DC Criminal Profile: Mire

Story by Stinkdog on SoFurry

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#9 of Defense Council Profiles

Here it is, One of the most dangerous villains in my roster of supers. I'm still not quite sure how the Defenders are going to take on this one, but maybe they have an ace up their sleeve and don't even realize it! This Amazing art was once again drawn by Spelunker Sal!

Defense Council Criminal Profile

The following information has been designated level ten classification and should be considered Top Secret. This individual is extremely dangerous. Any incidents involving this individual should be handled only by authorized personnel with level ten clearance or above.

Name: Maleko Akamu

Alias: Mire

Species: Tiger Shark at birth / now varies

Age: 60

Height: variable

Weight: variable

Eyes: always red

Hair: variable

Fur/Skin: variable

Gender: originally male / now variable

Threat Level: Black

Known Abilities: Shapeshifting, Hydrokinesis, Molecular Manipulation (Water), Regeneration, near perfect talent for mimicry.

Known History: Maleko Akamu was born and raised in Haleiwa, Hawaii. His young life and his relationship with his parents were completely healthy and mundane, though he did take a great interest in surfing. By the time Maleko was twenty-three, he had won several surfing competitions and was on his way to securing the championship title. After his first championship win at age twenty-four, Maleko married his fiancée, Kai Hale. Almost half a year later, Kai gave birth to Malana Akamu, who would later become Class B Defender Deluge.

Maleko went on to win several more surfing championships in the following years and also taught his daughter how to surf. However, questions arose as to the legitimacy of Maleko's wins, and he was subjected to increased drug testing to rule out any chemical assistance. When the tests showed that Maleko was clean, his critics in government and also in the community began to suggest that judges were being bribed on Maleko's behalf by a local criminal cartel.

Rather than face a lengthy trial and possible false incarceration in Hawaii, Maleko fled from the accusations to United City, where he landed a sales job at a department store. In the four years that followed, Maleko lost that job but did not tell his family. Instead, he told them that he had been promoted and his new work required him to travel for long periods of time. He was away from his family for weeks on end, and it wasn't long before they became suspicious of his behavior and his steadily deteriorating health despite the fact that money from this new job arrived regularly.

Kai began accusing Maleko of infidelity and drug use. Malana also tried on several occasions to stop her father from going away, but he never listened. Maleko was, in fact, assisting the fascist paramilitary organization known as The People's Militia with experiments aimed at turning him into a super soldier. In exchange for volunteering his body to the Militia's experimentation, he was given large sums of money that he was using to support his family.

Because the People's Militia had lost gene scientist Dr. Kharzin and her research years prior when they were betrayed by Ironsight, their research had become focused on the much less predictable mutating effects of radiation and chemical agents. For these experiments, Maleko would be stripped naked, usually at gunpoint, and submerged in different mixtures of toxic chemicals and radioactive isotopes. After two years of such treatment, Maleko's body was beginning to deteriorate as all of the previous People's Militia test subjects had before.

Then, on one occasion, his daughter, Malana, followed him to the secret, People's Militia laboratory and a bolt of lightning caused the accident that sent her into the same vat of chemicals in which her father was submerged. Defense Council intelligence has little information about what happened next, though the end result was Maleko's escape and likely murder of all People's Militia personnel present. It took the Defense Council nearly eight years of hunting to capture Maleko with his newfound ability to shapeshift and mimic others.

Maleko is now confined in a top secret location in a watertight cell that prevents him from using his abilities to escape. The analysis staff has determined that he now calls himself "Mire" and it is unclear whether or not anything remains of Maleko Akamu's original personality. He has been imprisoned for ten years with numerous escape attempts. Under no circumstances is the cell to be opened, no matter who appears to be inside.

[UPDATE: Mire is no longer in custody. See the attached addendum below for further information.]

