Backstage Boy

Story by rand0m on SoFurry

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Saying good-bye to the rest of the band, Jenna Heart locked the door to her dressing room and proceeded to strip off her stage outfit. They were all happy with the show - a sell-out crowd in the band's home town - and after a hard evening's work they were all off to find someplace to relax, and something and/or someone to help them relax. The young leopardess, however, was having her diversions delivered.

She paused and stood in front of the full length mirror, admiring herself in her outfit - a white schoolgirl blouse, tied very high to expose her flat tummy, a black leather skirt that could almost pass for a belt, and a pair of wedge platform boots that laced up almost to her knees. With her short black hair a shaggy mess on her head and her mascara smudged into the fur around her eyes, the lithe feline was the very definition of a hot mess. She'd built her music career on her singing and songwriting talent, but dressing sexy made her feel powerful, and that was a good feeling to have when you walk out on stage in front of thousands of people.

Once she'd peeled the dirty clothes off her she grabbed a tour t-shirt and slipped it on, the too-large garment hanging half-way down the feline's spotted thighs. She took a beer from the mini-fridge and drained a third of it in one long chug when her phone beeped. Picking it up, she opened the message and grinned from ear to ear as she saw the pic. It was of her friend Elizabeth, the gecko girl smiling up at the camera, her cheek pressed a hefty and very hard cock of some off-camera equine. The caption read 'Lookit what I found! Be there in 5min!' and Jenna couldn't wait until she arrived. Liz was her best friend, and was always on the VIP list, although the leopard suspected she'd get in anyway. She'd tagged along on several of their tours and was well acquainted with the crew. Very well, in some cases.

She also shared Jenna's tastes and never arrived empty-handed. The cat put on some music and plopped down on the couch. She didn't wait long before hearing a frantic knocking on the door. She opened it without looking, recognizing Lizy's tactic of incessantly knocking until someone opened.

"Jenna!" the gecko piped up.

"Liz!" Jenna returned before wrapping her arms around the other girl, the two hugging as only friends with benefits do.

"And who's your friend?" she asked disentangling herself from the affectionate reptile, eyeing the wide-eyed horse still standing in the door. He must have been about seventeen. Maybe a bit less. He'd hit his growth spurt, standing slightly taller than the two leggy girls but still had a coltish build, rather than the heavy muscles of a stallion. _And this one is juuuust right_Jenna thought, taking in his caramel colored fur and the white star on his forehead. He was wearing denim jeans and one of their old tour shirts from a few years back. Judging by how tight a fit it was, she figured Liz must have loaned it to him.

Liz, for her part was wearing as little as possible, showing off her bright green scales that turned to a pale yellow in her front, and splashes of orange and brown down her back. Her outfit consisted of denim cutoffs, a very short black cami, a pink fishnet top and black fishnet stockings. The gecko's flat head was bare of either hair or ears, the only notable features being her slightly tapered muzzle and her huge amber eyes that could look so deceptively innocent when she needed them to.

"This is Scott, and he just lost a bet!" the gecko gloated gleefully.

"Oh? What was the wager?"

"Well Scotty here didn't believe me when I told him I knew you. He's a _huge_fan, by the way." She said, the way she emphasized 'huge' making the colt blush. "So I told him we'd catch your concert, and if I couldn't get us backstage he'd get one night to do _anything_he wanted with me."

"And now that he's lost?"

"Vice-versa for yours truly!"


"You betcha! Now you to get better acquainted while I go unpack." Liz said, slipping off to the bathroom.

Scott was dumbstruck, left alone in a room with the rock-star he'd fantasized about since puberty, and who seemed to be wearing nothing but a t-shirt.

"Can I get you anything?" Jenna asked, snapping the young man back to reality.

"Uh, a beer's fine..." he said, trying to shift from frozen to merely cool. He kinda missed the mark when Jenna bent over and reached into the fridge, her tail lifting just a bit and making her shirt ride up. Yup, definitely nothing but a t-shirt the colt thought, as the glimpse of the creamy-white fur between the leopardess's legs caused his jeans to get a bit tighter. He sat down on the couch, putting one leg over the other in an attempt to look relaxed, but more importantly to hide his growing bulge.

"So, Scott, did you enjoy the show?" Jenna asked, handing him the beer and putting a bottle of Jack on the table before sitting down next to him.

