Anni and the Derulean Dairy

Story by danath on SoFurry

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#75 of Archived Livestream Stories Pre-2018

Anni and the Derulean Dairy

By Danath

Written during Freebies Stream Vol. 68: Bovinity Edition!


Characters © avatar?user=382522&character=0&clevel=2 GreyBinch

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The incredible size of the tanker ship didn't bother Anni. Shi peered at her monitors as she guided her comparatively smaller craft towards the derelict. Shi was out past the Juniper belt on the other side of the neverending asteroid storm. Navigating the storm took a good three days, but if the rumors about the tanker were accurate, the trip would be worth it.

Anni studied the console in front of her, tapping hir claws at the screens and buttons as the ship maneuvered closer.

The tanker was massive, easily fifteen times the size of her own vessel. The hull was mostly smooth with only a few outcroppings in various places for the hull beams and docking ports. The metal was painted a dark charcoal, though the words "Delurian Dairy" ran across the ship from stern to bow on one side, with the same phrase written in the Delurian's scribbly, alien language below.

The Delurians were highly advanced and used their knowledge to trade with other species. It was the Delurians who introduced genemodding hundreds of years ago, which was how Anni ended up as a tall - and long - cheetah-taur. Her lower half featured four powerful legs covered in short and dense yellow and black fur. Above her forelegs, an anthropomorphic torso connected, featuring a smooth belly, full breasts, long arms, and a cheetah-like head. Anni's ears twitched as shi navigated closer still to the vessel, looking for the right docking port. Shi'd paid a premium for the access codes and if they didn't work, shi was screwed.

The taur rested on her hindquarters as her ship's hull bumped up against the Delurian transport's spherical side, then locked in the docking ports. Her ship's computer talked to the Delurian's, sending access codes and other information shi'd purchased at the Juniper starbase a few light years away. Anni's tail swept back and forth, occasionally curling up at the tip. Shi held her breath, eyes wide, pupils dilated. Would the codes work? Shi had no way of knowing, but shi trusted hir source...

A green light flashed above the docking port panel, signifying the airlocks were open and ready. Anni let out a huge sigh. That was a relief.

Shi tapped a few more buttons and set the ship on autopilot, keeping it from leaving the side of the massive tanker, then stood up and padded towards the back of hir ship. It was a small utility vessel designed for salvage. It had a few guns, but also some large cranes and robot-controlled cutting torches, perfect for gaining access to wrecks or other debris.

Fortunately, the tanker was looking to be an easier score. Shi couldn't drag the entire ship back through the Juniper asteroid belt, but shi could strip the valuable electronics and possibly see just what the Delurians were carrying around in the holds. The taur slipped into hir bedroom and pulled some clothes on - one of the perks of flying solo was flying nude - but going into unknown ships meant being a little more cautious.

Shi wrapped a large sheet of diamond-encrusted, plated armor around her torso. The carbon nanotube fibers were flexible but could stop most energy and ballistic weapons. Shi pulled a similar jacket around her shoulders and zipped up over her heavy chest. Shi grinned as shi hefted the girls in hir paws. Genemodding was expensive, but worth every credit. If this score was big enough, shi was looking forward to a few additional enhancements.

One particular enhancement swung between hir hind legs. The cheetah-taur's sheath filled in the space between hir legs, squeezing into the white fur running down the underside of hir taur-half. An equally impressive set of balls dangled down low as well. A specially made pair of armored shorts covered them up and kept them snug. As much as shi enjoyed being hung like a monster, it did make running a little awkward.

A utility belt snapped around hir waist and a pair of saddlebags draped over her lower shoulders and the cheetah-taur was ready for adventure. The airlocks opened smoothly and the air inside the Derulian tanker tested neutral, so shi left the canned air in the airlock entrance and made her way inside. A bright light fixed to her chest provided more visual acuity than the dim emergency lights still flickering in the corners of the Derulian tanker's hallways. There were signs of scorching all along the walls. Anni stepped forward and slid a finger along the marks, then cursed.

