Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 34: The Reason (Places Both Known And Unknown Part III)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#34 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

While out searching for the sister site to the lost city- Lady Ursa, Dawn Stern and Alex Winter found the silver prototype abandoned. After hauling it back to their home- they also determined who abandoned it and why. In the days that followed the professor convinced Alex's mistress to help her continue her quest. Although they didn't find the second site, they found an obelisk with ancient writing just before a freak snowstorm found them....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 34: The Reason (Places Both Known And Unknown Part III)


Day 65 (The forests between World Four and World Five)

"Ida!!! Where are you?!"

"...Corey this is a bad idea..."

"You mean meeting our spy away from the Grand Kingdom Rumble?"



"Are you kidding?! I thought this was a great idea! If we kept meeting at the farmhouse, it would only be a matter of time before we would be caught. This site here is better because it was away from the Intendant and his thugs. Now we can talk in peace without fear of being caught." I remember saying to my were-creature.

Despite the big guy's misgivings, I had made up my mind and convinced myself that I was right. I slung my crossbow and arrows over my back and started forward. Ida an acquaintance of mine from the Grand Kingdom, wanted to meet me that morning. She said she had some big information for me. Naturally hearing that I was anxious to find out what it was. Rumble on the other paw, was suspicious and insisted on coming along with me.

As we walked toward the prearranged meeting place in the forest, I was careful not to make too many tracks in the snow that would need erasing when we had concluded our business. I guess in retrospect, I should have been paying more attention to where we were going instead of where we had been.



There was a sudden falling sensation before we came to a dead stop... in a pit.... a deep one.

(Ow, that hurt.)

"Big guy you ok?"

He snorted and stared at me.

"Don't start it! Is not a trap!"


"It is just a 14' wide 14' deep circular hole that was dug into the ground." I retorted.


"And it may have been expertly concealed to avoid your keen senses and my, my whatever, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it was a...."

"...trap..." The wolf said placing his paw on my head and turning it around to see the small row of spikes behind us.

(It was a miracle that we missed that!)

"Corey is that you down there?" We heard a voice ask.

"Ida! Well it is me plus one actually. Can you throw us a line?"

"Maybe." Ida said smiling. "But that depends."


"Wow, it can talk!" Ida said gazing at my companion. "It depends if I believe you were leading me on."

"Ok, it isn't polite to keep a she beast waiting. Ida I was not lying to you! I was planning to get you out." I remember saying as I stared at Rumble who was giving me his version of a tsk- tsk look. "It is just, just...."

"You mentioned to me before." She said growing increasingly irritated. "It would be difficult and you needed a spy more than another mouth to feed in your secret hidden community."

"Um, I wouldn't have worded it like that."

"Corey, I used to be a reporter for the hub, I can tell when someone is leading me around." She said cooly.

Now, that was one pissed off fossa.

"Ok, I am sorry. Can you get me and Rumble out of here?"

My wolf looked up from our vantage point and grumbled.

"Perhaps when HE is done with you." Ida said as a dark shadow appeared next to her on that winter morning.

"He who?"

"I am not talking to you- teen. I am referring to experiment 6i." It said to Rumble.


(experiment 6i?)

Twenty Four Hours Earlier....

Day 64 (The eating room in the central building within the lost city)

"Ok students today we are going to work on writing." The miniature horse said. "Thoughts, feelings, and expressions."

"And why writing professor Russell?" I asked him.

"Glad you asked Corey." He said directing his attention to me. "It was something that was missing at the Grand Kingdom- there we were worked to the bone with only one purpose; pleasing Caden. Our very survival was linked to that."

"And it isn't the same here." I said looking at my classmates and our ad-hoc classroom in the central building.


"What he is saying Corey is that the world as we've known it might have ended, but life goes on and we need to continue learning!"

"Well said Corbin." The pony said to the little mongoose boy.

"Teacher's pet." I mumbled.

"You have something to share Mr. Collins?"

(Yeah, you are a lousy cook, awful defender, a coward and are here only because our two leaders don't know what to do with you.)

"Um- I understand the need to continue Corbin and my education but you also know you have a werewolf as one of your students right?"

"Honorary beastial Mr. Collins. He may have come from humble origins but he is one us and needs an education as well; it will aid his transition and integration into our community."


"So anyway, your assignment today is to write a letter to someone. It can be to anyone living or not. The idea is to communicate your thoughts and feelings. Remember it can be in English or Animalian.

