The Privileges of Public Service - Part One

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Officer Nick Wilde engages in some vital "community relations" with a member of the public who reveals themselves to be a fan.

This story was written for Silvergatomon as part of my Patreon themed request day for April. This month's theme was First Times. The story contains sexual acts between a consenting adult male and an unknown lover. ^^

The Privileges of Public Service - Part One

Nick glanced around the pleasantly aged, run down bar as he entered, nodding politely to the staff as they regarded his entrance and approaching in as casual a manner as one could while wearing a police uniform. The bar was relatively quiet, the evening still young, and while it did grow a little more so after he was noticed it wasn't due to any malevolence from those present. Indeed the few groups sitting around here and there with drinks in hand as pop music played over some old speakers set up around the bar appeared more curious than frustrated by his presence, mostly college students from the nearby Sahara Square campus. They were going to be sorely disappointed if they felt there was any intrigue to be gathered by listening in though.

"Sorry to bother you folks, but... uh... I don't suppose I could trouble you for use of your restroom. I'll happily buy a soda or something if you have a customers only policy."

The bartenders, a badger and a vixen, smiled and looked at each other, then back at the officer. The other fox went back to whatever it was she had been doing prior to Nick's arrival, unfastening an empty keg from beneath the bar and beginning to roll it towards a back room. The badger simply nodded towards the restrooms, but spoke before Nick could thank her or begin making his way in that direction.

"Of course. But, um... I hope you don't mind me asking. You're officer Wilde, right? First fox on the force?"

Nick blushed, reaching up and bashfully scratching at the top of his head with a few fingertips. It had been almost a year since he had graduated the ZPD academy and been placed on duty with Judy as his partner, but still people noticed. Still people commented. He tried to represent the ZPD to the very best of his ability of course, but at times like this he always felt like he was being asked to represent all foxes too. Not a job he had asked for, but one that he equally did his best to achieve.

"That's me. Is there something I can help you with? Something the ZPD can assist with, that is?"

The badger giggled, shaking her head and gesturing towards the vanishing tail of her co-worker.

"No. I just... we should thank you. You probably already know this, you've maybe heard it a million times, and if so I'm sorry for wasting your time. But, um... my friend always had trouble finding work. Good work, I mean. But after you were on the news everywhere and stuff, my boss came up and asked me about her. I'd tried to get her a job here months before, but he'd said no. Said that she wasn't what we were looking for in terms of a public face for the bar."

Nick frowned.

"Well, if your boss was violating employment guidelines..."

Shaking her head again, the badger's own cheeks flushed.

"Oh. No. I didn't mean... I mean, he's an asshole, but... I just mean that a lot of places discriminated against foxes, just for being who they were. And, you... being the public figure you became. Well, it helped. She got a job that she's amazing at. The customers love her, my boss loves her. And she's not the only one. It was never foxes that were the problem, but... you helped a lot of closed minded people see that they didn't have anything to distrust or fear. I just thought I should thank you for that."

Nick's face burned crimson. How the heck did you respond to a comment like that? He shuffled from foot to foot, scratching more intensely at the back of his head. The badger's eyes bulged all of a sudden as she watched him move around, and she giggled loudly.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. You needed to use the restroom. Please, go on."

Again she gestured to the back of the bar, and Nick took the chance to escape without any further social commentary being laid at his feet. He darted thankfully away, and soon moved into the solitary quiet of the restroom, disturbed only by the echoing radio music that had been playing in the background of the bar. There was a urinal of course, but given that he had his uniform on; his belt and the various pieces of equipment upon it, Nick opted for a stall instead. One of two; the door of one hanging open while the other remained closed with an Out of Order sign upon its door.

The stall he entered, like the bar it inhabited, was run down but clean. There was graffiti on the stall walls, but nothing offensive or untoward, and as Nick browsed the artistic leavings while unbuttoning and unzipping and unbelting he began to relax. To cut loose the weight that had been placed upon his shoulders by the bartender's words. Gratitude was bad enough, he was just doing his best to be a good citizen. To be someone he, and someone whom Judy could be proud of. But to imply that all the problems foxes and other predators faced were gone just because he had been made a fox, even if it wasn't merely some token gesture just as Judy had felt herself to be at one point, it wasn't something he wanted to get into.

He sighed, closing his eyes partially, though still keeping aim, as he began to relieve his bladder. For ten or fifteen silent, peaceful seconds he stood there and drained himself of the two coffees he'd consumed since the start of his shift. He shook himself off, even going so far as to grab a single square of toilet tissue and dab at the tip of his flaccid member.

Before he could begin to pack himself away and ready himself to resume his shift however, he heard movement in the stall next door.

"Uh, I think that one's out of order. I'll be out in a few seconds, hang on and don't cause a flood."

