Finding Peace Part 2 Chapter 1

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#6 of Finding Peace

Part 2 begins! This one moves pretty quickly. I had the itch to start it before Part 1 was even finished and you can ask Kitten. It was driving me NUTS. As always, hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think etc. As of right now I don't have a Part 3 set in stone. I MAY pick it up again at a later time (way further down the road generation-wise). We'll see though.

Feugen © Myself

Iris © Myself

Sirius © Myself

River and Silver © KittenFox my lovely mate.

Lily © both of us :P

Finding Peace 2 Chapter 1

Everyone has dreams. Some are good, some are bad. Some are vivid and you think about them for days. Others you wake up on the floor with your pillow in the fireplace and you can't remember a thing. Most are meaningless, just one's mind playing with you while you sleep. But others... others have more meaning then we can imagine. And if we're not careful about how we react to them, they can affect our lives in drastic ways.

Her dreams started off normal. She was flying. She often dreamed of flying. The feel of the wind under her wings, lifting her off the ground was something she could only imagine. But she saw everything from above, saw it as so small and far away. She was so happy when she flew, she loved the sensation, the freedom of it. But this time... this time would not remain happy. Her wings began to shrink and try as she might she couldn't keep herself airborne. She suddenly started to fall and was about to scream when the ground suddenly vanished. She was floating... this... this was new. Normally she hit the ground and woke up shaking. But this time she seemed to just be floating in darkness, but she was headed towards a bright light. It blinded her for just a moment but the next thing she knew... she felt grass under her feet.

She found herself outside a weeping willow. It's trunk and leaves were white as snow, swaying lightly in a gentle breeze. She could feel her hair caressing her ears and face as she watched the branches sway. Never before had a dream that felt so real ever graced her nights. It was almost frightening. But she felt a sense of safety coming from the tree, without truly understanding why. She'd never seen a place like this before, but she liked it. The grass was green and soft under her feet. It tickled between her pads whenever she shuffled her feet. She was about to call out to see if anyone was there when she heard a giggle come from under the tree's branches. Slowly, she started forward, her curiosity getting the better of her. As she reached to touch the branches and draw them back to see, she caught a glimpse of blue and heard a gasp before she was jolted awake.

"Lilly!" a familiar voice called "wake up it's time for your lessons!" She groaned and rolled over on her bedfur.

"I don't wanna go!" she called "Auntie Iris is CRAZY!"

"Young lady get down here and eat your breakfast!" the voice barked.

With an overly exaggerated sigh of drama that only a 10 year old could muster, the little vixen climbed out of her bed. She moved in front of the mirror in her bedroom as she tugged on her wraps. "Darn magic lessons..." she grumbled to herself as she gazed at her reflection. She never had ANY idea what Aunt Iris was talking about. But apparently it was important for her to know how to do this stuff. Despite trying for years now and never feeling a thing.

"Lilly!" the voice from down below barked again. It pulled the young vixen from her thoughts and she raced for the stairs. She reached the bottom quickly and hurried for the table where honey rolls and fruit were waiting for her.

"Sorry!" she called quickly as she sat down and started to eat.

"Get lost in thought again?" her father asked, turning from another table with a skin of fresh milk for her. Her father was her tribe's chief. His name was Feugen and he was the biggest, strongest, most bestest Daddy in the world. He was a panther with crimson eyes and hair, and a set of amazing dragon wings just like her's! Well, better then her's. His were actually big enough for him to fly with. The only thing her's did was snag on branches and get in the way. Sometimes she wondered if she'd be better off without them but her father swore up and down they would grow as she got older and would someday carry her anywhere she wanted to go. But of course, like everything else, she had to be patient.

"Yea..." she replied through a mouthful of strawberry. She swallowed and said "I had a weird dream. I was flying again but then... I fell..."

"Don't worry sweetie" he said with a warm smile, reaching out to ruffle her hair "once your wings are big enough you'll stop having those dreams."

"But what if they don't get big enough?" she whined "what if I'm stuck with tiny wings forEVER!" She gave another dramatic sigh before taking a drink of milk.

