Unorthodox methods.

Story by Patrick Lambert on SoFurry

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Here's one of the two stories I made for the anthology Breeds: Foxes, and the one that didn't make it. A curious tale about a couple trying new things on their sexual life, dragging a curious fox that just wanted to go back home and finish his job.

There weren't many places like that, and it's not the kind of place you talk about during a casual conversation; it was the one you looked for in your web browser--with the private navigation, probably--because it's a shameful topic: an old cinema that in its best years showed classic and beloved movies and now was pushed to survive projecting gay porn.

Nothing truly changed; the chamber still retained that fancy look of the fifties that gave the feeling of being in an actual theater, an image reinforced by the way in which the rows of seats were accommodated in three different levels. Sadly, unlike its better years, there were barely anyone in the cinema; no popcorns or people hushing others, and if you found a sticky spot at the red carpet that covered most of the ground, you could be damn sure that it wasn't soda. No, its usual clients changed from young couples making out in the last rows to middle-aged males jerking off at the cheap movie projected in the big screen.

Two of those males were doing that. A black tiger at his late twenties, hiding his muscular body under loosen black jeans and a loosen brown jacket. Three piercings adorned his right ear, small enough to don't put too much weight in the outline. He wrinkled his nose once again by the strong smell that characterized the place--not an unbearable musk, but kind of disgusting. His green eyes gleamed as he saw the screen, where two lions played ass to ass with a double dildo, being watched by a coyote suited like an important businessmale.

Seated at his right, a rhino jerked him off swiftly; he looked like the rest of the males there, a middle-age rhino with a tank top under his green open shirt, wore-out jeans and an old and almost useless belt to keep those in place. Unlike the softer and rounder features of the feline, the rhino had the rough aspect of those who had worked all their life, with several scratches across his arms and face, and his horn holding an old look at the base. Chubby, but with the type of hard belly resulted from eating in excess and working in excess. A big shaft hung between his legs, half erect and dripping; his attention changed earlier from his to the tiger's.

Such sight wasn't rare; those types of places were the perfect spot for voyeurists and males looking for having sex with an unknown. Not the safest practice, but the adrenaline of it was, apparently, worth it. So if one thinks to go to such place, it is expected for said male to be ready for the peepers and "helping hands" that could end up in something else.

The moan coming from some rows ahead reminded the tiger of that, and in reply he dropped a nervous giggle. It took him a moment to notice that the rhino had stopped; in fact, he only noticed when he heard the zipper going up. When he turned to face him, the big stud was leaving already.

"W-wait!" the feline muttered, pulling up his jeans hurriedly. "Where are you going?" moving between the small rough of seats, he tried not to step on anything dirty; an almost impossible task by the lack of light.

Only when he reached the hallway to the exit, the rhino stopped to wait for the clearly not unknown black tiger.

"Home," he replied with the rough and deep voice of a smoker. "This is stupid, you're not even hard."

"Neither you!"

"Yeah, because I was trying to get you hard," the explanation was welcomed with a loud hush. "There aren't talking, asshole!" the rhino yelled at the dark with one hand pointing at the screen, and that only got him a collective hush from more males.

"Don't act like this," the tiger held him from both shoulders and tried to calm the beast; the resulting huff from the rhino felt more like a regretful one.

"I'm sorry, but it feels like if you aren't trying like me."

"I'm trying, hon. It's not my fault I found it hilarious; I mean, two twins having sex to get the job of their dreams? Why would anyone found that exciting?"

"I do," the rhino sentenced with a tone that brought an instant regret to the tiger's face. "We have to share the things that we like, that's what he told us."

"I don't know if we should follow an escort's advice," the evading reply only made his partner roll his eyes and huff again.

"Shut up you two!" someone screamed ahead of them.

"I have ten inches here that will make you scream louder, dickhead!" and the big stud accompanied that with a good grope at his crotch.

"Can you please calm down? I don't want to get kicked out of a porn theater," holding both palms together to plead, the tiger looked at both sides to make sure no one was coming for them.

"Then make a choice: stay and watch this 'hilarious' movie" a question he made quoting with his fingers, "or want to try what he suggested us?"

"Don't we have a third option?" his whiskers swished by the rhino's heavy huff. "Fine, we'll do it. But if this doesn't work I'm gonna kick your balls so hard you'll choking on them!" he reluctantly accepted, with a threat that only made his partner giggle.

