Edugaytion Ch. 1 - Hands-On Learning

Story by AstroSecant on SoFurry

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#1 of Edugaytion

Well, this is something quite a bit different. This series of five chapters came about from a very vague idea that I decided needed expansion. In all honesty, I'm rather liking how it's coming out so far. Once again it's a high school setting, and there's a vague backdrop of bullying but it's not really the center focus this time - there are different themes that I'm interested in exploring here. They mostly are there to add to the flavor of the power dynamic, which I'm really having a lot of fun with. I'm still working on most of the chapters so they won't be back-to-back, but I'm hoping that I can finish them reasonably soon.

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: This story contains sexual acts between two males, reluctance, and attitudes that may be depressingly familiar.

"Your high school years are the best years of your life." Quinn's voice dripped with sarcasm as he read from the motivational poster on the hallway wall. "What a fucking joke."

"Oh, it's not a joke, it's a threat," his friend Davis quipped with a snicker. "If you don't make something of yourself, then your high school years really will be your best ones. And how fucked would that be?"

"I'll give you that. They sure as hell won't be MY best." Quinn was pretty sure they were already beaten by some of the ones before. The anole was small, scrawny, almost feminine in looks, and a total brainiac who was among the top ten students in the entire school, and only a sophomore. That had served him a lot better when he was younger and it impressed more than bothered...but in the last few years bullies had made his life hell, either out of jealousy or because they bought into the jocks versus nerds narrative. His appearance didn't help, resulting in jokes about his sexuality and claims that he had a pussy rather than a dick...which he now usually replied that he had more dicks than he knew what to do with, but which had originally really bothered him.

"Mine either. I don't think I need added motivation for that." Friends like Davis, a cat with an attitude that pretty much no one could match, were Quinn's salvation, helping him grow a thicker skin and deal with the bullies in a better way than he had been before. He'd gotten more confident and more quick-witted, countering the barbs sent his direction with his own. It didn't make the years that much nicer, but at least he had the emotional control to not let himself be swallowed by them. "But hey, there are always doofuses that don't get it, and would be egged on by dumb posters like this. Like Bryce and Josh and Travis."

"They'd have to be able to read them first," snickered Quinn. "They probably need it though, they're putting everything on getting sports scholarships, if they fail then these probably will be their best years."

"No kidding. If they put a tenth of the effort they put in their bodies into their brains, maybe they'd have a shot somewhere else when they found out they weren't good enough for the big leagues. You know like nine out of every ten doesn't make it out of high school level even, but they all seem to think they can do it. Of course, it could be their obsession with getting laid, too."

"Be fair now. We're not jocks and we're still obsessed with getting laid."

"Yeah, but we also have things planned out a lot better AND have better prospects, we have time for that." Davis seemed to have all the time for that, he was getting action at least twice a week, and no one had any idea how he kept that streak up. Quinn couldn't hope to compete, but he'd had his share of partners in the last year, mostly one-time romps just for relief between him and one of the other gay dudes in the school or out at a club, and occasionally he let himself be dragged into one of Davis's escapades. Probably more active than any of their teachers would want them to admit, but no way Quinn was going to let the jocks be the only ones getting their rocks off.

"And speaking of time, I think we've got to get to class now. Hey, are we meeting up after school?"

"Not today, I was planning on a nice night at home with a new book and a nice video series. But we're going to that thing at the museum this weekend still, right?"

"You bet! All right, I'll catch you later!" Davis dashed off towards his locker, and Quinn detoured nearby to his own, glad that he didn't have to go far. His schedule was pretty convenient that semester, there were good times to go get stuff for classes in two or three batches. He liked when things were fact that was something he thought he might want to do as a career, go into design of some sort for machines to create improved designs and reduce inefficiencies. Already he enjoyed talking design stuff with other students, and he knew that college would bring environments where he could really focus on that. Made it easier to get up in the morning and come to a place he wouldn't have hesitated to call a hell-hole some days.

As he opened his locker, he noticed a paper fluttering down to the ground. Curious, he snatched it up and opened it. His eyes widened in surprise at the contents:

[I want to talk to you. Meet me out by the loading dock after school. Come alone and don't tell anyone or you'll get it. Travis.]

Who had written it was as unexpected as what was written. Travis was a dragon, a big guy with lots of muscle, a school sports star who thought the sun shone out his asshole. He pushed around a lot of the nerdy types, Quinn included - in fact, Quinn had been one of his targets since middle school, and he'd made the anole's life especially hellish at times, particularly after he came out as gay. He still gave Quinn plenty of grief, but didn't like getting it back...and Quinn had gotten bolder over time and started to push back at the bullying, which put the two of them on a particularly special level of antagonism. Though, Travis at least hadn't harmed him physically, he pushed Quinn around a bit but never beat him up like some bullies had, he was smart enough to know that would get him in more trouble.

