Chapter Two

Story by Diamond Greyfell on SoFurry

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#2 of Crystal Lake

Crime Thriller following the citizens of the city of Crystal Lake, an Island City on the diverse planet of Terra.

Chapter Two

Janus's heart pounded inside his chest.

He looked over at Tira and could see that she was clearly so influenced by the effects of the drug that she could not even stand presently. He looked down at his black metal handgun, still glistening gently in the dim light of the seedy room.

He only had two bullets with him so shooting his way out was not an option.

"Why did you not come here with more firepower!?" he asked himself.

In truth, he had not expected to find that the rumours were true. His informant was considerably unreliable and had given him false leads before. Why should this time have been any different?

Instead, this time, it was... very different.

"Can you walk?" asked Janus as he looked around the room to find an exit point that they could escape to safety from.


He spotted a window on the far side of the room, there was a good chance that he could escape through that with Tira and get her to safety.

The only problem was that Tira was now laying on the bed in a daze, the drugs coursing through her system. She made some gentle soft noises in response to his question but it was clear that she was unable to help him, or even move in the state that she was in.

Janus could not help but feel sorry for her and wondered about all the young Corvidae children that he had helped to traffic into Crystal Lake as part of his cover. What had become of them? This had been the toughest and most heartbreaking assignment of his entire life. These people wanted nothing more then to be somewhere safe, a right that should have been afforded to everyone on Terra.

Instead, their Fesalis masters, who had promised them freedom and safety had taken children away from their mothers in order to force the woman into sex slavery. These desperate mothers were forced to service many powerful figures from the Upper City of Crystal Lake and in exchange, the police had very much turned a blind eye to the massive influx of brothels in the Lower City.

The Police were only going after the small-time traffickers and not the huge crime syndicates which were expansive enough to afford bribing city officials to keep their sordid operation afloat.

This injustice burned deep within Janus's soul but there was so little that he could do about it. His department had barely been given any resources to deal with the problem by the police commission, who considered it "not a critical issue".

He longed to save those people, but if he had acted then. He could have been killed when his cover was blown or worse...

"They could have walked free from court!"

Janus moved to the far side of the room, pulling back the musty old heavy velvet curtains, attempting to find the easiest route to escape from. This part of the building was only on the ground floor of the now crumbling apartment block and it should be easy for him to push Tira out of the window into the alley behind and escape out into the night.


There was no window. It has long since been bricked up. Possibly to prevent exactly what he was trying to do.

He was trapped.

These guys were clever, they had obviously anticipated that their "prizes" may want out of this kind of disgusting life and bricked up the possible exits to prevent them from escaping.

Tira was now fully sprawled out on the bed, both naked and unconscious. Janus stopped for a second to look at the former Princess, he could make out the faint outline of bruises on her arms and legs which suggested that she had been beaten into this life. Consistent with all the other woman that he had met sold into sex slavery by the Fesalis.

"Fuckin' Monsters!"

He was filling with hate for these people with each passing second, he gripped his handgun tightly, wanting to release the wrath of hell on these bastards for what they were making these females suffer through.

"Tira..." he whispered as he took a moment to compile himself. Tira responded with a gentle sigh but it was clear that she was pretty out of it when he walked over to her.

"Tira..." he said again, shaking her this time as she opened her eyes gently, still embraced by a drug fueled haze that made her continual abuse somewhat easier each time. "We can't get out that way so I'm gonna call for backup."

He took a small black device from his pocket which was given to all undercover operatives encase of emergencies and this certainly qualified. The device contained an automated signal that would transmit his identification and triangulate his position anywhere in the city. He could expect a response within ten minutes.

He had just pushed the small black button on the top of the device where a powerful shotgun blast came straight through the wall, narrowly missing him in the spread.

Janus dived past Tira, to the other side of the bed pulled her off the bed as well in one motion, causing some of her large black tail feathers to be left on the bed itself. Tira was still semi unconscious, seemingly unfazed by the shotgun blast that had been inches away from her and could have killed her if it had been any lower.