"You have a deal, hon."


Eric Morgan was fast. This might not look like a quality you expect in a lover. But Eric also had a ten incher inside his pants that crushed all the right spots in one thrust, and whose stamina recovered incredibly fast considering he was a Doberman in his fifties. When he wanted to last longer he used a spray to reduce sensibility, and kept a steady pace with the usual stops that any male does while edging. That added five to ten minutes to his average time.

Hal Robinson, however, chose those ten to fifteen minutes over one good hour of pounding when he was with Morgan. Of course he loved long and intense sessions; that gapping sensation after someone finished off with him was one of his favorite things in sex. But after a long session came a loosened up hole, perfect to keep going without further preparation, but considerably the worse thing to happen with a male like Morgan, whose size and thickness were excellent--not too big, not too thick--to go balls deep without mercy and without ruining his tightness immediately.

After the third round--that concluded with a breathtaking knot-fuck--the arctic fox collapsed over the bed, furiously shivering and incapable to continue. Throughout his dark blue fur, the matted spots where Morgan came in his previous orgasms looked clear on the sweaty fur. The usually fluffy and well-cared tail had a more ruffled look after being used as a handler for the horny dog. Given his state, anyone might think Hal was broken inside, if it wasn't by the wide smile of satisfaction drawn in his face.

He felt the surface change after Morgan knelt beside his face, and looked up in time to see the condom flying away. Thanks to his small frame, Morgan turned him face-up with barely any effort, and jacked off his overly sensitive cock pointing it at the cute and tired fox's face. The smell of cum and cherry-flavored lub filled his nose as he waited, eagerly and incredibly excited, for the dog's load. Even with his black fur already turning pale in the chest and face, that old male knew how to look so damn sexy, growling and breathing loudly with his fangs open in an almost threatening way. His muscles tensed up, and he made a noise that was part whimper, part howl, in time to give the obedient fox a mouthful of cum. Back, belly, and now his face, the Doberman bathed him in tasty and musky seed, marking his territory and dominance over him, while looking so damn cute with the faces he made while cumming. Hal closed his eyes, and just enjoyed the feeding, drinking in little sips the thick and hot semen to fully enjoy the texture and the salty flavor of it.

"I'm gonna believe this is cum and not that you fucked till I cried," Hal pointed out stopping for a moment his heavy breathing, cleaning his eyes with the back of his hand.

The fox's yellow eyes shone as he looked at the dog that cuddle with him--for a short time, sadly. While his musk was appealing to Hal, the Doberman differed; used to the cleanness expected from a businessmale, the black dog didn't like to stay sweaty for too long. Hal watched his big and soft butt wagging as he made his way to the bathroom.

"Wanna come?" he asked him from the threshold.

"I can't even stand up, darling," Hal replied without looking back at him, grappling that lingering post-sex pleasure as much as he could. "Give me a minute or two and I may drag myself there."

"I'll be waiting, hun."

The Doberman disappeared behind the wall. Seconds later Hal listened the water running down to fill the tub.

Hal stretched in bed, arching his back up until he felt and heard thecrackof a couple of bones. With his five feet tall and the younger appearance he had that "barely legal" aspect that made a lot of people ask for his ID and stared in disbelief for his twenty-seven years old. He felt especially proud of his dark blue fur, an element that made him stand out among the fox population, and that gave him an edge at his work thanks to the exotic aspect on it.

But as good as it had been, the fox didn't finish. He was fine with that, thought; that kind of orgasm denial counted as edging for him, and just made even better. He rubbed his shaft to keep out his cock, leaving the tip dripping over his belly. It twitched, and the fox knew how close to the edge he was. Ten or fifteen seconds of jerking off and he would paint his fur again.

His cell phone also stood dangerously close to the nightstand edge, and two vibrations were enough to send it to the ground; of course, it was a good hotel room, with a rug under the bed that caught the device. Hal groaned with his hands over his face, the sound loud enough to break his fragile concentration. A couple of rolls covered the distance to the other side, where he reached for his cell phone.

