Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 9: Haunters Of The Ruins

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#9 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Professor Stern revealed to everyone that their struggling community was completely out of food. Rumble and Corey took it upon themselves to go rabbit hunting, leaving Dawn and Lady Ursa time to research recipes for cooking lapins. Not too keen on dining on rabbits, Alex and Corbin went searching for food in World Three discovering that the city of 200,000 had been destroyed by five volcanoes not one, not two, not three but five....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire Chapter 9: Haunters Of The Ruins

Day 12 (The lava and magna lake- Formally World Three)

"The door is opening!" Corbin shouted. "Should we prepare weapons?"

"No." I said opening the cockpit of the blue coupe. "You in the truck! Are you ok?"

"The landing was a little rough." A redhead female in a long grey jacket, shirt, jeans, and brown boots said stepping out of the vehicle.

"It would have been worse if we landed in that over there." A red headed male in a beige jacket said stepping out of the passenger seat of the vehicle. "Thank you for the assist. You probably saved our lives."

"You are welcome." I called out to the two of them. "It was obvious that you guys were in distress."

"Our truck started having trouble when the sky turned red. It was like it couldn't get enough sunlight. Then as we approached the lava fields it lost power and down we went." The man said.

"We will have to have it looked at when we get back to World Three." The female added. "But where are our manners? I am Theresa Branch and that is my colleague Oliver Justice." She said her hand outstretched.

"Those names sound very familiar..." I said putting my finger to my chin.

"We are wild life researchers." Oliver said extending his hand as well.

"That's right! You were in that documentary about the grey wolves of the western plains." I said shaking their hands carefully. "I watched it last fall."

"That's right, my sister filmed and narrated that." Theresa said.

"We had finished studying the black wolves south of the western plains and were on our way back home when this happened." Oliver said as I traded glances with Corbin.

"Alex Winter over there is Corbin Mongoose. Nice to meet you two."

"That is some hover vehicle you got there." Theresa commented. "We could have used grappling hooks on the truck as well."

"Yeah, let me remove those from your vehicle." I said.

*Mr. Winter, Mr. Mongoose there is movement from the lake!* Overwatch announced.

"ALEX!" Corbin called from the passenger seat.

I turned back at the lava flow we had saved the wild life researchers from.

"What?" I said to the little mongoose.

"I saw eyes! Long yellow like eyes! In the lava!!"

"Corbin, I don't see anything." I said to him looking at the flow.


That was when five large globs of magma launched from the lake into the sky. They looked like very large meatballs.

"My word!" Theresa shouted.

"You two get back into the truck!" I yelled as I dove into the prototype. I quickly powered it on and threw the blue coupe still attached to the truck into reverse.

We backed away from the shores of the lake of lava 100 feet, 200 feet, 500 feet then 1000 feet. When we were a safe distance I left the cockpit to check on Theresa and Oliver.

"Wow, I guess we REALLY drifted off course somehow." Oliver stated.

"INCOMING!" Corbin shouted.


"Direct hit." I said staring back over toward the lake. That was when I saw it, a molten appendage rising out of the magma like a octopus' arm. It had tried to attack us. Fortunately we were protected by the deflector. But the searing heat was pretty intense.

"What was that?" Theresa said.

"I don't know, but it took a shot at us- several." I said as we watched the appendage elongate and the yellow eyes Corbin had sworn he saw reappear. It was watching us.

"I extended the deflectors to the their truck in case it decided so attack us again." The little mongoose said.

"Quick thinking." I told my little brother.

"This is definitely not World Three, I don't remember any of this being here!" Oliver shouted.

"Was it the lava lake or that creature that was the dead give away?" Theresa said.

"You two stay inside your hover vehicle. I am going to try something." I shouted.

"Like what big brother?" Corbin asked me as I dove back into the driver's seat. I made a selection from the weapons menu.

"A little love tap." I growled.

**Laser system engaged* *

I fired a laser beam from the left side pod and used it to slice the molten appendage 1000 feet away from us. It split in half and was reabsorbed by the magma.

GRROARRRR!!!!!!!!! GRROARRRR!!!!!!!!! GRROARRRR!!!!!!!!!

*Apparently something did not like that Mr. Winter.*

"Alex there are now two set of eyes looking at us from the lava!" The little beastial announced.

"Right backing away further." I said throwing the prototype into reverse.

"I say what was all that about?" Oliver asked stepping out of the white truck when it had cleared a mile.

