A Patched Thief

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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Summary: A thief wanders a city looking for a specific merchant. Hidden behind a cloak, the thief makes their move and the chase begins but the thief believes the two guards following to only be simple fools. When cornered, the cloak is removed and a feline puppet is revealed, a creation made for the purpose of pleasuring others and so the guards decide to offer the thief a deal.

Commerce ruled a city garbed in brick buildings and cobbled stone streets. Merchants with the most wealth ruled over the people through puppet strings tugging on the royalty. Those that wore the crown and paraded as the benefactors of the city's people bent the knee to those with knives in the darkness and coin enough to keep everyone happy. It wasn't very difficult to convince them, after all, it was either dance to the tune of the jolly merchants and enjoy a life of wealth well above even the wealthiest common folk, or feed the gutters. For the most part, the people were satisfied to keep their heads down and keep their lives while they made do in the city. Dissent often fell on deaf ears and those who were heard were often near seen again. The laws were lax on what could be bought and what could be sold. Items from all over the world could be found in the city along with one of the most popular artisanal attraction; living puppets. Those living dolls were used as slaves to satisfy and serve, and as such, were a prime example of just what you could find in this city courted by coin. The guards meant to keep the peace and protect the innocent were more interested in the coin they pocketed to keep the interests of the wealthy and make sure that no one would dare think to revolt or ask the wrong questions. Thieves dotted the shadows of the city, taking advantage of the nature of the guards to take what they needed and operate in the depths, while at the same time making sure to keep themselves away from the true rulers of the city who hid among the shadows with them like predators in the grass waiting to pounce on a lesser beast. Most thieves understood that this meant stealing from certain stalls and stores was taboo. You couldn't get away with stealing from the local merchants because the guards actually cared about keeping those special interests safe and sound, or face consequences themselves. Of course, there were fools who ignored the natural order of the city.

The markets of the city were full of people who moved shoulder to shoulder while looking for whatever caught their interest. There were merchants from the city itself and those who came from lands far off who provided items cherished for their rarity. They cried their prices occasionally stopping to answer questions before they continued the chorus of costs and at times exchanged coin and other goods while calling for more to come and browse. People of all sizes moved around in the crowd. Great and hulking lupines, lithe feline and vulpine along with a mixture of other species from all over along with the occasional puppet who either accompanied a master or who had somehow managed to earn their freedom. Of the many people in the crowd, a single figure in a cloak moved without disturbing those who surrounded them as if they were a ghost passing through the town. Violet eyes glowed in the shadows of the hood, peering at the various vendors. They moved toward a particular stall selling fine linens and furs where two rat guards stood at the side with spears in paw. Both wore both simple leather armor that stopped just above their thighs and not much else. They didn't need much protection considering their presence was enough to keep the regular thieves away. The guards marked the stall as the protected property of the rulers of the city and most thieves would never even think to come near it. Despite this, the guards stood tall and watched each potential customer who approached the stall with narrowed eyes full of scrutiny. Those narrowed gazes popped open wide as a sudden yell in the crowd caught their attention with pairs of pink ears twitching up at attention along with their tails.

Around the stall, the cloaked figure moved as a normal customer would, eying the merchandise and slipping into the fringe of the crowd while making sure that the rats weren't watching him. Raeve had his eyes set on the linen and fur on display and there were only so few ways to get to it while guards were watching and so, while the eyes of the crowd and guards were set on the merchandise, he pulled something from the folds of his cloak to toss toward the right of the stall. Small metal spheres rolled on the ground until moved feet cracked down on them and suddenly, it began. A loud snap and crack sounded through the air and the people who stepped on the casings recoiled and yelled as smoke grew.

The calamity was close enough to the stall that the vulpine merchant looked over in concern, not for the people but for his product and so he moved toward the chaos and hissed, "Both of you, come help me disperse this mess. Such panic is bad for business."

The guards grumbled before they moved to start dispersing the crowd. Stamping their spears to get anyone making a scene out of the way. The smoke wasn't any type of poison and there didn't seem to be any actual explosions erupting. In both cases, there would have been people dropping already so the rats did their duty of keeping the natural order of things by beating down the panic with yelling and intimidation. A shrill yell from the merchant turned their attention to see that the fox was sitting on their rear while people were trying their best to collect the flustered merchant off of the floor.

