Harada's Bad Day (Gift Story)

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This story is a gift story to the furaffinity user Hooves, not sure what his name is here on this site. With that in mind, beware of contents such as penectomy, castration, nullification, bondage, latex, and body modification. Standard age warnings apply.

Comment, please.


Harada was an easygoing panther, most of the time. He kept his nose out of the business of others, enjoyed spending time with his few friends, and he made sure that he bothered them as little as they bothered him. However, there were times when he wished that he could be a little more of an introverted person, a little more of a loner, particularly when the jaguar nattering at him was concerned.

Turning to look at his chatter-box of a friend, he shook his head. Veera stood nearly as tall as him, at six foot, and had a similar, strong musculature. The only real difference between them was that Harada had an extra two inches of height and an additional ten pounds of muscle. Other than that, and their fur colorations, they looked quite similar to one another. Most of the time, they thought similarly as well, and that gave the jaguar an annoying advantage when he was trying to get Harada to do something.

Like go to a party, for example. He'd been talking about this one party that a mutual acquaintance of theirs, Gregory the cheetah, was throwing. It sounded like a place where the entertainment would consist of little more than everyone getting drunk and laughing at the antics of the others, something that he was getting tired of seeing. The frat house at the local college was just about identical in that respect, and it was the reason that he kept his own dorm rather than move into it the way that the rest of the fraternity had, a long time ago.

Veera was a member of the same fraternity, as was Gregory, but at least the jaguar kept his annoying habits down to being a chatterbox. The two of them were really the only ones that weren't always chasing after girls, getting drunk, and generally making idiots of themselves. Yet, there were times where Harada wished that the jaguar would lose the chatterbox thing, and just be a little more silent.

For a moment, the panther let himself listen to the continued chatter about the party, seeing if the jaguar had started to repeat himself yet.

"You gotta come to this party, man," Veera said, grinning like a maniac. "The entire fraternity's going to be there." Said that already, Harada thought to himself. "There's going to be free drinks for everyone." Said that too. "And you know that Gregory's going to be bringing some strippers along, right?" Third repetition for that one.

Tiring of the constant talking, Harada reached out and pressed his black furred paw against the jaguar's lips. Veera actually kept talking for a few seconds before he realized that his mouth was covered, and it tickled his hand just a little bit. Sighing softly, the panther said, "Why do you want me to come to the party, Veera? You know I don't like that kind of stuff, not the way that you guys do."

Pushing the panther's paw down, the jaguar grinned. "Because you're my friend, Hara," Veera said with a grin. "And you know that you've got nothing better to do."

Unfortunately for the panther, that much was true. The gym was closed for the weekend, there was nothing he could do to get further ahead in his classes for the college classes, and there wasn't anything that he could do with other friends. Sighing softly, he shook his head.

"Just promise me one thing, Vee," he said.

"Yeah?" the jaguar asked, his head cocked to the side.

"Don't drink so much that you turn into an idiot," the panther said. "I want to have someone at least that's sober around me, in that mad house."


The cheetah's apartment was something that his parents had set aside for him a long time ago, just in case Gregory wanted a place to go other than college, or needed a private place. Considering that his parents were in the same class as most of the millionaires that the students wanted to be, they could easily afford this place, and continue paying for the rent month after month. As a result, the entire apartment, a spacious 3,000 square foot suite, was the perfect place for frat parties that could get out of hand.

At the moment, the super stereo that was the centerpiece of the living room was booming, nearly loud enough to put the windows out, shatter them, something. Not that most of the people in the apartment really noticed the volume, in their state. Either stoned or plastered, they were dancing along with the music in a way that looked, to the sober panther, like a bunch of idiots going into epileptic fits.

The majority of the ones that appeared drunk seemed to be a little too bright eyed for his taste, and he wondered if the beer and stuff had been spiked with something else. It was a legitimate worry, here in the fraternity, which was why he was sticking to the bottled water he'd brought from his dorm. He did NOT want to get stoned or drugged here.

