Good Enough Chapter 23

Story by ragewolver on SoFurry

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#24 of Good Enough

I have a feeling that this is going to come back to haunt me later. After all, I'm a musician by vocation, not a writer, but fuck it (pun intended)! Here it is and yes, I wrote it. It may be good, it may be crap, but it's mine and I'll gladly take any and every critique

Chapter Twenty-Three--The First Time

Damien could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he kissed Thomas deeply, Thomas's paws snaking behind him to pull him closer. When he pulled back, he gazed into Thomas's eyes, his breathing heavier than before.

"You okay?" Thomas asked.

"Don't ask me that right now," Damien said. His paw dipped lower, reaching beneath and pulling Thomas's shirt up higher; Damien could feel those muscles that Thomas worked so hard on. "It'll ruin the moment."

"Feeling bold?"

Damien nodded as he stepped back for a moment. He lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it haphazardly aside. "Don't make me think too much about this," Damien said. "Don't want me to back out, do you?"

"Not at all," Thomas answered, jumping up. He pulled Damien close to him, locking lips once more as his paw explored every bit of exposure. Then, it dropped lower, until it grazed Damien's tail. Damien's yip of surprise was muffled by Thomas's muzzle and, as he felt Thomas's paw stroke his tail, he moaned into Thomas's mouth, failing in his attempt to hide his own excitement as shivers of pleasure began to jolt through his system.

"Like having your tail played with?" Thomas asked.

"N-no--ah," Damien moaned as Thomas began to stroke his tail again.

"Liar," Thomas taunted. Something tugged at his waist and he looked down. "How'd you do that so quick?" he asked, noting that his belt was undone--Damien was pulling at it, pulling it free from its loops.

When the belt was free, Damien started to unbutton his boyfriend's jeans. "Benefits of playing music; good with my paws," Damien explained playfully, dragging the zipper down. The jeans fell in a heap around Thomas's ankles and he stepped out of them.

Damien took a moment to stare at the length in his boyfriend's briefs, the outline visible against the green fabric. He pushed Thomas backwards until Thomas was sitting on the bed before lowering himself down to his knees.

"You know, you don't have to give me a BJ," Thomas reminded him.

"I know I don't have to," Damien answered, hooking the waistband. "I want to."

Thomas sucked in his breath as Damien pulled him out of the confines of his underwear. Damien stroked the organ carefully, silently noting its size. He heard Thomas's breath hitch as he started to stroke it, his paws gently moving up and down, feeling it throb. Damien bit his lip before sticking out his tongue. A slightly salty taste met his palette and he steeled himself.

I'm really about to do this, he realized.

He leaned forward and licked along the length, feeling it throb in his paw and against his tongue, grazing the barbs around its head. Thomas let out a hiss like noise as Damien brought it closer to his mouth, encasing it in his muzzle. Steadily, he went down lower, feeling Thomas's body start to stiffen. He could hear Thomas moan above him, as he sank lower.

Then he pulled back and repeated. Again and again, awkwardly and randomly at first, but he soon found a rhythm. Thomas's fingers laced themselves through his hair and Damien could tell he was holding back his instinct to thrust. A strange giddiness filled him as he continued; he held this strong, proud panther in his grip--literally. His free paw went to work, undoing his shorts. He reached in and pulled himself out, stroking himself as he sucked on Thomas's length.

Suddenly, Thomas's grip tightened and he pushed Damien back. "Hold it, back off," he gasped.

"What's up? You okay?" Damien asked, his throat strangely dry.

"Y-yeah, but I don't want this to end to quick, you know," Thomas answered. "Took a while to get here. Let's drag this out."

He went over to his pants on shaky legs, pulling something out of the back pocket. Damien watched as he pulled out two small packets, something he recognized almost immediately--it was the lube that Nathan had so "thoughtfully" provided. Damien absently wondered how many packets of lube Thomas had bothered to bring, but the thought was shelved as quickly as it had come as Thomas turned back around, a sly smile on his face. Thomas neared him and Damien sat on the bed, watching intrigued as Thomas kneeled, lowering Damien's shorts and boxers down.