When the guards reached the merchant the fox pointed in a direction while sputtering something unintelligible and full of wild vitriol. When the merchant finally got up, they managed to spit, "Thief! Thief! Get after that thief and return what was stolen or I swear I'll have you paying for those goods!"

Both rats looked to see a flash of white linen disappearing into the crowd and off they went to make chase. Raeve darted through the crowds left and right while ignoring the chaos following him from the rat guards beating their way through the crowd. The thief moved swiftly through the people surrounding him and he moved low to the ground to avoid anyone who might be looking to earn the favor of the guards around him. He ducked and weaved through the crowds as fast as he could while dropping more of those spheres on the ground. He heard the gasp and growl of one of the rats closing in along with the satisfying crunch and crack of the small bombs punctuated by the fizzing release of smoke. A small smile cut across the shadows between the hood and with a few more steps he was out of the crowd and running through the winding alleys of the city.

Outside of the markets, the city was normally quiet and the further you went, the more the bricks began to chip. Raeve did not slow down in his movement and opted to move at a steady pace while making sure to fold and stuff the linen and furs within his cloak. He didn't want any other thieves getting funny ideas. Here in the alley's where the buildings looked down at him, he knew he was a target just like anyone else that looked like they might have anything considered valuable.

Even with the sun hanging high in the sky the alleyways were darkened by canopies jutting out of buildings along with a few hanging gardens. The path going through was wide enough to fit a few people but most were at whatever they considered work or out at the markets. Even from where he was he could hear the ambient buzz of the crowds far off in the distance behind him meaning that he wasn't yet far enough away from the guards. A sudden crack in the stone next to him caused him to pause and turn his head to see a spear jutting out of the ground. With that, he realized that he truly had not gotten enough distance. Instinct screamed for him to turn around to see what had thrown the spear and he turned just in time to see the mass of one of the rat guards about to tower over him. When he turned back to start running it was too late. Claws sunk into his cloak and yanked him back.

Raeve cursed and thrashed about like a feral animal caught by the scruff of the neck. His feet left the ground he brought them back to slam into the gut of the rat holding him aloft. The rat hissed and his cloak tore from the force of his body being thrown forward. Rolling forward on the ground, the now naked thief stopped just in time to see that a spear point was being leveled at his eyes. He froze where he was and realized that he had no way out of this without the tools in his cloak. All he could do was wait and hope he could get a chance to escape.

The guard holding his cloak scoffed, "Can't believe this little thief stuffed everything in here. Even got a dagger! Imagine, coulda stuck you or me with it and then we'd be rolling."

Raeve's eyes were focused on the gaze of the rat looming above him who flashed a fang-filled grin as he looked the thief up and down, "Hey. Gurde. Take a look at this."

Gurde snorted, "Look at what?" The rat's eyes trailed toward his partner and then down the spear to where the thief sat on their knees awaiting punishment. He took a good look at the feline sitting there and at first glance, there was nothing of interest. The thief was a white-furred feline with violet eyes but there was something different. On closer inspection, Gurde saw that the feline's fur was interrupted by patches of different colored material like a doll that had been patched up lovingly by a child who cared too much. When he saw that, his eyes grew wide and he dropped the cloak and stolen goods to approach the doll, "Well whaddya know."

The guard with the spear lowered the tip to the puppet thief's chin and laughed, "Yup! Earned his freedom or ran away, just to be a thief. Not too many puppet thieves, and not too many dumb enough to steal from places they should know better about. What were you gonna do with these huh? Give yourself a little makeover?"

Raeve winced as the guard began to poke the tip of the spear against his cheek. He slowly and just enough that the rat didn't seem to care and only kept inching it closer and closer until the other guard hissed, "Knock it off Jeris. We were told to get the merch and leave. Nothin' about killing a thief, right?"

