Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 28: Opening Doors That Shouldn’t Be Opened!!

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#28 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

The lost city was attacked yet again, this time by two identical hideous bizarre monster- creatures. The night guard was overwhelmed and suffered horrific casualties with Rumble being the most severe. He was killed. With Lady Ursa, Commander Rhinox, and Russell out of commission and their home now virtually undefendable co-leader Dawn Stern considers the unthinkable....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 28: Opening Doors That Shouldn't Be Opened!!

Day 48 (continued)

"Abandon our home?!" Mr. Collins said wiping his tears. "Rumble did not give his life defending this city for us to abandon it!"

"Dawn where would we go?" I asked my sister's doppelgänger.

"I am not entirely sure- but someplace where we will be safe." She responded placing her had on the cloth covering our fallen friend.

"And where in all of creation is that professor? You heard Alex, Shakara and Corbin. You even seen the footage from the prototype- the five cities of the empire are done for! And we sure as hell know the forests aren't safe." The grieving teen said.

"Perhaps we should go to the Grand Kingdom then." The blond female said.


"Perhaps that superior degree of yours is going to your head professor." I said looking directly at her. "The Intendant and his thugs?! He is a tyrant with delusions of grandeur."

"Someone who punishes those who disagree with him in the most harshest ways." Corey added.

"Then what is the alternative boys?" The professor said in a total moment of clarity. "Perhaps that is why the lost city was abandoned the first time? Hmm..."

"Actually we are going to have to go back to the Grand Kingdom." Shakara said entering the room with Corbin in tow. "We don't have a choice in the matter."

Corey and I looked at the dark tan lioness like she had six heads.

"WHAT?!" We said in unison.

Later that morning on the west side of the forest...

"So this is the infamous Grand Kingdom I have heard so much about." The professor said from the passenger seat of the blue coupe.

"Pretty much." I said starring at our objective. "A two story house with a barn and fields abutting the forest."

"It is a farm." The blond archeologist said.

*It is a former hideout for rebels. Now a refugee camp and military compound Ms. Stern.*

"Shakara and I were imprisoned here after escaping World Five." Corey said from within the trunk of the prototype. "I never in my wildest dreams thought I would ever return."

"Or that the three of us- the lone humans in our community would be on a dire mission together." The professor said.

"Shakara was pretty firm on what she needed to effectively treat Lady Ursa's internal bleeding and Rhinox's injuries." I said to my co-conspirators.

"What is that?" My sister's doppelgänger asked.

"Tools we don't have in the infirmary." I responded.

"So much for beastial superiority." The teen quipped.

*I believe that is my cue Mr. Winter. Ms. Kubari needs a dermal regenerator and a Tri-treater to prevent our friends from perishing.*

"Dawn." I said to my copilot.

The professor activated the monitor and keyboard. As they emerged from the glove compartment she started typing.

*Surveillance probe engaged.*

"The compound is a flurry of activity Alex. There are guards and the oppressed everywhere." Dawn said looking at the images from the monitor.

There were females washing clothes, males chopping wood, fetching supplies from the barn, shoveling snow, adolescents watching younglings and guards, lots of guards everywhere.

"This would be so much easier to do at night." Corey exclaimed. "And with Rumble."

"Unfortunately we don't have that luxury anymore. We have to do this during the day in order to be back in time to defend our home." Dawn said to the despondent teen.

"Then it is time to go undercover." I suggested.

"As what?" The teen asked.

"One of the Intendant's goons. Dawn that guard over there, the one by the punishment tree in the navy blue shirt, blue blazer, black pants and blue mask. Scan him."

"Um, ok- done. Now what?" She said typing on the keyboard.

"Overwatch showtime." I ordered the automated assistant.

*Halo-projector engaged*

"Anything happen?! I don't feel different." The blond next to me said.

(Corbin is right she can be dense at times.)

