Through the Mirror

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#114 of Commissions

Commission story! This is a long one <3

Veemon is feeling down about his inability to Digivolve anymore, but coming across a mysterious field of mirrors grants him strange visions with the rest of his forms!

Artwork will be posted of the two cover variants here ;) Enjoy!

"** Through the Mirror"**

The sky was like fire over the plains of the Digital World, a soft breeze flowing through brought with it waves of flying bug type Digimon; there were no threats from viruses, there had not been for a couple of years now. The lowering sun sent shadows of the long grass across the uncombed area and fluttered against Veemon's nose as he lay stretched out on his back in the tall blades of grass, he'd been resting there for several hours now, his eyes closed in a long and restful sleep.


Veemon bolted upright as his nose flared up and he began to sneeze wildly; "Achoo! WAAAHHCHOO! Oh man! Who'dve thought the grass would be the death of me!? AHHHCHOOO!"

Veemon jumped to his feet, sniffling and snorting as he tried to clear his sinuses of the invading pollen. He'd never been allergic to anything before, but when he got a noseful of something his body just had to react. His nose was running all of a sudden as he staggered through the reeds toward a nearby bed of water and quickly plunged his head into its depths. Immediately, the fire in his nose began to settle down as he blew bubbles into the water before suddenly pulling it free and taking a deep breath of air.

The feeling of relief washed over him and he fell back hard on his backside. "Holy crap, that was wild!" He exclaimed. "What was that all about?" He looked up toward the sky before noticing that twilight was already upon him. "And it's getting dark, where did the day go?"

The sounds of insects filling the air reached Veemon's ears and as he wiped the water from his face he started off wandering in a random direction, still trying to shake the water from his ears. There was a strange feeling that filled the night though, something he hadn't felt in a long time; perhaps it was just his boredom that was overwhelming him, he hadn't seen any action in so long that he was beginning to feel like he'd never get out of this rut.

Walking down a hillside just opposite of the lake, he could hear some strange sound cross his ears; it was almost like the sound of crystals being knocked together, but the longer he looked around, the more he began to believe it was his imagination. Veemon's incline increased dramatically as he declined the hill to the point where his feet were sliding a bit along the grass. Thinking too late that this wasn't a good idea, Veemon felt his feet slip out from under him and he began to roll down the hill out of control. "Whoa! WHOAHHH!" He shrieked as the air struck his cheeks as if he were suddenly falling at a hundred miles an hour. The hill suddenly and sharply turned into a vertical angle and despite Veemon's best efforts, the Rookie couldn't hold onto the ground that until that point had been directly under him and he fell down, screaming until he hit a field of grass several feet below.

Veemon had lost consciousness; he wasn't sure for how long, but opening his eyes, he could see a field of stars above him. They weren't 'real' stars, he knew. He'd been to the real world and could tell the difference between the infinite expanse of the universe and the finite expanse of the Digital copy. Until that moment, he wasn't even sure what the difference between finite and infinite was, but he knew it was there. He sat up and observed a large, blue glowing field in front of him; it was beautiful, and the glow so radiant and warm that it immediately drew his attention. Veemon got up and began to walk toward this strange place, he'd never seen anything like it before. Approaching, he saw a small sign posted just outside of this field's border and he read it:

"For those who seek to reflect upon themselves, this may be a way to do so. Your imagination will bring to life your wildest thoughts, your other personas, every reflection of oneself. But to those adventurers; a word of caution, the experiences may be overwhelming and dangerous for the unprepared mind. If any doubts come to your mind. Turn back now."

Such an odd warning sign; Veemon thought. "What the heck could that mean?" He wondered. Taking little heed to what the sign said, he continued on into the field and immediately his perspective had changed.

The objects laying throughout the blue glowing field weren't rocks as he glanced over them; they were mirrors. Veemon cackled at the sight of himself walking past each of these reflective stones, which varied in size from about the height of his waist to a height ten times his size. He reached out and touched one of the stones, which immediately responded with a flash of blue energy that sent out small flickers of sparks through the air, making him grunt and jump back in response. When he looked again, he saw someone different in the reflection;

He looked a lot like Veemon, except he was about three feet taller; his body was slim and humanoid, but the red and yellow shining armor was unmistakeable. "It's... it's me! Well... I mean, it's Flamedramon..." He said.

Indeed, the fire warrior was standing before Veemon, reflected in the surface of the mirror as if it was Veemon himself. Mimicking the Rookie's movements perfectly. Veemon giggled in delight as he turned around and flexed his arms, watching the lean muscle do the same. "Oh wow, that is so cool." He examined.

Veemon's examination crept even lower as he noticed the length of meat between Flamedramon's legs. He snickered in a perverted manner. "And look at that dragon. Not bad, not bad at all." He said offhanded as he moved past the stone and approached another mirror.

The second mirror he'd come up to also generated a bit of a shock as the black armored quadruped came toward him. For a moment; Veemon didn't realize it was a mirror and immediately ducked behind a nearby rock, only noticing that the visage had done the exact same thing from his side. As he poked his head out from behind the boulder, Veemon noticed that Raidramon was looking back at him. The lightning warrior looked rather big and intimidating, and even after realizing who he was looking at, it took a moment for Veemon to creep out and acknowledge this armor evolution's presence. "Oh. Raidramon... I didn't see you come in." Veemon said to his reflection, who mouthed back the same words. He raised a hand, and then a foot, which his reflection seemed to imitate perfectly despite Veemon being bipedal. He made a slow turn and then faced forward again. Oddly enough, Raidramon's tail swished behind him, but Veemon didn't make any such movement. "Huh. Well that was weird." He noted before continuing onward.