Had that not been the case, Quinn would have been more worried about what might happen at the loading dock. Travis wasn't going to attack him, that much he was sure of...and he didn't typically go subtle if he was trying to go at Quinn, either. bizarre as it sounded, maybe he really did want to talk. About what, he couldn't have possibly guessed...and there was only one way to find out.

The rest of the day passed almost in the blink of an eye - being distracted made time fly past pretty quickly. Quinn was pretty worry-free apart from the meeting - all homework for the next day finished, ahead on the longer projects. Which made him wonder if Travis was going to try to covertly ask for homework help...the dragon's pride would never withstand anyone finding out about that, for sure, but Quinn didn't have time to tutor him on every subject he was struggling with.

He made sure no one was paying attention as he snuck out towards the loading dock. It was in the back of the school, near the gyms, which was probably why Travis wanted to meet there...that, and students rarely went around back there except to ditch class, so after school it was likely to be as quiet a place as one could find on the school grounds. He hadn't actually been out there before, but he'd seen it from outside, not that there was much to see...

Pushing open the door, the warm outdoors air met him. Leaning against the wall was Travis, the big, red-orange-scaled dragon, about as big as four of Quinn and built like someone with a muscle fetish had pulled a Pygmalion. And yet, he looked anxious, agitated, not at all like the confident guy he always fact, this was the first time he had ever really seen the dragon this flavor of out of sorts. "Travis?"

The dragon jumped a bit - he was definitely on edge. He eased a bit as he saw Quinn appear, though still looking nervous. ", you're alone, right? No one followed you?"

"Not that I know of, no one had any reason to. Should I be worried about what you're going to do?"

"Just...check, okay? I don't want...I don't want anyone overhearing." Yeah, this was definitely odd behavior, and it made Quinn a bit edgy himself - was he on drugs or something, was that what this was about? Still, he took a quick look back indoors to help mollify Travis; if he was on something Quinn didn't want to provoke him.

"It's all clear. What the hell is up with you? You look like someone hired a hit man to take you out."

"Fuck, I wish." Travis sighed deeply. " can't say ANYTHING about this to ANYONE. I will murder you, and I don't care who knows it."

Quinn reared back a bit. "If you're wanting to talk, that isn't a good way to start out."

"I don't care. If this fucking gets out..."

"Okay, fine, fine. What's going on?"

That seemed to settle Travis down a bit, though he was still glancing around a lot. "'s the deal. I...need some help."

"Help...okay. You know our history, I'm not sure why you'd start coming to me for it...there's gotta be lots of students who don't hate you to help with your classes."

Travis scowled a bit. "It's not...with classes. And it's not like I want to. Rgh, fuck, believe me, if there was ANYONE else..."

Now that had Quinn curious. What was there that only he could do for Travis? "You're saying it's not about your schoolwork?"

"No...well, yes, but...not in that way. It's...look, my know they're not good. I know they're not good, I just...I didn't care, you know? I'm a sports guy, who gives a shit about stuff I'll never use? But colleges are tightening down on have to have good enough grades that you're not going to get suspended, so they want jocks who get something at least. But when my dad saw my last grades, he got pissed...said that if I wasn't putting in the work, then he wasn't going to pay my way through college. Meaning I'd be fucked if I didn't get a scholarship."

It was a bit of a surprise to Quinn. He'd heard Travis's family had money, but he didn't actually know what they did so he never knew if it was really true...but it sounded like they did, and that they took it seriously.

"I had to beg him...fuck, I hate even saying it. But I did...if I don't get the scholarship, he'll pay for college if I work for it. So, I have to see tutors three times a week to try to get my grades up, and I have to get a job."

"Okay...I'm still not seeing where I come in here."

Travis took a deep breath; it was clear he was avoiding it. "I haven't been very lucky with jobs so far...they said I don't have good people skills and such, so that closed off a lot. There's...uh...history, that's kinda...I think why they don't want to go for it. I...had an interview, with a construction company. The guy said, he'd...he might give me a chance, if the boss agreed, but that he'd need a couple weeks. And then..." the dragon swallowed, Quinn could swear he was turning pale. "He told me...that I could improve my chances with the boss...if I...appealed to him...and...gave him some...incentive. Um. Physically."

Quinn's jaw dropped like a meteor. "He did NOT say that!"

"So it is what I fuckin' thought it was. And I swear he said every word, not that I wanted to hear it."

"Okay...holy shit, wow. Yeah, he was...if that wasn't outright telling you you had to sleep with the boss to get the job, I don't know what is. Totally illegal in every way, of course, and you could probably report the guy who told you for trying to coerce you into it."

"Well...yeah, probably, but...that's not why I'm here. Because...I fuckin' need that job, you know? If I don't get it everything rides on a scholarship, and hell, I've seen some of those guys, and the scouts aren't saying much to me...I don't wanna be one of those guys who don't have anything."