*We are disguised as the guard Ms. Stern.*


No one on the grounds of the farm paid any attention to lone guard strolling down the driveway past the refugees who were too busy being miserable. We took notice of a lynx looking wistfully at the red sky that morning until the guard we had scanned ordered him to resume shoveling.

The prototype disguised as the guard continued to 'walk' to the farm house and stopped at the east side just below one of the windows leading to upper floors and their infirmary.

"Ok now we replace that image with a replicated image of our surroundings." I said to the automated assistant.

"You mean like a cloak of invisibility?" Dawn said.

"I think she is starting to get it." Corey said.

"I think we can extend the halo-projector's radius to conceal the entire side of the farmhouse Corey; no one will see what is happening unless they get too close." I said.

"But once I get inside I am on my own." The black haired teen said.

"Yeah, we can use the probe to keep tabs on your status but you will have to get into the infirmary steal what we need and get back out without being discovered." I said to him.

"Ok one thing at time. First how do I get in?" The teen asked.

_*Laser system engaged* _

Corey watched as I repositioned the prototype and cut a small hole into the side of the farm house- one of the upper floors- just large enough for him. Dawn then sent the probe through to look around.

"Looks like a bedroom." Corbin's adoptive mother said to me. "A vacant bedroom."

*Look again Ms. Stern*.

"There is someone there. A boy he is in the corner. He can't be much older than Corbin... why is he naked?!" Dawn exclaimed.

I looked at the image from the probe. It was the lion boy I had seen the last time I was here. He was sitting down on the floor in the corner of the bedroom sound asleep.

"Not completely naked, he is wearing a collar and leash that it is tied to the bed." I said.

"That is the adolescent Mr. Thorn took in." Corey said popping his head into the cockpit from the trunk.

"And why is he tied up like a mongrel?" Dawn gasped.

"Thorn kept him for himself." The teen added.

"We need to free him!" Professor Stern said.

"I don't think so." I said to her.

"Alex why?"

"The lion boy agreed to be Mr. Thorn's um, toy willingly. It happened after Corbin and I were captured."

"Unbelievable! This could be a problem. Should we try another bedroom?" She asked me.

"No there is not enough time. We could be discovered at any minute." Corey said.

"Very well. Let's begin." I said making a selection from the weapons screen.

*Tractor hook engaged*


"How good are you at climbing?" I asked the teen as he grabbed his new crossbow and arrows and exited the trunk of the coupe.

"Eh." He responded.

"Take your time." I ordered. "And don't get caught."

"Right, professor you be my lookout."

We watched as Corey climbed the tractor hook through the hole the laser made into the upper bedroom of the farmhouse. He had his crossbow and arrows slung over his back. Once inside he crawled past the bed to the door careful not to wake the sleeping lion boy at the opposite side of the room.

My sister's doppelgänger maneuvered the probe into the hallway to take a quick look around.

"The second floor is clear." She then pulled the probe back into the room as Corey made his way by.

"Keep it locked on to him." I ordered her.

Corey made his way down the hall quietly crawling into the infirmary. Checking several times to make sure he was not spotted. Once inside he started going through drawers looking for what we desperately need to treat our ailing beastials.

"Corey?!" A female voice said singling him out.

"DAMN! He has been made!" I shouted.

"What do we do?!" Dawn asked.

"Ida!" How's it going?" The teen said turning on his charm.

"Weren't you devoured along with that homely boy and mongoose kid?" The fossa asked. She looked tired, mistreated and completely worn out.

"No we escaped from here. For a while anyway and then I got recaptured."

"If you got recaptured, why did I not hear about it and why are you armed? Planning on taking on Caden?!" The fossa said staring him down. "I used to be a reporter- I can tell when someone is being untruthful."

"All right! All right! We all managed to escape even Shakara, I mean Kara."

"Where did you go? There is nothing out there beyond the compound but death." The fossa said.

"Not true there is another refugee camp, one that is much better than this place." The teen said to the medic.

