Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 7

Story by Lupine Catastrophe on SoFurry

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#7 of Crossroads (Zack)

Something's got poor Charlie down in the dumps. What could it be? Read to find out!

This story is a companion of ragewolver's Crossroads. Don't forget to check out his chapter for Charlie's side of the story!

Zack headed to gym class in exceptionally high spirits. Not that anyone could tell; to passersby he looked like the dark moody jackal that usually prowled the halls. But on the inside he was elated, almost giddy. The weekend had left him with a certain white wolf on his mind, and he could hardly wait to see him again.

Maybe I'll let him try the punching bag this weekend.

_ _ His thoughts were cut short, however, once he actually reached the gym. He spotted the wolf talking to Coach Salt by the doors, and his optimism faded to concern. Ears down and tail limp, Charlie looked downright depressed, and Zack felt a twinge of sympathy in his heart for the wolf. He paused, just briefly, considering whether or not to say something.

I'll catch him in the locker room. Decision made, he continued past them, unable to shake the image of that poor wolf from his mind.

He didn't have to wait long, for he had only just reached his gym locker when Charlie appeared at his own, his demeanor unchanged. Zack promptly went over and knocked on the locker beside him, causing the wolf to jump. He turned and seemed surprised to find the jackal standing behind him.

"You okay, Charlie?" He said softly. Don't say he looks depressed; there are people around. "You look sick."

Charlie gave a frustrated sigh. "Yes. I'm fine," he said unconvincingly. "Just having a bad morning."

"What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it," the wolf deflected. "Can you please let me get changed?"

Zack sighed inwardly. It was clear he wasn't going to get the truth out of him right now. "Okay..."

Zack went back to his locker to get changed, and Charlie did the same. He dressed quickly and finished soon enough to catch the wolf before he left. Stepping in front of him, he inquired, "You sure you're okay?"

Charlie hesitated before replying in the same morose manner, "I'm...yeah, I'm okay." The wolf stepped past him and continued toward the exit.

Zack's heart sank. "If you say so..."

Can I hug you? The words surprised him even though they were only in his mind. He couldn't bear to see Charlie so upset, especially after their time together. He wanted nothing more than to comfort the poor wolf, but like before, there were people around. Zack glanced around the locker room at the other students. Satisfied that they were minding their own business, he followed the wolf's trail out the door.

That day they would be doing relay racing. It wasn't Zack's favorite activity - he much preferred the mile run, where he wouldn't be stopping and turning every few seconds - but it was nothing he couldn't handle. Everyone lined up in rows at one end of the gym and once the coach's whistle blew, the people at the front of the lines began to sprint.

Zack was next in his line, so he had a perfect view of Charlie as he sped across the room. Watch your form... The wolf's clumsy stomping was causing him to lag behind the other students. He seemed to notice this on the way back and tried to speed up. But then he tripped over his own feet, sending himself tumbling forward. He tried to cushion his fall with his paws, but his head still made contact with the floor, causing everyone to wince.

"BACK UP!" Coach Salt shouted as he rushed over to the wolf. "You okay? Pretty nasty fall."

"Yeah, I'm -"

"I still think you should go see the nurse," Coach Salt interrupted.

Zack stepped forward before anyone else could react. "I'll take him," he hurriedly volunteered.

"Fine," said the coach. Addressing the rest of the class, he shouted, "Everyone back on the line! Let's start again!"

Once they were out in the hallway, Zack spoke up again. "Kind of a nasty fall. That hurt?"

Charlie shrugged nonchalantly. "Just need an ice pack. "I'll be okay."

"Hmm." Zack made a small noise of approval. "So, you wanna tell me what's been bugging you?"

The wolf hesitated, avoiding the jackal's gaze. "Just some issues with my dad," he replied vaguely. "He...he's told me not to hang around you anymore."

"What?" Zack exclaimed, stopping in his tracks. Glancing around, he lowered his voice. "What'd I do?"

Charlie looked at him regretfully. "It's just...he's got some problems with some stuff I like?"

Like me?... "What does that have to do with me?"

"He's just told me not to hang around you. He said he didn't want me to be around you anymore."

That tells me nothing. "But _why?"_Zack said in frustration.

Charlie rubbed his head as he shifted on his paws. "Can we get the ice pack before you keep asking questions?"

Zack's response was immediate. "Will you answer me?"

"Yes, let's just -"

Zack continued forward at a faster pace. "Come on."

They quickly found their destination, where Nurse Miller looked over Charlie and gave him an ice pack. Sitting down, Charlie sighed as he put the ice pack to his head.

Zack stood to the side with his arms crossed. "So?"

"So what?" The wolf was still avoiding his eyes.

"What's your dad's issue with me?"

Charlie looked down, holding his head in his paws. Shaking his head, he muttered faintly, "It's complicated."

"Make it simple."

Charlie looked up, his eyes a little watery. Zack almost felt bad for pushing him, but he needed an answer. "It's just...I mean...well..." He gave a shaky laugh. "It's a pretty funny thing. He seems to think you're gay and he doesn't want me to be gay anymore so he told me not to hang around you because he doesn't want me to be gay even though I am and -"

"So you're gay?" Zack said simply.

Charlie halted his rambling as his eyes went wide. He gulped. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have -"

"And your dad has a problem with that?"

Charlie exhaled sharply and looked away again. "Yeah, I'm sorry."

Zack shook his head. This wasn't at all when he had in mind when he walked into gym today. "Don't be sorry for something that's not your fault. You're gay, so what? No reason for him to be putting you down like this."