Veera, on the other hand, was dancing in with the mass of other fraternity brothers. While he wasn't drunk, he was just clumsy enough that he was able to fit in with the rest of the drunken nuts. The panther shook his head as the spastic kind of dance, and rolled his eyes. Sooner or later, the strippers were going to come out, and then things would really start degenerating.

He started to look at the door, reconsidering his idea to come here to the party. If it was going to go like this, boredom might very well be preferable.

Before he could turn all the way, however, the cheetah that was hosting the party stepped out and grabbed him by the shoulder. He was turned around again, and faced with the grinning predator. "Hey, man, haven't seen you around the frat house for a while. Where've you been?"

"Trying to avoid parties like this," the panther answered with a shiver of distaste. "I mean, come on, we're college students. Shouldn't we have a little more maturity than...this?" Harada said, gesturing at the wave of twitching dancers crowding the apartment. The stereo was hurting his ears, and he had them folded down against his skull to try and hold some of the noise out. It wasn't really working, though, as the music continued to pound loud in his ears.

All Gregory did was grin at him though. "Oh come on, Hara," the cheetah said, grabbing him a little tighter by the shoulder and tugging him along. "Don't tell me that you aren't enjoying yourself?"

"That's just it, Gregory," he said, yanking his arm free after a few tries. "I'm not. Frankly, I'm not sure why I'm even here in the first place, considering I hate this kind of party. I think I'm going to go now," he said with a shake of his head. The panther looked around, and waved to get the jaguar's attention. "Come on, Vee, we're going!" he yelled.

Reluctantly, the jaguar followed him to the door of the apartment. As Harada waited at the door, he watched as Veera paused, saying goodbye to the cheetah that was throwing the party. He supposed that perhaps he should have been a little more polite in his host, but the music was so loud, and the entire fraternity was just too boozed up and high for him to really care if he offended the cheetah or not.

At least it only took a few seconds for the jaguar to finish saying goodbye and meet him by the door. He hustled the two of them back down to his car. Thankfully, he'd managed to get a spot in the apartment parking lot, rather than out on the street where the rest of the fraternity had to park.

"Sorry 'bout making you leave early, Veera," Harada said with a small sigh. "I just couldn't take the noise and stuff like that for much longer without decking someone. You know, I'm seriously thinking of leaving the fraternity."

"What?!" the jaguar hissed, turning in his seat with a shocked look on his face. "But no one ever leaves the fraternity. It's...it's unheard of!"

He couldn't help lifting an eyebrow at that. "Unheard of? But people leave the fraternities around the college all the time. Not like this one is any different. Just has a richer person in charge of it, is all," he added with a shrug of his shoulders. Switching the car to drive, he gunned the gas and shoved them out of the parking lot and onto the relatively empty street.

However, not five minutes later, Veera was squirming a bit in his seat. For a few minutes, Harada was able to ignore him, but after he kept moving around, making the leather seat shift and almost squeak from the way he couldn't keep still, he sighed. "What is it, Vee?"

"I...uh..." the jaguar blushed a bit as he stammered. "I need to use the bathroom. Could you stop at a rest stop or something?"

Any other time, the panther would have sighed and said no. However, due to the amount of water that had gulped down at the party in an effort to keep himself from needing anything from the punch bowl or the beer cooler, he needed to use a toilet nearly as bad. Besides, there was a rest stop not that far from where they were, and it wouldn't hurt to stop.

Plus, he really didn't want his leather seats ruined by either of them springing a leak. With a small nod, the panther turned the car around a bit, heading to the nearest rest stop.

In reality, it was just a park with a public restroom, but considering that all the restaurants around them were ones that required one to order to have the chance to use the bathroom, and considering that it was a much longer drive home than he would have thought, it was the only real option they had. Harada put the car in park and stepped out, locking the doors after Veera had stepped out as well. It was only a short walk from the parking lot of the park to the toilets, but in the dark, it seemed a lot longer to the panther. Looking at Veera, he blinked a bit at the large grin on the other's face. "Why are you so happy? We're just gonna take a piss, you know," he said.

"Oh, we're going to do a lot more," Veera said, his grin showing a lot more teeth all of a sudden. "More than you might think. Gregory thought this little idea up, but I'm glad I was the one to lead you here," the jaguar said, stepping back rapidly.

