Good Enough Chapter 26

Story by ragewolver on SoFurry

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#27 of Good Enough

I'm working on another Thomas and Ozzy centered side-story. I'm hoping to develop their relationship more and delve more into their history. If anyone has any suggestions for what they'd like to read about these two, let me know

Chapter Twenty-Six--The Day After

"Excuse me?" Damien said, knocking politely on Coach Clemmons' office door. "Hello, Coach? Are you here?"

"Depends on who you are," came the gruff, irritated response.

"Can I come in?"

"The door's never locked."

Damien opened the door hesitantly and stepped into the spall, almost claustrophobic, space. Coach Clemmons, a burly bulldog with dark fur and scowl, sat behind a desk with an almost unbelievable amount of papers piling atop it. The walls were covered with plaques, awards and the like, monuments to the fifteen years that the coach had dedicated to athletics. Yet when the coach looked up at Damien, his eyes narrowed.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked roughly.

"Damien Blackwell," Damien answered meekly. "I wanted to ask you about Thomas Ma--"

"What about him?!" Coach Clemmons raged. "That fucker just up and quit on me and I just lost the best arm I've seen in years!"

"Sir, it's my fault he quit the team and I was wondering if you'd be willing to take him back," Damien said hurriedly. "Please, he's a quarterback through and through and he wouldn't be happy if--"

Coach Clemmons held up his paw and Damien fell silent. The coach rose from his chair and walked around the desk. Damien flinched as he neared and closed the door, eyes surveying him analytically. He leaned in close and Damien felt his heart pound as the smell of Coach Clemmons' breath reached him; he had been drinking.

"You listen to me and pass this on to that panther," Coach Clemmons snarled in a low voice. "If he wants to come back, he better crawl back on his knees and beg for putting through this headache."

"Y-yes, sir."

"Get out."

He hurriedly opened the door and stepped out. He exhaled sharply.

"What're you doing here?!"

The excitable, though not unfamiliar, voice made Damien jump, though he managed to suppress his own shriek of terror--the sound came out as a high-pitched gasp. Ozzy was approaching, confused and intrigued at the same time as he neared, another jock (whom Damien recognized but did not know) by his side.

"I just wanted to talk to the coach really quick," Damien said, "and now I'll be on my way--"

"You wanted to see about getting him back on the team, right?" the jock, a dark-furred Rottweiler, reasoned.

Damien nodded.

"Yeah, that's why we're here too," the Rottweiler said. "Tom's the best quarterback I've ever seen who's not pro. We need him."

"What'd Clemmons say?" Ozzy wondered.

"That he'd have to beg for it," Damien said dejectedly, but to his surprise, the Rottweiler and Ozzy burst into laughter. "What's so funny?"

"The coach wants him back but he doesn't want to seem soft," Ozzy said. "I bet if Thomas comes back and asks, Clemmons will be kissing his tail in gratitude." Then, with a small snort, "I bet he's hoping for it."

"How do you know?" Damien wondered.

"Because he knows we're fucked without him," the Rottweiler scoffed.

"Does he know you're here?" Ozzy inquired. Damien shook his head. "Oh, then I wouldn't tell him. It'll hurt his pride to have his puppy apologizing for him."

"His puppy? So it's true?" the Rottweiler asked.

"What?" Ozzy asked innocently.

"The rumor... Is Tom really fucking this dog?"

"No," Damien said as Ozzy said, "Yep."

"Ozzy," Damien hissed.

"Damien, it's not that big a secret," Ozzy scoffed. "Almost everyone on the team was thinking it when you were hanging around the locker room. And that scene at the gym... Face it, Tommy's way to protective of you to really hide it."

"Maybe we're just close friends."

"Naw, Tom's not gonna knock Fred for a loop for just a friend," the Rottweiler scoffed.

"Then please don't spread it around," Damien insisted. "He wants to keep it secret."

"I won't tell no one," the Rottweiler said. "I don't give a fuck where he puts his dick."

"Thank you," Damien said relieved.

"You see, Gary here is from a two-daddy household," Ozzy said, "so he knows what to look for. His gaydar never fails."

"Gaydar's a myth," Gary snorted.

"Well, I better get back. He's probably waiting for me," Damien said.

"I'll go with you," Ozzy offered. "I'm sure that big kitty could use someone to talk to."

"He has me," Damien said darkly. His tone echoed in his ears; that sounded harsh.

And judging by the looks on their faces, they realized it too. "Okay," Ozzy said. "I won't step on your toes. Go comfort your kitty."

"Wait, Ozzy, you can come with me," Damien said. "Actually, I really want to talk to you..."

"About what?"

