FrostBite - Ch 1 - Mau's New Home

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DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depicted in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.


A Naughty Christmas story by: Mau, Kaitlin Starpack, Khilani Lemurian and Jack Frost

Part 1: Mau's New Home

In Sendai, Japan, the grey, forlorn kitten Mau was fighting to stay awake. The orphanage she was in had rules, and she constantly broke them - but it was more the acts of a scared child than a rebellious one. She wanted her parents, but they were both gone, taken from Mau by the Yakuza. On Christmas Eve, her parents always let her stay up until she crashed on her own, but here... in this god-forsaken orphanage... she was sent to bed at seven in the evening. No ten year old went to bed at seven!

Little did the kitten know her biggest crime wasn't even something she could control. Grown males of various species found her attractive and wanted to rape her and turn her into a porn star at her tender age. She was just too innocent of things between males and femmes to understand. But that innocence wouldn't save her from her punishment tonight.

On this night of all nights time seems to flow differently, and for Mau, it certainly seemed to be going slowly. All around the world Santa and his companions were busily at work bringing gifts, but while some of the other children would receive presents from Santa, Mau was destined for a very different visit. For her wish was not for toys or candy, but for something that could not be gotten from a store. It was not something that Santa could give her from his pack, but it was something someone else could give her, if she pleased him well enough.

The kitten shifted on her bed, unable to sleep, and finally got up and padded to the window silently, then opened it, letting the brisk night air caress her young body. She looked up towards the night sky, then climbed out and up to the roof. It was her favorite spot to go to for privacy and silence. She lay down on the roof, looking up at the moon and stars, once more wishing for her family back, or at least... a new one to protect her.

From above her and on the higher peak of the roof a smooth voice suddenly spoke. It seemed to slide out of the darkness as if it were something that belonged there. Not creepy, but silky, "And what is a young thing like yourself doing outside, on Christmas Eve?" it asked. Nothing was moving, at least not right away, but there was a darker patch of shadow along the side of the roof away from the moon, where the dormer poked out toward her.

She gave a small mewling cry as she heard a voice above her. Flipping over, she got to her paws and knees, and looked towards where the voice came from. She saw just that darker area, and she cocked her head to the side. "Seven is too early to go to bed. My parents never sent me to bed on Christmas Eve. I got to fall asleep when I got tired. But since they got killed... I've been at this orphanage. All I want is to be happy and loved again, not toys or candy. But I don't think it will happen before Christmas. The office is closed, so no adoptions until after Christmas."

The shape shifted in the darkness, but drew no closer to her. Still, there was movement that her cat eyes could see, "Hmmm... " The silky voice purred, "Seven is a bit early for a big girl like yourself, I must agree." a pair of white slits appeared in the darkness. Eyes, watching her, blinking occasionally, "You must be what? Eight? Nine?" He paused and a glimmer of teeth appeared, then disappeared, "I am sorry about your Parents... tragedy that." It shifted again, "So, you would like to leave this place?"

She moved towards the shadows and the wall by where he was, her eyes telling her where he was exactly. She moved just to the side a few feet away. She didn't want to make him run off when he's been the only one nice that she's spoken with in months. Leaning against the wall, she sat down near him and let out a soft purr. "I'm ten. And I get a lot of looks that make me feel icky here, so I would love to leave here."

She crept closer and the eyes watched, following her movements. As she sat down, the shape in the shadow moved closer, but instead of the two separating, it was like the shadow itself simply moved until it was quite close, right up against the edge of the moonlight where she was sitting. "Ten already..." The voice mused, and the eyes blinked, "It must be very hard to be here on your own." His teeth flashed again, and then the eyes narrowed, "Looks?" He said, "Staring? Like they want to eat you up?" The pleasant purr had turned into a little growl.

A shiver ran through her at that growl, but she didn't feel scared. It was primal and she felt safe, in ways she never had before. "Kinda. It also seemed they were taking my clothes off with their eyes. I don't like those looks. They scare me." She shifted a little closer to the shadows, and him. "You don't scare me, though. I feel safe right now, and I haven't felt safe since... the Yakuza..."