That had Quinn unsure how to respond. On the one hand, it was a nice bit of poetic justice to imagine Travis, the guy who'd given him the most shit about gayness of anyone he'd known, to be forced to bend over for a guy out of desperation...on the other, there was no way that wasn't very, very wrong in reality. But it was what came next that really floored him.

"So...I need that job...and...I need someone to teach me how to be gay."


"How know, do that...stuff. I mean, I know...what gay stuff is, you know...but I don't...I've never done any sh-er, stuff like that. I dunno how to fake it, either. And...if he doesn't like how I do it...well, maybe he won't take me on.'re the only gay guy I actually know, so...I need you to...teach me."

Quinn stared at the dragon in utter disbelief. "You...hang on, you know that...that gay is an orientation, right? I can't...I can't just teach you to be attracted to guys."

"Of course I know that...I mean, I'm gonna have to fucking come up with something that'll get me hard, yeah. But...just, you know, the stuff. How to..." Travis's face screwed up in an unpleasant look. "Pleasure...another guy. I...I don't really...I mean, I've heard the, uh, stories and stuff,'s gotta be...there're tricks to it, right?"

"Well, yeah, it's a bit more involved than just sticking it in and hoping for the best." Quinn decided not to let on that that had been his original experience with it...just because he was intelligent didn't mean he couldn't occasionally get stupid. "Goddamn it...Travis, is this for real? Did you lose a bet, or did your buddies put you up to something stupid so that they could get at me?"

The dragon scowled, clearly not happy with being questioned. "No! I wouldn't ever do something like this for any of that! I don't...I never imagined I'd ever do dude stuff! If it wasn't for the fact that I'm fucked if I don't I wouldn't even consider it! If any of my buddies tried to pull a stunt like that I'd kick their ass and they wouldn't be my buddy anymore!"

That seemed a little excessive to Quinn, but for a guy whose masculinity was so easily threatened, the anole was pretty sure Travis was telling the truth. And that was the most frustrating part...because if he was telling the truth, he might actually get more angry at a refusal than an acceptance. "Okay, fine. But...if we're going to do this, we're gonna have to do it my way. And you gotta get over yourself and accept that if you want my help. If you start bitching about it, that's it, I'm done."

"No bitching, I promise. You're the expert, I won't question your, uh, methods. Uh...what are your methods?"

Quinn rolled his eyes; it was probably not a good idea to agree to that before he knew the terms. "Well, there's only one good way to actually teach this kind of thing, in my experience. You have to basically learn by doing."

The dragon's eyes widened. "W-wait...y-you want me you?!"

"'Want' is a strong word. If I wanted sex for the sake of sex I'd get it from someone who didn't hate me. But if you think I'm just gonna teach you by lecturing and having you take notes, forget it. Taking notes doesn't get you ready for the real thing. The only way to be sure you're not gonna get squeamish about actually getting down to it is actually getting down to it before you're required to. If you can't handle that, then you're not going to have any luck with this whole thing."

Now Travis was looking a little pale and unwell. It inspired mixed feelings in Quinn; on the one hand, seeing Travis so out of sorts was a bit amusing, since he usually had to put up with a cocky or nasty attitude instead...on the other hand, that he was getting this worked up over a normal part of Quinn's sex life was irritating at best. One of those stupid macho guys who saw something "wrong" with gayness...still, perhaps he could teach the dragon how to be more accepting at the same time as teaching him the ropes.

Finally, Travis nodded. "You''re right...I gotta learn how to DO it do it, not just...because...yeah., when do we...start?"

"How soon is your interview?"

"They said...the guy said two or three weeks. He wasn't more specific than that...uh, I kinda didn't press it because I...uh, had other stuff on my mind. That was this weekend..."

"Great. Let's assume worst-case scenario and that it's the Saturday after next. That doesn't give us a lot of time...about ten days. Well, the fortunate thing is that there aren't too many different lessons...I think I might be able to manage this. We'll start tomorrow. My parents aren't going to be home, so we can do this at my place...just, you know, try to get a hold of yourself. You're not learning how to murder a guy, it's just sex."

"It's not just sex, it's-"

"It's. Just. Sex." Quinn's eyes narrowed as he cut Travis off; the dragon looked a bit stunned, as much as Quinn felt. Somehow he had his long-time bully at a disadvantage...he couldn't deny that that at least was a good feeling. "You'd better start learning to think that way right now, otherwise you're never going to get through this."

"...O-okay. Y-yeah, okay...I understand." Travis swallowed roughly. "So, uh...I'll...see you tomorrow then. And...yeah...just, uh, keep a low profile, right?"

"I'd say you're the one who needs to do that, you keep looking all nervous and shit and everyone's gonna know something's up. I can keep my cool over it, can you?"