"Um, professor you are going to help Rumble with his assignment right?" The teacher's pet, I mean Corbin, asked.

"Why is that Mr. Mongoose?"

"Because he can't read or write!" Corbin said cheerfully.

"Oh, I didn't realize that." The horse blushed.

(And you are a so-so teacher too. Anyway who should I write this thing to? I know.)

Dear father:

I am working on this stupid writing assignment for school and need someone to write to. Not like that this will ever reach you; you most likely drowned during the fall or became an Other. I presume the first is probably likely but if the second occurred it would be a remarkable improvement over your other activities- tail-chasing, theft, extortion.

Anyway, I survived the destruction of the empire and now am living in a underground city with other survivors. The structure of our community is a little weird though- I am only one of three humans, the rest are beastials- a bear, a very horny lioness, a rhino, a horse, a mongoose and a former lab creature who I live with. We all came together during various ways but the challenges we have faced over the last three months have brought us closer together.

By challenges I mean our near complete utter total destruction. Maybe I will explain that later....

"Not bad Mr. Collins that is a nice start." The grey and white horsie said looking over my shoulder.

"You were reading that?!"

(Ok you are also a sneaky teacher.)

"Keep up the good work. In fact, turn it into a journal if you want. But keep thinking and keep writing that is how you will improve."

Class was dismissed for the day around three in the afternoon. Rumble and I were on our way home when we encountered the big three. I call them the big three because they are the most important members of our community- the two co-leaders and the commander.

All three of them were gathered around the weapon's launcher of a second prototype that had been discovered the day before. The hover vehicle was identical to the blue one only it had seen battle during and after the fall- a lot of it. It was severely damaged and scarred.

"What do you think commander?"

"That side-pod is heavily damaged and probably won't retract after we make it deploy Ursa. But it should be repairable with the right materials and equipment." The rhino beastial said feeling up the damaged structure like it was a naked female.

"Afternoon Corey, Rumble." Professor Stern said. She appeared to be supervising the two warriors.



"And to you too." The bear and rhino said.

"Any chance you three can fix that?"

"Perhaps, Corey but we will need the right materials and tools." Commander Rhinox said.

"Something we don't have right now." Lady Ursa added.

"Oh by the way, Sharaka is looking for you." Corbin's mother said. "Well both of you."

And so me and the big guy headed back in the central building to the infirmary on the second floor. I didn't find the horny lioness, but her freckled coworker whom she had left in charge.

Rumor has it that those two had some sort of HISTORY together. Like what I did there? They met in a museum a few years back where she banged the heck out of him- against his will. They ran into each other here in the lost city where they kissed and made up and now bang regularly and with the bear too. That has to be one interesting triad.

"She is waiting for you in the south tunnel." He said to me.

"What? A hot date?"

"You can call it that." He said to me.

"...'s go..."

"Actually only one of you is going. The other well..." Alex started to say.

"...more tests...?!"

"That is right Rumble and then I heard you have homework." The freckled medic continued.

"...what is homework...?"

I left the big guy and the medic to meet the horny lioness, our community's healer in the south maze. I found her waiting for me in the blue prototype.

"Mr. Collins." She said as I sat down in the passenger seat.

"Shakara. You wanted to see me?"

"I have made a discovery related to your personal quest."

"Really? Lay it on me!"

"But first..." She said motioning me to place my hand on the dash.

*Recognized Corey Collins The Lost City.*

With that we departed the maze for forest. At the exit she paused to make sure the coast was clear before taking to the sky.

*Surveillance probe engaged Ms. Kubari.*

"What is the last known locations of our targets?"

*About two miles south, southeast.*

"Ok that is where we are headed Overwatch."

"Hey that is the wolf pack Rumble humped and pumped some weeks back." I said as the hover vehicle came to a rest near some trees.

"Shh and follow me." Shakara said exiting the vehicle.

"It is going to be a little difficult approaching them quietly because of all of this snow." I quipped looking at her sexy butt as she led the way. Who was I kidding? That kitten was sauntering.

"Right here is good." She said dropping to a crouch by some brush.

"So you brought me out here to look at wolves?!" I said dropping to my hands and knees.

"Corey have you made any progress?" She asked me point blank.

"You mean my secret, secret, secret desire?" I blushed.

"You know becoming someone else, something else other than- how did you put it? A weak, frail, ineffectual little human."

