Night of the Sex Zombies part 2

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry


#2 of Sex Zombies

Rex Drove up to the front gate of the company he worked for and gazed over the sign (Daily Life Pharmacuticles) He shook his head. He worked on the night shift for security in the main science building. He looked at the clock "Ah shit, late again" He looked out to the dieing sun. "I hate night shift" He stopped at the front gate and looked at the guard. He appeared to be sleeping, his head back against his chair, tongue out to one side. "hey wake up and let me in jack ass." Rex laughed in his head, the guard was in fact an ass. Rex was about to step out of his car when the gate suddenly opened, he stopped himself and drove right threw without saying anything else to the gate guard. A gray feline rose from between the guards legs licking cum from her face lifting her finger from the gate button letting it drop. She made her way out of the booth as the wind whipped at her lab coat revealing her naked body. The coat tag reads (Dr. Keller).

Rex drove through the parking lot noticing there were way to many cars in the lot, it was like the day shift never left. He drove around the building but all the spots seemed taken. He notices that some even gave up and parked next to the walls of the building. He drove by a yellow car, he noted it had fogged windows "i don't think its that cold out" Just as he passed a pair of breasts press up against the window and the car continued to shake around. Rex gave up himself, and parked in front of the back entrance of the security office. He got out of his car, a tall fox with red fur, he closed the door and walked to the back seat to retrieve his duffel bag. He heard scrapping noises in the parking lot as he looked around, only feeling the wind, noticing some dead leaves scrap by his feet. He shrugged "come on Rex, pull it together" He got himself into the building and walked down the hall as he suddenly stopped hearing a faint moaning sound. As he proceeded to the office the sounds became more loud and more pleasurable. As Rex rounded the door into the security office he froze at what he saw. A rabbit riding a security chief, the two moaned with pleasure as she bounced in his lap while he sat in a chair squeezing her soft breasts. Rex watched as the rabbit's round ass rose and fell slapping against the shepherds crotch, a thick cock sliding in between hot pussy lips. The shepherd moaned loudly as he shot his cum into the rabbit's love hole, She screamed pleasurably as she felt her pussy fill with the cream and stopped for a moment letting the hot cum drip out of her pussy lips and down the sheperd's shaft. His body shook then suddenly went limp in the chair. The rabbit looked back at Rex who was shocked by her white eyes.

"uh, sorry to interrupt" He quickly shut the door. "What the fucking was that?!" He jumped as the rabbit opened the door and let out a low scream, he quickly kicked her back in and shut the door. "I gotta get the fuck out of here!" He took off for the door he came in, as he opened it he saw his car covered with six naked furs who appear to be examining it. As soon as they saw him they all started making their way to the door. Rex suddenly felt someone groping his pants, as he looked down he saw the security rabbit on her knees behind him stroking his dick through his pants. He took her by an arm and threw her to the crowed of gathering furs and shut the door again. "Shit!, Shit!" He ran back to the security office and closed the door, his eyes wandered to the shepherd with the semi hard dick dripping with cum. He slowly approached him and felt his neck "damn.....fucked to death.......lucky bastard" He looked at the phone which was ripped from its wire and then ran his eyes across all the monitors, most of which were static he looked at the single monitor for the main lobby. He was shocked to see at least twenty furs having sex in the lobby. A skunkete bend over the lobby desk with her skirt ripped off, a dog slapping up against her soft ass as she moaned feeling the huge cock fill her hot pussy.

A horse moaned with pleasure as she watched her firm breasts bounce excitingly in front of her as she rode the hard cock between her thighs. The lizard held the horse by her wide hips, her round ass bounced on him. A duck bent over between two men, her body heaving between there two thrusting hips. She moaned as her bill was stuffed with the huge cock, her wet pussy filled with another. A goat screamed as two white eyed women held him down while a third parting her pussy lips over his dick and sat on it, she moaned as her ass bounced on the nerdy goat, the other females guided his fingers to their wet pussy lips. It took little effort to get him to finger them as the goat took a nipple between his lips, suckling. The goat bucked his hips as the woman's round ass slapped against him. A young dog in a ripped lab coat grunted as he griped the soft ass of a Doberman reverse riding him as he lay there helpless, his hard cock locked inside the wet tight pussy of his attacker. The Doberman rocked her rump back and forth as she fucked the defenseless scientist, she gripped two dicks in her hands as two more stood over her sucummed by pleasure, she took turns sucking their firm dicks. Rex rubbed his brow clear as he watched the multiple sweaty bodies bump and grind in the lobby filled with sounds of carnal lust and moans of inescapable pleasure.