Jeris raised a brow before shrugging but he kept his spear ready just in case, "Yeah, true enough. We're not the law. Just some hired help...But y'know, we might get paid real well but standing in the hot sun around a crowd isn't exactly my idea of fun. No breaks too."

The other guard grunted in solidarity before leaning down to grab the chin of the feline puppet, "I get you...Can't go around gutting every miscreant though, or pokin' spears at 'em either. He's just a runt trying to survive...Aren't ya?" Raeve had no choice but to nod as the guard squeezed his chin and brought his head up and down. "See? He didn't mean any harm! Besides...All three of us here are just the common folk trying to live underneath the thumb of our oppressors. Right Jeris?"

Jeris snorted, "What are you getting at?"

Raeve raised a brow and frowned, "I'd like to know that too."

Gurde laughed, "So he can talk! See! Just like anyone else...And what a pretty voice." His voice then took an edge that Raeve didn't like, a wash of dread running down his body as the guard spoke, "We're in the process of catching a thief and getting valuable merchandise back. We won't be missed so long as we come back with those sheets. Right now, we're in the alleys with a living puppet and these little things are made to serve right? Why not enjoy what he has going on...Y'can see he doesn't have a cock but I bet he has a hole...Even if he doesn't a mouth will do, or we could make a hole."

The puppet thief recoiled from the guard's touch only to bump into the other's legs. A strong grip at his shoulders caused him to pause as Jeris grunted, "C'mon now...Just a little bit of fun and we'll let you go...Even pay you a bit for your time. Right Gurde?"

Gurde laughed, "Absolutely. Why not? Just do what you were meant to do and we'll toss ten pieces each. That should be enough for you to come with your tail tucked between your legs and buy whatever you want. Wouldn't that be nice."

Raeve kept his legs closed and his eyes focused on the ground beneath him. Ten pieces each was a lot of money. More than he could make pinching common pockets and with less danger than stealing from rich merchants. He didn't need to eat much but there was something important that he was saving that money for, a goal in mind that would be much better in the end. If he could let his pride fall for a moment, then maybe he could secure his future. It would be better than pulled away to the actual authorities who might try to sell him to another master. One little game of playing the sex toy for freedom and some good pay. All he had to do was play nice and serve these two rats as a puppet would any master.

Latent fear touched his mind and body as he wondered if the deal might be a bit too good to be true, at the same time, did he even have a choice? Slowly he nodded and the rat looming over him grinned just as the grip at his shoulder loosened. Armor wasn't a problem. The leather skirts of the cuirass parted easily enough for both rats to let their limp cocks out into the air. One cock draped over his shoulder began to twitch and grow harder while the other one was right in front of his face. He shuddered as the sight of their growing members caused him to recall his old life buried beneath body after body of whoever claimed him. The puppet's body moved as if drawn on strings. Both of his paws moved up, one to rest the palm against the side of the cock on his shoulder and the other moving to wrap his digits around the shaft pointed at his nose. Slowly, he moved to lean forward to kiss the tip, his body feeling a sudden rush of pleasure as he heard the rat's whispering their hushed encouragement and lust. That pleasure forcing itself through his body was a result of his making and the way he was used for most of his life. His body reacted to their pleasure and whims without a way to prevent it from happening. Shame intermingled and overpowered the natural habits of his mind and body as his pride was dashed away with every kiss laid upon the cock before him.

The kisses he planted on the tip of the rat's cock were done with a genuine love and affection, a purr rolling from his throat despite the fact that he felt disgust and shame alongside the forced pleasure. He hated that he had to do this again but could do nothing to stop himself. Raeve paused as he watched Gurde take hold of his shaft so he could not resume his kissing. He at least resisted the urge to whine before he suddenly felt the other rat's cock pressing against his cheek. The warmth pulsing against his body whispered for him to sink and allow himself to give in to his nature. Despite saying no to that nature, he turned his head and opened his mouth to plant it on the tip of the rat's cock. He closed his eyes and began to suckle while his paw moved to stroke what he did not have in his mouth. Again he heard their heated and lustful whispers urging him to continue and to him, it sounded like a song.

