A Toy Again

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by DrakeHavok, It looks like Havok has gotten himself into trouble with Drakina once more. Ah, well, more hermaphroditic fun.

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A Toy Again

For DrakeHavok

By Draconicon

Is she ever going to leave me alone?!

Havok shook his head as he ran from room to room, trying to leave the crazy dragoness behind him as fast as he could. There was only so much that a mortal could do against a dragoness, and one that had the power of magic that she did, but it was all that he could do. There was, of course, a chance that she could teleport in front of him at any moment, take him down, but there was a chance that she would keep up the hunt instead, and he prayed that the latter was the one that occurred.

Ducking under a flung doorway, he managed to slip into the next room and shut the door behind him. The bathroom door was a little more sturdy than the bedroom one, and more importantly, there was a window outside built into the wall. The white dragon tossed down a little rune that his friend - and his pursuer's sister - had given him, hoping that it would be enough to buy him time.

As the rune flared with black fire, holding the door back, he flicked the window open and started pulling himself up. It was a hard movement, considering that the window was high enough that he had to pull himself through it, but it was better than nothing. His hands pressed against the smoothed wood, pulled himself up to the right level. He dragged his head through, managed to see the grass below -


The door came down, and he whimpered.

"Come on, come on, come on!"

He dragged himself faster, further, managing to get himself almost halfway out before he felt a set of fingers around his ankle, dragging him backwards. Havok screamed as he was pulled back in, purple magic wrapping around him already and sealing away his ability to move. All he could do was squirm as the dragoness lowered him to the floor, her power wrapped about him from head to toe and tingling wherever it touched his scales.

Groaning in frustration, he looked up. The naked dragoness, purple as ever, looked down at him with her lips turned up in a smirk and her hand on her cock. It throbbed already - he was half-convinced that it was perpetually hard - and her pussy was drooling down her legs. She didn't immediately start thrusting her cock down his throat, though, which was a first.

"What do you want, Drakina?"

"Oh, the same thing I always want, little toy. Devotion."

"You mean slavery. Again."

"Oh, one or the other. They both work for me."

She squatted down, taking a position on her tiptoes and leaving both her ass and her pussy rather visible from his ankle. Shuffling back and forth, she almost bumped the edge of his snout with her balls, too, which was a little more embarrassing and uncomfortable. So close, he could also get a good hit of her musk, the scent washing over him and leaving him lightheaded already.

"You know what I want, Havok. You and my brother keep having so many fun times without inviting me along. Why is that?"

"Because you keep trying to put us in your personal harem, that's why. Let me go."

"Not yet."

She slid a bit closer, her balls dangling over his face more directly, and he groaned as he felt her scent settling into his mind. He knew what she was doing, and he wasn't exactly happy about it. Her scent was as strong as her brother's, and considering how easy he fell under when he was playing with Drac's feet...

As the herm pushed down, smothering his nose, he gagged and gasped, shaking his head as much as she would let him with her magic. Her pussy was right over his mouth, too, dripping over his lips and adding its flavor to the mix.

"Now, now, let's not struggle, Toy. We both know what's going to happen."

"Why can't you just find someone else to play with? Aren't I getting boring yet?"

"Oh, hardly. Besides, not everyone is a close friend to my brother. I need you for more than just...gratification."

The chuckle from above was the last thing he heard before she shifted position again. She turned around, her purple ass hanging over his head, and then, it was pressed down on his face.

The sudden darkness was enough to leave him terrified, at least for a moment. He thought for sure that she was going to smother him between her ass cheeks, but yet, that wasn't what happened. Instead, she pushed down, grinding his muzzle up between the cheeks until his lips were pressed right to her ass. Her pussy was still drooling down on his neck, marking him with her juices, but it was this...this...

He groaned, the soft, slightly bitter, slightly hot smell of her ass and the sweat on the scales making his head swim. There was no getting away from it this time, no fresh air to circulate in and take some of the power out of it. All he could do was stare up at those perfect purple curves, and feel himself falling, his thoughts burning away with each successive breath.

"Now, remember how good it feels to be under me, Toy?"