For a moment the shadow softened and a portion of it extended toward her. It resolved into a hand after a moment and it touched her cheek, stroking her softly. The voice became silky once more, "You are safe with me. The shadows will protect you." He purred, feeling it important to reassure her. But her earlier words disturbed the shadow, and the growl returned. It was not the kind of growl that came from a naturally animalistic source. It was a growl of anger, but not pointed at her. "You are in danger here, sweet one...." the hand darted back, and the shadows darkened and became nearly so black that it seemed to rather be sucking the light in, rather than simply be a shadow. The eyes turned from her to stare into the distance " are in danger. This very night they will come for you, take you from this place, and nevermore will you be safe again."

She leaned into the hand stroking her cheek, a sense of peace seeping into her from the touch. Her tail flicked at her side as he spoke about her safety in the shadows. As his growl came back to his voice, she felt a chill at her cheek, then the hand pulled away and the growling voice continued as his eyes turned away from her. She looked up into the shadows next to her, her eyes making out a hazy outline that only the eyes of an innocent, pure kitten could truly see. "My only wish for Christmas was a family, love and safety. If I'm not safe here, I have to leave. I know we just met, kinda - my name is Mau, by the way - but is there anyway you can take me to a place where I'll be safe?"

"They are," the shadow said, though it had heard her words, her request for solace and safety. Down below them at the street level a van had pulled up at the curb. Four men were walking the short distance up the sidewalk to the front door. A sliver of light appeared and suddenly struck the four men into shadows on the lawn, then they entered, and the light ceased, "Mau, you must do exactly as I say." There was a desperate urgency in the voice now, "Those four men will come up here and take you away. They will strip you naked and do terrible things to you, do you understand?" The shadow shifted and suddenly was standing before her as a figure, more than six feet tall, still all black and radiating shadows like the steam that comes off of a frozen lake... whisps and tendrils of it. "You must go back into your room and hide under your bed. Crawl as far into the back as possible and cover your head with your arms and stay there until I tell you to come out, do you understand?"

The thought of what could happen to her had her terrified. She wasn't sure how she'd make it back to her room, but she nodded. "I trust you. I'll do what you ask." Getting to her hind paws, she moved carefully back to her window, slipped inside, grabbed her two favorite plushies and an old blanket, then crawled under her bed, moving into the far back corner and pulled the blanket over her, before going into kitten stealth mode - keeping every part of her body still to help hide where she was. She was curled into a ball, her arms over her head and her plushies tucked in the curve of her belly, the blanket over her, making it look like she was a bundle of clothes or toys under the bed.

The bedroom was the last in the hallway, and at that moment Mau was its only resident. The headmistress of the orphanage saw to it that when there was a child 'of interest', they were always placed in that room. The Shadow moved as far as the window and waited and watched as Mau gathered up her things and practically dove under the bed, doing exactly as he had told her to do. It clutched the window frame, and as it did flowers of ice spread along the surface. A cold wind blew in the window, icy from the north, but it didn't shivver. Then, the shadow melted.

There were footsteps in the corridor, the sound of feet that were trying to be quiet but failing rather spectacularly. The door creaked as it opened, and they came into the room. The moonlight from outside was enough for their work, so they had brought no other lights. All four were thugs, working for the Yakuza, eager to introduce another little mistress into the brothels of their territory, after they had gotten done with her. They started laughing as they entered. "Where are you, little one?" Called one of them. "We just want to play..."

"Where is the little slut?" Growled another. "Damn woman said she would be here..."

"Maybe she went out the window? Go look!"

"I don't see her out here... search the fuckin' room!"

The four of them filled the small room with their evil presence, but there was another, heavier spirit there that was having none of this. The door had shut firmly upon their entering, and the darkness closed around them. On the small vanity a music box suddenly sprang to life and droned a forlorn melody. A doll across the room fell over and its china face shattered. "What the fuck!" "What is that!?" "Shut the fuck up you idiots!"

