Never Let Bebop Create Smoke Bombs

Story by Troius Clawston on SoFurry

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After months of searching, Bebop and Rocksteady finally stumbled upon the hideout of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as well as their sensei Master Splinter. And since they weren't spotted while perched in a ventilation shaft above their living space, Bebop saw the perfect opportunity to use his smoke-bomb full of knockout gas to take them down. However, as soon as the bomb was dropped, it soon became clear that the thugs used a much different gas than expected...

Deep within the vast and maze-like sewer systems of New York City, it wasn't uncommon to hear a multitude of sounds at any random area. For any migrant sewer workers (or the occasional homeless person with really bad luck), the sounds of splashing water or odd grunts were fairly normal to hear. And for any other creatures that lurked beneath the streets, that sort of mindset was very comforting when going from tunnel to tunnel without much distraction.

Granted, for two specific creatures that were roaming down a tube in tandem, that idea was all they could depend on to avoid growing paranoid over being spotted. Otherwise, their mutated appearances would've most likely given anyone who saw them a heart attack or stroke. Both of them had... somewhat human-like forms, at least by how they walked bipedally. However, each time the two walked underneath an open grate to be illuminated by the city streets, their animal-like features became much more noticeable than their gaudy clothes, or the alien-like tracking device one of them was holding.

The one holding the device was skinny as a rail, and wore a matching purple vest and latex-trousers getup that made him look like a reject from a Paula Abdul music video. Of course, his outfit was barely noticeable compared to the boar's head he had on top of his slender and fuzzy body. And as if he needed anything more to accentuate his freakish anthropomorphic look, a neon-purple mohawk was neatly cropped atop his head, which matched the color of his visor-like shades over his eyes. On the back of his vest, the name 'Bebop' was scrawled in intricate, graffiti-like detail in Sharpie.

In vast contrast to the boar, the equally garrish-looking being beside him was much thicker overall, and had a figure similar to a fat bodybuilder. Even when wearing thick camo-pants and a massive yellow shirt underneath his spiked armor, the cloth still bulged out to the seams against his bulging muscles. But much like Bebop, the mutated bulk would've been seen as terrifying due to his body being more akin to a rhino than a human. Sewn onto one of the pockets of his camo pants, his old Army label was stitched neatly to show his name in bold lettering: Rocksteady.

"Ughhh..." Despite the device in his hoof-like hands beeping steadily to show they were going in the right direction, Bebop tried not to gag while keeping his lips tightly pursed shut. Unfortunately, that only made his snout flare out with each breath to make his discomfort more apparent. Nevertheless, he kept his focus on the five green dots on his screen appearing closer with each step they took. "Dammit," groaned the boar while struggling not to hurl, "this place friggin' stinks..."

Rocksteady merely groaned in annoyance and rolled his eyes, having grown long past the irony of someone so hygienic being turned into a literal pig. "Vat did you expect you'd smell in sewer, pig-man?" he asked with a thick Sovien accent. "You tink it smell like Cinnabon?"

Bebop stopped with a strong scowl underneath his snout. He turned around to glare at the rhino venomously before saying, "You know, you do not need to remind me of food when I already skipped dinner."

"Pbbbt!" That just made Rocksteady roll his eyes and huff cheekily. "Honestly, if you're getting hungry down here, den you might be worse dan me~"

"Shut up!" hissed Bebop before turning back ahead to continue their mission. Even though he wanted to yell at his partner for his behavior, they were far too close to their targets to risk being caught now. If the device he made was working correctly, which it should since it held viable DNA from a fragment of Donatello's shell, then the Turtles' hideout should be very close by. Fortunately, as soon as they reached the end of the tunnel, the tracker beeped more rapidly in response to the five dots being listed less than a block away.

"Awwwwwww yeah, boi~" Bebop grinned like a little kid on Christmas Day as he set his device on silent, and studied the screen while he and Rocksteady slowly treaded down an even smaller tunnel. From the looks of the rusted metal along the grated walls, and the long-abandoned construction materials strewn about, this section of the sewers had to have been forgotten decades ago. However, despite how dilapidated the region was, the two soon overheard several young voices, as well as a little laughter in the distance. When they rounded the last corner into a ventilation shaft, the boar and rhino were greeted with the sight of an open grate below their feet with a light shining through it. They may have had no idea where they were specifically, but that didn't matter now.

They found the Turtles' hideout.

Despite how brutish and loud the two mutants may have looked, they were able to stay deathly silent as they crouched down and peered through the grate. Of course, their eyes widened immensely when they saw just how large the ninja turtles' place actually was. It may have been located in the sewers, but the grand size of their living quarters made the goons guess this used to be an old subway station perhaps. Although, it was hard to tell what it used to be when it was so well-furnished, making it almost look like something that'd go for a pretty penny above the surface.

Meanwhile inside of the lair, the four turtle hybrids were enjoying a much-needed night off after eliminating a Foot-Clan outpost near the Bronx. Several pizza boxes were strewn across their table, with most of them now empty save for a slice or two. The four younger beings may have looked almost alien-like in their anthropomorphic turtle forms, but they were acting just as rambunctious and carefree as any teenaged humans their age. Their mentor, who was a massive-looking figure (despite having taken the appearance of a large brown rat beneath his yukata), sat comfortably while watching his adopted sons with a prideful smile.

"Aww, man!" chirped Michelangelo with a huge smile underneath his orange mask. He tossed the remainder of his pizza slice in the air, before it landed in his mouth and was swallowed disturbingly quick. He let out a small belch before leaning back forward in his seat. "Did you see how easily we whooped their butts?! I swear, I think they're just hiring guys off the street nowadays!"

Despite enjoying his brother's enthusiasm, the turtle donning the blue mask sighed and shook his head while his mouth remained slightly skewed. The turtle, known by his brothers and mentor as Leonardo, put down his half-eaten crust and replied, "I dunno, Mikey. We really shouldn't be letting our guard down, especially with the Foot-Clan. They had a lot of shady-looking equipment in their hideout before we destroyed it. We can't ignore that they could've done some bad stuff if we showed up too late."

The skinnier turtle sitting beside Leonardo nodded apprehensively while wiping his paws clean with a napkin. Unlike Mikey, whose mask had some noticeable grease-stains, the turtle known as Donatello preferred keeping his purple mask as clean as his tools. "Honestly, Leo has a point there. I mean, their tech was a bit outdated, but it still could've overridden signals from cell towers and police scanners pretty quick. If they had used that stuff at the wrong time, then their fighting skills wouldn't have mattered much."

"Pbbbt!" The muscled turtle in the red mask openly scoffed while leaning back on his chair to make it rest on its back legs. After downing the rest of his slice, Raphael licked his fingers clean before chiding, "Oh, come on! You wouldn't even need to call the cops against guys that weak! I bet a nursing home could've handled those dweebs!"

It was at that moment that Splinter, the rat-like mentor who had been sitting quietly on a pillow before them, finally added his input. He raised a finger to silence the red turtle as he said, "You must not take any form of assistance for granted, Raphael. We might need to be dependent on ourselves, but we can't overlook how important emergency services are to the civilians above in this city. Most people do not have skills like ours, and the Foot-Clan knows that. If you take away a man's resources for help, then there's no telling how severe the consequences can be."

Raphael wanted to make a retort, but he merely paused with his lips pursed at the realization that his sensei was ultimately right. They might not be able to depend on cops, but a lot of people in this city do, especially during a crisis. After a moment of thought, the turtle sighed in defeat and shrugged towards Splinter. "I... I guess I can see your point there. And... it's probably good we destroyed that stuff."

"Well, not all of it," said Donatello with a small smirk before peering back at his tech station, which now had a mountain of computer equipment and tools piled beside it.

Mikey couldn't resist giggling to himself as he eyed his nerdy brother and asked, "So, you think you have enough stuff to build your April robot now?~"

"S-Shut up!" blurted the purple-masked turtle with a heavy blush and a scowl towards his brother. "I only mentioned that idea as a joke!"

"You made blueprints for it!"


As the turtles began to bicker amongst themselves in their hideout, and Splinter took the opportunity to sneak the last slice of pizza without detection, none of them seemed to overhear the low chuckles that came from the grate upstairs. Seeing that all of the ninja turtles (as well as their rat sensei) were confined in the same space, Bebop and Rocksteady felt like they just hit the jackpot. After all of their failed attempts to eliminate the turtles, the two finally had the upper-hand to ensure they could take them down for good. Nevertheless, considering how they were still trying to be undercover, the two tried their hardest not to make their eager snickering overheard.

Without saying anything, Bebop reached into his bag to pull out another device he built for this mission: a smoke-bomb filled with a powerful knock-out gas. The item may have looked like a pipe-bomb, but the sight of it made Rocksteady grin readily at his partner. Bebop may have been a weirdo and a germaphobe, but the rhino couldn't deny how good the guy was with his inventions; of course, considering how elaborate some of the boar's battery-powered outfits and accessories could get, it wasn't too surprising he could make something as effective as a gas bomb. Heck, Rocksteady once recalled him wanting to build one with pheromones, but the rhino had no idea if it he actually made it.

As soon as Rocksteady opened the grate silently, the two put on their gas masks so they wouldn't be affected by the imminent smoke cloud. The boar then pressed a button on the pipe bomb, which was connected to a digital timer on the front of the device. Ten seconds shone in bold, red numerals on the screen before going down to nine...

And then eight...

And then seven...

Meanwhile, Splinter's ears twitched as he looked around, just barely being able to hear a beeping somewhere in the room. Meanwhile, the turtles were all arguing since Leonardo and Raphael got in on the debate. "Wait a minute," asked Leo in a confounded tone to his blushed brother, "If you weren't gonna build it, then why was there a blueprint?"

"You already made part of it, haven't ya?~" jeered Raph with a cocky grin, which only grew when he saw Donnie squirm.

"Which part?~" added Mikey with a giggle.

"BOYS, ENOUGH!!!" The sound of Splinter's booming voice made all the turtles flinch, as the rat stood up with a look of worry on his face. He looked around wide-eyed as he heard the beeping continue. "I hear something--"

Before he could finish, Bebop tossed the bomb down from the ceiling, landing right in the middle of the table. By the time the five realized what it was, the timer was already shown counting down the last three seconds...

Then two...

"EVERYBODY RUN!!!" screamed Leonardo as they all bolted from their chairs.

Then one...


Mikey was able to get the furthest away from the bomb, and almost escaped the main living space with his brothers right behind him. Unfortunately, the smoke bomb proved to be quite effective as it exploded, shooting a massive cloud of pink smoke that enveloped the entire hideout in less than a second. The turtles all coughed and gagged while clenching their eyes shut, unable to escape the thick mist of hot gas. Splinter wasn't doing much better as he kneeled on the ground with his paws over his muzzle, trying his hardest to control his breathing and not be too exposed to whatever they were given.

Meanwhile, Rocksteady openly laughed in glee through his gas mask, loving the sounds of their targets gasping for air below. "Oh, man!" said the rhino in delight while nudging Bebop in celebration. Meanwhile, the boar turned silent as his eyes widened to the result of that bomb. "Dat vas perfect, Bebop! Good man, good man!"

"... uh-oh..."

Of all the things Rocksteady could've heard his partner say, that meek-sounding reply was definitely one of the worst in that moment. He turned to stare at the boar with a serious gaze through his gas mask. "Vat? Vat you mean, 'Uh-Oh'?! Do NOT say 'Uh-Oh,' Bebop! Bombs plus 'Uh-Oh' does not equal good thing, jaa?!"

"S-Shut up!" hissed Bebop as he repeatedly slapped Rocksteady's shoulder to make him stop yelling. He motioned down to the open grate and added in a worried tone, "That gas ain't gonna knock 'em out!"

"IT'S NOT?!" shouted the rhino in a tone that could barely be registered as a whisper. "Vat you mean it not knock 'em out?! Vat did you use!?"

