Alphabet Challenge 2018 - J is for Jumbo

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#10 of Alphabet Challenge 2018

Carolyn wants to rule the world. When she finally achieves the means to do so though, her ambitions soon grow bigger. Much, much bigger.

This story was written for ChaoticQueen as part of my 2018 Alphabet Challenge. It contains F/Solo sexual acts, hyper growth and macro-level destruction. :3

J is for Jumbo

"It's time..."

Carolyn growled as she stood before the gently smoking test tube, the inch or so of rich green liquid within the end result of years of practice and decades of single minded determination put towards one solitary goal. She reached out and plucked the glass container from its stand, the tiger's small, frail form trembling as though even lifting that small amount of glass constituted a visible effort.

"The world has ignored and stepped over me and those like me for too long. But, I'm through being ignored. I'm through being stepped over, or stepped on like a bug. I will rule this world and make it a fair, decent place for all the fair, decent people within it. And if I cannot rule it... then I will destroy it, and punish those who made the world this way even as I liberate the downtrodden like myself from their pathetic, sad lives under the dominion of those who would abuse and malign them!"

She held the test tube up as though toasting a grand occasion, breathing heavily and shaking with the continued effort of holding it aloft. Then, closing her eyes and taking a final ragged inward breath, Carolyn brought the glass to her lips and tipped it back, pouring the substance within over her tongue and swallowing it in two quick gulps.

It tasted... surprisingly pleasant. Sweet, with an almost citrus like tang. Carolyn licked her lips, set the empty glass tube down upon the table close by once more, and waited for the changes to begin. For whatever inevitable pain would accompany it, but which she would weather freely, happily in order to achieve what was necessary. What was required in order to change the world for the better.


She felt something. Her eyes bulged, and she looked down at her chest to see what had caused that momentary pang not of pain exactly, but more like tightness within her lungs as she attempted to breathe in. Upon glancing downward however, it became rapidly clear to the tigress that this issue wasn't her breathing. It was her body.

"Oh my god. Oh... oh my god, it's happening. But, it feels so... s-so normal. I can barely feel it at all."

She was growing. Her barely five foot tall figure was growing, and as it did so her torso was becoming too large for the buttoned down lab-coat and the shirt she was wearing beneath it. Hurriedly she stumbled across the laboratory, a little off balance due to the shifting of her centre of gravity as she grew, and ducked through the bathroom door as she pulled open the front of her coat to try and relieve some of the pressure. It helped, but only a little as she stopped in front of the bathroom's full length mirror and saw her shirt straining as not only her height but the breadth of her chest grew too. Carolyn gave a shocked cry as the first button pinged rapidly off across the room with a tuft of white fur bursting free from below it, but by the time the rest of her shirt's buttons went flying she found herself giggling, then shrieking in amusement.

"I'm like the Hulk! This is amazing! Carolyn smash!"

She squealed with laughter to herself as she watched her arms and legs and body growing more muscular before her very eyes, the fabric of her now open fronted shirt tearing loudly as her trousers did the same, seams splitting as the undergarments beneath them did likewise. Playfully Carolyn closed a fist, and swung it down at the tiled counter-top beside the hand-wash basin. She cried out first in shock, then in glee as her hand went straight through the tile, splintering the wood beneath as she grew past seven, then eight feet tall. By that point she was practically naked, thankfully not having been wearing a bra due to how small and flattened her chest had been, though now sporting an impressive pair of breasts upon her vastly muscular body. All that remained upon her were a few scraps of cloth, and she easily tore them aside to reveal herself in all her glory. She soon found herself having to duck to avoid the ceiling, and sat down cross-legged in front of the mirror to watch herself continuing to grow.

Gone was the pitiful creature she had once been. Gone was the little woman who could be so easily ignored or pushed around by anyone who didn't like what she had to say, or even having to acknowledge her existence at all. In her place was a woman who not only could never be ignored or dismissed, but one whom Carolyn herself found exquisitely beautiful in her strength and stature. Shamelessly she grasped and groped at one of her newly grown breasts, moaning as she tweaked her nipple and found it far more sensitive than her chest ever had been before. Her eyes widened a little as a thought crossed her mind, and she whimpered in nervous, hopeful excitement as that same paw abandoned her breast and began to sink lower instead, down between her folded legs to the flushed and swollen lips of her pussy, teasing them apart with a gasp of already intense pleasure to seek out the once tiny, now cherry-sized bulb of her clitoris.


She cried out, wailing in unbearable, uncontrollable ecstasy at how sensitive her clit was to the softest touch. Far more shocking even than the intensity of her pleasure however was the reaction her body had to experiencing that surge if delicious sensation. Carolyn must have been rubbing her clit for barely more than a second, but in the space of the time she did so her body grew so fast and so powerfully that as she caught her breath she was now hunched over where she sat, with her shoulders to the ceiling. She took a deep breath, feeling the building creak and groan and feeling the ceiling crack as her lungs expanded and pushed her shoulders out. Then she caressed her clitoris once again, and roared in pleasure as she burst out through the ceiling of her laboratory onto the floor beyond, and the floor above that.

"Yes! Yes! Oh god, m-more!"

Quite what interaction her growth had with her body's response to physical pleasure Carolyn couldn't possibly have known, though she couldn't help but wonder if it had something to do with hormonal absorption and production rates picking up in association with sexual stimulation. Whatever the reason though, the result was obvious. She crashed through the walls of the building as she rapidly outgrew it, expanding in all directions from a muscular beast some fifteen feet tall while seated to a goliath at least four or five times that height. Her legs kicked out from their folded position in her ecstasy, flattening several other buildings across the street from the one that had contained her lab, and as Carolyn lay back upon the ground and spread her legs, knees bent to grant herself the best possible access to her now vastly huge clitoris, her screams echoed for miles upon miles around as she began to masturbate in greater earnest, and felt herself growing until it wasn't mere buildings that she was crushing, but entire city blocks flattened by her colossal, rapidly growing self.