Before Harada could do the same, several stallions leaped out of the shadows, both from the front and from the sides. They tackled him hard, slamming him to the grassy ground, and pushed his arms behind his back. His legs followed, keeping him completely immobile. "What the hell are you doing?!" he yelled, squirming against the bonds and glaring at the jaguar. "Vee, why are you doing this?!"

"You said you were leaving the fraternity, the family," Veera said with a shrug of his shoulders. He pressed a handkerchief to a small bottle he'd pulled from his jacket. "I don't want you to leave. Never want you to leave, ever," the jaguar muttered, soaking the cloth before approaching. Even from a few paces away, he could smell the chloroform on it, and the panther could tell that it was meant to knock him out for a good long time. He squirmed harder and harder, trying desperately to pull the ropes off of him, but it was too little too late. The cloth was pressed against his face, and he was down for the count.


The panther woke up by fits and stages, coming back to consciousness both slower and faster than he really would have liked. The first thing to wake up was his sense of smell. The overwhelmingly strong odor around him was the scent of latex and metal. Underneath those scents were the smells of various aroused males, with the scent of cum and pre-cum quite strong as well. Still, they had to be a little further away, his brain said, for the latex smell to be stronger.

Slowly, the panther managed to open his eyes. He groaned, as most of his vision was completely obscured, all but his peripheral vision cut off by some black cut outs, placed over his eyes. What little he could see was mostly walls or fleeting images of furs as they walked by. He couldn't even tell their species, they were visible for too brief a time.

Last, but most weakly, his hearing came back. It was almost like trying to listen to a conversation occurring underwater. Everything was garbled, everything was washed out. It was like there were cottonballs or something in his ears, keeping him from hearing most things.

As he woke up completely, he tried to push himself upwards. However, no matter how hard he pulled on his arms, he couldn't move them. They were held out to the side, a little bit below shoulder height, and chained somehow to something that he couldn't see. Harada tried to just stand up, but his legs were attached to the floor. It felt a little bit like a thick strap that went over his ankles and just below the knee, keeping his lower legs pressed flat against the floor.

The panther couldn't even speak, because there was a gag of some sort in his mouth. It was round, almost like a ball-gag...but that couldn't be right. The fraternity might be a pain in the ass, and they might have been completely immature, but they weren't rapists. They wouldn't have pulled him back here and tied him up just to get their rocks off...would they?

Conversations and the sounds that others made while talking suddenly cut off, and Harada turned his head back and forth, trying to clear his ears. Did he just go deaf? How could they all go silent so quickly?

"Well, well, well," a familiar cheetah said. Gregory, the panther was sure. "So, you don't like how thing work in the fraternity? You don't like our parties, hmm? I bet you think you're a lot better than us, that you are too good for all the parties that I spend so much money on. I mean, if that's not the truth, I'm sure you'll tell me, and all the other frat brothers here."

That was what this was all about?! Harada would have snorted and shouted at the ridiculousness of the whole thing, if he wasn't gagged and bound the way he was. But if that was what the cheetah wanted to hear, some sort of admission about that, he was fine with that.

He tried to say that he found the parties fun, and that he wanted to be part of the fraternity. He honestly did. But the gag that was covering his mouth made his words come out as little more than grunts and baby talk, with absolutely none of it really understandable. The panther paused, and tried again, a little harder. Again, no words came out. Each time he failed, the crowd of the fraternity laughed a little bit at him, and the harder he tried, the more they laughed.

Curiously absent was the laughter of the cheetah. From all that Harada could hear, which was admittedly not much, Gregory hadn't laughed at all. He hadn't made the slightest sound since he had offered the chance for the panther to get out of this. The cheetah was never this calm, this silent, except when a member of the fraternity had broken the rules and was about to get punished.

Was that what he was here for?

Giving up with his tries to appease the others with his words, he turned his head this way and that. The more he turned his head, the more he could see. There were at least five males in front of him, including Gregory, and Veera, even, standing a little further back. The others were the stallions that had jumped him, at least, he thought that they were.