"They will Water Lilly" he chuckled "you just have to*"

"Be patient" she muttered "yea I know I know. But I don't want to BE patient! I just want to fly!"

"Tell you what" he said as he sat down "if you behave and REALLY try at your lessons with Iris today. We'll go flying this afternoon. Deal?"

"You promise?" she asked, looking up at him "you won't get too busy with war stuff?" Feugen winced a bit as she mentioned that. He knew she was too smart. She knew what the war was and knew that it took a lot of his attention. But fortunately there had been a lull in the fighting for a few days. He hoped it would remain that way for now.

"I promise" he replied, shifting his wing slowly and holding it out towards her. She giggled softly and reached out her own tiny one, gently brushing them together for a moment in their own special handshake.

"Okay I'll try" she said. She finished up her milk and then grabbed her bag and hurried for the door "by papa I'll see you later!"

"Behave yourself!" he called again as she ran down the ramp from their home and reached the next platform. She grabbed her slide stick from her bag and swung it up onto the zipline rope that ran down to the ground in the village below. With a giggle she slid down towards the ground, dropping into a roll at the last moment. She tucked the slide stick away and raced off through the village, heading towards the mountain. As she passed different villagers they all greeted her. Everyone knew Lilly of course. Being the Chief's daughter meant everyone looked out for her. But she really REALLY wanted to go flying today so she said hurried greetings in return and headed for Iris' hut.

The wolfess was in her garden outside the small secluded home just a bit up the mountain. While she had been welcomed into the Tribe by Feugen without question or hesitation, she still felt herself a bit of an outcast. So she did her best to help Feugen raise Lilly but otherwise kept out of everyone's way. Though she was always ready for a fight or to help with herbs. Her ears twitched some and a smile touched her lips as she heard Lilly racing up the path towards her home. "Aunt Iris Aunt Iris!" Lilly called as she arrived "Papa said he'll take me flying if I do well! Can we try by the creek again? PLEEEEAAASE?"

"Oh so now you actually want to TRY this time hmmm?" she asked with a chuckle, dusting her hands off from working the earth of her garden.

"Yes!" the little one exclaimed, bouncing up and down "pleasepleasepleaseplease?"

Iris rolled her eyes and then said "I'll tell you what. We'll go to the creek if you can prove that you've at least been paying SOME attention to your lessons. Close your eyes."

"B... but" she started to protest.

"Close 'em!" she warned "or I'll tell your Papa you disobeyed your teacher within the first few minutes!" The vixen eeped and immediately closed her eyes, covering them with her paws. Her ears lay flat behind her head as she waited quietly. Iris looked around and grabbed an herb, holding it under her nose for a moment "tell me what this is."

Lilly sniffed at the herb and she bit her lip. She was quiet for a moment and then said "I... I can't tell..." Iris sighed, starting to seem disappointed "N... No!" Lilly said "I mean... It... it smells like Sage Root but... I also smell dirt and... Sour Bulbs..."

Iris blinked and looked behind her. She'd been planting Sour bulbs when the little one arrived. She chuckled to herself and shook her head "alright you can open your eyes. You passed." She smiled at the little vixen who squealed with joy.

"Yay!" she giggled "come on let's go to the creek!"

"Alright alright. Might as well do some fishing while we're there." She turned and gathered her bow and quiver, including an arrow with a sturdy but thin rope attached to the end. With that the pair headed off further up the mountain. Iris continued to quiz the little vixen on different plants and what they did along the way. Lilly actually did rather well and Iris seemed pleased.

When they arrived at the creek Lilly took up a comfy spot and sat down near the water. She looked up as Iris readied her bow for some fishing and said "alright now remember. You can see, smell, touch, taste, and hear everything around you. This is about something else entirely. It's a lot like feeling, but feeling something you can't actually touch. I want you to try and sense something around you that you can't find with your other senses. Understood?"