"If it is so good then why have you returned? Ida said approaching the black haired teen.

"Because we are in desperate need of Kara's medical supplies."


"Several of ours were injured by the night creatures roaming around. Look, I don't mean you any harm. I just need those items then I will go." Corey said backing up.

"Not so fast..." The fossa said. "I want something in return."

_"Really?" _

"So where is this place? How many of you are there and how do I get to it?" The fossa said backing the teen into the corner of the infirmary.

"I can't tell you. A mistake I made some weeks back has caused all of us such pain and loss." Corey admitted. "Why do you want to know?"

"I have to get out of here. Kara managed to and I thought she had perished in the woods." The fossa said studying the teenage boy.

"She is our community's healer and sent me here today. So I take it things haven't improved?"

"Caden has initiated a reign of terror. Anyone who dissents with him will be fed to the monsters. There have been some runners but they were discovered and punished." Ida said.

"Sounds like someone's plans for world domination aren't doing so well." The teen said staring down the female beastial.

"Corey, I want out of here! I have to get out of here! Please! Will you take me with you?"


"It has gotten considerably worse since you left and now has become unbearable!" The fossa said showing the boy her arm and leg. She had been beaten and whipped. "I would also like to see Kara again."

"She has become an entirely different person since leaving." Corey said. "Literally."

"We got company!" Dawn shouted as another of Caden's thugs climbed the staircase and appeared on the second floor.

_"Beastial who are you talking too?!" _

"Myself Mr. Thorn." Ida said as Corey dove behind a door.

"Why?" The thug said entering the infirmary. "Not enough to do today?"

"I was just singing to pass the time."

"So you are going nuts too. Well, keep your crazy to yourself." The masked man said exiting the infirmary. "If you are bored, I can find something for you to do."

"No sir, that won't be necessary."


Ida disappeared from view as the Intendant's thug approached the room the probe was in.

"ABORT!! ABORT!!" I shouted.

Professor Stern pulled the probe back into the bedroom which we soon realized was Mr. Thorn's room he shared with his lion boy toy.

The man entered the room closing the door behind him failing to seeing the 40 inch diameter hole that was made on the other side of the bedroom wall.

"Lion!" The man shouted.

The adolescent lion stood up from where he had been sitting at the other side of the room.

"Come here!"

Obediently the lion boy obeyed walking right to Mr. Thorn who looked him up and down.

"I know you hate wearing that collar and leash, but I can't allow you to leave this room."

Mr. Thorn said holding up the boy's chin. "Some things are being set into motion."

Dawn and I looked at each other as we heard that admission.

"Are you hungry?"

The lion boy looked up at the masked man and shook his head.

"Are you sleepy?"

The boy again shook his head no.

"You are bored then."

The boy nodded.


The naked lion stood still while Mr. Thorn removed his collar and leash. He then placed his hands around the boy's neck and the back of his head studying the fur there.

"That mane is starting to come in. I thought I said that you weren't allowed to age!"

The thug moved his hands further down the lion boy's back feeling his sides, his young thin frame and stroking his tail before removing his gloves so that he could rub the adolescent's flanks.

"Magnificent!" The lion's master said admiring the thin young frame, small arms and legs, youthful face and adolescent genitals especially the golden orbs just below the penis.

The thug then turned around his sex toy, parted his butt checks and stuck a finger under the boy's tail to massage his tail hole.

I was expecting the lion to jump at receiving the bad touch. But he relaxed and just accepted it.

"That is sick!" Dawn said looking at the feed from the probe on her monitor.

We watched as Mr. Thorn removed his mask, shirt and blazer as he ordered his sex toy to face him and kneel. At that point he removed the rest of his clothes. Underneath the mask was a tired looking worn face, grey hair, some wrinkles and a long scar on his left cheek.

He sat down right there on the bed instructing his sex toy to sit on his lap. As he did, he kissed the lion boy on his head and neck before taking both of his hands and feeling up his possession. First the boy's arms and then moving down his chest and torso before fixating on his groin where he started massaging the golden orbs below the furred sheath.