He called out calmly to the figure next door, but gasped sharply as all of a sudden the hanging toilet tissue dispenser upon the adjoining wall between stalls rattled and began to fall. With quick thinking and naturally adept reflexes he snatched it out of the air, only to yelp and blush, dropping it to the ground and rapidly covering his still exposed crotch when he saw a hole behind it. A hole, currently occupied by a single wide eye.

"Wh-what the hell! C'mon now. I'm a cop. You probably saw me come in. Look. I don't want to cause you trouble. Just make yourself scarce and we'll forget this ever happened."

Still covering his crotch, flaccid shaft still hanging free from the open zipper of his uniform's blue trousers, Nick grabbed for his badge with his other hand and held it up to the hole. The eye didn't withdraw though. There was no panicked cursing or cry of frustration. Instead he heard laughter, followed by a husky, growling moan.

"I know exactly who you are, Office Wilde. A-and... please, it's not trouble I want. I just... I want to thank you."

The eye disappeared from the hole, and a dark furred finger emerged through it, beckoning teasingly.

"We found this... hole... a couple of weeks ago. We've been waiting since then on a carpenter to fix it, but our boss is kinda cheap. All we could do was cover it up, keep one of the stalls out of order so no-one noticed it or was able to use it. I... I never.... never thought I'd..."

The owner of the voice swallowed thickly, and moaned again.

"But when I saw you walk in, I knew I had to take the chance. T-to... at least offer. I'm sure you're sick of it, but... ever since I first saw you on the news, ever since people all over Zootopia saw what you did? Life's gotten better for me. F-for... foxes like us. And since then, you've been my he-..."

Nick growled under his breath, red faced, humiliated not just by what was happening but by the fact he could feel his cock beginning to swell even as he bashfully cupped it in one hand. Why was this getting to him? Why was this turning him on?

"Don't say it. I... I mean... thank you. But, you don't have to look up to me specifically. I'm just a cop doing my best. A mammal like any other."

The voice on the other side of the thin stall wall giggled again. She murmured a teasing, playful negative.

"Nu-uh. Because... I haven't lain in bed at night fantasising about what other cops would do to me. What I'd do to you."

It wasn't a finger that protruded through the hole this time. It was the tip of a nose, only for that to withdraw and the flicking pinkness of a tongue beginning to protrude out into Nick's stall. The fox shuddered, but shook his head to himself in stern defiance.

"I can't. I... I appreciate what you're offering. And, I'm not going to arrest you, or say anything about this. But, I j-just..."

It was at that point the song on the radio changed. A very familiar song. One that Nick had heard in concert before, indeed at the first live concert he had ever attended. A night that had held a lot of firsts for him, and indeed for Judy and him as a pair.

He heard Gazelle's voice echoing through the restroom. He heard her familiar advice, that which Judy delighted at singing to him whenever he proved reticent in engaging in some new, spur of the moment activity that the bunny had decided they had to experience together.

He remembered the last time he'd heard this song at a bar. Or rather, at a barn dance out in Bunnyburrows while visiting Judy's family. How he'd watched Judy blushing and giggling as five or six rabbit guys and girls tugged off her clothes in a not so quiet corner of the barn, surrounded on all sides by hay-bales hiding them away from the rest of the gathered masses. He remembered feeling nine or ten other pairs of hands pulling off his own clothes. Looking at Judy, giggling, blushing, and telling him just to let it happen. To try it. To remember that no matter what they did with others, it didn't diminish what they felt for one another, and that they should never let their love for each other keep them from exploring new things.

Nick shuddered as he thought all of those things in the first few moments of that song beginning to play. His hand fell away from his now thickened and mostly erect member, only to return to it, but not masking its length from view this time. It wrapped around the base of his shaft, and guided it, lifted it as he took a step forward, then another. His whole body shook. He growled bashfully as the tip of his shaft brushed one edge of the glory-hole presented before him. And then, as a delighted, desperately lustful moan emerged from the vixen on the far side of the hole, his free hand pressed itself flat against the wall. His claws dug in, and he gasped, barely holding back a yelp as he began to receive one of the most overwhelmingly intense and skilled blow-jobs of his life.

"O-oh... god..."

With part of his shaft pushing through the dividing wall of the stall and that same wall preventing the mouth on the other side from pushing all the way forward along it, the vixen's muzzle placed all of its focus upon the foremost half of his erection. Intense suction focused on the head of his shaft. A rough tongue sweeping across it, encircling it and teasing, squeezing at it. Nick groaned as he felt his hips instinctively pumping, beginning to thrust against the wall after just seconds of the loud, slurping contact. He heard a groan of appreciation from the other side, and though it didn't seem possible the intensity ratcheted up once again in response to his more active response.

At the same time as he listened to himself growling and gasping, to the sounds of his own body humping at the side of the stall, he could hear the vixen on the far side growing increasingly excited herself. Moans gurgling out from around his cock, but also the sounds of other wetness. Rapid, rhythmic and damp slaps indicating that she was doing something which it didn't take an investigative cop to identify by sound alone. Nick groaned louder still. He'd never been able to resist the sound of a lady in pleasure. To this day he almost delighted more in feasting upon what lay between Judy's legs than fucking her, able to watch and listen and taste the ecstasy he provoked with his tender ministrations. And though he didn't know this vixen in any way beyond the brief sight of her at the bar, it was obvious that she wasn't putting on her pleasure for his sake. He could hear it. Smell it in the air.

