Zootopia chap 5

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#5 of Zootopia by night

Zootopia chap 5

"Nick, Judy, Chief Bogo wants to have a talk with you to about the missing ape case." Clawhauser called as the Rabbit and Fox strolled past his desk, both of them appeared in good spirits as they greeted him. "He's in his office." The hefty Cheetah called, gesturing vaguely down the hall with one paw... while stuffing donuts into his mouth with the other.

"Thank you Clawhauser..." Judy called back, as her and Nick walked down the hall towards the big cape buffalo's corner office. The door was standing open and as they approached Bogo lifted his heavy horned head.

"Ahah Officer's Hopps, and Wilde... please come on, close the door behind you." The big buffalo grunted in his deep gravelly voice, Nick closed the door and then moved over taking a seat beside Judy. "I've been reviewing your reports on this fur-less ape case." Bogo paused a second to remove his reading glass, and take a sip of coffee wincing as it had grown cold and bitter. "First let me say good work... finding that hidden crime scene and recovering his phone and clothing. That was excellent police work..." The big buffalo paused again, this time cracking his neck loudly.

"However this undercover work you've been doing... Well it's very dangerous, I don't want to see you working this way again its..." Bogo lifted a huge hand to head off the protest he knew was coming, even still Judy had a very choice words. And when she was finished, the big buffalo went on as if he hadn't been interrupted. "Far too dangerous to be done alone, the next time I want you wired for sound. And have a rapid response team outside, just encase anything goes wrong. Judy... Nick... your too valuable to this department for us to lose. Also I see you've been working with some unnamed street informants... tell Palmer to watch himself or I will have him up on changes." Judy's jaw dropped, they had both been carefully to leave the Zebra's name out of their reports. Because the older Zebra had told them of the bad blood between himself and Bogo, and because Palmer had asked them to. "Hahah..." Bogo laughed gruffly at the surprise and shock on Judy cute muzzle, a slow almost friendly smile spreading across his own. "I was a pretty good police officer myself..." He snorted good humouredly, as he leaned back in his massive office chair. "Back before they put me behind this desk."

"Yes sir... that's pretty plain." Nick agreed, sharing the buffalo's smile as his mind puzzled out how the chief had gotten wind of who was helping them.

"Now I see here your planning to attend Tobias Lionheart's meat auction tonight, in hopes of collaring his supplier. And hopefully finding out what was done with this boy you're looking for, I've pulled together everything you'll need. After your normal shift, go down to communications and they'll fit you with a wire. The rapid response team will be in a panel van, less than a block away parked down on Hart St. If you need them just say the code word... 'Dauntless' and they will storm the place. However I think it's best if you don't arrest this 'Harvester' at the auction it's self, but rather wait until you can get him alone." Seeing the looks on Judy and Nicks muzzle the big cape buffalo cleared his throat.

"Make no mistake... this isn't to save Tobias Lionheart, the fact is even if we arrested him for this meat auction. His lawyers would just get him out of this, the laws were written hundreds of years ago by predators just like him. However if we can get him on tape, asked for your help in legally acquiring meat. Perhaps some more of this rare fur-less ape... because you got some information out of his supplier before he got arrested. He thinks your corrupt already... would it be that much of a stretch to convince him you got the info. And then took out the competition, so that you could make all the money from the sale of that meat yourself."

"That's a pretty good hustle chief... and will be very believable if played right." Nick congratulated softly, he wasn't sure if they could pull it off. But that hardly matter in the case, right now all that matter was finding the missing college kid. They could worry about collaring Tobias Lionheart some other time, Nick knew Judy wouldn't like that much. But then the Bunny was still very naive about justice in Zoopotia, she still believed all the pabulum puked up by the cities politicians. Life wasn't at all fair, and justice was just a words used by those in power to make the mass's feel better about their powerlessness. The Fox shivered, wondering when his world view had gotten so jaded and dark... deciding it was sometime after they had found this victim's crime scene. Of course that just made him love Judy all the more, that even after what they had seen she was still so beautifully innocent. He half turned, looking at her muzzle as they listened to the chief... admiring her sexy eye's and soft mouth.

