Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire Chapter 4: Guardian

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#4 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Alex and Corbin discovered that there were indeed survivors from the cataclysm (that's good). But they weren't friendly (that's bad). The two were captured and taken to their hideout where they meet the groups' megalomaniac ruler who dreamed of creating a new society to replace the fallen empire with himself as supreme overlord (even worse). Wanting no part of this new tyrant's vision- Corbin, Alex and new friend Corey concocted a plan to escape. Of course it went sideways (That's disastrous).

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire Chapter 4: Guardian

Day 7 (continued)

Corbin and I were close to freaking out as the three of us watched the sun set and the red sky fade to night.

"Alex what are we going to do? You saw what happened to the last person tied to this tree!"

"We have to escape Corbin." I said. "Take a deep breath and hold it."

"It won't work, the damn guards tied the ropes too tight. Unless you can cut it with your claws mongoose..." Corey said.

"No, the rope is too thick!" Corbin said in a panicked voice.

"Then we die." The male refugee tied to the other side of the tree with us said.

"If only we could have been quicker!" One of the women with him said.

"I don't get it where do you think you could run off to?" I asked her.

"Any where but here!" She answered.

"I agree." Another of the women said. "I was tired of being an virtual slave here. Do this or that or else."

"They abuse everyone in their care even beastials!" The third woman said.

In the waning moments as evening turned to night. Corbin, Corey and I introduced ourselves to our fellow meal mates. The four had tried desperately and failed to escape.

The leader of the group called himself Betson, he was a forty year old street vendor with black hair and youthful face. Next to him was the first female we had heard, Melinda she was in her late thirties and very plain looking- maybe it was her frumpy hair. She was a employee of a home cleaning service in World Five. She said that some of her clients included rich and powerful beastials. The other two women tied to the tree with us were Susan and Clara. They were both in their late twenties and under employed. They called themselves professional protestors- their hair was pink and green respectively.

According to Corey that meant that they were UNemployed. All were present the morning World Five met its end and were glad that empire and its inequalites were now lost to history. But none of them were prepared for the aftermath.

"Sorry guys, if I hadn't tripped..." Clara started to say.

"Wait, why didn't they gag us?" Susan interrupted.

"Because they want to make an example." Melinda added. "They want everyone to hear us scream when our time comes."

"It is the waiting and knowing that drives you mad." Betson said. "They are probably watching us from the house as we speak."

"As in wait for the end?!" I snapped at the former street vendor. "I have overcome so many obstacles and dangers to get to this point in my life. I refuse to have it end like this!"

"Well the waiting is over." Clara said stoically.

"AHHHH!!!!" Susan shrieked.

*thump* *thump* *thump*



"CLARA!!!" Betson screamed from behind us as we heard growling and munching sounds as something quite large had started ingesting its meal- and was enjoying it.

"I will not scream... I will not scream..." Melinda said as she watch the woman next to her being devoured.

"Fellas, it's here." Corey announced. As the thing eating Clara belched.

It then moved on to Susan.

"Get away! Get away! Help!" She screamed from within the creature's gullet.

Corey called out again while Corbin and I listen to the creature on the other side of the tree finish Susan and move on to either Betson or Melinda.

"ARF!!! ARF!!! AROO!!! AROO!!!" Corey called out frantically. "Dammit!"

Next we heard the sound of snapping twigs, branches and crunching leaves coming from the east. We then saw red eyes, they were attached to a long neck, a thin torso with four legs. The fore arms were sickle shaped with sharp blades at the end. The creature was about nine feet tall and its body was a dark shade of green.

"A praying mantis?!" Corey said horrified.

"An ugly looking and tall one." I gasped.

"Big brother... I am scared!" Corbin screamed. He was joined by Betson and Melinda from the other side of the tree.

"Don't look." I said. "It is best if you don't see the end coming."

The green red eyed insect hobbled up to our side of the tree and cocked its head like it was trying to determine which of us to cut down first. Or was it going to join the other thing behind us eating the street vender and maid?