"...I'll try. Uh...thanks, I guess." That was all the more gratitude Quinn was getting, as Travis rather hurriedly walked back through the door, as if he was trying to escape from Quinn. The anole took in a deep breath and let it out in a long sigh. The hell am I getting myself into...he's probably going to flip out the moment he has to touch a dick other than his own. I hope he doesn't deck me...well, if he does, I'll be able to tell the story to everyone. No way I'm keeping this quiet if he's going to attack me anyway.

All told, Quinn felt like he'd done a pretty good job not letting on that there was anything unusual going on at school the next day. This despite the fact that he actually felt a little bit more anxious and preoccupied with it than he wasn't really the sex idea that bothered him, Travis did have the body type that he preferred even if he struggled to find him sexy due to his attitude. It was that attitude, though, that gave him concern. More and more he was certain that this was going to go badly, that Travis was going to flip out and do something rash. And he was going to do this with no one was a bad idea, and he was half-tempted to just call it off. Except, that had just as much chance to set the dragon off. Rock and a hard place...but he kept it bottled up, hoping that maybe Travis would bail himself. Perhaps the dragon wouldn't even show up, and he'd be off the hook.

He was still on edge when he got home; the empty house only seemed to magnify his anxiety. He couldn't really get calm, couldn't distract himself...anything he tried to do, he didn't have focus, too much of his mind was on the possibility that Travis would show up. He wondered how long he'd have to wait before he could assume that it wasn't happening...perhaps he wouldn't feel comfortable until midnight or later. Who knew what the dragon might think, perhaps the cover of night would be necessary for him to have the guts to take on this challenge.

About an hour after he got home, he heard a knock on the door. His heartbeat instantly doubled in pace, but he tried to keep an even façade as he went to the door and opened it. Travis had indeed showed up, looking sullen and anxious as before. "Hey...uh, you're...alone, right? It's...okay for me to come in?"

No, not really, but you're here, so... "Yeah, everything's like it should be. Come on in."

Travis seemed to relax just a bit as he stepped inside; perhaps being away from public eyes was helping his mood, though it wasn't a complete turnaround. "'s, uh, a nice place, I guess. I'll, uh...try not to make a mess of it."

"I'd appreciate it...I'd rather not have to clean up or explain the mess to my parents. Or any mess that I wouldn't normally have to deal with, anyway. Come on, we're going to my room."

"Okay..." He could hear Travis taking deep breaths in and out as he trailed behind Quinn up the stairs. It was obvious he was trying to put himself at enough ease for what was coming...he probably didn't even know what was coming, really, and probably had a lot of unpleasant ideas. Maybe he should've done something to put him at ease...but that wasn't happening until Quinn himself was at ease.

It felt almost like a security breach, allowing the long-time bully into his room, his most private sanctum...but it was almost worth it to see the dragon's eyes widen in amazement. Quinn didn't think it was anything special, but perhaps he had enough to inspire a bit of jealousy...certainly, the gaming system and computer were effective status symbols. "Holy shit, you have your own computer?"

"Yeah. Had to prove I was responsible enough for it, but it's really useful."

" dad wouldn't ever let me have one. He thinks I'd slack off and just play games all day if I did."

"Well, would you?"

"Shit, no. That's nerd stuff."

Quinn rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. I've overheard your buddies talking about video games, there's something for everyone. They mostly like gun stuff though, I'm not into that."

"Er...well, I guess that kind of stuff might interest me..." Travis looked a bit embarrassed at the admission. If nothing else, what was about to happen might help break down that stupid tough-guy act he had...Quinn figured he might enjoy that.

"Okay, well, we're not here for video games. We're here for a lesson. And we might as well get started, because I still do have stuff I have to do tonight that doesn't involve you." He folded his arms and looked at Travis pointedly. "And none of it's gonna happen if those clothes don't come off. You think you can manage that?"

The dragon went rigid for a moment, but then relaxed as he nodded. "Y-yeah...I think so...I figured that much at least...y-you're gonna-"

"Yes, I'm getting naked as well. Nothing you haven't seen before in the showers...well, maybe I won't look as impressive, but I'm sure that's gonna help you get over this, right?"

Travis's face reddened a bit, and he averted his gaze as he started to pull off his shirt. "Sorry..."

Quinn said nothing in reply, only began to disrobe himself. The apology was unexpected, though...if Travis didn't have years of giving him shit to make up for, he might've felt a bit bad about being so terse. At this point, though, the dragon had more than earned it.

Despite starting later, Quinn finished disrobing first, and found himself having to wait sitting on the bed while Travis finished. It was a very hesitant, clinical occurred to Quinn that if he had time, he might have to teach Travis how to put a little show into it, act a little more sensual and enticing, if that was even possible for him. But first, they had to get to the point...the artistic value could come later.