"Yeah, it was great. I've listened to you guys for a while, but this is the first time I saw you live."

"Oh, and what's your favorite song?" she asked the colt.

"Uh, Teasin' The Boys..." Scott admitted, hoping he wouldn't blush through his fur.

Jenna wasn't surprised. The song was her first big hit, and every night when it was time for the encore, the audience always requested it.

"Well' I'm glad you got to see it live." She said, knowing the colt must have gotten an eyeful. She had a pretty eye-catching routine worked out for that song, and even tended to get a bit 'personal' with the mike stand. She sung the refrain out in a throaty, sensuous voice:

I know I'm a bad girl,

I treat them like toys,

Make'em hard when I twirl,

Yeah, I like teasin' the boys.

When she was finished she couldn't help but notice Scott's jeans were getting even snugger, and there was a loud 'Whoooo!' from the bathroom as Liz voiced her approval. She emerged a few seconds later, throwing up the horns with one hand while the other dangled a tied-off condom with two green bulges in it.

"Jesus, was that... in you the whole time?" Scott asked in disbelief as Liz casually walked over and sat down next to him.

"Yup. Genuine coochie kush!" she said as she sliced the rubber open and proceeded to crumble bits of one green bulb on the table.

"No, genuine coochie kush was what we smoked when you used plastic wrap instead of a condom." Jenna explained. "She didn't wrap it properly, and being the little nympho she is, she soaked the weed through. It took us hours to dry it out long enough to light it."

"Well I think it added flavor." Liz retorted.

"And you never got, you know... searched?" Scott asked.

"Well only once, but I managed to get out of it. I got taken to this room, and as soon as I felt a touch back there I started making these really weird sex noises..."

"In other words your sex noises..." Jenna added.

"... and things got so awkward so fast that the lady cop had barely stuck a finger in before she told me to pull up my panties and leave."

"They don't pay law enforcement enough to deal with her." The feline said, finishing her beer. Liz was finishing rolling the joint, and Jenna rubbed her thighs together at the sight of the gecko's long tongue as it slid across the paper. After a few long drags, Liz passed the joint to the leopard, Scott declining the weed but taking a shot of scotch to keep up. Good. Wouldn't want him to take the advantage of us! Jenna thought, almost laughing out loud.

"Ooh, you wouldn't guess who we saw back at the door - Darren!" said Liz.

"Darren Lambert? From high-school? The douchebag who used to call you 'Lizzy the Lezzie Lizard'?" Jenna asked in disbelief.

"The same. I always figured he was jealous that I got more pussy than he did. And I could actually make a girl cum. Anyway, he was pestering the bouncer to let him in because he was an old friend of yours."

"Unbelievable! Who's working backstage tonight?"

"Biff." Liz replied, and a second later both girls burst out laughing. Scott couldn't understand why, since the massive rhino watching the door had seemed dead serious to him, carefully checking everyone's backstage passes. Well, everyone except them. Liz had just said 'Hi!' to him and he waved them through.

"Well then, Darren might still get in if he gives him some..." Jenna said after catching her breath, and it drove the tow into another laughing fit. At first Scott figured they were talking about money, but a look at the two hysterical females made him realize what they meant. While the girls finished the joint, he wondered if the pestering wolf had accumulated enough bad karma to deserve what Biff must have been packing.

"You know, I think I'll have some of that scotch now. Liz, would you be a dear and fetch me my glass?" the feline asked sweetly.

The confused colt looked on as Liz got up and cleared the middle of the table before turning around and motioning for him to scoot over. The gecko girl then lay on the couch so that her rump was on the edge of the cushions, long legs leaning against the back, her midriff bridging the gap between sofa and table as she lay down on it, hands behind her head as she got comfy. Jenna wasted no time pouring a bit of scotch in the gecko's navel, forming a tiny brown lake in the expanse of pale-yellow scales. She then brought her lips down on Elizabeth's flat tummy, forming a seal and sucking out the liquor, giving the lizard's bellybutton a long lick for good measure.