The next mirror was much bigger than Veemon, and the image of Exveemon reflected within made him double take and examine his Champion form from head to toe. "Now this, I could get used to!" He said as he flexed his arms, watching the wave of muscle ripple across his digivolution's body. He struck several poses and then rolled his arms in front of him, becoming a little aroused by the imagery as he did so. He noticed only because Exveemon also appeared to be getting erect; and it was hard to miss the fire-hose unfurling between his legs. The imagery made Veemon's throat go dry, the idea of having fun with these guys again...."As... as these guys." Veemon's thoughts exited his voice aloud before shaking his head.

He had to admit, the years since Davis and the Digidestined returned to their world had been so boring, he'd lost his hope of ever Digivolving again, being bigger and stronger like he had been with the humans. He sighed as he continued past and found another mirror, granting the golden reflection of his golden egg evolution to Magnamon. He put a hand on the smooth surface. "Why'd this have to be a temporary thing? Am I even worth these forms anymore? I can't even Digivolve anymore..." He sobbed a bit... "I wanna be strong again..."

Veemon wasn't sure why he suddenly felt like this; but after the years of inactivity, he just felt so weak in comparison to when he could Digivolve at the drop of a hat. As his tears dripped onto the glass surface under him though, the ripples began to shoot across the glass, which immediately turned like water and without warning, Veemon stumbled forward and entered the mirror.

"WAAAAAHHHHH!" Veemon screamed aloud as he fell through this zone of darkness. He could feel himself falling at a high rate of speed, but stretching out his arms and his legs, he could feel no sides to this deep, dark hole as he dropped hard and down, down through an endless funnel. His voice echoing like he was in a small room, but even as he tried to move left and right, he couldn't find the sides to this tunnel.

A flicker of light below grabbed Veemon's attention, he looked down to see a hole; or something that looked like a hole of light was getting larger and larger until at last he exploded through it. Shards of the darkness broke around him like glass breaking and he found himself suddenly falling toward the green of a forest far below him. As the image of a large lake caught Veemon's eyes he knew he had one chance to keep from falling to his death. "Vee-Headbutt!" He exclaimed as the marking on his forehead flashed into a brilliant light, and unconsciously, he had the strength to propel himself toward the water. Veemon held his nose as he hurtled toward the lake and splashed down near the very center of it. He came back to the surface, coughing and gasping for air as he waded his way to the lake's edge and crawled out onto it, gasping and coughing from the surprise dunking.

"Now that....wasn't expected." He moaned in frustration as he finally sat up, coughing as the sun above helped to dry his skin off; the remainder of the water, he shook his head to free it from his ears.

"Show your courage." A strange voice whispered.

Veemon jumped and looked around, seeing nothing that could have said those words. "What the heck? What does that even mean?" He asked as he got up and examined the area in more. "Hello? Is anybody there?"

It took Veemon a minute to discover that he wasn't exactly at home anymore here. The sound of sirens off in the distance turned his attention toward a human city, beyond the trees of this large forest. The more he looked around though, the more he realized that it wasn't so much a forest, but a park that humans were walking through. In a quick move of panic, Veemon dove into a thick bush just as two children ran up, dragging a blond woman with them.

"Mommy! Mommy! I saw a toy here!" The little boy said. "It was a cute little plushie animal!"

"No, it was a blue doll." The little girl that resembled the boy said with a pouting expression. "It was sitting right around here."

"Well, maybe it belonged to someone and they took it away." The woman said with an exasperated tone to her voice. She was clearly playing along with her children, but she was obviously fatigued. "Come on guys, how about we see if we can get you a toy from the toy store, a cute little blue doll..."

"Plushie." The boy corrected. "A plushie animal."

"And a plushie animal." She said with a sigh as the three of them quickly moved on from the area, allowing Veemon to emerge from the bushes.

"What the heck was that all about?" He asked himself, dragging his claws down his small, stocky body. "They thought I was a toy?" He huffed indignantly. "The nerve."

"Show your courage..." The disembodied voice spoke again, making Veemon jump.

"Yeah, sure... show my courage." He scoffed as he began to walk.

Entering the large city that surrounded the park, Veemon's mouth gaped open as he examined hundreds of humans in vehicles and walking along the streets gabbing and laughing as though they were the only people in the world. Loud honking and sirens filled the air with a clutter of noises that made Veemon hold his hands over his ears. He grumbled "Courage." over and over and over again as if it were a mantra for his reason here. Looking around, he almost was totally unaware as he entered a street crosswalk against the light. Car horns honked, tires screeched and Veemon screamed in panic as he ducked under an oncoming truck. As soon as it passed over his head he ran to the corner and then continued to run down the street. "Ohgodohgodohgodohgod courage my foot!" He screamed as he rounded the corner and came screeching to a halt on his own, panting and exhausted, he nearly collapsed onto the sidewalk. "Jeez what kinda city is this? It's almost worse than what I saw of Davis' town..."

It was then he noticed the large square he was in, large billboards lined the streets in a strangely familiar pattern, he'd seen it before. "Heyyy this looks like Times Square... so...I'm in America? That's weird. I've never been to New York before, why would I have been sent here?"

A subtle but disturbing smell hit Veemon's nose, making it pinch up in disgust. "Peeyew! What is that smell?" He exclaimed as he waved a hand in front of his face. As he looked up toward the sky, he realized he could see a pillar of smoke rising from one of the buildings not two blocks away. Impulsively, Veemon started to run toward the smoke, then stopped. "Hold up, what am I doing? That's a human problem, it involves humans...why would I want to get involved? It's not like I caused the fire or anything..." He groaned and waved dismissively at the smoke before walking off in the opposite direction.

