said, dropping her voice into a menacing, cold tone even as she shot Lukas a knowing wink, "just insinuate that I, a woman, a proud bitch of my kind, might be unreasonable? And what, pray tell, might have led you to this conclusion? Is it my sex? My lupine ancestry? Do you fear I'm on my estrus?"

"No no, just...simple math is all," Lukas said, leaning back in his chair a bit, taking another slow gulp of his cherished soda. "Besides, I learned how to smell that on you and Erica when-" And he stopped speaking.

Whatever in the world had possessed him to say THAT?! Sure, he could scent heat by pheromones and odor alone, but...that was like saying you could tell when a human woman was menstruating. just was not done!

"Erm...I...forget I-"

" no," Kay gulped, cutting the boy off. "Honestly I...probably shouldn't can?"

Lukas, also incapable of blushing, was now leaning further back than before, chair teetering on its back legs as he set the bottle down on the table. "Really Ms. Kay, I should not have said that."

Setting the knife down, and collecting the sliced meat off to the side for eventual incorporation into the cheese sauce, Kay rounded the kitchen island and approached Lukas slowly. "Luka, it's alright. Really," she smiled. "Seriously, you didn't say anything wrong or bad...just surprised me is all." Of course, the otter's wide eyes and trembling muzzle did little to assure Kay that he had accepted her forbearance, and he tipped back away from her in shame...going a bit farther than he should've. Gravity claimed the chair's center of gravity and the back legs slipped out of position, threatening to send Lukas tumbling to the ground in a heap. A small squeak of surprise issued from his muzzle, and he flailed about to regain some semblance of balance. Too far from the table, too far from the wall, no support available, ottership was almost down...

And then he stopped moving. A clenching pressure gripped his left forearm, and he opened his eyes from their pain anticipating squints. There stood Kay, just to his left flank, gripping his arm and straining to hold him. She moved FAST! Lukas thought, muzzle opening in amazement. " did you...?"

"Diet has done wonders for my reaction time, apparently," Kay grunted through grit teeth. "Now if you wouldn't mind, grab the table an...there we go," she sighed in relief as he pulled himself up with an assured grip. Steadying himself, Lukas rose to a full standing position and wrapped his arms around Kay's midsection, burying his head in her bosom as he hugged her tightly. "Ah there there little Luka, you're ok," Kay whispered, patting his head.

"A...after what I said you still came running for me," he whimpered.

"Of course I did Luka," she rubbed his back reassuringly. So close to her, ensconced in her embrace, Lukas was awash in her scents-that soft perfume she used, a natural scent mixed with a splash of chemicals announcing, albeit quietly, that she was present...the shampoo that clung to her fur for hours after she showered...and now, with the subject so recently on his mind, another note struck his nostrils. Not assertively, but...well, he imagined the scent as a bedroom door, cracked open to a soft glow within, and you damn well know what's going to happen when you walk in there, but you don't have to...

No doubt about it. Lukas withdrew sharply, breaking the embrace with a nervous jolt backward. "'re..."

Fur bristling in embarrassment, Kay averted her eyes. "Um...yes?" She croaked in an almost apologetic tone. "I...I had wondered if you'd noticed outside or anything. And when you went on that little aside I figured you had, but...I guess you only just scented it."

"God Ms. Kay, sorry I said anything at all!" The otter gulped, eyes flitting between the wolf's face, the collapsed chair, and the doorway that was now to his right. Back out into the yard, a simple hop across the fence, he...he did NOT belong here, not at this moment!

"Luka, honey, no need to apologize," she said. "If anything, I should. I mean...I know that the scent can drive wolves up a wall, and even some dog morphs can pretty clearly decipher it...I didn't realize you'd recognize it though." Lukas nodded fervently. "Well, if...if you don't mind me asking, how on earth did you learn to?"

It wasn't exactly a story Lukas was all that comfortable telling, nor one he was especially proud of. Still, she'd asked...