"Nick..." The Fox turned his eyes back to the big, black buffalo, who was staring at him sternly from across the desk. Clearly Bogo had noticed the bemused look on Nick's muzzle, as he starred at the little Bunny across from him.

"We got it chief." Nick assured with a soft smile, as Judy agreed with him, having not noticed the Fox's distraction.

"Well..." Bogo grunted, clearly not quite believing that Nick had listened to everything he'd said, but knowing that Judy had. "See to it that you remember it." And with that he dismissed them, out in the hall Nick turned to Judy. "Oh hey you forgot to ask for that transfer to vice." He teased softly, making the cute Rabbit stare at him in confusing for a second before she smirked. "Oh hey your right... I'll just go do that." Judy made as if to turn around, but Nick caught her by the elbow and pulled her back. "Oh no you don't..." The both shared a laugh then, as they all headed off to the morning briefing. Where Nick and Judy got assigned to patrol Sundial park, it was a puff job and they both knew it was Bogo's way of keeping them out of trouble for the day.

Of course that made for a long rather boring day, only the fact that he was spending it with Judy kept the Fox from going mad with boredom. There in the bright sunlight of the lush green park, it was almost possible to forget about the dark nasty case they were working. At lunch they shared gyros from a cart vendor, and sat on the grass in the shade under the spreading trees. As if sensing his need for distraction Judy kept the conversation light, avoiding their case to instead focus on humorous stories of her childhood. Nick was grateful for that, and sat back against the tree listening with a smile on his muzzle. Laughing, and at times making rye humorous observations about the furs in her stories... or the community they had lived in. Judy he realized could make almost anything enjoyable, and her positive naive outlook raised his spirits enormously. He felt incredibly tempted, to sneak off into the bush with her for a bit of fun alone time. Not that she would ever agreed to that on duty, still it might be fun to try and tempt her into it.

Just then the radio crackled to life... '484PS' came the breathless call. 'Z-173 Entering Sundial park North side... requesting back up' Grabbing the radio on his shoulder, Nick keyed the mic and spoke into it quickly.

"Z-240 responding... what am I looking for Z-173?" The Fox asked, as he and Judy leaped to their foot paws and began running towards the parks north entrance.

'Z-240, be advised suspect is a Impala, wearing a red hoodie.' They were just nearing the center of the park, when they spotted the sleek running figure. His cloven hooves 'Click clacking' on the stone path way, as he approached the fountains in the center of the park.

"Z-173 be advised suspect is in sight... Z-240 in pursuit." Judy radio back, as Nick dropped in behind the fleeing Impala, even as she headed around the fountains to head him off. Noticing a very winded looking Tiger and Rhino officers lumbering slowly towards them, from the parks north entrance where the Impala came from. Putting on a burst of speed Judy raced around the big fountains, and then used a massive old statue base to bounce off of. The little Bunny launched herself through the air, flipping over as she flew through the air so that her foot paws caught the fleeing Impala in the stomach.

"Uhluk!" The sleek antelope grunted in shock and pain, as the whole weight of the Rabbit punched him in the gut. Stopped for a second... he staggered backwards right into the pursuing Fox, the pair of them falling to the ground. Nick scrabbling up the stunned Impala's body, and twisting his arm's behind him. Before snapping the cuffs on him, even as the Impala bucked and struggled beneath him. "Owww... Hey... Get off ya old perv." The young antelope squealed loudly, as the smirking Fox spanked his round sexy young ass playfully. By this time the Tiger and Rhino had gotten there, and lifted the Impala to his hooves.

"Here's your purse snatcher boy's." Nick grinned up at the plainly exhausted pair, as Judy picked up the purse that had flew out of the antelopes hands. Strolling over to hand it to the grinning Tiger, who thanked her as his partner took control of the cuffed Impala.

