[COM-26] Fencehopping Folly

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Commissioner/Ezio - EziotheWolamute

Writing/Ceylon/Ilorek - Runa

Art - foxifly

In this story, Ezio finds himself attracted to the local gryphon, so he takes the ultimate risk in hopping the fence at night to enjoy some mutual pleasure.

Naturally, he has no idea what he's in for!


Fencehopping Folly

Ezio the canine hybrid walked down the dirt road towards the forest, smiling and whistling as his paw pads crunched at the stones and pebbles beneath him. His mind was quite preoccupied with how good life had been since moving to the north west of the city. Now residing in a ranch home at the edge of the rural sprawl between Klyneth and the Emerald Forest, he had found himself happier than he had ever been, at least until he passed the home of Ilorek Rovairre, one of his new neighbours.

As he passed beyond the rocky, cliff-like hills that obscured the view of Ilorek's home and property from the road, the sudden and intense sound of an explosion could be heard echoing throughout the area. It sounded like a gunshot or backfire on an old engine, the latter of which was something that Ezio was properly trained to fix as an auto mechanic.

Though he was not close friends with Ilorek, the two had met at a barbecue and Ezio got good vibes from the hippogryph, so he hopped over the gate and made his way down the gravel driveway up to the homestead. The driveway itself was a crescent moon carved out of the raised cliffs and hills surrounding the property, deliberately placed to ensure that nobody could see his home from the road. A peculiar choice, Ezio felt, but he also knew the value of privacy so he never questioned it.

As he made his way up the last bend towards the house and barn, he saw a pillar of smoke billowing up from the all terrain vehicle next to a flustered looking Ilorek. "Everything alright here?" He asked, waving to get Ilorek's attention. Around the yard was a series of a dozen different fields and pastures, each holding their own herd or individual creature. One field had a group of six mares, another had four stallions, and the nearest one had a single black and white gryphon in it. All pretty.

"Oh, hey!" Ilorek called back, waving to urge Ezio closer, inviting the canine to come. "Yeah, looks like There's a bit of a problem here."

Ezio jogged forth until he was standing next to Ilorek, wincing at the scent of the black smoke that was filling the air. He winced not because it smelled bad, but because he knew what it meant for the vehicle. "I think I can fix this." He declared, blowing the smoke from his face with his paw.

Next to him, Ilorek placed his hands on his hips, slowly shaking his head. "You can? I'll pay you very well if you can have it done within half an hour." His massive body dwarfed Ezio, standing head and shoulders above the canine hybrid. "Like, we're talking ten gold coins."

Ten gold might not have sounded like much, but even one gold coin was quite valuable and that was half a month's mortgage, or two month's worth of feed for his pets. With that in mind, his ears perked up and he nodded. "Have you got any tools for me to work with?"

"I do! I'll get you my tool box from the barn. In the mean time, feel free to open her up and get a proper look-see, figure out what's wrong and what happened." He tipped his hat and quickly bounded off to the big red and black barn, leaving Ezio alone with his all terrain vehicle.

Things felt awkward for a brisk moment as Ezio glanced over at the engine block, checking to see if he was capable of diagnosing what was wrong. He couldn't grab it or take anything off, so he just kept his eye on the various components to see if anything was out of place. Once he sensed something was off, he got down to his knee and got a better look, tilting his head and leaning in close. It was clear that the best angle was going to be from underneath, so he laid on his back and slid along the gravel, putting himself into the right position.

Just as he was about to start reaching out to move cords and connectors aside, he saw Ilorek's black talons stepping up to the vehicle next to him followed by gently placing the tool box on the ground between them. "Here's what I've got." He said, then opened it to reveal the tools inside. "Tell me what you want, and I'll get it for you."

"Sounds good." Ezio confirmed, then darted his hand out while keeping an eye on a connector that looked loose. "I'm gonna need a monkey wrench, mid-size."

Less than two seconds later, the tool was in his paw and he was working away at the underside of the engine. He cranked, he tightened, he loosened, and at one point he even used a hammer to just smash it until it worked right. This was not standard procedure, but he was running out of time and needed to correct the metal ridges on one of the engine components so he went as quick as he could.

During the repairs, he kept up some small talk with Ilorek while cranking a bolt. "So tell me, why is it so important to have this thing repaired so quickly? What are your plans this afternoon?"

"Well, it's not super important in that it's not life threatening or anything. I was supposed to meet up with some friends and go mudding out in the Great Emerald Forest. Lots of trails in the region and I bet they're gonna leave without me if I'm an hour late. That's why it's important for you to finish as fast as you can." He crouched down and pushed his beak under the vehicle, gape grinning. "So it was a real treat to have you show up. Serendipity, I say. A blessing, if you're into that sort of thing."

Ezio chose not to respond to that. He wasn't the religious type and didn't want to risk offending. Instead, he decided to give good news. "Well, you'll be happy to hear that I think I'm done. Looks like one of the connectors was blown off, and that was keeping the fuel from being injected into the pistons. No idea how that resulted in an explosion, but I think it's fixed now." He pushed out from under the machine to see Ilorek standing straight up over him, squealing like a fangirl.

"Eee! Thanks so much for this!" He then composed himself and shook his giddiness off. "Don't tell anyone I squeal like a chick about this. Here." He reached into his coin bag attached to his belt and reached in for some coins, pulling seven gold out and placing it directly into Ezio's palm.

"This is too much." Ezio protested as he tried to give two coins back. "You said five coins."

Ilorek pulled away and refused to take the coins back. "Don't worry about it, I've got lots to spare and I think you'd use it more than I would." He then hopped up onto the vehicle the second that Ezio was completely clear from it. "Now, if you don't mind, I have to go catch up with my buddies. Feel free to see yourself out, or go say hi to my gryphon, Ceylon." He offered a salute, a tip of his invisible hat, and turned the vehicle on all within seconds. The engine revved, purring gently as it should, before Ilorek kicked his foot to the pedal and was off, disappearing past his barn and into the woods that lined the north border of his homestead.