I guess at this point dad, I should explain. Unlike you, I have always admired the animal people of the former empire- they always seemed to be so superior to us in every way, better eyesight, hearing, smelling, dexterity, agility, speed, health and strength especially the last part. And they don't seem to suffer from the limitations we do. Want to go outside in the winter? We need a coat- not them, the have fur. Want to go hunting, wait we need weapons and tools. Not them they have fangs and claws.

I met my friend Rumble the day civilization crumbled and he just seemed better equipped to handle these dark times we are in. In fact he dumped me off at a refugee camp for my own safety while he lived in the forest. I wished that I could have also joined him, to be like him. Two were-creatures traveling what is left of this mudball of a world, hunting, exploring, having adventures in the great outside while what is left struggles to survive. That was my secret desire anyway.

"Yeah, to be like him, like you, or Ursa." I said holding up my hand against her paw. "But I haven't had any luck. I mean I live with a werewolf and I can't figure out how to become one! I mean I have tried everything!"

"You told me. Repeatedly." The lioness said.

"I begged him to bite, scratch, and claw me."

"I remember." The lioness said.

"We kissed, traded saliva and I even applied his puppy batter on me topically."

"I remember that too." Shakara said.

"All the time he kept telling me, it doesn't work that way." I said as I was shushed by the horny lioness.

"Corey it doesn't. You have noticed that Rumble doesn't shift to another form when the sun is out or transform only on the nights when there is a full moon right?"

"Shakara what are you getting at?"

She motioned me to look at the wolves in front of us.

"What do you see?"

I took a good look at the wolf pack from our concealed location.

"Some of them seemed to have put on weight especially the females."

"Corey- Rumble is a genetic werewolf."


"He creates more of his kind not through biting, clawing or scratching but genetically." Shakara said turning my head to look at the wolf pack again.

"That's, that's wow...." I said with my mouth wide open.

"That is one of the few things I have discovered." Shakara said closing my mouth. "Those she-wolves you say have gained weight are pregnant... because of his copious puppy batter."

"So you are saying that their cubs will walk upright instead of on all fours?"

"Possibly err.. probably." The lioness said smiling.

(So it is his jizz!!! How interesting.)

"Corey. You understand what you need to do right?" That smile of hers turning into a mischievous grin.

Twelve Hours Ago....

"It is so nice to have the night off, no guard duty or nothing am I right big guy?"

Rumble nodded then looked at me.

"Yeah we could go visit Corbin but I thought we should have a quiet night to ourselves."


"Yeah the writing assignment, how far did you get?"

I watched as the big tall and fuzzy wolf fidgeted.

"You haven't even started have you?"


"Geez. If you want, I can help you."


"Ok what would you like to write about?"

There was that confused stare again.

"Ok what are your interests?"

And another confused stare.

"I got an idea, how about you talk about being an honorary beastial?"

And so I spent the evening helping my wolf express his feelings about integrating into a civilized community as compared to being feral former lab creature. According to Rumble, he liked knowing when and where his next meal would be, having a safe place to sleep and family. He didn't want to lose that by any stretch of the imagination. Which is why he would defend it so fiercely.

That night as we laid down to sleep....


"Something wrong?" I asked. "Is my making myself very comfortable- making you uncomfortable?"


"Sorry, I know I have been a bit affectionate as of late. Well overly affectionate. But it is because I thought I lost you fuzzy."


"Ok, okay it is more than that, you are great to sleep on, like a personal fury rug.... with paws, claws fangs and a tail." I said cuddling my wolf as he reclined in the hammock we shared.


"So if you don't like it tough. I love you big guy."

The werewolf looked down at me as if I said something cataclysmic.

"When I thought you were gone, I was truly devastated. You and I are best friends. There isn't anyone else who I trust with my life here or anywhere. I really missed you and now that you are back...."


That was when I really surprised him, I lifted my head from his chest, grabbed that wolf's maw and kissed it.

"...I have affection for you too..."

"Wow, someone's expanding their vocabulary." I said resting my head back on his chest again. Not long after he and I fell asleep.

It was the middle of the night when I again stirred. My were-buddy was still sleeping peacefully. That was when I decided to enact my plan. Yeah, it came to me after talking to our healer.

I gently lifted his loin cloth to look at his cub maker. I was glad I was going about it this route versus the other I had considered, Rumble's genitals were quite large and he could really wreck me if he wanted to.