"Yes Aunt Iris" Lilly replied. She wasn't very hopeful but she still wanted to try, to really try. She closed her eyes and practiced her breathing as Iris had taught her. She tried... she really REALLY tried. But all she could hear was the sound of the creek, she could feel the grass on her legs and feet as she sat. And she could especially hear the splashes of Iris' arrow as she caught herself a fish. She was about to give up when her mind began to wander. It wandered to her dream. Not the flying part but the other part, the willow tree and the flash of blue she'd seen underneath. She thought about and wondered what that blue thing might've been. She really REALLY wanted to know. And then... she felt it.

It was so subtle. But it was like a thread was attached to her and... going somewhere. She didn't quite realize where at first but as she followed it, she found something it was attached to. Something small... but alive. She dared not open her eyes, but judging by the sounds in that direction... it was something in the creek. She tried to tug on the thread, tried to see what was actually on the other end. And then her mind suddenly lurched as the thread tugged back, yanking her into the creek with an inner yelp.

She blinked a few times and found herself underwater. She panicked at first, flailing about for fear of drowning. But she found that she wasn't struggling to breathe. She was just... floating there. She looked around and wriggled her body, swimming around under the water. It was amazing! The water felt so nice and every gulp of it was like a breathe of fresh air. It was then that it finally dawned on her...

"Lilly!" Iris voice barked and she was yanked back and into her own body. The little vixen was laying on her back, blinking up at the morning sun with the black furred wolfess leaning over her looking worried. "Are you okay?!" she asked, touching the little one's cheek.

"I..." she started to say "Aunty Iris I was a fish!" she exclaimed.

"You..." Iris said and looked back at the creek in surprise.

"I was a fish!" she cried out "I was trying just like you said. And then I felt something. I felt a thread. And I followed it... and then... and then I was in the water! And I was scared at first cuz I didn't want to drown. But I swallowed water and it was like breathing! I was a fish! I... I was that one!" She pointed right at one fish in particular as it swam around looking for food. Iris stared at the fish and then looked back at the young vixen. She giggled excitedly and looked up at Iris "Did I do good?"

"Y... Yes child" Iris said slowly then smiled to hide it "you did very good! I'm so very proud of you."

"Yay! I get to go flying!" Lilly giggled with glee.

"Yes... Yes you'll get to go flying" Iris said with a smile "but first, I want you to sit down and see if you can do it again okay?"

"Okay sure!" Lilly replied, sitting down again. She immediately closed her eyes and concentrated. Iris didn't bother fishing anymore. When the little one had simply flopped over like she'd passed out her heart had stopped. She wasn't about to take her eyes off of her again. But try as she might, Lilly couldn't seem to find the thread again.

After over an hour she finally opened her eyes again and shook her head "I... I'm sorry Aunt Iris... I can't find another thread..." she said quietly. The disappointment was clear in her voice. She'd really wanted to do it again to make Iris proud. But she just couldn't seem to find it anymore.

"It's alright sweetie" Iris said "you still did very good today."

"I did?" Lilly asked.

"Of course!" Iris smiled "you've made progress and that's what matters. Now, how about you try catching a fish?" She smiled and held out her bow.

"B... but the string is too strong" she replied.

"I'll help you draw the string, you just aim okay?" Iris offered. Lilly nodded and hurried to the edge of the creek. She raised the bow slowly as Iris stood behind her and laid her hand over the little vixen's drawing the string back and letting her guide the aim of the bow. For one so young, she was actually quite skilled and had an excellent eye. They spent the rest of the morning catching fish to bring back to the tribe. When they had several tied on a line they headed back towards the village.

"Aunt Iris..." Lily murmured quietly as they walked "what was my mom like?" Iris blinked and she looked down at her.

"Why do you ask?" the wolfess inquired.

"Papa told me a bit about her..." she said quietly "but he said you actually knew her best..." She looked up at her with those bright curious eyes. "Am... Am I like her?" she asked after a moment.

Iris giggled softly but she gave a warm smile "you are indeed. Your mama was a wonderful girl. She... was a Princess from a Kingdom far away."

"The one that doesn't like us..." Lily said softly. Iris nodded after a moment.

"She wanted very much for our two people to have peace." She said softly "So she came here to meet with your father, to find a way for us to all live together without hating each other."

"Did they fall in love?" Lily asked.