"Thanks Judy... Nick." The big Tiger grinned, as he and the Rhino turned dragging the young cuffed antelope back up to where their car was parked. Where a little old Gland lady was waiting for them, happy to see they had recovered her purse.


The Zebra's big striped body hit the unpadded wooden X frame hard, making Palmer groan weakly. As he became vaguely aware of his surroundings, he struggled to open his eyes. However for the moment that seemed beyond his abilities, he felt his wrists and ankles being strapped down. And somewhere in the distance he could hear voices, talking quite but intensely so he focused on them.

"To what do I owe this unexpected visit?" A soft nasally voice was asking sharpely, Palmer knew by the tone the speaker wasn't too happy to be seeing whoever he was speaking to.

"My dear fellow... why take such a tone with me... and after I've brought you a gift." The fat mammal... Palmer knew that voice only too well, after all he'd been talking to him just... Well the Zebra wasn't sure how long he had been out, but he understood that he'd been drugged by the Hippo.

"Aside from the obvious... What do I want with him." That cold nasally voice demanded, as Palmer felt a wide strap tighten across his lower belly just above his sheath.

"He was asking questions about that Fox you... you disposed of." The big Hippo grunted, it was plain from the tone of his voice he really didn't like what had been done. "He already knew... I knew something, and he's not a fur one can simply lie to and forget about. He would have kept digging, perhaps even wrung the information out of me eventually. I thought it better to bring him to you, and let you handle him as you see fit."

"Oh I see how it is... let me to the dirty work... because you haven't got the guts." That cold voice sneered angrily, and Palmer heard a soft slap on clothed flesh... so the fur had patted the Hippo's enormous belly. Palmer felt a muzzle lean in close to him, hot breath tickled the fur of one of his long ears.

"Think your such a big stud... well you're not going to be for much longer." Teddy the Gazelle snickered tauntingly, into that long pointed Zebra ear. "I don't normally like that kinda thing... but I'm going to buy the video of you getting snipped just so I can watch it over and over." The Gazelle's voice drowned out the more distant conversation, still Palmer had a good idea what was going on. Weakly he mumbled under his breath, back at the slender Gazelle standing over him.

"Fuck slut... if you want to suck my dick all you have to do is ask." A hard blow struck the Zebra across the mouth, but with the drugs in his system Palmer felt very little pain.

"I can do any damn thing I want to you right now." Teddy snarled in anger, as at last Palmer managed to open his eyes slightly. The world was incredibly blurry, but he could make out the slender form of the Gazelle standing over him. His hands balled up into fists, his nose red with angry blush as he starred down at the helpless Zebra.

"Yeah... so get to it gunsul." Palmer mutter weakly, watching as the Gazelle stood there fist raised as if he were unsure what he wanted to do. With Teddy silent for the moment, Palmer could at last hear the conversation once again.

"I'm attending and event soon... I'll take care of the Zebra afterwards... You can have the money from the meat sale, but all the profits from the video sells are mine." That cold voice said firmly, Palmer half expected the fat mammal to protest.

"I don't want any of the money... I'm just doing this to protect you." The big Hippo replied softly, and Palmer knew at once there was some past between them.

"Hahaha... I'm not your boi anymore... I'm not anyone's boi ever again... in fact these are my boi's." Palmer could just make out a big blurry figure, gesturing to figures he could tell were big preds. "You understand me?"

"Jerome please..." The fat Hippo whined, so those two had been together in the past... but now the unhappy bottom boi had became a savage top stud the Zebra realized.

"Don't call me that." The dark cold voice growled viciously, grabbing the lapel of the Hippo's suit coat with one huge fist. "I left that name behind... I'm not a hungry little orphan willing to do anything for a father figure anymore. I pay my own way... and do what I like to whoever I like. Your just lucky I don't like you... because you've got a whole lot of meat between your legs as I recall. Now get out of here... before I start liking your little Gazelle fuck toy."