Finally Travis was on full display in front of him, looking red-faced and awkward but not hiding anything. It probably helped that he had pride in his body, and Quinn had to admit that pride was well-placed - he was a handsome physical specimen, buff and muscular, clearly someone who had put in a lot of work to get that good-looking. If only he'd spent any of that time working on the brain or attitude, Quinn would have been all over him...well, that, and he wasn't gay, but that sometimes was a minor detail.

He himself wasn't much to look at, at least in his eyes. He was pretty thin, on the shorter side, and showed little to no muscle on his body...not exactly unusual for anoles, but still a smaller body type than the norm. He wasn't quite as twinky as Davis was, but the cat liked to call him semi-twink, and he was hard-pressed to argue with that. Plenty of bigger guys liked his slender look, and he had to admit, it was rather satisfying getting it from them, when he did anyway. But he also liked to top every now and then, and that was a bit trickier with his generally took a femboy who really played the part or a bigger guy who liked role reversal, and the latter just didn't feel as satisfying to Quinn. At least some people found him attractive, but he really thought it was guys like Travis who were the ideal, in terms of form.

" what?" Travis was still looking uncomfortable, and Quinn knew he had to get him eased off somehow. That would be difficult, but maybe actually getting him in the mood would help a was easier to be calm once you had it all hanging out there.

"Right...well, you're gonna have to get hard. Preferably without a whole lot of touching yourself...most people would want to see you get aroused easily just by looking at them. Since your preferences lie elsewhere, you'll probably have to use your imagination more, but it's the same principle."

"Okay...I guess that makes sense, if a girl were needing a lot of help getting wet looking at me I'd be wondering." Travis paused for a moment. "Y' DO look kinda girly..."

Quinn rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I get that a lot. Some guys are into that."

"That just seems weird to me. If someone looks girly I kinda expect them to have a pussy."

"Well, that's you and others are others. If you need convincing, though..." Quinn didn't really need extra help getting hard, just being in the presence of a hot guy was pretty effective. His slit parted, and he let out what he was packing. Travis's eyes widened at the sight - a pair of hemipenes, each a rather healthy size, emerging from Quinn's groin. They looked almost big on his body, tapered points at the end but getting noticeably thicker towards the base.

"Holy shit,'re hung for a little guy."

"Well, I'm no dragon or equine, but it's not bad. But you're going to need to join me here if we're ever going to get going."

"Y-yeah, I know. Fuck...always thought you were just being a little shit when you said you had more of them than you knew what to do with..." That little admission was rather pleasing to the anole.

It wasn't as long as Quinn had feared before Travis got himself figured out enough to get stiff, and what he produced was as impressive as he would've expected for a dragon. Though he'd long secretly kind of hoped that the dragon was compensating for something, it was a little hard to be disappointed that it wasn't true knowing he'd get to play with it. A pointed head spread out a bit, leading down to a thick, ridged body, and at the base, a nice bulge; dragons didn't have quite the knots that canines and gryphons had, but it was definitely enough to tie, especially with their greater overall girth.

"Heh...not bad, right?" Travis had cracked a nervous smile, and seemed already to be relaxing a touch. Evidently, pride in his maleness helped put him a bit more at ease. "All, uh, what're you gonna have me do?"

"What I'm going to have you do is sit on my bed. We're gonna start with learning how to give a proper handjob."

The dragon looked at him blankly. "We, uh, are?"

"Yeah, we are. Is there a problem with that?"

"Um, n-no, uh, not at all, I just...I thought we were just know, get into know, butt stuff right away. Like, I thought that was the important part..."

Quinn sighed and rolled his eyes. "Of course you did. Answer me this, Travis: if you're going to try to lift 300 pounds in a bench press and you've never done it before, do you just stack the weights right on there and go to town?"

Travis looked at him like he was crazy. "What? No, of course not. You have to work your way up to it. Even an idiot would..." His voice trailed off as the point suddenly sank in. "Ohhh...uh, okay. Yeah, I...I see where you're going with that."

Well, at least he didn't need to be walked through it any more clearly. "Right. We'll be getting to 'butt stuff' but I'm gonna start you off easy, because you're barely comfortable with being in the same room as a naked gay guy. Today you learn about handjobs. Then we'll go to oral. After that, if you're still willing to go through with this, you'll get to know the pleasures of anal sex. But we're never going to make it there if you can't even put your hand on a man's cock."

Travis's tension seemed to have returned full-force; he nodded tightly and sat down on the bed, Quinn taking a seat right next to him. "I guess I understand, but...isn't this kinda easy? I mean, I've jerked it can't be that different, right?"