The boar looked away from his furious-looking partner, and began to blush underneath his mask while peering down at the dissipating smoke cloud. "Uhhhh... Just, uhhh... keep your mask on..."

Rocksteady may have had no idea what Bebop did, but the boar's grave tone of warning prompted him to merely nod in silence. He glanced down at the turtles' hideout as well, just as all the pink mist began to drift off. Like Bebop had said, the turtles and Splinter were not knocked out like they had planned. Instead, the five just groaned as they pulled themselves up and looked around cautiously.

"G... Guys?" asked Raphael as he grabbed his weapons first. He picked up a Sai in each paw and stood in a waiting stance. But despite how serious he tried to look while peering at every corner for an enemy, the turtle's face started to grow warmer in result to that gas he inhaled. His heartbeat began to race steadily, making him feel rather... odd. He wasn't able to pinpoint what was wrong, but he didn't feel as energetic as he usually was when his heartbeat felt this rapid. However, his nerves still tingled more and more with each second that passed.

Leonardo was the second to get up and grab for his weapon, although his legs became a bit wobbly by the time he tried to unsheathe his sword. His legs tensed up to the sensitive sound that came from his slow motion, distinctly catching the smoothness of that metal sliding across the padded interior of the sheath. The motion of his paws unsheathing something so... long, and... rigid... caused him to groan with a bit lip in confusion. He didn't want to think what was going on, or if he was too exposed to that gas, but he tried to step back into the kitchen towards his sensei while half-sheathed.

Michelangelo was sprawled out on the floor by the time the gas went away, mostly since he thought it would work like smoke in a house-fire. Unfortunately, the orange-masked turtle was just as blushed and weirded-out as his brothers as he felt how overly sensitive and tingly his body became. He tried to get on his knees, but he shuddered with an even deeper blush when he realized his face wasn't the only region receiving extra blood-flow. As his leg muscles twitched in response to his heart pumping more blood throughout certain sections of his body, he gasped loudly as he felt one of his brothers wrapping his strong... masculine arms around him from behind.

"C-Come on, Mikey!" groaned Donatello while holding his paws against the front of Mikey's surprisingly smooth chestplate. His own blush became more apparent as he grunted under his breath, feeling increasingly awkward from holding his little brother from behind with a shaky grip. Alas, he tried to ignore his own strange feelings (as well as the cute sounds of Mikey's shuddering--Wait, what!?)... as the purple-masked turtle clenched his eyes shut and tried to shake his head clear. "G-Get up! W... We might be.... U-under attack..."

Donatello had no idea how, but one of his paws somehow moved down way lower than he had originally planned to. So instead of feeling Mikey's smooth, rigid chestplate, his brother's digits were nestled against something very... warm, and... pleasing... just beneath a thin sheet of cloth. Of course, after his mind cleared temporarily, the turtle gasped and pulled away when he realized just where he had his paw resting against. However, despite how much the turtle winced in guilt of possibly fondling his younger brother's crotch, that didn't seem to bother Mikey too much as he bit his lip to stifle a shivered groan of his own.

Raphael, who had been watching that altercation occur from just a few feet away, couldn't pull his eyes away from either of them as his face felt hotter underneath his mask. He knew he had to keep patrol and make sure nobody would come crashing in, but his breaths grew heavier while keeping his sights glued on Donatello and Mikey. He somehow wasn't able to say anything, but his weak exhale almost came out sounding like a moan in response to the sight of his brothers in such a... nice-looking position...

A small 'thunk' could be heard underneath him, but Raphael didn't seem to realize it was from one the Sais he let go of. Nor did he seem to notice that his free paw was now firmly between his legs, and absent-mindedly rubbing at his already tenting briefs...

While Donatello tried to ignore his own feelings and help his brother off the floor, and Raphael stood awkwardly while staring at the two and thoughtlessly rubbing himself, Leonardo staggered by himself into the kitchen. Splinter, who was still laying in a seated position on the floor, was struggling to get himself up while feeling similarly odd as his sons. Of course, with how hot his face felt, and how much his heart was racing, the older rat was worried that he was experiencing heart problems. However, the instant he saw Leo stumbling up to him shakily with his sword half-sheathed, the mentor felt something else which definitely wasn't a sign of a heart attack. The added warmth and tension between his legs made the rat grow worried, but he tried to keep himself together while feeling his son's paws hold him from the sides.

"Sensei! Wh... What was that?" Leo tried to ask in a clear tone of voice. Unfortunately, the gas' effects made his voice come out a bit weaker and... more moan-like than usual. Leo may have not realized it, but the small change was enough to make Splinter shudder while getting back on his feet. As the rat's back rested against the refrigerator door, his waist was leaned slightly forward before the blue-masked turtle. With his paws still holding Splinter's sides, Leonardo's face blushed a little as his eyes peered down at his sensei's... surprisingly muscled-looking body. Even with his yakuta still wrapped tightly around his figure, the turtle could tell that his mentor was fairly ripped beneath it. He had remembered hearing the term, 'Dad-Bod' before from April, but he honestly didn't understand the appeal until--WAIT, WHAT?!

"NNNGH!!" Leonquickly let go of his father-figure and gripped the sides of his own head with his paws, cringing hard at what he was inadvertently thinking about. He had only been looking at Splinter's toned, undoubtedly muscled body for only a second, and he could already feel himself growing hard. He had no idea what was happening, but he was growing legitimately worried. "W...W-W-What's happening..."

Splinter could've safely said he had no idea, but nothing came out of his mouth as his mind became briefly clouded. Much like Leo had done earlier, the rat's eyes slowly glanced up and down his son's shivering body, causing him to bite his lip as he saw how mature he looked. The turtle may have been legally underaged, but that was in human years, so it probably didn't matter too much. Besides, it's not like any cops would come around, so there probably wasn't much harm in seeing how much his son's brown briefs were tenting from the pressure of that fat and throbbing--

"Ahhh!!" Splinter realized he was doing the same thing his son was, and clenched his eyes shut while mentally cursing his perverted mind for thinking such a thing. Leo was his SON! He was barely even a teenager! Granted, he was much more mature than Splinter usually gave him credit for, and could probably handle himself if he was placed on all fours--DAMMIT NOT NOW!!

The rat had to maintain his balance to keep from falling over, and rested a paw against his son's chest-plate as he groaned shakily, "I... I don't know, s-son. But, ummm... w-we need to get your brothers--"

"H-Holy fuck~" moaned out Mikey's voice from outside the kitchen.

Splinter and Leo had no idea what caused the turtle to make that response (or swear when it was so unlike him), but neither of them were able to immediately spring to action while face-to-face in the kitchen. The grip of Splinter's paw slowly weakened, and dragged downward before his fingers caught on the waistband of Leonardo's briefs. The action didn't pull them down, but it certainly made that tent more prevalent as it throbbed just under the rat's grip. Leo knew he should've said something, or even just pull away so his Dad wouldn't be holding onto his undies; especially when he looked up and saw how red Splinter's blush became with his eyes glued on that turtle crotch.

But instead, the sounds of Mikey's shuddered moans from the other room droned away from the two while they stared up at each other. Slowly, Leo's own paws came up without him realizing it, and rested on the rope keeping his mentor's yakuta closed shut. Before the turtle could even catch what he was doing, a single pull of the loosely-tied knot undid the rope, and opened that robe to show the massive bulge that fundoshi was holding. The teenager's eyes shot wide open with his eyes stuck onto that notable tent, unsure to even fathom how his Dad could hold something like that in his pants. Of course, despite how long he stared at that garment, he almost didn't realize both of his paws were gripping the top of it like he was going to pull it down.

Alas, considering how Splinter still had his paw holding the waistband of Leo's briefs, it wasn't like either of them could say anything in defense. Instead, they merely glanced back up at each other for a moment, both deeply blushed and waiting to see who would react first. After what felt like an eternity, even though it was less than two seconds, Leo let out a shuddered moan while eyeing that sexy rat, and nodded his head eagerly.

Splinter's exhale came out like a rabid growl, and he impulsively pulled down his son's underwear to make that rigid cock spring out from its cloth prison. Leo did the same with his Dad's, and he moaned out the instant he saw that intimidating, uncut member stand out proudly before him.

Leo's cock was nothing short of impressive, sporting a length of at least seven and a half inches while throbbing in dire need. Even though the overall shape wasn't the thickest with a circumference of about five and a half inches around, that green shaft was surprisingly veiny enough to add more girth to the appearance. Underneath that curved and twitching cock, the sight of those two plump-looking balls hanging loosely underneath it caused Splinter to shudder faintly. However, despite how tantalizingly hot that turtle's manhood may have looked, it would've been seen as rather miniscule compared to the ten-inch rod his dad was sporting.

Splinter's cock towered significantly over his son's, and didn't have any brown fur around his crotch to conceal that meaty and uncircumsized monster. Leo's mouth hung open in response to seeing such a long and thick member, unsure how it could actually stay so well-curved without gravity taking over. Along with those ten inches between the rat's half-covered cockhead, and those two heavy-looking balls which hung low while covered in brown fur, that smooth shaft had to have boasted a thickness of at least seven inches around. He was already rock-hard as a small drop of clear pre seeped from the tip; of course, since the foreskin was still covering half of Splinter's drooling cockhead, the pre merely rested on that ridge for a moment to make Leonardo quiver.

Seeing how thick his sensei's cock looked, Leo seemed to have completely forgotten about the circumstances leading up to this moment as he stared at that member with a heavy blush and wide-open eyes. "Ho... Holy--MMMPHH!!"

Without warning, Splinter lunged in muzzle-first and planted his lips against Leonardo's. The turtle was stunned and wide-eyed for only a moment, but his body melted into his sensei's embrace the instant he felt Splinter's strong paw grip both of their cocks at the same time. The feel of his father's member pressed up tightly against his own, combined with the taboo sensation of feeling the rat's tongue slowly slide into his mouth, caused the teenager to moan out and roll his eyes back in submission. As his nerves tingled in pleasure, his arms wrapped around his master's as they began to make out lewdly and frot in the kitchen.

Meanwhile, as Leonardo got into some very unconventional Father/Son time with Splinter, it seemed that his brothers weren't too far off when it came to how the gas was affecting them. Mikey was back on his feet, but he could barely move while Donatello held him tightly from behind and kissed his neck with a shameful shudder. Of course, even if the orange-masked turtle was able to pull away, the feel of his brother's paw sliding up and down his now exposed shaft made that idea fairly unheard of. His briefs, as well as Donatello's and Raphael's, were all pulled down to their ankles or tossed aside on the floor.

Raphael couldn't see Donnie's cock yet, since he was currently keeping it firmly between Mikey's cheeks to get him even more riled-up. However, the orange-masked turtle's member could be seen clear as day while being held in his nerdy brother's grip. The overall length may have not been too impressive, boasting a decent six inches from the small-looking balls to his cute rounded tip, but the smooth and curved shaft also looked to be another six inches or so in overall thickness. It may have not looked nearly as daunting as either Leo's or Spinter's, but Michelangelo's cock was still nice enough to make Raphael groan with a bit lip. Especially when he saw how much pre was drooling from that tip, and smearing across his shaft while covering Donatello's constantly moving digits.

"D... D-Donnieeeee..." Michelangelo knew that what his brother was doing was very wrong, but... but oh GOD did it feel right! With each motion he felt from Donatello's digits sliding across his fat shaft, and each teasing motion he felt from his brother's cock sliding between his exposed cheeks, Mikey was finding it difficult to think straight while enjoying the tantalizing pleasures. Heck, with how much attention the purple-masked turtle was giving him, Mikey almost didn't notice Raphael openly jerking off to the two with a heavy groan, while his Sais laid completely forgotten on the floor. "You... You're so..."