Dragging herself back to her feet some thirty seconds later, panting and grunting but desiring more not only from her pussy but her growth too, Carolyn tried to get her bearings on the now shrunken city. She felt something tingling against one of her ankled, and glanced round to see that in her extreme size she had grown to such an extent that her body was now looming over, amongst other things, a police station. She could see the tiny forms of several officers gathered outside, and the flash, the pop of their weapons as they shot at her. She snorted and rolled her eyes, turning on her heel and flattening them and their station as she did so. With her newly acquired target in sight, she forced herself to stop touching her clit, slowing but far from ending her continued growth so that she could at least try to do what she had in mind before she became simply too large to do so.

Stomping merrily into the city centre without the slightest thought for the hundreds of thousands of people below, she headed for a suitably sized and shaped skyscraper. Giggling she dropped to her knees with the building between her legs. She spread her pussy lips wide apart, and after pausing to swat away some sort of military aircraft attempting to circle her, the explosion of its destruction registering as a momentary touch of warmth against her skin, moaned as she tried to lower herself down onto the building like some vast concrete and steel-formed dildo.

Of course, it didn't work. The first time her inner muscles squeezed at the structure, it was crushed within her. She pouted and frowned. It always worked in fiction, why did reality have to be so dull. Still, she took great pleasure in sinking down on her knees over several other skyscrapers, blushing not at the sensation but at the mere knowledge that her pussy was responsible for destroying all those structures with a simple, pleasurable squeeze.

"Oh god. I... I should stop. I'm big enough now. I could take over the world easily like this."

Carolyn moaned to herself as she watched a formation of planes approaching from the distance, so high overhead that even she couldn't reach them directly. At least, not until she rubbed her clit a few more times, her body launching upwards and drawing level with the planes as her head began to touch the clouds. They fired at her. She swiped them out of the air. She yelped as one of them exploded with enough force to actually sting her palm, and when she looked there was a small scorch mark upon it. The tigress frowned.

"Did... did they just try to nuke me? Oh, fuck that. Fuck that shit and fuck this shitty little planet. If they're gonna break out the nukes before they even hear my reasonable demands, they can face the consequences!"

With the muscles of one arm rippling each and every time she moved it, Carolyn reached between her legs once more. She didn't just start rubbing her clit on this occasion though, but actively stuffed two, then three fingers inside of herself, legs slightly bowed to grant them better access, while she rubbed roughly at her clit with her thumb. The vast tigress howled in pleasure, and shrieked in laughter as she began to grow faster than ever. Up and up, through the clouds and beyond as her feet alone grew wide and large enough to flatten whatever remained of the once great city in which she'd lived.

"Oh fuck. Ohhhhyes, I... I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna! A-aahhh, ah, yes!"

The force and pleasure of her orgasm drove Carolyn to her knees, but caused her to grow so fast and so much that her head still ended up higher in the atmosphere than before she'd dropped to her knees. She shrieked in ecstasy, and came so hard, squirted so violently that though she couldn't see it, she drowned the best part of her country's northern population in the floods her body produced. Soon she could see the curvature of her own planet as she rose higher and higher, neither the lack of air nor the frigid temperatures at altitude able to harm her by then. She shifted her knees and shattered the continental plates beneath them, feeling magma boiling up around her knees like a pleasantly warm bath as the planet's surface began to fracture. All the while she was growing more and more muscular too, so much so that it was steadily becoming harder and harder for her to manoeuvre her hand between her legs, so huge were the muscles of her arm and her torso that there was barely room for them to move against one another.

"Cumming again! C-cumming again, aahhhhyessssssss!"

Her next orgasm was so strong, and she by that point was so huge, that the force of her ejaculate knocked earth off its orbital axis. The volume of her juices flooded the planet, eradicating all terrestrial life bar a few seabirds who were able to remain airborne or floating on the surface just long enough to watch the sky go dark as a hand encircled the planet, plucked it out of the heavens and ground it into a fine dust against the throbbing girth of Carolyn's vast clit.

Soon her muscles were too big to let her move her arms meaningfully any more, but by that point Carolyn didn't need them. Her muscles were so strong now that all it took was a clenching of her pussy's inner workings against themselves to provoke another wild and mind blowing orgasm. And another, and another until Carolyn was cumming so hard and her muscles were convulsing so uncontrollably that it became a self-perpetuating cycle. She grew and grew by hundreds of thousands of miles at a time, squealing as she kicked mercury out of existence and soon felt the warmth of the sun between her thighs until she snuffed it out with another potent surge of orgasmic arousal.

By then, Carolyn no longer wanted to rule the world. She didn't even care that she had destroyed it now, for her ambitions were now much more grand. Suddenly she could imagine a universe, a whole new universe that was built in her image. A universe where every moment of every day was spent in pure ecstasy. Where every galaxy was a cell, every planet a molecule of DNA. Her cells, of course, and her DNA.

She floated there in space, cumming and growing, growing and cumming, and felt the universe being drawn into her by the force of gravity as she eclipsed all other things in existence. She grew bigger, stronger, and more lost in her pleasure with every passing moment, squealing and thrashing as best as she could, feeling her heart thundering happily as she wondered if this might never end. If she might never stop growing, and never for the rest of eternity stop feeling so utterly incredible.

She hoped it wouldn't stop, she hoped it wouldn't end until she was the only thing that existed in all creation. Until she was creation. And then, as the only thing in all of existence, as God in the truest and most absolute sense of the word, at last the universe would exist as it was meant to. As it was only right for it to exist.

Perfectly formed in Carolyn's own image.

By Jeeves

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