"Yes and no. The same basic ideas apply, but it's a significantly different experience. When you're masturbating, your mind knows it's your own hand, and the touch is more predictable, less intense. Plus, you know how tight you're squeezing, if you're too light or too heavy, and it's easy to adjust. You don't have any of that when you're doing it to someone else, so you need to learn how to do it properly, and how to adjust when it's necessary for you to adjust." Quinn paused and looked up at Travis, and had to suppress a groan at the dragon's blank expression. "Are you following me at all?"

"Uh...y-yeah, know...never heard anyone talk about handjobs like that..."

"Like an expert?"

"...Never thought it was something you could...well, be an expert in..."

"Welcome to a new realm of knowledge. Now come on, we have to at least try to get through this lesson." He reached out for Travis's cock, his fingers almost brushing against it, only to hear a sharp inhale from the dragon, and see his fingers clench the covers. Irritated, he glared up at the uptight dragon. "For FUCK'S sake, you'd think I was infected with something! I'm not gonna make it fall off by touching it! If you can't even handle a hand getting near your dick, how are you going to handle anything else?!"

"Ngh...I know..." Travis clenched his jaw and let out a long breath through clenched teeth, trying to relax. "It's...gonna be fine...I can handle this..."

"You'd better be able to, because next it's gonna be your turn. And if you think getting is hard you're going to really be in trouble with giving."

"I know it, already. Just...gotta feel it."

So Quinn did just that, wrapping his hand lightly around the shaft. Travis still seemed ridiculously tense...he really wanted to tell the dragon off for his attitude, but decided that the best way to rid him of the squeamishness was to prove that it wasn't going to be the end of the world. Slowly he shifted his fingers up and down, lightly stroking the hot flesh and trying to tend to it the way he'd best learned how. Well, he didn't always go so easy...he didn't usually go that easy, even. But Travis needed to wade in at baby increments, like Quinn at the pool.

It did seem to be having an effect, though. Travis's body was getting slowly less tense, and the heavy breaths did have tinges of pleasure in them. "'re...really good at this..." he mumbled, sounding quite embarrassed about saying it.

"Yeah, well, I've had practice." It was a good sign, despite his rather blasé response, and he proceeded to add a little to it, modulating his grip and getting his other hand in there to rub around the dragon's groin. His fingers massaged the orbs hidden near the slit, and tickled around the base underneath his swelling knot. And sure enough, the straight boy was responding, pre starting to trickle out of his tip, which the anole collected and spread around, making it easier for him to stroke faster.

"Ngh...yeah...just like that..." It sure sounded like Travis was getting into it, finally. His eyes were shut, though...Quinn didn't want that. He slowed his motions and snapped his fingers, getting the dragon's attention.

"Eyes open. And pay attention. You're not here to get your rocks off, you're here to learn."

"Ah...uh..." Travis flushed deeper. Clearly he didn't want to admit that he had been kind of getting into doubt he'd been imagining it was a hot girl doing it. "R-right, sorry...yeah, I'm...I'm paying attention."

"Good. Then you're noticing that I'm not just jerking you, right? I'm playing around, changing things up...novelty makes things better. I'm playing all over you, rubbing in different ways and touching different points. You want to give a handjob that'll convince anyone that you're..." he almost said the word, but bit it back at the last moment - no way Travis would want to hear 'gay' after that. " with things, you'll need to practice that variety."

"Okay...f-fuck...I', I'm...close..."

That wasn't what Quinn expected to hear. "Already? You can't tell me you've got a hair trigger."

"N-no...just...never got...a handjob like this before..."

"Hmph. I don't know what they're teaching the ladies these days, then. I wonder...have they ever..." he rubbed the flat of his thumb over the tip of Travis's cock, and his other hand massaged the dragon's knot a bit more fluidly. "...done anything like this?" Suddenly the hand attending to his knot reached out and gripped it, wrapping as much around the bulge as it could while his fingers snapped underneath it, putting the pressure right where nature had make it most enjoyable. The effect was immediate - Travis let out a strained yell and his cock pulsed, shooting into the air. His seed splattered down on the wooden floor, streaks of white pasting the surface and shining in the light.

Tempted as he was to try to catch some of it with something - like his mouth - Quinn held back, allowing the streams to make their mess. It wasn't like it was the first time...or like he hadn't stashed cleaning supplies in his closet to hide the evidence before. Travis wasn't the first male he'd brought home on a day he knew his parents weren't going to be around, and they knew it too - they had told him they weren't going to police his sex life as long as he was safe and responsible. Still, it was shaping up to be an impressive mess - Travis was shooting a lot, each round giving off a healthy glut that cleared several feet before touching down. Although, Quinn was still giving him a helping hand, working him until the rivulets began to taper off, then letting it end on its own.

The dragon was heaving harder than Quinn expected as his climax finished up, and he was putting an awful strain on the bedcovers with his clawed grip. "Ngh...holy shit..."

It was definitely a bit of an ego stroke to have an adamantly straight guy get such a reaction from him, but he held those feelings in check. "There...see? You got jerked by another male, and you're still a big, muscular, well-hung dude. Nothing to fear, right?"