"Hello?" he answered at the last second, unable to see who called. His ears rose with surprise and his tail started to wag. "Oh, Mr. Ackerman, I though you wouldn't call!" the water stopped running, and he heard the waves Morgan made with his hand. "No, you didn't interrupt anything. Did you make a choice...? Of course, I understand... I think we can meet this Thursday, if you're fine with it... I can bring it if you want..." Morgan appeared again under the threshold, beckoning him with a finger. The fox shook his head. "Of course I won't, you know I'm glad to help. I promise you this is the right choice, Mr. Ackerman... Ok, Otto..." Morgan stood already in front of the bed, dragging him closer by his paws. "This Thursday night...? I'm not at my office right now, can I call you tomorrow to work out the details...? Excellent, I'll call you, then."

Hal left his cell phone over the bed, looking at Morgan like a father would look at his hyperactive son.

"Should I be jealous?" his playful tone made Hal chuckle.

"From a work session? Yeah, you should."

"I guess I better do something about it."

Too tired to defend himself, Hal only saw the doberman crawling over his fragile body. He barely recognized the manly stud he had now over him, more decided and masculine than their first encounter.

"You could use a reminder of who your daddy is," Eric continued.

"You reminded me three times already," Hal panted, mindful of the canine boner over his belly.

"You could use a fourth one."

For a moment, the excitement from the fox's expression disappeared, and he stared at the dog like a teacher did with his student's homework. After some seconds, he smiled at him, barely spreading his legs for the dog to suit better between them.

"Try to do that showing your fangs and drooling a little."

"What, like this?" and he did as the fox said, including a growl that made the little vulpine shiver in delight.

"Yeah, just like that. This looks great. I think my work with you is done."

"What does that mean?"

The fox response was a firm grip from his legs to Eric's hips, and a slow lick at the dog's fangs.

"It means you should be paying me with that fourth reminder."


Thursday night came faster than expected, and Hal Robinson had an appointment to attend. Punctuality was important; the mere idea of arriving late to a meeting was far stressing. So the fox closed his office ten minutes earlier, sure than no other patient would ask for his help in that time, and went down to the parking lot.

The building was built in such way the first five floors were used as a garage, something that reduced considerably the numbers of offices. Hal's Sedan waited in the fourth floor, where he was more likely to find an empty spot in the morning--he had his own, but the owners increased the fee for those two months back.

Suited as expected from a professional therapist--this traduced to a lackluster brown jacket without any particular garment, whose buttons notoriously changed its golden tone one after the other--he waited in the elevator, following the rhythm of the catchy tone with his paw. His jeans already had a couple of patches on the knees, from the same color of the ones he used on his suit, that he decided to left at home already concerned of the appearance that might give. At that point, the suspenders started to feel uncomfortable, and Hal found himself adjusting them to his shoulders more often.

He already had a long and exhausting day, doing his best to help couples not kill each other because he couldn't close the toothpaste or she took too long to dress. That was a job from which he felt especially proud of, no matter how exhausting it could be; he was a good listener, and knew what to say to people in dismay--not what they wanted, but what they needed to hear.

The ding announced his arrival to the fourth floor. Hal stepped outside and faced the barely lighten floor; despite the constant reports, the administrators seemed oblivious of that problem, or probably didn't want to spend, so the only trusty source of light were the four light bulbs at each side of the center pillar, where the stairs were located. So Hal constantly thought of it as a killer floor, where he would eventually find his demise in the form of a sociopath with a hokey mask and a chainsaw.

He moved silently to the opposite side of the elevator, where he left his car. The sides of the building looking to the street had no wall, and instead worked as windows for no particular reason more than killing folks during winter. The old pipelines dripped dirty water over the concrete, forming several puddles that worked as a reminder of how old the place was; with so little light it was expected for more than one to step on them and left their prints in the gray floor. The pointless yellow arrows showing the way--as if someone needed to know where to go--looked pale, with visible stripes where the paint had been removed. Only three more cars were visible, belonging to workers who stayed after midnight. Hal heard the rattle of cars outside, occupied by people that, like him, wanted to arrive at home and rest. Honks and motors running, the city symphony played every night.

And, between that, a moan.

It sounded more like a sigh, but definitely had a sexual nature in it; like if he didn't know about those. He halted his walk and waited in the humid parking lot until he heard it again, his little pointy ears twitched in expectation; yep, a moan suppressed into a sigh. The fox hugged the wall and instantly blended in it, his shining yellow eyes the only thing that gave him away.

