Prince Chiraevon's Stand

Story by topaz172 on SoFurry

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Prince Chiraevon's Stand

(MM, human Centaur)

Inspired by my artwork (which is for sale at website below)

The Plains of Sunlight

Sudavin unfastened the belt and held it up, giving the gem encrusted gold chain one final look before draping it on the rock next to the archway, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"You can still go through" said the human "This isn't necessary"

"No. For the children to be safe, the enemy have to believe they've found our home camp, believe that we killed our young rather than let them have them. And if I'm not there in person, then they'll keep looking for more survivors." replied the Centaur, caressing the gold chain. "It's going to take a long time my friend, but one day those murderous bastards will wake up and find that they didn't win after all."

The Human nodded and turned to follow, the carts, leaving the last of the Centaurs to prepare his lance.

* * *

300,000 Years later, The City of Salisarum

The valet applied a twist to Chiraevon's braid and threaded it through the third and final gold ring, the weight of which allowed the skein of hair to hang down over the Prince's chest in the most fashionable way.

Chiraevon smiled and kissed the valet on the lips, delighting in the way the young servant's eyes widened, a whole range of emotions flickering through. There was lust of course, Chiraevon prided himself that the court painter had needed only to paint the reality, rather than use some perfectly formed athlete as a body double. There was also the thrill of fear in the valet's eye, anyone who associated too closely with Chiraevon was instantly considered suspect by the Prince's Protectors.

The valet allowed Chiraevon to kiss him deeply, even daring to place a hand on the Imperial buttock. Then it was Chiraevon's turn to have his eyes widen in surprise as something that felt like a tightly scrolled parchment slipped inside his belt wedging between his nether-cheeks.

The young valet stepped back from the half completed kiss and inspected the tall raven haired prince with a critical eye; taking a kohl brush from its pot and applying a tiny correction to Chiraevon's eyeliner.

"There, Your Highness, you are ready. Will you be needing me... later?"

"Almost certainly" Replied Chiraevon, licking his lips with several levels of anticipation. The valet wasn't the one he really wanted, but he was fit and Chiraevon was quite used to pretending that the man in his bed was someone else.

The natural instinct was to retrieve the note and read it immediately, but that would only reveal that it had been passed; it would have to stay where it was until after the day's court proceedings.

* * *

Chiraevon sat slumped on the throne trying to look utterly bored with the court proceedings, interspersing it with rapt attention when the petitioner was fit and looked like he might be well endowed. It was all for show of course. It was essential that the Lord Protector's agents believe he was the shallow, sex obsessed drone that they'd trained him to be. It would never do for the heir to the Centre Throne to appear even remotely capable of taking back his great great grandfather's place as Emperor of All.

In many ways he supposed that he was the embodiment of inconvenience to the Empire's current rulers. The Protectorate couldn't simply kill him, their legitimacy relied upon having a member of the Imperial line to Protect, on the other hand if it were proven that the Imperial heir didn't need Protectors, well that would be extraordinarily bad for anyone who's job title started with a 'P'. The delicate political balance explained why his court was stuck way out here at Salisarum, The Empire of All's furthest outpost to the east. The city was as close to the edge of maps as you could get before you bumped into artfully drawn illustrations saying 'here be Dragons, Centaurs or Satyrs'.

Having become quickly bored with Salisarum, he'd taken time to become familiar with what was actually out there... the reason the official map of The Empire of All stopped where it did was purely an exercise in saving paper. The mapmaker had diligently drawn a second page but it was almost entirely blank. Apart from the label 'The Plains of Sunlight' written in large flowing letters and a small smudge with the words 'The Stand' to the far right hand edge right up against the obligatory dragon and centaur border art, the second map was empty. In fact it was something of a puzzle why Salisarum was the fortress that it was. There was nothing to warrant the thick walls and large garrison, both of which had been here long before the Protectors had chosen it as a convenient cage for their most honoured heir.

He glanced in the direction of the Protector's official observer who was diligently making notes. The man was obsessive in his duty, eager to note Chiraevon's every action and reaction, always looking for that slightest evidence of treason. Of them all this was the one he hated the most, the one who saw to it that anyone who became overly friendly with the Prince didn't stay long at court.