Veemon had no clue why he had decided to do it, but the next thing he knew, he ducked and rushed past the human authorities readying to enter the burning building. As he burst through the doors he bounced back and forth, looking at the flames now engulfing the building's lobby; coughing, Veemon rushed toward the stairs and ran up to the second floor.

"What am I doing? What am I doing?" He groaned as he checked a few doors. "Hello? Hello? Is anybody up here!"

"He-help us!"


The voices from the other side of the furthest door sounded familiar: "Mommy!" One of them cried as Veemon tried to push the door open. It was jammed; the door was warm, maybe the frame had warped. "Stand back, kids! I'm gonna break the door down!" He pressed his ear to the door and heard shuffling behind it. Once he was sure they were away from the door, he reared his head back. "Vee-Headbutt!" He shouted before bashing his forehead into the door.

The wood of the door splintered from the impact, causing it to split completely down the center and blow open to the surprised look of the two children on the other side; they were the same children that he had seen earlier in the park, holding each other in fear as Veemon rushed in. "Okay come on! Come on! Building's on fire! Time to get out!"

"'re alive?" The little boy asked.

"Yep." Veemon said. "And I'm saving your butts, now come on!"

Veemon rushed through the hall with the children behind him. Making their way down the stairs, the heat that had built up high, with flames pouring across the ceiling like a cascade of orange water. He ran the children toward the doors, still foggy with smoke. The sound of something crumbling overhead, Veemon looked up to see the ceiling beginning to give way. "GO! GO! GO!" He shouted loudly as he grabbed the kids by the legs and pushed them forward, knocking them through the doors just as the ceiling collapsed, sending a shower of debris down in front of the door and throwing Veemon backwards.

Veemon woke in darkness, he began to sit up when torches began to ignite all around him, as if he were in a great ring illuminating purely in firelight. At the back stood a figure he immediately recognized; and if he had any hairs on his neck they would have stood straight up, it was Flamedramon, his first Armored Digivolution.

Lithe but muscled, the tall digimon looked at him through red eyes that practically glowed in this low lighting. His firm, slim stomach obstructed by a thickening erection that was occurring right before Veemon's eyes. "Veemon." He spoke. "You have proven your courage in saving others, what is it you want from me?"

Veemon didn't really have to say anything; his body was speaking on his behalf as his own arousal slapped against his belly. He got to his feet and began to approach Flamedramon, the fireglow only making him look more intimidating as he approached the dragon. His face felt like it was on fire from the blush, the heat rising in his body until he was within inches of the thick dragon flesh, wet with the smell of musk and sex. Wordless, Flamedramon's claws wrapped around Veemon's head and drew him even closer, pressing his cock against the Rookie's lips and he let it slide right in. The taste wasn't what Veemon had expected; almost a bitter, tasteless layer of precum that flooded his sinuses with the smell of salt. He bucked for a moment, but Flamedramon continued to dip himself inward with a long, feral growl. "Oh yes, that's it..." He sighed as he pushed his way deeper.

Veemon gawked at Flamedramon's girth, the flesh pulsing between his lips and into the back of his throat as he grabbed the dragon's thighs and pulled himself to the hilt. He could feel the seed churning in the base, he tasted precum dripping down onto his tongue, rolling through his mouth, some of it even dripping out of his lips, and that only made him crave it more. Veemon twisted his head, tightened his lips and pulled back, giving it a good massage to the beat of pleasured groans from Flamedramon.

Veemon had never done this before, but he was enjoying it; his cock felt so hard and pressed so flatly against his stomach that he felt like he was about to burst, and that only made his suckling more enthusiastic. "Ohhh Veemon..." Flamedramon growled and moaned, his hands tightening with each passioned thrust. "Y-you're going to make me go over..." He hummed and snarled loudly, driving himself as far into Veemon's throat as he could before finally slowing down some. His body was trembling, his breathing was erratic, but he stopped all the same. "Turn over." He said with a lewd grin.

Veemon gulped at the command, and turned around. "L-Like this?" He asked as he fell to his knees and leaned over, resting on his forearms before the dragon.

"Mmm perfect." He said as he crouched down behind Veemon and pulled his tail aside somewhat.

Veemon felt the warm breath pass over his crotch and then a wet tongue pass across his ass. He winced and moaned at the feeling. Flamedramon's second pass was a bit broader; covering everything from Veemon's balls to just past the ring of his hole. Then a third; this time the tongue pressing inward and surging a leakage of cum from his member. He moaned, but his voice echoed with cries of pleasure instead. "Oh fuck..." He gasped and repeated again and again, he was literally being readied for sex by...himself! It was a bizarre moment for him.

Wordless, Flamedramon pulled away and turned Veemon over onto his back, he lifted his legs and they came to a rest as high up as his shoulders, the slippery length of flesh teasing Veemon's by running along side it, dripping wet all over his inner thigh. Flamedramon smiled again. "Is this what you want?"

"J-just put it in me... I want to feel you inside me..." Veemon moaned, now barely able to see from all the blushing.

