Pride and Pregnancy

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Having gotten Tawny thoroughly, lewdly and deliciously pregnant, Jasiri offers the mountain lion's sisters and mother the same opportunity.

This story was written for Liquid/Jasiri. It contains M/F and F/F sex between consenting adult anthros, copious quantities of hyper play, impregnation, and a little incest. :3

Pride and Pregnancy

Tawny moaned as she watched Jasiri pacing back and forth across the living room, the whole room having been cleared of all furniture other than a couple of soft chairs and a whole area now devoted to large cushions and bean-bag seats. The quadruped puma's tail twitched, and she saw Jasiri's eyes dart towards the flicking tip. His thick barbed cock throbbed visibly as his gaze fell from that tail to the buttocks above which it was connected, then to the firm thighs of her hindquarters, and beyond that her rounded, swollen, heavily pregnant belly.

Moving to her side in an instant, dropping to his knees beside the couch upon which the swollen and fertile puma lay, Jasiri found himself face to face with his first adored conquest. The woman who several months before had come to his front door asking, begging, demanding to be granted his seed so that she could gift him her womb as a home for his young. He growled under his breath, voice shaking as much as his body was in extreme anticipation and desire.

"W-where are they...?"

Giggling, Tawny shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. She purred loudly as the cheetah's hands reached out to caress the soft creamy white fur of her belly, skin stretched taut as a drum beneath it, belly button poking outward and two rows of stiff, tender nipples rising prominently from the pale fluff. Both their eyes widened in joyous delight as they felt movement within, the life that had sprung from the many, many loads which Jasiri had poured into her on Christmas day now well on the way to being ready for their arrival in this world.

"L-like our cubs, Jas... they're on their way. Just be patient. Just a little longer. Minutes. An hour at the most though, r-rather than the month or so we have to wait for these little guys and girls..."

She reached down with one of her own forepaws and placed it over Jasiri's own, rubbing his hand affectionately as he continued to caress her fertile stomach. After a few seconds more though she felt the cheetah's paw pull away from beneath hers, and felt a redness flushing in her cheeks as that hand moved back to her thigh, joined by the other upon the second of her back legs. She giggled again, moaning and squirming slightly as Jasiri rolled her all the way over onto her back, and spread her legs wide apart, shamelessly putting Tawny's nether regions on display for what was obviously his own enjoyment.

He leaned down, kissing Tawny upon one thigh, then nibbling and nipping with his sharp teeth, making the puma snarl not in pain but in an ecstasy of desire.

"I... I wish I could just have them already. The sooner I'm not pregnant any more... t-the sooner you can try to make me again. I want you inside me. Your cock. Your cum. F-filling me... stretching me, making me bulge bigger than our babies ever could..."

Writhing and wriggling where she lay, Tawny mewled and gasped, getting more and more worked up as she spoke while Jasiri's kisses and the roaming touch of his hands grew more intimate, drifting all around her swollen and now visibly wet pussy without actually touching it for a single moment.

"I wish you could fuck me, Jasiri. So deep. So hard."

Jasiri's cock drooled with pre-cum to such extremes of excess that it would have outmatched most men's entire cum production in a matter of seconds. The scent of Tawny's arousal was driving him crazy as he nuzzled and nibbled on her thighs, and all he wanted to do was lunge forward and claim her as he had so many times before. But... he couldn't. Not with her so heavily pregnant. He would have to wait. To wait for the impending arrival and the many, many opportunities that would come along with it. And until then...?

Tawny's eyes bulged.

The quadruped puma's back arched, her heavily swollen belly rising skyward as she wrapped her hind legs around the face of the male who had just pressed his muzzle directly between them at long last. Warm, soft lips wrapped themselves around Tawny's throbbing clit, and sucked hard. A rough feline tongue darted out of the cheetah's muzzle and plunged between the puma's outer lips, sweeping across the tender flesh that lay within before diving deeper, pressing into Tawny's clutching, already dripping pussy itself.