"Mmmmphhh..." Donatello tried to keep a logical mindset in the first few moments the gas dissipated. But as the seconds passed, he found it increasingly difficult to refrain from indulging in the incestuous impulses that plagued his mind. First it was just touching Mikey's crotch from behind, merely as a hypothesis more than anything else. But then... his paw went underneath his brother's briefs, again for experimentation. That was followed by Mikey just yanking them down himself, so his six-incher cock could stick out in the open. Of course by then, it only seemed silly to keep his own underwear on, which eventually lead to Donatello teasing his brother's hole from behind and kissing his soft neck. "It... It's alright, Mikey. Th... This is just a... a completely natural progression of... of events..."

Donatello may have had the thinnest cock of his brothers, only having a thickness of five inches at most in circumference. However, his green shaft also boasted an impressive seven and a quarter inches, according to his previous calculations. His cock was also riddled with multiple thin veins all around, which he used to be a little self-conscious about; however, at seeing how thick the veins on Raphael's cock looked, his own looked rather alright in comparison. Just like his balls, which stayed close against him while sporting a slightly above-average size between his legs.

Of course, his cock was too busy rubbing between Mikey's asscheeks to really be seen or admired by either of his brothers. "I... I think an ex... experiment sh-should be in order," moaned Donnie between hefty breaths as he continued hot-dogging his brother, letting Michelangelo's slutty noises keep him from thinking too logically about this predicament.

"Yeah~" moaned out Raphael before finally pulling his paw away from his rigid eight-incher of a cock. It boasted a massive shaft that was just as thick as it was veiny, with its six and a half inch circumference overshadowing any of his other brothers. Of course, due to it being so thick and heavy, the cock didn't curve upward as much as the other three. Instead, it just stuck straight-out like an enlarged thumb, drooling a copious amount of precum that added to the musky scent his low-hanging balls were giving off.

The red-masked turtle couldn't deny how hot he was getting as he went up to the two horny bros. While Donatello remained behind Mikey, the muscular turtle held him in tightly from the front. Raphael's cock pressed up against his brother's, showing a distinct size-difference before Donnie's digits wrapped around both of them for a shared stroking session. Mikey moaned deeply from the pleasures being given to him by both turtles, which caused Raphael to growl out primally and press his mouth against his brother's for a deep kiss.

While all of this debauchery was unfolding in less than a minute, Bebop and Rocksteady laid above the open grate with their jaws completely dropped. Their masks were off since the gas was gone, but neither of them could ignore how stunned and... guiltily aroused they were getting from watching so much incestuous action happening below them. While the boar only watched silently with a heavy blush and his mouth agape, Rocksteady was the first to speak in a low and confounded tone. "What... you say... Fuck?"

"Ummm..." Bebop wasn't sure how to respond to his partner's question (or if the rhino even wanted an answer to it), but he looked back at him with a meager smile and said nervously, "W-Well, uhhh... at least my pheromone bomb works. Heh heh heh..."

"Sh-Shut up," muttered Rocksteady as he looked back down at the shamefully hot spectacle unfolding on the ground. The rhino bit his lip as he saw how interesting this was getting (especially between Leonardo and his father figure), but the last thing he needed was for Bebop to see him enjoying it. Of course, since the boar was focused on the three brothers getting hotter with each passing second, it wasn't long before Rocksteady subtly used his unseen hand to reach down, and slowly unzip his bulging camo pants...

Meanwhile downstairs, Leonardo's makeout session with Splinter intensified the more their tongues slathered against each other's in growing desire. One of the turtle's hands went down between his sensei's legs, fondling those heavy balls with his digits as they throbbed in that loose sac. Feeling just how warm and plump both of those orbs felt in his paw, Leo's mouth watered even more while he kissed his father and moaned from his manly touch. The rat may have been family, but all that was running through the teenager's mind was how that cock would taste. Especially when each rub of their cocks smeared their pre all over their frotting shafts.

"Ahhh!!~" Leo had to pull away from Splinter's mouth for a brief second to moan heavily, which made a wet popping sound the instant their lips broke away from each other. Meanwhile, the rat started to lick his son's neck sloppily, and his hips thrusted forward and back to grind against that throbbing turtle cock. The action made Leonardo groan lewdly before his digits wrapped around the entirety of Splinter's hefty ballsack. "S... Sensei!" he moaned needily. "I... I gotta..."

Even if he wasn't holding Leonardo's cock, and feeling how much it was gushing out pre, the master would've known that his student was needing to cum from his strained moans alone. But with his own member throbbing strongly in pent-up need, Splinter knew he had to get off sooner than later. And given how Leo was usually his most obedient student, he figured this predicament could be a good excuse for a... special lesson...

"L... L-Leonardo," grunted Splinter as he continued to teasingly frot the turtle's cock, eliciting even sluttier moans to escape Leo's trembling mouth. While the turtle kept fondling his dad's balls, feeling just how much cum was building up inside of each orb, he heard his sensei say in a low and shaky voice of desperation, "I... I need you to... t-to control yourself for me, okay? J-Just... Just for a little longer..."

Leo groaned out in almost a pained-sounding tone from hearing that, not sure how much more he could take from the rat's teasing. But before he could protest, he felt one of Splinter's paws let go of their cocks, and grip the top of his head firmly to push him down. The turtle quickly fell onto his knees, and became speechless the instant his face was less than a couple inches from the rat's pre-covered and twitching cock. Even though Splinter usually kept himself clean, the ripe scent of fresh precum wafted into the turtle's senses and made his mouth water. Fortunately, Leonardo didn't have to wait long before hearing his master say, "P... Please place me inside of your mouth, Leonardo! That's an order!~"

"Y-Yes, sir!~" After an elated groan in shuddering pleasure, Leonardo didn't need to be prompted any further as he opened his drooling maw nice and wide. His tongue quickly lolled out, and he took a deep breath of his father's rich scent as he made that first drag up the underside of the rat's meaty shaft. The taste of Splinter's cock lingered strongly on the turtle's tongue, and he moaned out in pure elation by the time he finished his first slow, eager lap. So much precum spread around both of their shafts, so Leo was able to pick up enough from that first lick to collect a small pool of the clear substance on his tongue. After he closed his eyes and swallowed that first mouthful, causing his nerves to tingle in the best way from the taste and warmth that traveled down his throat, the turtle took another breath and pulled Splinter's cock directly into his mouth for a proper sucking.

Leonardo's lips slid up and down Master Splinter's thick, throbbing cock with growing intensity, with each bob of his head making the turtle's heart race in immense pleasure. While one of his paws went to stroke his own cock needily, the other remained underneath Splinter's to grope and pleasure those hefty balls. He could feel just how heavy and ripe those orbs were, like they were begging to shoot out and unload into the turtle's mouth. Even though he wouldn't have even fathomed such a sick idea less than ten minutes ago, now all that Leo wanted was to embrace his new mindset, and let every drop of his father's essence pour willingly down his gullet like a good boy~

"Ahhhh!~" Splinter kept his paw gripped tightly against Leonardo's head as he began to thrust his hips, making his cock slide deeper into the turtle's mouth with each motion. Fortunately, it didn't seem like Leo minded his first face-fucking too much, even though he was a virgin before tonight. Even when he felt the rat's thick cockhead shove itself in and out of his throat to make it bulge, the only restraint the turtle felt were his eyes beading up a bit as he let his sensei take over. Eventually, his eyes merely rolled back in bliss before closing, letting his mouth be used as a fleshlight while Splinter's balls slapped against his drooling chin.

Meanwhile, Rocksteady had his eyes locked on those two as he started jerking off to the lewd sight, not caring one bit that Bebop was right next to him. Splinter may have had an impressive cock, but the rhino's was downright monstrous the moment it came out from his pants. The eleven inch beast of an uncircumcised prick was grey like Rocksteady's skin, but boasted an eight inch circumference to make even the most judgemental gazer blush with envy. His balls were also exceptionally thick while within their wrinkly sack, which hung loosely from the zipper opening of his trousers. Even when he began to stroke his exceptionally veiny length with his hoof-like hand, his foreskin remained over most of his throbbing cockhead while rock-hard.

"Nnnnnnghhh... Dat's right, turtle boy," hissed the rhino with a small shudder while watching Leonardo being face-fucked by his pervy rat of a mentor. "T... Take it from Daddy~"

"Unnnfff~" Bebop couldn't take it anymore, and decided to whip out his cock as well. Even though he felt like a Grade-A Faggot for even thinking about jerking off next to another guy (especially to all the gay shit happening below them), he couldn't take much more of this impending turtle orgy without a little relief for himself. Since his neon purple leggings were made of a spandex without any buttons or zippers, the boar had to just pull them down to his knees so his pig-cock could spring out in its full, nine-inch glory.

The cock may have not been as long or thick as Rocksteady's, but Bebop's was still massive with a seven-inch circumference all around. It was also significantly veinier, with thick lines scrawling out across every inch of his throbbing shaft. It almost looked similar to Raphael's, but Bebop had something that turtle could only wish he had: a thick, stainless steel ring that was pierced through the cockhead. It may have looked painful (and it most definitely was when Bebop originally got it), but it also made his liquidy pre redirect its stream after being stopped by the ring. As the boar began to stroke himself, his hoof-hand soon became coated in his precum as it dribbled down his shaft, soon going down the sides to drip from his plump and bunched-up looking balls.

"You... You veally vant to start?" jeered Rocksteady with a coy smirk as he eyed his partner with a shake of his head. "Yeesh... you Americans are such faggots, jaa?"

"F-Fuck you," groaned Bebop as he avoided looking back at the rhino, or that massive cock he knew Rocksteady had between his legs. Instead, the boar just focused on the increasingly hot threesome occurring in the living room while stroking his pierced cock. "You... you started first, sicko."

Alas, despite the goons' defensive statements, neither of them stopped jerking off while staring at the madness they accidentally caused within the turtles' hideout. When Raphael's mouth pulled away from Mikey's to breathe, with both of their lips connected by several strings of shared saliva, he shuddered with an antsy grin as he said back towards Donatello, "Yo, Donnie! L... Let go of us for a sec, will ya?"

The purple-masked turtle was able to pull his paw away rather quickly, despite all his digits being coated in their pre from how much both of them were leaking. Of course, as soon as he did so, Donatello impulsively brought his sticky paw up to his mouth so he could shamelessly start licking the juices off his digits. Even though he knew that he was tasting the shared secretions from two of his brothers, he couldn't have cared less as he moaned with his eyes closed and lapped up those sticky loads so perversely. The taste of those musky and salty flavors made the nerdy turtle's own cock throb hard while nestled against Mikey's fuckable ass. "Nnnnn...~"

"You... You want more, Mikey?~" jeered Raphael while holding the back of his brother's head tightly. Michelangelo, who was still breathing hard and carrying a deep blush on his face, was able to nod his head with a grin to that question. The red-masked turtle smiled immensely wide, and quickly pushed down on Mikey's head. He almost fell over, but Donnie was able to hold him securely from behind while fondling the turtle's toned thighs with a bit lip. As soon as Mikey was put on his paws and knees, with his nerdy brother behind him in a mounting position, Raphael made sure his presence was known as he slapped his meaty cock against the side of his brother's cheek. "Yo! You better pay attention~"

Michelangelo blushed profusely as he felt his brother's pre smear against his cheek, and he caught that overwhelming scent of Raphael's sweaty musk wafting off his cock and balls. That member looked absolutely massive (at least compared to Mikey's), and the younger turtle was temporarily speechless while seeing Raph get into position in front of his face. "Oh, man... you better use that mouth for something better than stupid jokes, dude~"

"Y-Yeah," added Donnie with a shivered moan as he spread Mikey's cheeks apart, almost cumming instantly as soon as he saw the turtle's tight little hole. Alas, the nerdy turtle was able to keep his composure as he spat a couple times on his paw, and began to stroke himself to get his cock properly lubed-up. "Nnnnffff... I got a perfect angle to see you do it too, Raph~"

"You better," said Raphael as he glanced up at him and grinned wide. "'Cause as soon as you fuck his ass, I'm taking yours~"

Donatello blushed profusely, but his involuntary shudder was soon followed by a nervous smile that came through his bit lip. Even though his brother's cock looked rather intimidating, the purple-masked turtle nodded quickly in confirmation. "S... Sure thing, bro!~"

"Qu... Quit talking and give it to me!!" whined Mikey as he laid between both of his brothers and their waiting cocks. With his own member dangling helplessly between his spread-out legs, the turtle wasn't sure how much more he could take. Fortunately, that outburst made Raph and Donnie pause and look back down at him; after a second, both of them grinned wide back at each other and nodded their heads.