Travis's flush deepened. "'s pretty stupid to, scared of it."

"Precisely. Most of what a gay guy can do to you, a straight guy or a woman can do. Even taking it up the ass, some guys love it when their girl dons a strap-on and goes to town. Sex acts are sex acts. There's plenty of ways to get what you want. What makes someone gay or straight or bisexual or what have you is who they want to get it from. The acts are just acts. Nothing you do here will actually make you'll just make you capable of faking it."

It felt a bit grating to be talking like that - he would much rather have been reinforcing that there was nothing wrong with being gay period. But it had to start somewhere, first Travis had to be reassured that he wasn't developing some condition he considered intolerable. Then he could get to changing THAT viewpoint. For what it was worth, his words did seem to be putting the dragon at more ease, which would make the next part perhaps a little easier.

"Okay, enough talking. Now it's your turn." Travis stiffened again, butt noticeably less than earlier, and seemed to ease up again more quickly. "You felt things you, try to apply them."

"Yeah...uh, okay..." Travis took a deep breath in, and then slowly reached for Quinn's twins with his left hand. He started when the anole staved him off, and looked at him in confusion. "Uh?"

"Main hand lead. I know you're a righty. Trust me, better to use what has more practice, you'll be less clumsy with it. If you get the other one in, it should just...assist."

"Oh...uh, okay." Travis's reluctance seemed to jump a notch, perhaps because using his right meant he had to reach across more, and get closer to Quinn. Mentally he was trying to chide himself - he was still bigger than the anole, and had the full advantage if Quinn tried anything funny. So...why did he feel like he was completely at Quinn's mercy? This wasn't anything...just rubbing one out for a guy, that was easy, everyone knew if it didn't go in a hole it wasn't REALLY gay...even if he was the one doing the touching...

He flinched a bit as he made contact, almost by accident. But he didn't pull away once he was there; his hand settled against the pair of cocks, and suddenly he found himself at a loss. " I...supposed to, with...both of them?"

Quinn had to admit, he was getting a bit impatient...but, Travis did have to learn. "It's not necessary, but I wouldn't mind. Technically, those of us with two have the natural design to use one at a time...but, we're inventive creatures and plenty of others I know like to double up. Right now, I just want you to focus on what you think will be good for me...focus on the pleasure and try to get me feeling like you did."

"Uh...y-yeah, okay...I...didn't know there could be so, uh, much to this. gays do it this...this way all the time?"

"Sadly not. Half-hearted handjobs aren't exactly uncommon. But I'm trying to teach you to do it well, even if you only use it a little bit I'd rather you at least seem like you're putting effort into it."

It wasn't entirely clear to Travis whether he could do it well enough, but...for the sake of the job, he had to at least give it a try. Steeling himself, he started to stroke Quinn's pair, working the two together as best he could - it seemed like two cocks should be twice as hard to stomach as one, but it was just one guy, so...he tried to remember what it was that Quinn had been doing to him, but it was tough to figure out how it all translated - they were pretty distinct from each other, enough that some tricks like the knotplay simply couldn't happen. How did you tease a knot on someone who didn't have one?

"Mmnh...not quite so tight..." And Quinn's critique was making him falter a bit, too - he knew he needed it but it was extra distraction. "You want a bit of pressure but not so much that it feels like you're pulling it off."

"Ah, yeah..." Gods, was he embarrassed. Not just jerking a guy but getting talked down to like a teacher to a failing student. He probably wasn't even doing anything for Quinn...dammit, even if he wasn't gay this was pathetic, he needed to step up his game, he'd never hear the end of it if people heard he couldn't even diddle someone the right way.

Quinn honestly hadn't been expecting much - the dragon seemed like a rough handler in obvious ways, he'd pretty much just been hoping that he'd have the ability to suffer through it. So it came as a shock when Travis started to actually do something interesting. His fingers started to play around with him more, the claws stroking against his flesh and sending little sparks of pleasure through him. He was starting to work a finger in between the two shafts, taking advantage of his sizable hand to cover more area while still keeping it simple. " you're getting it...that's good..."

Travis was definitely having conflicting responses to that - on the one hand, he was pleasuring a gay dude, on the other, he actually seemed to be getting better. Well, if he needed to fake it, he might as well do a good job with faking it...his other hand slowly worked its way in, rubbing around the base of the two dicks while his main hand worked the bodies and tips. He still wasn't sure what he was going to do to bring the pleasure that Quinn had given his knot, though...

His answer came almost accidentally, when a claw from his left hand brushed into the anole's slit. A sharp hiss and suck of air was all Quinn needed to signal how that felt...though, Travis grimaced a bit as he saw a wetness on his claw from that spot. Cocks he could handle, but fluids seemed...he didn't really know what word to use to describe his reaction, nothing seemed to quite fit.