"Mr. Justice, Ms. Branch how long were you away?" Corbin asked as he started retracting the tractor hooks.

"About two weeks. We had received permission for our wildlife study and left the last week of December." Mr. Justice said.

"Unfortunately my sister was traveling to World Two and couldn't come." Ms. Branch said. "So it was just the two of this time."

I looked at Corbin and he at me.

"What is with the long faces?" Oliver asked.

"The only way to say it, is to just to say it." I said staring at the two.

"Say what?" Theresa said looking at me inquisitively.

"The empire doesn't exist anymore. It ended December 31st... around 11:40 AM." The little mongoose said to the wildlife researchers.

"That lake of lava you two nearly landed in is all that was left of World Three." I added.

"WHAT?!" The two said in unison.

"There was a cataclysm, a big one, about two weeks ago. We are still trying to figure out its totality, but the High Evolutionary was assassinated. At the same time the empire was destroyed." I said as the female gasped.

"All communication is down." Corbin added. "And the cities are isolated from each other."

"That explains why we couldn't contact anyone while we were traveling home!" Oliver said.

"Was it that bad?" Theresa asked.

"World Five was destroyed by a tidal wave. World One by fire and World Three here by volcanoes."

"But, but there were two hundred thousand here in this city alone!" Oliver said looking at the molten lava, the yellow eyes in the lava and the five mounds in the distance belching it up from the ground.

"If they didn't escape- then they are buried under all of that." The little mongoose boy said.

"What about the other two cities World Four and World Two?" Ms. Branch asked.

"Unknown. There is just no news." I said to the two. "The world you knew is gone."

"How is it that you two are out and about?" Oliver asked.

"Our vehicle managed to survive the EMP." Corbin said.

"So we took it to scavenge for that which we are critically low on." I added.

"Oliver! My sister!" Theresa said.

"There are a few more things you need to know." I started to say to the two. "By the way, what supplies do you have with you?"

"Some food and water." Oliver said.

"Will share it with you." Theresa added. "But we want specifics."

"That sounds divine." I said. "But first let's get away from here."

The wildlife researchers truck wouldn't come back online so we ended up reattaching the tractor hooks and pulled their truck a few more miles to the west away from the remains of the city.

"Wow, it seems the red sky is dissipating!" Corbin said to me.

"Yeah you get far away from the World Three and it is gone. But why is that not happening where we live?" I asked.

"Hmm.... if you look at the five cities from high up they almost form a pentagon- Worlds One and Two at the bottom, Three and four in the center and World Five at the top. The lost city is still located in the wilderness between World Five and World Four still within the pentagon." The little mongoose boy said to me.

"Where we are at now is outside of that footprint. Interesting." I said as we decided to stop.

So Corbin and I sat down and ate with Mr. Justice and Ms. Branch and brought them up to speed with what they had missed the nearly two weeks they were away.

"So exactly how did it all this begin?" Ms. Branch asked handing Corbin a cup of water.

"It started during the morning news on the hub." The little boy said. "There was a weather report that some storm was coming in off of the lake."

"It was the giant cloud that hit the five cities from a few years ago." I added.

"That was when communications across the empire went down." Corbin added. "Electronics failed every where."

"As it moved from city to city there was catastrophic damage- hover vehicles falling from the skies, cities on fire, tidal waves, volcanos. We are still trying to access the impact." I said. "I was in World One- Castle Wundagore when our turn came. I saw the giant cloud come from the north wreaking havoc and destruction."

"You were in one of the castles?" Mr. Justice said.

"Yeah- I was having a discussion with the dictator when he was assassinated by one of the castle's support staff."

"Oh my." Theresa said.

"She had started acting very weirdly." I added.

"It turns out that she had come under the influence of something." Corbin added. "That something spread across the five cities infecting whoever it touched."

"We call the infected Others and we believe they are being controlled by some entity. Whatever its origin, its purpose or agenda they remains unknown." I said to the two wildlife researchers.

"Impossible! It just can't be!" Oliver stammered.

"Wait, there is more." The little mongoose boy said. "There are also monsters roaming around like our friends in the lava lake you saw."

"Monsters?" Theresa said.

"Yes- we believe they are creatures that were being studied by research companies like Dynamic Dynamics who escaped during the fall and now are free. Apparently not just in our neck of the woods." I said.

"Are you serious?!" Mr. Justice said nearly choking on his drink.