She yowled in a frantic shriek of ecstasy as Jasiri began to eat her out, and did not stop screaming in frantic, savage lust under the male's thrall until a new sound cut through her wailing and roaring and the cheetah's own lewd, eager slurping. The sound of a doorbell ringing.

Whether it had been a minute, five, ten or thirty since Jasiri began eating Tawny out, it somehow didn't seem like nearly enough to either one of them as the cheetah pulled his dripping wet muzzle out from between legs still fighting to hold him in place. The male purred loudly as he licked lips that were dripping with Tawny's orgasmic juices, and pulled himself up and away from the still writhing, pleadingly mewling puma with one final stroke of his left thumb over her clit, a last spray of her ejaculate pouring out like a fountain as she yowled to the heavens.

He left Tawny shaking and mewling hungrily where she lay upon the couch, and with his cock clutched in one hand, trying his very hardest not to stroke it too vigorously, he padded to the front door with his hefty balls swinging against his own thighs. So worked up was the cheetah in that moment, he didn't even consider the fact that it could have been someone else from the visitors which he and Tawny were expecting. He didn't even think about acquiring some clothes or any sort of coverings, and it never even crossed his mind for the briefest of moments that he might even be best standing behind the door as he opened it, so as to avoid showing his vastly well endowed self off to the rest of the street beyond.

The cheetah dragged the door open as though seeking to tear it clean off its hinges, and immediately growled in joy at the sight of the figures standing beyond it.

There were five of them. At the forefront, four other quadrupeds just like Tawny, though all visibly different in both size and markings. All pumas. All wide eyed at the sight of the vast cock and balls presented directly in front of them as they sat in waiting. And beside them, standing by the doorbell itself, a single bipedal woman. Older. More mature than any of the others by a considerable degree, yet still utterly gorgeous. Dressed in a sundress and a large slightly floppy summer hat, bearing a body with such beautiful curves that it was a shame to hide them beneath clothing of any sort, the figure responsible for bringing Tawny to Jasiri's side. And now, indeed, responsible for bringing Tawny's four sisters to visit them too.

They all stood and stared at each other for maybe five seconds in perfect silence, then from further into the house Tawny's voice called out in an impatient, lustful cry.

"I-is that them? Is that my family? B-because... if not, you'd better get right the hell back in here Jasiri, a-and... get that tongue back to work."

Jasiri grinned, and was about to call back over his shoulder, left hand idly moving back and forth along his dripping cock once again, when he was cut off by the eldest and the single biped puma of the group. Callie, Tawny's mother, stepped around her other daughters and into the doorway. She was taller than Jasiri, and obviously broader considering her plump curves, but that didn't seem to mean anything to either one of them as she stepped forward into the house, dropped to her knees, and began to fondle Jasiri's swollen balls as she called out to her pregnant daughter.

"It's us, sweetie. And don't worry, we'll be right in to see you. But... first, I have to thank the man who's going to be responsible for giving me so many grandchildren. And... if I'm lucky... for making me a new momma all over again."

All around the cheetah, warm bodies pressed themselves as with a sea of movement the four other quadruped pumas bolted inside and slammed the door behind them. They giggled and moaned and rubbed themselves up against Jasiri like ferals, purring and writhing around his legs while their mother nuzzled and kissed at the throbbing length of the male's barbed cock. She licked its tip, closing her lips around it oh so briefly and suckling as huge quantities of pre-cum poured forth, only to release it again and moan loudly as thick ribbons of his pre spurted across her golden brown fur. With a flick of one hand she tossed her hat aside, and then as the other continued to grope at Jasiri's furred balls that same hand dipped down beneath the already rather high hem-line of her dress, fondling herself and provoking a deeper, lustier gurgle as she buried her face in that musky spot between the underside of the male's huge cock and the uppermost portion of his huge and heavy balls.