The parchment that the servant had placed between his ass cheeks became warm and then wriggled, it was all he could do to hide the look of surprise from reaching his face. Quietly the snake-shaped enchantment sought out his anus, tickling it with its forked tongue until Chiraevon's penis began to rise; then it bit down. For a moment time seemed to slow as the sting of knowledge slipped up Chiraevon's spine and into his brain.

"I bet you're really loving this one Chir." Smirked the voice in his head "Its new, I only just perfected the spell. Oh and that cute valet won't even remember slipping it to you, I just rigged him to pass you this note the first time you tried to get it on with him, you horny slut. So why is the incomparably seductive Spellcaster Davin of Sunlit sending you messages through your ass do you ask? Well basically loverboy I'm onto something that's going to completely discredit the Protectorate at a stroke, and if we play it right, you get to command the finest cavalry force this world's ever seen."

The word faded away leaving behind an erotic itch that would need scratching later.

Davin of Sunlit had been the Protectorate's one great failure. The Protectorate liked the Princes to be uninterested in breeding extra heirs, the lack of interest was achieved by the simple expedient of mystically seeking out the male soulmate of the Heir and placing them in the same room. The two boys would be instantly smitten with one another and the problem of women would be relegated to a duty rather than a source of pleasure. Davin of Sunlit had been the one chosen for Chiraevon. Davin was a perfect fit sexually, emotionally and in every other way that counted. Of course the Protectorate hadn't quite gotten it right this time. The Prelates had been casting enchantments to attract potential soulmates, they hadn't known Davin was an apprentice spellcaster until after the two had met and fallen instantly in love. A half solstice later and Davin had been banished; there was no way that The Protectorate was going to let a Prince hang around with someone as delightfully useful as Davin of Sunlit. It was ironic, had the Protectorate left it alone Chiraevon and Davin would have simply locked themselves in a bedroom and left the Empire to run itself, by splitting them up they'd forced Chiraevon and Davin to think very hard about ways to be in the same bedroom, many of which involved the fall of the Protectorate as a precursor.

Thinking about Davin was just a really bad idea, that lingering erotic itch was turning into a definite need. Casting his eye around the great hall Chiraevon quickly selected a Baronet who looked somewhat like his lover, one he thought 'might' if the question were asked correctly.

* * *

Three weeks later the valet, with a glazed looking expression on his face, placed a bracelet on the table next to Chiraevon's bed and then went about his business as if nothing had happened. The bracelet was of ancient design, solid gold with an inlay of crudely cut rubies one or two of which were missing. A message slipped up his arm as soon as he touched it.

"I was right Chir! I found The Stand! You'll think I'm crazy until you see for yourself. Arg! I'm babbling! Look, wear the bracelet, don't take it off. When the time is right you'll know where to come. I love you!"

Chiraevon did as Davin had asked and found that the bracelet weighed almost nothing. For a moment it seemed that the noises of nature became louder before subsiding. A second later he felt a mouth engulf his penis, the valet had quietly dropped to his knees and begun to give excellent service. He recognised the tongue technique; somehow it 'felt' like Davin's mouth and tongue rather than the valet's. The thought that Davin had created a spell for tele-felatio, was an extreme turn on.

* * *

Seasons passed, winter turning to spring and then summer. Prince Chiraevon also changed, but it was subtle and even the Prince didn't notice. If he chose to wear his hair in a top knot and long braids, so what; he was the leader of fashion and others could copy if they wished. The summer was hot, it was perfectly fine to go shirtless and make the most of the sun's rays. Hunting and riding gave him the opportunity to see more of the land and its peoples; and finally, if Court slept outside under a silk tented roof then they could visit outlying villages further from Salisarum.

Of course the Protectorate were suspicious at first, but soon realised that if the Prince chose to take his court off to the back of beyond, then he and they weren't underfoot when real decisions needed to be made. The presence of a substantial company of Knight-Protectors made certain that the Prince's 'security' was assured.