"Teddy come along, we're leaving." The fat mammal snorted, pulling the still furious Gazelle away from the bound Zebra.

The lights went out, and Palmer heard a heavy door close leaving him alone in the darkness. The old Zebra knew what would come next, when the mysterious meat harvester returned. Still groggy he pulled at his restraints but they were solid, to strong for him to break. He'd been hoping to goad Teddy into loosening them for a bit of revenge sex or even removing them, but that hadn't worked out. There would be no use screaming for help, he'd seen too many crime scenes like Nick and Judy had discovered. He was alone somewhere that no one would hear him scream, so he didn't waste his breath doing it. With nothing else to do, Palmer took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself... closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


"It fits in here behind the button on your trousers." A lanky Simian explained, handing Nick the tiny transmitter and somewhat bigger battery pack. "Just slip the battery pack into your underwear, and clip the mic onto your trousers." The tech then turned around to give the Fox a bit of privacy, Nick smirked at how uptight the primate was. Unbuttoning his pants he slipped the batteries into the pouch of his underwear, and then fondled himself to erection.

"Like this?" He asked, to get the monkey to turn around... enjoying the shocked look on his face as he saw that hard cock.

"Fucking hell... Not funny Nick..." The simian police tech shouted, as he spun back around, looking away from the wicked Fox. "Now put that thing away, and get your mic on so we can do a sound test."

"Don't you know you never turn your back on a Fox with an erection." Nick joked, making the tech jump as he poked him on the rump with one finger, the monkey half turning back around.

"Not funny at all you sicko." The primate cursed, as he spun around glad to see that the Fox had put away his cock and was just poking him with a finger. "Alright looks good from here... and I'm not getting any closer."

"Awww if you were doing your job right... your get down on your knee's to look really close." The grinning Fox teased, making the young monkey blush bright red at his words.

"Fuck you..." The tech snorted distastefully back at the smirking Fox, turning back to his equipment,

"That's all I was asking for..." Nick teased, sliding his zipper up and down loudly a couple of times as the monkey put on his headphones.

"Stop that. Now step out of the van and say... 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' a few times so we can do a sound test." The monkey ordered, deciding the best way of dealing with the naughty vulpine was to be all business.

"The quick brown Fox jumps over the lazy dog... I like that, its a very true statement." Nick laughed, as he climbed out of the van's back door and strolled around into the shadows repeating the phase a few times slowly.

"Ok that's good Nick, the wire is working great... your good to go." Officer Gordon's voice called through the ear bud that Nick had concealed in his fuzzy pointed vulpine ear. "Remember if something goes wrong with the wire, you can dial the van's number on your phone. And we'll come right in to help you."

"Thanks fellas... let's go catch us a nutter." Nick snorted softly, as he straighten his expensive new suit and strolled down the side walk towards Tobias Lionhearts restaurant. The Fox's paws ran over the smooth slick fabric of his new suit slowly, he'd bought it on his ZPD expense account. Explained to the chief that when you were dealing with furs like these undercover you had to look the part. The bean counters hadn't liked it much, but Bogo had approved it anyway because Lionheart had seen Nicks only other good suit already.

The Pride bar and grill was just up the block from city hall, located on the top two floors of the Biltmore building. A historic landmark, that housed the offices of some of the biggest companies in the city. Nick took the elevator up to the restaurant's main floor, and was greeted by a huge grizzly Bear doorman. "Nick Wilde... I'm on the list." The Fox assured him, the big Bear looked his name up and then waved him on inside. Directing him to the stairs leading up to the very top level, where the tables had been removed. There was now a semi circle of chairs around a small stage, a large flat screen displayed the items up for bid.