"I am sorry you two- from the Others to the creatures roaming around it is all true." I said.

"Those are the dangers that we do know about." Corbin said. "With the empire gone there may be other threats out there , other dangers that were kept secret and are now coming to light."

The two wildlife researchers fell silent.

"If you are going to try to find your sister Ms. Branch, I would advise you, both of you to be very careful- travel in secret, shore up supplies and find some way to defend yourselves. Technology is a precious commodity that there isn't enough of in this new era of desperation and despair."

"What Alex is saying is you will encounter those that will want to steal it from you, take your lives or both." The little boy said.

"Oliver what are we going to do?" Theresa asked.

"You two thank you for your advice." Mr. Justice said.

"I think your truck should be fine now, its power source was just inhibited by the red sky." I said as Theresa went to try to start it.

"Theresa let's head to World Two and start our search there."

"We should approach from the south or east. It might even be better to travel at night Oliver." Theresa added.

To thank us for saving them, Ms. Branch and Mr. Justice gave us a jug of water and some of their rations.

Like magic their truck powered on once it was away from the red sky.

"You two be extremely careful. No extremely, extremely careful." I warned the two as they took off. "The world that you knew doesn't exist anymore."

"Yes we get it, these are very desperate and uncertain times now." Oliver said waving good-bye.

"If you want to come by and visit we are in the forests outside of the World Five." The little mongoose boy said waving.

"Corbin was that really a wise thing to say?"

"Hey, big brother they did extend our food supply."

"And took care of our power problem as well." I said staring at the lava lake in the distance.

(I guess we can hold off eating Rumble's rabbits for another day or so. I guess that is a win.)

"Overwatch, did you detect any survivors in all of that?" I asked the automated assistant.

*No Mr. Winter like Mr. Mongoose earlier, only remains.*

"What type?"

*Beastial and human Mr. Winter.*

"There is nothing more that can be done here. Overwatch assume control of the prototype engage hover mode and take us home."

*There is one thing Mr. Winter.*

The automated assistant suggested we make several signs and leave them at our location. It would warn any survivors approaching World Three from the west, that there was nothing for them; only death if they continue east. Using the prototype's lasers, we carved several signs into the ground a mile west of World Three- a skull and arrow pointing eastward.

"We are going to have a story to tell my mistress and the professor." I said as we took off into the red sky on our way home.

I stared down at what was left of World Three as we proceeded north east. "Did Sir Wolf, Neal Winter and their families survive?"

"It depends big brother." The little boy said.

"On what Corbin?"

"If they could recognize that they were in danger."

"Another thing is troubling me too Corbin."

"What is that Alex?"

"Don't you find it interesting that Worlds Five, Three and One (and probably Two and Four) were destroyed within hours of each other?"

"You mean like it was a coordinated attack." The little boy said to me.

"This was not by happen stance. This was planned. But to what end? For what purpose?"

"I don't know." Alex. "Was it the entity's doing?"

That will be one of the lingering questions of our time. I continued to ponder that as we made our way back toward the lost city and home.

It also dawned on me that it was quite possible that there could be more citizens like Mr. Justice and Ms. Branch who were outside of the empire during the fall and now were returning home to all of this. What would have happened to those two if they hadn't run across us at just the right time?

The trip home was mostly uneventful until we were about twenty minutes from the lost city.

"We are almost there big brother." The little mongoose said.

"What is our status?"

"We have an ample supply of power. The holo-projector is holding and we managed not to use any weapons."

"Well we did use the tractor hooks and lasers, but they are reusable." I said as something caught Corbin's attention.

"You see something?"

"Yeah, it is Corey and Rumble. Alex! I think they are in trouble!"

I glanced at the dormant forest below. I didn't quite see what Corbin was seeing.


"There off to our right." Corbin claimed. "It looks like a pack of wolves."


"Non-beastial." The little mongoose boy said. "Fourteen."

"Overwatch can you find us a place to land? It looks like some friends of ours are in destress."

*As you wish Mr. Winter.*

The automated assistant landed as close to our friends as possible near a clearing which was just barely large enough for the blue coupe.

"Assuming manual control. Corbin maintain holo-projector." I said pressing the third button in the column of buttons on the weapons console.

*Side-pods engaged*

"Moving in!" I said as I steered the prototype around several trees as we were finally able to arrive about 750 feet from their location.

To anyone else in the forest, we looked like a patch of fog moving in.

