Meet Me Backstage (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#40 of Meet Me (Patreon)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

A girl's first time at a concert that is hosting her favorite band is suddenly asked backstage for some fun with her idols.

Amazing art by:

Read the full story here:

The night had been a magical experience. The concert had been far more spectacular than Megan could have ever asked for, a truly memorable occurrence for her first time around. Let Me In was one of her favorite bands in the world, she listened to them all the time while she was in the car and doing class work. When she had gotten up some money she had bought tickets for their closest show and had even gone as far to get a hotel and everything ready to see them. The concert in whole was as amazing as she had expected, but near the end of Let Me In's set, the lead singer and guitarist named Chance, had singled her out in the crowd.

While she had been somewhat near the front, he had pointed right at her and beckoned her closer. Awestruck and amazed, she wondered closer where he had crouched down on the stage, still singing, and handed her a special backstage pass. It was with this pass that she saw on it a very special message and knew what was going to happen.

Let Me In had a very devious reputation for bringing girls backstage and fucking them, with each member taking a turn at any specially selected girl that was given this kind of a pass. She was downright giddy for the chance, it was every fan's dream to let the four incredible handsome members fuck them for as long as they wanted. What was better yet was that she was a virgin, and thought there was no one better to be her first than Chance himself.

Megan meandered down a hall after the show had concluded after being sought out by concert security and shown where to go. On the outside, Megan looked to be a rather small, and meek individual. She was a thin shouldered, calico house cat. She wasn't voluptuous our blessed with a large bust or shapely butt. She was healthy for sure, but nothing about her stood out as garnering lust filled gazes or drooling mouths. Most would describe her as cute rather than gorgeous.

Backstage was filled with the buzz of other people that had acquired backstage passes, though none were like hers. The square, laminated piece of paper that she held was bright gold and reflected light like a mirror, in contrast to the other passes that were blue. When she approached a group of girls, she saw that at the center of them was Chance.

Chance was a stunning man, with a defined, strong body. He was a white tiger, though instead of a lithe tail like a normal feline would have, it was thick and bushy, not unlike what a wolf. It was no secret that he was a hybrid, if anything it added to his appeal because so many saw it as being exotic. He was tall and seemed to be constantly grinning as he took pictures with his fans and signed anything that was presented to him. His right ear had a golden earring in it, the same going for his lip. A black goatee adorned his bottom lip, and his shoulder length hair was pulled back in a bun on top of his head.

Megan thought to stand back so that she didn't make a fool of herself by fan-girling over the person who's cover art she would often masturbate to. Despite her wanting to not be notice, Chance saw her right away and began to qualm the crowd around him. "It was very nice meeting you all," he said with a laugh, "But I have to get going for the night. I hope I see you all tomorrow for our second show!" he announced. Everyone was reluctant to leave him be, but security stepped in and began to usher them away. It was at this point that Chance began to walk right for the calico girl.

Megan's eyes went wide and her heart began to race. Her cheeks went red and she held her golden pass up in front of her with both paws as if it might protect her in some way. The lead singer chuckled and stepped a few feet away to lean his elbow against the nearby wall. "I'm glad you were able to make it. Sorry about them, fans can be tough to get away from sometimes," he said and winked.

It was at that moment she smelled his intoxicating aroma. It was strong and musky, but also had the distinct twinge of some sort of cologne. "I-It's okay," she mumbled and cleared her throat. "I don't mean to be a bother I just...I..." she stuttered and hesitated, but she just held the pass up a bit higher for him to see like it was supposed to be the explanation.

"Oh yeah, trust me, I know what's going on," he said with a smirk. "Well in the case, you know what's awaiting you, right?" he asked.

Megan nodded quickly and tried to keep her breathing under control. His scent was making her incredibly horny, and the thought of him fucking her for a nice long while was practically making her leak through her panties.

"Good!" he boomed and stepped away from the wall. "How about you come back and meet the rest of the band then?" he said and made a gesture with his paw to follow as he turned around and began to walk towards a door at the end of the hall. Megan blinked in awe and quickly followed. She made sure to stand a couple feet behind so that she didn't come off as clingy, but in reality she wanted to stick to his back and ride him all the way there.

The two passed into the new room but not before they moved by two large bulls, each on either side of the door, who looked like they were from the secret service. Despite their intimidating stature and obvious guardian aura, neither flinched as she dipped in after Chance.

Read the full story here:

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