Alphabet Challenge 2018 - W is for Worship

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#23 of Alphabet Challenge 2018

Kaz loves Jasiri, but they love Jasiri's body every bit as much, and aren't afraid of showing it whenever they're given the chance.

This story was written for Jasiri as part of my 2018 Alphabet Challenge. It contains copious quantities of M/NB (non-binary) sex between consenting adults, and hyper-phallic related fun. <3

W is for Worship

Kaz purred loudly as they dragged their quadruped form up onto the bed. They could immediately see the outline of Jasiri's body resting upon it, and more specifically the outline of his cock, flaccid but still huge, through the sheets where it lay at rest against the cheetah's stomach. Dropping down low onto their stomach, the snow leopard dug their front claws into the soft sheets and began to pull. To bunch them up and tease them down over the length of Jasiri's slumbering form until his shoulders, his chest, his stomach and finally the barbed tip of his vast but softened member slipped into view. It was only when Jasiri was fully exposed however that Kaz slipped forward once again. Only when every last inch of the cheetah's beautiful body was exposed to their hungry gaze did the snow leopard crawl further up the bed, and begin to straddle and climb the anthro feline's sleeping form.

Soon, they reached their target. Gently, lovingly, Kaz pressed their muzzle to Jasiri's huge fluffy balls, and took a deep and ragged breath. Their tongue flicked out, and Kaz's cheeks flushed as they heard a deep, rumbling purr escape Jasiri from somewhere further up the bed. Nuzzling, licking, extending forepaws with claws retracted to rub and fondle those vast orbs within their fuzzy, fleshy pocket, Kaz continued their reverent exploration. They moaned and whimpered softly under their breath as they worked themselves inch by inch over all of the abundant flesh that Jasiri had to offer them, and a frantic whimper escaped their muzzle when soon they sensed something looming up over then, lifting their head not to see Jasiri's face peering down over the length of his torso, but rather to see the cheetah's cock rising up into the air as it swiftly and deliciously hardened before Kaz's wide, lust-stricken eyes.

No sooner had Jasiri's cock risen to full prominence, hovering thick and throbbing in the bedroom air over the pair's large shared bed, Kaz practically straddled the cheetah's balls in order to grant them better access to the shaft beyond. Their front limbs encircled its vast girth, embracing it with a soft giggle and a deeper, rumbling purr of their own as they pressed a fluffy cheek against it and nuzzled the shaft adoringly. Soon however they found themselves worshipping its length more seriously, more devotedly in the same manner they had paid attention to Jasiri's swollen balls. Licking. Kissing. Running their muzzle over every available inch of the huge cock until it was glistening with saliva, and until the snow leopard's quadruped form was practically standing on their back legs. Their body was wrapped around the cock with their head bowed and lips finally closing around its pointed tip, suckling as they sought not to waste the rich, sweet pre-cum beginning to ooze from within.

It was then, only then, that Jasiri spoke.

"That feels good..."

A soft, muffled mewling whimper escaped Kaz as they heard the cheetah address them, not knowing for sure nor truly caring how long Jasiri had been awake and aware of their presence, but beside themselves with delight at finally being acknowledged and having the stimulation they were providing so directly addressed. Opening their muzzle a little wider, they began to sink down deeper around the shaft. Taking another inch, then another and another, until finally the shaft grew simply too thick beyond that point of its tip for Kaz's muzzle to possibly handle it. They suckled harder, purposefully so, and didn't just use their forelimbs but rather their whole body to wriggle and rub up against the huge cock, desperate to give Jasiri all the pleasure they could muster in that moment. For a short while, it even seemed to work. Jasiri grunted and moaned. He lay back and said nothing more, made no effort to stop or change in any way what was going on. He drooled pre-cum more and more liberally into Kaz's muzzle, until finally he addressed the snow leopard once more with a question that stopped Kaz's efforts in their tracks.

"Are you wet, Kaz?"

Their eyes bulged. Their body quaked. They groaned loudly around their muzzleful of cheetah cock as Jasiri continued to speak, his voice layered with passion, with mirth, and with teasing lust.

"I can feel it. You're dripping all over my balls. They're soaked. You're soaked. So why is it your muzzle wrapped around my cock, rather than what we both know you'd rather have there?"

Huffing, groaning desperately, Kaz pulled back from the cheetah's cock at long last. Strings of spittle and pre-cum connected their muzzle and Jasiri's cock for several seconds even after they withdrew, and when Kaz finally spoke up it was with a voice that trembled and quaked with the sheer intensity of their wild, all but uncontrollable desire for the cheetah beneath them.

"Please. P-please... Jasiri. I just wanted to give you some attention. T-to show you how much I love your body. How beautiful and sexy and incredible it is. I wasn't trying to tease you. I w-wasn't trying to get you to... t-to do anything else. I swear. I, a-ahhh!"

With a ragged snarl, Jasiri flipped them over upon the bed. He rolled sharply to one side, lunging forward with strong arms, and grabbed at Kaz so that within moments the two of them found their positions reversed. Kaz lay upon their back, eyes wide, body trembling from ears to tail-tip, and with his huge erection throbbing and rubbing over the soft fluffy belly of the snow leopard's body, Jasiri loomed over him with blazing eyes and a devilish, toothily grinning maw.

"You expect me to believe that? You really think I'm gonna believe that after us being apart for three long and agonising days, you coming back and immediately getting to work on my sleeping body was just your way of showing how much you missed me?"