Gently I ran my hand down his sheath to its base making sure I touched his orbs before moving back to his sheath.

(Yeah this was the better course of action. That inside me would have hurt a lot.)

I repeated the gentle genital touching to my wolf until his loins started to stir from my administrations; I watched as his length slowly emerged from his sheath. It was larger than I had remembered.

Slowly but surely I took hold of the erect shaft with both of my hands and started rubbing it. It really came to life then. I gently reached into my pocket grabbing a flask I had taken from the infirmary. I continued to rub Rumble's very red, very erect penis bringing him closer to spurting his jizz.

I watched as his testicles drew toward his body a very telling sign that mount penis was about to erupt. I watched as the shaft seemed to quiver in my hands and the testicles started contracting. This was it!

I placed the flask opening right against the very tip of the quivering wolf penis and not a moment too soon.

*doggie whine*

*sploosh,* *spurt* spurt* *spurt* *spuuuurt*

Oh my gosh, there was so much!

Fortunately the flask was expandable and I needed it to hold all of it all otherwise that would have gotten quite messy.

"This should be more than enough!" I shouted in triumph as a paw landed on my shoulder. "Oh hi there...."

_Four Hours Ago.... _

Day 65

"Hey healer you got a minute?" I asked entering the infirmary."

"Morning Corey." Shakara said greeting me. She looked to be very chipper that morning like she had scored multiple times with her bear and her boy. "Corey you looked like you whole world collapsed."

"It sorta did." I said handing her the flask I had used on Rumble.

"Is that his? His?"

"It is."

"And you?"

"I masturbated all of that out of him." I said to her dejected.

"Wow, that is a lot- but then again that is to be expected he is quite large- well all of him is quite large. I mean, come in! Come in!" Shakara said pulling me.

As soon as I was inside, the female lion shut the door, and locked it so that we wouldn't be disturbed.

"Here, take off your clothes and have a seat over there." The horny beastial ordered me.

I did as she requested. She examined my face, nose, mouth, eyes, arms, torso, legs, feet, bottom and groin.

"Was the transformation painful?"


"Were there any residual effects? Like extra teeth, fur, or tail?"

"No, because nothing happened. No transformation, no second werewolf nothing. I brought the rest of his cub batter back here for your analysis."

"Wow, I am surprised that you two did it. I mean it should have worked.... Was he gentle?"

"Gentle? What? No!" I stammered.

"You mean he was rough Corey? You don't appear to be injured." She said looking me over.

"I didn't have him seduce me- are you kidding? He is too large. I mean everywhere!"

"He would have wrecked you and then some." The lioness said stopping her examination. "So you masturbated him and then tried some. I see. How did it taste?"


"Did you try your other opening?"

She could tell when I rapidly turned red that I had done that as well.

"It didn't trigger any transformation? Hmm. How about mating him?"

"What?! No! I don't recall seeing any of the males Rumble mated with in that wolf pack shift into weres."

"Though they seemed to put on weight like the females. I am sorry Corey it looks like you are destined to live the rest of your life as a non-were." The horny lioness said apologetically.

"Yeah, I gathered that Shakara." I said hopping down from the table.

"But there is another way." She said sauntering away before turning around again to look at me.

"There is?"


"How?! Please tell me!"

"You can live vicariously through Rumble."

"What? How would I do that?"

"Worship your wolf." Shakara said lifting my chin with her paw finger. "You two are best friends right?"

I nodded.

"Well be a little more friendlier. How do you sleep at night?"

"I, we, share a hammock. I normally rest my head on his chest or mane. Why?"

"Well keep doing that, but also share his loin-cloth with him."

That was such a Shakara answer.

"In fact, make sure your genitals touch. Sleep like that and use his loin-cloth as a skimpy blanket."

"Um ok."

"Hug and kiss him a lot. You told me that he means a lot to you. Show him that."

"Um kay."

"On occasion sleep on his back. Snuggle his fur. When you bathe with him, take time to admire his body, his muscles, his form, his stance and how he carries himself."

"I see where you are going with this."

But nevertheless that horny she beast's next suggestion was even more shocking.

"Do everything together- you already help him brush his teeth. Help him with the rest of his hygiene. When he needs to void liquid stand behind him, nuzzle his back, hold his sheath and help him aim. If he is also pent up, help him with that too."