The feeling of someone else's touch on his member made Damien shake with anticipation. Thomas, stroked it once, twice, before engulfing it in his mouth, sucking him down to the knot. Damien bit back his moans, embarrassed by the sound as Thomas returned the favor. He bit his lip to keep himself quiet, instead allowing only small gasps of pleasure as Thomas's tongue glided across it.

Then he felt it; with a free (lubed) finger, Thomas began to prod at his entrance, gently at first, then more incessantly until he pushed in and out, in, out. Damien body trembled as his pleasure began to spike, to peak. Then Thomas added another finger, stretching him out to prepare for what he had planned. But Damien's mind was too engulfed in the feelings to think on what was going through his boyfriend's twisted mind.

"T-Tommy..." he gasped loudly. And he lost it; reflexively, he curled forward, thrusting upward into Thomas's mouth. He felt his pleasure release and as he came back down from cloud nine, he looked down at Thomas. A small bit of cum dribbled out of his mouth and he wiped it away.

"I'd like some warning next time," he said.

"S-sorry, it just felt so..."

Thomas jumped up, fingers still inside Damien, pushing him forward and kissing him passionately. As his fingers worked inside of him, Damien moaned into Thomas's mouth, his body still feeling limp from his first orgasm at the hand of another. Thomas pulled back, a small string of saliva connecting their lips as they looked into each other's eyes.

"Think you can take me?"

Damien nodded weakly.

"Come on, talk to me," Thomas said, still working his fingers. "I like it when you're louder."

Face burning beneath his fur, Damien said, "I can take you," in a hiss-like whisper.

Thomas smiled and withdrew his fingers. He picked up the second packet of lube from the floor and ripped it open, smothering it over his member generously before lining himself up. He spared one more look at Damien, awaiting affirmation. Damien nodded.

The feeling of penetration was intense. Damien bit his lip as, all at once, the feeling came to him. The feeling of being filled steadily, the pain that followed the feeling of Thomas entering him, even at this calm, steady pace. He gasped and gripped Thomas's shoulders tightly, as though afraid he might drop. Thomas licked his neck sweetly and Damien could hear his voice in his ear, saturated with hormones and drenched in need.

"Don't worry. I'm right here," he said, sinking deeper into the tight warmth.

Damien's mouth was unable to form a reply. Finally, he felt Thomas completely inside, his legs wrapped tightly around Thomas's waist. Thomas didn't move just yet, instead lowering his head down to kiss and nip at Damien's neck. He kept as still as he could and Damien's mind began to race madly.

I can take this, he told himself, I can for him.

_ _ "You good?" Thomas questioned again.

"Y-yeah," Damien said. "It's just... so... much..."

"We'll take it slow," Thomas promised and he started to move, inching along as Damien felt every bit of him that he could give. And Damien could see it on Thomas's face; he longed to let loose, to go as hard as he could.

And as the pace picked up steadily, Damien's attempts to hide his own moans began to fail. Each movement was a new sensation for him and, despite the intensity of it all, he was beginning to lose himself in it. From Thomas's eager licking at his neck (and bits of nipping) to the steady movements of Thomas's hips, he was starting to enjoy himself. He exhaled sharply and his paws went down to stroke himself, but Thomas caught his wrist, moving it above his head.

"You've already had one tonight," he said huskily. "Let me catch up."

Damien felt as though the words ignited something in him. Perhaps it was this position, knowing that Thomas was in control, or simply the excitement of this being his first time... He didn't know what to think as Thomas began to move faster and--

He let out his loudest moan yet and Thomas smirked.

"Like it?" he asked cockily.

Damien nodded; words took too much thought for him right now. The only noise that escaped him was the sounds of his own growing pleasure as Thomas's pace began to increase. He could see Thomas struggling to hold himself back, to drag this out. To savor this experience that he knew nobody else had yet with this husky.