"Hell yeah!" they said in unison while fist-bumping each other. Michelangelo sighed in bliss and rolled his eyes back, letting his big brothers take the reins as they went to work. With all the added pre and saliva coating Donatello's cock, he was able to pop the head inside of his brother with surprising ease. While the thin shaft slowly started to slide in and fill out the moaning turtle, Mikey's mouth was quickly stuffed as Raph shoved his massive prick inside. Over half of his brother's length went into his mouth with that first thrust, but it was clear the slutty turtle was needy for more as he moaned through that cockmeat and began sucking hungrily.

By the time Donnie was able to bottom-out inside of Mikey's ass, Raph was already getting into the motions as he thrusted in and out of their brother's leaking maw. Drool and precum leaked out from the corners of Michelangelo's mouth as he let himself get face-fucked. His groans became more evident when Donnie began to ram into him as well. Even though all three of them were virgins before that night, it would've been hard to tell with how quickly and eagerly the turtles got into their spitroast with little hesitation. Raph and Donnie even started to time their thrusts into their brother, ramming into him at the same time to give the youngest turtle a proper filling of cock from both ends.

If Splinter was present during that impromptu rutting, he probably would've had some encouraging words to give to his three sons and how they were working together so well. However, as the rat leaned back against the refrigerator with a hearty moan escaping his muzzle, it was obvious he was too focused on the sensations Leo was giving him with that turtle mouth wrapped around his throbbing cock. Spurts of pre were already coming out from his cockhead, which were quickly swallowed by his son each time he was able to take the briefest breaths. The turtle's face was deeply red from the taboo pleasure (as well as slight oxygen deprivation), but he couldn't have looked more elated as he tasted every inch of his father's cock with each thrust of the rat's hips.

Splinter knew he was just teetering on the brink, and his heart was pounding strongly at the thought of delivering his massive load straight down his son's hungry throat. Given how eager Leo was acting while sucking on his cock like a proper slut, he could only imagine how helpful the turtle could be outside the dojo. After all the years he spent in isolation and chastity, the rat really needed someone to make him feel wanted again. And if that someone happened to be an adorable, fuckable turtle like his son, then who was he to judge?

However, just as he was about to cum, he and Leo were able to be seen by Mikey from the corner of his eye. Even as the turtle was being plowed at both ends by his antsy brothers, his eyes widened immensely when he saw Leo having some fun with their sexy dad. Splinter may have been old, but that didn't mean he didn't deserve some fun like Mikey was with Raph and Donnie. The taste of Raphael's veiny cock was more than satisfying, as well as the feel of Donatello's cock sliding in and out of his ass, but the turtle could only imagine how good Splinter's was in comparison.

"NNNNGHHH!!!" Just as Splinter was about to cum, Raphael did the same as his cock pulsated strongly inside of Mikey's mouth. The orange-masked turtle wanted to speak out for their sensei, but the feeling of his brother's cock throbbing between his lips made him shudder hard and suck on that shaft for all it was worth. Donatello, who had been lingering near his own climax for a moment, finally started to plow in with all his might when he saw Raph doing the same. He could hear how strained the red-masked turtle's groans were coming out, and the nerdy brother's eyes stayed glued to Mikey's lips sliding up and down that shaft while he pounded his ass powerfully. Meanwhile, Raphael groaned out loudly enough to catch his master's attention, "I'm... I'm coming... I'M COMING!!!"

"Hmm?" groaned Splinter as he opened one of his eyes, just as his cock made his last few pulsations inside of Leo's drooling mouth. While the blue-masked turtle clenched his eyes shut in anticipation, hungry for that hefty load his father was undoubtedly about to shoot, he didn't see how the rat's eyes widened at the sight of his other three sons screwing without him. Splinter's body quivered in need the instant he saw Raphael hold onto Mikey's head as hard as he could, ramming his cockhead right down his brother's throat and unloading into his mouth.

Michelangelo shivered in elation during Raph's intense orgasm, feeling each spurt of the turtle's thick seed shooting into his drooling maw to flood it with his musky taste. His lips wrapped tightly around that mouth-watering appendage, but little rivulets still came out the corners of his mouth while trying to gulp down that taboo seed. Donatello, who was able to see the action up-close while above Mikey, couldn't hold back any longer as he erupted inside of the turtle too. But even as he felt his other brother's ropes of cum shoot into his deepest depths, as well as Raph's hot and gooey load pouring down his throat, Mikey still kept his eyes hungrily narrowed on Splinter's blushed face.

"AHHHH!~" Without even thinking, the rat pulled Leonardo's head off of his cock the instant he felt himself cumming. Instead of being given a proper filling of his dad's cum, Leo was surprised to feel rope after rope of Splinter's creamy load splatter across his face. Even though it wasn't what he expected, the turtle still moaned out lustfully as he closed his eyes and opened his mouth wide. Strands of Splinter's seed landed across multiple parts of his son's face and chest, including a couple gooey strings across his blue mask. However, the ones the turtle savored the most were the thick, virile blobs that struck him right on his lolled-out tongue, giving him a proper taste of his sensei's salty flavor.

Mikey saw how much his dad unloaded onto Leo's face, but despite how badly his body shuddered in response, he couldn't cum while both of his paws were firmly holding him off the floor. Fortunately, just as Splinter pulled his son away so he could walk towards the other three, so did Raphael as he pulled his half-flaccid cockmeat out of Mikey's mouth. The orange-masked turtle gasped a couple times, but his smile remained quite giddy as he saw that big muscular rat coming towards them. Raph and Donnie were coming down from their climaxes, but both of their eyes widened when they saw their dad coming up to the three unrobed.

Leonardo, who honestly had no idea his brothers were getting into it as much as he had, shuddered as his cock remained rigid and throbbing. When he saw those three turtles in the aftermath of a delicious spitroast, he quickly got back on his feet while wiping ropes of Splinter's cum off of his face. He staggered towards the group alongside his dad, all while groaning in pleasure as he licked off his cum-coated digits to get more of that forbidden taste.

"F... Fuck..." Rocksteady was panting heavily as he stroked himself harder to the action, feeling like he could cum at any second. Bebop wanted to say something teasing towards his partner, but he couldn't necessarily speak up while he was beating off alongside him with an antsy groan of his own. The two kept their eyes pinned on the five getting together, eager to see how things will go from there. However, as the two leaned in closer to the open grate, their rapid movements and heavy weight seemed to be loosening the bolts which held the shaft they were on top of.

Meanwhile, the action was only getting more lewd down below as Donatello pulled out of Mikey's rear, leaving his half-flaccid cock coated in remnants of his cum. However, the nerdy turtle's eyes soon moved from his father's impressively muscular body, and down to that loosened hole of Mikey's. He could see a thick glob of cum seep out from the twitching pucker, and start to drip down across the turtle's taint slowly. Even though it was his own cum, Donnie shuddered with a hungry moan before diving in for a good taste.

"H... H-Hey, Master Splin--WHOOOAAHHH!!!" Mikey wanted to be flirty with his Dad, and even kept his eyes locked on that tasty-looking rat cock coated in Leo's spit, but his shell arched upward the instant he felt Donnie's tongue drag up his taint to get a taste of his creamy load. Michelangelo's body quivered strongly in response to his brother licking such a sensitive region, but he couldn't have cared less while his cock remained rock-hard. Meanwhile, the nerdy turtle moaned in elation while rubbing his own member, hoping to get himself hard again while enjoying the creampie he made inside of his own brother. As soon as he licked up a good portion of that first glob of his seed, and shuddered at the strong taste he enjoyed surprisingly well, Donatello wrapped his lips around that gaped pucker before the next glob could pour out.

Splinter chuckled with a pleased smirk as he saw what his purple-masked son was doing, not expecting him to become so perverse after his first experience with another turtle. Alas, considering how attractive Michelangelo looked while Raphael's cum dripped from both sides of his face, the rat couldn't exactly judge any of his sons' tastes or ethics. Besides, there were other matters which proved to be more pressing for the pervy old rat, like how both Mikey AND Raph were staring blushedly at his twitching and half-flaccid cock. Meanwhile, Leonardo had his lip bitten when he saw how thick and tantalizing Raphael's cock looked, even while soft.

"I must say," purred the rat with an enticed grin, not seeming to care one bit about that gas cloud that warped all of their libidos into such a depraved state. With the sight of two of his blushed sons staring up at him, another eating one of them out with a hungry growl, and the last son eyeing the other while licking the last of his sensei's cum off his face, Splinter definitely wanted to keep going. As long as he got to experience more of this kind of pleasure he kept himself from feeling for so long, he was willing to make any choices he felt were appropriate. With that mindset clouding his rational thought, the perverted sensei grinned coyly at Mikey and Raph as he said, "it seems that you both have a lot of... tension lately~"

Michelangelo couldn't stop squirming as he felt Donnie's tongue wriggling inside of his hole, but he still nodded with a blushed face like Raphael was. "Y... Yes, Master Splinter," said both of them in near unison weakly. Raphael may have been a tough guy, but his blushed face made it clear that he wouldn't mind bottoming for a cock like Spinter's.

Their sensei walked up closer to the two, now fully naked as he let his meaty cock swing freely between his legs. As ne narrowed his eyes on both of them, he stopped for a second to pet the top of Donatello's head. The purple-masked turtle didn't pull his face away from Mikey's hole while rimming it deeply, but he still groaned a little and nodded his head in response to his father's touch. Leonardo went up to hold Raphael from behind, eyeing his body with lustful intent while rubbing the sides of his shell.

While Raph shuddered and moaned from the feeling, barely able to resist the feel of his blue-masked brother's paws running down the sides of his legs, his eyes remained locked onto Splinter's body while hearing him say, "Perhaps you two need an... oral exam to test your skills~"

Mikey shivered hard with an antsy grin, although it was hard to tell if that was from the implication of Splinter's words, or from the feel of Donnie's tongue sinking deeper inside of his cum-filled ass. Of course, his eyes remained locked onto that tempting rat cock less than foot from his eager face. Raphael, despite being teasingly groped and teased from behind by Leo, slowly got down on his knees without thinking, just to be closer to Splinter's crotch as well.

The bolts holding Bebop and Rocksteady in their spot loosened even more underneath their open grate. Even though the metal holding their shaft up began to creak slowly, neither of them seemed to overhear it through their groans or the sounds of their cocks slapping lewdly. Instead, their breaths turned heavier as they focused solely on the incestuous action unfolding before their eyes. Neither of the two have been able to cum yet (mostly due to the awkwardness of doing it next to another guy and pretending it wasn't gay), but their cocks were both throbbing hard regardless.

Even Splinter, despite his acute senses, wasn't able to focus on that metallic creaking from above. Instead, his sights were solely on his two horny sons, who were both getting in position with their faces within range of his erect cock. While Raphael kneeled down to get in front of that veiny beast which dwarfed his own, Mikey was drooling at the sight as he remained in his original position. Donatello was just finishing up cleaning out the creampie he made, but he groaned eagerly when he saw what Master Splinter was doing.

Leonardo pushed Raphael forward against his shell, throwing the turtle by surprise as he ended up on his knees and paws like Mikey was. However, despite wanting to yell at him for pushing him like that, his blush turned deeper when he ended up being within inches of his sensei's cock. The smell of the rat's remnant cum was so different from his own, and it caused him to exhale shakily with a small moan. While the turtle began to blush as red as his mask, he barely seemed to notice (or even care) when Leonardo got into position behind him. Much like Donnie, the blue-masked turtle spat a couple times on his cock before lubing himself up with the aid of his paw.