"W-when Tawny told her sisters about you... I was listening in on their skype call. At first, I w-was shocked. My little girl, g-getting ploughed by what sounded like such a monster cock. I know she's grown up. All my babies are. But, they're still my girls. S-so... I didn't know why I loved listening so much. Why I wasn't embarrassed or surprised when Tawny's sisters asked for more details. When I heard them moaning. T-touching themselves, just listening to Tawny tell them about all the things you've done to her. Soon, I was touching myself too. I... I couldn't help it. Just hearing about you, it's like you're addictive, Jasiri. And now, a-actually being here?"

Callie groaned as she started more urgently kissing and nuzzling at the cheetah's throbbing cock once again. Jasiri growled and moaned back at her as he felt more faces pressing in around and against his crotch. All five of the newly arrived pumas were now trying to nuzzle and lick and simply inhale the rich scent of manhood as they pressed themselves in reverent worship to his balls and his throbbing, dripping cock. All five of them were here for the same reason. The same reason that their sister had come to him. They knew what he could give them. The gifts he could grant their fertile loins, and the pleasures he could share with their eager, desperately needy bodies.

A whole family. A whole pride of mountain lions clamouring for his seed. Demanding and begging for it all at once.

For a few moments when Tawny had first suggested it, Jasiri had been unsure. Not whether he wanted it, of course he did, but whether he could live up to that. Whether he was able to please and impregnate and handle six women all at once.

But, truly that indecision had only lasted for a few moments, and after that Jasiri had never given himself reason to doubt his abilities. Nor, he suspected, would he ever be wracked with even slight doubts ever again.

After all, if six beautiful women begging you to father their cubs and swell their bellies with your cum wasn't an ego boost big enough to set Jasiri up for a lifetime, nothing ever would.

Thus, with that confident surging through him more and more as he heard Tawny begging for her family to come and see her, to let her see what they were all doing with the father of her cubs, Jasiri realised that there was no more reason to wait. No more reason to hold back, or resist the urges boiling inside of him as they almost always were.

They were here.

They were here for him, and it was time for him to not only give this pride of lionesses precisely what they wanted... but to take from them all that he wanted too.

Jasiri grabbed Callie by the wrist attached to the hand currently groping his balls, and with only a gentle tug urged the puma to her feet once more. She stood before him huffing and moaning with one hand still disappearing under her short sundress, and whimpered happily as he reached up, grabbed at the front of her dress where it was obviously holding back her huge and pillowy breasts, and tore the material to shreds with his flawed fingertips. He teased aside the fabric of her bra only to grab at her breasts' bare flesh, teasing her swollen nipples between thumbs and forefingers for a few moments before letting them go. Callie trembled and wailed in desire, but gleefully remained silent otherwise, just letting it happen. She gasped as the rest of her dress was soon torn away, and she was left standing in only her panties, casting aside her own bra now that it had already been rendered useless.

Looking around, Jasiri grinned as he saw the four sisters of his pregnant lover, the daughters of this beautiful biped, writhing and squirming where they sat around him impatiently and desperately awaiting their turn. One had her head between her legs, eyes raised towards him but otherwise focused on licking herself in that manner which was gloriously easy for quadrupeds like them. Two others were groping themselves with trembling forepaws, and the other appeared to be humping and grinding along the length of her own thick, fluffy tail as she watched Jasiri reach between their mother's legs, inside her panties, and begin to finger and grope her.

"Want to go and see your pregnant daughter? See what I did to her? And what I'm going to do to you?"

He growled to Callie first of all, but looked around at all the waiting pumas with a devilish grin.

"To all of you."

Callie shuddered, stumbling forward and clutching at Jasiri for support as he growled and groped her. Her face flushed beneath her fur as the fabric of her panties darkened, and the cheetah grinned as he felt the older woman cumming hard from only his gentlest of touches and his teasing words. Still, as she came and leaned against the lithe but surprisingly strong cheetah for support, Callie managed to utter a few coherent words.

"O-oh god. Fuck. Yes S-show us..."