His paws soon returned to Damien's cock, pumping it roughly. Damien's ragged breath hitched as he once more found that completion, less than his last one but no less powerful. Thomas suddenly pulled out quickly, pumping himself until he came, his seed splashing onto Damien's stomach, mingling with his husky's in the fur.

He looked as though he'd collapse, but he managed to avoid falling on Damien as he fell, face-down, onto the bed, chuckling.

"Fun?" he asked teasingly.

"Really fun," Damien answered breathlessly.

"Wanna take a shower now or tomorrow morning?" Thomas wondered.

"I don't know if I can move," Damien confessed. "That was a lot more than I thought it'd be... I wasn't sure if I could really handle it."

"I know something that might help," Thomas offered. "A nice hot bath to help us relax before bed."

"I'd like that, but you'd have to carry me," Damien said. "My legs aren't really working."


Thomas had woken up just minutes ago, staring at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He was scowling irritably as the thoughts raced through his mind. He had woken up harder than he had been last night and his dreams had been filled with thoughts of the little dog still sleeping in bed and the exuberance he had felt last night of breaking him in. And those faces he made, those forbidden faces that only he would see...

I never should've fucked that dog! Now I can't get it out of my head!

The sound of movement made him pause. Was Damien already...? No, he was just rolling over. He exhaled calmly.

"Tommy?" a groggy voice asked.


Within seconds, Damien had entered the bathroom on shaky legs, looking at his boyfriend tiredly. "I feel achy," Damien said.

Who says that first thing in the morning? Oh yeah, the guy you just fucked.

"Go lay down," Thomas said. "We'll get back to school soon, I promise."

"Can we get some breakfast? Something sweet?" Damien asked, looking at him with those soft blue eyes that looked weirdly innocent. "Please?"

"I go pick up something," Thomas said, "and maybe some aspirin to help that achy feeling."

"Thanks," Damien said, walking up to him. He threw his arms around Thomas, kissing him lovingly. "I don't think I said it last night. I love you."

"I love you too, puppy, but I'm wondering if you're even really awake right now," Thomas said.

"Probably not," Damien answered, "but I'm awake enough to know what we did last night."

Thomas frowned. "You don't regret it, do you?"

"No," Damien said, "but I'm kind of embarrassed. I was trying to be quiet but you made me louder than I wanted to be."

"Don't apologize for it," Thomas said, pulling him closer. Playfully, he patted Damien's butt and ran a finger along his tail, making the dog moan slightly. "I like it when you're louder. 'Tommy'," he said, throwing his voice in a rather odd impersonation of Damien.

"S-stop it," Damien breathed with a shiver. "Not like you'll be any better when we switch."

"I don't expect to be," Thomas answered.

Damien paused for a moment, caught off-guard by the lack of argument. Then he smiled. "Thanks for last night."

"I should be thanking you," Thomas answered. "I enjoyed it too. Can't wait for a repeat performance."

"I don't give repeat performances," Damien countered. "I always do better than last time."

Good Enough Chapter 24

Chapter Twenty-Four--The Mall Thomas's phone rang around ten-thirty, just as Thomas got out of the shower. Still dripping slightly, he picked it up from the countertop, unsurprised to see that picture of that smarmy, snarky rabbit. "Good morning,...

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Good Enough (Brother, My Brother)

Good Enough--Side Story--Brother, My Brother _Eight Years Ago_ Thirteen-year-old Nathan stomped into the house angrily, slamming the door behind him as he made his way upstairs, rage flowing through his veins. He walked upstairs and into his...

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Good Enough Chapter 22

**Chapter Twenty-Two--Confessions** The first call Damien got on Wednesday was in between classes. He had been on his way to the culinary building to taste-test whatever Thomas's new recipe was when his phone began to vibrate in his pocket. He was...

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