A shadow moved from the corner behind the door, shifting outward and flowing like water, "Little boys like you should learn to have manners..." The voice said, deadly cold. An icy breath emerged from it, and glowing eyes opened. They tilted to the side like a feral beast sizing up its prey.

Chaos erupted as the four men reacted. Two jumped back, one jumped forward, and one seemed to freeze right where he was. The one that jumped forward had drawn a knife. He collided with the shadow and the blade shattered like a piece of glass, then he started screaming hysterically and clawing at his crotch as he felt his balls and cock blackening with frostbite and dying where he stood. He suddenly crumpled to the floor and the shadow went through him.

The man frozen to the floor found that indeed, his feet couldn't move. Thick ice had formed around his boots, and the flabby mass of his stomach was wrenching as he tried to get away from the advancing blackness. As the shadow walked, ice and frost grew on the floor and flooded up the walls like a wave. A hand reached out and shards of ice pierced his legs at the thighs, his arms at the shoulders. "Those have pierced your arteries....I would pray to your gods in the little time you have before it melts...." the voice said, deadly cold. "Perhaps they will have mercy on your soul..."

The shadow flickered and faded, and reappeared behind one of the other two men. "Heaven knows that I will not...." Its hand flew to the side of the thugs head, and suddenly his skull was pierced by a thick spear of ice coming from the middle of the hand.

The last thug drew a pistol and fired blindly, the bullets seeming to pass harmlessly through the shadow, until the being inside it shifted the dead body of his compatriot into the path of the flying slugs. The body shook and fell to the floor. Seeing this, the thug ran toward the window, screeching in terror. He got his hands on the sill, but never made it out. The shadow flew across the space with a scream and materialized in front of him, grabbing him by the face with one deadly hand. Suddenly the shadow disappeared and in its place was a figure, tall and pale, with glimmering white hair that flowed out behind it. "Look me in the eye...I want you to deliver a message for me...." He said, and growled, "Tell them of the horror, the cold... Tell your bosses.... I'm coming for them..."

"W... who... who are you?" The man groaned out, then screamed as his eyes froze solid.

"Tell them, I'm what waits for them on the other side of death...."

The man flew out the window and fell off the roof, crashing into the bushes below. There was sudden silence in the room as the being in the window stepped inside, lifted both hands to the ceiling, and then slammed them down toward the floor. The dead bodies, the ice, the cold, swept up into a swirl of sudden fury and flew out the window, shattering the glass and pulling the frames out with it. All that was left was an icy breeze and frost on the walls and floor, everywhere but the bed.

He crouched beside the small sleeping platform and bent to look beneath it, "Mau.... " He said softly, "Mau, you can come out now..."

The kitten heard the fight, terrified that something would happen to her new friend. Especially when she heard the gun going off. It had taken every ounce of her willpower not to run to him when she heard that, but she stayed under the bed, just like he told her. The kitten waited, and when she heard his voice, she grabbed everything and crawled towards him, flinging herself into his arms as soon as she emerged, dusty, from under the bed. She hugged him tightly, then looked over his back for any sign of injury from that gun. "You didn't get hurt, did you?" she asked, looking at his body, her small paws searching for anything that might be hurt. She looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you for protecting me from them. And from whatever plans they had."

He caught her easily and leaned back onto his heels as she threw herself into his arms. A soft smile came over his face and his strong arms wrapped about her, giving her a hug and then letting her pull back so that she could examine him. It was the first time he had shown her his true form, and she didn't even bat an eye. He felt her small paws on his arms and torso. There was a bit of blood trickling down his left arm, "Just a scratch, here." he said, using his other arm to gesture to it with his fingers, "It's nothing... you are safe." He nuzzled her and gave her a kiss on the forehead, "My name is Jack. Jack Frost."

Mau looked at the wound, then instinctively leaned over and licked it, her slightly rough tongue cleaning his arm as a little of her saliva got into the wound. Just like feral cats, anthro cats have a slight healing agent in their saliva. It wasn't as good as the one dogs have, but it would work. "Thank you, Jack," she purred up at him and snuggled up against him again. She sighed softly, and had she not been pressed against him, he might have missed it. "Are they gonna come back for me? I don't wanna look over my shoulder for them anymore. Can you take me somewhere safe?"