"Um...right. So, remember when you had just moved in? Well, you babysat for me on the weekends a lot...and erm. About once every month, sometimes a bit more or less often, you'd...start to behave a little differently. And I always noticed there was this...smell. It wasn't a bad one or anything!" Lukas added. " that I always noticed. Whenever I did catch a whiff of it, I'd always, my body was tense and relaxed at the same time? If that means anything? Sorry if I'm rambling or like, getting something wrong or like that I felt that way I didn't know what it meant. Then I got older and...well my parents had the super awkward talk where they tried to explain sex...and they told me that females of many species, sometimes they...go into heat. And the next time I was over and smelled it, well, I realized the tension was an erection, which" He rubbed the back of his neck and whistled, trying to defuse the awkward nature of the conversation. "That...your body mine was...but the thing is, I kinda knew it was just an autono-automa-...there's a word for it, like, beyond my control thing?"

"Autonomic?" Kay suggested.

"That's the one. Like...I knew I didn't want to have sex. With you, or Erica, cuz...well you're girls, and I didn't want that. Don't," he muttered by way of correction. "Plus like, you're family to me. And I just figured, oh, well that's normal for your body to do that, and it's normal for my body to..."

"Get tense."

"Sure, yeah, that's what I called it at first. Um. And one time when I smelled that scent, I heard Erica in the bathroom...I thought she was groaning cuz her toothbrush was hurting her fangs?" Kay pensively raised an eyebrow. "I mean, I heard this whirr like my electric toothbrush made, so I figured oh, she's just brushing. But...well, my own toothbrush didn't sound exactly like that. And I never groaned when using it. I chalked it up to bad dental hygiene until I had a boyfriend with a vibrator. Put two and two together-"

"Wait, you...heard my daughter on a vibrator...when was that?"

Lukas tilted his head to the side. "A few years ago I think? She was like, sixteen?"

A small look of horror passed over Kay's face, but it quickly faded. "Oh."


"N-nothing you need to worry about," she muttered. " put the smell together with heat and your body responding...and my daughter pawing off..."

"Y...yeah," Lukas grumbled. "You and she never behaved any differently to me so I never brought it up. But I did notice."

Kay nodded, leaning back on the dining table as her fur continued to bristle. "That...well, I'm..."

"Don't you go and start apologizing any! You never did anything wrong, and you never made a big deal about it," Lukas stammered. "I just kinda quickly learned it was part of life and moved on, you know? Besides, it was a LOT more tolerable"

Kay couldn't contain a chuckle. "Oh, right, your mother still-"

"I WAS A TEST TUBE BABY! LALALALALA!" Lukas clamped his hands over his lutrine ears, generating that soft wump-wump sound of his distant heart, pretending to be an ocean.

Rolling her eyes, Kay just patted his shoulder. "Different topic, Luka," she smoothly intoned, rubbing the nape of his neck with a deft touch. Resistance melted away from the otter as the familiar pettin' brought him back to pleasant memories of lazy weekends spent on Kay's couch, cuddled up to her legs and balled around himself while she watched something involving hot dudes, swimwear and occasionally drowning individuals. "Something I've always been curious about. I know guys...get hard for any reason or none at all.'re...well, what term do you kids use these days? Is gay still the wrong one?"

Now Lukas took his opportunity to let his eyes roll about like marbles in a saucer. "Um, excuse me Ms. Kay, I'm clearly a transcendent metrosexual biological male with an apache attack helicopter complex?" A small swat at the back of his head accompanied her no-shit-Sherlock glare, radiant orange beauty lines crimping into a frown. Lukas returned his best, most innocent smile, and continued, "Gay is fine, sure."

"So, when a girl goes into said your body responds, yeah?"

"Erm...I suppose I did," he said, tongue lolling out to the side. A curious muzzle peered down over his shoulder, eyeing his comfortably snug athletic shorts which remained ambiguous in their rumpling.