The jackal sat down next to him. This time he acted on his inclination to comfort the wolf, resting a paw on his shoulder. He waited until those green eyes lifted back up to gaze into his before continuing. "Look, I...I'm not going to pretend like I understand what you're going through, but I hope you can fix this with your dad. Just don't give in to him." Zack grasped the wolf's shoulder tighter and shook it reassuringly. "Like I said, you're gay, so what? He ought to support you like a parent should instead of tearing you down."

Charlie gaped at him. He probably hadn't expected such a supportive response. "Thanks, Zack. I appreciate it."

Zack gave a smile that he hoped was convincing. "No problem."


So now what? Zack sat at his table eating alone, as usual. Physically, nothing had changed, but recent events had him feeling crushed inside. He had really been looking forward to their next workout session, and one person had snatched it away, just like that. And now he was back to nothing.

Someone entered his field of vision, breaking him from his thoughts. Zack looked up to see Junior standing there scowling.

"What do you want?" Zack snapped.

"I could ask you the same," Junior retorted. "Why are you getting so close to Chance?"


Junior scoffed and sat down across from him.

"Get off my table," Zack growled.

Junior ignored him. "I'll ask you again. Why are you too all buddy-buddy all of a sudden?"

"Who the fuck are you talking about?"

"Him!" Junior exclaimed in exasperation, pointing over at a white wolf sitting on the other side of the cafeteria.

Zack glanced at the wolf and back. "You mean Charlie?"

Junior looked taken aback. "What? Who calls him Charlie - oh, I see what's going on here!" He jabbed a finger at the jackal. "You're going to try and be more than just friends with him, aren't you?"

Zack shrugged. "Maybe." He absentmindedly picked at his food. "What's it to you?"

"What's it to me? You're trying to sabotage my friendship, that's what!"

Zack nearly choked on his food as he began to laugh, with genuine mirth. "Sabotage? I hate to break it to ya bud, but the world does not revolve around you."

"This isn't about me, it's about you!" The fox snapped, hackles rising. "You're up to no good!"

"Explain to me how being in a relationship is 'no good.'"

"Because I know what happened last time," said Junior, eyes narrowed. "You do, too. And you're going to do it again."

Zack rolled his eyes. "Okay, let's say for a moment that it does happen again. In the end, he'll still be your friend. So what's the harm?"

"The harm is what happens to him!" Junior replied, gesturing wildly. "You suck him in, then you turn on him and leave him hurting, just like you did to me. That's how you work!"

Zack chuckled again, going back to his food. "How I work. Right."

"Are you going to take me seriously?"

Zack took a long sip of his milk and smacked his lips before giving as cocky a grin as he could muster. "Ya know, I was just thinking about giving him my number."

Junior growled in frustration and stood. He jabbed a finger at him. "You stay away from him. I won't let you hurt him." With that, he stalked back to his table.

Zack chuckled in amusement and disbelief as he finished his lunch. So typical of him to get upset at something like that. He'd always had a tendency to blow things out of proportion.

Jealousy is a bitch, ain't it...


The classroom was completely silent save for the teacher giving a lecture no one was listening to. Zack himself was zoning out already, and they were barely ten minutes into class. History had always been a dull subject for him anyway.

Rather, Zack had more immediate concerns on his mind, namely certain white wolf and his apparently very homophobic father. When he heard the news, he was heartbroken. Not only that he'd likely never be alone with Charlie again, but that his father would so readily squash such a precious friendship.

Zack. Was. Furious.

How dare he - David, his name was - step in between them? How could someone have the audacity to deprive his own son of a simple friendship? Because he was gay? What a pitiful excuse, it made no sense.

And then there was Junior, who had the balls to accuse him of using Charlie, poor innocent Charlie, to get back at the fox. Did he really think that lowly of him? That he was just an evil prick who wanted nothing but make others suffer? If it was the last thing he did, he was going to prove that fucker wrong -

"Mr. Bailey, are you alright?"

Zack blinked. The teacher and the rest of the class were staring at him. In his paw were the broken halves of a pencil. He must have squeezed so hard in his rage that he snapped it in two.

"Uh, yeah," Zack muttered, his deep voice barely audible. "I'm fine."

"Good. Please try to pay attention." The teacher turned and continued the lecture.

Zack shifted in his seat, directing his gaze to the whiteboard. His consciousness, however, went back to his "conversation" with Junior the period prior. His last comment toward the fox drifted to the forefront of his mind.

Fuck it, I'm gonna do it.



Zack pushed his way through the crowd of students heading for the doors. They yelped in alarm when he roughly pushed them aside, but he paid them no mind. He had only one person in his sights now.

"Charlie, wait!" He found the wolf just near the exit, having turned around at the sound of his name. Zack approached him and gave him a slip of paper. "Here's my number. Call me if you need anything." Zack gulped nervously. "Or if you just wanna talk."

Charlie glanced from the paper back up to the jackal. "Thanks, I will!"

Zack smiled and stepped past him, waving. "I guess I'll see you later then."

"Yeah, later!"

Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 8

_Hey Zack, it's Charlie. How are you?_ _ Hey Charlie. I'm good. You?_ _ Doing good. Just kind of relaxing right now. What're you up to?_ _ Not much of anything._ _ I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Can't wait!_ _ What? You're still coming over?...

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Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 6

"Hmm...looks to be in order." Dark blue eyes scanned the expanse of the small gym setup he had been trying to perfect for a good while now. The garage door was open, letting in more than enough light to illuminate the equipment he had positioned...

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Iron and Rust Chapter 12

When Russ awoke, he was confused at first. This wasn't the slightly cluttered bedroom he had been sleeping in for the past three months. This room was much smaller with only enough space for a bed and a few small pieces of furniture. The walls were a...

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