"Um, if you can't decide why not check out those behind us?" Corey said sarcastically.

We had hoped to hear a snappy comeback from Betson and Melinda- something like um we are fine you can start with them mister giant insect thingie. But there was only silence followed by another large belch and it didn't come from the giant insect.


The insect raised its sharp scythe preparing to end Corbin, Corey and Me.

"Alex, I wanted to say it was great having you as my big brother." The little mongoose boy said quivering. "I love you."

"Back at you little guy. If we are going out like this, at least we will be together."

As we concluded our moment the insect went to slice me, I moved my head at the last second it missed and snapped the ropes instead.

Corey, Corbin and myself slid to the base of the tree. I quickly ran around it to stare at a huge jet black something about as tall as the mantis, sharp teeth stained with blood, black fur that rippled like it was on fire and SIX eyes. It had eaten the four refugees heads and toros leaving only their waist and feet.

It stared at me as it was finishing off poor Betson. At that moment I darted back toward Corbin and Corey grabbing both as I started to make my way back toward the farmhouse. I knew the creatures would be in pursuit and that we would never make it. But I had to try.

I didn't get far, I took two steps holding Corbin's paw before my face then my body met the cold ground as I was flattened by yet third night creature. This one was seven feet tall with yellow eyes, shaggy brown fur, huge paws, sharp black claws and teeth and it wore a white loin cloth that barely covered its waist.

"...That one is mine..." It hissed at the mantis and the black thing with six eyes while pointing at Corey.

"The one you are standing on and the mongoose are also yours!" Corey said shouting at the creature.

"Corey! Betrayal?" Corbin screamed.

"No it is not like that!" The teen said.

"Grrrrrrrr-RAWR!!!!" The creature grumbled as it launched its self toward the insect.

"Corey?!" I said. "What is going on?"

"That is my guy." The snarky teen quipped.

"A monster?" Corbin gasped.

"Wolf actually." Corey said.

The mantis turned its attention from us to the seven foot tall anthropomorphic wolf. It lunged at him with its talons. The wolf dodged and struck back leaving a gash mark on the insect's arm.

It turned around to attack again, but the wolf was faster- it slashed at its other arm- like a sword cutting it off.


"If I were you, I would run." Corey said to the mantis which looked at its dislodged arm, us and then the wolf that had attacked it.

A fraction of a second later it scurried off into the forest.

With that the seven foot tall wolf approached us again.

"...Corey..." The brown wolf started to say.


"Um you left one." The teen said to his guy.

The wolf bounded toward the six eyed black thing with sharp teeth head butting the creature, it fell backward surprised that it was attacked by its prey. Looking up from the ground it was staring at the brown anthropomorphic wolf who slashed four of its six eyes and bit it on the chest- hard.

"Hey two and a half eyes! Whatcha gonna do now that your food is fighting back?!" Corey taunted the creature.

We watched as the black thing stood up and ran off into the forest belching a few times as it left.

"It is about time you showed up!" The black haired teen said berating the wolf.

"...Hmm...." The creature grumbled.

"Corey maybe it is not a good idea to yell at a night creature that easily beat two other night creatures with out help." I said to him.

"...This is last time I save you..." The creature rumbled.

"I don't think so!" The snarky teen said getting right up in font of the creature's face. "I saved you more than you saved me!" Corey retorted. "The lab! The flood!"


"Ok, ok you technically saved me from the flood, but dumping me at the compound was not saving me from anything- it might as well been a prison!" Corey said.

"And he did save you, us now." I said. "So I think it is 2-1 his favor."

"Ahem any- who fellas this is Rumble." Corey said starting introductions. "Rumble, these are my friends Alex and Corbin."

"...Friends?..." The creature said shocked.

"Yes I am capable of making friends!" The teen retorted.


"Ok, when I step outside of myself and start caring about others."