"But you still only like guys?"

"Well, it's not that I dislike girls or nothin'," Lukas panted while that ever present, alluring musk continued to emanate, calmly, deferentially, from Kay's form. "But erm...ask me to get rock hard and the first thing on my mind is big, dangly and red." Of course, simply stating his fantasy, even in the vaguest of terms, allowed blood to flow more freely to his sensitive, entrapped and increasingly engorging member. Kay's eyes drifted downward once more, spotting a telltale movement just below his waistline.

"I don't doubt ya," Kay replied gently. "Not to be insensitive, never wondered? Why your body reacted?"

"Didn't have to. Just instinct, animal and such," he gulped. But was it, really, so easily dismissed? Sure, Lukas's romantic partners had always been of the male persuasion...but were other gay guys walking around with hard-ons anytime someone in heat walked by?

"Ah," Kay nodded knowingly, resting her muzzle on his left shoulder, her hands gently wrapping around the otter's midsection, squeezing affectionately. "Well...would it surprise you to know that your musk is...rather delightful, in and of itself?"

Lukas's eyes widened, and he fixed them on Kay's sincere expression, her own head tilted to afford them a chance to stare, one set of twin oceans into the other. It...was a deeply personal question.

"I'm not surprised you didn't notice yourself," Kay said, nuzzling into the nape of his neck. "No one ever notices their own odors until they're obvious. smell rather...well, there's that same sense of allure that, I assume, my own scent is bringing on. More importantly, your own musk just...radiates generosity.'s not aggressively asserting your presence and demanding my attention, which...definitely happens a lot with guys." Lukas acquiesced with a nod. Not that he minded the strong, confident, domineering scents some of his partners had possessed, though it was almost always a pleasant surprise to come across a guy who didn't reek of predation. "No, like...your musk is playful. It tickles the back of my throat and delights my nostrils, and turns my eyes to you because I am sure that you'll be looking back at me...longing to provide more."

"M...Ms. Kay..."

"Luka, no need for titles," she said softly, words dripping through her cracked muzzle, tongue lingering just behind her fangs, clearly seeking to explore, to pleasure...but not so eager to breach the comfort of her neighbor. "I'm a bitch in heat, you're a stud nearing rut. All the titles we need."

Proximity, the feeling of her breath against his neck, the way it wafted into his flared nostrils and presented his senses with a bouquet of attraction, all combined to provide the final surge in his nethers. No longer half-heartedly erect, in the limbo between impotent flaccidity and raging need, Lukas's body had come around fully to Kay's affections. "I...I...never..." The otter began, but the words just wouldn't come. What did he intend to say?

Never wanted this? No, clearly, he did. Lukas knew his boundaries and none had been crossed.

Never thought you wanted me? Maybe so, but that was moot now, wasn't it?

Never thought of a woman this way? Again, so what?

No matter which never he never said, Kay sweetly pressed her muzzle tip to his chest and planted a sensual kiss, inhaling Lukas's own encouraging essence as she withdrew slowly, pressing her muzzle flank against his. "I know. It's ok, really," she said, her hands travelling up and down his torso, tracing the contours of his lean, muscular skin just below his fur. "Do you want me to show you how?"

Leaning back against her supportive frame, Lukas closed his eyes and took in every sensation from his body. The most obvious was a consistent, unyielding pressure against his shorts, his cock already sure of its response. His tongue flickered behind his teeth, Kay's scent so saturating that it bled over into taste, increasing the otter's receptivity to incoming stimuli. Skin, muscles and fur all enjoyed being tenderly caressed by the experienced paws, which never seemed to descend into outright indecency, yet still elicited naught but anticipation. A spring, coil compressed...a cloud, fit to burst...a breath, exhaled, and another, deeper one to this moment, Lukas was sure he knew what each of these things meant, how they experienced the world. Just as he did every time he had ever been on the threshold of a bedroom, tossing aside his unnecessary garments, ready.