He suddenly heard a noise behind him, as he turned he saw the shepherd standing, looking at him with white eyes and a firm cum covered cock. He knelled down and scrambled through his duffel bag as the shepherd lunged at him. Rex raised his arm to block him as the hard dick rubbed against his face stopping short of his mouth. He quickly pulled a baton, rising and smacking his attacker in the head, who quickly dropped to the floor. Rex looked down at him whipping the cum from his cheek. "I total quite after this." Realizing he wasn't safe he packed his bag with more gear he thought he might need and peeked out the door for more white eyes. He started a slow run down the hall "There has got to be some normal people left in this building" Rex said to himself.

Rex was careful going around corners, if he were ever spotted he would have nowhere to run to. He had planned to make his way to the business department where there would be lots of phones and computers with outside lines. He opened the door to the stair well leading further up just dodging a pair of naked furs a male and female who seemed to be searching but didn't notice him. As he got into the stair well he stopped as it echoed with moans of pleasure. He couldn't tell where it was coming from, he looked up the staircase but found nothing then he peeked down and found a badger and a fox in ripped cloths, there sweaty bodies entangled on the lower landing. The fox used her hands to squeeze the badgers breasts while licking her nipples occasionally sucking on them. The badger moaned trying to push her attacker away as she felt the fox rip her panties off, probing her pussy lips with her fingers. The badger blushed moaning with her tongue hanging from her jaw as the fox thrust her fingers into her hot welcomeing pussy, messaging the badger's clit with her thumb. The badger used her hands to press against the wall behind her as she opened her legs giving in to the pleasure. The fox snuggled her muzzle between her thighs and started licking her pussy lips and clit as she continued fingering her victim. The badger moaned loudly with pleasure as her love snatch was being attacked without relent. She bit her lip feeling her pussy juices flow from her as the female fox continued pleasuring her. The badger started arcing her back in a smooth rhythm trying to fuck her attacker's fingers in return she watched the fox between her bouncing soft breasts, as she let out moans of increasing pleasure feeling her orgasm coming to her.

The fox fingered her victim faster and sucking on her clit, drinking the juices from her pussy as the badger suddenly arced her back for the last time, curling her toes in ecstasy as she came on her attacker's face. She rode her orgasm with long moans of pleasure when suddenly she gasped clawing at the walls around her then stopped dead. The white eyed fox continued lapping at the wet pussy. Rex backed away from the stairs "so thats how it happens" he thought to himself. Rex proceeded up the stair quietly trying to avoid attracting the fox down below who will be more alert now that she finished off her victim. He made his way to the business floor and stopped to peek through the door first. As he saw no one he slowly slipped in trying to be as stealthy as possible, he came up to the double doors of the cafeteria were he heard more noises. As he peered in through the door he saw a white eyed wolf eagerly fucking the cafeteria worker, a hot pig bent over the buffet, her ample sweaty breasts in the potato salad, she squealed with pleasure as the wolf thrusted and filled her dripping pussy. Rex shuffled past the opened doors without being noticed and rounded the corner to the cubicals.