Flamedramon acquiesced almost immediately, pressing his tip firmly against Veemon's ass, Veemon let out a screech of pain as he felt the cock pop into his ass. His body impulsively tried to stretch but his legs were restricted by Flamedramon's chest, leaving Veemon to scratch wildly against the ground under him. Veemon's chest rose and fell and Flamedramon insisted in pushing deeper grabbing him and forcing himself harder into him until Veemon felt like he was going to burst at the seams. Flamedramon grabbed Veemon's ankles and pulled them up, allowing him to push in to the hilt now. His mouth fell open and he let out a long, deep growl. Veemon could feel the pressure build up within him and with a shake he was suddenly cumming hard all over himself, the wet slaps of seed echoing through the chamber as Flamedramon finally climaxed as well, belting out a great roar as floods of hot liquid began to flood Veemon's canal. Both of their orgasms making the room so loud that Veemon couldn't hear anything, he just felt his stomach bloating with that massive volume now filling him...

Veemon gasped and awoke; he bolted upright, and realized that he was back in the field of mirrors he had started in. "Ow-ow!!" He winced as he reached and grabbed his backside, it had been run quite raw it seemed. And it was still soaking wet; had it only been a dream? Why was he still drenched with seed? Why did he smell like sex? He grunted and got back to his feet. "Oh man, what a night..." He said aloud and looked around. "Maybe I shouldn't stick around here... never know what'll happen." He turned around to see several mirrors around him, but to his near-dismay, they all reflected him and not his other evolutions like before.

Suddenly, as he passed by one, its glowing caught his eye and as he looked at it, it was as if the light was enveloping him. Suddenly, he was somewhere else again...

Veemon was high up; very high up, he could tell because of the immense chill he received and the fact that it was a bit harder for him to breathe. Looking around him, he could see the stormy peaks of some uninhabited mountain. "Hello?" He asked aloud, only to hear his voice come back to him again. "HELLO!" He shouted even louder, and once again only his voice came back to him.

If Veemon had a jacket at this point, he would have tightened it around himself, but still, he was naked and had nothing to protect himself from the elements. How was he going to get back now? He seemed miles from any form of civilization. As he made his way down a carved path in the mountainside. It was steeper than he expected, and several times, he almost twisted his ankle. The booming of thunder overhead made him jump. "Jeez, last thing I need right now is a downpour; it's already cold enough as it is..." He watched as the storm clouds gathered overhead, followed by the electric sizzle of lightning, which hurried him down the hill a bit faster.

"Hello?" A voice nearly made Veemon jump out of his skin as he turned to spot a familiar figure heading toward him from a cave.

"Davis!" Veemon squeaked in joy as he bounced up into the air.

It was Davis alright; even sporting the same goggles and fiery jacket that he'd worn when they teamed up a long time ago. "Davis! I can't believe it! You're here!" He exclaimed as he ran toward the human, who immediately recoiled back.

"What the?! Who the heck are you?" He asked.

Veemon blinked and laughed. "Oh man, you're killing me. Pretending you don't know who I am? That's the oldest trick in the book, you almost got me there."

"Excuse me but--I've never seen you before in my life."

Now Veemon looked confused. "But... Davis, it's me! It's Veemon. Your Digimon partner, you've gotta remember us fighting side by side, saving the world on what felt like a weekly basis? You don't remember that?"

Davis' eyes were blank and he slowly took a step back. "Look, maaaaybe you've got me confused with someone else?"

"Nope. You're the same Davis. Why don't you remember me I wonder?"

"I don't know but...listen, I got lost and ended up here. Do you think you could help me?"

Veemon wanted to tell Davis more, he wanted to make him remember their times together; but with a booming of the storm overhead he jeered out of his mindset. "Ahh...sure, but let's see if we can find someplace to avoid the storm. Shall we?"

A lot of this seemed familiar to Veemon, he didn't want to abandon Davis here though. He'd never survive the storm. Not this far up, not this kind of a rain storm... the pair of them made their way down a second slope when Davis slipped and tumbled over. "AHHH! Ouch!" He exclaimed as he hit the rocks and rolled several feet. He grabbed his leg and moaned in pain. "My--my ankle... ouch!" He exclaimed as he clutched at it. "I can't move it."

Thunder began to grow louder, a sudden burst of wind exploded up the valley and into the mountain's air, driving it even colder and rain had begun to patter across Veemon's face as he looked to the ever-thickening clouds. "We've gotta get indoors, now!" He exclaimed. "Here, put your weight on me."

Davis moaned and tried to move, falling back onto the ground. "Ahh! I-I can't! Go on without me."

"Listen, Davis. You might not remember, but we're good friends. And even if we weren't I ain't gonna stand by and let you suffer. Friends don't do that. Now stand up!" He grunted as he shoved himself under Davis' arm and managed to get him to his feet. "Come on, we'll find some place." He grunted.

After another slight landing, Veemon caught sight of a cave. Guiding him around the corner, Veemon stepped into the cave mouth. Suddenly, a loud explosion vibrated through the air just above them. A flash of lightning shot across the cave mouth, sending massive stones down on the two of them. "Davis! Watch out!" Veemon shouted as he tackled the human into the cave as the walls came crashing down around them.

The cave was dark, the sound of rumbling and settling stones jerked Veemon upright. "Davis! Davis! Are you okay?"

"Davis is not here." A deep, resonant voice rumbled through the small cavern as a surge of blue light filled the room, revealing Raidramon lying near the center of the room. He smiled. "You have proven your friendship, and your worth to me." He said as he got to his feet. The quadruped's large, black-armored body stood proudly before Veemon, there was so much room under him, that Veemon could even walk under him without ducking.

He approached Raidramon, who turned his head to meet him. Veemon felt a warm breath wash over his neck as he came in and hugged Raidramon's neck. "It's good to see you again--" He said.