This left Ezio alone wth the tool box and a puddle of oil in the middle of Ilorek's gravel lot, with nothing but the sounds of a now-distant revving engine and the light wisps of wind zipping through the tall grass and leaves. "Well this is awkward." He said to himself as he got to his feet, brushing his thighs off form the dirt and gravel that had accumulated there.

His first instinct was to turn and head back towards the road once more, since he'd made a tonne of money and his job was done. However, as he was about to do that he saw Ceylon the gryphon saunter over to the nearest fence and stick his head over the top rung. This inspired Ezio to instead join the gryphon there. He quickly stepped up and tentatively reached his one hand out towards Ceylon, moving slowly to ensure that he didn't startle the beast.

To his delight, Ceylon leaned in and pressed his cheek up to Ezio's palm, chirping and trilling all the while. He lightly preened at the canine's wrist fur, playfully bit down on the forearm, and stared at him directly with his big, blue eyes. The gryphon's ears twitched and flicked, active every second while getting acquainted to Ezio.

"Well aren't you the most expressive one." Ezio mused, smiling and leaning in closer. The warmth he felt from Ceylon's cheek and neck was so intense compared to the relatively cool late fall air that he had an intense and immediate desire to steal more of it. He slid past the gryphon's face and beak to press both of his hands up under his clipped wing, rubbing at the down and fur there while melting a little inside. The warmth was more like heat, intense and encompassing, so he pressed his head and chest up against the gryphon's side as well.

To his surprise, Ceylon didn't pull away or act in any way discomforted. Quite the opposite, the gryphon actually raised his wing to better pull ezio into a hug!

The warmth, the cuddliness, and the light scents all mixed with the tender feeling of soft fur and light tickling to fill Ezio's thoughts with naughty fantasies. For a split second, his mind wandered to what was between Ceylon's hind legs, and what it would be like to feel it. He knew that Ilorek was long, long away by now - as the faint humming of the engine could still be heard - and the property was surrounded on three sides by four or five meter tall cliffs that ensured nobody could see him, so it wouldn't be too much of a risk to lightly steal a feel from the gryphon's sheath. Much as he desired the beast, he needed to take a bit more time to acclimatize to him while he did the same.

Minutes passed as Ezio calmly pressed his palms to Ceylon's flank, tickling and scritching and massaging the beast every few seconds. The last thing he needed was an angry creature with a beak and talons plucking and clawing at him, aggressively refuting his affections.

His heart started beating rapidly as the cool spread of adrenaline filled his chest, and he pulled away from the gryphon just long enough to glance around one last time to ensure that nobody was watching before hopping through the top and bottom fence boards. Once he was in the field next to Ceylon, he pressed his entire chest up against the gryphon's flank while one hand lightly trickled down under his belly. After a pause to make sure that Ceylon was still okay with being touched there, he let his fingers do a few final steps before rubbing his tips up against the moist, soft flesh of the sheath tip.

A swell built in his loins and abdomen, forcing him to gulp as he came to the unmistakable realization that he was in fact fondling gryphon cock - or at least the sheath that contained it.

This sensation lasted only for a few minutes before he felt his worry and fear overcome his desire, thus forcing him to pull out and hop back through the fence. He glanced around to make sure nobody was watching, and when he was sure he was still alone he briskly walked away from the fence, leaving a sad looking gryphon chirping and calling out to him from the other side. Ezio knew he couldn't let himself get too engaged, so he did his best to keep walking, not stopping or turning around until he made it to the part of the driveway flanked by the two story tall cliffs that surrounded Ilorek's home.

Only then did he take a moment to pause and sniff his fingers, his keen nose taking in the musky aroma of gryphon cock and his own member swelling in his pants. Though he wanted nothing more than to turn back around and get bold with Ceylon, he knew it wasn't the best of plans to do that in the middle of the day, especially not with a neighbour he wasn't familiar with yet.

He quickly hopped the gate to the road and happily sauntered his way back to his house two doors down. Luckily, his canine member pointed straight up instead of outward, so his erection couldn't be seen by any others who may have passed.

When he walked by the dragon's home - the house between his and Ilorek's - he was especially careful to cover his crotch, since he knew they had many young kids running around and he wasn't in the mood to cause a fuss. Common courtesy, really.

Upon making it to his house - a simple ranch home with a single pasture out back and loads of wheat and hay fields surrounding his lot - he quickly shut himself off from the world and disappeared into his bedroom, where he immediately whipped out his laptop and started browsing images and videos of gryphon mating. Up until that day, he hadn't known that feral gryphons knotted, at least not for as long as he had expected.

As it turned out, male gryphons were known for mounting and tying to their hens for hours, often overnight to be pried apart in the morning or once the female felt satisfied. The idea of being tied to a gryphon for two or three times as long as he would have to another one of his own canine kind made him so hard he couldn't help but spend the next hour pleasuring himself, plug up under his tail and hand wrapped tightly around the base of his knot.

The fantasy of a feral gryphon filled his head until after dinner, when he decided that he was going to do something bold. Something brash. Something potentially stupid. That night, he was going to sneak out, cross the fields of the dragon's farm, and scale the cliffs surrounding Ilorek's abode. Ceylon had invaded his mind, and he couldn't help but want more, so he was going to do some fence hopping as soon as he was sure everyone else was asleep and he was safe to explore.

He knew that the gryphon had reacted well to his touch, not only allowing it to happen but also looking lost and needy when they parted ways, so he knew he wasn't going to be in any danger if he arrived in the middle of the night.

He just needed to prepare.

Later that night, after an entire afternoon and evening filled with indecision, Ezio snuck out his back door to be on his way. The skies were clear, showing the moon and the stars with such clarity that he seriously considered turning back around and changing his mind. The fields were well lit enough that he seriously expected to be seen if someone happened to walk by.