"Those men will not come back for you, but others might," he said to her as she licked his arm and snuggled him tightly. The small 10 year old was clinging to him for protection and he wanted to offer it. He shifted so that he was kneeling on one knee and wrapped his strong arms around her. "Listen to me, Mau. I can take you away from here, far away, with me... or I can find you a family where you will be safe and happy, that is your choice. But I want you to know that if you come with me, I will ask certain things of you..." He kissed the top of her head again, between her ears.

The kitten purred and her tail swished behind her. "I want to stay with you, Jack. I know I'm safe with you. And no matter what you ask of me, I'll answer or do them. I might do it a little differently than you said, like how I grabbed my blanket and plushies before getting under the bed. But I was completely covered and hidden, my arms over my head, just like you told me." She scootched until she was straddling his leg, purring as she felt his kiss on the top of her head. Her blanket was in one paw and her plushies in her other. That was all she had to have with her.

Jack chuckled softly and sighed a little bit. At least she came to decisions quickly. She wouldn't be the first child that he had taken in for at least a short time, but he suspected that she was going to be much longer-term than any of the others.... Or perhaps forever. He couldn't say that he was adverse to having companionship. Most of the world stopped needing him for 75 percent of the year. "You did good, little one," he said softly and nuzzled her, then stroked her with his long fingers. "But what I will want is probably something different than you are thinking. We can talk about it later." He kissed her once more, then gently grabbed her beneath the arms and lifted her as if she weighed nothing at all. He held her at his side, "We must leave this place now, before anyone comes to investigate the commotion."

"I'm ready to go. If I need anything else we can get it later. But what I have in my paws, I need." She held onto him as tightly as she could, resting her cheek against his shoulder. Her sapphire blue eyes reflected her trust in him.

Jack wouldn't hurt the young thing now clinging to him as if her life depended on it, which in a way it did. The yakuza would not let this go unpunished,and if given the chance, would take their anger out on her. "Good," he said with a smile. "Hold on tightly to me now. This is going to feel strange." He walked with her over to the window, and climbed out onto the roof where they had first met. Then, clutching her tightly to him, he closed his eyes and both of them disappeared into shadowy figures, and streaked up toward the sky. A few moments later they were flying through the air, high above Japan on the back of a icy wind. He was still clutching her, looking down at the lights below.

As they climbed onto the roof, she tucked the plushies and blanket between them and wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs wrapping around his waist as she did as he said, holding on tightly. She felt like the shadows were alive as they were wrapped in them - maybe it was just her imagination; maybe the shadows were alive. Either way, she knew she was safe in his arms. She turned her head slightly and looked down at the lights streaking by below them, causing seldom-heard (since her parents' murders), soft, carefree laughter to slip from her. "This is fun, Jack! The lights look so pretty from up here!"

He glanced toward her, where his arm held her against him and she was, in turn, clinging to his body. "I have always enjoyed watching the cities stretched out like this. It's like a massive shimmering blanket is laid over the whole area." He smiled and pointed out to her a few different landmarks that she would surely have heard of, and may have seen before her parents were killed. It wasn't long though before they were toward the edge of the city, flying fast to the north. Their speed seemed only to increase as they went farther. "I live far, far to the north... in fact I live at the north pole." He told her with a smile, "But I don't have to fly all the way there, that would take hours. I just have to find a mountaintop with lots of snow..."

The kitten giggles and noses his neck as she turned to look up at him. "What about Mount Fuji? It's the closest one to us now?"

Jack gave her a squeeze, nodding in the direction of the tallest peak anywhere in sight. "That's just where I was headed." He chuckled, "My house is a magic house. I can get there anytime I want, as long as it's cold and snowy. I get to travel all over the world like that....maybe you would like to come with me?"

She purred and her tail flicked against his legs, again turning her head to look at the streaks of light going by. "I'd like that. No one else can get there, right? I don't want guys like those coming there." She was enjoying the flight through the crisp winter night air.