Burned out. The whole ship was fried, probably. The asteroid storm really did a number on the tanker before dumping it out in the badlands on the other side of the belt.

Anni's dreams of a huge haul of electronics and advanced Derulian tech vanished, but shi didn't lose all hope. Maybe some systems were protected or only lightly damaged, shi thought.

The taur padded down the corridors, testing doors and being careful of damage. The hull looked intact from the outside, but you could never be too careful on derelicts. Shi'd nearly been sucked out of a ship on several occasions when the docking process aggravated hull faults.

Fortunately, Derulian ships were tough. At least their hulls were. Anni followed the corridors. They curved slightly all the way around, forming the outer hull. The inner hull, where the goods were kept, formed the inside of the ship. Fortunately, there were plenty of access ports.

Anni grunted as shi pried one open. The air was stale, but breathable according to hir sensors. The cheetah-taur's light didn't extend far into the large room behind the door, so shi pulled a pair of visors from hir jacket and put them on. The lenses adjusted and enhanced hir night vision, making the interior of the room seem like it was fully lit despite hir single tiny light.

The room was massive and, according to the diagrams, just one of hundreds of similarly sized warehouse-style rooms on the ship. The original records about the ship's contents were lost - Anni spent a few weeks trying to track them down, but they were erased by someone long ago. Probably trying to cover something up, shi thought.

Instead of shelves, the warehouse featured huge cylindrical containers stretching from the floor to the ceiling high above. Each cylinder was probably fifty feet across, with gaps of maybe five feet between each one. There were signs and writing all around, but the only Derulian Anni could recognize was numbers. The first tank nearest hir featured the number "301" about halfway up the stack, which reached about fifty feet high.

The taur walked slowly through the containers. Some of the units were still functioning, shi noticed - green lights indicated the contents were being cooled and stored still. Fresh Derulian dairy? Shi wasn't sure after so many years it would be worth anything, but Derulian tech was still Derulian tech.

Anni spent the next few hours exploring more of the massive tankers warehouses. Shi broke open a few panels to study the electronics and pocketed some small, valuable components - batteries, computer chips, etc.

Shi was working hir way through the twentieth or so container control panel when something buzzed. A red light flashed on the control board as shi was digging around underneath though an open panel. Jerking back, shi clonked hir head on the metal side and gasped as the pain shot between hir laid-back ears.


The panel's electrics fizzed. Anni blinked as the sparks flew, whiting out hir night-vision for a few moments. When it cleared, shi realized shi'd missed the tell-tale scorch marks running up and down this particular container's sides.


Anni took a few steps back as the huge cylinder's sides bulged outwards in the middle. The panel emitted a series of high-pitched alarms before the entire thing simply caught on fire. Anni turned away, shielding hir face as the panel exploded, sending shards of metal and fiery bits of wiring raining down around hir.

Shi batted at the smoldering bits of the panel in a panic, trying to get them out before they burned hir fur, and danced around on hir paws, kicking at them.


The huge cylinder let out a massive "crack!" that thundered through the storage bay. Anni's eyes went wide before instinct kicked in. Shi turned tail and bolted for the door, propelling hir long body with all four powerful cheetah legs. Shi wasn't actually as quick as a cheetah as far as shi knew - shi'd never even seen a real cheetah except in holovids - but four legs did make for a fast retreat as a column of some white fluid gushed from the broken cylinder.

Anni glanced over hir shoulder as shi bolted for the door to the next warehouse chamber. A tidal wave of white followed, splashing and rolling around the columns in every direction as the container emptied. A few more ear-splitting cracks echoed through the chamber as more containment units failed, soon dumping even more fluid into the room.