"Aha Nicky." Tobias Lionheart called, grabbing the Fox's paw and wringing it gently. "Glad to see you made it... the bidding is just about to start." The big black maned Lion pressed a numbered card into Nicks paws, and then offered him a seat in the back row. Before he strolled up onto the stage, a wide smile on his handsome feline muzzle. "My friends..." The big Lion said into the microphone, mounted onto the slender steel and glass lecture. "I hope you've all got your check books... because I don't need to tell you we got some rare treats up for bid tonight." As he spoke Fox noticed a tall roan red stallion, standing just off the edge of the stage. The audience laughed politely, as the Lion told another of his corny jokes. Glancing around the Fox realized that this horse was the only non predator in the room. The picture on the big screen suddenly changed, to a single oval of pale flesh.

"Ok... shall we start the bidding at ten thousand?" Tobias asked, and instantly got a bid from a young Tigress in the second row. And almost as quickly, got a counter offer of eleven from a huge Grizzly a bit farther back. Twelve came next then thirteen and fourteen, this was amazing for a single tiny piece of meat Nick had to admit. He watched the bidding go up to twenty thousand, where it stalled for a long moment. So the sly Fox quickly flashed his card, for twenty one thousand making the feline bidder turn and glare around. Even as she flashed her own card bidding twenty two, she really wanted that testicle it seemed. Taking a chance Nick bid again, watching at Tobias grinned at him. This time the Tigress paused for a moment, again looking around to see who was bidding again her. Before upping her bid once again with a furious snarl, Nick read her muzzle and knew her blood was up. He began to lift his card but this time she saw his paw move, and lifted her own card first standing up. "Twenty five thousand." She snarl looking back at Nick, who bowed his head and lay his own card down in the seat beside him in mock defeat.

Up at the glass lecture the big Lion grinned, asking if there were any other bids. There were none of course, and he gaveled the bidding close at twenty five thousand. And then took a drink from his campaign glass, before offering the second smaller testicle up for bid. Nick bid early this time, as if eager to get the second prize managing to run the bidding up even higher as more furs got excited. But once again he lose out, putting on a look of chagrin at having lost out yet again. Nick noticed that the big Horse was looking at him now, with a kind of mild interest in his big amber eyes.

The roughly four inches of severed cock came up for bid last, Nick knew that the Lion had admitted to already eating half of it. So the human must have been at least eight inches, which was a inch and a half more than the Fox had himself. Now of course, the human if he was still alive at all... had nothing between his legs to speak of. The bidding was weak on this last item, Nick knowing they could use it as evidence bid in hopes of getting it. Until the voice in his ear piece warned, that the city couldn't spends that much on a sting operation. And so he let that go as well, although his aggressive bidding had done what he'd wanted it to. It had gotten the attention of the big sleek stallion 'Harvester' as the auction ended the Lion lead the Horse up to meet Nick. The Fox noting the two big preds that fell in behind the equine, one was a tall sleek black Wolf... the other a hulking white Liger with a black leather patch over his right eye. Body guards... maybe the big Horse didn't trust his pred customers, but then why would he trust pred body guards?

"Aha Nicky... I'd like for you to meet Zayn. He's the clever fellow that found the unique treat's for tonight's auction... I believe Nick here wants to talk some business with you Zayn." Tobias winked at the Fox and then strolled off to talk with a cluster of rich guests who had lost out on the bidding. Vaguely Nick heard the Lion assuring them that he had a line on a bit more of this rare treat, and would hopefully have some more in the near future.

"Sorry I missed out tonight..." The Fox said with a faint look of frustration on his expressive muzzle, making the big equine smirk faintly himself. Amused that this little Fox fancied himself a real meat eater, the equine knowing just how easy it was to end a small Fox like this.

"Yes... I could see you were most interested in the produces up for bid." Zayn grunted, clapping one huge three fingered hand on Nick's shoulder as they stood facing one another. The big Horse was playing up the friendly act, but Nick could see the cool unfeeling darkness hidden behind that big square toothed smile. This guy was dangerous the Fox could sense, even if the equine was trying to hide it behind a veneer of good humor.