"Not right away" Iris laughed "they were... very different people when they first met. But they grew to love each other and care for each other very deeply. They saw each other's desire for peace and knew that they each genuinely cared for their people. It was a quality they each respected."

"I wish I could've met her..." she said quietly. Iris bit her lip sharply and turned away to hid her tears.

"You will dear..." she whispered softly "someday..."

"Aunt Iris?..." Lily asked. Iris turned and stopped walking. She took a deep breathe as the memories of that night flooded through her again. She crouched down in front of the little vixen and reached out slowly, touching her cheek.

"You're still very young Lily" she said softly "but someday. When you're older you'll start to understand everything much more clearly. You'll understand the war. The magic you felt today. Your mother, your father, even me... You'll understand everything and how it's all connected... how it all links together. And you'll have to decide for yourself, where you fit in to all of this." She bit her lip and then said "a large burden has been placed upon your shoulders. And for that I am truly sorry. But I know with the strength you've been born with, you'll be just fine."

Lily looked at her confused for a moment as she tried to process everything but she eventually nodded and said "can I still go flying today with Papa?"

Iris just smiled and kissed her cheek. "Of course dear" she said gently. Lily squealed and hurried off to the village to find her father. Iris watched her go and her ears drew back slowly. Tears welled and rolled down her cheeks as she felt the pain again. Not only of what was in her past... but the glimpses she'd seen of the future. That poor girl... She thought her own suffering had been bad. Her loss... She reached up slowly and put a hand on her shoulder, almost as though she could feel a comforting one there, trying to ease the sorrow.

"She'll be alright in the end..." a familiar voice whispered to her.

"How can you be sure?..." Iris whispered back "you said it yourself... you can't always see the details... I can't see the happy ending for her. I can't see beyond..." her voice faltered and she closed her eyes.

"You must have faith..." the voice whispered again "I promise you... you will all understand when the time is right..." Iris slowly closed her eyes and nodded before she started off after the little vixen. She would be strong. She would be strong for as long as she had to be. For Lily...

When Lily reached the village again she called out for her papa. She was so excited to share with him what she'd done today. She was actually rather proud of herself for what she'd accomplish. A new sense of curiosity had come over her too. Iris had been trying to teach her about magic and all those connections for so long now. But she'd never really thought much of it since she couldn't experience it for herself. Now... now she felt different. She felt like everything Iris had been talking about might actually be true and it was opening up new thoughts of wonder for her. But for now... for now she just wanted to go flying.

"Papa I'm back!" she called again. There was a whoosh and she giggled and turned, seeing her father land behind her. He always looked so graceful when he flew. It just made her more jealous of his wings. But with a laugh she ran forward and jumped into his arms "I did it!" she cried out.

"You did?" he asked with a wide smile "what did you do Lily Pad?"

"I became a fish!" she giggled "I was underwater, and I was swimming. And I could breathe! It was amazing Papa."

Feugen blinked in surprise and he turned as Iris caught up with her. "She did" Iris said with a smile "she definitely... has a gift..."

Feugen smiled and looked back at Lily "Well then... you know what that means don't you?"

"Hold on tight?" she giggled and clung to him.

"Hold on tight!" he growled. With that he flared his wings and was airborne again. Lily squealed with absolute delight as Iris and the ground dropped away from them and the took off into the skies. Within moments they burst through the canopy and were above the forest, flying higher and higher up the mountain. Feugen snapped his wings open and caught a thermal and they rocketed upwards even faster as Lily cheered. There were few moments that Feugen cherished as much as these.

Iris watched from below, squinting to see them as they got higher and higher. She shook her head and muttered to herself "not for all the gold in the world..." She passed out the fish to a few of the other tribal families before heading back to her hut. She still felt a bit of an ache in her heart from her conversation with Lily and knew there was a bottle of wine on her nightstand that was calling her name.

Up above the treetops Feugen angled his wings to slow their ascent and hovered in the air on a thermal, just as he had done with River. He carefully turned Lily over so she was facing outward and she stared in awe and wonder at the lands before them. She looked up and saw the Kingdom and the palace gleaming in the distance. "And that's the Kingdom right?" she called out "that's where Mama's from?"