The wooden door bolted open as Janus pulled his own handgun and tried to look round the bedframe, trying not to give whoever was shooting at him a clear shot. A piece of shotgun shrapnel had skimmed his cheek, causing blood to trickle out.

"KNEW YOU WERE COP!" came the familiar voice of the male Fesalis, who was holding a shotgun and standing in the doorway, scanning the room in front of him.

Janus did not understand how he could have known that, he took every available precaution and...

Something twigged in his mind. He had not checked the room for hidden cameras, ones that could be easily linked up to a holophone. It's possible that they had heard everything that he had said and he had stupidly blow his cover.

"You FUCKIN' idiot!"

His emergency transponder gave a small beep as the dust from the wall settled around him and people in the other rooms started screaming in shock and horror at the sound of the blast. There was continual thumping and crashing sounds coming from above him.

At least he knew that help was on the way.

He looked under the bed frame, leaving Tira in a haze for a second to climb gently under it, slowly and gently. The other side of the bed, he could see the massive paws of the huge feline species that stood in the doorway, determined to kill him.

This was one of the most intense moments of his life. He had only been on the force for two years and had never been under fire before, he had spent most of his days giving out traffic violations, rather then dodging gunfire.

This was his moment, the murderous feline was walking towards the bed, he cocked his handgun, took aim and...


There was slightly quieter sound from the shotgun followed by an exclamation of pain from the Fesalis as he collapsed into a heap on the floor, clutching his leg which was now heavily bleeding from the wound that Janus had just made.

Using his vulpine agility, Janus took his chance, he dashed out from under the bed, using his tail under his coat to achieve perfect balance and dived for the shotgun, pointing it directly at the head of his victim.

He wanted to pull the trigger. It could have been so easy to avenge people like Tira and he most certainly wanted to. He could claim it was an accident and this piece of shit would never see the light of day again.

But that was not what he had vowed to do. He needed justice for these people, not revenge.

The female Fesalis came dashing into the doorway, straight into the line of fire of Janus with his handgun firmly point at her with his other hand.

"Well now..." he said, his posh Upper City accent coming back through as the crisis had been averted. "You are under arrest so sit down... shut up... and be good boys and girls." he said with a grin, feeling the rush of adrenaline that he had never felt before. He felt reborn...



The operation had gone off without a hitch. Two arrests, both Fesalis were led away to the holding cells while the obviously drugged and traumatised residents of the brothel had been moved to a refugee facility outside of Crystal Lake.

Tira had been taken straight to a hospital for detoxifying and Janus was unsure what would happen to her next. Perhaps she would one day be able to reclaim her throne in Corvidae.

Janus felt like he had done himself proud as he answered the phone outside of the chief's office. It was his wife, checking to see what time he may be home from work as they had special plans that night. They were due to go out and see a movie on the harbourside, it had been Janus's first night off in weeks.

"Yes, I'll be home soon baby." he said, smiling into the phone while turning around to wonder why his police chief, a rather frightening ursine with dark brown fur was appearing to be shouting inside his office on the phone. "Look... I just have this one meeting and i'll be home".

His wife laughed from the other end of the phone.

Janus pressed the button to end the call and turned towards the door of the office, he could see the police chief from the glass wall that separated the waiting room and the office itself, usually it was covered by blinds but they were open at the moment.

He wondered why Police Chief Barrus Sturgeon looked so angry as he slammed the phone down and collapsed into his chair, his blue police shirt stretching slightly over his large masculine stomach. Sturgeon gave a few breaths before touching a button on his desk and speaking into it.

"You can go in now, Janus" said a secretary, a feline with a large purple headband sat at the desk. "I wouldn't keep him wait, if I were you. He seems pretty shitty about something..."

Janus chuckled a little under his breath as he moved towards the door. "Sharon, he's always shitty about something..." he smiled, turning the doorknob as the secretary returned to her work on the computer console on her desk. Technology that was only slightly more advanced from that on our modern day Earth, with no monitor, just a hologram to display information, however looking at it from behind, it would display nothing at all, to maintain privacy.

Barrus lit a cigar as Janus knocked on the door, waiting for permission to enter. "Get in here Janus!" he boomed at the door as he ruffled through some papers that covered his desk.