Quinn seemed to notice this. "It's not...that different from a pussy, you know. Or your own slit lube. You can handle it."

Travis gave a very terse nod, and with a deep breath started to rub Quinn's slit in earnest. He worked his fingertips along the opening, his clawtips dragging just slightly inside, one focusing on the rift between the two shafts. Now Quinn was really straining to keep it together - that was a sensitive spot that even he didn't give a ton of attention to, and it was really hitting the spot. "Nyeaaah...really good, Travis...keep that up...and remember...the tips are a good spot, too..."

The dragon gave no obvious response, but the advice did creep in...he started to rub the tips of Quinn's lengths with a little more vigor, trying to work them to the point where they something he wasn't quite sure he wanted to interact with. He hoped Quinn would let him know when they were about to go off. But he tried not to let this deter him, giving lots of attention to the most sensitive spots he could find on the anole. Quinn was starting to squirm...that had to be a good sign, it seemed like when he would finger a female, they'd get that way, too.

It still took a fair bit longer than it had taken for him to go off...but Quinn helped it along by trying to let it come, not hold back. "Almost there...Travis...make sure...not to be in the...line of fire...if you don't...want a mess..."

He didn't need to tell the dragon twice; Travis cocked the lengths forward a bit, well away from himself, aiming them out over the floor with his own mess. And just in time, as it was moments before Quinn's double-barreled load started streaming out onto the floor. His hand held them firmly, but it was a fight - Quinn was bucking more vigorously than Travis had expected, and the cocks were sliding through his fingers, ensuring that they got messier with his load than the anole's own hands had. Revulsion crept up in his gut, the knowledge that another guy's cum was on his hands was threatening something...but he smacked himself mentally, tamping it down. I've fucked pussies with fresh loads in them before. I've had other guys get jizz on me when we're having fun with the same girl. It's not a big deal just because it's a different setting.

Another distraction helped, too - the fact that Quinn actually had quite a load for a little guy. The mess on the floor almost matched Travis's by the time his pumps had slowed to dribbles. Sure, he was working with double the number, but they were still tied to the same two balls as far as Travis knew...he always thought small guys were probably lacking in size and volume, but maybe that wasn't always the case.

Finally, Quinn settled down, panting hard. "Wow...that was a pretty good job once you got into the groove. I thought I'd have to coach you a lot more."

" there...uh..."

"Oh! Yeah, you can wipe off with some tissues, on the desk." Quinn rolled his eyes a bit as Travis rather hastily made for the tissues. Still not all the way there...but he didn't freak out when he got it on there, at least. Progress, maybe.

A couple used-up tissues later, Travis still seemed a touch squeamish but not too much. His eyes were on the mess more than Quinn as he spoke hesitantly. "So...okay for the first lesson, I guess?"

"Good enough in my book. But that's just lesson one."

"Yeah, I next..."

"Oral. So get yourself psyched up for it, whatever you think will help. I should have time on Saturday afternoon if you think that you'll be ready then. Feel free to dress light, since you're gonna want them off pretty fast anyway."

"...I'll try to be. So, uh..."

Quinn smirked a bit. "I don't think we need any pillow talk. You can go."

"Oh, uh, okay. Er...thanks...I guess...well...yeah, thanks." Quinn wasn't sure he'd ever seen Travis quite as awkward as that moment, as he shuffled over to his clothes and crept around the white streaks on the floor on the way out of the room. The door shut, and a minute later he heard the downstairs door get closed as well...a quick peek out the window saw Travis dressed, looking around a bit nervously. Least he's not booking it fast as he can...still, that actually wasn't a bad handjob. It almost seemed like he was kinda getting into it...I can't imagine there were a lot of fictions he could fool himself with, maybe there's hope for him to get over himself after all. But I can't expect it'll be that easy.

With a sigh, he pushed himself off of his bed and headed for his stash of after-sex cleaning supplies. He'd be able to clean this mess up easy enough...hopefully, he wasn't going to find that sticking with this would end up with a mess he couldn't handle.

Edugaytion Ch. 2 - Oral Exam

It had been three days since Quinn's first lesson with Travis, a Saturday afternoon that once again found Quinn alone in his house, waiting for the dragon to arrive. Already he was lightly dressed, and he expected Travis to be the same...partly because...

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How To Win In Paradise

_Hah...dis is da life._ Croco was on his back on the grass, lazily basking in the sun. The weather was perfect...well, that was almost always the case on Yo'ster Isle. A land of gorgeous tropical sun and surf, populated by the native Yoshis and...

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Bubbly Buddy

"C'mon, man, get on in! The water feels great!" "Of course you'd say that, pretty much all water feels great to you." Rais didn't move from his seat on the bank of the spring, staying a good foot away from the water. His flaming tail twitched...

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