"Only people that I let in can get there. Sometimes I visit with Santa when I'm around...and there are one or two others that I have rescued, like yourself." He said, tossing his head and causing his silvery hair to swish out behind him, mixing with the trail of ice particles that were propelling them rapidly toward the peak of the mountain rushing toward them.

She looked up at him and licked his neck, purring softly as they flew through the night sky. "I wanna stay with you, Jack. You made me feel safe, then kept them from hurting me. And then you made me laugh again. I used to laugh a lot, then... things changed for the worse. Now they're changing for the better and I'm laughing and safe again. As long as bad men can't get there, I'll be good with anything."

Jack smiled himself, and began slowing them down, as the mountain was quite close now. "Good girl. I promise that no bad men will come after you," he confirmed, then turned in mid air so that as they came down into the snow, his feet impacted first. He grunted and a plume of white rose around them, then he shook it off and walked a few steps. Waving his hand the snow at his feet was pushed back, and he bent to set Mau down. "I need both hands for this....or, at least, it makes this easier," he chuckled, then lifted both hands. Icy wind picked up and blew his clothes and hair about, and the snow began to swirl and form an oval doorway before them. It swirled and swirled until at last the center turned clear and they were presented with what looked like a warm and inviting living room. He took Mau's paw and stepped into it, "Welcome home."

The kitten held onto her two plushies and blanket as he set her down, watching as his hands swept through a series of graceful movements that created the doorway. She looked in at the living room, then slid one paw into his hand and followed him through the mystical doorway. Even though she was in her pajamas, the cold, crisp air hadn't chilled her tonight, and it felt like she was going from one comfortable temperature to another as the snow eddies ended at the doorway. Not even a fleck of snow seemed to pass through the doorway, and she could hear someone singing along to music as they entered, but there was no hint of it on the other side of that doorway. It seemed that the building was within a magical barrier holding the sounds within, and the worst of the weather out.

Once they stepped within and the last trail of her blanket and his hair had followed them, the snow doorway swished shut and left them in his home. It was as one might imagine a hunting lodge far to the north, but with more windows looking out over beautiful vistas of snow covered plains and mountains all around. A giant fireplace was set in one wall and had a blaze roaring in it. "I may be Jack Frost, but I do like a warm fire," he chuckled. The singing continued from somewhere else in the house. "Khilani, Kaitlin!" he called. "Come here..." Jack looked down at Mau. "They are the other girls I told you about. They live here with me, just as you do now."

A young girl, a couple years older than the kitten, came running in, blue hair flying behind her and threw herself into Jack's arms, kissing him. "Welcome home, Jack," she cooed softly, her voice sounding like a gently babbling river. She gave him another hug, then looked down and saw Mau next to him. Disentangling herself from him, she smiled to the kitten, her ocean blue lips curving gently. Even the girl's skin was aqua, albeit a very light aqua. "Hi! My name is Khilani," she said, extending her hand, the slight webbing between her thumb and forefinger just hinted at by a fold of thin skin. The young girl didn't have eyebrows, per se, but a series of silvery-white bubbles that covered her forehead from temple to temple where the eyebrows should be.

The kitten gave a startled mewl as the young girl ran in and welcomed Jack home so enthusiastically. She hadn't seen a greeting like that in a while. The kitten shook Khilani's hand, then tilted it to look at the webbing, her curiosity kicking in. "You look unusual. I've never seen anyone with this hint of color to their skin, nor the webbing here, or the..." She points to the forehead things looking a bit confused, then smiles up at her. "You're really pretty. I'm Mau." The way she says her name sounds like a kitten meowing.

Jack was master of his household, but more than that, each young woman that lived alongside him here was someone that he had saved, protected, and then 'adopted'. His waiting arms welcomed Khilani as she flew through a nearby doorway and into them. Their kiss lasted at first slightly longer than necessary, but there was much feeling between Jack and each one of his girls. His hand lifted to stroke her cheek as she looked up at him, and then they embraced again, then parted.