Anni leapt for the doorway, but the tidal wave caught hir and dragged hir down. Shi curled over, trying to tuck hir legs in shi felt the wave catch hir and drag hir forward. Shi cried out as shi felt the wall, slamming into it, knocking hir head again. The strange white fluid filled hir muzzle immediately as shi held onto the wall, gasping for breath, sputtering. Shi dragged hir claws down the metal, all four legs kicking, as the white watery substance ripped at hir body, soaking hir from head to toe and filling hir muzzle again and again.

Shi tried not to, but shi couldn't help but swallow whatever it was. It tasted familiar, but in hir panicked state, Anni could focus only on how to escape.

Shi dragged hirself down the wall, grasping onto any handhold shi could as the torrential wave pulled at hir. Shi managed to get to the door, but shi lost hir grip and tumbled through. The cheetah's legs splayed along the wall opposite the door as the crush of white water pinned hir down, but shi managed to lurch forward and slap at the door control.

In an instant, the solid metal door slammed shut, cutting off the flow. Anni fell to the deck in a heap, soaked to the bone in the cool white whatever-it-was. The cheetah panted, gasping for breath, one paw holding hir head as shi leaned against the wall for support, trying to recover from the unexpected ordeal. Shi could still hear the water slamming around the walls inside the chamber.

A few minutes later, Anni picked hirself up and shook hirself, sending drops of white splattering everywhere. Shi licked hir lips and shook hir head, trying to think what the taste was in hir mouth. Hopefully it wasn't something bad. Derulians sold lots of stuff to non-Derulians, so physiologically shi should be okay. The thought wasn't as comforting as shi would have hoped.

Despite the encounter with the dangers a derelict could pose, Anni kept scavenging for the next several hours, recouping the items shi'd lost in the flooded warehouse and then some. After a long day, having finally dried off, shi returned to hir ship.

Shi'd made off with a good haul, but there was still plenty of scrap left. Hir provisions would last hir a good month before shi'd need to return to a base and sell off hir goods. And with the size of the tanker, and if shi were careful not to let on where shi'd found all this good Derulian tech, shi might be able to make quite a living scrapping just this one single ship for the next year or two. And after that, a newer ship... maybe a crew. Or a shop on a starbase and put down some roots?

Anni daydreamed as shi stripped off hir armor and dumped it into a cleaning pod, then padded naked into the custom-built shower installed in the lavatory - the one luxury shi'd really splurged on when shi bought the ship. It was a long shower, big enough for hir to stand in fully and even turn around, with six showerheads all pumping hot streams of recycled water, hitting most of hir body at the same time.

The cheetah soaked in the hot water. Hir head throbbed, but shi was sure there wasn't any permanent damage or a concussion. Hir right front ankle felt a little sore, but otherwise shi'd gotten off easy - the body armor really protected hir as shi was battered around in the flood.

In fact, the cheetah-taur felt surprisingly good. Shi hadn't yet experienced any side effects of whatever was in those containers and the hot water shower really took the aches out of the long day of work shi'd put in. Shi sagged against the wall of the shower, leaning against it, head bowed, just enjoying the steam penetrating every pore of hir pelt and skin.

Until Anni felt a strange pulse in hir belly.

The taur's hands pressed into the stomach of hir upper torso before shi leaned over, looking beneath at hir long taur belly. The gentle pulsing continued, visible beneath hir pelt, stretching and bulging hir fur outwards along hir lower belly, just below the ribcage. A pleasureable sensation tingled hir sheath, making hir gasp. Anni's torso lifted back up straight and shi leaned back on hir haunches, using hir forelegs to explore hir stomach. Whatever was going on didn't hurt, but this was no doubt the result of ingesting that strange Derulian fluid.

Anni closed hir eyes suddenly and clutched at the sides of hir head. A new sharp pain made hir seize up, but when shi pulled hir paws away, the pain stopped. Shi realized it was coming from the pads on hir palms and more gingerly reached up to grasp at the pair of sharp, hard points sticking out of the fur around hir ears, just inside them. Each one was smooth and went upwards slightly before curving backwards.