The cheetah's gaze softened for a moment, and he giggled, indeed they both did as he craned his neck down and kissed Kaz tenderly upon their muzzle. A split-second later however his face was the picture of merciless passion once again, and Kaz yowled as teasingly but genuinely they felt the cheetah's clawed fingertips digging into their shoulders.

"Do you have any idea what it does to me when you're gone? How many needy, unsatisfied people I had to go out and find just to keep myself sane. How many pussies I had to fill. How many wombs I had to breed full of my cum and kittens, just to hold on until you came back? And then I wake up to find you teasing me, stimulating me, and you claim it's not because you need or want anything for yourself? Kaz, you're an amazing partner. You're one of the most incredible creatures I have ever known. But... you're an utterly awful liar. I know what you want. I know what you need. So... just say it. Say it out loud, and I promise you. I swear to you on every last drop of seed in my balls, I'll give it to you."

Kaz shuddered. They drew a deep, ragged breath, closed their eyes for a moment, then opened them again to peer up at the cheetah pinning them to the bed. Blushing, quivering in rapturous excitement and still feeling Jasiri's cock throbbing and twitching against their chest, the snow leopard nodded.

"I want your cock inside of me, Jas. I... I want to feel you filling me up with all your cum. Making my belly bulge. I want to cum so many times, s-so fast and so hard that my brain can't even remember how to pass out. I want to feel you lose control, I w-want to see you lose your mind with how hard and how many times you fuck me. Oh god. O-oohh god, Jasiri. I'll admit it, okay? I... I want you to worship me. I want you to tell me that all those other kitties you breed day in, day out are nothing compared to me. Nothing compared to what I can handle from you, a-and nothing compared to what I make you feel not just in your heart, but in your libido too. I want everything. I want everything y-you have to give with your body and then... t-then I want some more, okay?! Is that what you wanted to hear?"

Jasiri loomed over Kaz, all but motionless for a few moments longer. Tension hung thick and heavy in the air. Passion churned and boiled. Hearts thundered and nether regions ached with respective desperation.

Then, with a tender purr, Jasiri shrugged and gave a very brief, very simple answer.


A handful of seconds later, an echoing scream of pure ecstasy rang out around the bedroom as Kaz was filled with all the thick, throbbing cheetah cock they could handle and more. They tried to speak, tried to scream a plaintive thank you to Jasiri as their partner began to give them the ploughing of a lifetime without the slightest hesitation or a single shred of restraint. They tried to move. To lift their limbs and embrace Jasiri's body within their arms, or to wriggle, to grind back against the cheetah to grant him and indeed both of them a little more pleasure, but there was simply no more pleasure to be granted. There was already too much, overwhelming them and driving them rapidly, mercilessly to the limits as Jasiri let loose all that he had been holding back. All that he had been unable to share with Kaz in the snow leopard's absence, and all that no other lover no matter how eager or plaintive could possibly have handled with the ease and the delight that Kaz could and did handle it.

Kaz's worship of Jasiri's body had been tender and rife with adoring affection. It had been gentle and loving in its lewdness, and anyone who might have borne witness to it would immediately be able to identify those actions as those of a person who was reverently devoted to the cheetah, or at the very least the body of the cheetah upon whom they were lavishing such wordless, sensual praise. Jasiri's worship of Kaz however...

"Gonna breed you! G-gonna stuff you full of kittens over and over and o-oohhhgodyesssssss!"

The bed creaked, the room echoed with his savage snarls, and Kaz screamed at the top of their lungs in pure ecstasy as while the first volatile eruptions of Jasiri's cock caused their belly to balloon and a torrent of hot cum to boil out from between their tightly entwined bodies, they too lost themselves in the throes of what was already far beyond their first orgasm of that night, and an eternity away from the last.

"Take it! Take it! Ahhh, more! Gonna fill you up again. Gonna breed you again! You love it. You need it! Ahh, god yes! M-my cum... here it... aaaaaahh, here it comes! Yes!"

Jasiri was mindless. Savage, frenzied, a feral beast as he stuffed Kaz impossibly full of his vast barbed cock and emptied his balls into the snow leopard's pussy again and again. And in that wild, bestial desire to do nothing more than use Kaz as a vessel for his seed, he gave the snow leopard exactly what they desired. Exactly the kind of worship that Kaz craved. Not the delicate, tip-toeing and ritualised worship they had lavished upon Jasiri himself, but the truest form of worship. Total devotion, with nothing restrained and nothing held in reserve.

Everything Jasiri had, everything Jasiri was now found itself being poured into the act of fucking Kaz senseless, and though in that moment Kaz knew that Jasiri probably wouldn't have even been able to recall their name, so lost was he in the thrall of their breeding, the snow leopard knew that there was no truer sign of Jasiri's deepest affections. He fucked Kaz and only Kaz this hard and this long, because he knew that only Kaz could handle it. He knew that only Kaz's body was capable of taking everything he had to offer, and asking for more in return.

Jasiri worshipped the snow leopard by pouring every drop of cum he had into them, and not thinking for a second about whether it was enough. About whether it was too much. About whether he should slow down, or give Kaz a brief break to recuperate.

And as the recipient of that worship, there was only one way for Kaz to respond. There was one way, and one way alone that Kaz could share with Jasiri just how grateful and overjoyed they were to be granted such adoration.

"Yes! Ohhhhfuckyessss, I... I'm cumming again! Fuck me harder! Don't stop! Don't stop! D-don't ever... oh god I'm... I'm... oh god! God Jasiri, aaahhhh_yesssssssssssss_!"

By Jeeves

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