However, as he squinted across the back of his lot to see the swaying hay fields, he found he could barely see anything due to the way the light worked at night. He also remembered a few key things that urged him forth, most notably the fact that Ilorek was a day bird who likely couldn't see well at night, as well as the fact that his entire property was surrounded by raised cliff faces, so nobody else would see him if he was out in the field.

Once he as completely self assured of his decision to take this risk, he closed the door behind himself and made his way past the fence that lined his pasture, pining over the fact that he couldn't just keep some stallions there for fun. Now that would be an adventure, to take a stallion out for a ride each night without worry of being caught. Unfortunately, Ezio was new to the rural life and had yet to indulge himself in that way. He assured himself that he would definitely get some horses some day.

The night was not young, as it was well past midnight, but he was still somewhat surprised to feel that the blades of grass and stalks of hay were all so very moist already. The fog of the night had already blanketed the land, and was likely to crystallize soon, so he figured that this first night would be more about investigation and scoping out than any actual action.

At least that's what he kept telling himself. Every few steps he found himself running by his plan in his head. Climb the cliff, find a path, scope out, go up to the fence, check and see if Ceylon was there. Then, and only then, would he try entering the field. That was, head across the dragon's plot of farm land, scale the cliff while finding the best way to climb the rock face, and scope out the pasture from atop the cliff while also being careful to not be spotted. From there, he would gauge future action based on whether the gryphon was there or not, and whether he seemed in the mood to do anything.

That thought process was on repeat in his mind, and he couldn't help but modify it slightly every time, with increasing emphasis on the end part about giving himself an emergency exit if things didn't go perfectly well. He knew that he could be in trouble from Ilorek if he got caught, and could get seriously hurt if Ceylon didn't appreciate the attention.

Furthermore, he could get himself in even more danger if Ceylon did actually enjoy the attention and got to be a bit more aggressive than Ezio was anticipating. So many variables.

"Just get to the cliffs around the property and go from there." He silently assured himself. "Don't bother with the other variables, don't distract yourself with a dozen negative outcomes. Take it one step at a time, and then we'll see. And if things go wrong, then we turn around. Simple as that." His mantra was simple and cautious, as it should be when fence hopping, but that didn't stop him from being immensely cautious and worried. Anything could happen, and he knew it; no mantra would save him from repercussions.

For a split second before he crossed the property line onto the dragon's field, he considered turning back and just jerking off instead, but then he sniffed his fingers to sample the faint scents of Ceylon from before and it urged him forward. The thought of getting a better, longer lasting sample of those aromas drove him beyond the boundaries of reason and common sense towards the gryphon pen.

As was common for males of any species or race. Once aroused, much of their reasoning skills were allotted to finding out new ways to get off. In this case, it involved slipping into a pasture at night to use a gryphon for pleasure. Not the smartest thing and he knew it, but that didn't stop his brain from internally justifying every act and brushing away and concerns that cropped up.

With a newfound vigor and self assurance, he took in a deep breath and started sneaking through the tall grass to make it from one side of the field to the other, with the four meter tall cliffs raising in front of him as he got closer. The top of these cliffs surrounding the property were as tall as a two story building with a roof, so they definitely weren't something that could be overcome with a ladder, but that didn't mean that they couldn't be overcome.

Since moving to the rural areas northwest of town, Ezio had been gradually exploring and surveying the rocky cliffs that bordered Ilorek's home, walking by as frequently as he reasonably could without looking weird, while also checking to see if the cliffs were scalable by someone like him. They were, as the rock was much like slate and had many tiny crevasses that allowed for claws or fingers to slip in and use it as a ladder, but the danger was still there. With the midnight mist blanketing the land and the thin film of moisture covering every blade of grass and stone around him, the danger was real.

Still, his mind didn't let him opt out of taking those last steps.

Ezio quickly took his final steps to dash through the fence and place his paw on the cold rock of the cliff before him. He looked up its escarpment as he took a deep breath, pulling himself up the first step of many. To his surprise, the pads on his fingertips kept a good and firm grip on the rock cliff face. Once he was convinced he wasn't going to fall, he surveyed his surroundings to map out a path and quickly took it, crawling up the vertical cliff face until he was about half way to the top.

He glanced down, considered quitting then and there, then when he leaned in close enough to sniff his paw again, he got that faint gryphon musk that drove him wild, this urging him up the rest of the way. Within less then a minute, he was pulling himself up to the cliff top, where he stood tall and looked down at the plains and pasture on either side of the raised cliff, some on Ilorek's property and the rest everywhere else. To him, the fields just looked like patchwork dotted with the hides of animals.

Luckily for him, he had aimed himself well and was nearest the field with the gryphon in it. Ceylon's pasture was easily the largest one spread out before him, and he had it to himself, which told Ezio that gryphons were territorial.

Good, that meant that once he presented himself, Ceylon would proceed to take him hard and deep without remorse. Perfect; that was exactly what he wanted.

His vigor was easily renewed, so he hopped down the sloped rocks and grass to end up next to the field, eyes trained on the black and white shape that was halfway across the field. Just then he wondered what he could do to entice Ceylon over to visit him. He had told himself that he wouldn't hop into the open field without Ceylon inviting him, but he hadn't brought any food - or anything, for that matter, not even lube - so he couldn't entice the drake. "Good job." He muttered to himself as he flopped over the nearest fence post, hips twisted and groins welling with anticipation.

If nothing else, he just really, really wanted to collect more of that wonderful smelling musk. Even without any sexual or intimate action, he could fantasize with the help of that aromatic essence of gryphon, using the powerful scent to inspire the most vivid of fantasies when fapping or fooling around with his own dog. Anything would do, but he needed to have Ceylon come over to him, first.

When he looked up, he was shocked to see the white and black gryphon shape hobbling over towards him, head bobbing up and down. It was Ceylon, eagerly trotting forth on a direct course to the fence post that Ezio was leaning over! This made Ezio excited to the point he felt a swell in his sheath.