Corbin and I approached the seven foot tall wolf. We looked at his broad shoulders which were covered by a shaggy mane. His snaggly teeth, thick arms and legs, those huge paws that could easy hold my head in them, his tan flat stomach, shapely pecs and the white loin cloth that covered his thick waist.


"Thank you mister wolf." Corbin said walking up to him.

"Yeah thank you for saving us." I said studying the creature carefully.

"...Welcome..." It rumbled.

Corbin took hold of the creature's bloody right paw studying it carefully.

For some reason I was compelled to do the same with the other.

(He looks like 001!)

The thick neck, huge muscle tone, mane, large head, bushy tail and other exaggerated features were dead give aways...

"Corey this not a canid- beastial." I said.

"It's a werewolf!" Corbin said with his mouth open.

"...Forest not safe... you should leave..." The were-creature grumbled.

"If you think we are going back to the Grand Kingdom you are mistaken. It was a mistake for you to dump me there to begin with." Corey said to the were-creature.

The yellowed eyed wolf gave the teen a curious stare. I took it that it was my cue.

"There is another place, it is a safe place one not ruled by a megalomaniac dictator." I said.

"Some miles to the southeast we are going there now." The little mongoose boy said. "Corey you are welcome to come along with us."

"We could use your guidance and protection big guy." The snarky teen said.

The werewolf snorted turned and walked eastward toward the forest.

"That is for sure." I said looking at Betson, Melinda, Susan and Clara's remains.

(Intendant, you will pay for what you have done.)

The forest was quite eerie at night to begin with and now that we knew creatures were running around in it- was downright scary. That was probably why I felt we were being watched the other day.

Burying what was left of my masculinity- I decided to hold the were-creature's massive paw. Corbin took the other. Corey felt he was too cool do so until Rumble abruptly dove into some brush behind some trees. I quickly followed. While the snarky teen stood dumbfounded until the creature reached out and pulled him into our hiding place.

"What the?"

"...Danger..." The werewolf growled.

We watched as a medium sized tree complete with branches, leaves and numerous mouths went walking by as if on a stroll without a care in the world. It was followed by a large blackish transparent humanoid-ish thing around the same size, but where its face normally would have been were just three eyes in a triangular configuration. Three pink eyes.

"Now that you don't see every day." Corey whispered.

"You mean any day." Corbin whispered.

The were-creature lifted its nose to the wind looking for scents.

"Safe?" The black haired teen asked.

The were-creature grunted.

"You will have to forgive him, he is a creature of few words."

"Corey how did you befriend a werewolf?!" I asked as we resumed our hike through the forest back to the ancient city.

"We actually befriended each other. You see, I came from a damaged home- my mother died when I was young, my father was a tail chaser, when he wasn't running afoul with the knights- theft, extortion, blackmail, cons that is. I lost count how many times I would come home and was met by one of the master's enforcers who told me that he was in trouble, that we were in trouble. I would be taken in, interrogated and then returned home after they were done with me. But they always kept him. My father would be judged, then corrected. All would be fine until it happened again."

"That sounds rough Corey." I said.

"One day I woke up and realized nothing was going to change; I had, had enough- I didn't want anything more to do with him. So I decided to run away. I ended up living with friends, classmates in between living on the streets.

The morning of the fall I was on my way to school when it happened. I heard the wind, saw the storm and the tidal wave come in from the lake. I took shelter in what I thought was an office building. It turned out to be a lab of some company I have never heard of before. Dynamic Dynamics.

As the water started rising, I sought higher ground inside the building. I ran through rooms and then offices looking for the stairs. One was a weird lab with these large glass cylinders about six feet in diameter from floor to ceiling housing all manner of bizarre creatures that seemed to be more than animal and more than beastial." The teen said.

"They were lab experiments!" The little mongoose boy said.

"Yeah, living experiments. They appeared to be in some type of suspended animation all except for him. He was yellow-eyed and bushy tailed." Corey said to the brown werewolf who was escorting us through the forest.

"So that was your first meeting." I said to the snarky teenager.

