Kuroko's Finest: Wolfgang's Training: Day Zero

Story by Kuroko on SoFurry

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A prologue, a prequel of sorts for what's turning out to be a very, very long winded bit of story.

The events in this story and the ones that follow in this particular series take place after, and as a result of, the events in Jane: Wayward Heiress (https://www.sofurry.com/view/1278491).

I remembered before I hit enter this time! If you would like to help determine some of the direction of the stories, show up as a cameo, or even just pitch a buck in the 'hey, I like this, keep doing it' hat, please consider patreon.com/kurokowrites as a way to do so. Although even leaving a comment or fave is nice. I really do want feedback and critique!

Wolfgang's Training: Day Zero

Wolfgang wasn't terribly surprised to be called into Kuroko's office, Monday morning right after he walked into the building that housed Kuroko's Finest, and it's various offices and employees. And some clients, too. The party over the weekend had been one of his first major jobs, and he had... well, blowing it would have implied damage that couldn't be patched up, and that hadn't happened, but he'd done some stupid things and now it was time to pay the price.

The fox was perched on a corner of his desk when he walked in, grinning. He did a lot of that. Some bosses screamed and ranted (Wolfgang had worked for one of them, no fun) or sent minions to deliver bad news. Kuroko was more of a hands on boss, but the way he smiled reminded him of a shark, sometimes. Or just made it clear that he knew Things and knew People, and had many strings to pull.

"You, uh... wanted to see me, boss?"

"Oh yes, I did!" The black fox rubbed a hand over the stub of his missing ear. "What was it, let me think... ah, something about ducking out of your job in the kitchen to fuck one of our guests. Quite well, from the reports I've had. Her father, by the way, is livid, but the cover story has to hold, or he has to admit that he was getting fondled under the table by Mrs. Guthrie. Among other things."

Since he hadn't spent much time near the tables, Wolfgang didn't feel able to comment, although the impression he'd had of Sofia Guthrie started at 'mischievous' and kept going from there. She played true to stereotype for an alley cat, no matter how classy those Siamese markings made her look. That her husband put up with her boggled his mind.

"So, that's settled. Jane gave a "performance review" on your tryst with the vixen. Not bad, especially for someone who hasn't actually had any of the training we usually do. Speaking of which! I know we hired you to work under Catherine, no euphemism, but waitstaff are pretty easy to hire and train. Are you interested in working under other women, euphemism intended, and possible men?"

The fox grinned at his stunned look. "Oh, don't act so surprised. We aren't going to fire someone for fulfilling the core goal of our company! Even if he did so in all sorts of stupid ways. You made Miss Tanaka happy and satisfied. If you hadn't done so by sneaking around and ditching the catering crew, you'd be due a bonus for going above and beyond. As is, the bonus and what should be docked pay for ditching, those balance out pretty even, so we'll call it a wash."

"Uh..." was about all the response that the big wolf could manage. Given that he'd expected to be fired this morning, he had been mentally preparing himself for that, and now, instead of firing, he was being offered a transfer. The company worked in distinct sections, though a lot of people were trained for multiple sections and could migrate as needed. He'd been hired under the Catering and Indulgence department. He'd snickered at the name choice, but had rapidly come to understand how accurate it was.

Catherine headed it, and she might be nervous around some of the more sexual aspects of the company, but she was in total control of her kitchen. He'd worked at a restaurant for a bit during high school, but she'd whipped him around into an actual waiter in no time. Even to the point of being able to carry two full trays through a crowd. Which had surprised the hell out of him, the first time he'd managed to get through that obstacle course without spilling any of the water.

But now there was one of the other departments being offered to him. He'd heard each department had a rigorous training program, intended to bring an employee up to some exacting standards in the execution of their duties. Not to mention that each had their own pay scale, and there were few better ways to get a raise than to cross train.

"You don't have to answer now, Wolfgang. The option is open. Given Jane's review, and Kotomi's evident enjoyment, Madame Finch is interested in taking you under her wing. She's a very, very good woman for taking amateur talent into professional performances. You might be run ragged for a few months while she's working on you, but you'll be very, very skilled when she's done. "

Desire's training program was the one he'd heard exactly nothing about. Each of the others he'd had some briefing on, but Desire? Not a bit. Peace of Mind was overseen by a retired Army office, Catering and Indulgence by Catherine, Entertainment had a half dozen specialist trainers, but Desire had Madame Finch and a training camp that took up an entire floor of the building. He'd seen a few of her employees. Icon, the androgynous little fox, Janice, a doberman lady who seemed to be all energy. He'd heard that Jane had gone through the training program, though he wasn't sure he believed it.

"Do I have to go in blind, sir? I know next to nothing about Desire's programs or needs, aside from that they're sexually motivated, and that Icon and Janice both seem to come back from jobs completely drained and aching. Madame Finch never seems to be anything but serene, so there's that but... if I say yes, what am I getting into?"