So Jasiri did. With his hand still down the front of Callie's panties as he led her behind himself, the four daughters parading along behind her on all fours, he led the rest of Tawny's family into the living room to see her. Immediately one of Tawny's sisters broke away from the group, rushing over to her sister with a squeal of joy and leaping up onto the couch to embrace her in a mutually four limbed hug. She stood on her tip-toes to avoid at all squashing Tawny's bulge where the other puma lay on her back, but after only a few seconds of happy sisterly hugging and nuzzling, she licked her sister's face with a more pleading moan.

Within seconds Tawny and Robin were kissing deeply, and though the slightly smaller, younger puma's nineteen year old frame wasn't perfectly arranged for doing so Jasiri and the others could see that she was almost trying to hump and grind her crotch down against the bulging belly beneath her.

Jasiri felt another surge of wetness from between Callie's legs, and turned back to the mother puma with a growl.

"Seeing your daughters be so close... and it only makes you wetter. I wonder, would you rather just sit and watch them play, rather than be with me?"

He started to withdraw his hand from her panties, but grinned and ceased the removal as Callie let loose a shriek of dismay as she violently shook her head.

"No! N-no... please!"

In her desperation, Callie did the only thing she could think of to prove her true desires. She dragged down her own panties to render her beautiful plump body fully naked at last, and she flung herself at Jasiri with a wild snarl, leaping into his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist as he stumbled back, then fell to the floor with her astride him. Thankfully with the furniture moved ahead of time it was soft carpet upon which they landed, and from there it was the easiest thing in the world for Jasiri to roll Callie over and pin her beneath him, teeth bared and nipping at her throat. The elder woman raised her neck high, exposing herself to him as all around his body he felt her legs and arms trembling. She was giving herself to him in every way. She was begging, tempting, offering anything and everything she had, if only he'd do what he knew she wanted him to do.

And then she said it. She screamed it loud enough for all her daughters to hear.

"F-fuck me Jasiri! Breed me l-like my girls' father used to, a-and make me feel like the young slut I used to love being!"

After that, her cries trailed off into madness. Into wild and frantic screams, wails and sobbing roars as Jasiri did exactly as she asked, and exactly as he had intended to. He plunged his huge barbed cock into the waiting and already soaking wet pussy of the bipedal puma, and face to face with the savagely shrieking form of Callie grinned and snarled in lust as he began to fuck her and himself senseless.

"_Aahhhyessyesssssssohhh fuckfuckinggodyessssss _!"

She clawed at his back as her screams became louder and more mindless with every devastating thrust the cheetah delivered, and when with a bellowing roar of his own Jasiri started to pour his hot and copious floods of cum into her experienced and still all too fertile womb he could feel her squirting juices pouring out around his huge cock and spraying against the underside of the huge swinging balls slapping across the breadth of Callie's trembling buttocks. Jasiri didn't stop after he'd cum in her of course. For him one orgasm was barely foreplay, and if Callie hadn't already learned this from whatever it was that Tawny had told her and her sisters, she was about to get a crash course on exactly what it meant to be fucked by a true stud like Jasiri.

Over and over again Callie climaxed around Jasiri while he fucked her hard and fast, driving her well beyond any last shreds of sanity with pleasure. Her toes splayed out, flexing and curling almost constantly as she kicked and writhed beneath the tireless cheetah. Her huge pillowy breasts jiggled and shook under the force of Jasiri's thrusts, and as her belly started to swell with the surging tides of his cum Callie found herself with her arms wrapped around Jasiri's head, pressing him down into her breasts and wailing as he lay against them, sucked upon her thick nipples, and even nipped and bit at her tender flesh, seeming only to drive her more and more crazy with lust for him.

Harder and harder Jasiri found himself ploughing into and against Callie's trembling body, his huge cock so willingly accepted by her tight but obviously well practised depths. His vision was so tunnelled and focused upon the beautiful woman shrieking and thrashing in pleasure beneath him that he could almost have forgotten about the other five pumas present, had it not been for the occasional unmistakable sound of their own pleasure. Whimpered moans. Pleas. Frantic screams of pleasure despite his current absence from their bodies.