Ability Details: Maleko Akamu has the ability to control and move water. Like his daughter, Deluge, this ability only affects water that is not frozen. Unbeknownst to his critics in Hawaii and perhaps even to Maleko himself, he had been using this power over water for years to increase his surfing prowess. It is possible that even his daughter had the capacity to similarly manipulate water before the accident which mutated both of them. Also like his daughter, Maleko's molecular control can create water from air molecules, and his power over water can only be maintained within a radius of fifty feet from his body.

Because Maleko's body had already begun to deteriorate from previous experiments, the accident altered his physical makeup completely. While his mind is still sapient, his body is now made entirely of water and has no natural, solid shape. He is effectively a living puddle. However, Maleko can solidify himself and alter his physical appearance to be nearly identical to living things. Before capture, he was observed taking the following forms: a feral dog, a medium sized pack of scurrying rodents, a delivery man, a female secretary, Class S Defender Mighty Steel, Senator James Morris, and potentially many others. This made him incredibly difficult to detain.

Since Maleko is now made entirely of water, he automatically pulls H2O from the air around him to replenish any liquid separated or lost from his main form. Further, he exhibited a mild allergic reaction and recoiled when sprayed with a small amount of salt water. Mire is effectively immune to any physical attack, though he can be frozen and theoretically could be evaporated through excessive contact with heat. Should only one drop of him remain however, he would theoretically be able to completely regenerate over time. It stands to reason then, that Mire could potentially increase his mass exponentially if he absorbs a large enough body of fresh water, however, this very dangerous theory has never been tested.

Mire cannot take his original form or the form of any other tiger shark for that matter. It is unclear why. He does not, or perhaps cannot, talk when in liquid form; any attempt to communicate with him must be done while he is mimicking another entity that can speak. Psychologists on staff report that Mire often took their own form while speaking with them, and also that he appears to not remember much of his life before the experiment that created him. Because of this, it is unlikely that Deluge will ever learn that Mire is actually her father, but Defense Council administration is not willing to take that risk. Mire's moral compass has deteriorated as well, and he shows a complete disregard for life. He will not hesitate to commit murder in order to accomplish his goals, but he was not forthright about what those goals might be.

Experimentation on Mire's abilities and limitations will continue until Defence Council supervisors are confident that the organization possesses an adequate means of dealing with him should he escape. For the above reasons, Mire has been designated threat level, Black.

[ADDENDUM: Details of Mire's escape on Oct. 5th follow.

0600 hours: Situation normal. Security officers changed shift and inspected Mire's cell. Mire was inside with no security issues.

0800 - 1200 hours: Situation normal. Security officers performed morning rounds. Nothing to report.

1300 hours: Situation normal. Security supervisor L. Jameson was observed walking "as if in a daze" toward the control room. She was stopped by Assistant Supervisor K. Lawrence and sent home on sick leave.

1330: Both control room staff (A. Reynolds and T. Dawson) reported feeling light-headed and dizzy to the on-site EMTs, but no cause could be determined. Mire appeared agitated in his cell, pacing back and forth with visible ripples on the surface of his body. At this time, Mire had taken the form of one of the armored security officers (B. Karlo).

1400 hours: Afternoon shift change. Multiple security staff leaving the site complained of headaches. Mire continued to pace and fidget in his cell.

1500 hours: Contact lost with control room staff. The solid steel control room door was locked from the inside. Override codes failed to open the door. Security officers and maintenance personnel began drilling through the door around the locking mechanism.

1510: Mire's cell door opened. On-site security staff was unable to detain him in spite of the Defense Council's countermeasures, later citing a widespread sense of confusion and intense headaches as the cause.

1525: Mire fled the facility through the ventilation system after murdering three security personnel. Control room door forced open. The room held evidence of a scuffle between the two operators. T. Dawson had died from a stab wound in his neck caused by a ballpoint pen. A. Reynolds was badly beaten about the face and neck, but her fingerprints were found on the pen. At the time of discovery, she was convulsing on the floor in complete neurological shock. She has been in a catatonic state since Oct. 5th.

The cause of the described neurological events and maladies by security personnel on sight is unknown. Mire has never before shown the capability to cause such effects. An investigation is ongoing.]

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