He made his way to a desk that still had a computer running and the password logged in, obviously who ever worked here left in a hurry. He grabbed the mic and punched the number that was given to every security guard in the event of an emergency into the keyboard. He put the mic on his head and waited through the rings. Some guy answered "yes?" "this is the emergency number right?" Rex asked " I'm in the Daily Life Pharmacuticles research and development lab and there is a big emergency" "hold please" "unbelievable" Rex scuffed "We have ourself a John McClane in the building ma,am" the voice seemed more distant. "hello?" a female's voice this time "Finally, yeah I'm in the Daily li..." "yes we know were you are" he was cut off "we are outside now" "so what the hell are you going to do" Rex barked " don't worry Mr. Rex we have everything under control" "wait, how do you know my name?" he heard a click " Hey! i didn't tell you my name!" Suddenly Rex heard a noise behind him, he spun around and raised his baton high only to see a skunkete holding a bat, she screamed and started swinging like a mad woman in a waka mole game. He backed off freaked out. Two more scientist appeared behind her, a female squirrel and a male dog, they took her by the shoulders. "will you shut up Anna they will hear us!!" the squirrel hist. "its to late for that!" a large bull closed and locked the door to the office as he turned he saw Rex "Hey Rex man......crazy night huh!?" Rex smiled "Ben!, what the fuck is going on around here" Ben shook his head "I was half asleep on the way in, by the time i notice something was wrong i was trapped in the building swarming with sex zombies" They all suddenly heard something hitting the door behind Ben and the door nob turned wildly. Anna started to cry to herself. "we need to get out of here" the dog proclaimed the obvious.

"Rex man, get them out, ill hold them here" Rex raised a brow "are you sure about that?" "I fought them before, you guys will need time to put some distance between you and them" Ben confirmed. "Theres a door in the director's office that leads to the coffee room, we can get out there" The squirrel pointed at another door. Rex nodded "alright, lets go" As the group made their way to the next office the door began to crack. Dead white eyes peering through every hole. Ben turned ripping his security shirt off "lets do this!!" Just as the door broke down two furs tried to bypass Ben, but he caught them in his arms and threw them back. Kicking a small scientist in the chest pushing the crowed away. He lowered his head catching three furs with his horns, lifting them and throwing them through the glass window to the side like a shovel. Suddenly a black wolf rushed him sliding on his knees using himself to trip Ben foreword. Ben fell and flipped onto his back only to see a multitude of furs jump onto him from above. Within seconds his big dick was out of his pants, tongues caress his chest and firm cocks against his face.

The wolf started licking Ben's thick shaft while ripping his pants to shreds. joined by two female tongues his cock became harder by the second. A female badger sat on his chest and went down on his crotch, fitting the head of his huge cock into her mouth. Ben tried to moan out loud but found a cock pushed into his mouth he squirmed as it filled his mouth but found no escape. He felt his legs being lifted as the wolf pushed his own dick into Ben's ass. He screamed with pain as he felt his ass being filled by the black wolf. The wolf started to pump his hips pushing into the hot bull with more easy as pain turned into pleasure. Ben released whatever furs he was holding on to and used his newly feed hands to cup the badgers soft ass and finger her wet pussy, the badger moaned while suckling Ben's cock with the other white eyed women. He started rolling his tongue around the cock in his mouth as the pleasure became greater for him. He rolled his eyes as he could feel the wolf slapping up against his firm ass, the male fucking his face gripped his horns as he came in his mouth, Ben winced as his mouth filled with hot cum he tried not to swallow it as it filled his throat, cum flowed down his lips and muzzle. He moaned with his mouth free from the cock and pleasure shot through his body.

Ben arced his back loosing control of himself as he felt the numerous tongues caress his body and hard cock, He moaned louder as the wolf pumping into him gave one last thrust and came, filling him. This pushed Ben's orgasm over the edge and he shot his load, spraying the females in the face. Ben grunted as the life was drained from, gasping for air, his head fell back, body limp. Rex peered through the door of the coffee room into the hall way to check if it was clear then closed the door. "ok guys, I don't think that we are going to get any help from the outside. So we are going to have to find our own way out" The squirrel stepped foreword "We are going to have to do it fast, when something big like this happens its standard procedure to destroy the test site" "how do you know this?" Rex questioned "Jewls is the head in her department, all the heads know this" The dog adjusted his glasses "They call me Bones by the way, and of course you met Anna" Rex eyed the skunkete gripping the baseball bat "are you going to be alright" "Yeah....just freaked out there for a moment" Anna spoke at a fast pace. "I think we should make for the underground parking lot, only we, that is to say the heads of the departments are aloud to park down there so there shouldn't be any problems in getting a clear rout out." Rex nodded "thats like.......six floors down" Anna spoke fast again.