Slowly, carefully, Hal approached to the corner to peek out from it. Despite the darkness, he quickly found two silhouettes next to the window. That side wasn't facing the main street, so no cars to lighten up their faces. He didn't need too, as his sight quickly adapted to the lack of light. Laying over the lower part of the window, a black tiger looked down the street, his tail wrapped around the rhino's neck that stood behind him. A vehicle hid the lower part of their bodies, but judging by the rhino's repetitive motion, he knew perfectly what they were doing.

He never thought about the parking lot as a good cruising spot. In theory, it wasn't: cameras and drivers increased the risk a lot. But the fourth floor was special, after all. No lights and very few cars remained there. But for special than that made it, why would anyone think about doing some cruising there? Well, that's what made it the ideal place for it.

His heart was already racing by the scene, and the swell in his sheath didn't make itself wait. Public sex was among his favorite kinks, after all, almost immediately followed by voyeurism. If the rhino wasn't frantically looking around he would've moved closer to take a look.

But no one came. And Hal knew that no one would. The fox licked his lips and took his sweet time to pull down his zipper without calling their attention. His seven inches sprung free from the sheath and thanked Hal by his soft and firm grip around it. Still denying himself that orgasm since his night with Morgan, he couldn't stop himself from shivering by his own touch. Pre fell down from the tip, hanging in a thin rope that constantly dripped over the floor.

The couple continued, and Hal couldn't stop himself from giggling by the shy spanks the rhino gave him later, clearly not used to it. In fact, the unsteady pace he had, stopping more from the embarrassment than for edging, told him it was the first time they did something like that. Well, maybe not the first time, but they clearly weren't used to it yet. Their musk, however, said they would; strong enough to reach the fox's nose, the mixture of both scents sent a shiver across his spine.

Hal squirmed in his place, the scene even hotter than what he expected. Despite their fear, the couple was really into it; their lack of experience worked a lot in their favor. Hal bit down his lip once the tiger started to move on his own, following the rhino's pace; the clapping noise produced by it became loud enough to be heard throughout the floor. The arctic fox played with his nipples over the clothes, already feeling needy from the orgasm denial. He was so distracted, Hal didn't notice the rhino's eyes fixed on him until too late.

He hid back behind the wall, cock still out and hard, and the heavy stomps quickly coming towards him. While not precisely needed, his hard breathing and heart pounding surprised him, so when the rhino appeared beside him, Hal forgot completely what he had to say.

"He... hey... nice weather, right?"

The rhino didn't answer. Instead, he stood in front of him and put both hands at the wall, trapping Hal between concrete and seven feet of muscles and belly. He had a strong smell of sweat and car oil, even stronger than the one coming from his waist. His red flannel shirt looked stuck to his body, with obvious sweat mark under the pits. Although he had the face features that made someone look always angry, at that moment he looked more like the macho kind of guy who tried to hide his embarrassment: trembling lips, and his breath came hard more for nervousness than excitement; while not his favorite, his breath of tobacco did help with his masculine look.

It took Hal a moment to notice the weight over his own cock; yet another thing he wasn't expecting. The rhino's cock was big, nothing unnatural or capable to rip his insides apart, but still, big. Around ten inches, and thick as the fox's fist, one monster that needed time and patient, two things that he knew the rhino didn't have.

"So... something you like, boy?" he tried hard to maintain his alpha look, but the way in how the question came sounded awkward and staged.

Again, Hal had had another hard time trying not to giggle, and thank god he was that excited or he wouldn't make it.

"Sorry! I didn't want to interrupt! I'll be going now!"

The tiger appeared after that. He was in a very good shape, with the muscles clear under the black fur. A couple of inches shorter than the rhino, his body were almost as wide as him. While the difference was clear, both males shared the threatening look; both also share the shame expected from lovers that were caught doing something wrong.

Unlike the rhino, he still had his pants on, but the bulge was notorious under the clothes, pressing against it in its attempt to break free again; while not as big as the rhino's, its shape was of a good size. The tiger moved closer, and Hal squirmed again in eagerness.

"What... what did you see?" he also tried to sound intimidating, and also failed.

"Nothing, I swear."

Despite trying to look menacing, none of them quite got it. The rhino had him pinned to the wall, and the tiger held his right wrist, but they looked scared and ashamed, clearly new at that. Even their erections started to lose strength. So the fox did what he was best at.