"Rumble was awake in his enclosure. He stared at me and I at him. He had seen that water was rising in the building and was desperate to get out. That was when he started clawing at his enclosure with no success before pointing at some controls on the wall. I looked at him, he was quite ferocious, his size was intimidating and then there was his desperation."

"How did you know that he wouldn't attack you?" The little mongoose asked the black haired teen.

"... He didn't..." Rumble said.

"I took a leap of faith. I realized if the situation were reversed, I wouldn't want to drown either. So I helped him escape just as the lab started filling with water. As his enclosure dissipated, he lunged, grabbing me by my collar and raced for the stairs reaching the roof of the building were we stayed until the rain had stopped some time later. But the water didn't, we watched as the whole city succumbed. It took us a day to realize that help was not coming. I was wondering what to do after the storm had moved on, the daytime sky was still red, the water had not receded and there were bodies and corpses floating everywhere."

"When did you make the to decision to flee?" Corbin asked.

"Actually, it was Rumble. He shocked me to death when he simply stated we should leave."

"What did he say?" I asked the teen with the red shirt.

" 's go."

" 's go?" I asked.

"Let's go without the l-e-t." Corey responded. "It wasn't what he said but that he said it- It was no longer safe in the city. We swam south towards the forest where I realized he wasn't the only lab creature to escape. There were others that had also done so- at night the forests were now crawling with them."

"So his concern for your well being led him to drop you off at Caden's compound." The little mongoose boy whispered.

"Precisely. He is now realizing that it was a big mistake. Right?" Corey said to the brown were-creature.

Rumble only snorted in response.

"So how about you and the mongoose boy?"

"Well not much you see. Corbin is an orphan- his family was slaughtered by rebels in World Four some years back. He now lives with a archaeologist." I said as Rumble guided us around a large bunch of trees. "As a result he despises rebels."

"What about the rest of us?" Corey asked. "Is he prejudiced like the Intendant's goons?"

"It is a case by case basis." The little mongoose responded.

"No, his adoptive parent is a human. She is quite protective of him."

"So what about you Alex?" The teen asked me.

"Well... I..."

"Alex is an off worlder from an alternate reality." Corbin said.

"Say what?" Corey said shocked. Even the werewolf looked at me.

"He arrived on Counter Earth by mistake after his planet was destroyed." The little boy said to the snarky teen.

"That beats my story any day of the week!" Corey whispered.

"It should be around here." I said looking for the above ground entrance to the lost city.

"Here it is, the entrance." Corbin said opening up a trapdoor into the ground. "Follow us."

The snarky teen and his werewolf followed us into the entrance and the underground maze watching as Corbin and myself navigated every turn precisely until we emerged on the outskirts of the ancient city. We were greeting by a large spotlight from the blue prototype its weapons engaged and aimed at us.

"Do not move!! You are my prisoners!!" I heard a stern beastial female say over the projection system.

The brown werewolf dropped to all fours snarling and preparing to attack.

"It is a trap!" Corey shouted.

"No, no, no!" The mongoose boy shouted. "It is our loved ones making sure we are not invaders."

"You inside the coupe! I have no problem complying with your demands. In fact, I would love to be your prisoner for ever and ever and ever more!" I said smiling widely.

"Alex!! Corbin!! Where have you two been?!" Dawn said running out from a nearby structure.

"It is a long story professor." The little mongoose boy said hugging his adoptive mother.

I also ran to hug my owner as well.

"The water supply cleared up but, then you two didn't come back, I have been searching everywhere... we have been worried sick Alex." My perfect person said.

"Who are they?" Dawn said looking at the teenager and the brown were-creature.

"Friends. They helped us get back to you." I said to the two females.

"I see, we have much to discuss." Lady Ursa said deactivating the weapons systems. "Overwatch deploy the probe, don't launch it- just conduct scans let me know if they were followed."

*Acknowledged Lady Ursa.*

"Corey, Rumble what do you think?" The little mongoose boy asked.

"An underground city? You live here?" Corey asked. "How many of there are you?"

