Slutcat and Sworddog #24

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#26 of Slutcat


In which Slutcat and Lydia have hangovers, and seem to be missing some little things.


_I bet you thought I'd forgotten all about Slutcat and Sworddog! No sir! _

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"Lydia?" Slutcat slurred as she managed to crack one eye open a hair, then the other. She was laying underneath something. "Lydia?"

A grunt came in response, but the thing on top of her stirred.

"Lydia. I think you're on top of me," Slutcat said with a tongue that felt swollen and lazy.

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"Mmm?" said the hungover Housecarl as Slutcat slid out from under her.

"Lydia, wake up. You're naked," Slutcat observed, clearing the fog from her eyes and gazing at Lydia's ass a bit uncomprehendingly.

"Yaughoo," Lydia managed, then cleared her voice and enunciated as best she could, "You... are... too."

Sworddog just watched the two.

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"And we're on the floor," Slutcat continued with her monumental discoveries, "In a tavern I think."

"Tavern?" Lydia managed. "Yeah... we went in a tavern."

"We're naked. On the floor. In a tavern. Sworddog, what happened? Where's our clothes?"

"Got me!" Sworddog said rather coldly. "I've been sleeping."

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"Well, be a friend and find our clothes, would you?" Slutcat asked the dog.

"Fat chance," Sworddog scoffed. "You two smell of piss and ale. I'm not sure which is worse. Find your own damn rags."

"Jeeze, some friend you are! Lydia, help me look for them.

"Looking for... what again?" Lydia asked, trying to shake some sense back into her head.

"Clothes Lydia. We had clothes on when we came into this place. It's logical they're still here somewhere."

Lydia looked around her, trying to focus while Slutcat peered under the bed.

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"Um... Slutcat... Did we... Did we get laid last night?" Lydia asked, trying to remember.

"Hell if I know," Slutcat replied. "Wait..."

Slutcat did something to herself that will forever remain a mystery to men.

"No. At least I didn't. Still horny."

Lydia looked down at herself. "No, I don't think so either."

"Come on Lydia, help me look!"

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"Nothing," Slutcat declared finally. "Well, let's go ask the bartender. Maybe he knows."

The two walked out into the common room which was blessedly free of patrons.

"Excuse me sir," Slutcat started.

"Ah. Slutcat. You're awake. And naked. Why don't you put your clothes on, such as the are," the bartender greeted them cheerfully.

"That's the problem," Lydia continued. "We seem to have lost them."

"Lost your CLOTHES?" the bartender laughed. "You did get pretty plastered last night."

"But... we had our clothes on, right?" Slutcat asked hopefully.

"Of course! Well, until you two did that strip tease..."

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"Strip tease?" Slutcat and Lydia said in unison, and both looked at each other, then at the fire happily blazing in the center of the room.

"Dammit, I LIKED that little string!" Lydia cried.

"Oh, you didn't throw them in the fire," the bartender assured them. You just tossed them to the side. I'm sure they're around here somewhere.

"Where?" Slutcat asked, but only received a frown from the bartender.

"You're on your own there ladies. I suggest you start searching. The early risers will start coming in soon."

Slutcat heaved a sigh which the bartender watched with interest, but she was in no shape for that, so they both started scouring the common room.

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"Can you give us a clue? Where were we when we were doing that strip dance?" Lydia asked.

"Oh hell, you two were everywhere! Are you some sort of nymphomaniacs or something?" came the reply.

"I didn't think so," Lydia muttered under her breath.

"Try under there... down a little lower..." the bartender suggested, enjoying the view immensely.

Lydia scowled at the pervert, but he didn't even bat an eye and continued watching with fascination.

"Could they be in the rafters?" Slutcat said, climbing up on a table to check.

"Could be anywhere," the bartender laughed. "I wasn't really watching where you threw em."

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The two continued, looking everywhere for their clothes while the bartender kept providing suggestions which inevitably led to him getting an impressive

view of their bodies in every conceivable contortion as they looked around, on top of, and under everything in the place.

"Don't worry," Sworddog said aside to the camera. "They'll find them by the next chapter. I didn't hide them very well. The bartender only paid me in hamburgers."

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Slutcat and Sworddog #25

| "Well, another day of Mystery and Adventure, eh Lydia?" Slutcat said, trying to be as cheerful as possible given the hangover they were both feeling. Breakfast had helped, to be sure. "That's the spirit!" Sworddog chimed in. Both Lydia and...

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