"Now," purred Splinter while letting his two kneeling sons come in closer to his cock. As he stood from above with a horny and perverted grin, the rat felt he was holding up a tasty little treat for two pets who had done a good job. And considering how they did do a lot of good earlier against the Foot-Clan, the master saw no problem with letting the two enjoy this kind of reward instead of just pizza. After an eager exhale, he waited for Donatello to finally pull away from Mikey's ass before saying, "I want both of you to try and share your Master with your mouths~ Can you do that for me?"

Raphael and Michelangelo quickly nodded their heads while blushing profusely. "Y-Yes, Master," they said in unison, before both of them closed their eyes and leaned in with open mouths. Mikey took the rat's delicious-looking cockhead into his mouth to start sucking, while Raph seemed content to get his face in between Splinter's cock and balls. After taking a deep breath of his dad's scent and moaning hungrily, his mouth opened wider as he dragged his tongue across the loose skin of his sensei's fuzzy ballsack.

Splinter sucked some air through his teeth as his head lolled back, savoring the feel of two of his sons' mouths tending to his twitching rat-meat. Donatello quivered to the sight as he held his sensei from behind, and looked down with slight envy to those turtles slathering every inch of their father's cock with their tongues. He may have came on Leonardo's face just a few minutes ago, but the lust-cloud they all inhaled (combined with receiving his first ever double-blowjob) made Splinter's cock throb once again and spurt out strings of pre. One of the clear globs shot to the back of Mikey's throat, but he didn't seem to mind as he shivered and swallowed that spurt diligently.

Raphael let out a weak moan between the deep laps he made against his master's balls, shuddering strongly at the unique feel and taste of that wrinkly sac. It felt so unlike him to actually do something this raunchy, let alone enjoy it, but each breath of his father's scent left him yearning for more. Of course, it was hard to do that when Mikey was bobbing his head up and down the rat's rigid shaft. However, instead of trying to fight him for a better taste himself, Raphael controlled his urges enough to lick whatever parts of Splinter's cock that his brother couldn't reach with his lips.

"Ahhhhh!~ Oh, yes!!~" Splinter placed a paw atop each of his sons' heads while they worshipped his cock, never feeling more wanted than he did in that moment. It was then that he felt Donnie's paws gripping each of his fuzzy cheeks, and trying to pull them apart to get a look beneath his tail. The rat had a good idea what his kinky nerd of a son might be wanting to try, but he didn't want to object one bit as his tail lifted out of the way. "Nnnnfff... You want to taste your sensei as well, Donatello~?"

After breathing out in a quiver as soon as those cheeks were parted, and getting a good look at Splinter's temptingly tasty pink hole, the purple-masked turtle nodded strongly and moaned out a weak-sounding, "Yyyeaaahhhhh..." He then went right in without any prompting from his master, moaning as he got a good taste of the rat's fleshy pucker. Splinter felt like he should've said something about Donnie's overeagerness, but the feel of that slick tongue dragging across his tailhole only caused his muzzle to let out a pleased groan.

"Nnnnnghhh!!~ Th... That's a good boy, Donnie..." As the struggled to stand on wobbly legs, completely red-faced in response to the three mouths now tending to his body, his narrowed eyes soon returned to his blue-masked son to say, "I... I hope you don't feel left-out Leonardo~"

"I... I'm good!~" To emphasize his point, Leo laid atop of Raphael's back with a shaky grin while his slicked-paw teased at the turtle's hole. A couple muffled groans came out of the muscled turtle's mouth, but they were currently too full of Splinter's hefty nuts to say anything in refusal. Although, as soon as one of Leo's digits slipped into his tight little hole, the way his body shivered overwhelmingly in response showed that he wouldn't have objected regardless. In fact, Raph didn't even pull away from his dad's crotch to say anything in confirmation of his brother's plan. Too horny to think about how much it'll hurt, he merely wiggled his butt teasingly while giving a lustful glance back at the blue-masked turtle.

Leonardo grinned wide, and continued to finger his slutty brother even more to get him more riled-up. Seeing how dedicated all of his brothers were acting towards their wonderful sensei, the last thing the leader wanted to do was feel like he wasn't contributing as well. Plus, with how cocky Raph had acted all these years, he couldn't think of a turtle more deserving of a good plowing. So with his mind made up, Leonardo shuddered in delight as he grinned to Cheshire levels, and pushed his hips in.

"GNNNAAAHHHH!!!" Splinter's balls fell out of his mouth as Raphael yelled out in unbridled pain. The instant he felt his brother's cockhead press in hard against his hole, he realized that the generous amount of lubrication Leo applied did very little to counteract how tight his ass was. Nevertheless, Raph knew that he couldn't back out now and be seen as a wimp. The way that the turtle's cock crammed against his hole hurt like hell, but his unknown, underlying desire to take it kept him firmly in place. Plus, the fact that Splinter's crotch was still in his face helped quite a lot too.

"Mmmmmpphhhhh!!!" With one last push, Leonardo penetrated his brother with a wet pop, causing Raphael to scream out intensely while between Splinter's legs. Mikey and Donnie both paused for a second to look down at him, even though neither of the two could pull their hungry mouths away from their father's delicious orifices. But as for the sexy rat himself, he merely chuckled with a warm smile down at his twitching and quivering son. While Leo laid on top of the turtle and tried to adjust to his tightness, Splinter reached down and petted Raph's head lovingly. "That's right, my son... Soon you'll be feeling much better. But while you adjust to that sensation... How about you go back to sharing with your brother Mikey~"

Raph could barely think about tending to his father's cock again, despite how amazing that tasted alongside Mikey's saliva; however, he also knew that just laying around and letting the pain subside wouldn't be showing his full potential. Besides, if he was going to be right up against Splinter's delicious package, he was gonna be damned if Mikey was gonna hog it all! He did that enough with pizza...

Raphael made his mind up, and huffed in determination before going back to kissing the side of Splinter's cock. The rat moaned in satisfaction as he felt the two mouths going to work again, with Mikey's lips still sliding across his shaft with surprising skill. Since Raphael kissed his brother earlier, he saw no problem with doing the same with their daddy's cock between them. So as soon as Michelangelo pulled away for a second to catch his breath, the red-masked turtle latched his lips across the side of Splinter's cock while peering up at Mikey suggestively. His brother saw the obvious perks he gave with his brows, and smirked back at him with a nod before complying.

Leonardo was just about ready to start pushing in, but was temporarily paused when he saw his two brothers begin to make out lewdly with Spinter's cock between their mouths. The rat shivered in immense satisfaction, and petted both of their heads as they kept his drooling cockhead between their meshing lips. The two tongues slathered all over their dad's thick and rigid member, as well as each other's mouths as they moved in closer synchronicity. Each time a strong pulsation of Splinter's cock shot a glob of pre into their kissing mouths, Mikey and Raph were generous enough to share each load and take turns swallowing.

"Ahhhhh... Th... That's it, my sons... Sh-Sharing is very good~"

"Mmmhmm~" groaned Donatello in agreement from behind, even though he wasn't exactly showing that same sentiment as he greedily plunged his tongue into Splinter's hole for himself. As for Leo, seeing his brothers sharing Splinter's cock was hot enough to make his cock throb inside of his brother, and prompted him to start pushing and fill the tough turtle up. He sighed shakily as he felt that tight hole grip his shaft so wonderfully well, prompting him to bite his lip as each inch sank inside of Raph.

Unfortunately, just as the action was getting really good, the shaft above their hideout buckled more obviously from the weight of the perverted goons beating off inside of it. Bebop and Rocksteady could both feel the structure collapsing underneath them, but their libido grew to the point where they couldn't stop stroking themselves if they tried. They were so close, and their faces were both deeply blushed as they breathed heavily in the stuffy vent. "C-Come on," grunted Bebop as he eyed all those turtles getting a good taste of their rat daddy. "T... Take it, you sick 'lil queer fucks..."

Rocksteady wanted to make a snide remark about how the boar wasn't much better, but he was too preoccupied with his own jerking as he said shakily, "F-Fuck! I... I think I'm... I'm gonna..."

"M... Me too..."

Even though both of them were reaching their peaks, the goons quickly stopped their tandem masturbation sessions to stare back at each other with warming glares. "Don't you dare tell anyone about this," they said at the same time, right before they looked back down and went back to jerking off eagerly.

Before either of them could blow their loads, Bebop and Rocksteady froze the instant they heard an especially loud creaking of metal around them. Even Splinter, whose mind was clouded in depraved bliss from all the action he was receiving, paused for a second at overhearing that noise above them. Before any of the turtles could stop their naughty happenings, or their perpetrators could try to escape, an earth-shattering crash erupted in the hideout as the shaft broke off the ceiling and fell into the room. The bulging segment of metal crashed down just a few feet away from the five, fortunately only causing damage to one of the chairs at the dining table. Nevertheless, they all became frozen in their positions when they saw two of their most persistent enemies sprawled out on the floor.

Although, the five looked even more surprised when they saw that the boar and rhino were literally caught with their pants down, and their cocks harder than a level of 'Battletoads.'

Bebop and Rocksteady were laying on their backs wide-eyed, unsure how to get themselves out of this one. The turtles and their sensei may have been living out a real-life gay porno, but the goons knew they could still get their asses kicked thoroughly by them. However, given their predicament, the two were more worried if the turtles would just want to kick their asses for breaking into their home. Especially when the two noticed how blushed the turtles' faces became with their eyes glued on their prone forms.

"Uhhhh..." The rhino blinked repeatedly as he tried to speak up to the group. "Ve vont say any-ting to Shredder if you let us go, jaa?"

"Y... Yeah," added Bebop weakly. "He... he probably wouldn't believe us anyway." He tried to give a trembled smile up to them, but it was clear he looked as worried as his partner.

Alas, none of the four turtles said anything while gathered around Splinter, and merely stared at the goons with narrowed eyes. Mikey seemed to be especially focused on the new intruders as he pulled Splinter's cock out of his mouth. However, while the others just stared at the boar and rhino with mixed looks of shock and confusion, the orange-masked turtle's blush began to deepen when his sights lowered to their exposed nether-regions. Despite how nervous both of them looked, it seemed that their exposure and awkward interaction hadn't softened their cocks one bit.

Spinter's cock was absolutely divine, but Michelangelo's body still tingled when he saw those two hefty helpings of cockmeat their enemies were packing right in front of them. The rhino's uncut dick alone looked huge as hell, and could probably tear a virgin ass in half. And Bebop's, while looking slightly smaller than Splinter's, still made Mikey gulp in slight jealousy. He knew he shouldn't have been turned on by their enemies, but...

That when he noticed that thick cock-ring Bebop had, and his eyes shot wide-open while growing an impressed smile. "Whoa, COOL! You can get your dick pierced?!"

Splinter and others all stared back at Mikey with confounded looks, while Rocksteady tried to keep his snickering from being overheard. Bebop, looking a little embarrassed that his dick became the main focus of conversation, pursed his muzzle shut while looking uncomfortable. Although, the boar's thick member still stood rigidly and twitched a bit from all the attention, much to Michelangelo's amusement.

"That's AWESOME!" beamed Mikey excitedly, seemingly more impressed by Bebop's piercing than Rocksteady's monstrously-sized cockmeat. He then looked back at his mentor with a huge smile and asked, "Sensei, can I get a--"

"NO!" shouted Master Splinter, AND all of his brothers at the exact same time. Michelangelo strongly pouted up at him in disapproval, despite his expression not being so effective with his Dad's cock still pointed right at his face.

"Oh, come on!" griped the turtle with a scowl. "I doubt it'd hurt that much!" Then without thinking, Mikey pulled away from Splinter's crotch, and went towards the two enemies with a paw out. Much to this everyone's shock, the turtle then took a hold of Bebop's cock-ring and shook it a little, eliciting a sharp hiss from the boar in pain. "Does that hurt, dude?"