There came a point thankfully where Jasiri couldn't help but see what was going on, Callie rolling over so that she could rest her huge cum-swollen belly upon the floor, kneeling on all fours as Jasiri re-mounted her doggy style and was allowed to look out across the room while he kept on filling her full of fresh cum faster than it could gush back out of her. He looked to the couch first, and there saw that Robin was still embracing Tawny tightly, albeit now with their positions somewhat changed. He saw his pregnant lover eating out her sister with reckless abandon, and at the same time watched the smaller, younger quadruped puma greedily slurping and licking at the swollen pussy of the fertile bellied puma.

Close by on the bean-bag and cushion laden section of the room, two of the other puma sisters were equally enamoured with one another. They weren't sixty-nining as their siblings were though, instead choosing to grind and hump against one another face to face, with one foreleg wrapped around their lover and the other obviously assisting in the pleasure pouring forth from between their back legs as they moaned and mewled. Through the cacophony of pleasure echoing all throughout the room, Jasiri could even hear what they were moaning to one another.

"Make me cum a-again, Jasiri... make me pregnant. Give me a whole litter of your kittens..."

"A-aah... another finger, please. Fuck. Fuck! J-just... ohhh god just fist me, Asira... make me feel like it really is his huge, t-thick... oh god, yes, just like that! J-Jasiri! I'm... I'm cumming!"

That was four of the puma siblings of course, including Tawny herself. But the fifth... for a few moments Jasiri didn't know where Tawny's last sibling had disappeared to. He did soon find out, though.

All of a sudden, without the slightest warning, a pair of strong paws wrapped themselves around Jasiri's waist and dragged him not just off Callie's back, but out of her even as yet another surge of orgasmic bliss was passing through the cheetah. He roared in dismay as rich ropes of his thick cum gushed out over Callie's ass and across her back, wasted by not being put towards his goal of impregnating her no matter how good it felt. She howled in frustration too, and rolled over onto her back once more, pussy gushing with overflowing seed and belly still colossally swollen with the obscene quantities of cum filling her womb. Dragging herself into a sitting position, staring up over her belly and her large breasts, Callie cried out before Jasiri could even realise what was happening.

"T-Tamara! Wait your turn, I... I s-still need more. Jasiri still has more to give me!"

Without answering though, or indeed waiting for Jasiri to have any say in the matter, the eldest of Callie's daughters simply dragged the cheetah a little further away from her mother before pouncing fully upon him herself. He felt her pussy grinding up against the shaft of his cock, still slick with Tamara's own mother's juices. He felt her hot breath upon his face, and listened to her pleading voice snarl at him as two beautiful green eyes stared deep into his.

"T-there isn't a drop of cum in my pussy. It's so empty. So ready. I want babies. I want your cum to give me those babies. Let it be my turn now. Please. Please, Jasiri, l-let it be..."

She didn't have a chance to finish her begging. Jasiri's thick cock began to drive into her tighter, smaller quadruped body, and soon Tamara was snarling and shrieking just as her mother had been less than a minute before, while Jasiri savagely took up the challenge of impregnating this third puma before returning to the trembling, waiting, still greedily lustful form of Callie close by.

One by one the pumas seemed to get the same idea as their eldest sister had, and thus over the next few hours Jasiri found himself stolen away from his current partner only to have their sloppy depths and bulging belly replaced by a new one, tight, lean and primed to be impregnated once more. Indeed by the time there was only one puma left un-fucked, it wasn't her who decided it was her time in the spotlight. She didn't drag Jasiri away from Robin, the youngest puma currently gurgling with glazed eyes and an open maw as Jasiri held her aloft and bounced her quadruped form up and down upon his shaft. In fact, it was Jasiri himself who made the move.