"Mm, the advantage of scales. Wanna give it a try?" Jenna asked looking up at Scott and licking her lips for effect. The colt nodded, kneeling down on the opposite side of the grinning gecko. The whole thing looked incredibly hot, and somewhat reminiscent of a scene from Dracula, especially when Jenna smiled and revealed her fangs. She poured out another shot on Liz and Scott copied her, putting his mouth on the reptile's scaly bellybutton. Apparently he didn't make a proper seal with his lips and ended up slurping the scotch, which in turned tickled Liz, causing her abs to twitch and smear the rest of it all over the colt's muzzle.

"Here, give it another try and I'll hold her still." She said, pouring some more scotch on Liz and putting one hand on the girl's thigh, while the other one went straight to her left breast. He wasn't sure how it would help keep her steady, bit Liz didn't seem to mind, sighing as the feline gave her a little squeeze. It took a couple more tries until the girls were satisfied he'd learned how to do body shots. Jenna's touches seemed to be having an effect, and the young colt caught a scent over the smell of booze.

"Ooh, I feel a bit worked up now... " Liz said as she flipped herself up and into a sitting position with reptilian dexterity. "I think I'm gonna cash in my chips now, if you get my meaning." She said, smiling at Scott. At first the colt figured Liz wanted to leave, but another look at her grin told him otherwise.

"Oh, don't worry, Jenna won't be watching!" she said, and for a second he thought he'd misjudged her. "I wouldn't dream of leaving her out. We're besties and we share everything. And since I won our bet, you have to do anything I want. In this case, the two of us!". Patting the stunned colt on the knee, she got up and started taking off her clothes, tossing them all around the room as she did a very energetic striptease.

"Now I know you two had a bet, but as far as I'm concerned you don't have to do anything you don't want to. So we'll have a safe word. If you want to 'tag out' just say something like..." Jenna paused and they both turned to regard Liz. The gecko girl was now kneeling in front of the couch, her breasts pressed into the cushions, her ass thrust up, and the tip of her tail moving from her pussy to her pucker as she went 'Eeeny, meeny, miney, mo...'.

"...psycho-slut, and all bets are off. Ok?" she asked, although one glance at the colt's crotch told her what his answer would be.

"Ok..." the colt answered, the leopardess flashing him a crooked, toothy grin.

"All right, stud, then go take care of your girl first." She said, gesturing to Liz who had apparently decided on a hole and was flicking the tip of her tail across her wet slit.

The colt didn't need a lot of prompting and took his clothes off as fast as he could. Jenna couldn't help but bite her lower lip as his boxers went and his 10 inches of stallion meat stood up proud and achingly hard. Not wanting to feel left out, the feline slipped off the t-shirt just as Scott took position behind Liz, the gecko's back arched as she wiggled her ass at the colt. Jenna plopped down on the couch in front of Liz, one long leg on either side of her as she slid down and brought her pussy to the lizard girl's mouth.

"Now let's shut you up..." she said as she placed a hand on her friend's head, guiding her gently but firmly.

Liz looked up at the feline as she slipped her long tongue past the leopard's moist folds, getting a slight purr before she even got to work. The sight was apparently more than Scott could take, and Liz moaned into Jenna's pussy as the equine's flared tip popped inside her followed by inch after inch of the stallion's rod. The gecko squirmed, burying her muzzle in the feline honeypot in front of her while her needy cunt was stretched out by the shaft sinking inside her. She put her hands on Jenna's thighs and spread the leopard's legs even further apart, her nose bumping against her friend's clit as her tongue slid even deeper inside and started to squirm. She gave a muffled moan when she felt Scott's hips bump against her ass, arching her back out further to get every last bit of his cock inside her.

"Just give it to her hard and fast. She's a big girl, she can take it. Right Liz?" Jenna asked. With her mouth buried in leopard pussy and her head held there firmly, Liz mumbled something and gave a thumbs up.

Scott, who by now was to buzzed and horny to be nervous, gripped Liz's hips and prepared to do just that. His eyes were darting from the sight of the rock-goddess pushing his girlfriend's head against her snatch, to the sight of the lizard's pussy clenching greedily around his cock. He drew out until his medial ring emerged from between those slick lips, before shoving himself back in, his crotch smacking into the gecko girl's firm cheeks. As he settled into a fast and merciless rhythm, Liz started making unintelligible yet encouraging sounds. The reptiles raised tail wrapped itself around his chest and Liz redoubled her assault on Jenna's cunny. The feline's enjoyment became apparent as her purrs revved up, and Scott could swear he could feel the vibrations transmitted through Elizabeth's body.