The cheetah-taur turned towards the door of the shower and stared at hir reflection in the misted glass, jaw open in shock when shi realized a pair of horns were growing from hir skull. Large horns, white at the tips and black the rest of the way down. She rubbed hir fingers across them, trying to understand where they came from. They looked like cow horns - another animal shi'd only ever seen in the holovids. Shi tugged on them and grimaced - they were embedded firmly into hir skull. Each one was a few inches wide at the base already, and as they extended back they started to curve out to the sides.

The rippling in hir belly intensified. Anni groaned as hir heavy maleness extended, flopping out onto the floor of the shower where the hot water only spurred further growth. The taur's belly pressed outwards above the sheath and, as shi rubbed hir forelegs across it, shi knocked off what was now loose fur, exposing smooth, bare skin beneath. The beige flesh filled out in moments, growing round and full like a bubble as it extended outwards, stretching from one side of hir waist to the other.

Six protuberances caught Anni's attention. Each pressed outwards from the new flesh-sack on hir belly and, when shi grasped them, made hir shiver with pleasure. Shi squeezed, exploring them, forgetting to even be worried for the moment as another tingle of pleasure made hir closed hir eyes.


Twin streams of milk shot from the long nipples attached to hir new udder. In a flash, Anni realized that shi was transforming. Those damn Derulians and their gene mods...

Another few streams of milk made hir bite hir lower lip. Hir forelegs squeezed into the sides of the udder as hir maleness thickened, growing hard and heavy, extending several feet, enough for the tip to grow past the udder. Shi shuddered as shi leaned over, still being drenched in hot water, and squeezed at hir new udder's nipples more firmly, milking them until shi was spraying milk across the tiles.

That was the taste, shi realized. Milk. Derulian milk. No wonder it seemed familiar. And if it was Derulian, and had these kinds of side effects, maybe the freighter wasn't really lost in the asteroid storm. Maybe it had been abandoned - cheaper to blow it up and claim the insurance than to admit a mistake and destroy and clean a ship of this size.

Anni shuddered from the haunches to the head as hir thick maleness let out a throb. The cheetah-taur's paws slid up hir wet fur until they cupped hir breasts, which tingled to the point of near pain. Shi pawed at hir nipples, gasping and moaning, as lower down, the cheetah's white nut sac filled out further, expanding and growing until it was forcing hir hind legs to spread apart.


Anni could only moan as a second set of tits formed beneath hir original pair, and then a third one below that. Hir fingers dragged down each, squeezing and teasing the new nipples pressing out through hir fur. They were huge, each one as big as one of hir drinking glasses, big enough to fill hir paw when shi squeezed.

The cheetah's eyes went wide as shi leaned hir upper torso back. Hir forelegs really pressed into hir new udder as a pair of streams of milk shot out from hir upper breast's nipples, splattering against the wall opposite. Hir enormous jugs sloshed, filling and swelling with a surprising rapidity that sent the feline's brain into a lustful, carnal mode. Hir nostrils flared in the steam as the scent of hir own milk made hir even more needful.

Soon shi head one foreleg pressing hir huge maleness down to the floor, stroking the top, as the other rubbed along hir new udder, which was rivalled in size at this point by the swollen testicles tucked between hir hind legs. Six enormous breast swung from hir chest, the lowest set only slightly smaller than the middle, which was itself only a touch smaller than the original top set. Anni's breath came in pants as shi milked hirself, alternating between hir palm-filling tits to hir achingly full udder.

To top it all off, the cheetah's erection jerked, lifting from the floor and slapping back down every few moments. Shi was bigger now than shi should have been, shi realized, but the intense pleasure of hir paw and the hot water meant shi couldn't focus enough to worry about it. As a burst of creamy seed splattered from the tip, only to be washed away by the hot water, shi let out a yeowl and slipped, bucking hir hips as shi tumbled onto hir side. Shi rolled onto hir back and spread hir legs as the hot water sprayed directly across hir heavy nuts, massive shaft, and stretching udder. Hir cock draped over the udders, between the two rows of three nipples each, and leaked into the fur between hir lower and upper halves.