"Mr. Lionheart mentioned that you had a line on some more of it, and that I might be able to make a deal with you directly." Nick said carefully, keeping his eyes trained on the horse's muzzle as he spoke. Vague aware that the Horse's huge hand slide off his shoulder, and down onto his chest moving across it seemingly playfully. It took the Fox a minute to realize what was really going on, the big equine was feeling for a wire. Nick swallowed heavy and then grinned up at the Horse whose hand was in one of his arm pits by that point. "You want to take this somewhere more private." The Fox asked smiling as lewdly as he could manage, hoping to embarrass the equine enough that he wouldn't go lower.

"Heh... I'd love to... it's been awhile since I got to fuck a Fox." Zayn sniggered, as he pulled Nicks small body up against his own larger one. "I've got a show planned tonight that you might enjoy... I know I will and I'm always horny afterwards." Zayn flashed Nick a big white toothed grin, as the smaller Fox found himself being pressed again the horse's crotch.

"Ammm feels... Errr sounds like a real good time." Nick breathed, angling his body so that the Horse wouldn't feel the battery pack in his underwear. He could hear laughing in his ear piece, it seemed the primate he'd been teasing earlier found this turn of events funny. "Let me just take a leak... and then we can go see about that show. I do hope this is going to get me a discount." Nick said flippantly as the big equine released him, the Horse grinning wickedly as he licked his full lip's.

"Depends on a few things... how good you can make me feel... and if you're willing to help lure some of the new donators in." The smirking Horse wheeled, as he watching the small Fox blush at his naughty words. "I'll be waiting at the bar when you've finished, and then we can go."

"Oh you're going to be walking on air... when I finish with you." Nick assured just as lewdly, flashed the equine a bit of tail as he turned and headed to the restrooms. Ducking inside the males room Nick was glad to see it was empty, quickly he buttoned his trousers as he hurried into a stall. "He's checking me for wires, most likely that's why he wants to strip me down." Nick explained into the microphone, before he took it out of his underwear. "Keep and I eye out for us leaving and don't let them catch you tailing us.

I'll dial you guys on my phone if I need you..." Nick muttered as he heard the restroom door open, quickly the sly Fox slipped the bug and its battery pack behind the toilet. Flushed quickly and stepped out, unsurprised to see the tall Wolf standing at a urinal. Strolling over to the sink the Fox washed his paws, and then pulled a couple of paper towels to dry them. Before walking past the Wolf who seemed to have stopped pissing, but was still standing there at the urinal. Nick leaned around him to take a look at the Lupines fat red bone, snorting as he looked it over with a smirk. "I hope you at least got a good sized knot." The tall Wolf looked at him stunned, and then began to blush as he self-consciously stuffed it back in his trousers. The small Fox strolled back out into the empty restaurant chuckling, he found Zayn and the white Tiger waiting by bar just like the Horse promised. "You ready to go?" Nick asked, as he walked up to the big roan red Stallion who's muzzle split into that same fake smile.

"I've got some entertainment planned..." Zayn assured the Fox, as he threw a long arm around Nicks shoulders in a friendly gesture... that had no actual friendship in it at all. "Nothing rare you understand... just a plain old stripped jackass. However there is nothing like taking a great big old cock and balls off a stud... It always makes me very very horny afterwards." The Fox could read lust and cruel mastery in the Horse, but nothing that resembled a nice or pleasant emotion. This fur... prey though he might be was a true psycho that made most predators seem like baby lambs. Even Charn and Reilly had at least shown some glimmer of feeling and warmth that made them seem normal. But Nick realized this equine was really and truly dangerous, a fur who would kill you as soon as yiff you. A cold chill ran though Nick's body as the Horse guided him into the elevator, pushing the button for the basement parking garage. The instant the elevator doors closed, the big Equines hands were all over him again. And this time they didn't stop above his waist, Nick just leaned back against the bigger fur and enjoyed it. "Not all Fox's are wanton sluts... but I enjoy the ones who are." The big roan Stallion muttered, as he nibbled roughly on one of Nick's pointed vulpine ears while cupping and squeezing those firm round rump cheeks. "Have you ever been taken by a Stallion before?"