Their words were a presence at the back of his head that refused to stop. They were the passing of waves ebbing and flowing from his mind to his body. Every encouraging word, every single one laced with their pleasure and happiness made him feel something simply ingrained and trained within his body that he tried his hardest to resist. Despite that resistance, his body continued to move while suckling lovingly on the cock in his maw.

Again the cock in his mouth was pulled away and he looked to see that Jeris was tugging his shaft up to offer up his balls. He frowned and looked down at the ground before succumbing to the guard's desire. He brought his mouth up to kiss the sack lovingly, one paw cradling and orb while his tongue came out to flick across it. He could feel beads of sweat against his tongue as he dragged it across each orb lovingly while his other paw came up to stroke. While he did this, he felt the other rat's cock press against his cheek and heard his grunts as the brute stroked his shaft. He could feel the subtle twitch and pop of the cock on his cheek along with the wet warmth of pre sliding down to his shoulder. He knew that the rat called Gurde was going to blow. The anger inside of him shook as he knew that the rat would paint his face but he could not express it and instead felt an eagerness welling up beside the rage that bubbled over it and the shame. That eagerness seemed to double as he felt the same twitching in his paw that he felt against his cheek, the very same throbbing that told him that both rats were close to cumming.

Raeve squeezed the cock in his paw firmly and closed his eyes just as he heard the two guards begin to huff and groan, their collective climax beginning. Hot cum pooled against his cheek and the warmth soaked throughout his entire body while at the same time he felt thick seed splattering against his paw and face. He kept his eyes closed and tried to keep his mouth clamped shut firmly but he just couldn't stop himself. The puppet opened his mouth with a gasp and moaned as the warmth from the cum dotting his face flowed through his body. Once both rats were done they stepped back, Raeve trembling like a leaf as he slumped. He cursed even as he moaned and planted a paw against his mouth to try and keep himself quiet. Strong digits gripped his wrist and yanked his paw away from his mouth and the puppet gasped while opening his eyes wide to see both rats standing there with cocks still hard and grins flashing fangs. Fear, dread, shame and arousal melded together into a terrible mixture that kept his body shivering.

Gurde rumbled as he tossed the puppet's wrist away, "Get up. Put your claws on the wall and lift your tail...With instincts like that, you most likely have a hole...Don't yah?"

He thought of telling the rat no, of hiding the hole between his rear meant to pleasure others, but instead, he nodded and slowly began to get up. Once he was up, he did as he was told and stuck his rear out while reminding himself that this was all in order to get a bit of extra money, rather than in service to any master. With his tail raised, one of the rats grabbed it by the base and tugged it up just a bit higher. He felt digits prodding at the hole between his rear, that puckered ring meant to be used for pleasure. When he felt his rear stretching he shuddered and felt his knees buckle. They toyed with his rear pressing two digits in carefully before sliding in a third and then a fourth even. Both rats took their turns toying with his rear, most likely marveling at the fact that they didn't need any lube to toy around with the puppets ass. When their fingers finally slipped away, Raeve let out a shaky breath. He knew it wasn't over but at the very least he could catch a little break before the main event happened.

The puppet heard them muttering behind him and he wondered if they were deciding who went first or if they were discussing how best to betray him. Raeve didn't dare look back for fear that he might give away that his features were a crooked smile that reflected the struggle of his forced pleasure and what resistance he could pull out. It wasn't long after the start of the muttering when he felt a hot tip press itself to his puckered hole. He trembled and kept his eyes closed as he tried to focus on the anger that was slowly trying to escape him but it was nearly impossible as a wave of pleasure crashed against him. Inch by inch he felt the rat's cock start to slide inside of his rear. That, along with the rat's groaning, made it difficult to keep a steady hold of the anger inside of his body. One thrust planted every single piece of the guard's shaft inside of him which caused him to gasp aloud and forced him to try his hardest to keep himself up.

