spike a rarity get there chance

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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until my stuff gets comments on this is all you get from me, i have more stuff but until i start getting comments is all you get, a pony story that i finished as you don't desive the other stuff i have yet

Ever since they had first meet spike was in love with the white unicorn pony named rarity.

As much as she would denied it, rarity liked spike too, but more then just motherly love more sexual love, she had always wanted to do it with a dragon but couldn't as they were either wild or too big for her.

Spike had a few pictures of rarity mostly when they went to the beach and she looked fabulous.

Rarity had brought a dragon dildo, she would always use it whenever she was frustrated, when she came she would always say after wards, "good my spike, now fill me again".

One day rarity had a free day, it wasn't spa day with Fluttershy, sweetiebelle was on a camping trip with the school and there were no orders and no work to be done.

"I must say rarity dear, you have nothing to do, I think today is a great day to relax, maybe do some stock taking order the shop a little"

She said smiling, but within 2 hours she had done that,

At the same time spike was waking up, he had been going to sleep late at nights as twilight was shorting books, again.

As he woke there was a note as well as some breakfast gems, spike ate the gems smiling then read the note it was from twilight.

"Dear spike,

"I'm at the castle, the princess wants to update her old books, a few have been sent here already, please put them in the right order, I'll be gone for the whole day, enjoy it, just no parties or anything home wreaking"

Spike looked at the books, they where old and were all written in old text, spike understood it thanks to a spell twilight gave to him.

He had a quick read though, he liked to read the books, or at least anything that looked good, then on one of the pages something caught his eye.

It was an aging spell; he read it and then read it again.

"To make something age you will need to use this spell, this spell works on anything, just aim and fire, the only down side is the fact that the object dose not age in mind,

"The body will but the mind will stay as it is, the mind is very hard to understand, so if this spell was used on a foal, the foal would still have a foal mind but be in the body of a fully grown adult"

Spike was really interested by this spell, then there was a knock but not just any knock a rarity knock

Spike opened the door and there was rarity in a lovely outfit, spike looked and blushed.

"Rarity you look great as always, how can your number one dragon help you today?"

He said opening the door

"Oh spike so cute and wonderful, but I don't need your help today, is twilight around, I've not spent much time with her and I think today is perfect as I have a free day!"

She said smiling

"Oh well um rarity, twilight's not here, but I'm not doing anything, I could spend time with you!"

He said smiling

"Oh spike that would be great, I need to spend time with you and twilight but a solo with you would be great too"

She said hugging him

"So where would rarity like to go on her free day?"

Spike said locking the library up

"The spa dear, I must look great, plus you and I can have a little talk"

She said smiling

Spike blushed and got onto rarity's soft back, he sighed, he wished he could use that spell to give her a ride.

As they got the spa rarity opened the doors the pink and blue spa sisters smiled.

"Miss Rarity, this is a surprise, it's not your spa day with your yellow friend"

The blue mare said

"Indeed it is not dear, but rarity has a free day, so put fresh mud in the mud bath, mommy needs a good muddying"

The two mares nodded and filled the mud bath with fresh mud,

Rarity smiled getting in, the mud making her relax and feel great, spike then got in with her, the mud felt good on his scales.

"So spike how's things?"

Rarity said as her horn glowed bringing up a drink

"Everything's great, I do have a question though rarity, I mean seeing as were alone"

He said blushing as what he was about to say was quite ambitious

"Go ahead spike ask away"

She said sipping the drink

"Well if you could, would you have sex with me?"

He said quickly then ducked under the mud

Rarity gulped her drink then swallowed it and breathed.

"Yes, I would spike, but you're small so it won't happen until you're older"

She said making him un-sink from the mud

"Well that's the thing, I've found an aging spell in the books that twilight sent from the castle, my body would change but well my mind would stay the same"

He said blushing

Rarity thought about it, she had always wanted to do a dragon, and now spike was offering, she thought about it, but then thought no more

"If this is true then yes I will spike, but only if you are telling the truth, I don't want to be turning you into what you were when it was your birthday"

She said thinking of the time spike grew into a monster dragon and wanted loads of stuff

"That won't happened, well I hope it won't, I don't know, but we'll have to see so is it a yes rarity? I'll promise if I have sex with you I'll be gentle, I'd never want to hurt you, down there"

He said pointing to her mare hood

"Aw spike, you could never hurt me, after all your words are true"

She said kissing him then getting out of the mud bath and drying off, spike did the same he felt rather better, those mud baths really do work wonders, he said in his mind

Rarity then said bye to the twins as they worked on other ponies.

Spike then got into Rarity's back and they walked to twilight's.

Spike opened the door then let rarity in bowing as she did making rarity giggle.

"Okay then spike where is this spell book?"