Jenna was leaning back and taking in the scene in front of her. The sight of the lizard's cute and somewhat unfocused eyes looking up at her from behind a shiny muzzle, the wet sounds of the colt's humping audible even above her purring, the sensation of that tongue thrashing around inside her like a berserk eel, and the smell of sex, whiskey and weed-smoke lacing the air. Liz was eating her pussy like it was her last meal, and Jenna slowly slid both of her hands on the back of her head. With a slight growl the feline bucked her hips and drenched the gecko's face. She wasn't worried about the couch - Liz was an artist with her tongue and wouldn't let a single drop escape her.

The sight of the leopardess cumming over his girlfriend's face struck a possessive chord inside the young stallion, making him pick up the pace. Less than half of his shaft was now sawing in and out of the gecko's quim, mewling noises escaping her as the colt dragged her hips back to meet every thrust. After one particularly loud squeak Scott felt her pussy pulse like crazy as Liz came, soaking both their crotches in her juices. It was taking everything Scott had to last this long, and the sensation of a tight snatch milking him sent him over the edge. He gave one last lunge, driving the gecko's face deeper into Jenna's cunt as his balls contracted and his cock pulsed. He groaned as he flooded the lizard girl's pussy, his mushrooming flare forcing her to take every last drop. Liz pulled her face from her friend's snatch, panting as she felt Scott soften and slowly withdraw. Jenna grabbed the gecko's chin and pulled her lips up towards hers, kissing Liz deeply as the stallion's flare slipped out of her with a pop, followed by a splash of seed from her now gaping lips.

The sight of the two girl's making out, Jenna licking her own juices from Elizabeth's face while the gecko's cunt drooled seed stopped the colt's cock in it's retreat back into his sheath, the thick shaft dangling from his crotch as he enjoyed the show. Jenna caught his gaze, and never taking her lips of Liz's gave him a very... hungry look.

"Mmh, I think it's my turn now." She purred, disentangling herself from the eager lizard. They got off the couch and Jenna patted the cushions, smiling at the colt and showing off those teeth.

"C'mon, stud! You've worked hard, have a little rest..." she said, her words sweet, her grin still predatory. Scott was pretty sure they'd pounce on him the moment he did, but couldn't really think of any cons to being pounced on by these two.

Sure enough, the moment he stretched out the leopardess had straddled his hooves and bent over, bringing her mouth within reach of his semi-hard cock. He gasped when her tongue touched the base of his shaft and writhed futilely as she ran it up it's glistening length, her raspy feline tongue feeling electric as it slid along his still sensitive flesh.

"That's the idea, get him nice and clean! But oh no! I'm still a mess down there, and Jenna's got her hands full. I wonder who I could get to clean me up..." she said in mock innocence, and the moment Scott's eyes meant her, he knew what was next.

The horny gecko practically jumped on the couch, swinging one leg over the colt's chest and thrusting her ass out, bringing her creampie within an inch of the horse's muzzle.

"It's only fair Scott. You made the mess, after all..." Jenna said, and even though his vision was eclipsed by a scaly rump, Scott could hear her smirk. Very well then, this means war! Determined not to back down, the colt dug his thumbs into the gecko's lips, spreading them wide before plunging his thick equine tongue inside her. He was rewarded by a squeal from Liz, the gecko girl enthusiastically pushing back until her muff was rubbing against the equine's muzzle.

With a few more licks and strokes Jenna soon had the stallion's mottled cock at full mast again. She took a few seconds to admire her handiwork before moving herself over the fleshy spire. One hand spread her well-tongued pussy, while the other gripped the colt just below his flare, guiding the blunt tip to her parted lips. Relishing the sensation of the pre spurting into her from the colt's member she gave a growl as she lowered herself down, her pussy swallowing the flare and wrapping itself around the veiny rod. She let out a deep purr as the colt's length slid deeper inside her, knowing the vibrations would drive Scott wild. It had been a while since she'd been with an equine, but the mild pain of being stretched to her limits only got the feline wetter.

Slowly but surely her cunt swallowed the pink and black shaft inch by delicious inch, until the leopardess was sitting on the colt's crotch. She started to grind her hips against her lover, enjoying the sensation of her clit rubbing against his fur. Elizabeth's moans brought her eyes up to meet the gecko's unfocused gaze. She leaned forward and brought her muzzle closer to the reptile's panting mouth, kissing her deeply as they shared the colt trapped beneath them.