Gregory took that moment to lean in, and the cheetah grabbed him by the chin. "I don't let anyone leave the fraternity, Harada. But I can't let you stay either, not when you'll be complaining all the time. I mean, face facts. Every minute you've been here, after your first week, you've been looking down your nose at the rest of us. I'm not fond of being looked down on, and you just never knew when to stop. Well, if you can't have fun with what we do, I'll just make you part of the entertainment."

Momentary confusion at the meaning of the cheetah's words were abruptly replaced by fear and revulsion as the panther felt his crotch being fondled by the cheetah's paws. "You see, Harada, a lot of the strippers cost a lot of money, nearly as much money as a prostitute might cost, but they don't let you touch 'em. You pay all that money, and all you get to see is some tit, and maybe a bit of pussy if you're lucky. I think the fraternity needs it's own little slut, someone that can be pulled upstairs and fucked hard whenever one of the brothers feels a little needy. I bet you can guess where I'm going with this, right?" Gregory said, chuckling a bit as he squeezed the panther's nuts.

Harada certainly could guess where the cheetah was going with this, no matter how much he wished he was completely clueless. Whimpering a little bit behind the gag that kept him silent, the panther squirmed harder and harder in his bonds. His head turning had given him enough of a view of the room to know that he was handcuffed to two posts, and the handcuffs were rather strong metal. The only reason he couldn't feel the metal against his skin was because he was apparently in a full body latex suit. Not only was the latex pulled over his nose and causing it to be all that he could smell, but it was so hot under the material that it felt like he was baking.

On top of all that, the cheetah wouldn't stop groping at his crotch. No matter how awkward the situation was, he couldn't help himself getting erect and starting to put up a little tent in the latex suit. The stimulation of the cheetah's paw was definitely skilled enough to pull him to an erection, if nothing else.

The laughter started again, with the various members of the fraternity in the room chuckling at his dick size. He supposed the stallions had reason for that, but he had thought that the jaguar, that Vee, was his friend, and he was a little hurt at that.

Veera looked at him, and shrugged. "What can I say, dude?" the jaguar said with a shrug of his shoulders. "You were going to leave the frat. Couldn't have that. Gregory said he could stop you, so I went along with him," he said.

Harada pulled at the bonds again, trying to get free, and failing again. He couldn't believe his best friend had betrayed him like this, but he would deal with it later. He'd deal with everyone in the fraternity later, just to make sure that he didn't miss anyone. The cheetah had him now, but he wouldn't have him for long. Harada was not going to become a slut. He was not!

Slowly, Gregory pulled his hand back, leaving the panther with an erection that just wouldn't quit. "Good, nice and hard. Nice to see that you actually can get hard from a male's touch, panther boy," Gregory said with a small chuckle. He stepped back, moving out of the panther's vision. A series of clicks followed, and were replaced by little whisking sounds, metal against metal. The sound was completely unfamiliar, and Harada perked up his ears, trying to guess what it was.

"Harada, you're sexy enough that a good bit of the frat would take you like this. I mean, I've enjoyed both guys and girls in my time, and I'm going to continue enjoying both," the cheetah said. His claws clicked against the floor as he walked from one side to another, always staying out of the panther's view. "However, the frat has a reputation for being quite hetero, and I can't let that reputation get tarnished, can I?"

Not let the reputation be tarnished? Well, he was a guy. They couldn't change that, not without lopping his cock and balls off, and even that wouldn't make him a female. Why, they'd have to-

Harada's eyes went wide as he realized what they were going to do to him, and he squirmed harder and harder in the bonds that held him tight. He couldn't move any more than he had before, and all that his efforts gained him was the laughter of his former brothers. Each stallion and both felines laughed at him, really guffawing at his efforts of breaking free, and Gregory was far from the quietest of them.

The cheetah slowly walked back in front of him, and Harada shivered at the blade that he held in his hand. There was a hatchet in one, more like a cleaver in some ways, and in the other was a rather deadly looking scalpel. They both gleamed in the low light that penetrated the lenses that covered his eyes, and he gulped at the way that they gleamed, so sharp and worrying.