"Hey there! Good boy!" The canine called out, just loud enough so that he was sure that Ceylon could hear him but his voice wouldn't travel much farther. Before long, the gryphon took his final steps to the fence and pressed his beak over the post, pushing Ezio back with a purr and a nuzzle. "Yeah, that's a good boy." Ezio whispered in the drake's ear, scritching and preening with his fingertips. While there, he gave the gryphon a gentle rub up and down his neck, ruffling at the feathers while gently massaging the skin beneath. He practically melted at the intense, deep warmth emanating from the gryphon's thick, muscular neck. Nothing like an avian, but somewhere between a feline and equine.

In response to the massages and gentle caress, Ceylon reached his one talon up to rest heavily on the top board of the fence, claws digging into the wood as he leaned in closer to get a better caress. He nuzzled and purred as his wings fluttered gently, his curved beak slipping through Ezio's fur to give a proper, kindly preen.

This made Ezio wonder why the gryphon didn't just hop over the fence. He was big enough, had wings, and had claws that could easily be brought up with ease while giving proper grip, so there was no doubt in Ezio's mind that Ceylon could happily leave the ranch if he wanted. In the end, the only real explanation was that this gryphon was happy where he was, and didn't have any desire to leave!

Of course, that realization made Ezio even happier to be snuggling and stroking the gryphon's neck and shoulders, confident in the knowledge that this beast was well tamed and not likely to lash out or act in a defensive manner. The one main fear that had been tempering Ezio's excitement had finally melted away, leaving him with no concerns for his own safety but only a focus on making this gryphon a happy one.

"You're a good boy." He whispered into Ceylon's ear as he leaned forth, using his claws on the muscles of the gryphon's chest. More and more, he came to realize that, under the feathers and fur, Ceylon's musculature was very similar to a lithe horse, thick and powerful yet wiry and supple at the same time. Hot to the touch, yet tender to the fingertips. Once again, this was yet another revelation that made him even more excited, since the prospect of being mounted by a stallion made him hard.

Given Ceylon's position with one talon up on the fence, Ezio was able to casually glance down underneath his body, where he got a proper, close up view of the beast's sheath.

As he'd predicted, it looked like a fuzzy, furred version of a stallion sheath rather than feline.

With each passing second, Ezio found himself struggling more with his own lust. He wanted to dive through those fence boards and raise his tail to Ceylon, but had no idea how the gryphon would react to his presence. Instead, he kept rubbing and nuzzling back, lost in the gentle purr of the beast's thick throat and the heat of his body. Before long, he did find himself growing into enough courage to duck under the fence and pop back up inside the field, his heart racing and breaths ragged.

Ceylon flutter hopped back off the fence to keep nuzzling and preening at the canine, clearly desperate for attention in any form. He kept his ears back and a gape grin upon his face, lightly prodding and plucking at Ezio's fur before reaching around to lightly nibble at the base of his tail.

Devoid of any thought or feelings of shame, Ezio's tail lifted right up and his lower spine dipped, angling himself for a penetration that wasn't yet coming. His cock swelled in his sheath to near full girth as the knot pressed out against the fur and flesh, the tip poking out around his waist band. This sudden and instantaneous courtship reaction seemed to be enough to completely melt away any inhibitions he was harboring.

Those inhibitions that could have kept him safe and out of trouble.

He undid his pants and tossed them to the side, ignoring them as they dangled lightly over the nearest fence post. As his loins were now exposed, Ceylon reached over with his front talon to press against Ezio's crotch, squeezing the bulge in the sheath between his avian talons as the claw tips tickled his belly. The pressure peeled his sheath back to expose more of his length, which Ceylon curiously leaned down towards with his tongue out. "Wh-what are you doing?" Ezio asked as a surge of adrenaline flowed through him, tightening his throat.

Ceylon glanced up with his ears perked and beak agape. He chirped once and leaned in to press his crest up to Ezio's belly in a playful manner, pushing him back and offsetting his balance so that he fell on his rump.

"Hey! You be nice!" Ezio protested, looking up at Ceylon as the moon illuminated the outline of the gryphon. From that angle, Ezio could barely see the outer rim of the bulging gryphon sheath hovering just above him and a meter away, ignoring Ceylon's playful bounding from one front talon to the other. Already, he was fixated on that gryphon groin, and his eyes saw nothing else.

He crawled over on all fours, eventually coming to squat down on his ankles next to Ceylon with a single hand up against the gryphon's flank to ease him. He gave a series of gentle rubs as Ceylon calmed himself, quickly adapting to the canine's presence. Ezio licked his lips and sniffed the air to get a whiff of the thick, earthy musk that emanated from Ceylon's groin, his own sheath bulging yet again.

Though his chest was heaving and his heart was beating fast due to how anxious he was, Ezio knew that it was time to do something or just leave. He slid both of his hands up under Ceylon's belly, his fingertips just barely touching and caressing the meaty folds of the gryphon's sheath. In an odd way, it was like a perfect combination of the wrinkles of an equine's sheath and the more straightforward look and feel of Ezio's own canine member. When he gave it a gentle squeeze, a thin stream of clear fluid trickled out the end, soaking his hands and wrists to moisten him up his forearms.

Ezio shuddered in delight as he leaned forth with maw open and tongue out to capture a taste of this fine gryphon lubricant. To his delight, it was sweet and only the slightest bit salty, like precum but slimier and gooier. The texture felt nice being rolled about his tongue and maw before he swallowed, which made him eager for more. He squeezed again, this time pulling back to expose the tapered, barbed tip one row of spines at a time, eliciting a wince of apprehension. The barbs looked gnarly - the kind of thing he would not want being inside him - but when he leaned up to get a taste he found the felt less like the quills of a porcupine and more like the fleshy nubs on a cat's tongue.

That wasn't so bad, once he gave the gryphon a proper loving lick followed by a gentle suckle.

Ceylon grunted and bucked his hips, throwing Ezio off balance once more as his cock and sheath rammed through the canine's paws and maw, spurting a web of precum all over Ezio's chest and groin, lubricating his emerging cock.