Raidramon purred, draping his other arm over Veemon's shoulder and hugging his body into it and almost making a cocoon of his body around him. As Raidramon settled in closer, Veemon could feel something warm prodding into his lower back. Growling, Raidramon turned his head and bit softly into Veemon's neck. In an instant, his erection sprang to life and he gasped, leaning into the nibble as Raidramon growled again, pressing his own thick meat against his backside. "What is it you want?" He asked.

Veemon trembled and leaned into the armored beast's neck. "You know what I want." He said as he pressed back against the warmth at his back. The tip of his cock was already wet with the anticipation as it pressed crudely against Veemon's fleshy butt. Veemon inhaled sharply and moaned as he leaned into the shaft, feeling the tip pressing hard against the ring, stretching it out slowly as he began to push in.

Raidramon huffed, sounding almost like a horse with his grunt as he pushed harder against Veemon's ass, his shaft penetrating him slowly at first, until Raidramon drew his entire weight upon the Rookie and leaned him forward. His cock sank in deeper than Veemon had expected; it was true his ass had been used by Flamedramon a little bit ago, but this time it almost felt like his cock fit in as a sleeve. He felt his entire body suddenly stretch out and his face was pressed against the ground. He turned his head to the side so he could breathe, and with that, his breath came out as a moan as Raidramon's body began to drive him hard into the ground. He grunted as he felt the Digimon's cock slide in and out effortlessly, his body shaking as he felt the floor thump and bump under him. Words were lost, only the sounds of the ground shaking under him as Raidramon's forearms tightened around Veemon's body. The heat was rising again, Veemon could feel that burning warmth on his face as it flushed and his breathing began to pick up the pace. He hummed and wiggled under the weight of the armor and the digimon on top of him as Raidramon's claws scratched deep into the stone floor of the cave on either side of his head.

"RRRRRHHHHH! AHHH!" Raidramon finally belted out a loud roar that echoed through the darkness, and with a jolt and shake from the beast, Veemon could feel another injection of warmth shoot through his body.

This wasn't like Flamedramon's, which simply briefly flooded Veemon's ass; this was a full-on-beastial orgasm. Raidramon's teeth bit down harder onto Veemon's neck as at least a gallon of fluid poured into him. Veemon's body writhed as it was pumped full of the musky-smelling seed, and then was surprised to hear a popping noise as Raidramon's hips pulled back a bit, sending fountains splashing onto the floor under them. That was too much for Veemon and with a loud gasp, he began to cum hard onto the floor as well.

"Yes... me your pleasure." Raidramon growled, pulling back and using his forepaw to turn Veemon over.

Veemon was still spewing thick ropes of white, and Raidramon; having given into his lust had his face down in it, licking it off Veemon's stomach and chest while at the same time getting himself wet as well. With a final grunt and deep gasp, Raidramon planted himself completely into Veemon's ass, pushing his thick knot into the already-tight space and sealing off the seed from escaping any more.

The room went dark, Veemon holding onto Raidramon's neck as both of them fell off into a deep slumber.

Veemon awoke again; and once again, found himself in the field of mirrors. His ass was worn out yet again, but somehow he managed to get back onto his feet. He tilted slightly as he stood up, and caught himself on another mirror. "Holy crap, how many times am I gonna have to go through this?" He asked himself aloud.

The soft blue glow was a continuous one, it seemed to come from the very mirrors that surrounded Veemon; now that his head was clearer, he could more closely evaluate what he was seeing. Each mirror was embedded in the stone; as his fingers scanned across the surface, he was surprised to find that they weren't mirrors; that they were in fact part of the stone. Years of erosion had etched the surfaces of these stones into a beautiful crystalline reflection that perfectly mirrored a mirror's qualities. "Man, look at these things..." He said after a bit. "It took probably years--hundreds of years for these stones to wear down like this, and underneath it all, there was such beauty, such potential. Stupid rocks." He grunted as he kicked the stone, and then yelped at his own stupidity as he bounced around, clutching his hurting foot.

A flash of light suddenly illuminated the area, turning Veemon's attention into protecting his eyes, and when he removed them, he saw a strange, white shape resting in front of a large mirror only a few feet away. As the white glow began to melt away, a figure could be seen emerging from it, like a ball of slime crawling down it, the light turned into a puddle at his feet and ExVeemon now stood where the white glow had been. Veemon's mouth gaped open as he took a step back, admiring his evolution. Exveemon opened his eyes slowly and looked at the Rookie, he smiled as he stepped off the small reflective surface he'd been standing on.

"Veemon. What's up little buddy?" He said, his white colored wings snapping out from his body like whips.

"Ahh---uhh...not much." Veemon said, taking a step back upon viewing the gargantuan cock dangling between Exvee's legs. "Are you really me? Or are you just another ExVeemon?"

"What do you think?" ExVeemon asked quixotically as he approached and crossed his thick arms over his chest. "You think I'm a figment of your imagination?"

Veemon approached and poked his evolution on the thigh. "I...ahh...don't think so?" He said questioningly. "But... if you're not then...who?"

"I guess I represent your desire for what you want to be." Exveemon explained. "When you digivolved into me, it opened up a whole new perspective for you. But you had to become Veemon again in the end..."

Veemon frowned. "Yes. That's all I've ever wanted." He said. Exveemon moved in close and lifted Veemon up into his arms almost effortlessly. "Hey! What the--"? Veemon's voice was cut off by a gentle kiss from the giant.

Their mouths locked for a minute, Veemon turning his head to try and take in the dragon's slippery skinny tongue. The small spike at the end of Veemon's nose ticking lightly against the blade protruding from Exveemon's before their lips parted. To Veemon's surprise, his feet touched against a very prominent erection from the other dragon, Veemon was hard too, but he had no idea as to how; he'd already gotten off twice so hard that his balls were beginning to ache, but yet again he had the same problem.