Scott on the other hand was enjoying being trapped. He'd managed to clean Liz out just in time for her to start making a mess of her own, the smell of her femcum smeared over his nostrils making him feel more drunk than the scotch did. And the feeling of Jenna purring as her pussy gripped his cock like a vice was driving him wild. When Liz's moans became muffled he managed to crane his head a little, and past the curve of the gecko's ass he managed to glimpse the two girls frenching each other.

Breaking their kiss, Jenna turned her attention back to their captive stud, admiring the colt's lithe musculature. She ran her fingers over his body, starting at his chest, then sliding them down his sides and finally along his abdomen, stopping at the base of his shaft before going back. Every few seconds she would extend a claw here and there, enjoying the way the colt's muscles twitched beneath her touch as she left little furrows in his fur. All the while she was gyrating like a belly-dancer on his now soaked crotch, purring away as his cock rubbed all the right spots deep inside her.

"All right, stud, now let's go for a ride..." she said, leaning forward and sliding off his shaft just until his medial ring was out, before thrusting back, yowling slightly as she smacked her crotch into his. She soon settled into a vigorous rhythm, her purrs replaced by noises of a more feral nature as she rode the colt for all he was worth. Although the Scott's vocalizations were muffled by his girlfriend's pussy it became apparent that the feline's efforts were having an effect when Liz gave a squeak and came over his face.

The colt was fighting to catch his breath when Jenna had started sliding on and off his shaft, and thought he'd drown when Liz pushed herself back, almost swallowing his muzzle with her pussy before drenching his face in her juices. Desperate for some control over at least one of the sex-crazed females pinning him he put both his hands on the gecko's firm cheeks and gripped them firmly. This did nothing to deter the randy reptile, but Scott could at least stop her apparent attempts to swallow his head! He was so busy defending himself from that scaly slit he didn't notice Jenna had stopped moving at some point, sitting in his crotch once again.

"C'mon Scott, you're not gonna make the ladies do all the work, are you?" the leopardess said, stretching the term 'ladies' as much as the colt was stretching her.

The chastised stallion gave one sharp buck in response, bouncing the feline on his cock. Jenna gave a short yowl, followed by a purr of approval as she leaned back, resting her hands on the equine's thighs as he began to buck his hips, fucking her with short, rapid thrusts. Whenever she wanted him to go faster, the leopardess unsheathed her claws until they began to poke into his skin and it would literally spur the colt on to new heights. It wasn't long until he was jack-hammering into Jenna, the feline biting her lower lip as her pussy was being fucked raw. You're good kid, but there's no way I'mma cum before you do! Jenna reached between the colt's legs with one hand until her finger's reached his bulging sack. She grinned at Scott's muffled cry of alarm, the colt no doubt worried he was about to feel those wicked claws on his most vulnerable area. Fortunately for him the leopardess had other plans as she palmed the heavy orbs, fondling them with a practiced touch to make sure she outlasted the teen.

When she felt the sack pull up and leave her gentle grasp and the flare in her mushroom out she knew she'd won. With both hands once again on her stud's thighs she braced herself as the stallion's cock exploded inside her, those massive balls emptying and dousing her insides with every twitch and pulse. As that sultry heat spread through her she growled victoriously, letting herself go, her pussy milking the colt's shaft as her claws dug into his legs just deep enough to break the skin. As she came down, she ground her mound against his crotch, wanting to keep that monster inside her for as long as she could. Looking at Liz she realized that at some point while Scott was rutting her the gecko had managed to get herself off again. The three just stood like that for a while, panting with exertion, until the two femmes relented and released their captive stud. The girls helped Scott sit up and curled up possessively on either side of him as the trio enjoyed the afterglow.


After a while they were saying goodbye, Liz making Jenna promise to drop her a line next time she was in the area. Before they left, the leopardess handed Scott the t-shirt she'd been wearing earlier. It still smelled of her, and written in a silver sharpie were the words : I 'GOT IN' BACKSTAGE AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY T-SHIRT, which Scott knew wasn't true. He also got a good-bye kiss, and quite a few scratches...

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