"Well, if you're going to go all in, might as well do so without fear." He said to himself as he idly rubbed at himself, using Ceylon's precum to lubricate his own length and give it a stroke or three. The intense sensation of his own fluids combined with the silken juices of the gryphon made his knot swell and pop out almost instantly, his own precum shooting up onto his chest to join Ceylon's.

He gulped heavily and reached up again, this time peeling the sheath back in its entirety to reveal every inch of the gryphon's shaft. A visible drop of lubricant trickled down the underside of its length to fall from just beyond the rim of the head, a drop that Ezio eagerly reached out to catch on the tip of his tongue. Once he swallowed it, he lost the last of his inhibitions and got to his feet, briskly turning around and lifting his tail high as he cradled Ceylon's cock, collecting more of the slick fluids coming from the gryphon before smearing it between his cheeks and fingering his tail hole to spread it.

Ceylon glanced back and cocked his head to the side, one wing up and talon raised to see more of the canine that was fooling around his undercarriage. He whirred, chirped and gape grinned as his cock throbbed and spewed another gob of his arousal all over the canine's haunches.

Finally, Ezio was brash and eager enough to forego any remaining reservations that might have been swirling around inside his mind, allowing him to reach back and once again grab the gryphon's cock and position himself directly in front of it. He guided it directly under his tail by palming its length from between his tail, his fingertips pressing up against the subtle ridges and slimy, taut flesh.

Though he was still on the verge of ducking out and giving up, Ceylon bucked forward to prod at his tail hole, the thick tapered tip plunging into his flesh with ease before tugging back out with an audible squelch and pop.

Ezio gasped and whimpered to himself, shuddering in delight as his rump end tingled with the lingering pleasures that came from his forced penetration. Before he could prepare himself for another go, Ceylon bucked once again with a tension in his cock to aim it directly at the now exposed and lube soaked tail hole, plunging every bit of it right to the bulge of the sheath in one go!

There was a brief moment where Ezio felt the need to cry out, as the mild discomfort of being so forcefully taken had shot up from under his tail, but the pleasure was overtaking him too quickly to keep in him that state of mind for long. He reached out to hold at Ceylon's front legs for balance as he felt the throbbing girth of gryphon cock lightly pulsating inside him, the steady spurts of seed sloshing about within his rump end.

He was shocked at first, overwhelmed and scared for his safety as Ceylon arched his back and gradually slipped more and more into him, but that nervousness and concern dissipated as the gryphon began to slowly rock back and forth, his sensual bucks thrusting his member in and out of Ezio's tail hole with the sort of compassion usually reserved for a lover.

Ezio pushed back, grinding his hips onto the gryphon cock to feel it stirring his depths, the swell and pulsation between both he and Ceylon nearly matching up to give him a rhythmic sensation of intense tightness and sensitivity. His own member remained thick and hard, the knot bulged to full girth as it dangled between his legs spurting his precum all over the grass. All was well, and he was in a certain sort of personal heaven as his flesh was growing softer and more tender with every motion.

Ceylon reared his head back to chirp and trill loudly as he pressed his front paw down on Ezio's shoulder, pinning he canine to the ground as he bucked his hips with a bit more firmness and aggression than before. Just then, his knot popped out of the sheath and swelled to half-mast as it grinded up against Ezio's rump cheeks and the underside of his tail.

Ezio's eyes went wide as he remembered the knot a little too late. Ceylon had pinned him down, with his chest and belly square on the canine's back, swollen knot rotating and pressing up against tail hole. At first, Ezio thought he could handle it, that he could lean back into the gryphon's immense bulge with ease and have it swell inside him, but he could tell from the motions and the pressure he felt that the grinding that Ceylon was using was eliciting the sort of pleasure that made the knot swell prematurely. There was no way he could hope to take that growing monster in its current position, let alone when it was even bigger!

This realization also triggered his memory that gryphons often tied overnight, and the thought of being caught by Ilorek in the early morning with Ceylon gave him just enough of a panic response to pull out from under the gryphon's heavy body, the sudden emptiness of cock being yanked from him. He stumbled before getting to his feet, then grabbed his pants and glanced back at Ceylon one last time before bolting.

The last thing he remembered before diving back over the cliffs that surrounded the property was the look of sadness and longing that Ceylon offered rather than give chase.

Ezio knew that if Ceylon wanted to, he could have hopped the fence to follow. This was not even a question. Yet, the gryphon remained in place to show his obedience to his master, allowing Ezio to scramble his way across the dragon's property in order to return to his own. There, he quickly locked the door behind himself and bolted into his personal bedroom, pulling the covers up over himself.

The sudden encapsulation of self trapped the musky scent of gryphon cum that had soaked his chest fur, keeping him hard all night until he wrapped his fingers around his knot to do something about it. Content and full of fantasies, Ezio eventually let himself drift off into his own dreams, which were all filled with the seed and essence of a playful, sexually charged gryphon down the road.

After waking late the next morning, Ezio stumbled out of bed and made his way to the kitchen, eager for a tea to bring him into the land of the living. As the hot beverage was steeping, his mind quickly returned to the field from the night before, reinvigorating him without the aid of caffeine.

No morning wood, just a good solid firmness that filled his sheath nicely and poked the tip out the end of said sheath. He enjoyed his partially erect condition for the duration of the morning as he had breakfast, did some chores, and cleaned the homestead. Finally, after enjoying a sandwich for lunch, he also begrudgingly showered; he didn't want to wash the scent off, but he had guests coming over and he couldn't risk smelling like gryphon cock while his friends were over. They would know.

Fuzzy and clean post shower, he spent the rest of the day wishing he hadn't bothered with that. Now he smelled only of shampoo and conditioner - nice shampoo and conditioner, but it wasn't the same as the earthy musk of a gryphon drake. As such, he couldn't get his mind off Ceylon as he hosted his guests, made them dinner, and eventually came to enjoy a board game night with them. Problem was, he did poorly at every game they played because his mind could not be pried away from Ceylon no matter how much he tried.