Exveemon smiled at this and leaned forward, he placed Veemon on the ground, his tongue running across the smaller dragon's stomach and chest, for digi's sake, his slender reptilian tongue was almost as long as his whole body! Exveemon dragged his tongue across Veemon's body, up to his neck then back down toward his crotch. The tongue then wrapped around Veemon's ample shaft and his mouth went over it instantly. Veemon gasped and moaned, his member deep within the warmth of his evolution's own mouth. Exveemon's mouth sealed around it as his claws began to traverse up the smaller 'mon's body, making Veemon writhe in extacy as Exveemon's grip tightened on him. The slippery, wet tongue was dripping saliva that began to slowly drip out of Exveemon's mouth and onto Veemon's legs; every square inch of Veemon's cock was in Exveemon and it felt like the dragon could envelope so much more. He moaned, helpless to the situation as he felt his balls churning within the gaping hole the tongue soaking every inch.

"Oh... fuck... you--you're too good at this..." Veemon moaned, putting an arm tightly over his eyes so that it didn't have to end so quickly. His whimpers lingered on, but his resistance waned when he felt Exveemon's fingers prying at his butt. His digits pushing inward and sliding back out slowly, a soggy wet feeling from the previous rounds still sounded off as Exveemon continued to fondle and suck him off. He felt Exvee's tongue twine around his shaft and the end of it began to push against Veemon's balls. He felt it coming, long before his entire body began to spasm. "UUUNHHHH!" He gasped out loud, making a savage-sounding grunt as he felt his cock draining into the warm maw. Veemon shivered and panted, the presence of Exvee's finger in his ass somehow made him feel like he was shooting a lot harder than he was. As he was still spasming though, Exveemon lifted his head, drooling the mess all over Vee's cock and letting it drip down between his legs. He moved in close and wrapped his arm around the small of Veemon's back. Oh man, this was it... Veemon thought as the massive slab of Exveemon's meat pressed hard against him.

Veemon moaned and wriggled; Exveemon was bigger than his previous encounters by far, and they nearly split him in two; there was no way the massive dragon would be able to get all the way in. Vee sighed as he felt the dragon's cock slip past his ring and pop into his body. He pulled Veemon in close and sat him upright against his body as he slowly pushed his way in. "Nnnhhh! Ahhh!" Veemon gasped and moaned as Exveemon began to grind himself hard, working his way to the end of his cock and only making it about halfway before Veemon gave off a gasp of having way over his ass's fill limit, but Exveemon growled and continued to pound away. "F-Fuck! You're gon-nna--split me in two!" Veemon exclaimed. "AHH!"

Exveemon's eyes rolled back and closed, his tongue lolled out of his mouth, every muscle on his arms and his chest began to flex and his shoulders rolled back in response to his immense pleasure. He moaned aloud and bucked in even harder, making Veemon wince with a soft hiss. "FUCK!" Veemon screamed suddenly before his cock began to explode in spurts of white that soaked him yet again for the same night. Elevated above the floor, it felt odd that he leaned back and had nothing to brace his shoulders. Exveemon growled and wordlessly grabbed Veemon by the shoulders. His expression was one of pure bliss now as he tossed his head back and began to howl up toward the sky.

The concussion of shots that erupted into Veemon's backside began to push him off the shaft. Veemon gasped as he felt his belly distend between them. It was like a bottle rocket, Exveemon's cock popped free and began to splatter cum all over Vee's ass and the sound of it rushing to the ground was like a fire hydrant had sprung a leak. Their bodies wetly smashed together and the two of them kissed once again.

"Now...that...was amazing." Exveemon said. "You've grown so much Vee...thanks!"

"Aww. I didn't do anything special. Veemon said with a blush.

Veemon groaned before realizing that yet again, he had been sleeping in the mirror field. But the lighting had changed; instead of it being a blue glow, it was a brilliant gold light. As he looked up, he still saw the black sky overhead, filled with stars. It had not gotten to morning just yet and he stretched as he sat up again. Looking around, he could see that one of the mirror stones lying flat on the ground with its mirror pointed into the sky. The moonglow off the stone shooting a golden light into the sky. Curious, Veemon stepped closer and reached out toward it, he watched as the golden light began to drizzle off the pillar and curl around his hand. He looked at his fingers as they glowed a bright golden color and the world around him flashed, then changed once again:

Opening his eyes again, Veemon realized that he was floating in a vast sea of stars. He gasped and spun around, trying to get his bearings. He tried to take a step, but found it only sent him spinning over and over again. He knew he needed to swim in order to move, and so he kicked his feet behind him and swung his arms through the air and pushed himself forward, but instead of going forward, the non-gravity kicked him upward instead. "Hey!" His voice echoed. "Now what's going on?"

"Find...your potential..." Veemon could hear the voice echoing again, but this time the voice was accompanied by a flash of light that nearly blinded him. He put his hands up over his eyes and as the light cleared, he saw a familiar form floating before him. A smile spread across his muzzle, the shine from his golden armor flickering amidst the starry sky. "I'm glad to see you here, Veemon."

It was Magnamon; Veemon's golden armor digivolution, he had a physique similar to Flamedramon's but his cock had a bit more girth to it and hung down between his legs as he proudly floated toward Veemon like some sort of a divine spirit. There was an aura about him, a golden light shining off of him that was almost radiant. He didn't stop hovering closer until he physically connected with Veemon, his long, thick cock slowly erecting itself immediately on contact with Veemon's skin. Veemon shuddered at the feeling; now coming to expect and to enjoy it, the pleasure was almost narcisistic but he didn't care. He took the phallus and began to slowly stroke it, feeling the seed as it drained off the tip and drizzled down his chest.

