Trying A Few Other Flavors

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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WE'RE BACK! We've got some unlocked content this time around, with a story for Skyler Ringtail.

This tasty tale features Skyler embracing the new fame that he's found through stripping, and the unique elements that he makes a part of his show. He's instantly recognized in public, and Xen can't help asking for a private display when they meet at a local diner.

What starts out as a nerve-wracking date quickly evolves into the kind of mess that neither one can resist.

As always, read, comment and enjoy! If you want this story and many others right when they come out, join our Patreon page for early access, commission discounts and more!

If you'd missed out on the opening act of Skyler's audition at "First time Friday's," there would be plenty of people wandering about town who would have a thing or two to say about it.

Some people thought the act was a step too far, but they were the dissenting voices from the crowd. The majority who went to the club that night were just expecting to see a few amateur strippers take the stage, and they came armed with the arsenal of dollar bills that one might expect them to have for such an event.

After seeing Skyler stripped naked and doused with honey for the first ever "Fetish Friday" at the club, most people felt that they owed him a greater debt than they could pay with money, and the cumshot at the end of the display was more than anyone had expected to see, the club owner included.

Naturally, as the crowd cheered on and watched, no one was going to stop his friend from getting up on stage and pumping his member into the face of the messy ringtail, and a few minutes later, Skyler was an even bigger mess than he was to start with, and the crowd was being worked up into a frenzy.

"We'll definitely have you back again another night," the owner had explained to Skyler when he left that evening, and while he expected to leave that evening with a wealth of new memories and confidence in himself, the physical wad of cash that he held in his paws wasn't a bad substitute for stripping experience. "Try to stay out of trouble until then, and if you need an escort out the back, don't be afraid to ask."

Kataze was lingering around to make sure that Skyler would make it home safe that evening, but even a few days later, the ringtail couldn't shake the feeling of warm, gooey honey pouring over his fur, and the way that it made his cock into a tasty treat for the bouncers to enjoy. He could still feel the eyes in the crowd on his skin, roaming over his fur like a dog that had just rolled in an anthill.

The money was nice, but the memory was going to stick with him for the rest of his life.

Even sitting in a diner the next week felt just a little bit awkward; it wasn't quite the boost of confidence that he was expecting to feel, after getting over his stage fright. He knew then what it meant to feel the weight of someone's eyes on his flesh, and for some reason, that feeling was staying with him, even when someone just happened to be looking around the restaurant.

He was sure that every person there was somehow also at the club the night of his performance, even if he knew that such was next to impossible.

"'s Skyler, right?"

One person in the diner having been at the club, in such a tightly knit downtown area, was a bit easier for the ringtail to accept.

"Yes," he replied, and immediately, he set his forehead into the palm of his paw. "D-do, I know you?"

"We've met in passing a couple of times, I think," the man replied, though he could see the ringtail's immediate discomfort. "Would you like to be left alone?"

"I'm just feeling a little awkward about something I did recently, and I feel like everyone here knows that I did it."

"I think I'm the only person here who knows about that, if it makes you feel any better."

Skyler looked up without thinking about it. He gazed upon a wolf that he wasn't sure he fully recognized, but at the same time, he could believe that they'd walked past each other in the city a few times before.

The club was a bit too dark for him to be sure that he'd seen the canine there, but the intensity in his eyes was somewhat familiar.

"That's...mildly comforting, I suppose. Are you just here to hassle me about it?"

"Hassle? Goodness, no...I just wanted to sit and chat with you, is all. Maybe I can help you feel a bit more normal about it."

It would have been easier for Skyler to just dismiss the canine and go about having his lunch in awkward peace, but the fact was that having another person at the table with him took the burden of the many eyes that he felt away from his flesh, as if being alone in the restaurant was somehow unusual.

His paw clenched, and then unfurled to open an inviting gesture to the seat across from him. "Go on and sit if you're gonna, then."

"That's very kind of you," he suggested. "Tell you what; how about I pay for your meal?"

Just like that, Skyler felt as awkward as ever, and his head was sent into a rapid shake. "N-no, you really don't have to do that for me."

"After the show you put on at the club last weekend, you deserve to be treated to a little something, don't you think? I'm pretty sure that what I saw you doing w-

"Not so loud!" Skyler interjected.

"S...sorry. I just felt obligated, you know? That show was worth a lot more than what I paid to see it."