Rarity said looking at the old books that had come in

"It should be here?"

He said looking in the place he'd left it but it wasn't there, he started to panic

"You haven't lost it have you spike? That would be terrible; I wouldn't be able to do what you wanted to do"

Rarity said smiling as spike looked though books she then saw that at the bottom of some new books was this old book

Spike looked though the books but couldn't find the spell; he then thought has twilight taken it back? Did rainbow dash take it?

He ran around in a circle rarity then smiled and stopped him.

"I can't let you suffer any more spike, is this the book your after?"

She said using her magic to pull up the newer books and there it was

"Yes this is it!"

He said getting the book and opening it then looking for the spell

He then found it and let rarity read it, rarity read it and was quite surprised at how easy it looked, but it wasn't, new spell are very hard to do, much as rarity had learned from Sweetiebelle's, and seeing twilight do a new on.

"Spike, go get some items, I want to make sure I can do this, go get some oranges"

Spike saluted rarity then ran off to the market

Rarity looked at the spell and her horn glowed, she was doing the warm up to this spell.

Spike went into town and got some oranges, he then brought them back to rarity before rushing back out, he'd run off so fast he's forgotten to take his money bag.

After he had paid the pony, he was quite out of breath.

"Okay spike I want you to put the orange there and then I'll see if this spell works"

Rarity said watching as spike put the first orange on the table

Rarity's horn glowed she gasped then shoot a blot of magic at the orange, it glowed then started to change shape, it got bigger then burst.

Rarity stopped, spike put another one up, rarity did the same thing again this time the orange shrank in size, the spell had worked but it had de-aged, the orange was now more like a Satsuma then an orange, but when spike tasted it, it was like eating a fully grown orange.

Rarity tried again, this time she got it right, the skin of the orange went a little moldy but the insides tasted the same.

"I think I'm ready for you spike, I'll be saying that again later if this works"

She said smiling

"I'm ready rarity, please do it!"

Spike said standing were the oranges had been and closed his eyes

Rarity's horn glowed then she gasped as the magic hit spike, she then groaned as the magic started to do its stuff.

Spike felt the change, his body started to grown, his claws got bigger, his body got bigger, his legs arms head and teeth all grew, but he still felt his normal self.

Rarity groaned as the spell took its toll on her, oranges were easy to age; spike though was harder as he was living more stuff to ages.

Rarity then felt fainted the magic faded and she fell to the floor.

When rarity woke she was in twilight's bed, she groaned rubbing her head and her horn which was still warm.

"Ah your awake, great how do you feel rarity?"

Said a deeper then spikes voice but still had spikes voice

"Who's that? Where's spike?"

Rarity said rubbing her eyes then looking when they focused

There in front of her was a pony sized dragon, if a little bit bigger; it had the same purple coloured scales as spike the same yellow under belly and the same green bits.

But the spike rarity knew wasn't the same size, she got up then shock her head and looked.


Rarity said looking at the dragon she once knew

"Yes, I'm older now, my mind is still the same as young spike but my body has changed, thank you rarity you did it!"

Spike said holding her or more a tight hug

"It really did work? This isn't a dream or you're a friend of spike, how can I tell it's you?"

She said looking at the pony shaped dragon before her

"Easy, this is something I've wanted to do but never could, no other spike could or would do this"

He leaned into rarity and kissed her, his forked tongue making her blush as it wrapped around hers she then felt faint again, it was spike, her spike

"You really are my spike, but has it changed the one major thing that your younger self lacked? Well not lacked but wasn't going to be effective?"

She said with a slight blush

"Why don't you find out?"

He said with a grin

Rarity blushed and looked under, there was still a slit for a dragon, she gave his belly a slight rub and a tip emerged from the slit, she rubbed more spike letting out a throaty roar of pleasure.

The thing from the slit then grew and was much bigger then spikes old tool, she smiled rubbing it, then seeing pre leak from the tip.

She then licked the tip, for the first time she tasted dragon pre seed, it was sweet, rarity blushed as there it was, a big long dragon cock, at least the size of seven inches the same as stallions but thicker like a dragons and with a knot at the end like most dragon have.

"My goodness spike, you are very well equipped, I think I'm going to have fun with that, but first, seeing as it is getting near the afternoon, I think some plans are in action"

She said getting out from under spike

"Like what?"

He said smiling just happy that the spell had worked

"Oh, you know dinner, a nice walk to mine, or a ride on your back then as I get inside my home we have sex, oh and I want you to make sure you are ready as I want to feel you in me spike"

She said smiling and blushing

"Sounds more like a date but sure I'll do that, let's go!"

He said bounding down the stirs

"Oh spike, not yet, I have to get ready and so do you, I want you to, pull some logs about, get your testosterone flowing so you are ready to have sex"

She said smiling

"Sure thing rarity!"