"...four..." The werewolf said sniffing. "...Two humans, two beastials..."

"Well there are six now, three humans, two beastials and a were-creature." I said.

"Corey, Rumble please stay- it isn't quite World Five, but it is safe, dry and warm." Corbin said.

The thin teenager and the werewolf traded stares.

"It does seem much more cozier than the Grand Kingdom." Corey remarked.

"Grand Kingdom?" Dawn asked.

We reassembled in the central building where Dawn showed Corbin and myself that the water supply had cleared. Corey also had Rumble wash the blood from his paws and snout while we told her and my mistress about our outing and capture. The professor was relieved that there were indeed survivors of the cataclysm.

"Corey, how long were you a prisoner of Caden and his forces?" My warrior bear asked.

"About five days ma'am."

"Well be at ease now, you are safe." Dawn added. "No one will make you do anything you don't want to do."

"Corey, Rumble you are among friends." Lady Ursa said.

"Hey, you are a knight." The teenager observed.

"Was." My warrior bear corrected the teen. "There is nothing left to defend or protect anymore."

"Actually there is, what Corbin, Corey and I experienced over the last few days is representative of a bigger problem mistress- there are many out there who are suffering- we have to do something about it."

"There probably are." Ms. Stern said. "But unfortunately we aren't in any position to offer assistance. We are barely holding on ourselves."

"We can't do anything until we get our own house in order." My perfect person said.

"Which means many more are going to perish." I concluded. "Four died during our own escape. Which reminds me I owe Caden a ass whipping."

"What do you have in mind?" Ms. Stern asked.

"Using the weapons on the prototype to end him and his so called Grand Kingdom!"

"Alex, we have no way of replenishing them after there are spent." My warrior bear said. "From what you are saying- it is better to let Caden think the creatures got you. I am sorry pet."

"Pet?" Corey asked.

"Yeah, pet. I was once homeless too." I said to the black haired teen. "This beasital adopted me, gave me a home, love and affection and I love her in return. You see we have been through a lot together and are quite close. Kind of like another human and his beastial, I mean were-creature."

"Speaking of which, Rumble dear aren't you a bit cold in that um, modest clothing?" Professor Stern said to the seven foot tall brown were-creature.


"Not very talkative." The archeologist said.

"He is a creature of few words." Corey said. "He would look nice in a shirt or just pants but I don't think they make anything in his size. Well there isn't any more they either- the loincloth was the best I could come up with... it is easy to manage, keep clean and I think he rather likes it."

(I could imagine.)

My mistress and the professor brought Corey and Rumble to another room in the central building where we sat down to eat by candle light.

"All of you must be starving." My sister's doppelgänger said.

"I think we can take care of that Ms. Stern." My warrior bear said.

Corbin, Corey, Rumble and myself had chicken soup and dumplings. The three of us readily ate while the were-creature pondered how to eat with a bowl and spoon.

"Corbin tells me that you are studying this city? The teen said slurping his soup.

"Yes. One of my greatest finds. I didn't know we would be living here permanently however." Dawn replied.

"It is missing some amenities, but it is indeed warm and safe." The black haired teen said.

"...And friendly..." Rumble, rumbled.

"Good now lets find you two accommodations. So where would you two like to live?" Ms. Stern asked.

"We inhabit two houses Not far from here." Corbin said taking Corey by the hand. The mongoose boy insisted on showing the teen where we lived.

"You have your own home? Nice!"

"It is not much, a great room, den, bedroom- there isn't any running water, lighting, or a bathroom- that is in the central building." Dawn said.


"He means anything that isn't his lab enclosure is acceptable." Corey said. "Although he is going to need help transitioning."

"You would be the perfect person to domesticate him." My warrior bear said. "I would start with teaching him how to eat a from a bowl though."

"You mean you want us to be roomies?!" The teen in the red shirt said.

The female human and the female bear both nodded.

"I see. Well, how about that one?" Corey said pointing to the stone house on the opposite side of Lady Ursa's and mine.