"That's very flattering of you to say, but you really don'"

Skyler trailed off as the waitress came back, and immediately, his new companion handed over a credit card, taking advantage of the break in the ringtail's speech. "It's my pleasure, really. If that's the cost of sitting and having a chat with someone like you, I'm happy to pay it."

Such a form of flattery made Skyler feel like he was just being buttered up for something, but it would have been terribly rude to dismiss his new acquaintance after having his meal paid for.

Taking a sip of his drink to give himself a moment to think of the words, Skyler used the opportunity to peek over his glass at the male who joined him.

He couldn't remember seeing such a comforting shade of blue in someone's eyes before.

"You act like I'm someone special because you saw me naked on a stage. Is this how all strippers are supposed to feel after a show?"

If not for the tiny smile that Skyler cracked, his new companion would have thought that the ringtail was insulted. The wolf sat upright in his chair and snickered at the comment when he knew it was safe, and graciously took his cup of coffee when the waitress returned with it. "I didn't know that male strippers had to deal with stalkers, too."

The canine had a ashy shade of gray upon his torso, covered up by a bright blue shirt, nearly matching the shade of his irises. Black fur coated his head and arms in a predictable enough fashion, but the rings of stark, brilliant crimson that sat just above his elbows were so contrasting to the rest of his fur, they nearly looked as though they'd been painted onto his body.

He would have fetched a higher price on the stage than I would have, Skyler thought, before his ears caught up to the conversation.

"I'm afraid I wouldn't know," he finally replied. "I'm not a professional stripper."

"You got paid to go up on stage, and I've heard rumors that you're being brought back again this weekend. Pretty sure that makes you a professional."

Skyler rolled his eyes. "Semi-professional, at best."

"I'd tell you to take a compliment, but I'm not sure that calling you a stripper is necessarily that nicest thing to say..."

"No shame in calling me what I am, I guess," Skyler declared with a shrug. "But what am I supposed to call you, other than a stalker?"

At first, the canine was worried about the reply, but his worries faded when Skyler gave him a brief wink. "Friends call me Xenwolf. Perhaps you could, too?"

"Am I your friend," Skyler paused and looked up from his drink with a curious smile, "Or am I a literal piece of eye candy to you?"

The conversation would have been just a bit more awkward if Xenwolf hadn't already seen Skyler naked, but that gave him the courage to muster up his response.

"Would it be wrong to say that you could be both, for me?"

Because of the pretense of their meeting, Skyler was expecting a much stronger reaction. To see that Xenwolf was capable of at least some tact and subtlety was refreshing, at least.

"Judging by your reaction to the show, I'd say that you already consider me to be eye candy. We can work on the friend stuff as we go, how about?"

Xenwolf smiled and nodded as their food arrived at the table, and he nodded dismissively to the waitress, as well. "Sounds good to me. Thanks for not...y'know...getting scared off by my approach. I thought I might have come on a little bit too strong."

"I won't say that I'm used to the attention yet," Skyler admitted, "But, I won't say that I don't like it, either."

"What do you like?"

Now, Skyler could guess what was coming, and he took a long time chewing his way through his current bite as he mulled over his options.

If it had been the week before, at a time before he'd shown his body to an entire room full of people and sucked off a couple of bouncers in front of an eager and cheering crowd, he never would have even considered going to be with a total stranger. To have put himself out there the way that he did, however, and to take part in the acts that he had with people he hardly knew...

...After all of that, the idea of hooking up with a perfectly normal guy in a coffee shop seemed rather tame.

"I think you've already got a feel for some of the things I like, Xenwolf. They're probably not the best thing to discuss in public..."

"And what makes you think I was going for what you like in the bedroom, Skyler?"

Skyler cocked a brow. "The first time you saw me, I was covered in a couple of different things and servicing multiple guys. I guess I just assumed that was what you were interested in."

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't," Xenwolf confessed through an awkward smile. "But we didn't have to rush right into it, unless you don't have a problem with that."

Knowing his own, submissive nature, Skyler was worried that he might be giving over the reins entirely if he answered in the affirmative.

Even so, he nodded quietly and managed an inquisitive look. "As long as you let me finish my breakfast first."


There were plenty of romance novels and cheap, pornographic movies that Skyler had seen that started with someone being slammed up against a wall, their arms pinned behind their head, and their lips being ravaged by the eager flesh of another's kiss.

He quickly found an appreciation for the real thing, as Xenwolf kept a tight grip on his wrists and kept his lips busy with a fiery and passionate dance, one that carried all of the intensity of a scene acted out, and none of the false bravado.