* * *

Chiraevon felt the change at dawn on the summer solstice; rolling to his feet, he rummaged through the travel pack lent up against the side of his tented palace until he found his hand mirror; holding it in front of his face confirming what he had felt. His eyes were different almost entirely a dark browny black with only a slim circle of white at the edges. His nose had also changed, more prominent and running straighter vertically, no longer curving inward at eye level (in another world it might now have been called Roman). Whilst he looked different enough to cause comment, he was still recognisably himself. If this was supposed to be a disguise spell then Davin had failed spectacularly, the Protectorate were going to want to know in detail how he'd been changed.

He paused, his eyes widening in profound shock, he hadn't thought of Davin since receiving the gold bracelet, and now he understood that he hadn't been allowed to think about him... or The Stand. Clearly the Protectorate would have been suspicious if he'd been asking questions. Even now the knowledge of what The Stand was felt fuzzy around the edges. He was allowed to know where he was going, but what The Stand was, was still hidden.

Silently he picked up his sword, slit wall of the tent and ran, the grass feeling soft under his naked feet. The Knight Protectors would find all of his clothes still in his tent and would assume for a while that he was taking his pleasures with one of the entourage. With luck several hours would pass before they realised he'd slipped away.

* * *

Chiraevon recognised the ridge of stone as soon as it became visible on the horizon, like a section of ruined castle wall with a man-sized gateway punched through the larger section, The Stand was truly ancient. Feeling suddenly eager he increased his pace to a sprint, Davin of Sunlit would be here and they would be together at long last.

As he neared the great stone outcrop a figure appeared from the archway, Chiraevon stopped mid-stride bringing his sword up to garde. This was no man, instead he was facing a Centaur straight out of mythology.

"Oh do put that away Chir" said the Centaur


"Yeah, I'm a bit changed, still seriously cute of course, but now hung like a horse"

Chiraevon closed the distance between them and hugged his soulmate, the first time that they'd touched, skin to skin in what seemed like eternity. It was different of course, Davin was now taller and his head was only level with the centaur's six-pack. It was obvious that Davin's transformation spell was no simple matter of slicing two creatures in half and gluing them together, the fur started at the sides of that six-pack and he could feel that Davin's back was thickly furred with a mane flowing from his spine. As if to balance things, the human six pack was now sort of an eight or ten-pack where the horse muscles had become tanned and fur-less.

They held each other, quietly enjoying that simple pleasure.

"What happened? A spell go wrong?" asked Chiraevon

"A spell gone very right for once." Replied Davin

"You wanted to be part horse? I have to tell you that if you're anatomically correct back there...there's no way I'm being the bottom"

Davin giggled "Nice imagery, but no, I'll wait until you can take it... which sort of brings me to the point. Being a Centaur isn't a fashion statement, it's the way we're finally going to be rid of The Protectorate's interference."

Chiraevon stepped back and frowned, thinking through the implications. "So if I'm transformed into a Centaur, I'm no longer eligible as heir to Centre Throne... and they have no more interest in us. Sounds great, I'm in."

"I knew you would be, that's why I gave you the Stallion Bracelet to start things going."

Chiraevon touched his transformed nose, remembering that it had been changed.

"Simply changing us both into another species was always an option. The thing is that once you aren't the Prince, the Protectorate don't have a reason for you to be alive. That's why we're here at The Standing of Centaurs rather than in a cave having hermaphrodite dragon sex."

Chiraevon cocked his head imagining them as two dragons intertwined in a knot of reptilian frenzy claws digging into each other as they penetrated and fucked in an endless orgasm. "Ok, the dragon sex would have been good, but how does being a centaur help?"

"There are several reasons that have to do with our history, yours, mine, this place, to be honest we might even have destiny on our side with this bet. Take a look at the rock and I'll explain."

Chiraevon turned his attention to the granite outcrop noticing for the first time that it was decorated with primitive stick figures of centaurs and men hunting. There was also a glint of gold, rings bracelets, necklaces and chains were draped on the warm granite. An adventurer might try to kill a dragon single handed for a fraction of the treasure on display. The fact that it was still here indicated that putting it in a saddlebag wasn't a good idea.