"don't worry, we can make it. These sex zombies seem....easily long as their occupied we can slip by" Jewls said coldly. "Indeed" Bones finished. "lets get going, Ben's not coming" Rex opened the door and started down the hall way silently with the others in tow. The group made there way to another stair well and found it deserted, as the proceeded down the stairs. Bones bringing up the rear heard one of the doors open up from above and foot steps rushing down the stairs. The group broke into a run without saying anything, but Bones stopped and opened the door of the 3rd floor and stayed there long enough to see the white eyes furs running down the stairs and get there attention. He ran into the third floor with the furs hot on his heals. The rest looked up to see if they were safe. "Damn hero" Anna spoke "If hes smart he will use the other stair wells to get down to the garage" Rex sighed. "Not before bringing them with him" Jewls scorned "Hopefully we will have a car running by then" Rex retorted. Bones dashed down the halls dodging the various forms in the dark but running out of breath fast. He made a quick turn then another, the furs followed him but as they rounded the corner they found an empty hall. They stopped, screaming and grunting at each other before continuing down the hall hunting. The furs passed the utility closet as Bones sat on the floor watching the shadows of feet pass by the door.

He took his in hailer and popped it in his mouth spraying the vapor into his lunges. "Shit that was close." He peeked out the door to see it was clear then closed it. "Now where is the closest stair well." Suddenly the door handle turned and Bones dove behind some shelves. He watched as a dark figure walked in closing the door behind it. A look of confusion crossed his face, they don't normally use doors like that. This person might be trying to hide he thought. Bones adjusted his glasses again and found he was looking at a female cat in a lab coat which seemed undamaged. He suddenly realized who it was "Dr. Keller?" He called out. The figure looked over in his direction with a startled stance. " It is you, isn't it. How did you manage to stay alive!" He stepped out from his hiding place. He stepped closer " I am so glade you made it dear, i....." He got a better looked at her face as Dr. Keller stood there smiling with her dead white eyes looking right threw him. "Oh, no....not you too.....I was hopping" He fell backwards as he tripped on a box. Keller walked slowly towards Bones swaying her hips in a seductive manner. "No!, no....stay back" He took another lunge full of in hailer vapor. Bones' eyes looked feverishly for escape but were drawn to Keller's soft round Breasts, her firm nipples. She was naked under her lab coat. His eyes continues examining her body, her tight belly, her swaying hips, her strong thighs and long legs. "holy crap....this is just like that dream."

Keller stepped over him and knelled down, unzipping his pants. Bones closed his eyes as if going to receive a painful shot. "this isn't happening, this isn't happening, uuuuhhhh" He felt pleasure coarse through his body as Keller started sucking his dick. He moaned as his cock hardened in her warm mouth, it didn't take long for him to become hard as a rock. He moaned louder, he had never felt this before as he opened his eyes and put his hands on her bouncing head, feeling it move up and down as his full cock was being devoured by his science crush. She sucked his dick faster then suddenly lifting her head up, rising to her feet but still crouching over his cock, she aimed to ride him. Bones quickly grabbed her thighs and pushed her onto her back with her legs spread open in the air. Bones looked down at the snarling white eyed Keller. "I always wanted to do this to you!" He spoke through his fogging glasses. He let his tongue out and started licking her wet pussy lips, the snarls turned into moans as Keller lay on her back with her legs in the air. The dog lapped her pussy, drinking her love juices as he proceed to loosen his tie, taking his own cloths off. This was a chance he seemed unwilling to give up. To fuck the hottest scientist in the company. All reasoning power was thrown out the window.