Magnamon sighed softly and closed his eyes at the touch, placing a hand on the back of the rookie's head, Veemon took the subtle hint and wrapped his mouth around the cock's head, slowly sliding the shaft into his mouth, feeling it throb as it made its way in. Magnamon let out a slow moan as Veemon closed his eyes. He was thicker than Veemon expected, the anticipation sending a trickle of precum down his side. Veemon's hands were wet from reaching down his body to touch Magnamon's slim muscle as it bumped against his own flesh. Veemon rolled his head back and felt Magnamon pound deeper into him. Magnamon's metal armor clanked with every thrust as his cock fell in deeper and deeper, making the dragon tighten his grip, sliding his claws to Veemon's legs and grabbing them tight as he lunged in harder.

"Nnhh!" Veemon grunted. "F-Fuck...! What a night!" He exclaimed as he exhaled loudly as he nearly fell back.

Magnamon grabbed Vee's thighs and then turned him over so that his back could now rest against his fleshy chest. Each bump up took a moment to get used to, as the armor began to grind against Veemon's back. He still moaned and panted as Magnamon then began to stretch his legs out and drive himself upward into Veemon until the very end of his shaft met his ass. It wasn't going to be long now, his cock bouncing back, soaking his stomach. He continued to feel a warmth pulsing within him, as if Magnamon was injecting light itself into Veemon. He stretched his arms out and let out a soft cry as the world around him began to change and glow brighter until he couldn't even feel Magnamon anymore; "You are ready..." He heard the dragon's voice echo and then fade away.

Veemon gasped as his eyes popped open, he was laying face down-ass up in an alleyway of an unknown city. He groaned; he was back in the human world again. As he pushed up off the ground, Veemon looked down under him and realized he was still hard as a rock. He reached down and made his member spring like a doorstop before shuddering; not only was he painfully erect, but he was also incredibly horny.

Veemon's face was hot as he stood back up, he was panting as he looked up into the broad daylight overhead. "Wh-what the fuck?" He asked. "Where am I?"

An empty taste flooded his mouth, his flesh felt cold. He wanted--no--he needed to be fucked in every direction. He looked around, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he staggered his way toward the main street.

The city appeared empty; the street and the sidewalks were completely vacant. He blinked slowly and watched as the traffic signals at the end of the streets blinked idly to nothing. He crept from the alleyway and looked around. It was a nice afternoon, there should have been at least one person out, but it would have been awkward to see an erect Veemon just wandering around the city streets. He idly thumbed at his tip, only actually just realizing that his erection wasn't going down. He had a need, and he needed to fill it fast. He was already short of breath, and wanting to find someone---anyone willing to fill every one of his holes.

"Come and see..."

The voice, Veemon no recognized as Magnamon echoed through his head. "Come and see?" he asked himself. "Uuugh... come and see what?"

The voice did not continue, leaving Veemon to wonder if he had just been left abandoned in this eerily empty city. It resembled the city of New York, but without the crowds of humans, it felt alien. And he was from the digital world.

Veemon had traveled ten blocks before his exhaustion started to get the better of him and he had to sit down. As he seated himself under a tree he threw his body back against the trunk and breathed deeply. "Where the heck does he expect me to look?" He asked himself. "Come and see? See what?"

He paused and put his hands back behind his head and laid back against the tree even further so he could look at the blue sky overhead. It was difficult to find however, due to the size of the sky scrapers blocking out a great amount of the view. As he peered into the blue patch he thought about it... "Wait a minute..." He pondered.

The famous skyscraper was only a few blocks from where he had sat down to rest; the "Umpire State Building" or whatever it was that Davis had called it. The doors at the base of the building were still open, and the elevators appeared to be working. He stepped into the box and pressed the top-most button. As he waited for the elevator to reach the top floor, Vee unconsciously began to play with himself; what would he expect to find up here? Was he wrong? What if this was the wrong building? The anticipation was enough to make his tip begin to produce again, he only looked down when he noticed his fingers getting wet. Veemon shuddered and licked his fingers clean just as the doors opened; showing the terrace just beyond the glass doors that humans went for sightseeing.

As he stepped out onto the terrace, Veemon was almost nervous for what he would find. He quit squeezing at his own bits just so he could properly investigate. "Hello? Anybody out there?" He called out. "Magnamon? Anybody?"

Suddenly, a large pair of arms wrapped around Veemon's body and he was hoisted up into the air by Exveemon, who proceeded almost immediately to press his rigid shaft against Veemon's backside. Veemon moaned loudly, his cock spasming and shooting several strings as he felt his ass get filled by the beastly mass of flesh. "Oohhh--god..." He panted as Exveemon began to rapidly fuck him hard, pressing his body against a wall as rabid growls and pants could be heard directly behind his neck. His legs stretched down, and Veemon began to wonder; was he getting taller? He began to wildly thrash about, sending his body hard down on the thick shaft under him as Exveemon didn't hold back, thrusting every single inch of his shaft into Veemon. Veemon bit his lip, trying to hold back his cries of pleasure, his body shaking with anticipation as he felt his balls flop and sway between his legs.

"Mmmmmhhh hey Ex, mind if I get in on the action?"