Janus was legitimately confused. He had brought him results, surely he should be happy?

"Yes... sir?" he asked politely as he entered the room. Barrus pointed to a chair as he got up, going over to the window and looking out over the air shuttle traffic which zoomed over Crystal Lake in the late afternoon.

The sky was slowly darkening, becoming a bright shade of red as the sun began to set over the city.

Being in a skyscraper had its advantages.

"That was Senator Cordelia of the Supreme Court on the phone..." he said, his voice was low and gruff as he smoked his cigar. "Turns out that guy you busted was an aide to Ivan Grace... They want him out..."

Janus looked like he swallowed a lemon as he struggled to come to terms with what he was being told. "What!?" he said loudly. "But Sir!?"

"He's got full diplomatic immunity!" shouted Barrus, his voice coming down in harsh, earth-shattering waves that let Janus know that he possibly could not win this argument. "I have the foreign office up my arse about this. They want him released or we can kiss our manufacturing agreement with them goodbye!"

He sighed in frustration before leaning against the far wall as he sucked on his cigar, still looking out of the window. "I don't need this now... I've got enough press heat over the Hartkland Scandal.

The Hartkland Scandal was a media frenzy which had happened in the sub-urban region of Hartkland near Crystal Lake. Three former police officers were caught trafficking drugs in this region and growing illegal substances in the neighbouring farmland. The initial raid had killed two police officers. Of course the media had blamed the lack of security measures in the police force as responsible for this and had claimed that the police already knew about the drug farms and were ignoring it.

"He was caught red-handed in a whore house with enough Yiff to supply the whole city!" claimed Janus, feeling that he needed to speak out against this. He had always somewhat respected Barrus but this decision had struck him in his core.

Yiff had been a new designer drug that had been sweeping the city and most certainly what Tira had been taking when he had first met her.

"Don't argue with me! Just do it!" shouted Barrus as he looked down at the floor. He did not intend to explain himself to one of his subordinates.

This was not the first time that Barrus had dealt with several allegations of corruption during his administration. Two years ago, he was caught with a female prostitute in a high class hotel which he had paid for with public funds for the police force. However Ivan Grace had helped him to contain the media storm and prevent the information from getting out to the general public. Ever since then, Grace had his balls in a vice and was slowly extorting him to protect his personnel.

Ivan Grace was the current executive of a huge pharmaceutical giant, Phoenix Grace or "PG". Phoenix Grace was responsible for most of the medical breakthroughs on Terra for almost the last fifty years and its political presence was felt almost everywhere. A truly autonomous corporation that transcended the sovereignty of countries and acted in its own corporate interests, with offices all over the world. Trusted by the public.

But of course, the bigger something got, the more cracks appeared in its foundations.

"Sir... You can't do this!?" shouted Janus after a few seconds of stunned silence. He suspected that this decision was more based on personal reasons then on professional one. It was true that Phoenix Grace had diplomatic immunity however it was a simple matter to write to the home office and revoke it. Janus stood to his feet, somehow hoping to get the message across.

Barrus shot him down with a glare, looking somewhat enraged that one of his peons had questioned him. He put down his cigar at the table, keeping his eyes fixed on Janus who shuffled uncomfortably back into his chair after he realised that he stood a real possibility of being fired on the spot.

"It's done...and the case is closed... there will be no follow up investigation."

That was another gut punch for Janus. He had been working on this case for almost six months and felt that this was the first time that he had actually got some results. If he could not question the suspects then he stood zero chance to stem the flow of Yiff into the city.

"But..." he said quietly, his thoughts immediately turned to his wife and how he would ruin this special night if he had to go home and tell him that he was fired. That thought suddenly faded away to rage, fire that built up inside him.

"So... you going to bury this like you did Hartkland!?" he shouted without thinking, getting Sturgeon's immediate attention. He turned and walked straight over to Janus, reaching over him to close the open blinds to his office before waiting a second.

It was that second Janus realised that he had gone too far. His desire to be serve justice had got him into a lot of trouble right now.