"Ah. Ah. Oh god, d-don't stop... I..."

Claw marks appeared in the painted wall of the stall's side as Nick's thrusting grew more urgent, as he felt the suckling muzzle around his cock intensifying its own actions under the female's obvious and increasingly desperate pleasure.

"I'm g-going to... aahh! Aaahhh!"

A split-second before the fox could let loose the final howl of his pleasure however, the restroom's outer door swung open, and a voice began to call out before stopping dead in response to the still echoing sound of the fox's cry.

"Hey, Officer Wilde? Did you fall in or somethi-..."

Nick's eyes bulged as he heard Judy's teasing giggle trail off, and barely had the chance to stammer out a few frantic words.

"J-Judy. I'm... aaahh... f-fine... I just... h-haaahhhh... have to... aaahhhhgod. C-cumming!"

Through heavy lidded eyes as he began to unload into a muzzle that didn't appear the slightest bit put off by their sudden audience, hot ribbons of his cum pouring out into the maw of the gurgling, moaning vixen, Nick saw Judy's shadow approach the stalls. He saw her feet standing before them, and the shadow of her form tilting over to look under the stall doors first at him, then at his next door neighbour. All the while of course he was grunting. Snarling. Cumming uncontrollably down the throat of the woman suckling him to perfection.

And then, as he heard a muffled yelp from the stall next door and felt the bobbing, slurping action on his cock grow sloppy and rapid in an obvious signal of the vixen's own orgasm, he heard his partner's voice once more. Not angry. Not embarrassed. Giggling once again.

"Oooh... lucky fox. I'll just go and um... wait in the car. You take your time though. Community relations is, after all, the most important part of our public service."

Judy's feet turned to move away as the last of Nick's cum dribbled down the vixen's throat and he saw a small, glistening puddle beginning to spread out under the door from her side of the stalls. They stopped soon after though, and Nick whined bashfully as Judy spoke again.

"Next time though? Don't be afraid to call for back-up. I haven't been on my knees at a glory-hole since... wow, yeah, since the ZPD academy locker rooms. Mmh. Good times."

Nick was about to call out to Judy, to tell her to go back to the car and stop sharing the lurid details of her sex life with the public, when he felt the muzzle wrapped around his now spent but still throbbing cock pull back. Instead of his own voice, he heard the vixen speak, her voice strained with satisfaction and yet still ongoing arousal.

"H-hang on... is that... oh my gosh, is that Officer Judy Hopps??"

Nick heard the shuffling of the vixen rising hurriedly to her feet, and far too quickly for any clothes that may have been lowered or removed to be replaced he heard the stall door swinging open.

"Please... Officer Hopps. I was telling Officer Wilde how much of an inspiration he has been to foxes like me. But... you? You're an inspiration to me too, a-as a woman, as someone who wouldn't let society's expectations hold them back."

Nick's eyes widened as he saw a pair of feet with trousers wrapped tangled around their ankles shuffle forward, approaching Judy's own paws. He heard the bunny giggle and begin to say, albeit less awkwardly than him, that such praise wasn't necessary. It stopped however, replaced with a soft gasp of excitement, mere moments later.

"Oh. O-oh... my..."

Judy moaned softly. Nick's eyebrows shot upward.

"Please, Officer Hopps. L-let... what I did for Officer Wilde. Let me do that for you, too."

He listened as he watched the two pairs of feet, vixen and bunny, retreat back to the stall. Listened as Judy moaned again, louder, then louder still. And all of a sudden it was he who was on his knees, hand instinctively moving to his still swollen if over-sensitive cock while he peered through to the stall next door.

He saw the vixen bartender on her knees once again, and facing him, pressed to the opposite wall of the neighbouring stall, he saw Judy, her uniform's lower half being peeled down her legs with a hungry vixen maw already pressed between her thighs.

Judy's eyes met with his own; peeping, observing through the glory-hole, and she moaned as she reached down and stroked the vixen's ears. She let the bartender eat her out, and she let Nick watch as it happened right in front of him.

"Ah. Ahh... yes..."

And in the background, all the while, the last few bars of that song were still playing. That song which embodied so much of Judy's zeal for life, and eagerness for new and wonderful experiences. The very sentiment which had kept Nick from turning his back on this experience before it had begun, and which now had allowed it to spin off into something even more gloriously lewd and exciting.

"Try everything..."

Nick growled through the stall wall as Judy wrapped first one leg, then both around the vixen's head, rolling her hips and grinding at the face eating her out.

"Anything. J-just... make sure you make her cum, hard."

By Jeeves

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The Privileges of Public Service - Part Two

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