Still, when his answer came, it was cloaked in uncertainty-perhaps to guard his perception of his sexual identity from what he wanted, needed, to say. But, whatever reservations, whatever considerations might have held him back, Lukas sealed them away and opened his eyes, finding that a simple turn to his left brought them level with hers. "Y...yes..."

Her hands departed the otter's form, only to have one gently grasp his moments later. Wordlessly, Kay led Lukas from the kitchen, her tail swishing back and forth pendulously, inviting eyes to gaze upon it even as her scent radiated and was swept into delightful little currents, wafting upward to the otter's inundated senses. The town home's stairs were quickly ascended, and both lovers could feel the faint beating of the other's heart by the close contact of their wrists. To Lukas, the steady march of Kay's pulse reflected a calm, excited appreciation of events to come. Kay recognized the more frantic, elevated beating of her young partner-fear, tinged with curiosity demanding satiation.

The doorway to the bedroom was pressed open, a familiar squeaky hinge announcing its movement to the otherwise silent household. Errantly, Lukas's mind turned to memories of sleepovers past, the hinge a warning signal for energetic children to cease their ruckus in the dead of night. Now, though, it heralded the opposite, serving as an invitation to devious acts in the failing evening light. Licking his lips as his steps carried him to the foot of her bed, Lukas watched Kay turn to face him, resting her legs against the generous queen sized mattress.

Whoever had decided that women were neater than men had clearly never observed Kay's bedroom. There was a certain degree of laissez-faire sensibility to the distribution of items in the room-magazines lay beneath books on a small end table, positioned by a chair overlooking a window that gave a nice view of the backyard, which had a bathrobe unceremoniously draped along its back. A closet showed haphazardly organized clothing strewn on hangers, seemingly at random.

Of course, Lukas could only spare a moment's attention to the room itself before being drawn back to the other occupant. He hadn't really noticed her clothing before-and why should he have? Lukas loathed the stereotypical gay man the media loved to portray as an expert in women's fashion, the quintessential accessory for any woman serious about being seen as both inclusive and outgoing. The number of times some girls would try to shanghai him into a shopping spree were beyond counting, and Lukas had no idea whether a black dress went well with red stilettos or if golf shirts and skirts were a passing fad or the newest trend in casual professionalism. Clothing, far as he concerned, was the business of whoever wore it.

Now, though, her outfit was as much his business as hers. Kay wore a knee-long, black pair of shorts that clung to her body with ease...perhaps a size too small for her form, properly, but not unflatteringly so, and with plenty of room in the back for her tail to move freely. Her blouse, a simple, even creamy white with slight lace finishes at the cuffs and a generously enticing dip at her cleavage, contrasted in a classic style with the darker shorts below, and both together evoked the combination of white and black inherent in the grey fur covering their occupant. Buttons ran down the front of Kay's blouse, the fabric rising and falling with each even, measured breath. Kay's nostrils flared as a small smile extended along her muzzle, and she reached out to pinch the waistline of Lukas's gym shorts, the elastic waistband stretching with a slight tug. More of the otter's odor drifted into the air, and the gentle snapback of the shorts when she released her grip caused their mesh fabric to stretch and compress against his now throbbing, needy organ. For the longest time, Lukas's eyes swept along Kay's body, taken in by her beauty even if he could not truly identify a particular element that aroused him.

"Luka, baby," Kay whispered, hopping up onto the bed and spreading her legs, propping herself on her arms to keep eye contact with him, "would you help me slip into something more comfortable?"