He said exiting and heading to the forest

Rarity went to the spa had a quick make over and a relaxing horn rub, she then went to her home and putting on her bested dress, she then waited for spike to return.

Spike had found some worker ponies clearing a forest area of dead trees; he helped them his body sweating from this he knew that tonight he would be getting something he had wanted for ages.

After all that pulling of dead trees spike went home, he dived into a lake and washed himself making himself nice and clean, he then walked to rarity's where she was waiting.

Spike lay on the floor his tail then moved and rarity got onto him, she now knew what he felt every time he got onto ponies back.

Spike then walked to the fanciest restraint, he then let rarity down and they entered.

The waiters were unsure on the dragon but when spike growled it wasn't a baby dragon growl it was a small adult growl, they soon let the pony and dragon sized pony in.

Spike pulled rarity's chair out and let her sit in it spike then pushed it towards the table he then sat down.

Rarity looked at the menu there was so much enough to make any pony full soon the waiter came over asked them for there orders.

"Yes darling, I'll have the roast hay on the salad,"

Rarity ordered the waiter smiled and wrote it down

"And what will sir be having?"

He asked spike as spike looked though the menu

"Got any gems? I'm not sure if I'll like them in this form I mean I'll have something that is popular"

He said blushing slightly still not thinking like he was a pony but a dragon

"Very good sir that is the hay on fries and with a side dish of spicy dip"

He said taking there menu's

Spike looked at rarity and smiled rarity smiled and they talked spike mostly wanted to know how to act like a pony, rarity told him and he got used to it.

The meals came and rarity put on a nap kin spike just started to eat face first not seeing the hoof shaped eating utensils making rarity feel unhappy she then used her magic to stop him from eating face first she then taught him how to use the utensils which he used to eat the food.

Which he liked the spicy part was good he ate it all the after's came which rarity ate spike then used his long tail to feed rarity the ice cream, she ate it and giggled when spike cleaned her face with his tail.

The bill then came and spike looked at himself how could he pay? Rarity then put a card on the plate it said "mane six rarity change it to the castle of princess" which they did spike then helped rarity out of her chair and the two left rarity getting back onto spike's back, spike then walked them home.

"Wow rarity that was great, I really hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did"

Spike said letting rarity get off him

"Oh spike it was lovely but the nights not over, can I invite you into the house for some gems? Or maybe tea?"

Rarity said with a wink and wiggling her rump at him

"Sure thing rarity!"

Spike said following her in only just getting though the door height wise

Rarity used her magic and a table appeared with tea on it, spike sat down and smiled as he drank the tea rarity then spoke,

"So spike, when are you going to ask me if you like to have a fuck?"

Rarity said drinking her tea looking at spike's reaction

"A fuck I what cough? cough!"

He said choking on the tea from what rarity had said to him

"Please darling, I've wanted you for a while and now in this form we can at last go for it! Please spike I have needs that no other stallion I mean dragon stallion could do"

She said putting her hoof on his and making bedroom eyes at him

"well I've wanted you as well rarity but what with me being so small I guess I felt well I felt like it would be a ball going into a goal you'd not feel anything"

He said blushing and looking at rarity

"Oh spikey wikie, even if that was so I'd still enjoy it now c'mon I want to remember this night forever"

She said leading him to the bedroom

Rarity closed the door and told spike to get on the bed, spike then stopped and put rarity on the bed he then licked her hoofs suckled on them then started to lick her tits making her moan out he then licked with his dragon pony tongue which was thick but also forked on her pussy lips making her gasp she then felt him push into her making her moan out as his tongue danced around in her lady parts making her feel more pleasure then any lump of rubber could do.

Spike licked and rubbed around like crazy rarity would gasp and moan out arching her back as she felt him explore her Virginia she then screamed out letting out some magic as spike licked her g spot spike knew he'd found it rarity then put on a ring for her horn her magic would be stopped.

Spike licked that spot with his tongue coiling around turning licking and flicking it making rarity start to see stars as well as get close spike kept on going he rubbed his cock as it was hard and throbbing as well as dripping pre onto the bed.

Rarity then screamed and came her orgasm spayed spike's face with juices which made him utter a low rumble as he felt this on his tongue.

Rarity gasped and panted she was out of breath but not finished spike let his tongue slide out making rarity moan he then looked at her she then told him to come closer she saw his cock and kissed him she then said the words she had wanted to say to him for years and what spike had wanted to hear from her soft lips.

"Fuck me spike, I'm yours and no one else's"

Rarity said rubbing his cock feeling it in her hoof it was the length of a stallion but was in the shape of a dragon's complete with knot

Spike just murred and rubbed his cock on her pussy lips making rarity gasp rarity then pushed onto it spike then pushed it into it making them both moan out.