"YES THAT FUCKING HURTS, STOP IT!!!" Bebop smacked Mikey's paw away from his cock angrily, causing the turtle to back away a little with a startled look. While the other turtles and Splinter sighed and tried not to cringe in second-hand embarrassment, Bebop winced while cupping his cock with both hands. "Nnnnghhh... you can't just grab someone's cock without askin', ya fuckin' fruit!"

"Dat's right," said Rocksteady with his arms crossed. "In my home country, ve kill boys for zat!'

"Easy for YOU to say!" piped Leonardo while still buried inside of his brother. "You're both hard too!"

Upon realizing the blue-masked turtle was right, both he and Bebop looked away from him with uncomfortable scowls. Raphael added from underneath Leo, "Yeah! You two are just as gay as we are!"

"AM NOT!" roared the Soviet rhino in strong denial.

"Neither am I, you fuckin' weirdos!" said Bebop while keeping his crotch covered as best as he could. "What, you guys think because we got hard, that we'd wanna suck your dicks or somethin'?!"

"Why not? I'd totally suck yours~" As soon as as those words came out of his mouth, Mikey gasped and covered his mouth with both paws. A strong blush practically exploded across his face, and Splinter tried not to chuckle while covering his face and shaking his head. A couple seconds of awkward silence passed before the turtle tried to take back his words with a frazzled, "I-I mean I... I didn't mean that I wanted to do that! Heh heh heh, uhhh... uh-oh..."

While Bebop gawked at Mikey with his mouth hung open in shock and disgust, Rocksteady stared at the turtle up and down with a skewed muzzle. He hummed to himself in contemplation, getting an idea how to get out of this without any major injuries (except maybe he and Bebop's pride). It was a risky idea, but his cock twitched in approval before he asked curiously, "Would... you be willing to prove it?"

Everyone else looked at the rhino wide-eyed, but none of their reactions looked as shocked as Bebop's. While Mikey sat in surprise with his brows raised, Rocksteady raised a massive digit to make his point in a more logical (albeit heavily accented) tone. "Dis is vat you Americans call, democracy, jaa? Compromise? How about dis... If ve promise not to tell Shredder about vere you live, and you promise not to attack us, den... Maybe ve work together?~"

The rhino tried to smile nervously to emphasize his seriousness, though it resulted in most of the group just eyeing him like he was crazy. The only one who didn't look too fazed by the compromise was Michelangelo, whose face blushed even more while eyeing Rocksteady and Bebop's cocks like a hungry dog. Donatello, whose tongue was away from Splinter's ass as soon as the shaft crashed down, raised a brow in suspicion on the two and asked, "So... you try to say you're not gay less than a minute ago, and then want to join in now?"

"Dude, shut up!" hissed Mikey back at him with a pout. "This is democracy!"

"It just crazy idea!" retorted the rhino with both paws raised in insistence. "Besides, a hole is just a hole, jaa? Why not... use turtle hole?~"

Rocksteady made sure to smirk a little at Mikey directly after saying that, causing the turtle to giggle and blush bashfully. Bebop groaned in uncertainty at his partner's idea, but he honestly couldn't think of a better way to get out of the turtles' hideout. Plus, if he had to report back to Shredder and say their mission failed, he might as well get his rocks off first. So, the only response he made to the rhino's idea was a meager shrug of indifference on his end.

However, before the boar or anyone else could say anything on the matter, none of them noticed how blushed Michelangelo became before blurting out, "Deal!"

"WHAT?!" shouted his brothers with stunned looks on their faces.

"Michelangelo, what are you thinking?!" added Splinter with an equally shocked expression on his face.

"What? I'm totally down for it! Besides, you'd rather try fighting them now, and risk the two winning before going back to tell Shredder where we live?"

Mikey may have not been the brightest bulb in the pack, but that response did make Splinter and the others pause in realization. During that moment of silence, the turtle looked back at the goons with a cheeky smile and said, "Besides, I... I think I can have my brothers' cocks any day. But this would be a one-time thing, right?~"

"YES," blurted Bebop and Rocksteady at the same time, not wanting any of the freaky family to get any assumptions about them.

"Alright then~" As he crawled towards the two with a lustrous look in his half-lidded eyes, Michelangelo stopped for a second to look back at Raphael and say, "Have fun, dude! I'm gonna get a spitroast too~"

Splinter groaned and shook his head in disappointment, not wanting Mikey to say something so crude in such a cocky tone. However, the rat then gasped the instant Raphael shrugged in acceptance, and pulled his father's fat cock back into his mouth for himself. The turtle felt a little embarrassed at blowing his dad in front of others, but he figured they couldn't judge when they're both about to go at it with one of his brothers. Besides, a cock like Splinter's was way too big and tempting to just pass up for himself. So while Raph went back to sucking his daddy's cock with a low and guttural groan escaping his throat, Donatello soon shrugged his shoulders as well.

"Psh!" scoffed the nerdy turtle as he made one last glance at his brother about to slut up for Bebop and Rocksteady. "What a weirdo," he muttered under his breath, before licking his lips and going back to tonguing his Dad's tailhole ravenously.

Leonardo was the last one to get back to business, mostly since he kept an eye on his brother to ensure neither of those goons would hurt him. Fortunately, it seemed that Rocksteady was kind enough to lean back with a grin, showing off his massive cock to Mikey as he came in closer. Meanwhile, Bebop apprehensively scooted in closer beside his partner, all while his cock-ring dangled against his rigid member like a dinner bell. There was clearly a little hesitance seen on the two as Michelangelo crawled up to them with a horny grin, but it didn't seem like either of them would try to keep the turtle from playing with them.

Before Leonardo could say something to Mikey, he heard a wet pop from beneath him as Raphael pulled their dad's cock out of his mouth. "Dude!" he shouted angrily up to his brother. "If you don't start fucking me right now, I'm gonna clench hard enough to break your dick off!"

"Oh, yeah right!" After rolling his eyes in dismissal of Raph's immature threat, Leo made sure to give a hard spank to the turtle's ass and shut him up. His brother yelped in a much higher-pitched tone than expected, which even made Splinter chuckle alongside the other turtles' giggling. Raphael sulked bitterly in response, but soon shuddered with a hungry moan the instant he felt Leonardo start pushing into him again. He tried to embrace that newfound feeling of fullness with a shivered sigh of elation, but his open mouth was only empty for another second or so before Splinter shoved his meaty cock right inside of it.

"Nnnnph!" Leo grinned rather cheekily the instant he saw how quickly the tough turtle went back to sucking their daddy's cock, all while his brother's shaft was sliding deeper into his puckering hole. "Mmmm... not so tough now, are ya Raph?~"

"D-Don't--Oooohhhh... Don't mock your brother, Leonardo," groaned Splinter as he quivered in response to Raph's tongue siding teasingly slow across the underside of his shaft. "Y... You would've done the same."

"Y-Yeah, well... Well, so is Mikey," retorted Leo in a tone of voice as weak as his defense. Although, given how the orange-masked turtle was kneeling in front of the two goons getting back on their feet, it seemed that Leonardo's reply wasn't too far from the truth. Michelangelo's bottom lip was bitten down tightly while eyeing up at those two well-endowed thugs, whose cocks stood out proudly between their legs to greet the underaged turtle facing them. He groaned with an antsy shiver that crept down his shell, looking unsure which member he should try to play with first. But at the end, Mikey decided to go the greedy route, and just clutched both cocks in each paw for equal treatment.

His face first went down between the boar's legs, and his digits wrapped around that fat and pierced cockhead. Bebop may have not had much musk or sweat on him due to his hygiene, but it was still coated fairly well in his pre from earlier. The scent caused Mikey to swallow some excess drool in his mouth before he dove in tongue-first. Despite the bitter history he and his brothers had with these brutes, the turtle's mind remained clouded in pleasure as he gave the underside of that veiny cock its first lap. He couldn't hold back his throaty groan as he savored how strong that piggy precum tasted on his tongue. "Nnnnnnn...~"

"Awwww, shit!~" Bebop had to try his hardest to remain in a heterosexual mindset, but he couldn't lie to himself as soon as he felt that turtle slut give his cock that first lick. As the boar's legs wobbled in response to Mikey beginning to clean off his cock, his rhino friend chuckled as he stood beside him and savored the turtle's digits stroking his massive shaft. After Mikey gave the boar's cock several deep, lingering suckles to make him really squirm in his boots, the turtle licked his lips and leaned in towards Rocksteady's.

"Nnnnghhh!!!" Since he hadn't had any proper 'company' since being turned to a rhino, the feel of someone else's tongue sliding across his cock was more than welcome. Even if that tongue did belong to an underaged and drugged-up turtle hybrid. Nevertheless, his grin was unmistakably wide as he looked down, and saw how into it Mikey was getting while also continuing to stroke Bebop's veiny beast. The turtle's lips slid up and down as much of Rocksteady's cockmeat as he could fit, and his tongue even slipped in underneath that foreskin for a bit to get a good taste of that potent flavor inside of it. The rhino moaned in pleasure while letting the slut taste as much as he could manage, but didn't notice when the turtle's free paw reached out around Bebop's side to get underneath that stumpy tail.

"HEY!!" The boar pulled away the instant he felt one of the turtle's slick digits try to press against his asshole. He glared down at Michelangelo with an especially bitter-looking scowl. "The fuck you tryin' to do, queer?!"

"Mmmph!" After hesitantly pulling Rocksteady's delicious cock out of his mouth, Mikey looked up at Bebop and shouted, "What?! I just wanted to finger you a little! Is that so bad?"


Rocksteady grunted a little in disappointment after Mikey's tongue pulled off of his cock, and decided to say with a shaky shrug of his shoulders, "You know, I... vouldn't be against it..."

Mikey and Bebop both stared at the rhino in genuine surprise, although the turtle's expression looked much more positive. "Say what?!" replied the boar with a shocked gawk on his face.

"Vat?" asked Rocksteady with his hooved-hands raised. "Vodka bottle, fat turtle finger... all same to rhino~"

"Fine by me!~" After pulling his free paw away from Bebop, and giving his thickest digit another quick lick while staring sultrily up at Rocksteady, Michelangelo went back in to get a good helping of rhino cockmeat. His other paw went back to jerking off Bebop when he came back in, but he made sure to stay away from the boar's ass this time. Instead, his other paw wrapped around the rhino's waist, and his slicked digit pressed in hard against that thick and puffy-feeling pucker.

"Nnnnggg. Da... Dat's it, queerboy... Make rhino happy..."

Moaning through that massive prick in his mouth, Mikey soon felt his digit sink in easily through that tight hole to start fingering the rhino. He may have not had much experience with other guys, but he knew about his own anatomy to know where the prostate was. So while he pulled his mouth away from that cock after several more deep suckles, the turtle pressed his digit in deeper while trying to find that soft little nub of flesh. Fortunately, the sounds of the rhino's shuddered groans were good enough to indicate he was going in the right direction, making him feel satisfied while going back to suck on Bebop's cock.

Fortunately, Michelangelo's digit only had to sink in another inch or so before reaching its goal. As soon as the tip pressed against a particular muscle within the rhino's tight and squishy walls, Rocksteady moaned out rather deeply to catch their attention. One of his hands tightly gripped the turtle's wrist, keeping his paw firmly against his rear to keep fingering that pulsating prostate. "Ri... Right there! RIGHT THERE!~"

Bebop stared at his partner wide-eyed, not expecting to see the rhino get so red-faced and shuddery over a finger up his ass. Of course, given how impressively Mikey's tongue was wrapped around his cock while sucking his veiny shaft, the boar figured he must know something. The turtle's free paw grasped the side of Bebop's waist while the other kept pressing Rocksteady's buttons in all the right ways, making that monstrous rhino cock leak a good amount of pre that lingered at the ridge of his foreskin. Despite seeing how well his partner was taking that kind of pleasure, and feeling how earth-shatteringly amazing the turtle was sucking on his cock, the boar made sure that paw didn't around to his backside again.