Never even gave me a chance to compliment his's really very nice.

It was an odd though to pass through the mind of the ringtail as he did the best that he could to grace Xenwolf's muzzle with the best kisses that he could muster, but Skyler always did have an eye for detail, and Xenwolf had an awfully nice apartment for being so close to the middle of downtown. Everything was new, renovated to be up to date with the modern trend of dark cabinets, bright floors of brushed hardwood, and quartz countertops brought everything to completion in the kitchen and bathrooms.

The floors were suspiciously clean for a single male that was living by himself, but if the show from the weekend before was any sort of inspiration, Skyler had an inkling that they wouldn't stay that way too much longer.

"You really l-let it all out there on stage," Xenwolf claimed, as his hips continued to press against Skyler's own, moving of their own lustful volition. Their lips parted just enough for him to speak without slurring his words, but Skyler could still feel their warmth upon the outskirts of his maw, keeping him on a glorious edge. "But it made me wonder if there was anything else you might enjoy having spilled on you...?"

Skyler didn't want to look too much into his own budding reputation. Part of him thought that Xenwolf might want him to strip slowly and put on a show, embracing the persona that he adopted when he went on stage.

Those doubts were erased when Xenwolf released his arms and went for his shirt, tugging at the thin, black material with a suggestive, upward gait.

"If you're really that curious," Skyler replied, all while putting his arms up in the air for his new canine acquaintance, "I wouldn't mind...y-you know...experimenting a little bit."

Xenwolf's muzzle curled up into a crooked grin as he yanked the t-shirt away, leaving the ringtail in nothing more than his jeans, and though they still covered his body, he knew that they were little more than a formality.

"It's just dumb luck that I happened to have some honey in my pantry," Xenwolf admitted, "But when I saw you on the stage, I wondered if that was...enough for you, so to speak. It's a wonderful flavor, but perhaps you're the kind of guy who likes more than one at a time?"

The whole time that Xenwolf was talking, he was tugging Skyler along on a string, and the ringtail was happy to be taken in such a way as his belt was unbuckled, and his jeans were tugged at.

His cock sprung up the moment that the waistline of his boxers cleared the flesh; his body wasn't capable of proper shame, at his level of arousal.

"I...I don't want to make a mess of your nice, clean place, Xen."

The canine actually chuckled at the thought, and he turned away as he moved toward the fridge, losing more of his own clothing on the way. "Do you really think the kind of guy who has a full supply of chocolate syrup, honey and whipped cream is all that worried about his floor being messy?"

Skyler cocked a brow, and then, his eyes went wide with delight as the fridge opened, revealing a treasure trove of different substances that would make a terrible mess of the place. He couldn't help noticing the flavored lubricant that was hiding near the bottom, but he truly was more concerned with the bottles that were being tossed carelessly over Xen's shoulder, right to the wall that Skyler was leaned against.

"It just seemed...suspiciously clean."

"Can't have you licking up all of the mess later if the floor wasn't clean to begin with. What is this, some kind of a shoddy, low budget porn?"

Rolling his eyes at the mild irony of the statement, Skyler continued slumping to the floor until he was seated upon it, his cock sitting up in the middle of his lap and standing out against the darker shades of fur upon his underbelly. He looked the part of the canvas, and Xenwolf proved to be a very spontaneous artist, as a stream of chocolate syrup flew across the counter and floor, before landing right upon the ringtail and soaking into his tummy.

The oozing mess spilled over his navel and pooled there with a soothing chill as Xenwolf drew closer, and Skyler found it tough to resist dragging a pawtip through it and spreading it over the length of his own manhood, thinking it would make quite the enticing sight for the canine to appreciate.

"What's the rate for a private show like this, Skyler? You're gonna be in high demand soon, if you keep packing the club every weekend."

The words snapped the ringtail back to reality, and the view of a naked Xenwolf standing over him, with a thin and familiar glisten of lubricant upon his member. Drooling down from the nozzle of a syrup bottle was a healthy stream of more liquid chocolate, and the canine showed his similar wavelength to Skyler's, as the chilly treat coated his pinkish flesh and made it that much more delicious than it already was.

A trembling ringtail bit down on his lower lip as his body adjusted to the sensation, and he gazed up at Xen with a thin, but very real glaze of lust in his eyes. "One good, hard fuck should cover my usual costs, but I might demand a little something e-extra for future shows..."