"You bet" Feugen replied "and someday... someday you and I will go there. And we'll make it a good place again. We'll make it better for everyone there."

"Is it not a good place?" Lily asked "I know they hate us but..."

"When your mother..." Feugen started to say and then bit his lip "when she died... your grandfather died too. The only person left was a man named Bane. Bane became King... and he is not a good King at all. He doesn't care for his people. He hurts them."

"Why don't they stop him?" she asked, looking back at the Kingdom. She suddenly felt bad for it's people. If there was such a bad King, someone should do something about it.

"They're afraid" Feugen replied "he has very loyal men, and an army. He's the reason for the war."

"But..." she was thoughtful for a long moment and then she looked up at her Papa "if Mama was the Princess. Doesn't that mean..."

"Yes baby girl..." Feugen said quietly. Lily looked up towards the beautiful glittering palace in the distance. That Kingdom... it's people... they were her's. Just like the tribals those people were her family, even if they didn't know it.

"I'll stop him..." she suddenly growled very softly. She took a deep breathe and shouted "You hear me?!" She caught Feugen off guard so much that he almost dropped her. "I'll stop you Bane! I'll stop you for hurting my Kingdom!" Feugen looked down at the fiery little vixen in his grasp and he found himself more proud of her then he ever had been before.

"I'm sure you will..." he said softly to her.

"You'll help me right Papa? You and Iris?" she asked, looking up at him.

"Of course!" he replied "can't have my little Water Lily going off to fight the world on her own can I?" He leaned down and nuzzled her cheek with a purr, making her giggle. She did the strangest thing for a fox, she purred back. "Come on" he said quietly "there's something else I want to show you." With that he turned and folded his wings, diving back towards the mountain. He landed gently on a cliff edge high up on the mountainside and set her down. In the distance, burrowing deep into the mountain was a cave.

"W... where are we Papa?" Lily asked. She'd never been up here before. Feugen was hoping to wait until she was older. But with her magic lessons going the way they were now, he wanted her to be aware, just... in case...

"Don't worry" he said gently "this is a safe place for us."

"It is?" she asked. She looked around and then into the deep dark cave and whispered softly "it doesn't look like it. It looks scary."

Feugen chuckled and took her hand. "Come on" he said gently. Lily continued to be nervous but she trusted her father more then anyone. She followed him into the darkness but as they entered she felt a warmth from inside that eased her fears. Every step brought them closer to something... something she felt a connection to. She couldn't quite describe it, it was like the thread that had connected her to the fish, only this was much stronger. It felt more like a chain then a thread. But it didn't weigh her down, it didn't feel heavy or awkward. It felt... like an anchor. Like a safety line in a storm, keeping her steady. The further they got into the tunnel the darker it became, but with their eye sight she could still see. And when they reached the destination she let out a soft gasp.

"Oh Papa..." she whispered softly.

"You know what this place is... don't you?" he asked. She'd never been here before in her life. Never seen it, never been told of it. Not even River and Iris had been here. No one in the village outside the Royal Family... had been to this place before.

"It's home..." she whispered very softly. She gazed above at the massive cavern that overlooked the heart of the mountain. It was so warm, like it was alive... a living mountain. All around the walls were roosts of different sizes. Platforms with nests and old egg shell pieces. She peered down towards the center and saw the central platform and there it was. The full skeleton... of a massive dragon. It's head was big enough to easily swallow a horse. She couldn't believe what she was looking at. And yet... she already knew it all.

"This... is what you come from Lily" Feugen said softly "what our bloodline carries, is this strength. This is why I know that you can do anything you set your mind to. For who can deny the strength of dragons?"

Lily stared in wonder and amazement. She could feel the chain, branching off here and there. It connected platform to platform, winding it's way through the nest. It would return to a hovel more then once before setting off again. And finally... it settled at the center. At the skeleton of the once massive and proud beast. "B... But... they're all gone" she said softly "it feels... sad Papa."

"They're not really gone" Feugen said softly "not so long as we remember them. They bless each and every generation of our Royal Family." He smiled and reached out, gently caressing her small wings. She looked up at him as he said "you are their memory Lily. You are the next Dragon Blooded, just like I was. Only you... are the Princess of another Kingdom too."