The gruff, low voice turned Veemon and Exveemon's attention to Raidramon, who had come around the corner with a grin on his face. Veemon's expression got nervous, but Exveemon simply chuckled as he slowly pulled himself from the smaller dragon's ass and set him down in front of Raidramon. Raidramon draped a single claw over Veemon's shoulder and pulled him against him, he rolled back slightly, pushing Veemon down on his thick cock. He immediately started to stretch the lining of Veemon's ass with his canine-like knot as it penetrated him deep. Veemon moaned and threw his head back as Exveemon moved in and pushed them both back. As Raidramon rolled onto his back, his claws held Veemon in place and Exveemon dangled his own shaft over Veemon. Vee's eyes widened in shock as the dragon looked at him knowingly. He pressed his claws on Raidramon's shoulders and gave the other dragon a lick before angling his cock down and pressing it against Raidramon's flesh, he too began to slide himself back into Veemon.

Veemon cried out, the double penetration was painful, but at the same time, Veemon's cock lurched against him, spewing precum everywhere in a desperate attempt to explode. It filled him so well that he didn't know how much more pleasure he could possibly take. He howled out and stretched his legs around both sides of the dragon; was he getting bigger? His body felt like it was stretching further than he could before. "Ahhha!" He cried. "Ahh-m-more!" He panted as he rolled his head back, only to find a cock directly in his line of view. As he looked up, he saw that it was Flamedramon looming over him, a smile on his face. Eagerly, Veemon wrapped his tongue around the shaft and pulled it into his mouth. Flamedramon growled in response, placing his hands on both sides of Veemon's head. His head turned up as he looked toward the sky, closing his eyes as he drove himself all the way to the back of Veemon's throat. Veemon noticed that Flame's cock was diving deeper than before, his body was stretching in every direction and he couldn't explain how much more accommodating he was getting. He didn't care though, he engulfed Flamedramon's cock all the way to the hilt, and he could feel his chest expanding in size; he was getting bigger, he just had to be, but when he looked down, he could only see his normal size being penetrated by two cocks in his ass and one in his mouth.

Veemon gargled a bit at several pulses of seed shooting into his throat and swallowed the flavor of Flamedramon's sex, he was shaking now. He'd never had this much going on at once before. His mouth slipped slightly, a streak of wet made its way down his face as he panted and caught his breath. He could feel Raidramon's knot pushing into him, driving Exveemon's own shaft hard into his ass. Veemon felt like he was at his limit, his arms stretching in different directions. He wrapped his hands around Flamedramon's thighs and held tight until yet another fleshy member met his gaze.

"Take it..." Magnamon said. "Fulfill yourself and your desires, Veemon."

Veemon was wordless, and simply responded by grabbing Magnamon's cock with one free hand and slipped it into his mouth alongside Flamedramon's.

A surge of energy then overwhelmed him and Veemon let out a moan of delight as all four cocks slammed into him from both sides. Exveemon's claws grabbed Veemon's waist and rolled them around so that Raidramon was now pounding him from directly behind and Exveemon was driving his cock up and into the rookie. Flamedramon and Magnamon each grabbed hold of Veemon's head and began to use his mouth hard, their cocks filling his throat with their fluids as they moved together as one mass orgy. Veemon couldn't even hear himself moaning, he could only hear the sounds of wet sloshing fill his ears. The grips of the four titanic digimon tightened and their speed began to pick up.

"Yes.... yes...." Magnamon moaned. "Claim your destiny, Veemon..."

Veemon could barely understand a word that was said to him, his body was driving on instinct, slurping up the cocks in his mouth and riding down hard on the ones slamming into his backside. His hands were like lightning, trying to touch every bit of flesh that swarmed him, trying to experience every single moment as the pleasure and the warmth filled him.

All at once it seemed, all four dragons let out bellowing roars that slammed into Veemon's ears; he closed his eyes and felt the explosions happen. His stomach expanded and he felt his ass begin to pop and bubble from the overload of cum, he could feel it trailing down his balls, dripping onto the floor under them the shots of cum into his throat was like taking down an entire pool of pudding all at once. He couldn't swallow it all and ended up spewing the gallons of cum injected into his throat. Magnamon moaned and grabbed Veemon's head, clamping his mouth shut and preventing the seed from escaping; an odd tickle filled his throat and suddenly Veemon's vision went stark white, the sounds of their moaning and the feeling of their claws scratching at his body slowly vanished as this vivid vision began to vanish.

Sunrise was coming across the sky above the field of mirrors; the soft blue glow had vanished from the air and he was surrounded by a field of shattered rocks instead. Sitting up, the dragon looked at his hands and shook his head in disbelief; he saw longer, more defined hands, longer claws. He put his hands on his face and felt that it had grown not only in size, but in length. The tip on the end of his nose had grown into a long blade that went up several more inches. He looked over his shoulder and saw a bright white wing on his back.

"I...I digivolved?" He asked.

Indeed, Veemon had become Exveemon. As his hands explored his muscular body, his tail swiped wildly back and forth in excitement. He howled out and jabbed his hands toward the sky. "I DIGIVOLVED!" He screamed to the heavens. "I'm EXVEEMON!" He cheered triumphantly. "Ahh!" He winced as he realized the pain in his ass, and then recollected his visions the night before. It was no illusion, his ass had been thoroughly used. He grunted and looked around at the shattered mirrors everywhere. "You... you were here just for me, weren't you?" He asked before swiping his claw across some of the stones and picked them up. The stones immediately crumpled to ash in his hand and drifted away on the morning breeze. Looking toward the sunrise in the distance, he uttered "Thank you..." Before walking toward the sunrise and exiting the field the way he came in. As a changed 'mon.


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