We did find our colleagues. Corey and Rumble weren't exactly being attacked.

The black haired teen was sitting at the base of a tree being watched by two members of the pack- two young males with grey and white pelts. Off to the teen's side were a pile of rabbits, probably what they managed to catch today.

In Corey's right hand was Rumble's loin cloth. I noted that the boy's guards were just starring at him- not making a hostile movement at all. That was when we turned our attention to the were-creature he was surrounded by the remaining twelve. They did look like rather large dogs with bushy fur, big paws, poofy tails.

Corbin and I watched as six of the twelve circled the werewolf studying him carefully. The were-creature stood up making himself look quite fierce and formidable to his 'attackers'. One of them decided it was time- it moved in trotting right up to Rumble and sniffed his crotch, it then turned around and presented itself lifting its tail straight up.

The were-creature dropped to all fours and approached his would be aggressor which we realized was black wolf- a female and casually mounted her. Since Rumble was much larger, his torso easily stretched past the black female his face met hers as his stomach rested on her back.

*It doesn't appear that Mr. Rumble or Mr. Collins are in any danger.*

"Affirmative." I watched as our resident were-creature started um, ah, having relations with the black she-wolf very friendly relations.

"Yowsers!" Corbin said as his jaw dropped.

*thrust* *thrust* *thrust* *thrust* *thrust* *thrust* *thrust*.


*Perhaps Mr. Rumble is trying to establish friendly communications with the local wildlife? It appears he is speeding up.* The automated assistant commented.

"Thank you Overwatch." I said.

Corbin and I watched as the former lab experiment closed his eyes and started thrusting, faster and faster as he was reaching his peak. He then stopped and held still thrusted once more paused then once more paused and then again then stopped completely breathing quite hard. As he backed out of his breeding partner, a puddle of his goo dribbled out of her splashing onto the ground.

The black she-wolf nuzzled her were-partner before stumbling away to collapse next to the two grey and white wolves guarding Corey.

As soon as the black she-wolf left another, a white one took her place. She too lifted her tail. Rumble licked her cub tunnel and similarly mounted her placing his arms around her and he started thrusting again.

I looked at the little mongoose boy and he at me.

"Stud service?" He said to me.

"I think it is more than that. I overheard Corey and Rumble the other night, our were-creature was wondering about his true purpose. Why he was created, what was he supposed to do with his existence. I think he has been pondering that question since Corey freed him from that laboratory."

"You mean this?" Corbin said looking at the scene in front of us.

"He told Corey that he thought he had figured it out."

"You mean this?" The little mongoose reiterated.

"Notice that Corey is holding Rumble's loin cloth." I observed.

"Yeah." Corbin said.

"Also notice that Rumble isn't knotting his um, partners. He wants to try to mate with as many females as possible." I said as we observed the were-creature finish with the white she-wolf and move on to a anxious grey she-wolf and then a brown one, then another black one, then grey-white, then another white.

We watched Rumble breed, fill and overfill every single female in that wolf-pack and even a few of the males as well. When he had finished there wasn't a dry cub-tunnel in that entire pack; all of the females were lying down next to on the ground dazed from being screwed stupid.

Rumble nuzzled the two wolves guarding Corey. They let him approach his boy who reclothed the former lab experiment and then depart.

"Yup they are ok." I said pressing the third button in the column of buttons on the weapons console.

*Side-pods disengaged.*

"Let's go home." I said to the little mongoose. As I turned around the blue coupe and drove off.

"I wonder if we should tell momma bear and the professor?" Corbin asked out loud.

"Naw. That is Rumble's secret. I think he we will tell us when it is time. So not a word of this to anyone."

"Oh alright." He said to me.

"We just know a friend's secret, but he doesn't know, we know- ya know?" I said smiling.

That evening the six of us reconvened at Corbin's and the professor's house for dinner. My she beast had spent time helping the professor with her research, they listened eagerly about Corbin and my adventure in World Three.

"Are you sure the four of you weren't followed?" Dawn asked us.

"We used the holo-projector all the way back." Corbin said to his adoptive mother.

"Rumble and I back tracked and doubled checked as well." The teen said.

"I have the surveillance gear scanning the immediate area as well." I added.

"Well thank you all for the supplies, it should keep us going for a few more days." My sisters's doppelgänger said.

"So there is nothing left of World Three?" The black haired teen asked Corbin and myself as Dawn, my mistress and Rumble looked on.