Bones wiggled his tongue wildly as he probed her pussy, pushing into her deeper. He was encouraged hearing her moans of pleasure. After taking his time to eat her he stood over her, still holding onto her thighs, her legs wide open in the air as she looked up at him from between her cleavage. He pushed his dick into her as they both moaned, he felt amazed at the soft insides of a female and started pumping his hips. Moaning with pleasure as his hard cock filled in the wet receiving pussy, he couldn't stop himself. Keller moaned loudly as her breasts bounce from her victims thrusts. Bones pumped harder, slapping against her soft ass "yes, Dr. Keller, this is everything i imagined it would be like. I love this so much!" He fucked her faster and pleasure jolted threw both of them. He let her rear end down as before leaning over her, grabbing and squeezing her ample breasts running his tongue across her hard nipples. Keller wrapped her feline legs around his waist, drawing him in with her arms till no escape was possible. He buried his muzzle in between her breasts still pumping his hard cock into her pussy with passion. Keller showed her teeth in an evil smile while letting out moans of pleasure as their sweaty bodied pressed together. She sunk her claws into his back screaming with lust as she orgasmed, he could feel the flow of pussy juices engulf his dick as he fucked faster letting out a long moan of his own. He filled her pussy with his hot cum.

He closed his eyes squeezing those breasts, unloading into his attacker. He gasped for breath, searching for his in hailer, but Keller stilled gripped him with her legs and arms. He squirmed, the life force draining from him as he collapsed, his face burred into her breasts. Keller licked her lips moaning some more as she continuing running her fingers and thighs against his body as if taking care of him.

The tent flap opened as the security guard in a biohazard suit left the perimeter, he approached a tall gray female cat in a lab coat. "ma'am, the super tent has been set up and the air purification system is ready to clean out the chemical. Everything will be ready for burning and the building is wired to blow." "and the infected in the parking lots?" the cat asked "burning in piles as we speak" The guard answered. " Proceed with the clean up, this need to get done before dawn and everyone notices whats going on. We can control the media for so long....." The guard saluted and ran back into the containment zone draped in a massive biohazard tent. The cat watched over the scrambling furs doing their jobs, the tag on her lab coat read (Dr. Keller).

The security guard ran up and ducked behind the sand bag wall. "she said blow it". The other fur in a biohazard suit gave the thumbs up and pushed a sequence of buttons, going from blue, green, yellow then red. He gripped the wheel and turned it activating the circuit. Suddenly a huge explosion rocked the biohazard tent and the building went up in a ball of flames and its structure came toppling down. burning furs started crawling out of the flaming mound. "open fire" Machine guns rattled loudly "this will be over soon" one guard said to the other.

Rex opened his eyes with a ringing in his ears. He looked around and found the upper stairs packed with rubble, Jewls and Anna woke after. "what hit us?" Rex groaned "This is the companies contingency plan i told you about" Jewls answered. Rex looked at the door next to them, they made it to the underground parking. "lets get out of here while we still can" Rex rose and helped the others to there feet. He forced the door open which was partially blocked by rubble and took some effort. As the three entered the parking garage jewls looked around "ok Rex you go check if the exit ramp is clear, Anna and i will go get my car and meet you there" "what if the exit is blocked" Anna asked "I'll start clearing it if thats the case." Rex answered. The group separated and went for their objectives. Rex was jogging to the exit keeping an eye out for anything strange. He made his way to the main ramp which was only blocked by the guard gate and two cars, which could be rolled out of the way he thought.

The two girls arrived at Jewls' car, Anna leaned against a car as she watched Jewls trying to find her keys in her lab coat. Anna let the tip of her bat touch the ground as she looked to rest her arms. Suddenly the glass behind Anna shattered with a loud crash and a pair of arms grabbed her by the head and neck. She screamed with sudden terror as she was being pulled back into the car dropping her bat. Jewls spun around and watch as Anna's legs hung out the window wildly kicking about, a unseen dark mass on top of her. Jewls tried to pull at her feet but gave up, starting to run away from the scene. Anna screamed as she felt a warm hard dick rubbing against her face, her attacker ripping her dress up and ripping her panties off. She moaned as she felt her pussy being licked, continuing to struggle. Jewls stumbles in between two cars and found herself on all fours, as she looked up there were two furs on the roofs looking down at her, hard cocks pulsating between their legs. She screamed as they jumped her. Jewls tried to crawl away, but the back of her caller was caught by one of the attackers and her shirt ripped open, her large breasts bounced out. Her ankles were grabbed and she screamed again as she was pulled flat onto her belly and flipped over. The attacker holding her ankles pulled her legs up into the air so she was laying on her shoulders looking up at them. Jewls' dress was pulled down around her hips as they forced her to spread her legs open.