"I can see you've guessed what's gonna happen here, Harada," Gregory said with a smile. He slid the blade of the scalpel along the blade of the cleaver, repeating the little whisking sound that he had heard earlier. "If I'm going to maintain the reputation of my frat house, and keep you as a slut, then I'm going to have to make you into a female," the cheetah explained. He nodded at the stallions behind him, and gestured for them to come forward, which they did, bulging arm muscles showing clearly. "Get the latex off of his crotch, and hold his sheath and prick out. I need to clear it out of the way."

The stallions did as they were told, walking forward and grabbing the panther by the crotch. He was held tightly, one of the stallions holding him by the legs while the other gathered part of the latex between his fingers and tugged. The entire suit shivered at the way that it was pulled, his fur being pulled as the suit was yanked from one direction to another.

It took nearly a full minute for the latex to begin ripping, but once the ripping started, there was no stopping it. The black, smooth material came loose in a hurry, sliding past his crotch and sheath in a rush. The smooth material rubbed against his erect prick, drawing a small pearl of pre from the tip, and a gasp from the panther's lips.

His member, fully exposed to the others in the room, was one thing that he was very proud of. It was a healthy ten inches, well barbed, and it was something that would have impressed his mate when he had revealed it to her on their wedding night. And now, they were proposing to take it from him.

The tip was pinched and pulled outwards, further and further away from him until it was held completely perpendicular to his body. Held in place, the stallion reached down and gripped at Harada's balls, pulling them up and outwards a bit, so that they were in place to be chopped off. Finally, a solid block was placed under his genitals, holding them in place with a mold that was perfectly fitted for feline genitalia. Barbs and balls slipped into little indentations in the block, and a large, thick metal sheet was pressed down near the base of his shaft, just at the point where it exited his sheath.

Cold and chilling, the block had little bloodstains on it, like the old chopping blocks for executioners had in the old movies, and for much the same reason, the panther realized. He stared at the block before jerking his eyes up to the approaching cheetah. He was waving the cleaver back and forth, teasingly, showing it to the panther in a way that emphasized the sleek furred feline's helplessness. No matter how much he jerked, no matter how much he tried to get away, there was no way to stop this.

Sharp and colder than the block beneath his cock, the tip of the blade stroked along his shaft. It rubbed it gently, moving down towards the sheath before stroking its chill surface against his sheath skin. It rubbed against it, stroking it at the point where it attached to his groin. The only relief against the chill of the metal was when it cut him, just a bit, and the warm blood ran over the shivering skin.

The panther looked up as the cheetah lifted the blade, and grinned. "Say goodbye to your cock, my new pussy boi," Gregory said, "and say hello to your new life as the frat slut!" With that, the cleaver came down in a blur, heading right for the sheath and balls that the panther had treasured all his life.

It flashed through him, the cutting. It happened so fast that he shouldn't have felt more than the flash of pain that accompanied it, but Harada screamed as if he had been cut in the most brutal, savage way. The entire length of his cock, formerly the most sensitive part of his body, and filling him with pleasurable sensations even up to the point where it was removed, suddenly disappeared. The removal of all the pleasure that he had been so used to feeling threw the panther off terribly, and the removal of his balls was just as bad.

Wet plops announced the total removal of his genitals, and the panther looked down as best he could, hoping that he could see something else other than his cock, other than his beloved balls. This whole thing had to be a joke. They wouldn't have removed his cock and balls just for this, would they?

The bloody mess of his cock and balls lay directly in front of him. The blood that had kept his cock erect leaked from the base of the sheath, slowly letting the dying flesh shrink down to the obscurity of flaccidity. His balls seemed to be trying to pull up against the sheath, but they didn't have the muscles attached to them anymore that would allow that kind of movement. They just twitched, scrunching up a few times before completely stilling.

Harada looked up with blurring eyes at the bloody cleaver that the cheetah was still holding, his eyes taking in the red stained metal before looking at the cheetah. Gregory was grinning, almost in a crazy way, but a look at his crotch showed it was lust-crazy, not just plain insanity. He was getting off on this, the panther realized absently.