"Nothing but lava and magma." I said. "As far as the eye can see."

"You didn't find any residents?" My warrior bear said as we started eating.

"Only the two wildlife researchers who were returning home from their work." Corbin said glumly. "And a some lava creatures that attacked us."

"I am starting to wonder if there is any coming back from this?" The teen said. "For us, the five cities or the empire."

That evening...

I decided to conduct some system checks inside the prototype before heading off to bed. I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't help engaging the microprobe at Corey and Rumble's to listen in on their bedtime conversation.

(Hey why not? The hub was down and this was the only form of entertainment.)

"I can't believe you mated with all the females of that pack." The black haired teen said.

"....and some males...."

"Um, yeah- how on Counter Earth did you manage to do that?" Corey said as Rumble climbed into their hammock.

His were-creature looked at him.

"Yeah, yeah you think it is your purpose. But no one has that kind of stamina." Corey said climbing in to join his wolf. The teen then laid his head on the were beast's chest making himself comfortable as he settled in for the night. "Hmm...."

"....Corey...?" Rumble said surprised as a youthful hand reached underneath his loin cloth and started fondling his doggy bits.

"Call it an experiment." The teen said as he moved his hand from the werewolf's testicles to his sheath trying to coax the penis to emerge from within.

As the penis elongated and became prominent, Corey started to masturbate his wolf.

"Just relax big guy and enjoy. When you can't take anymore cum."

Rumble closed his eyes and started humping his boy's hand speeding up in ferocity and intensity. The wolf whimpered and wined as his orgasm approached. Corey heard the were-beast growl before he erupted firing nine thick white ropes of his seed all over the floor of their home.

"Wow." Corey said. The thin teen let his werewolf recover for a few minutes before masturbating him again and then again. Each time Rumble ejaculated the result was the same- nine thick ropes of werewolf jizz. There was no decrease in volume, force or viscosity; it was the same every time. "Well I will be. Perhaps you are a breeder." The teen exclaimed.

I decided to stop my observation and head in for the night. I had a feeling they would be cleaning that up for some time and I had a few things I wanted to try with my lover.

I was reclining on my back looking at the ceiling or our new (ancient) bedroom. Lady Ursa was laying on top of me. Gently I lifted her snout and kissed her.

"Now repeat after me, I love Alex, Corbin, Dawn and even Corey and Rumble. They are my friends and my family I would never, ever not ever want harm to come to any of them for reason at all." I ordered my perfect person.

"Alex this is your treatment regime?!" Lady Ursa asked.

"It is the best that I could come up with at the moment mistress. Any time you feel the pull, the seduction of the entity. Stop and remember what we have been through, what we have shared personally and intimately before your introduction to ONE."

"I will try pet."

I watched my she beast as she tried to remember what intimacy was like before being under the entity's influence. She took her paw and fondled my boy bits like Corey had done to Rumble, bringing me to full attention. As she saw my penis elongate, she hiked up her rear and slid down on it. Placing her paws just above my shoulders, she gyrated her rear up and down on my shaft at a slow and steady pace at first before speeding up and up and up and then clenching her vaginal muscles tightly.

"HNNNGGG!!!!" I moaned as I exploded inside her.

"That was amazing mistress." I said coming down from my orgasm. "I love when you screw me stupid like that... and.... and.... you didn't enjoy it."

"As long as you did Alex. That is what matters." She said to me.

"Come here my warrior. I can at least beat the entity in the hug department." I said pulling her onto me.

We kissed again.

"In the next few days, I think we should visit Worlds Two and Four. We need to know what happened to those two cities as well."

"Again Alex it is going to be too dangerous." My warrior bear said cuddling me. "What if you become an Other?"

"Um then I will know what you went through?"

"Not funny pet."

"I know mistress, but what I am trying to get at- I think there is a bigger narrative taking place in all this. Like this was a simultaneous planned attack. I would like to know why. I think we all should know why."

"Ok, perhaps an arial survey and only an arial survey." My perfect person said resting her head on my chest."

*Warning! Warning! Our Perimeter Has Been Breached!* The automated assistant announced from outside our home.

My fierce ursine warrior and I looked at each other.

(DAMN! Just when I was getting comfortable!)

"It looks like the four of you were followed." Lady Ursa said.

Alex Winter January 12 YOE 34

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 10: There Is No Future In Regret

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 7: Shadows Born From A Dying Light

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