When he built homes and farms in game, all he could think about was populating it with gryphon so he could take the cock. Mountain ranges good for mining? Great place to find wild gryphons. Plains and fields? Wild horses. Forests? Hippogryphs. Everywhere reminded him of the mythical beasts that resided nearby, and he couldn't help himself but twist and contort reality to find a new excuse to let his mind wander over those cliffs surrounding Ilorek's homestead.

Of course, he had to keep that to himself. He had friends that were pretty laid back and cool to share with, but he was sure they wouldn't approve of him sneaking over two properties to fence hop. If he had his own gryphon, that would be one thing, but fence hopping was not approved by most since it was technically trespassing and could be deemed theft if the gryphon was a renowned stud.

The region had some odd laws and regulations on the sexual welfare of the beasts of the land.

Still, deep down inside he knew that it was not a good idea to openly discuss that sort of stuff. Since he wasn't much of a drinker and neither were his friends, he couldn't even get drunk and use that as an excuse to make jokes about flirting with birds for their seeds.

Eventually, not long after nightfall, his friends left him to his thoughts once again. As he cleaned his house, he found himself meandering from room to room without making much progress due to how distracted he was getting. His mind was so scattered that every time he entered the living room, he forgot why he was there, at least until he looked down and saw the candy bar wrappers, the chip bags, the salsa boat, and the platter of deli meats and cheeses. Right, he was cleaning.

Once that was finally complete, he flopped down on the couch with his legs spread and feet up on the table, pants off and cock sheathed with paw on his groin. Now that he was alone, his house was cleaned up, his guests had departed, and he had enjoyed his day's meals, it was time to plan for that night. He wasn't done with Ceylon, not by a long shot, and he had to go out there with a proper plan this time. The first encounter was quite positive and encouraging, but he was nowhere near prepared for what Ceylon had to offer him.

The sequel would be far more pleasant for the both of them. He would be prepared, and he was not going to give up after just one thrust, no matter how cumbersome the gryphon's shaft was inside him. No, this time he would lube up, do some pre-mating stretches, and go from there. If nothing else, he wouldn't be bailing early, even if that was by no means a guarantee he'd take the knot.

Hours passed, time ticked by, and eventually midnight came and went before Ezio felt it was time to continue with his quest once more. He had another shower - this one to clean both inside and out - before mixing up a batch of lube powder specifically meant for farm animal mating and birthing. He smeared some under his tail, used his fingers to probe and explore himself, and eventually put a thick, knot-like plug into himself to gradually loosen up.

He used that plug like a more traditional toy, pumping it in and out with increasingly intense thrusts while his pucker clenched and released in time with his insertions.

Before long, he felt properly loosened up, tender, and soft enough to take anything. That gryphon knot might not be able to slip into him once fully formed, but it wouldn't have any problems popping through his pucker while still only partially inflated!

"Alright, time to go." He said to himself as he took in a deep breath meant to calm his nerves. While he was confident that the gryphon was going to be amicable to his presence and perhaps even eager for the affection that Ezio was proud to offer, there was always going to be a deep-rooted concern for his own rump. He felt the gryphon knot pressing up against his cheeks, and while he didn't have time to assess its size before bolting out of there, he did guess it was a bit bigger than both of his fists pressed wrist to wrist.

Ezio could handle some pretty big toys and intense penetrations, but that might be too much.

With any luck, and if he was fast enough, the knot would slip right into him and grow inside, thus tying them together good and proper. From there, he had a few hours to figure out how to part ways with the gryphon before sunrise and Ilorek's morning routine.

None of this was going to be easy, but that didn't stop him from eagerly walking out his front door with a miniature bottle of lube in his pocket and a renewed desire for gryphon cock. Like the night before, he slipped through the fields and across the dragon's property to scale the cliffs that wrapped around Ilorek's ranch and pastures. Unlike the night before, the rocks were dry and easy to climb, so there was little chance of the canine slipping and falling. That was good.

There were few clouds dotting the sky on this night, allowing the moon to illuminate the dozen or so different fields splayed out before him, with the gryphon's pasture biggest and nearest to him.

He hopped his way down the incline towards the flats where the field met the hills, and within seconds he heard the gentle chirps of a gryphon calling out to him. This made his chest swell in pride as he stood tall, waiting inside the fenced area for Ceylon to arrive. Rather than lean back against the fence posts, he quickly hopped out of his pants and grabbed his lube, squirting some into his paw and rubbing it under his tail while walking forward to meet him.

The massive beast barreled towards him, beak agape and wings out to flutter hop with every few gallops. As he got close, Ezio opened his arms for a hug only to be barreled over onto his rump, the gryphon apparently not that good at depth perception at night. Ceylon immediately turned and pecked lightly at Ezio licking and preening at the chest fluff to urge the canine to get to his feet.

"Okay, okay!" Ezio giggled, brushing himself off and hopping up to his feet, struggling to put a bit of distance between himself and Ceylon, if only to give him some time to brush off some of the grass that had clung to his body. All the while, Ceylon kept leaning in and nuzzling at him, nibbling with his beak and chirping like an excited pup. "Good boy!" Ezio assured him, giving the drake a pat on the neck and shoulders.

Having finally gotten to this point again, this time with relative ease, Ezio took in a deep breath and slipped by Ceylon's flank, patting his haunches and belly to initiate the first acts of courtship. He didn't immediately find the sheath, which was fine, but when he looked back up to Ceylon he found that the gryphon wasn't excited or eager, but seemed to be confused. His head was cocked to the side with one ear flopped down, a gentle chirp emanating from deep within his throat.

The prior night's experience, Ceylon's enthusiasm, and Ezio's arousal all combined to give him the brashness he needed to jump right in, cradling the gryphon's belly between his hind legs. On this second night of playful experimentation, Ezio was going right for it; he'd happily give the proper foreplay in the form or oral or manual stimulation first, but he wasn't going to waste any time.