"Well... there's things I can't tell you, because parts of the training involve you not knowing ahead of time. But... the program is eight weeks. You'll be paid at your current rate for those weeks, but you won't be doing normal work. And you'll be expected to stay here. It's not total isolation, or anything, don't worry, you aren't going to disappear, but you will be observed, constantly. To judge how well you're doing, and how well your mind can handle things, we need to keep a close eye on you. If you pass the program, and that is an if, not a guarantee, we'll be putting a lot of faith in you, both in upholding the company's reputation, and in keeping our clients safe and sounds while you serve them. So, obviously, we want to ensure that you're going to do that, and can handle it."

The fox fell silent, and gave Wolfgang time to think. Not that he needed much. The pay increase would get him into a much better apartment, let him pay off loans and debts. And the whole thing would cement his career path within the company. There was only so far up he could go in the catering side, without vacancies appearing in the upper ranks, and there was no similar bottleneck in the Desire side of the house. From what he'd been told, there was a chronic shortage, never enough people do fulfill all the requests that came in. A hell of a waiting list, Icon had said once.

"Hell, boss. Sign me up. What's first?"

First turned out to be paperwork, and a stoic insistence that he actually read, not just sign. That was with Craig, the bull secretary that manned the front desk most of the time. He was also the assistant for what was still called human resources, even though at this point, more than half the population of the planet wasn't technically human anymore. There were papers that allowed access to his medical records, papers authorizing an even more thorough background check than had been performed for his initial hiring, papers confirming his consent to and acceptance of 'rigorous and invasive training techniques'. He asked about those and was informed that he would likely not enjoy parts of the next eight weeks. There was a form where he had to write down and confirm an escape phrase, with the understanding that, if he used it, training was terminated, and would not resume at any point in the future. With a clear note that termination of training was not termination of employment, just that he would not be crossing into the Desire department, ever.

When all the paperwork was done, came the most thorough medical examination he'd ever had. Scrutiny over every inch of him, with the in-house medic writing down all sorts of things. Part of the exam had even included Janice coming in to take some measurements and get a semen sample. In ways that were thoroughly enjoyable, for sure, a long and slow build up that let her measure length, girth, how big his knot would go, and when she left the room with a coffee cup full of his cum and a grin on her face, he was left wondering just what the hell that was about.

Papers and medical exams had taken up most of Monday and Tuesday, and he was given the rest of the week off. It would take time for lab work and the background check, but everyone involved was expecting him to be clear to start the program on Monday. Apparently there was a small class starting, with him the last name on the roster.

So Friday afternoon found him sitting in a cafe not far from the office, sipping at theo-free coffee, and wondering what he had gotten himself into. Nothing inescapable, he was sure, but the fact that the escape phrase had to exist implied that it might need to be used, and that was worrying. Very worrying. He wasn't really surprised to see Janice sit down across from him. The doberman always seemed to be wearing leather somewhere. This time hip-hugging, shiny leather capris, and a matched halter top.

"Hey, big bad wolf. Why the worried look?" She had a cup in hand, something cold from the condensation on the surface.

Wolfgang didn't answer, directly, just shrugged and took a sip.

"Ah, nervous about training, I expect. You'll do fine, wolf. A lot of it's just finding out how you work, and what works for you, after that, fine-tuning the skills, and showing you how to get new ones. And you never stop learning, in our department. There's always something new to add to the repertoire, or to get used to. A lot of the program, you'll probably enjoy. I know I did. Icon had a grand time with all of it, but he came in to the program with some heavy experience. He might be doing some of the instruction, too. I will be, at least a few days. Not going to tell you what the class is, that's a surprise."

Wolfgang nodded, and set down his cup. "Guess I'll just have to find out. Hey, can I ask you to feed my fish while I'm stuck in there for two months? Not too worried about everything else, the rent and stuff is paid in advance, and I'll still be getting my mail and phone calls, I guess, but I don't think I can move Bartholomew in with me."

"Oh! Sure! Just leave me a spare key and I can do that for you. I won't promise not to snoop a little, though, so hide anything incriminating before you leave."

"I don't really have anything to hide."


Wolfgang chuckled, and finished his cup.

Kuroko's Finest: Jane: Wayward Heiress

Jane finished polishing the half-imagined scuffs from her sunglasses, and settled them on her face, perched over that broad feline muzzle, they lent a mirrored sparkle to otherwise tawny fur. Between those and the leather jacket and worn jeans, she...

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Kuroko's Finest: Icon: Cages and Jaguars

Icon stepped out of the sedan, and opened the trunk. Just a briefcase inside, unremarkable. A bit worn, really, old leather. After closing the trunk and blowing Leodin, the driver, a kiss, he turned to face the building, and his assignment. As an...

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Vibe Wars 1: A New Kink

"I'd like a number 3 salad, thousand island dressing and a d-diiiet cah-c-coke t-t-to go." Amanda started out well but it didn't last, because I waited until she was in mid order to push buttons on my phone. The buzz of conversation in the food court...

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