"Ahhhh! Su... Such a good boy, jaa?~" The rhino panted heavily, and his cock throbbed more with each tantalizing rub Mikey gave to his swelling prostate. It made his hefty balls churn and pulsate hard enough to make his legs buckle, but he remained on his feet before the slutty turtle while staring at his prone body. Since the teenager was on his knees, it wasn't long before Rocksteady's eyes peered at that exposed rear. He grinned immensely wide, already having a good idea what to do to the little guy.

Eventually, Rocksteady couldn't take much more as he yanked the turtle's paw out from his hole, and shuddered in anticipation while going around to Mikey's rear. That green backside was still slicked-down from the remnants of saliva and cum Donatello provided, which were slowly dribbling down his legs despite how much the brother tried to clean him up. As Michelangelo remained on his paws and knees while continuing to lick Bebop's prick, Rocksteady growled in satisfaction when he got a good view of that loosened and puckering hole.

By the time the rhino grabbed both of Mikey's cheeks to spread them wider apart, the turtle gasped and shivered after cleaning off most of the remnant pre from the boar's pierced cock. Meanwhile, Bebop purred in anticipation with a grin before grabbing the turtle's head tightly. "That's right~" he purred while pulling Michelangelo's face back against his cock, placing his mouth right up against his plump balls for some attention. "You like that, you 'lil faggot?~"

"H-Hey!" snapped Splinter quite angrily towards the boar, not wanting him to use that kind of derogatory name-calling. However, Mikey brought a paw up to keep his dad from saying anything else, and grinned cheekily up at the smirking Bebop.

"I like it a bit," the turtle teased before leaning in, and giving a deep enough lap across that wrinkly sac to make the pig hiss in pleasure and spurt a little pre on top of his head. But as soon as his mouth pulled away again, Mikey made sure to add in a matter-of-fact tone, "But you're getting your dick sucked by a fifteen year old. So if I'm a little faggot, then you're a big dirty pedophile~"

Bebop's cocky smirk dropped in an instant, looking very offended by that remark. Rocksteady openly laughed out loud what Mikey said, even though he was on the same boat as his friend while stroking his cock in front of the turtle's waiting hole. While the rhino repeatedly licked his hand and stroked his cock to get it wet enough for his target, the boar huffed in annoyance before tightening his grip on Michelangelo's head. "Ya know what?" he said in a firmer tone while glaring down at him. "You better suck my cock good enough to be worth it, kid!"

Mikey knew a threat when he heard one, and he decided to light the fire a little hotter underneath the angry boar. "Well, you better give it to me hard then, you big Pedo Piggy!~"

"RRAAAAHHH!!!" After being called such an insulting name, Bebop rammed his pierced cock right between Mikey's smugly grinning lips, not caring if his ring chipped a tooth or two in the process. Luckily, the turtle wasn't hurt from that first hard thrust, and clenched his eyes shut as he felt that cold metal and hot pork get shoved so animalistically into his mouth. Despite how rough the pig got in an instant, not giving a shit about gag-reflex while ramming his meaty cockhead down the turtle's throat, Mikey still moaned under his limited breaths as his paws reached around Bebop's bare waist. Meanwhile, the rhino finally began to press his uncurcimsuzed cockhead against that tight turtle hole, eager to give their target's belly the same kind of bulge his throat was receiving from Bebop's cock.

"Mmmmphhh... You should take a look at red turtle, Goluboi," jeered Rocksteady while holding the turtle's cheeks with white knuckles. Mikey was too preoccupied with Bebop's cock to glance over at his older brother, but he could certainly hear his wet slurps and groans as Splinter thrusted readily into Raphael's mouth. While pre and saliva dripped down from his chin between lewd slaps of the rat's balls, Leonardo's balls were also smacking against Raph's ass while rutting him from behind. Donatello, who was still busy chowing down on sensei's hole, could barely keep himself in place while the rat kept thrusting. Overall, it was almost a shame that Michelangelo couldn't witness what his family was doing just a few feet away from him; but with the rich taste of the boar's cock lingering on his tongue, Mikey felt rather content in his position as he groaned from Rocksteady's member slipping into his hole slowly. "Because as soon as this goes in," continued the rhino in an almost gloating tone while shivering at how tight the turtle still was, "You'll be biggest whore in room~"

Michelangelo knew that Rocksteady's cock was going to be more than a little daunting, but his eyes widened to the size of frisbees when he felt how much his hole pulled open to let in that rhino cock. He squealed in immense pain, but it was heavily muffled because of Bebop continuously ramming in and out of his bulging throat. His throat convulsed tightly against so much piggy cock, as well as from that piercing, but his gag-reflex was basically nonexistent as judged by his elastic-like throat. But alas, with each painful inch the rhino crammed inside of his ass, the turtle couldn't help tingling in depraved glee as he ended up with a fate similar, if not better, than his brother Raphael.

"Ahhh!~" Leonardo clenched his eyes shut as he plowed his brother with growing intensity, feeling how strongly his cock was pulsating inside of Raphael's tremendously tight hole. His breaths turned rapid as he grew closer to orgasm, and the fact that each breath was rich with the taste of his father's cock only made that feeling more intense. The idea of emptying his balls into Raph's slutty little ass made his heart race in excitement, but he couldn't help feeling a little envious when he saw just how much the turtle was slobbering all over Splinter's throbbing cock. Even though he was the first turtle to get a good taste of their sensei's member, that only made him more antsy to get another load from him before the night was through.

The sensei, who was close to climax himself while ramming into Raph's mouth, seemed to notice Leo's reddened face through his half-lidded eyes. Seeing that he was wanting to blow his load into his brother, Splinter decided to up the stakes as he said teasingly with a grin, "If... If you finish before me, th-then... then I can wait for you to get down here before I let mine out~"

"Mmmmph!" Raphael clenched his eyes shut and grunted angrily between Splinter and Leo's thrusts into him. While his brother kept railing his ass for all it was worth, he was able to get his master's cock out of his mouth for a couple thrusts to complain. "H-Hey! I... I wanted to get it!"

"Do you, my son?~" purred the rat with a knowing grin that widened down on him. "Because I was thinking you could be quite useful where Donatello is right now~"

"Hmmm?" muffled Donnie while he was tongue-deep between Splinter's cheeks. Of course, despite how deliciously raw and pleasurable that hole was, the turtle liked the idea of being up front for a change. And judging by the way Raph's eyes widened in revelation, it seemed like he wouldn't be against switching things too.

"NNNNNNNNNNGHHHHH!!!" The blue-masked turtle's body convulsed sporadically as he delivered his last couple of thrusts into Raph, keeping his cock deeply embedded in that hole so every drop of his load could erupt inside of him. Raphael cried out in grunted pleasure as he felt that sudden blast of warmth flooding his bowels, with multiple spurts of Leo's thick cum shooting into his deepest depths. Even though he didn't expect to be the one getting fucked instead of the other way around, he couldn't deny how amazingly intense that sensation was while his prostate was rubbed by his brother's rigid member. He didn't want to admit it, especially out-loud, but he could totally be down with being a bottom more often for these guys.

Of course, if he heard his father's offer correctly, Raph had a good feeling someone else would turn out to be an unexpected bottom tonight.

"Ahhhhhhhh...~" While Leonardo came down from his first orgasm since all this debauchery began, Raphael sighed in sweet bliss at how full and satisfied he felt. He hadn't even come himself from that, but he still felt amazing while his cock continued to throb between his legs. Of course, as he heard Donatello pull away from Splinter's ass to leave it open for business, a randy idea made Raph's cock twitch in need for something new. The idea of receiving a hot load of his sensei's rat-spunk on his face definitely sounded hot, but he was determined enough to pull away from his dad's crotch to go behind him. As Raphael shuddered agerly with his fat cock leaking a steady amount of pre, Donnie slid underneath the rat's legs head-first while laying on his shell.

"Oh?~" At seeing the nerdy turtle slide underneath him with a cheeky grin, obviously wanting to get a good view of the action from below, the rat grew his own devious idea. Since he made it clear what he wanted from his most muscular son, Splinter decided to give an especially good show to Donnie after all that rimming. "If you're that eager, my son... perhaps this would be better-suited for you~"

Before Raphael could get behind him with his cock ready, the sensei grabbed the sides of Donatello's shell and spun him around. The purple-masked turtle looked fairly confused at first, but quickly realized what his father was planning when he was pushed back underneath his legs. While Splinter leaned himself forward to get in a kneeling position, Donnie was greeted with the amazing sight of his father's cock and ass directly above his face. And as if the moment couldn't get any better, he then saw Raph's veiny monster throbbing badly while pointed directly at their dad's slicked-up rat hole.

"Ohhhhh, fuck~" moaned the laying turtle with an elated grin spread across his face. Of course, that grin was soon plugged-up after Splinter smirked down at him, and thrusted his cock directly into Donnie's mouth. Fortunately, the turtle was more than okay with that as he immediately began to suck on his Dad's rigid member. Meanwhile, the rat himself decided to take advantage of his new position, and laid down before Donatello's cock to begin a proper sixty-nine.

Donnie groaned a little as he began to suck on Splinter's cock with his eyes rolled back, but that was the only audible reaction he gave as he felt his father's tongue slide across his smooth and thin shaft. As for Leonardo, his moan was much easier to hear (albeit shakier) as he remained on his knees and watched the action unfold with a winded breath. Even though he just came into Raphael, seeing him mount Master Splinter, while also witnessing his dad sucking another cock less than a foot from his face, left his spent member only half-flaccid as it twitched in astoundment. With so much action occurring right in front of him, he wasn't sure which thing to get more turned-on by. At the end, despite how hot Splinter looked with Donnie's cock in his muzzle, Leo focused on Raph's meaty cock prodding into their dad's hole.

"Nnnnggg!!~" Feeling how rough his strongest son was being against his entrance, the rat pulled his mouth from Donnie's cock for a moment to say while wincing, "R-Raphael! D... Don't rush into it!"

"Sorry, Sensei!" groaned Raphael with an eager shudder as he kept going, ignoring his dad's pained grunts as he felt that tight hole clench tightly around his cockhead. "Your... Your ass is way too nice to keep from fuckin', Dad~"

"Gnnaaahhh!!!" Before Splinter could protest any further, Raphael took advantage of his position to pop his plump cockhead inside of his father's quivering hole. Much like his fighting, the turtle was always a bit too brash when it came to entering something new. Luckily, the rat's cringed reaction eventually settled down as he felt his son's thick start to slide in slowly. During his soothing shudder at the feel of something so thick and throbbing going inside of him, sensei slowly felt good enough to go back to sucking Donatello's cock like before. As for the purple-masked turtle on the floor, he looked to be in absolute heaven while slurping on his dad's cock, and staring dreamily up at Raph fucking the rat properly.

It wasn't long until Raphel noticed his blushed and aroused brother standing awkwardly and staring at the three. He huffed while giving a sly smirk before he asked, "What, you wanna get in on this?" He emphasized how tempting that offer could be as he began to thrust into their father, making his balls start to slap against the top of Donatello's head. Between hardened grunts, Raph kept his eyes up at Leo and added with a motion of his head towards their other brother, "'Cause if you ask me, it seems like Mikey over there could use some help more than Master Splinter does~"

Leonardo's eyes shot open before whipping his head towards Mikey and the goons, almost forgetting about them due to all the other lewdness occurring. By now, Bebop and Rocksteady were working full force on the little turtle as they pounded his ass and mouth relentlessly with their cocks. From the angle Leonardo could see them from, it almost looked like the two were timing their thrusts to plow him at the same time, squishing Mikey's body together like an accordion. Nevertheless, the way the slutty turtle's eyes were rolling back in elation during that was unmistakable.