Despite all that, he seemed unable to find the gryphon drake's sheath. He was patting and prodding at the right area, or so he thought, but was only finding soft fur and light down. So why couldn't he find the musky, meaty sheath? When he knelt next to the gryphon, he was shocked to see nothing at all. No balls, no sheath, no bulge, nothing. "Ceylon?" He asked, checking to make sure this was in fact the same gryphon.

He perked his ears up and gape-grinned, recognizing the name. Definitely the same gryphon.

So why was it that there was no member here? Same stripe pattern, same facial structure, same light golden brown highlights around the neck, same piercing blue eyes, same equine musculature, and same lengthy tail, yet no cock. Was this some sort of practical joke? A female twin? Did Ilorek possess potions that somehow altered a gryphon's physical gender?

No, of course not. Nobody could actually do that. Such transformations are a myth.

Still, everything pointed to this gryphon being the same as the one he played with last night, yet the sheath had completely disappeared. Ezio couldn't help but wonder if maybe gryphon drakes had their genitals retract completely when not in use, sort of like a dragon or dolphin slit. That seemed possible, and it wasn't like Gryphons were commonly feral, so he knew there was a lot he had to learn.

Ezio prodded a bit more, curious if his theory held true, yet no matter how much he prodded and pulled at his fur, he felt no give and no evidence that there had ever been a sheath there. Curious, he glanced around the pasture to see if there were any other gryphons hanging out closer to the house that he could play with, but saw nothing. The more he looked, the stranger this all started to feel. He even plucked at the gryphon's wing to check and see if the clipping was the same from the night before.

It was. The exact same angles on the exact same feathers, at least as best he could tell.

"Okay, what is going on?" He asked to himself, lightly stepping back away from Ceylon. This was utterly confusing to him, and he was starting to think he was crazy. Was this real? Had he actually come to this location the prior night? Was this all a dream?

No, things were far too vivid and consistent between nights, all but the lack of gryphon cock.

Ceylon gape grinned at him and hopped forth, playfully nipping and nuzzling at a stunned Ezio, who lightly caressed him as she slid past him. He rubbed his entire flank against his chest and face before stepping away with his tail ever so gently raised to reveal deep black, glistening flesh. Then, the flesh parted to reveal a slit of bright ruby red accented by a gray and pink clitoris at the bottom and a gentle spurt of arousal.

This was no drake, this was a gryphon mare! A hen! Ceylon was not male, but female. Only the slightest fraction of a second passed before Ezio grinned from ear to ear, realizing what this meant.

He might not need the lube to play with a female.

While he was certainly a little disappointed after all the work he put in to properly prepare for a drake's knot, nothing compared to the supple caress of a bitch, a hen, or a mare. Both were fun, but he knew his preferences and wasn't going to let a bit of confusion about gender ruin his night.

Ezio eagerly reached out to lightly caress Ceylon's round haunches, eliciting a flagging of the tail that fully exposed the supple, moist vulva between her rump cheeks and under that tail. From that came a billowing cloud of estrus mare scent - an aroma that Ezio had grown familiar with since coming to the rural rim of the city - that made him shudder and swell in his sheath. The night had just gotten considerably more interesting for him, especially since Ceylon had shown to be just as receptive.

"Hey girl." He whispered at her, stepping forth while keeping his palm pressed to her haunches. He loved how his very touch enticed her to keep her tail up, giving him a direct line of sight to that lovely pair of lips that quivered slightly with every shift in weight. "Are you a good girl?"

She glanced back and chirped happily, smiling and ruffling her feathers to look bigger as her hind legs spread gently and her clitoris winked at him. She was a good girl and she knew it.

"Glad to hear it." He whispered to her, gently positioning himself directly behind the gryphoness so that his shoulders lined up with her hips. She shuddered and widened her stance a bit more as a single spurt of arousal jettisoned out from between her lips, coating Ezio's belly and soaking the exposed cock tip poking out of his sheath. The warmth that came from it was intense, far beyond what he was expecting, and it soaked him through the sheath right to the bone. The silken heat urged him to wrap his hand around his own member, using Ceylon's fluids to gently stroke himself.

While he was distracted by the sensations of his own digits wrapped around his length, Ezio was bumped into by Ceylon's round rump as the gryphon stepped back into him. She wanted him, her tail was up, and her legs were spread, all exposing her plump lips and winking clitoris.

"Aww, I'm so sorry about that, dear! I didn't mean to ignore you!" He assured her, once again putting both of his hands on her rump. He stared directly at her vulva and plump anal pucker as he wondered if he had the courage to do what came next. He wanted to, of course, but the actual prospect of tasting what was surely an intensely flavored gryphon pussy was quite intimidating.

After a few sniffs at the aromatic scent, he leaned in to gently lick between her lips. Only once. His tongue didn't even part her flesh to taste her ruby red walls, but he still got a taste and a feel for her silken, lubricating juices and the powerful, bittersweet flavor of her fluids. In response, Ceylon hopped up and pumped her tail once before lifting it up again, now a half meter away from him at arms length and looking back at him. She was teasing him, urging him forth. Ceylon wanted his affections, and she was not being shy about it even if she was being a little coy.

He rubbed his paws together to keep them warm before stepping up again, this time being a bit more commanding with his motions and deliberate in his actions. He brushed her tail to the side and wrapped his hand around the base of it to ensure none of the fur or feathers got in the way as he buried his snout between her rump cheeks. This time, his soft canine tongue not only slapped at and slid up her lips, but also prodded deep into her to coax out more of her fluids. He licked and lapped, pressing his snout to her sex while his lips peeled back, exposing his teeth as his tongue forced its way into her.

Ceylon grunted and chirped at him, her vocalizations deepening as she lowered her head to the ground before her; she briskly arched her back and tugged her tail upwards in a perfect arch over Ezio's head as her wings extended wide, tips touching the ground on either side of her. Her walls clenched and constricted around his tongue, forcing him out amidst another silken strand of her arousal that he hungrily lapped at, holding it in his mouth before smearing it all over her lips.