With the grace proper of his species, he jumped the distance between his and the rhino's face, clinging to his neck like a child would do with his father. By instinct, the stud broke out of his character and held it firmly, a gesture that Hal rewarded with a wet and noisy kiss; long, breathtaking, his distinctive way to kiss that he comically called "Sleeping Beauty", the reason of it kind of ironical: his shaft grew up again in size and thickness in a matter of seconds.

"Change of plans, guys. You need to get better at this," he panted once he broke the kiss, keeping a string of saliva connecting their lips.

But neither of them replied: the rhino, stunned; the tiger, amazed. He went to steal another kiss from the big brute, and instead found himself kissing the cold concrete wall after a quick shift. Yep, that did the work.

Careless hands pawed his hips and clumsily put down his jeans; movements so common in virgins and extremely excited males, too desperate for finding a hole where to stick his cock. Kind of rough, but the rhino finally undressed him waist down. Because of their size difference, Hal sensed the wet tip in his lower back. A legit nervousness creeped over him, that intense and sudden change of attitude pushed him to reconsider if that was the right course of actions. But before he had a change to say something, the rhino squatted to gain a better access and he felt his shaft teasingly rubbing between his cheeks.

For a moment, the arctic fox switched his attention to the tiger. He only stood there, looking the scene; his gestures showed the internal fight between the shame and excitement he felt. His cock, however, begged again for release from the oppressive clothes he used. He obviously needed a bigger motivation that a visual one.

A squeak came from his throat right after he felt the tip going in. A firm push and the rhino already made his way inside, stretching the vulpine nicely. Good thing he prepared beforehand, or that would have ripped his insides; it still hurt enough that he gritted his fangs.

In an instant, Hal found himself lifted from the ground. The rhino held him tightly against his chest, and let the gravity do the job: inch after inch went in as the fox fell over the thick shaft, fighting against his urge to scream and moan, prey of a delightful pain that had his cock twitching. His hands looked again for his neck, and his paws scraped the wall, desperate attempts to regain some balance.

"Jeez... fuck it!" the rhino turned to face his partner, leaving Hal wagging his paws in the air. "Let's do this, hon!"

The black tiger doubted. Hal was being held by the rhino from his hips. The combination between the weight/gravity and thrusting helped to get most of his cock in, and it was already at the limit allowed by the fox's body. It felt awkward, not the most uncomfortable position he did, but still awkward; the situation, however, with the city rattle outside and the risk of being caught, made it worth it.

And so thought the tiger. After sharing looks between Hal and the rhino, the scared feline knelt in between the fox's legs. Hal didn't hold his relieved sigh, finding some support in the tiger's broad and strong shoulders. The newcomer clearly maintained his doubts about it, torturing Hal with his warm breath right at his twitching cock. But when he made out his mind, and his lips closed around the width of the fox's shaft, the poor therapist had a hard time holding himself from reaching his climax. Fucking cats, their tongues were probably his favorites for a blowjob, slightly rough in the surface, and naturally skilled, exactly what you expect from someone that likes to play with his "prey".

Words weren't their forte, but fucking was. The two studs quickly lost their shame and did what they wanted with the fox. The rhino humped faster, and the tiger held Hal's legs to keep him steady for some delightful, almost stunning, deepthroating; so tight and hot, his cock fought the pressure and wetness, all of that while the feline tongue licked up and down, wrapped and squeezed the rest of his shaft.

Of course, he didn't last for long. Lifted and pleased by the both studs, Hal quickly reached his so-much-needed climax; his legs closed around the tiger's head to lock him in place, feeding him with a heavy load that he, as expected from a cat, drank gladly without wasting any drip of it. The rhino's impetuous drilling kept his orgasm going for longer than usual, and, added to how eagerly his cock was still being sucked, Hal stopped moaning only when he felt nothing else coming out of the twitching shaft.

The rhino went on for a couple of minutes more, and for those two full minutes, Hal sensed himself at the edge of passing out. Breathless and quiet outside, but his mind screamed in pleasure and his maw drooled profusely.

"Oh-oh god!" he exclaimed, or he thought so, when he listened and felt the hard huffs coming from the rhino, and how notorious were the twitches from his cock; one after another in quick succession, and the warmness growing stronger inside him. Gripped to his neck and horn, Hal got deeply breed by the horny and more dominant male, whose seed leaked out even with the dick still inside.

"Ok..." finally Hal managed to gasp. "Ok... Mr. Ackerman, would you mind carrying me back to my office?"