"I'm a Fox... I've been taken by everything stud." Nick laughed, wiggling his ass against the Horse's palms seductively as the other's laughed. The elevator reached the basement, but the big equine didn't lead him out to a car like Nick figured. Instead they walked over to a old barred gate, behind it were stairs that lead down into a sub-basement. The big Equine unlocked that gate and directed Nick down the steps, into a huge underground room. "What is this place?" The Fox asked as he looked around a moment, before at last figuring it out. "Wait is this one of the old city admin subway platforms?"

"Hah I'm surprised you know about those..." Zayn snorted, as he lead the way through the dimly lit subway station to the tunnel. "Most furs in this city don't remember that in the early years of the century, all the city administration buildings were connected by cable driven subway cars." The big Horse helped Nick down off the platform and onto the old subway tracks, the tunnel ahead of then was lit by bare light bulbs strung up at short distances. "For those of us who know about them, it's a way to move around the city without being noticed." The Horse lead the way down the old tunnel, pointing out the classic brick work of the arched tunnel. As they went as if he was guiding some historic city tour walk, at last they came to a second small platform. Climbing up onto it the big Equine lead the way up to a old steel door, Zayn took out a old tarnished brass key exactly like the one they had fished out of the dead Fox's stomach. Unlocking the heavy old metal door, Zayn strolled into the sub-basement beyond. Crossing the dusty disused basement entrance, they climbed a wide set of stairs up to the main basement. Once again the big Equine turned on the over head light, and now Nick found himself in a very familiar looking room. In point of fact, it was set up almost exactly like the room Judy and Nick had discovered in that old warehouse in the jungle district. Only there were much fewer chairs, the cameras and wooden X-frame were exactly the same. "Take a seat we'll begin as soon as my other guests arrive." Zayn assured, even as Nick spotted the figure strapped down to the unpadded X-frame up on the stage.

"Oho fucking hell." Nick choked under his breath as he saw the naked stripped body, and the batter muzzle of the helpless Zebra. Sliding his paw into his pocket, Nick thumbed the emergency number going to the surveillance van. But his phone was useless here, in the basement of an old building with two foot thick stone walls. As Nick watched the big roan red Stallion strolled up on stage, uncovering a tray full of medical equipment. Picking up a syringe of pale green fluid, the Horse injected Palmers sheath with it. Almost at once, the Zebra's long shiny black cock spilled out of his sheath and began to grow to a magnificent erection. Zayn flashed the watching Fox a wide grin, as he fondled that huge fucker making it dribble silvery pre-cum. Reaching lower with his other huge three fingered hand, the roan Stallion fondled Palmers hefty testicles.

"As you can see nothing special..." Zayn grunted huskily, his voice already showing a thick level of arousal at the idea of gelding the Zebra Stallion. "Yet it will still be very entertain to take them away from the old stud." Nick stood up quickly, but the old Zebra caught his eye. Palmers muzzle slowly cautioning Nick not to do anything alone, the Fox winced knowing that he really could do very little. He tried his phone again, but there wasn't any signal getting in or out of the old building's basement. Hoping the surveillance unit would somehow figure out where they were at, before Palmer lost something very important to any male.


"Just another box of office supply lists." Clawhauser called out in disgust, as he handed the box down to Judy. Who lugged it over to the table, and began looking through the papers inside. It quickly became obvious that the Cheetah was right, it was just more paper work ordering office supplies for different city government buildings. They had been at this for hours, and even with all their work had found nothing to help out. Carefully Judy began helpingJacob the Panda sort through the dusty old papers in the box, as Clawhauser skipped down the shelve a few feet and grabbed another box. Waddling over to the table to join Judy and Jacob, sorting through papers slowly. "I hope Nick is having better luck than we are." The hefty Cheetah grumped good naturedly, as he began reading the papers from his box.