"Save that cock," the cheetah said. His voice was sounding quieter and quieter to the panther, the blood loss starting to make him black out. He was woozy, shifting back and forth a little bit as the blood loss threatened to render him completely unconscious. The cheetah turned to him once more, and smiled, leaning close. "Just go to sleep, Hara," Gregory said with a smile. "Just sleep, and get ready to wake up to your new life as a slut," he whispered as blackness covered the panther's eyes, oblivion claiming him.


While the panther was knocked out, the fraternity brothers were quick to change him. After all, they only had the night before they would be needed elsewhere, and they needed to get this done quickly. Thankfully, all of the ones chosen to be there were not only quite strong, but experts in the medical classes that were called in now and again to give demonstrations about elective surgery.

The penis was taken up by the group, and used to make quite a few new things. The shaft was cut and measured, with the head snipped off and the inside hollowed out. Stuffed with a few things to make it a little tighter, it was made into a makeshift pussy canal. The penis head was modified, and stuffed and mounted on top of the new feline pussy as a clitoris. It was a little larger than usual, but retained all the sensitivity that it had had before. It was something for the pantheress, anyway.

A few little implants were considered, but then discarded. After all, they wanted the panther to be punished, and if he were given breasts, he could pretend that he was a full female easier out in public. If he was kept flat chested, then he couldn't.

That was all that they really needed to do, but a few other things were added, just for fun...including a little implant that would continually leak aphrodisiacs into the panther's system, constantly keeping him ready for any kind of action that the fraternity could dream up. The little team grinned to each other at the end result, and slowly tucked the panther into bed. He...or she...would heal quickly enough, and tomorrow, they would have their first bit of fun with him...or her.


Harada woke up slowly the next day, grunting softly and moaning as he pressed his hand to his head. He had a terrible headache, and he wanted to think that it was a hangover, but it just wouldn't work. Without having anything to drink the night before, a hangover made no sense. And the dream that he had had...wow, that had been a doozy of a dream.

"Well, at least it was just a dream," the panther said with a small smile, reaching down under the covers to give himself a comforting squeeze.

He paused, finding nothing. Groping himself, reaching around in his pants, frantic for something, anything to fill his hands, he failed to find anything. He leaned upright in bed, frantically flinging his fingers around for something, anything.

The panther froze as he felt something impossible. It was wet, and deep, and in entirely the wrong place for an overly lubed asshole. It was sensitive, too, and he pressed lightly at it. Just that light touch was enough to make him moan, and he threw his blankets off of his body. He needed to see this for himself, not just feel it. He had to see this.

Light reflected off of a very wet pussy, situated right between his legs. It glimmered lightly, the pussy lips engorged with blood. It was like just looking at it made him hornier, and Harada felt his fingers drifting over towards the plump pussy lips that hadn't been there before.

Before he could stop himself, he found himself stroking his pussy lips, and then fingering himself. Before long, he was leaning back in the bed and fucking himself on his fingers. He needed them in his pussy, he needed them to push him open, no matter how strange this was. A part of his mind begged for him to stop, to realize how wrong this was, and to take steps to fix it. That part of his mind was small, and it was growing smaller as the pleasure from the finger fucking grew greater and greater.

As the first orgasm rushed over him, the door opened. The panting panther looked through glazed eyes at a naked Veera and Gregory, each erect and each looking at him with quite lusting eyes. The rest of the fraternity stood behind them, and they looked no less lusty.

"Gentlemen, I give you the frat slut," Gregory said, lowering a hand to stroke his member lightly. "She's going to be here for most of the day, and for every day of the school year. She's yours to use, however you want. Isn't that right, Hara?"

The little part of his mind that still believed that he could get out of this was silenced by the massive flood of hormones from his libido. Some of it was artificial, and some of it was natural, but it was more than enough to push away all the protests. Grinning, the panther nodded his head, and spread his legs, showing off the freshly slickened pussy that was just begging for a cock.

As the fraternity brothers rushed the panther, Harada's only thought was how he was going to get more cock when the rest of the fraternity was exhausted.


That's it. hope you enjoyed.

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