Meet Me in the Living Room (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#43 of Meet Me (Patreon)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

A mouse is getting ready for his date, but his step mother needs to have a word with him before he goes.

Awesome art by:

Read the full story here:

Most Saturday afternoons were quiet, but Adrian was someone with big plans for this particular evening. School had been tough and his classes were hammering him hard, but he had all of his homework done and he was caught up on all of his projects. Now it was time to have a bit of fun with his girlfriend.

The Mouse stepped out of the shower and quickly grabbed a towel. He dried down the thick brown hair on top of his head before going down the rest of his body. He meandered to the front of cabinet right above the sink and rubbed away a portion of fogged mirror so that he could see his own reflection. Devilishly good looking, he thought to himself and grinned. He leaned in close so that he could better see any blemishes on his face or fur, but there weren't any.

Chuckling to himself, Adrian wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out into the hallway. To his surprise, there was someone there, right outside of the bathroom door. He came to a startled halt and blinked as the image of his step sister, Kat, came to him.

She was a good looking girl, though not as alarming gorgeous as some of his other classmates. She had the beautiful fur pattern of a lynx and she was very proud of her clean coat and dazzling spots. Her dark red hair was done up in a messy bun, and her sweatshirt hung from one shoulder while the sleeves overhung her paws. In her grasp was a milk crate that had various assorted acrylic paint tubes and dirty brushes.

Adrian blinked as the encounter had rendered him speechless, but Kat was quick on the draw. "Well what do we have here?" she chuckled and set the crate down near her door, which was right next to the bathroom. In fact, this kind of occurrence seemed to happen quite frequently. "Trying to sneak past me without paying the toll?" she said with a grin.

"Come on, Kat, don't do this," he grumbled and a slight blush began to grow over his cheeks. The girl was a year or two younger than him and in her last year of high school. Even though she was a fully matured adult she hardly ever acted like it.

"Do what? It's only ever a kiss. Don't be such a dork about it," she pressed and positioned herself in front of him. The hall was too narrow for him to step around her quick enough, and since she was a little bit shorter than him but of a similar thin build, he couldn't really overpower her.

The blush grew brighter over his cheeks and he averted his eyes. He didn't want to admit that he liked it when she did things like this, he had to keep up a convincing facade. "It's weird. We're siblings and stuff," he mumbled.

"Not by blood," she countered. "Now are you gunna kiss me or are you gunna miss your date tonight?" she asked with a smirk.

Adrian's ears perked up and he blinked in surprise. "How did you-"

"I know everything that goes on in this house, remember?" she chuckled and crossed her arms over her chest. "So what's it gunna be, o-brother?" He still refused to meet her eyes, but he conceded to her whim. He slowly stuck his tongue out to her and let his eyes fall shut. She grinned and moved up closer to him. "I'm glad you see things my way," she murmured as she took his tongue between her lips.

Her mouth pressed to his and her tongue press against his own. The embrace was strong and to the point. He felt her paws take a firm hold of his arm while the other came around to his back. She tilted her head and forcefully pressed closer. It felt like she was tasting him, how her wiggling appendage went as deep as she could get it before completely pulling back. Almost as quickly as it had begun, it ended.

Kat tilted her head back and grinned, a line of saliva momentarily connecting their lips before it broke. "There, that wasn't so bad was it?" she whispered and then brought him closer again, though this time it was to whisper into his ear. "Your girl isn't gunna fuck you tonight. So when you come home with blue balls, remember this: I never wear clothes when I asleep, and my door is always unlocked."

She punctuated her message with a light shove to untangle themselves and then went back to her room, nudging the crate inside before she wordlessly closed her door. Adrian was left standing there in the hall, seemingly frozen solid. He didn't realize it but he had been holding his breath. He let out a shuddering exhale and realized that the front of his towel was beginning to tent. His cock was already semi hard and he couldn't keep his breathing under control.

Adrian rushed to his room and slammed the door shut with his back braced against it. He shook his head quickly to dispel his step sister's affect on him and then went to his dresser. He pulled out the drawer and got out some of his nicer clothes and began putting them on. It was right as he pulled his shirt over his head that his phone on his computer desk made a jingle and vibrated. He nabbed the device and saw who texted him.

"Be there in 20." was the message that blinked first, coming from his girlfriend Samantha. He smiled affectionately at his screen and hovered his fingers over it, ready to type out a response but a new message flashed across the screen, this one from his step mother. He read it slowly, though there wasn't much to it. He swallowed hard at what it must have meant, and then slowly turned towards his door.

Read the full story here:

Meet Me Near the Windmills (Patreon)

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