The lion boy just closed his eyes and murred.

"That is creepy! Why doesn't he scream or try to get away?!" The professor asked.

*I think because he is enjoying it.* The automated assistant observed.

Dawn's facial expression seemed to range from shock to outrage as she watched the pedophile coax the boy's penis from it sheath and start to masturbate him.

"I think I can provide some clarity- they have a odd and perverse arrangement. That boy suffered some trauma during the fall I think Caden's thugs found him on one of their trips to World Five."

"Okay...." Dawn said trying to follow.

"As they were about to put him to work. Mr. Thorn there took a shine to him, a big one. He made the boy an offer." I said looking at professor.

"What was that Alex?"

"If the boy became his; gave his body to him willingly, Mr. Thorn would see that he would not want for anything ever again."

"What did Mr. Thorn get out of the deal?"

*We are seeing that now Ms. Stern.*

Dawn and I returned to watching the image from the probe. By that time Mr. Thorn had the adolescent lion spread out face down on the bed and had entered him from behind.

"You mean having young flanks he can caress, small testicles he can fondle, a penis he grope and a small tail hole he can...?" The blond next to me said.

"UNF, UNF, UNF, UNF, UNF. You are tight and quite warm today my treasure." Mr. Thorn moaned.

The thug had spoken the truth to Ida, he had indeed found something to do with his free time that morning.

When Lady Ursa adopted me I had asked her if it was normal for a beastial to take in a human. I then asked her if a human has ever taken in a beastial. It was not normal in the first part and highly unlikely in the second. Until now.

I suspected that Mr. Thorn did not care a lick about raising the young lion. He just wanted something he could, cuddle, snuggle, kiss and screw to his heart's content.

Dawn and I watched what we were seeing in the room above us with surprise and disbelief.

"No, not like this." Mr. Thorn said pulling out of the boy beastial's tail hole. He stood up and ordered the lion to come to him. He then picked up the boy by his legs and pinned him against the wall. In response the lion boy wrapped his arms and legs around his master as the human entered his sex toy again. "Much better." Mr. Thorn said as he started pounding the lion boy's tail hole again.

Like out of some weird porno the adolescent boy closed his eyes and opened his mouth and gasped with each thrust Caden's thug made into and out of him. Until Mr. Thorn stopped thrusting and made a loud *UNGFF!!!*

*Looks like Mr. Thorn definitely has a thing for lions, young ones.*

"Thank you Overwatch." I said as the door to the bedroom opened and our would be operative stumbled in on the mated pair.

"How many times have I told you idiots when the door is closed you are not to enter!" Mr. Thorn said as his morning activities were interrupted.

"OH!!!" Corey said crawling in. "Mr. Thorn!! UM, WOW!!"

"YOU!!! Didn't you die?!" The thug said.

"Um nope!" The snarky teen said. "Very much alive. In fact I came back for a visit! But I see you are in the middle of someone, err... something sorry to interrupt. I will show myself out."

With that Corey bolted toward the tractor hook. The probe following him.

I met him as he landed on the ground.

"Did you get what we needed?"

"Yeah, Ida was quite helpful. But she wanted something in return." The snarky teen said.

"Please tell me it wasn't lion ass." I said half jokingly.

"What? No! Ida wants out of here."

"That is going to be hard considering how tight security is around here." I said to the teen.

"I told her she would be of better use as an informant; keep tabs on the Intendant for us and we will see what we can do." Corey said as our position was further compromised.

"Young man have you seen my husband?" A old woman said walking through the hologram we were projecting. "We were separated fleeing the city."


The woman looked familiar.

"Joy?!" I asked her. She had the same forlorn look I remember the last time I was here.

"The poor biddy lost her husband during the fall and has never been able to come to terms with it." Corey said. "I am sorry Mrs. Blessing but it has been over a month and a half, if he hasn't turned up by now, the chances are very bleak that he is alive."