"You know Thomas best..."

"So, what's on your mind?" Ozzy asked when they stepped outside.

"Have you ever known Thomas to be... violent? Or aggressive?" Damien asked nervously as they started to walk. His mind thought back the previous day, to Thomas's violent strike against who was supposedly his friend. "Has he ever gotten into fights?"

Ozzy rubbed the back of his head uncomfortably. "He's been difficult since his brother died," he said, very clearly picking his words carefully. "He's gotten into a few scrapes but nothing really major. He's not a violent or even an aggressive person. I've only seen him like that when he's passionate about something."

"Passionate how?"

"Not like sex," Ozzy said, thinking carefully. "But when he cares about someone. If this is about yesterday, then he must really care about you. He doesn't get too aggressive unless he has a reason. You were his reason."

"But don't you think he overreacted?" Damien wondered.

"A bit, yeah," Ozzy confirmed, "but I'm sure he's feeling pretty bad about it."

"Yeah... He said he felt guilty."

"I'm not surprised," Ozzy said. "Anytime he hurts someone, he feels guilty. He's a cuddly little kitten but if he's provoked... How's he doing?"

"He's upset about it. But I doubt he'll apologize."

"Betcha he wants to."

"I don't know... I don't think so..."

"I'd be amazed if he didn't. How're _you_doing?"

"Nervous. I've honestly been having a hard time with what happened."

"Never seen a little display like that?"

Damien shrugged. "Not from Tommy. I didn't expect him to do that. I mean, I've known my brother to get into a few fights, but he's a more aggressive kind of person. I thought Tommy was more... gentle."

"This has really been bugging you, hasn't it?"

Damien nodded. "I just don't know what to say about it."

"There's nothing left to say," Ozzy said. "He wanted to protect you. He didn't think it through all the way, but I'm sure if he really feels guilty, he do what he can to make it up to you." Ozzy smiled down at him. "After all, he really does care about you..."

Damien stopped and looked up at Ozzy uncertainly. There had been a change in Ozzy's tone, an almost sad sound that Damien had never heard from the rabbit before. Ozzy paused and looked back, eyebrow raised. "Ozzy, how do you feel about Thomas?" he asked; the question had pulled at his mind for weeks, small bits of jealousy that played through him when he saw the two of them together.

"What?" Ozzy said confusedly.

"You know Thomas so well and you said that you two... you know..."

"Yes, we did," Ozzy said, "and honestly, I've thought about it recently but I've considered about how we'd be as a couple. I think that he and I are better off as friends than lovers. I'd annoy him too much." Ozzy grinned. "Let me make this as clear as I can, pooch. He's yours. Even if I still wanted him, he'd choose you over me and do you know why?" Damien shook his head. "Because he needs someone like you. Someone who knows how to be calm, collected and reassuring. I've noticed a change in him; he's becoming a bit more relaxed and happier. That's all because he has you." Ozzy patted Damien's head. "And I'm glad he's found someone like you."

"Do you still want him?"

Ozzy sighed. "Am I getting between you two?"

"No... I've just been thinking... Sometimes, I wonder if I'm even good enough for him... I mean, he barely talks to me about himself and--"

"He's no less secretive than you with your little diary," Ozzy interrupted. "And trust me, you're plenty good enough for him. Hold your head up, smile, and be proud, little doggy. You got your guy. Now, make sure you keep him."

"Where'd you go?" Thomas asked when Damien returned to the dorm.

"Have you even left the dorm?" Damien wondered, closing the door behind him. Thomas was still lying down, reading some novel, something that Damien had never known him to do for much longer than a few minutes at a time. "Aren't you getting stir crazy?"

"A bit," Thomas answered, "but I don't think I want to run into anyone right now. So, where'd you go?"

"Just to see someone."

"Who?" Thomas asked.

"Doesn't matter," Damien said dismissively. "Do you want go out tonight? Just hang out downtown?"

"Damien, who'd you go see?"

Damien's eyes narrowed and he swallowed thickly. "Why're you pushing this so hard?"

"Why won't you answer me?"

A tense pause formed between them and Damien shifted awkwardly. Thomas closed his book and sat upright, eyes focused intently on Damien. Damien opened his mouth in an attempt to speak, but no words came out. He wanted to lie, but he knew that Thomas would probably see through it.

"Damien, did you go apologize for me?" Thomas wondered.

"No... Not exactly... I went to talk to your coach," he said.

"I told you not to do that," Thomas huffed.

"I know, I know, but you loved playing football," Damien said, "and I didn't want you to give that up. That's like asking me to give up my music. It just isn't possible to give up what you love."