Leo hated to admit it, especially when he saw how rough those two were getting while shoving their massive cocks into his brother's holes. But with each hard thrust those two made, and each fleshy slap he heard from their balls hitting Mikey's chin and ass, the blue-masked teen couldn't exactly blame him for going through with Rocksteady's deal. They weren't exactly the most pleasant or trustworthy guys around, but it looked like they knew how to fuck like nobody's business. So after taking one last glance back at Raph fucking Splinter, and the rat moaning between his deep suckles of Donnie's cock, Leo shuddered in envy before deciding to help out Michelangelo.

Raph chuckled in delight as he kept ramming into Splinter's ass, with each thrust causing the rat's cock to plunge deeper into Donatello's mouth (not that the turtle seemed to mind, of course~). Bebop was panting heavily while doing the same with Mikey's slutty mouth, but still looked up when he heard the red-masked turtle's reaction. When he saw Leonardo coming up to him and Rocksteady with a deep blush and a re-growing erection, the boar cackled mockingly and asked, "What's up, leader boy? Your Daddy's cock ain't enough for ya now?~"

"Mmmmph!~" Rocksteady was slamming into Mikey's flexible ass more vigorously, looking quite happy that the turtle was able to take most of his gigantic length without much complaint. As his plump balls repeatedly slapped against the turtle's to make him let out gurgled moans, he smirked at Leonardo and added, "I... I bet he just wants to help orange turtle. Aren't you, Goluboi?~"

Leonardo understood enough Russian to know what the rhino just called him, but his scowl didn't last for long as he blushed in response to the first part of his statement. "W-Well, I... I help him a lot, so..."

Leonardo may have went up to the freaks fucking his brother for a chance to join in, but his mind drew a blank as he tried to think of something he wanted to actually do. Of course, given how he just came into his older brother, and suck their dad's cock to the point of bukkake, he wasn't sure how else he could contribute. But judging by that knowing smirk the rhino had, it seemed like he was able to give him something to do while all the other turtles got their dicks or holes used up. "You vant to help?" asked Rocksteady in an almost gloating tone of voice. "Den help me get load in turtle slut, jaa? You seem like you'd enjoy rhino fun, hmm?~"

Bebop rolled his eyes and grunted while plowing Mikey's mouth, although it was probably in annoyance of not thinking to ask first. Leonardo, despite not wanting to help a sworn enemy, couldn't exactly say no when he was getting so pent-up from seeing his brother being treated like a bad-guy cum-dump. Plus, the turtle would be lying through his teeth if he tried to say Rocksteady's balls didn't look appetizing as hell.

So after a quick exhale and a furrowed brow, the leader turtle didn't say anything in response to the rhino's claim. Instead, he merely got up behind Rocksteady, and got down on his knees with a deep blush of embarrassment. His expression showed a clear look of distaste and shame as he kneeled before that muscular rear, which only intensified when he heard the goon say cockily, "HA! Blue turtle DOES vant rhino! I knew it!"

"You know," stated Leo firmly while glaring up at him and rubbing the inside of the rhino's thigh, "I could easily offer to help your friend instead."

"I'm fine!" groaned the boar as he really got into it, seeming to love the sound of his balls smacking Mikey's face with each thrust into his mouth. "I... I'd rather not have any of you other fags tryin anything with my ass. No offense."

"Oh well!" Rocksteady shrugged quite casually while rutting Michelangelo's ass to no end, and then grinned down at Leonardo as he said, "Just do vat you vant, Goluboi. Rhino curious what leader queer wants~"

Despite being busy fucking Splinter raw-dog, Raphael couldn't resist jeering towards them, "Yeaaaahhhh... Show us what you want, Leo~"

"Ugh!" The turtle wasn't even sure what he wanted to do to get off, but he was determined to show his worth when he saw everyone else's climaxes looked to be drawing in. The groans emanating in the room seemed to be growing more intense as the seconds passed, and he could only guess how much longer he had with so many cocks inside so many holes. His own member was starting to grow fully erect again, and that tempting figure the rhino was flaunting with each thrust didn't help one bit. With the way he used his bulging muscles to pound into Mikey, and the grand thickness of his rear and cock (at least, the brief glimpses he saw of that cock coming out of his brother's ass), Leo gulped as he realized how hot Rocksteady really was.

Even as the arrogant rhino stared him down with a knowing grin, Leonardo's disliking of him couldn't override how much he wanted something from him before everyone else could cum. So without even thinking, the turtle dove down underneath that ass and between Rocksteady's legs, and began to hungrily sniff and lick at those giant balls repeatedly slapping Mikey's ass. Catching the rhino's musky scent from his taint, and tasting how strong the sweat on his wrinkly sac tasted, Leo's cock soon throbbed in great approval as he kneeled in behind the rhino to help coax him to completion.

"Ooomph!" Rocksteady wasn't expecting that turtle to go for his balls, but the action was more than welcomed as he chuckled and glanced down at him. "Good choice, queer-boy. Very good choice~" As he grinned with a shiver at feeling the turtle's curious tongue, he decided to suggest with a more randy tone, "If... If you want to help rhino cum, then you should bring that tongue to vere sun don't shine~"

"Mnnnghhh!!" Leonardo groaned out while his tongue stayed connected to that hefty ballsack, and his body tensed up from the idea of doing something so raunchy. He could barely ascertain the ramifications of such an act, but the idea was strangely tempting in a taboo kind of way. Heck, given what he just did with his brothers and their Dad, the idea of eating out the rhino's ass seemed fairly tame in comparison. So instead of trying to argue, the blue-masked turtle just trembled underneath his enemy before he pulled his drooling mouth away from those plump balls. And as soon as he looked up at that perky, sweaty hole just inches from his face, the leader shuddered with an eager blush before he lunged his face in.

"Awww, shit~" jeered Raph as he cackled at his brother's impulsive rimming. "You're seriously eating his ass?! That's gross, dude!"

"Says the faggot fucking his own DAD!" barked Rocksteady back at the turtle while enjoying this ridiculous amount of depraved sex. He had no idea what Bebop put in that bomb, but he was willing to make him create a million of them by gunpoint if he had to. Heck, this could be a great way to take over the city if they could make one big enough. But for now, the rhino was content on savoring this raunchy moment while it lasted.

Holes were fucked ruthlessly, and cocks were slobbered all over as the hideout grew hotter in action. Splinter wanted to ponder what could've caused this sort of thing to happen, but he couldn't think too hard while being fucked by one of his sons, and also sixty-nineing with another. Even Bebop and Rocksteady, who weren't even exposed to the gas in the first place, were too clouded by all the sexy happenings to focus on anything but the turtle they were spitroasting, and the other turtle hungrily slobbering over the rhino's ass.

Of course, despite how unnatural and immoral that orgy may have looked, there was no denial that all seven of them were absolutely loving it. It was hard to tell who was having the most fun, since they all had their pros above the others. Maybe it was Donatello because of his close-up view of Splinter being fucked hard, while also getting a good taste of that daddy-rat cock pounding his mouth. Or maybe it was Michelangelo, since he was being rutted from both ends by some of the most massive dicks that could be obtained in the city. Heck, even Leonardo could say he was in a content kind of position, as he jerked off vigorously while licking that musky rhino hole, and also hearing his brother's gurgled moans clearly enough to make his cock spurt ropes of pre.

Nevertheless, the sounds of slutty moans, hearty groans, and slapping wet flesh all blended together into the most perverted symphony of incest and degradation. With each lap of a tongue against cock or hole, and each slapping of a pair of balls against someone's face or ass, it became clear that all of them were eager to cum as those noises intensified. Splinter, who had been edging since his double-oral from Raphael and Mikey, was the first to moan out as his mouth briefly pulled away from Donatello's throbbing member. "Ahhhh!!! G... GIVE IT TO ME, SON!"

Hearing how dire his dad's cries sounded, Raphael delivered his final rapid thrusts into that rat ass while his balls kept hitting Donnie's forehead. Mikey, upon hearing sensei's cries, felt his own cock spurting out more pre as he was in the middle of a hot cockmeat sandwich, which was undoubtedly about to get a strong helping of cream dressing. The sounds of Master Splinter's strained moans proved to be too much for Raph, and he could feel his cock throbbing past the point of no return just as his dad's hole clenched like a vice around it.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!~" The rat finally came powerfully from all the elation flowing through his veins, pumping multiple loads of his thick seed directly into Donatello's moaning mouth. The turtle tried his hardest to swallow as much as he could, but thick rivulets of Splinter's seed dribbled out from the sides of his mouth as he spasmed from the strong taste. He wasn't sure if it was the wonderful taste of his dad's cum, or the sounds of Raphael's groans as he pounded into Spinter and bred him with his own load, but the nerdy turtle still tensed up blissfully as heavy ropes shot out of his cock and splattered all over the rat's face and muzzle.

All those noised proved to be too much for Bebop, who was the first goon to unload into Mikey as he moaned deeply. His eyes clenched shut behind his visors while ramming deep into the turtle's throat, ensuring that every drop would do straight down his gullet to make the twitching slut more than satisfied. Underneath the group, Michelangelo's cock spurted out a near constant stream of cum like a broken faucet, with the feel of the boar's cock pulsating in his throat setting him after so long. However, his untouched cock still spattered cum all over the floor as it dangled helplessly, unable to be controlled against Rocksteady's final thrusts into him.

"G... GET READY, TURTLES!" roared out the rhino in overwhelming intensity. Leonardo could actually feel Rocksteady's balls churning while his chin was repeatedly against it, and could also feel the strong clench of that rhino's hole as it was wrapped around his tongue. With a monstrous roar, the rhino bottomed out inside of Mikey and began to breed him for all he was worth. With each hard pump his cock made into that slutty turtle ass, the rhino felt Leonardo's tongue prod deeper inside of him to help get them both off as well. Fortunately, that level of debauchery was more than enough to do it, and the blue-masked turtle was the last one to cum as he groaned deeply between Rocksteady's toned cheeks.

Since everyone came in near unison, the mood died down for a long while as everyone rested on the floor in post-orgasmic bliss. Many of them were still connected to one another, but none of them seemed to mind each other's sweaty or cum-splattered bodies as they caught their breath. Instead, the seven spent gentlemen just laid back in stunned silence as they let that moment sink in, none of them sure what to do next.

Rocksteady, who was resting on top of Michelangelo while buried inside of him, glanced over at his partner who was laying half-comatose on the floor. Leo was rolled away from the three, shuddering while panting with his sore tongue sticking out. Since it seemed like none of the family were conscious enough to register his words, the rhino asked in a worried whisper, "Psst! Bebop! Ven... Ven do gas effects wear off?"

"Ughhh... no idea, man," replied the boar in a groggy tone of voice. "And I'd rather not know the hard way."

"Vell, me neither," said Rocksteady with a tired shrug. "Buuuutttt... would you be upset if I got another round or two before leaving?~"

Bebop reopened his eyes to stare at his partner for a long moment, and then back at the rest of the group who were either passed out or breathing heavily. Even though he hated to think how these guys would act if they sobered up to the gas (especially while they were still there), it wasn't long before the pig huffed and smirked back at him. "Honestly, I'd be upset if you try that shit without me~"

"Ha!" Rocksteady scoffed back at him as his own smile grew wider in delight. His imbedded cock began to grow hard again while inside of Michelangelo's ass, which caused the dazed teen to moan out cutely."How else would rhino have fun? Silly pedo-pig~"

Bebop's cock came back to life as well, and began to throb rather strongly in response; however, the boar's expression soured right up as he snapped back at him, "Fuck you, rhino perv!" He then scooted back forward, and shoved his pierced cock inside of Mikey's open mouth to get another load down that turtle gullet. Meanwhile, as the other turtles began to stir a little, Rocksteady began to slam in and out of Mikey once more, without a care in the world.

Dear Bogo

"Mmmmnnnghhh!! Come on, you little..." Judy Hopps gritted her teeth as tightly as her muscles, trying her hardest not to show too much weakness on the way towards her new office. The grey bunny pushed with all of her might, but was only able to...

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