"Thank you for your honesty sonny. I feel that I will be joining him soon. We all will be joining him soon." The old woman said making a crazed face.

"Um, yeah. Alex.... we need to go now." The teen said jumping into the trunk of the coupe.

I ran back into the driver's seat. "Professor dock the probe. Overwatch hover mode we have been made."

I tried to retract the hook. It wouldn't budge so I cut the cable just as Mr. Thorn stuck his head through the hole from the bedroom wall. He saw an image of Corey Collins running toward the front of the compound. He then assumably ran to alert the guards who tried to corner and tackle their former prisoner only to see him disappear into thin air.

"Good job professor. Caden's thugs are going to be talking about that for some time to come." The teen said.

"I think I am getting the hang of the systems on this hover vehicle. It is really quite impressive." Dawn commented.

That evening....

"You should have seen us Rumble, the lone humans of this community raiding the Grand Kingdom. They did not know what hit them!" Corey said to the remains of his friend. Of course the covered corpse did not respond.

"He knows that Rumble is not going to respond right big brother?" The little mongoose said.

"He knows Corbin. But it is his way he is dealing with his grief and loss. I suppose we will find our own ways as well." I said to the mongoose boy.

"I am going to keep him company Alex."

"Alright I am going to check our other warriors."

I returned to the infirmary where I found Shakara treating Russell's concussion.

"How's our patient Shakara?" I said entering.

"I had to put him under to treat his head injury."

"You mean like you and Ida did to me at the compound?" I said watching her move the triangular device over the sleeping horse.

"Exactly right little cutie."

"Interesting, then why is he completely naked?!"

"Well...." My devious person started to say.

Shakara finished the procedure and ushered me to her sleeping patient's posterior.

"Wow, it is long and narrow." I said looking at his butt.

"Check this out." The she beast said rolling over the snoring pony.

"Yeah that is a pretty long one." I responded looking at his groin.

"I wonder if he ever used it?"


"I mean let's check up on our other patients." She said ushering me out of the infirmary.

In a nearby room we found our brown bear lying on her back.

"Shakara, pet, this attention is unnecessary." My warrior bear protested.

"I beg to differ mistress." I said correcting my she beast. "You had a wall collapse on you."

"You had three broken ribs, a broken shoulder, a bruised liver, lacerated pancreas and internal bleeding." Shakara said running the triangle over the bear's abdomen.

"But I feel fine." Lady Ursa protested.

"Now you do my lady. But you were in bad shape before." The dark tan lioness said.

"What we had in the infirmary was incapable of treating your injuries so we had to get creative." I said.

"Creative how?" Lady Ursa asked raising an eyebrow.

"All you need to know my lady is that you will be up and around soon." Shakara said finishing.

"In the meantime you are to stay here and recover." I said kissing my warrior on her forehead.

In the adjacent room we visited our next patient.

"How is Ursa and Russell?" The rhino asked.

"They will be up and around soon enough." Shakara replied. "And you should be as well, I healed your cracked ribs, broken pelvis, broken legs and acid burns."

"What about Rumble?" The rhino warrior coughed.

"We haven't had time to grieve commander. We have been too busy trying to save you and my mistress." I replied.

"Suffice to say the professor will have a meeting about how to honor his memory in a few days."

(If we survive that long.)

"I see." The rhino warrior said attempting to stand.

"Commander?" Shakara asked.

"I need to prepare."

"For what?" I asked.

"Mr. Collins will be alone on the night watch." The weary rhino responded.

"And a recovering warrior will improve the situation how?" Shakara asked. "You need to rest sir, or you won't recover at all."

"But my dear...." The warrior started to protest.

"The professor and I will be assisting Mr. Collins tonight on his duties and we will be ready if another breach occurs." I said smiling quite wickedly.

Alex Winter February 18/19, YOE 34

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