An eager nod was drawn from the otter as he approached, seeking the button holding the skirt up, uncoupling it from the cloth slit keeping the article of clothing in place. Once loose, Kay squirmed out of it, allowing the fabric to fall to the floor at the foot of her bed, revealing something new for the otter's eyes. Every sense in his body signalled that both of them were in the grips of passion, on the verge of release...and yet, her groin, now masked only by a single garment, revealed to him none of the familiar signs of lust he'd come to know and love. The simple, lightly damp thong masking her femininity didn't playfully divide a ball sack or bulge outward from an outstandingly hard erection. Leaning in to examine the heretofore unknown font of desire, Lukas gulped audibly, the intensity of her scent increasing with each moment and every inch he approached. Adjusting her position, the wolf panted slightly, wrapping her legs around the backs of Lukas's, drawing him closer to her. The otter's erection pressed against the bed frame while he dropped to his knees, bringing his muzzle level with Kay's glorious, hidden self. One claw tentatively, hesitantly drifted forward, prying the fabric away from Kay, exposing the slit of flesh, smoothly surrounded by light grey fur. His breathing sped up while hers deepened, and Lukas pulled at the thong gently, coaxing it away from its resting place.

"Kay, um...what do...I do to..." He bit his lip, eyes trailing the length of that warm, inviting opening. Clinically he had been exposed to each bit of anatomy, in what had perhaps been the most useless bit of health class for him-as a guy who liked guys, and who never planned on working as a doctor, what did he care how women were down there?

Clenching her legs along his back, implicitly commanding Lukas to move closer, Kay pressed herself toward Lukas, a small grin on her muzzle. She sat up and curled so that her head was just above his, pushing one of her digits along the outer labia. " ain't so complicated," she said reassuringly, squirming a bit as her paw pad brushed over her sensitive flesh. "See...inside the folds, it's...nice to have some pressure in there, moving against me." Demonstratively, she let that fingerpad inside her, extending forward into herself as her body slid back toward Lukas's watching muzzle. "Like that! And...this up here," she panted, extricating her now slickened digit from her cunt and directing Lukas's attention to a pulsing, elongated collection of nerves, flesh and joy at the crest of her labia, "is the crown jewel, the most sensitive self. It's crucial," she added, pressing the finger to Lukas's black, moist nose, her inner juices easily slipping along his skin. "Like a guy's glans. So...don't forget about it."

The otter's tongue drifted from his muzzle, licking at the fluids stickily descending down his nose. Leaning forward, the otter let his tongue lap experimentally along the slit, savoring the stronger taste of Kay that suffused his awareness. Above, the wolf growled slightly, but she was hardly in the throes of bliss from that first attempt. "A...a good start," Kay stammered, letting her hand gently grip the underside of Lukas's muzzle. "But...try letting your tongue and nose go inside, hmm? And...don't be afraid to use your hands," she added.

Inside? Perhaps this was the most foreign concept to Lukas. While the otter did appreciate oral gratification, and he was no stranger to rimjobs, the notion of inside was not usually a part of his sexual discourse. Unless, of course, it was a cock inside something. That he understood. Still...he knew he wanted to make Kay feel good. Howl, even, if he could manage it. At her advising, Lukas brought his hands up, using one to help spread her outer labia and give him better access to the sensitive interior, pressing his muzzle inside while his tongue pushed further in. A rush of excitement and an alien sense of discovery filled the otter as her slit clenched at his tongue...the tightness ebbed and flowed, while he could feel her body press forward, draw back, as Kay lay down against the bed entirely. "Y...yeah babe...more of that."

So, Lukas gave her more. His tongue contorted in order to lap along each and every inch of her interior, while he began to press his nose and mouth further inside without prompting, gauging her enjoyment by the clenching, the elevated heart rate he could feel around his muzzle, and her suppressed groaning from the head of the bed. Hands naive to the feminine form began their education in earnest, one gently rubbing along the sensitive clitoris just above her opening. Kay really gasped intensely once, when he braced one finger below her nub and allowed the other to trace it up and down...just like he had learned on a guy's frenulum. All the while, the otter found himself grinding along the bedframe, and at a convenient opportunity one of his hands would fall down to his shorts, strip them aside, and paw at himself, before returning back to her slick opening.