"The Stand dates back to a time before recorded history, the previous recorded history was destroyed in order to remove the details of the atrocity that your ancestor committed here. The truth is only known to the people of the Plains of Sunlight, people like one Davin of Sunlit (spellcaster extraordiaire)."

"My ancestor?"

"Yep your ancestor killed my ancestor... but its ok, I love you anyway" smiled Davin placing a hand on Chiraevon's shoulder and standing close enough so that his furred flank tickled the Prince's thigh "The Empire became the Empire of All by conquest. Any tribe or race that looked like it might be a threat had to go. The centaurs held out until the last, but there were too many of you. I think in the end the Emperor regretted eliminating an entire species... that's why he called his chair The Centaur Throne. Renaming it the Centre Throne was a part of another bit of history editing that went on later.

This place, The Stand, was the heart and soul of centaur territory, this is the place where The Standing of Centaurs would happen, all the herds would gather here and the chieftains would stand talking with each other, hence the name. Anyhow, the Chieftains knew they were doomed long before the Emperor launched his final war, they saw it coming and set some serious enchantments around here to ensure that extinction of the Centaur race wasn't forever."

"Hmm, let me guess, something to make this place impossible to find, and a trap so that anyone greedy enough to take the gold is transformed into a Centaur?"

"That's a part of it, yes. Although the enchantments are a bit faded now and act far more slowly than they were intended to. The Arch over there is another thing, walk through and you change from man to centaur, walk through again and you change back. The centaurs transformed their children into humans and pretended they were fleeing refugees"

"Which I suspect, is why you looked human when the Protectorate chose you to be my bed warmer"

"Oh no, I was pretty much human until I found The Stand earlier this year. My distant ancestor would have been one of the centaurs that took human form." Explained Davin. "The Archway and those refugees are the reason that you and I can do more than just run and hide. See, it's been so long now that those refugees have pretty much interbred with a large portion of the human race, certainly everyone in Salisarum and on the plains. In a sense we're all a little bit Centaur and that's the 'oh so clever' trap that those ancient Centaur Chieftains left behind. If someone wearing..."

Davin paused mid-sentence, glancing toward the slight ridge that hid Stand from view. A second later Chiraevon heard the same sound that the spellcaster had, the thud of hooves and then a hunting horn, signalling that the prey was found.

"Quickly Chir!, You need to be wearing the gold regalia of a Stallion in Chief, a necklace, belt, earrings, cock ring, bracelets on arms and ankles. When you're dressed walk through the Archway, I'll hold them off!" said Davin picking up Chiraevon's discarded sword

"Idiot, you're no swordsman, you cut yourself opening envelopes" protested Chiraevon

"Do it" snapped Davin, in a tone that had Chiraevon reaching for a necklace before his brain caught up.

The gold tingled around his neck and he felt the tickle of hair between his shoulder blades, next were a pair of earrings that made his hearing keener and added a certain pointiness to his ears. A warmth was growing within him, building up below his stomach. Behind him metal rang against metal, taking a moment to glance around he saw with relief that Davin wasn't trying to fight a Knight Protector, instead he was running, or rather galloping, using his superior manoeuvrability to dodge their blows and lead the entire company away.

Chiraevon slipped on the bracelets and a cockring, noting that the enchanted warmth flowed downward occupying his erection and legs down as far as the knees. The last thing needed was a belt and it took a moment to spot one, hung from a protrusion of granite right next to the arch almost like bait. He felt greedy, a compulsion to grab the precious gold. It was clearly a part of the enchantment, the regalia wanted to be complete and was trying to bend his will in that direction. The fact that he wanted the same thing that enchantment did made life simple. The belt snapped shut around his waist with a click, sealing the final piece of the spell.

He felt a kind of elation, no matter what happened now he was no longer The Protected Prince. Even if they killed him, his body would gradually become Centaurian. He glanced again to check on Davin and was alarmed to see that the Knight Protectors had spread out, circling around and herding the spellcaster back to The Stand where he had fewer choices of direction to run.