That rat at his back began to move back and forth with the sort of wild desperation he would have expected out of a common animal. His body was jolted forward with every thrust and his tail was yanked as the beast moved while grunting loudly. All of this should have been painful but his body was built to withstand being stretched wide and his mind had been tricked into loving every second of it. His claws flicked out and he dragged them down against the stone of the wall but his face was locked in an expression of bliss with his eyes half-lidded and his mouth open to let out little huffs and moans. The rat behind him did not seem to ever slow or tire and his insides seemed to cling onto that fat shaft as if he were genuinely trying to milk the rat. It felt terrible and wonderful all at once to be taken so thoroughly, so damn natural despite knowing that it was so wrong. A few more thrusts were all it took and he felt hot cum start to paint his inner walls. It was a sudden climax that surprised him and he gasped loudly as the rat continued to thrust.

When the rat finished he let his cock slowly slide out and Raeve shuddered as the next guard moved to take his place. The guard at his rear took hold of his rump and spread it slowly, the puppet resisting the urge to thank the rat as he heard the brute muttering nearly unintelligible compliments about his rear still being tight. Again he felt the hot poke of a cock at his rear and shivered as the tip parted him. This rat seemed to be more than just a wild animal. He moved gradually to fit his cock inside, opting to hug the feline rather than tug on his tail. Raeve shivered as he was given a touch akin to love but deep in his mind he reminded himself that this was anything but.

The rat's mouth pressed to his ear and the puppet trembled as he felt hot breath trailing against it while that thick shaft continued to stretch him inch by inch until it was all inside. Back and forth the rat began to move, hips rocking to rut the puppet while Raeve panted and moaned. He could feel his legs weakening as the rat began to pick up speed but a steady arm around his body kept him from falling. Raeve, at this point, found it difficult to think about anything but the pleasure welling up deep inside of him. His mind was blanked out by a mist that looped and coiled around his consciousness until nothing more remained except the will to serve and please. Each thrust was another press in his senses, each little moan and groan from the rat above him telling him that he was doing well. At this point, his hips began to rock back toward the rat in an attempt to join in the action to actually pleasure the beast. The rat seemed emboldened by the action, his thrusts growing rapid. Hip thrusting against rear slapped and echoed in the alley as the rat continued to thrust. He could feel the building heat of the rat's cock twitching wildly and throbbing, making his head swim in the mist that continued to urge him to serve. The rat thrust one last time inside of his rear and clenched his body tight just as warm seed spilled out into his rear. Raeve mewled and closed his eyes while the cum built up inside of him. It felt as if his purpose was complete.

When the rat pulled out. The puppet dropped to his knees with a wobbled smile on his face. He expected them to leave now that they had their fun but he was suddenly broken out of his lustful stupor as he was yanked by the arm to face them. His eyes grew wide as he saw the rat looking down at him with big fat grins and he was reminded of the anger and fury inside of him. Still, he remained quiet as Gurde began, "So...Enjoy it little puppet?"

His first thought was to lash out and tell him to go fuck himself, but instead, he made a show of it and leaned forward to kiss the rat's cock, "Yes...It is my purpose after all."

The guard loosened his grip and laughed. Both of them laughed. He allowed this and remained on his knees and watched as both of them took the ten pieces from the pouches on their belt and dropped them onto the floor along with the tattered remains of his cloak. In response to this, he leaned forward to take hold of the other rat's cock and give it a gentle kiss as if saying goodbye, the motion half and act, and half reality. The rat seemed to nearly purr at this before he passed a paw down the feline's head. Once satisfied the two turned tail and walked away after picking up the merchandise he had stolen.

They walked and walked until they were well out of sight and the feline got up on wobbling legs with cloak and coin in arms. He slipped on the tattered cloak and from it, he produced a fat pouch in which he placed the coins, the same one belonging to the guard. Keeping the pouch hidden, he began to walk through the alleys. He occasionally stumbled but continued until he found his way to a clock tower by a waterfront far away from the market and somewhere at the edge of the city. The sun was slowly falling down over the sky and slipped inside of a shack near the waterfront. He set the pouch of coins he had collected today gingerly in a chest by the wall before he removed his cloak and moved to a basin of collected water where he began to go through the task of scrubbing himself clean. With that type of money, he would surely be able to afford some sort of travel out of this place and maybe then, maybe, he could afford something better than the patches keeping his body together.

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