Rarity could feel it filling her but this was the real thing no rubber not even on him could she get pregnant from this? That idea made her blushes but want it more.

Spike moaned as rarity was tight but so soft it was much betters then the pillow.

Rarity then felt spike pushing into her his cock sinking into her hole making her feel full every inch made her moan spike then hit his limit rarity's could feel him lightly prodding at her cervix his balls slapping on her plot making her moan more.

Spike then started to thrust like a true stallion dragon would rarity moaned holding onto him as the bed rocked spike thrusted more and more hitting her in all the right spots rarity gasped moaned then came her inner walls clenched as she had her orgasm but spike wasn't finished he kept on thrusting spike then thrusted deep the knot lightly rubbing on her pussy lips and entrance rarity wanted she pushed back the knot started to swell spike could feel his balls starting to churn and in need of release spiked thrusted rarity moaned and with one hard thrust pushing rarity's plot up the knot popped in making rarity scream but also see stars and make her eyes go into the back of her head.

Spikes knot popped in and swelled up he then roared as he came into rarity his seed went right into her womb spikes flared stallion head making sure to seal it in as well as the knot.

His balls emptied themselves into her womb making it swell rarity had the best orgasm ever.

She gasped as spike thrusted a bit more before he started to come down from his orgasm rarity's womb full of his seed would she get pregnant? Who cares that was the best fuck in her life a child would be a great memory of this night.

Spike feel onto rarity but lightly his cock throbbed in her they both kissed and gasped panted from that intense fuck.

"Oh rarity that was amazing I never thought it would feel that good, I hope your okay and I haven't hurt you"

Spike said looking down at the bulge and him self buried in her

"Nothing I can't take darling, besides if you had hurt me I think I could forgive you as that was the best fuck ever"

Rarity said kissing him she then removed the horn ring and pulled the sheets over them for a nice sleep

as the morning sun was raised by the princess rarity yawned and then groaned her back hurt but so did her pussy she then could hear the slush of something she looked at herself her womb was still full of seed even though when spike had pulled out or shrunk a load pooled out onto the bed a load was still in rarity.

She looked and there was normal sized spike, the spell had worn off, at that point rarity got up showered and started to make breakfast only to have her door rudely bashed open by twilight.

"Where is he? SPIKE!"

Twilight said looking around very angry

"Twilight dear what's the matter?"

Rarity said drinking her coffee still in her robe from the shower

"That dragon is going to be doing so much work when I get a hold of him; he took a book without checking it out a transforming book! There dangerous in the wrong hands"

She said going up stairs rarity using her magic to bring him down to the table

"Huh? What? Dah! Rarity what why am I in oh no"

He said looking at her she then kissed him

"Forget it darling you have something far worse to deal with"

Rarity said pointing at twilight looking at spike a little angry

"How many times do I have to tell you spike, if you take a book put it in the check out books book, besides why are you here?"

Twilight said now calm and taking the pot of coffee and making herself a cup

"Well Twi, I had a nice night with rarity which ended here and well I used a spell or she did to turn me into a much older me but in pony form"

Spike said rubbing the back of his head and rubbing his paw on the floor

"It's true twilight and if you don't mind I want to use it again, I want that spike back as he was just as nice as he is now but he was older"

Rarity said sitting next to spike

"Well I guess there's no harm done just be back at the library in a few minutes spike we have a lot of lists to check"

Twilight said exiting and taking the book leaving a copy of the spell used for rarity

"Will do twilight"

Spike said falling to the floor

Rarity closed the door after fixing it she then used the spell on spike but turned him back she loved it and so did spike.

Later on in the day rarity and the older spike went out again, rarity again had sex with him not caring about her womb in fact the few days off she had her belly started to swell she was pregnant but she didn't care thankfully when she did birth it was dragon eggs but they were not fertile turns out that spell had a small side adage it would make the pony doing it or thing doing the spell able to give birth to the now older lovers young but only if they wanted it which they didn't at least not now maybe when spike really was older.

~the end~

track day

The clock on the bedside table rung to the tune of some song waken me up to the morning, I yawned and cracked my neck rubbing it. As I got up I yawned and looked at the morning it was very sunny and today was a good day as today was cross country...

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It was a warm morning the sun rose over the busy small town. Ann woke up feeling hot warm and very horny she groaned getting out of bed her pussy feeling hot and wet. "Oh no, please not today or this week" She said looking at her calendar and seeing...

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put the win back into swimming

Bleep, Bleep, Bleep. Went the phone with my alarm clock on it, I hit it and it stopped, I yawned and wished the sleep from my eyes I then yawned clicking my jaw I'm not as young as I used to be. "Alex, what's on today agenda?" I said to the blue box...

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