"Damien, those guys--"

"You can make up with them," Damien said, "and I'll even keep my distance so that you can do it. If I'm the problem, then I just have to step back and watch from the stands. You won't even know I'm there."

"Damien, I'd want to know you're there," Thomas scoffed, "just like you'd want me to know I'm at your performances." He stood and took Damien's paw. "I really appreciate you doing that for me. I do. But please, don't worry yourself over it. It's not worth it."

"So what happens now? Are you going to be able to make up with your friends?"

"They can't be my friends if they don't like you," Thomas remarked. He sat down on the bed and Damien joined him, lying down with his head in Thomas's lap.

"Gary doesn't seem to dislike me," Damien said.

"Gary doesn't dislike anyone," Thomas scoffed, gently scratching behind Damien's ears. "You know Gary?"

"I ran into him when I was leaving the coach's office. He knows about us."


"He figured it out," Damien said. "Apparently, he has two dads."

"I thought he was joking about that," Thomas admitted.

"But it proves that you don't have to keep hiding," Damien said. "Sure, some people won't like it, but... maybe we'll be happier if we don't try to hide. I mean, I felt much better when I told my parents."

"We'll see," Thomas said dismissively. "So, are you still mad at me?"

"Was I ever?"

"You seemed like it."

Damien sat up and looked into Thomas's eyes. "Tommy, honestly, you scared me. I've never seen you like that and I just don't know what to or do. I just... Thomas, I really want to be with you, but I don't know what to do when you do that."

"I didn't mean to scare you... I..." He sighed. "Damien, I'm sorry. I really am. I'm not that kind of person, you know that."

"I know."

"But I just lost it," he continued. "I was so angry and just... I've never been that angry since Theo died..." He swallowed, suppressing a small sob. "Damien, I know that I can't change what I did but I'm sorry."

"It's okay..."

"Is it really?"

Damien nodded. "Tommy, I don't want you getting into fights because of me. I'm not worth it."

"I think you are."

The words seemed to echo in the room and Damien felt as though his heart skipped a beat. "Tommy..."

Thomas seemed embarrassed by what he'd said; he quickly looked away, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. "So, are you still performing on Halloween?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well, I want to go see you perform, obviously," Thomas said. "I mean, I'm sure you guys'll do great and then you've got that new guitarist, Rob."


"Whatever," Thomas said. "My point is, I want to see you guys on stage."

"I'd like you to be there," Damien said, "but I still have to find a costume."

"We can go shopping later," Thomas offered. "I'll buy you a costume. Anything you like."

"You don't have to pay."

"I know."

"Are you going to get a costume too?"

Thomas thought for a moment. "I just might. I kind of regret not getting that Sherlock Holmes costume."

"Let it go, Tommy."

"So, are we okay?" Thomas asked. He looked down at Damien uncertainly. "I mean, do you forgive me for scaring you like that?"

"I think so," Damien said.

"So... does that mean we can have make-up sex?"

Damien hesitated before answering. He let out a small laugh. "Really? Did you just ask me that?"

"I did. We didn't get the chance yesterday because Ozzy interrupted us. And it kind of left me blue-balled. And you remember what I said about make-up sex, right?"

"Well, maybe if you go apologize to Fred for hitting him," Damien said.

"Are you being serious?"


Thomas gently pushed Damien backwards onto the bed, hovering over him. Damien smiled up at him before letting out a gasp of pleasure; Thomas had leaned down and raked his rough tongue across Damien's neck.

"N-no fair," Damien breathed. "You've got to go apologize first."

"I'll do it later," Thomas said. "I promise I'll apologize tomorrow and I'll even let you be there to hear me apologize."

"Do you reall--?" Damien moaned as he felt Thomas gently stroke his tail.

"Yes, I promise," Thomas said.

"O-okay," Damien said. "You better not break your promise."

"I promise I won't break this promise or you," Thomas said huskily as he unbuttoned Damien's trousers.

Good Enough Chapter 27

Good Enough--Chapter 27--The Poster Damien knew that the spectacle in the gym would probably be well-known on campus but for now, there seemed to be no particular mention of it as he made his way to his English class. He entered the lecture hall and...

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Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 1

Crossroads--Chapter One--Day One The worst day began with something that, as always, scared him half to death. The alarm clock blared with its usual buzzing and Charles "Chance" Argent jumped up. He glared at the small device on his bedside table,...

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Good Enough Chapter 25

Chapter Twenty-Five--The Gym Early on Saturday morning, Damien woke to the sound of hushed conversation. As his consciousness began to rouse itself fully, he noticed that Thomas had already gotten out of bed and the voice he was hearing was Thomas's,...

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