She looked out again and the weight of it all started to press upon her. She never realized just how much there was into her history, her lineage, how she came to be and who her parents actually were. She knew here father was Chief, and her mother was a Princess. But she had never realized... just what all that could mean. What all of this meant for her. She looked up at him again. Not with fear, or even wonder, but with determination. She nodded and said "I'll get stronger father. I won't let you down. I won't let any... of my people down."

Feugen nodded and said quietly "I know you won't." He squeezed her hand gently and she squeezed back before they turned and headed out of the cave. He took to the skies with her again and soon they were landing near the village once more. With her feet back on the ground Feugen watched her for a moment and said softly "are you alright Lily?"

She nodded mutely after a moment "I'm just thinking Papa... just thinking..." He nodded with a smile. He knew it was a lot to absorb. He was rather impressed with how well she was taking it. They were about to head back when she paused. She blinked a bit and looked up towards one of the trees, searching for a moment before she spotted it. "Papa look!" she called out and pointed.

He followed her gaze and then saw it. It was an absolutely beautiful blue feather. It had gotten stuck between a couple of branches a good distance up the tree. "Wow..." he said quietly "it's really beautiful."

"Papa could you get it for me? Please please please?" she asked bouncing up and down.

He opened his maw to reply but he paused. He looked at the feather and how high it was off the ground. It wasn't TOO bad... but certainly higher then Iris would want the flightless 10 year old climbing. He hesitated and then said "I think you should climb up and get it."

"What?" she whined "but Papa it's... it's high. It'd be so easy if you flew. Can you at least carry me?"

"No" he replied and turned to her "as much as I want to... I can't."

"Why not?" she pouted.

"Because Lily" he said softly "making you happy is one of my favorite things in the world. I love you and you know that. But... I won't always be around. And if you really want something, you need to learn that sometimes you just have to have the courage to get it for yourself."

She opened her maw to protest and then frowned. She hated when he was right. She hesitated and then grumbled "can't you teach me a lesson with something else? It's so pretty Papa!"

Feugen just chuckled and shook his head "afraid not... Now come on." He straightened up and started past her back towards the village. She hesitated though. It was really high... but she wanted it. She wanted to PROVE she could get it herself! Feugen turned back a distance away when he heard her grunt the first time, hauling herself up the tree trunk. "Lily?" he called.

"I'm getting my feather!" she barked back as she continued to climb. Feugen just crossed his arms with a grin and watched as the little vixen hauled herself up from branch to branch. At one point she even reached a gap too big for her to reach at first. But she jumped and bounced off the trunk of the tree to get higher and grabbed the next branch, hauling herself up. Feugen found himself shifting between amusement, to fear, to pride and determination.

"Come on Lily that's it!" he called "you can do it!"

The little vixen was sweating by now, making her hands slick and making it harder to grab the wood. She wiped them on her wraps to help dry them off and finally she reached the last branch. It was thick, hard to grab onto, but she hooked her little claws in and managed to get an arm over it and haul herself up. With glee in her eyes she plucked the feather from it's spot and stood up on the branch, holding it up in triumph. "I got it!" she exclaimed.

"That's my girl!" Feugen called "I knew you could do it!"

"I did it Papa!" Lily cried out, bouncing up and down on the branch "I did it! I did it! I*"


Finding Peace Part 1 Chapter 5

Finding Peace 5 River knew the answer to the decision the moment Feugen asked. The real question was weather she could be brave enough to accept it without him forcing her. Though she knew he would if she or Iris told him to. When she spoke with Iris...

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Finding Peace Part 1 Chapter 4

Finding Peace 4 River and Iris spent the next few days with the tribals. Iris spent time with Silver, and not always naked time, learning about what she knew of magic and how they were connected to it. River learned from Feugen, learning about his...

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Finding Peace Part 1 Chapter 3

Finding Peace 3 As the pair made it to the forest though, a harsh chill fell across the night and a storm erupted. They and their horses were exhausted but they had to try and press on. Even through the dense trees the rain poured down hard,...

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