Lady Ursa, Dawn, Corbin and I helped our two newest members get settled in that evening.

"Thank you Rumble for bringing Corbin and Alex home safely." The professor said to the were-creature.

"And I believe those two will not be allowed on the surface for some time to come." My fierce ursine warrior said crossing her arms.

"Yes ma'am." Corbin and I said in unison.

I hugged, and hugged and hugged my brown bear that evening.

"How is your head feeling?" She asked me.

"Much better, they repaired my injuries- that was one of the few positive things to happen in that compound." I said kissing her.

"You can kiss and hug me as much as you want, but your affections won't get you out of trouble Alex." She said sternly to me.

"I know. I know. I am just glad to be with you. I have had my fill of tyrants and dictators for a lifetime and my experience with the Grand Kingdom was all too similar to my first week on Counter Earth, Beastial Beauties and the Outpost."

My she beast rolled me over on to my stomach. She made me stretch out my arms and legs and then gently laid on top covering my hands with her paws while she kissed my neck.

"Rumble and Corey are quite a pair aren't they?"

"What about them mistress?"

"A thin scrawny boy and a power fierce warrior."

"Yeah kind of like us."

"Are you ok with having them here? I know how you feel about were-creatures. Especially the large ones."

"Rumble is fine. He is docile, until he needs not to be. He doesn't let on, but I think he and Corey have started to bond- even though they fight and argue like a mated couple." I said as my perfect person kissed me again.

(I wonder if they snuggle?)

"Besides I am more concerned with what have been going on in the forests around here."

My perfect person looked at me curiously.

"There are creatures stalking them- particularly at night. Corey says that they are from research labs around the city that were damaged or destroyed allowing them to escape into the wild. He rescued Rumble from one of those facilities."

"Which means a whole new set of dangers if anyone goes topside." My warrior bear concluded. "So exactly what is Rumble? The result of a man-beast experiment?"

"Good question." I said from underneath her.

"Was he an unfortunate human who was forced transformed into a wolf creature or an animal that was taken from the wild and mutated or is he a newly formed creature entirely concocted in a lab?" My bear knight said hugging me.

"I don't know mistress- it is not like we have the ability to tell."

"And if he was constructed, for what purpose?"

That was the knight in her, the enforcer, the defender coming to the surface.

"I am just satisfied that we have made some allies in these dark, dark, dark times." I said as we both drifted off to sleep.

(Because we have made enemies as well- too many this past week.)

My warrior bear didn't make love to me that evening, but she did embrace me like I was a plush doll. My rump was covered by her crotch, my back was against her torso and breasts. She even cupped both of my hands in each of her paws. I take it she wasn't going to let me get away again or anytime soon. So I slept very peacefully covered by my bear blanket.

Sometime during the early morning hours I was awakened again from my sleep.

"Synoptic! Please take me back! I long for eternal peace! I want to feel your embrace! Your influence, Your control! My existence has been nothing but pain, misery and suffering! I long to be ONE with you!!!" My perfect person mumbled in her sleep.

(What the what?!)

She was talking in her sleep again about the entity- but her rumblings seemed to be getting worse.

That night I came to the realization that Dawn, Corbin, Corey, Rumble and I not only faced external threats from the Others, the things roaming the forest and the Intendant and his forces but also a possible internal threat from one of our own in this horrifying new era in which we now live.

Alex Winter - January 8th, YOE 34...

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 5: Corey and Rumble

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 5: Corey and Rumble** Day 8 (8 AM Central Building Medical Clinic) Carefully I unpacked the medical supplies that Lady Ursa was able to scavenge from her trips back and forth to World One. There...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 3: The Grand Kingdom

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Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire Chapter 2: If Not For You

**Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire** **Chapter 2: If Not For You** Day 5: (continued) My observation was met with a disturbing silence from Dawn, Corbin and my bear. "It looks like Ben Mastiff and Diamantopoulous were right." I said to my...

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