She tried to scream again only to have a large cock fill her mouth, as the attacker over her ripped her panties off, pushing his dick into her unprepared pussy. She tried screaming in pain but was muffled by the wet dick fucking her mouth. Anna began to resist less and less as pleasure coursed through her body. Anna's firm nipples poking threw her shirt as she moaned softly feeling her attacker lick her wet pussy lips, she started returning the favor by licking the hard shaft in front of her. rolling her tongue around it, eagerly up and down its length, making the dick wet with her saliva. This encouraged her attacker to lick faster and deeper into her hot pussy, she squealed taking the cock in her fingers and guiding it to her small mouth suckling on the head. Jewls moaned with pleasure as her soft squirrel ass slapped up against the attacker straddling her from above, pushing down on her, his thick cock filling her now wet pussy. She willingly sucked the cock in her mouth as the attackers grunted thrusting into her sweaty body. Anna bobbed her head up and down sucking her attacker's dick with hunger squeezing his head with her thick thighs. He gripped her soft ass continuing his attack on her hot pussy. Anna felt the cock pulsate as hot cum shot down her throat. She used the fingers to milk the shaft guzzling the cum as it spilled out of her lips.

Jewls felt hot cum fill her pussy driving her mad as both women moaned with pleasure loudly and orgasmed together. Rex finished moving the last car and looked around. "where the hell are they?" He started to run back. He eventually found them. He saw a naked cum covered squirrel, lifeless between two cars and not to far away a pair of naked legs hanging out of a car window. "shit, i shouldn't have left them alone" He heard a sound and as he terned to face it he saw three male furs, they stared at him with their dead white eyes and hard cocks between there legs. Rex waisted no time in bolting for the exit, the fox ran as fast as he could with the attackers right behind him. He made it to the up ramp and he went to turn up it, but in the split second stop the others tackled him to the ground. He could feel a cock press against his lips, he groaned as his dick was being pulled out of his pants, being licked by tongues. Rex struggled against his attacker when suddenly the roof cracked above the mingling bodies and then came down on top of them. Rex pushed threw the rubble shortly after, amazed at still being alive, he stumbled away from the ruble when he fell, his head spinning. He closed his eyes rolling over. "".

Rex moaned as he was slowly coming to, he jolted feeling pleasure. He opened his eyes and found a gray cat riding his lap, he shook his head to get a clearer image only feeling more pleasure. His hard cock firm inside her wet pussy, he spotted her white eyes looking down at him from her grinning face. He reached up and gripped her neck "fuck you, I'm not go.....goin......ah" She bounces her soft ass harder causing more slipping action between his firm cock and her hot pussy lips. Rex's fingers glided down from her neck to her ample bouncing breasts squeezing them. She moaned with pleasure. encouraging him to go further. Taking her by the hips and fucking the gray cat with all his energy. She screamed with pleasure. He continued to push his hips against her round ass catching a glimpse at her name tag, (ler) her breasts kept bouncing in the way. He closed his eyes as sweat ran down his face as he fucked the cat harder. She screamed with pleasure and Rex pumped for the last time, filling her with his hot cum. She continue to moan running her fingers all over her body as Rex struggled to stay alive. His head hit the floor as he dropped dead. Dr. Keller continued to ride the firm cock to her satisfaction when she suddenly felt a prick on her ass, she looked back finding a dart.

She tried to stand letting the dick slid out of her pussy, cum dripping from her pussy lips. Keller stumbled and fell over O.K.ed "over here ma'am. we found her" the security guard waved the other Dr. Keller over. She ran over in a biohazard suit and knelled down beside the gray cat. She ran her fingers across her cheek. " you always did take things to far sister." she stood. " Get her into a containment unit ASAP" what about this one" the security guard pointed at Rex "Throw him in the fire with the rest, by this time tomorrow, this facility never existed" She watched as her sister was carried away. "don't worry, i will fix everything"


Night of the Sex Zombies part 1

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