"Luk-a...aaaah...could you," Kay intoned softly, "w...would you..." But whatever request she would've made in the moment, whatever she might've asked for, was for naught. A cry of bliss soon drowned out all other words, and her motion against the otter's muzzle became more frantic, more insistent, less measured. Lukas smiled a bit, drilling in deeper with his tongue, letting his snout press in as far as anatomy permitted, stretching her labia and truly immersing himself in her. His hands both caressed along her distorted outer anatomy, one always finding a way to squeeze, tease, or please her clit. Legs kicked out and spasmed while Kay's tail rapidly brushed along the otter's chin. Gulping down her scent and lapping up her fluids, Lukas closed his eyes and just let his instincts go wild. This, afterall, was a bitch in heat-anything else would be inadequate.

Moaning loudly, Kay let her legs clasp and cross behind Lukas's back, drawing the otter in further, deeper, each rut against him harder and faster than the one preceding it. Something changed about the rhythm of clenches Lukas experienced along his muzzle. Where once they had responded to his they were regular. An advancing, accelerating drum beat of increasingly forceful contractions, milking at him, seeking to draw him further in. Although inexperienced, the otter knew exactly what that sort of regularity portended...and he wanted to draw it out, however he could. He slowed down, letting his hand linger on her clitoris in each careful stroke, forcing his muzzle to remain agonizingly stationary after he would press forward as far as he could go, only to draw back with a rate a glacier might characterize as unnecessarily languid. Those contractions continued, and above he could feel Kay buck, the inner tunnel's angle changing slightly while her back arched from ecstasy.

Words became impossible for the wolf, and when her lips parted, eyes locked down on Lukas as he pleasured her to climax, only a single long, appreciative sound emerged: "AaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Lukas probably could not have withdrawn from her during her orgasm even had he wanted to-the intoxicating flavor of those slick lubricants dripping from her inner walls made the otter's senses come alive, and the glorious muscular tightness surrounding his muzzle just made him want to stay inside her for as long as possible.

Moments blended together into the marked passage of time, and eventually even the golden wash of lights behind Kay's eyes began to dim, giving way to more muted perceptions and a calm appreciative feeling settling over her. Coordinating her motions with Lukas, she managed to disengage, squirming off his muzzle as he gave her one last, perfunctory lick to lap up some errant juices she'd let loose on her fur during orgasm. Head propped against some pillows, she watched as Lukas stood, for the first time noting his own nudity from the waist down, his masculinity proudly on display for her. Hungrily, the wolf licked her chops and crooked one of her digits toward him. "Bring me that bone, boy. We have to find a good spot to bury it."

Sunday night swallowed the lovers whole, daylight a distant memory as each climax and orgasmic rush preceded another, intermittent respites to explore each other's bodies only offering a moment's pause before they clung together once again. Lukas, enraptured, never noticed the first message from his dad saying he'd landed. Or that he was in a taxi on the way home. He wasn't there when his mom slung her purse onto the couch and nearly passed out after forty-eight hours on call, nor was he present when his father arrived back in the dead of night. But then...perhaps he might be forgiven for that. Wherever Lukas was, it was out of this world-and he had little intention of returning anytime soon.

For The Better [Commission]

Long day today - though recently, every day had been a long day. Lusan sighed and tossed his backpack down against the foot of the wall as soon as his bedroom door closed behind him, long snow leopard tail flicking out of the way just in time. Tonight...

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Stood Up And Tied Down [Trade]

"So, what, he just... didn't show up?" Hayley nodded, finishing up the message she was typing out before returning her gaze to the wolf across the table from her. "Yeah! Just like _that_. No call, no text, no warning. Nothing. It's not like he...

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wander ~ Chapter 30

To everyone's surprise the final month of school zipped right on by. Prom weekend felt like it was actually just eight or nine hours trying to get by on getting called 'a full weekend', especially when I spent most of those hours either in Tony's arms,...

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