Rhino and tiger sat on the cheap black dining chairs Hal bought online. They had their clothes back on, wrinkled and badly buttoned. The rhino, Otto Ackerman, was still drained by both the orgasm and the effort. His husband, Gerald McMillen, went back to his shy state, but he had now certain proud and joy in his smile and the way he shrunk in his place. They both did.

At the opposite site, the arctic fox sat in a more expensive looking office chair, using a couple of cushions to gain a more respectable height. Unlike the other two, he kept his shirt opened and his legs naked; the upper part of his sheath fur had a matted look, and the tip still poked out of it. His breaths were deep and slow. Hal kept quiet not for exhaustion, but to enjoy those last few blissful seconds that came when one goes fully limb after an orgasm.

The couple shared briefs looks of guilty pleasure, the youngsters caught after having being found making up in the car's backseat. But instead of the sheriff's office, threatening to call their parents, they went to a kind of sketchy office, without diplomas or fancy pictures in the walls; instead, the pictures he had depicted him with happy couples or a single one, males and females alike. There were three medium-sized metal cabinets at the left wall, but something told them that the fox had anything but files in those--in fact, Gerald expected their therapist to take a dildo or a jockstrap from one of them. The desk was free of papers on the center and pilled at both sides, as if Moses opened the sea of records, the only visible files he had about the couples he had helped.

"Well... this was utterly unexpected," Hal said once he recovered. "Not the scenario we chose but it worked better for you two."

Now Otto acted shyly and guilty, target of the piercing fox eyes. It was, after all, his "fault". But Hal wasn't really mad about it; not what he planned for the couple, but it got the same result he looked for.

"I..." Gerald started, and immediately went silent by the sharp movement of Hal's eyes from his husband to him.

"Yes, Gerald?" Hal beckoned with his arm.

"Well, I didn't agree to this since the beginning," his words came out too rushed that Hal took a moment to put them in place.

"Oh! You actually didn't propose anything so I had to work with what I had at the moment," with his arms reclined over the desk, the little fox got a more professional air. "As we already talked, the lack of variety in your sexual life has been the main core of the problem. Both of you retain a more romantic concept of sex, where this is heavily retailed to love. This pushed you to conclude that no sex equals no love, which led to forced and unenjoyable sessions that only aggravated the problem," he made a pause to take a breath and enjoy the dazzled looks in the big studs. "The point of these exercises has been to introduce new elements to your usually vanilla type of sex that you insisted to practice as a way to show romantic affection, looking to fulfill certain fantasies previously talked that you couldn't realize because they clashed with your definition of sex and love."

It became almost impossible not to laugh by how they inclined their heads in confusion at the same time. Hal cleared his throat and rested his back against the chair again. Problems like that were usual in new couples, when they faced the reality that love isn't always enough to keep a relationship working. When the former escort started counseling his clients more than, well, fucking with them, he considered a change of job. That office was the result.

"I just thought it would be something wrong," the rhino talked with a voice that almost made him sound dumb. "Why would I let someone else touch my fuzzy butt?"

"And that's completely normal, Mr. Ackerman. A lot of relationships make it work the same way. Whether if they are happy without much sexual variety or include new elements on it without breaking their vows, that's up to them. You, on the other hand, had several fantasies restrained by shame or loyalty. You put your values first and blamed each other for your mistakes, instead of exploring your sexuality together in a safe environment."

"I don't think a parking lot is a 'safe environment'," the tiger pointed out.

"And I'm not a real therapist, so I have to improvise. But I'm sure a real one would have said the same; without all the fun we had, of course. The important thing here is that you two need to learn how to separate sex from love. You did an excellent progress tonight! Scenarios don't work--they make your sex look clunky and forced--so we're going back to the bedroom! If," and he made a stop raising one finger to clarify, "you want to continue."

The couple shared some nervous but interested looks. Hal bit his lower lip and felt the swelling in his sheath coming back already. The rhino was the most eager since the beginning, so it did surprise him when the tiger replied first with a nod. Nevertheless, as long as both agreed, it was fine.

"Then, what do you think about a Doberman?"

Go slow

"So, I consider a lot of modern literature to be incredible lazy when it comes to a plot, but I think it's a smart way to reach younger audiences that are still developing their own taste. It's easy to read and it's not that complicated, good enough to...

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