As the girls greeted one another, Jack moved toward the fireplace, shucking the over-cloak he had worn and hanging it on a hook. His ankle-length silver hair glinted in the light from the flickering flames. The expense of his magic had made him ever-so-slightly weary, but it was nothing that would not be fixed by some time spent in the home, with his girls... preferably naked and tangled in the sheets on his oversized bed. He stretched and stripped off his shirt, then sank down into a nearby chair to let the warmth soak into his skin. He observed the two of them from that distance, "Khilani is a Lemurian...the last of her race. She can swim like you wouldn't believe. But I'm sure you'll get to see it.... I have a pool of course."

Mau listened and her eyes widened as she heard Khilani's race. "I remember reading something about Lemuria being around when Atlantis was... and both vanishing around the same time. You don't look much older than me, though!"

A soft chuckle came from the doorway and a new voice replies, "That's cause Jack is magic, and by being his, we gain a magical protection against aging. At least inside this domain. If you go back out to the mortal world, you'll age again. Mind you, not fast, just a normal aging from your age now." The young female walked to Jack and sat in his lap, churring softly before kissing him deeply, her tongue sliding against his lips then into his mouth. It was hard to tell if her body was covered in skin, fur or scales, as it was a combination of the three - the strength of scales, the softness of fur, and the suppleness and elasticity of skin. That was white, and two dainty teal antlers rose from within her black hair. Towards the end of her dragon-like tail was some teal fur that ended in a tuft, similar to a male lion's tuft at the end of his tail. Mostly hidden under her loose shirt and skirt was her pastel rainbow belly markings, though some could be seen around where her neck and chest met.

Khilani looked at Jack, her webbed hand still holding the kitten's paw. "Jack, is Mau staying with us? Or is she going to a new home?"

Jack looked back toward the doorway when his other lover appeared. Her arrival was somewhat more subdued than Khilani's had been, but that seemed to suit her personality. She slipped down onto his lap and they kissed, his arm wrapping about her waist and leaving his hand on her thigh. This kiss was not at all tame and innocent, but clearly a kiss of lovers that didn't care to hide it. He squeezed her close and she kissed him deeply and then at last their lips parted, but she didn't get up. Jack looked around the girl, almost nuzzling the swell of her breast, and smiled at Mau and Khilani, "Mau will be your new sister. She's staying with us now. I let her choose and that was what she wanted."

Khilani smiled at Mau and looked over at Jack and Kaitlin. "Why don't I show Mau around then? It will give you a chance to relax a little, Jack, and Kait can help you. I'll get Mau in a room and figure out what chores she can do. And I can answer most of her questions."

Jack gave Khilani a nod, jerking his head toward the doorway. "Go ahead," he said, and smiled toward Mau. "Just go with her, Mau. She'll take care of you, and I'll see you in a little bit." He turned and looked up toward Kait's face, "I've got a little something to take care of here first...." His fingers on her thigh squeezed her through the thin fabric of the skirt she wore. "Don't I, Kait?" He winked.

Kait smiled and kissed Jack again. "Definitely," she cooed to Jack, then looked over at Mau. "I'll stop by later so we can talk, too, but KhiKhi is the oldest of us girls, so she's the de facto mom of us all. I'm only a couple hundred years old, so comparatively speaking, I'm like a teenager compared to KhiKhi and Jack's actual ages. I only go as far back as the Inquisition - roughly in the middle, or when the witch trials were going on in the Americas."

Mau nodded and followed Khilani out of the room, letting the Lemurian lead her to a room, and she had a lot of questions for her, and Khilani had lots of things to inform the kitten about, including the chores that she would be expected to assist with.

The Interview

DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might...

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The Pack

DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might...

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Dante's Girl - Ch 2 - Eirene's Revenge, Pt 1

Dante's Girl Chapter 2 Part 1 of Eirene's Revenge Starring: Mydnyght Syn, Eirene, Dante & Alyssana A couple weeks later, the young vixen, who had finally told Dante her name was Mydnyght Syn, or Syn for short, headed to his house. He said he...

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