"I hope he's alright." Judy countered, and then shook her head as Clawhauser looked up at her over the papers. "No... no I'm sure he is... he can handle himself... besides he's got the surveillance unit." The little Rabbit hurried on, talking more to herself than to the Cheetah or Panda who were listening to her as they read. "It's just this case you know... it's very... well honestly it's incredibly disturbing... it's even bothering Nick." The cute little Bunny cleared her throat, as she looked at the papers in her paws biting her lower lip. "It's funny he always acts so... jaded and cynical like he's seen it all... just like he seems to know everybody in the whole city." She picked up the old tarnished brass key, starring at it kind of blankly for a moment as she spoke. "But how could he... how could anyone really... it's impossible to know everyone." She ran her finger over the raised letters on the head of the key, 'Z.U.G.T' slowly she looked at those letters. At first she'd thought those were just the key makers mark, but as she starred at them a different idea came into her head. "Jacob do the letters 'Z.U.G.T' mean anything to you?"

"Errr... what?" The Panda grunted, looking up from his sorting at her confused for a moment and then grunted. "Zootopia underground transportation... that's what the first city subway system was called. It was a cable car system, originally they were only used by city workers traveling from building to building. That system was later abandon for the most part, sealed up and forgotten mostly although parts of it were used as the base for our modern subway system."

"Then this key was used in that original system." Judy exclaimed excitedly, leaping to his feet paws as the startled Panda looked at her in shock. "Do you have the records for those building on that line?"

"Of course those are very old records... the archivists filed all of those away years ago." Jacob explained, the normally bland Panda catching the Bunny's growing excited himself now. Standing up quickly, he guided the Rabbit down the rows of shelves to the very back wall where a worn and dusty old map was hung."That maps shows the original lines and building on those lines." Jacob explained, as he began taking folders down off the shelves surrounding them quickly laying them out on a glass case... that displayed drawings of the steam powerful cable system that powered the cars. "I think... I think... if your key has those letters on it then it must be to a door into one of those building from the old subway platforms." Jacob grunted, as he looked through first one folder and then another as Judy studied the map on the wall. And Clawhauser came huffing down the aisle after them, stopping beside Judy as she looked harder at the map. "Aha here it is... each building had its own prefix code. What's the first four digits on the key?"

"I-N-4-9..." Judy answered at once, as she looked at the key that was still clutched in her small paw.

"I-N-4-9... I-N-4-9... Aha here it is offices of immigration and naturalization." Quickly the Panda joined Judy and Clawhauser at the map, the city center is the oldest part of town really. Ok the new City Hall building... the Biltmore building that use to be the old city hall... and there it is I-N-4-9 not half a block away from the Biltmore." Judy turned to look at Clawhauser, worry suddenly falling like a shadow across her pretty muzzle.

"Isn't 'The Pride bar and grill' in the Biltmore building?" The fat Cheetah blinking a time or two, as he slowly put things together in his head.

"Yes... what... isn't that where Nicks undercover?" The hefty Cheetah asked, his eyes opening wide in surprise as it began to dawn on him.

" Clawhauser we need to get in touch with the undercover unit... and pull Nick out of there."

Zootopia chap 6 Alt bad ending

Zootopia chap 6 Alt ending Nick watched in growing alarm, as the big roan Stallion played with Palmer's shiny black cock and balls. Rolling those big potent orbs around in their loose sack playfully, and stroking that huge chemically induced erection....

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Zootopia chap 4

Zootopia chap 4 "There should be a master list... somewhere Judy." Clawhauser grunted, as he pulled down yet another dusty box of city records from the metal shelving. And waddled over to the table, where the cutey little Bunny was looking over file...

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Smithy The powerfully built, young, silvery white stallion trotted down the narrow twisting village streets... he was going into town to get his first pair of shoes. The last step into adulthood for a equine, Thorn had heard the whispers of course....

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