More pressure, more build-up, and more milk made Anni shudder and wriggled, gasping and moaning and clutching at hir changing body as the Derulian milk forced hir body to grow larger and fuller all around, adding a firm padding of fat beneath hir pelt, smoothing out hir formerly hard belly and arms. The cheetah-taur's horns scraped against the back wall of the shower as shi pawed at hir breasts, moaning even louder as hir cock let loose with a second orgasm. Between hir hind legs, past hir oversized testicles, hir feminine sex flushed with heat, causing the feline's shuddering to intensify even more.

Anni's muzzle opened in a silent cry as shi felt intense pressure under both armpits. Within minutes, shi found hirself wielding a second set of arms beneath hir first, with new shoulder-style musculature and extra ribs to handle it all. They were identical to hir upper pair, though the fur pattern was a little different - the black rosettes were larger and less even, more splotchy.

Like the picture of the cow shi'd seen in the holovids.

Anni's eyes closed as hir erection stretched upwards, at least four solid feet by now, more than a foot thick. Hir testicles would fill both arms if shi could heft them. And hir upper torso was positively filled with fresh breast, three pairs of mammaries each primed and pumped to produce vast quantities of cream.

With four paws, milking hirself became slightly easier. One paw worked hir oversized cock as the others alleviated the pressure in hir aching tits or udder. Soon shi was producing almost as much milk as there was water flowing down around hir. The cheetah's eyes glazed as shi crooned in pleasure, one intense hit of tingling erupting from hir aching nipples, only to be compounded by a swelling of hir balls or a fresh throb of hir massive stalk.

Nearly two hours passed before Anni could think straight. Shi was still in the shower, still getting dumped on by the six showerheads, which fortunately washed all the milk shi produced right off of hir, or else shi'd have been a real mess, shi knew. Shuddering and moaning, shi managed to roll over and get to hir feet.

The cheetah-taur's maleness dragged along the smooth metal floor of the shower as shi checked each of hir breasts in hir paws. Shi could feel hir huge udder draping around the top of the shaft, pressing it downwards. The extra weight felt good. Anni glanced back, checking out hir spotted black and yellow rump and wiggled it back and forth, watching as the taut flesh jiggled and rippled.

An entire ship full of this stuff, shi thought. And it had this kind of an effect...

The cheetah-taur smiled as shi turned off the water and turned on the hot air blowers. Shi crooned again as the heat soaked into hir pelt, drying hir fur and skin, while a series of thoughts about what to do with this particular salvage ran through hir mind.

Two months later...

Anni smiled as shi stood behind the counter of the shop shi'd set up at Starbase Juniper. A tight stretch-fabric hugged hir six enormous breasts to hir upper body, keeping them from wobbling about too much as shi handed a silver metal container to a young male wolf.

"That'll be five hundred creds," shi said, smiling at the blushing wolf.

The younger male nodded and wiped his lips with the back of his paw, removing the last traces of white seed from his black fur.

"Thank you," he said, taking the bottle in both hands, holding it like it was a treasure.

Anni smiled as shi watched him go and patted the spent length of hir shaft as it draped against the floor and counter, out of sight. The wolf wanted a free sample, and Anni's policy was to always provide. Plus, it meant shi could skip the milking session later on.

The cheetah grinned as shi watched the stream of people pass by hir shop. Half the store was filled with silver bottles of reclaimed Derulian milk. The other half: pumps, nozzles, and other various milking equipment.

At 500 creds a pop, Anni was making a killing. And another supply run in another month meant even more supply. As shi watched the cute black wolf clutch the bottle to his chest as he nearly ran back to his quarters, the cheetah-taur considered the benefits of franchising...

The end

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