"When he needs to void solid material sit on his lap and rub his belly while he does. Hold his paw when you walk. Sharpen his claws for him and brush his fur daily."

"I think I see where you are coming from Shakara."

"Go hunting together. Be together. That is how you can get the most out of your wolf without becoming one." Shakara said handing me back my clothing.

"Gee a boy and his werewolf." I said to the horny lioness who I secretly suspected had fantasized about performing half of what she had suggested on him.

"Or you could just sex him- human on were-creature and see what happens. But I doubt that would trigger anything either." She said placing the flask into storage with another beaker.

And yes dad, that was another Shakara answer.

"Hey healer what is that you have there?"

"Those are some cell samples I took from Rumble. I doused them in acid and you can see the result."

"They are reforming."

"I haven't quite figured out why that is happening but it is. Another question is at what point does it stop happening? When 99% of Rumble's body is too damaged to regenerate?"

"Good question." I responded.

And so my heart to heart with my beastial advisor came to end. I reluctantly admit she had made some interesting suggestions.

As the horny female unlocked the door to the infirmary she opened it to yet another visitor.

"So whatcha doing?" A little mongoose boy said staring at us.

"Private consultation adorably cute."

"It is Corbin... Dawn sent me to get you two."

"Oh yes the morning meeting." Shakara said.

"Hey short stack that is a nice piece or hardware you have there."

"This is a gift from the professor- a boomerang." Corbin said presenting his new weapon. "She wants me to start practicing with it and to carry it with me at all times."

The morning meeting that was held in the eating area was a recap of the past days events Dawn and Corbin choosing their weapons, Ursa and Rhinox trying to get the silver prototype operational, Alex and Shakara trying to decide what their personal weapons would be yada, yada, yada. I didn't hear too much of it because I was trying to mend fences.

"Morning Rumble." I said sitting down next to him.

He cut his eyes at me.

"Um about last night...."

"...shoulda just asked..." He harumphed.

"Oh come on, it is not like you didn't enjoy it!" I quipped back.

"............" Rumble grumbled.

"Alright. Alright. The truth is that I admire you. I wish I could be you. I want to be so much more than Corey Collins human weakling."


"I mean Rumble you are awesome! And I am just so not."

"...Corey Collins needs to find what makes Corey Collins awesome..."

(When did he become so smart?)

"I already know. It is you. You mean so much to me big guy we make a good team and you are my bestest best friend."

"...I know..."

"So I can't become a fierce, strong, awesomely powerful were-creature. I think I am ok with that."

"...Corey sure...?"

"Yup because I can at least live that dream through you."


"I will explain later big guy."

"...And so this morning Alex, Ursa and I are going to continue the search for the lost city's sister site." Professor Stern said closing the meeting.

"Russell and I are going to continue the search for Barq. We think we might be making progress." Commander Rhinox said.

"I guess that leaves us four to hold down the city." Shakara said looking at Corbin, Rumble and myself.

"Um Rumble want to go hunting?" I asked my wolf.


"And then there were two!" The mongoose boy said to the lioness.

"I am ok with that." She grinned. "How old are you again adorably cute?"

My wolf and I caught a lift to the surface as the blue coupe departed. There was some snow on the ground which made it some what easy to track potential game. Rumble and I decided to head south west into the forest.

"...not much to hunt..."

"Probably because it is the dead of winter."

We decided to continue a little longer. That was when we found a note tied to a tree. It was from Ida. Somehow she was able to leave the Grand Kingdom and was trying to contact me for a meeting this morning at 10 AM at a prearranged location.


"I have been wondering if you had survived the fall 6i; and I am glad that you did." The silhouetted character standing next to the former hub reporter said.

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 33: All You Need Is Now (Places Both Known And Unknown Part II)

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 33: All You Need Is Now (Places Both Known And Unknown Part II)** Day 63 (The wilderness west of World One) "Outrageous!" I shouted jumping out of the cockpit. Dawn soon joined me. Together we...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 32: Places Both Known And Unknown Part I

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 32: Places Both Known And Unknown Part I** Day 62 (Auxiliary site in the Great Forest) "Hmm...." Feleen said as she watched Dawn Stern work at the terminal that housed her program. "Wow, this...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 31: The Further Adventures...

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 31: The Further Adventures... ** Day 59 ** ** (The Great Forest) "This place hasn't changed in the slightest." I said looking out of the window of the blue coupe as we flew overhead. "Well apart...

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