"HEY!" he yelled, waving his arms

The Knight Protectors paused, noticing their Prince for the first time. Davin took the opportunity to leap over one of the riders, knocking the man from his saddle with a backward kick from his hooves and then galloping toward him, coming to a skidding stop next to Chiraevon.

"Do it"

"This had better help" he muttered and took a step backward into the Centaur's Archway

The warmth that was gradually changing him became an orgasmic fire that filled him and blotted out rational thought, below the bejewelled belt his body flowed like mercury, above it, hair tickled him as his mane grew in from head to waist. He vaguely recalled rearing up onto his hind legs, pawing the air with his new forelegs, his vastly engorged cock pumping out a ribbon of cum that splattered across the helm of the nearest knight.

His front hooves touched the ground and the warmth of the enchantment dissipated. He staggered slightly, getting used to his new shape. The first thing he noticed was that the horses that the humans smelled 'interesting' in a way that made his cock swell and dangle. Davin's fingers found his and they held hands, facing the Knight Protectors.

"It didn't work" sighed Davin

"What now? We can probably outrun them if we can break past them" Chiraevon said

"You're not going anywhere Demon!" snapped the nearest Knight Protector, removing his helm and wiping a splatter of cum from his eyebrow with a mailed fist.

Chiraevon felt something stir within, a return of the warmth he'd felt as he'd slowly changed. He glanced again at Davin and raised an eyebrow. His soulmate smiled and squeezed his hand. A moment later a pressure wave of grass green light expanded outward from the archway heading toward the horizon, leaving behind a residual glow around each of the humans that quickly faded.

The universe seemed to hold its breath and then the scene descended to chaos, the horses reared up throwing off their riders, dismounted Knights simply fell. The air was filled with screams of pain mixed with orgasm, followed by the alien sound of steel armour shearing and ripping apart from internal pressure as their bodies swelled.

Slowly the Knight Protectors staggered to their new feet and began using their belt knives to cut away their ruined armour, including the breastplates which whilst still wearable were no longer needed. Chiraevon examined the nearest Knight, noticing that as well as changing form, the tough old warrior now appeared to be slightly younger than Davin. The Ex-Knight sniffed the air and then bowed at the waist saying "My Stallion!"

"How?" was all Chiraevon could say

"I told you, we interbred. Everyone is a little bit Centaur these days, The Arch brought out that inner Centaur."

"He looks younger, what's that about?"

"Centaur politics, the Stallion in Chief was always the strongest of the Herd Stallions. I would guess they wanted the one that triggered the Arch to be the one in charge afterwards. The simplest way to do that would be to make sure you were the eldest. I expect messing with their age wiped away a lot of their old memories as well. I had to shield my mind from a bit of that. Oh and there was also a compulsion to come here."

"So the entire centaur race is coming here?"

"Pretty much, I expect the last Stallion figured you'd need your new army to know where to find their Chief."

"Good Point" said Chiraevon, watching as the young Centaurs got scent of the mares and began wantonly acting on pure instinct. The young Centaur that was bowing at his feet glanced nervously between Chiraevon and the decreasing number of untaken mares. Chiraevon nodded in the direction of the mares and the Centaur scrambled away in indecent haste.

"Should they be doing that?"

"Its probably for the best, we're still an endangered species" replied Davin "Speaking of which, the smell of all that cum is making me really, really hot"

Chiraevon smiled and mounted his soulmate, burying his face in his mane, thrusting his vast cock deep inside, his forelegs grasping Davin's flanks and his hands wrapped around his lover's chest, fingers tweaking the spellcaster's nipples. He knew He'd changed the world, caused an Empire to fall, transformed millions of people into a different species and yet felt no regret at all.

Oddly, no one in the Salisarum felt any regret either, as they packed a few bags and left the City, cantering east; meals left half eaten on abandoned tables, ripped clothes left discarded where they'd fallen.


Beyond Area 51

Author's Note A Sequel to this Story (Inside Area 51) can be found here []( and a title page image can be found in my Yiffy Gallery ...

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