"You'll remember."

She chuckled over him, and he felt her shift her weight again. He knew she was sitting on him more firmly, but he didn't know why until he felt her foot pressing against his cock, pressing down on it as it got harder and harder with each successive breath. Yes, it was still trapped in his pants, but it was straining at her touch.

Stroke, stroke, stroke her foot went over his cock, and each one was timed with his breathing. What his mind retained from her musk, the pleasure overwhelmed, pushing him down further, further, slipping away.

"That's it. Doesn't it feel better to be under me?"


He couldn't speak, but he could grunt, and he had said...something. What had he said?

"Yes, that's it. Stick out your tongue."

He blushed, but he did as he was told, his body starting to feel better when he obeyed her rather than when he held back. Havok stuck out his tongue, the white dragon dragging it over her ass cheeks, and then between them. The taste of scales and a bit of sweat was all that touched his tongue, and he groaned slightly at the feeling. His cock jumped up even higher in his pants, throbbing eagerly for her and for himself.

She started grinding along his tongue, letting him pleasure her with it, and the feeling of the scales and the softer, puffy pucker pushing back against him were all that he could think about. Even the pleasure running through his cock was secondary. The scent had wiped out most of his thought, and her touch had taken the rest.

Breathing, breathing, each little puff of air spreading her influence and her scent through his mind, making it harder and harder to think. He wanted...wanted...


The Mistress's foot came off of his crotch, and she was no longer pushing back so hard. Yet, he didn't stop. He grabbed her ass - the magic had stopped, some part of him realized before it was smothered again - and pulled himself up against it. His tongue flicked out again and again, dragging itself between her ass cheeks, flicking over her hole and feeling it pucker back against him.

"Hehehe, look at you. Already so eager to serve. That's why I keep coming back, Toy. That's why I keep pulling you under. Because this is where you belong."

Toy didn't know what the Mistress meant, but he was happy to serve her. The white dragon kept licking, and licking, and licking some more until the dragoness stood up, pulling her booty away from him. He shuffled to his knees, his eyes glazed over as he looked up at her. Her cock bobbed in front of him, and the white dragon half-hoped that she would tell him to get sucking.

Instead, she pointed it at him like it was some sort of magic wand, and started swaying it back and forth, tapping his cheek from time to time, but never giving him the order to suck. The tip seemed to glow with purple light, and he blushed as it sparkled over him, setting his face on fire with its light.

"You are mentally mine. Let's make sure that your body fits the bill. Here's hoping that you aren't too attached to your clothes."

For a moment, he was confused, but only for a moment. Her magic shot from her cock over his face in dazzling light and musky goo, and he moaned as he felt his chest, ass, and hips start to change.

From his chest came two swelling nubs, getting bigger by the second and forcing his t-shirt forward. It was already tight enough on his body, but having the two growing breasts made it even tighter, and made it harder to breathe. He gasped, grabbing at it, pulling at his chest as the shirt collar started digging into his neck. He groaned, coughing, gagging, until -


His new breasts ripped through the black shirt, leaving it open in the front in a way that left him completely exposed. He looked down at the still-growing new parts, and reached up slowly, groping at them. They were more than large enough to fill his hands, though not nearly as large as the Mistress's.

At his hips, he could feel his body growing even bigger, making his pants tighter. His cock, already hard, seemed eager to join the party, pushing forward against the front of his pants and making a too-obvious bulge for anyone to ignore. His ass was pushing, too, pushing back against his pants and slowly making it tear. His eyes rolled back, his mouth hanging open at the strange pleasure that came from growing. He was dripping, oozing -


And ripping his way to freedom. His pants took worse of a beating than his shirt, and his white-scaled ass pushed its way to freedom as the pants fell in shreds around his lower legs. Slowly, bit by bit, they firmed up and bounced and then firmed up again, taking on the curves of a slutty woman, and behind his balls, a feeling of flesh unzipping announced the arrival of his other sex.

The Mistress stood over him, tapping his nose with her cock.

"Alright, Toy. Let's go get your friend, and my brother."

"Of course, Mistress."

The End

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