He set Robin down between two of her sisters, grinning as close by Callie wailed in pleasure as both of those younger pumas fisted their mother simultaneously with one foreleg each, and left the purring, bulging-bellied feline rubbing at her stomach with a distant look in her eyes. On all fours he crept a little distance away to where Tawny and the last of her sisters were themselves at play. Tawny grunted and moaned as her sister ate her out, Jessica's own buttocks raised high, her tail outstretched and whole back end wiggling in excitement. Despite her obvious arousal though, liquids dripping down her inner thighs in copious volumes, she showed no interest in touching herself in that moment. The fur around her pussy was already sodden from countless orgasms at the fingers and tongues of her siblings, but the visibly convulsing of her depths showed that she was far from spent. She was just... patient. Patient in a way none of the other sisters had been, and content for now just to devote herself to feasting on her own pregnant sibling's pussy while listening to all the others moaning and screaming close by.

Jessica knew that her turn would come, and when it did, she'd be ready for it.

On all fours, like a quadruped himself, Jasiri snarled as he mounted her from behind. His teeth dug into the scruff of her neck. His arms wrapped around the beautiful puma's body and ran themselves through her lush chest fur, seeking out the rows of nipples hidden within that white fluff, and he let a deep rumbling growl loose as slowly, intensely he bucked his hips and began to press his well worked cock deep inside of her.

Jessica's eyes widened, and through a muzzleful of her sister's orgasmic juices she gurgled and screamed as she was claimed. Last but most definitely not least.

"S-see that belly?"

Jasiri growled to Jessica through his mouthful of her fur and flesh, hips jerking sharply, lunging his cock deeper and deeper into her, plucking at her sensitive inner walls with his rubbery barbs. He held her head out forward as he spoke, grasping her chin in one hand, lifting her face away from her sister's pussy and towards the swollen stomach beyond it.

"That'll be you, soon. Just like all your sisters. Like your mother. Full of my cum. Full of our cubs."

Jessica shuddered violently, cumming hard for the first time around Jasiri's cock as though from his words alone. She whined under her breath as Jasiri's hand pulled away from her face, craning her neck around as though trying to look at the male astride her.

"Do it. B-breed me. Make my belly bigger, r-rounder than any of them. Bigger than mom's. Bigger than all my sisters. I don't want to be able to walk, I'll be so full of your cum. I... I want you to keep fucking me until I beg you for a rest... a-and then... then to keep going, till I pass out."

Jasiri started to fuck Jessica harder. To pound her more and more roughly, more pleasurably with his huge cock, his hefty balls aching as they fought to keep up with the mammoth loads he had been pumping out all morning. He growled tenderly to the last of the puma sisters as he did so.

"Aahh... you're such a good girl. All of you. Such good girls for your stud. So eager to be bred. So... so hot. So beautiful, a-and... eager! I couldn't have asked for a better family to sire."

Writhing and shivering in lust beneath the cheetah, Jessica moaned loudly, but shook her head.

"N-not... ahhhhh, not just a family. We're... oh, yes... we're a pride. Your pride, Jasiri. A-and... so long as you breed us, a-and keep us happy, fuck us night and day, breed us whenever we need it? Our bodies are yours. Our wombs. E-everything."

And as Jasiri roamed across that room for the rest of the day, driving each of the six women now under his care to repeated rapture and all the while pushing himself harder still to keep up with them all, they all repeated that same promise to him. Not because he asked. Not because he expected or demanded it of them. But because that was why they were here. Why they had come to him after hearing of Tawny's joy in his care.

Their bodies were his.

Their wombs were his.

Their cubs would be his.

Every orgasm was for him.

Every scream.

Every bulging belly and dripping, stretched out pussy.

And in return, not through words but through action as he pleasured each of them to excess over and over again, Jasiri made his own pledge.

Until his balls were forever dry and empty, and until his libido finally ceased its aching throb of pleading, savage desire... just as those incredible pride of pumas were his to claim, to breed and to fuck senseless, so too was he entirely theirs. Every last inch and every last drop of him, for as long as they would have him.

By Jeeves

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