Barrus picked up Janus and slammed him into his desk, bending him flat over the desk and holding him there. "Don't test me Everson!" he sneered into his ear with Janus unable to move underneath his massive weight.

However it was strange, Janus did not feel intimidated at all.

Infact, he was feeling something else... was it... pleasure?

Yes, it was pleasure... the smell of his bosses thick cheap aftershave permeating his nose as their bodies pressed against it other, the large bulge in his bosses pants pushed against his rear end and suddenly there was nothing else he could think about.

Even his wife burnt away in his mind, replaced for a longing, a desire. Did he actually desire his boss and his large masculine body?

"Do you understand me Everson!?" he sneered into his ear, seeming to acknowledge Janus's arousal, even just on a subconscious level. He gave a slight grin as he realised that he could relieve the throbbing tension in his pants... this was arousing for him too on some level.

"Yes" muttered Janus, staying perfectly still as he felt his trousers starting to wobble... Why was his boss undoing his trousers?

"Then stay there... you little bitch" growled Barrus as he used his pawed hands to pull down Janus's pants and release his pert butt-cheeks and his long brown tail. His hole was like a small, tight spot between his cheeks, it looked deep and tight and in contact with air, it seemed to be begging him inside.

"W-What are you doing sir?" asked Janus, worrying slightly about what was going to happen. He suddenly thought to his wife and the urge of panic suddenly set in.

He needed to get out there!

However the urge to run was suddenly replaced with something else, deep warm pleasure as his boss began to lick his hole, something he had not done for years and something his boyfriend had refused to you, some pink meat begin to emerge from the sheath between his legs.

Janus could not help it, he let out a moan with his bosses muzzle licking over his small hole. Barrus prayed on that, he was banking on the pleasure that Janus was receiving to keep him there. If he could not convince him through words, he would use a different medium.

Janus had always been like this, he was an addict of sexual energy, letting it cradle him, living in the moment and not worrying about anything. He had not felt so alive since he had been married.

For about ten minutes his boss continued to thrust his muzzle into the rear of Janus, making him howl out in animalistic pleasure. Then his boss climbed to his feet, rubbing something large and hard between Janus's bare buttcheeks. Janus didn't dare turn around... but he could imagine, his bosses cock felt huge.

He growled low as his boss pushed his bare, cock deeply into his ass. The size of it made him wince and grimace before the feelings of pleasure began to set in, causing him to moan. His boss's cock was enormous, much bigger than his boyfriends, it must have been about nine or ten inches but very thick... it stretched his hole.

"Ugh... Yeah... I could tell what a fag you were when I hired you!" smiled Barrus as he continued to pound Janus's ass, causing them both to pounce from the pleasure they were creating in his office. "Fuck... that ass is tight..."

"So this is what you do..?" thought Janus as he began to slightly recover from the euphoria he was feeling. "Fucking your employees, surely there is a law against that..."

Barrus began to pant in a familiar tone, Janus could tell that he was getting read to shoot his load inside him. He groaned and tried to fight off the orgasm himself. He could not go home to his wife with this... how could he tell him about how he hadn't even tried to fight?

No... he could not tell him about that.

It was too late, the size of his boss's cock causing a familiar warm feeling from the bottom of his balls and rising up his large, throbbing pink meat, now fully erect outside the sheath. He groaned as he felt the first pump of his boss, the cum hitting the front part of Barrus's desk. He moaned hard, letting himself enjoy the wet feeling now inside his arse.

"Now... are.. we clear?" Barrus went back to his desk and returned to smoking his cigar which had to be relit.

Janus just laid there, processing what had happened. Something he had secretly enjoyed turned so sour when he realised the magnitude of what he had done.

"Per-Perfectly" he said.

Chapter Three

Chapter Three It was getting late, the sun was getting lower and lower in the sky as Janus drove home towards his home on the outskirts of the northwest pier of the city. He had gone through his head a thousand times about if he was going to tell...

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Chapter One

Prologue Terra, a bright spark in one of the distant arms of the Milky Way Galaxy. The planet was warm, lush and vibrant, with all the tools needed for life to evolve there. There were mechanical cities that stretched for miles and miles across the...

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