Skyler's mind was just slightly out of his body, and in the moment, he felt as though he could see himself sexually evolving, taking steps past his usually shy demeanor in the bedroom to something a bit more forward, while still being true to his submissive nature. He was less afraid to ask for what he wanted, and more willing to embrace the tasty ecstasy of a pair of bottles, honey and chocolate, mingling streams over his head and pouring down the end of his muzzle.

Xenwolf wasn't satisfied just to let the substances drip down, and his paws gripped the bottles tightly, squeezing out even more of a mess over Skyler's naked form, hoping to coat as much of the ringtail with a sweet and sticky fluid as he could, before he added his own juices to the mix. The canine was already starting to kneel down, and Skyler was rolling back on his hips, his tail already pushed to the side to reveal a tailhole that was every bit as eager as the rest of his body to be teased.

He was grateful to find that Xen was capable of a slow and delicate penetration, knowing that neither male had ample time to prepare for the act; it was impossible for their bodies to keep up with the pace of their passionate spirits.

"Is it too much?" he asked, trying to seem as if he was still in control of the situation when already, Xenwolf was getting a little breathless.

Skyler didn't have any better control, but he still managed to surprise his new partner with a cheeky grin. "Your cock, or the mess?"

The very tip of Xenwolf's length was already pushing eagerly against Skyler's asshole, and the ringtail was spreading easier than he'd imagined, but it was all thanks to Xen putting him in his element. The presence of the sticky, plentiful mess helped his body to physically relax, and it put his mind in a state of such eager sexuality that inner muscles welcomed the penetration, rather than fighting it.

Inch by slippery inch, Xen continued to ease inside of the submissive ringtail, and the whole way, his body leaned closer and closer in, until the bare fur upon his chest pressed into the terrible, sticky mess that he'd left on Skyler before.

"E-easy...go slow, Xen."

"Slow as molasses. Got it."

Sticking his tongue out, and then, giving Xen's cheek an affectionate lap, Skyler rolled right with the joke and stayed at ease, even as his ass was filled to the very brim of what it could take. The healthy coat of lubricant made for an easier penetration, and the slow, mechanical gait of Xen's hips made for a long, deep fuck that was every bit as satisfying as a rapid penetration would have been.

The slow and easy pace was infecting the entire moment, as Skyler sunk into the blissful sensations of a sweet mess spilling down his fur. The gentle thrusts gave Xen the chance to lift the bottle of honey once more, and as Skyler tilted his head back and began to moan with delight, strands of thick, golden fluid landed upon his tongue and spilled over his chin, coating his fur anew and leaving him to gasp as Xen picked up his pace, but only in the slightest.

His cock was leaking precum inside of the eager ringtail already, and Skyler's own wasn't forgotten, as Xen draped his palm over the very tip and rubbed at it gently, finding that the fallen treats were just slick enough to use as a lubricant...if he was gentle enough about it.

"T-this...this is amazing, Skyler, but something is...nnff, something is missing."

Skyler knew that Xen couldn't take much more of the slow, passionate act, and he didn't want to admit that he was nearing his peak, as well, but the presence of a slick, thin coat of precum on the tip of his cock was a hint that couldn't be ignored.

"What could possibly make t-this better?" Skyler managed to ask, before he sucked in a deep breath and held it, hoping that it would keep his body from giving in, even if just for a moment longer.

Xen was already over the line, and Skyler felt the heated rush of warmth deep within his tailhole, soaking his inner muscles with a giddy helping of thick, sticky cum. "A l-little vanilla, of course."

The dedication to a theme was nothing short of impressive to Skyler, who winced an eye open and gazed down to watch the tip of his own length erupt. His head flung back with a whimper of orgasmic delight, but he forced his gaze forth again, eager to watch his plentiful, messy seed mingle with the rest of the slippery, sticky mess that was upon his cock. The trails of white stuck out with a beautiful and tasty contrast to the liquid gold and cool, soothing chocolate, and though he couldn't quite bend so far, he almost wished he could lean over and take a taste of his own yield.

The canine was a bit luckier, and as he pulled out, allowing his cum to flood upon the floor and join the rest of the sweet juices, he leaned over and wrapped his tongue eagerly around the tip of Skyler's flesh, tasting all three components at once, and letting out a deep, thick rumble of appreciation.

If this is the side effect from just doing one show, Skyler thought, his mind clouded with bliss, What kind of attention can I expect NEXT week?

He'd have to get through Xen to find that out, and just one glance from the canine, still sucking on his mouthful, made it clear that such would be no small task.

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