"Hmm, yes." He managed to gasp between deep licks and gentle suckling on her clitoris. His lips wrapped around that thick swell of flesh, peeling it out and catching it every time she winked only to have him give a gentle tug before letting go. Once, he even got his teeth involved by lightly biting down by accident, a mistake he expected to pay for but only excited her further.

Rather than tense up and kick back at him, she leaned back with all her weight to force her lips to press firm against his muzzle, smearing her fluids all over him as another wink and spurt coated his chin and neck. Her winking clit intensified, so when she leaned forward again her pussy was pressed out and eager to take whatever it was he had to offer.

Ezio had only lived in the rural rim of town for a few months, but his neighbour to the south had a whole herd of horses and he recognized that extra tender, extra plump look with the pushed out rump hole and highly arched back all accented by a creamy and clear drool of arousal trickling down over the clit. Ceylon must have had some mare in her, because she was displaying this exact same 'mate with me hard and fast' signal that mares did when in heat and in the presence of a stallion.

Of course, Ezio really had no choice at this point. If he denied this gryphon mare her pleasure, she might actually chase him and pin him down, much like he had worried she would have when still a drake, only this time she'd just sit on him until he got hard. Not a bad punishment, but still not something he was prepared to deal with in the wake of such a wonderful situation.

Now more eager and emboldened than before, Ezio leaned forward and pressed his palms against her cheeks so that each of his thumbs could slip into her. He gave her a gentle rub and a pry apart to reveal the deep red inside, a cherry color that was so appetizing that he couldn't refuse another taste. With tongue deep inside her and thumbs spreading her apart to get more depth, he noticed that there seemed to be something stopping him from fully entering her depths. When he pulled out, he spread her open even farther to see that she was still intact, a thin membrane of hymen just inside her.

Ceylon was a virgin. Well, at least this version of Ceylon.

At first, Ezio didn't quite know what to do next. On one paw, he was concerned that puncturing or rupturing the thin membrane of skin would be uncomfortable for his partner and might result in her kicking or clawing at him, but on the other paw he was really horny and figured she wanted it given her actions up to this point. So much of what she did was practically begging to be penetrated, and he would loathe to disappoint her in any way. By this point he was dedicated to her pleasure.

If nothing else, he'd be able to make her more prepared for other stallions, drakes, or himself the next time he came around. With that self assurance in mind, he leaned in and slipped a couple of fingers into her, rubbing up and down to pleasure her and prepare her for puncturing of her hymen. As he felt his fingertip prod at the skin, Ceylon stepped back and forced his digits to slip right through, splitting the membrane with ease.

Ezio froze in place instantly, worried he'd hurt her or startled her. However, she kept in place and only lightly shifted her weight as she looked back, waiting for him to do something more. His first instinct was to use his whole hand on her, to end her maiden mare status with aggression while also leaving nothing to get in the way later. This seemed like a good idea for about three seconds, but as he had slipped all of his fingers and thumb between her lips, he had a better idea.

He pulled his digits from her depths, caressing her clit on the way out before giving her rump a gentle pat. The canine applied just the slightest bit of pressure to her hindquarters, telling her to lower her rump to more his level; to his shock and great excitement, she did precisely that, squatting down enough that her loins were exactly at the same height as his sheath, thus giving him the agency he needed to slip into her.

There was only the faintest of pauses as he grabbed his cock tip and aimed it at her pussy, his one hand wrapped around his knot to aim while the other was still on her rump. He only paused because he wanted to be kind and gentle to her, not rough and aggressive. This only lasted for about three seconds before Ceylon used her hind end to bump at him, and rub her supple, velvety lips against the underside of his shaft.

The heat from her depths and the lubricant that mixed between them was a brief moment of bliss for Ezio, who felt a deep connection and an innate understanding about her wants and needs. Knowing these things, the canine eased into her, aiming his shaft through the hole his fingers had made in her hymen. With a juicy squelch and guttural whoosh of air entering and escaping her, his knot passed through the hole and lurched into her depths, growing almost instantly just past her seal.

When he tried to pull out, to complete his deflowering of this maiden gryphon, he was shocked to feel her flesh hold onto him with surprising grip! She didn't tear, her hymen didn't break, but it instead held him inside and coaxed his knot to quickly swell to full girth inside her as her walls twitched and contracted around him, constricting his flesh and massaging his length with impressive skills. Though he wasn't pumping in and out of her, the wavelike motions of her muscular contractions leading from her winking clit into her womb proved to be an admirable alternative.

Ezio quickly found himself in a position where he didn't have the proper control over his situation in order to keep himself from climaxing deep inside her. Normally, he'd pump and be gentle, not letting his knot swell until he was good and ready, and his partner was properly satisfied, but the tight squeeze of the hymen tugging on the base of his knot and her supple constrictions were practically sucking the seed from his balls.

Rather than struggle or deny her the cum she so desperately wanted, Ezio wrapped his hands around her thighs and pushed in as hard as he could, grinding and pumping into her with shallow but intense thrusts. He felt her flesh squeeze him, tug at him, and seal him in past her surprisingly thick and durably hymen! This all felt so weird to him as long as he took the time to think about it, so he tried his best to focus on the pleasure she was bringing him, which was a lot.

Before long, he had no choice but to bend over and whimper to himself as his knot throbbed to maximum capacity, followed by the rhythmic tensions of his orgasmic ejaculations painting her ruby red walls with his thin, silken seed. He could feel her depths filling with his mess, but that didn't stop him from bucking and tugging and grinding against her as if he was still working towards a proper orgasm. Then, in a sudden release, he felt his knot tear through her hymen and burst from her depths, cum spewing everywhere and soaking him in the process.

The canine panted heavily as his chest heaved and the adrenaline surged through him. His paranoia overcame him and he couldn't help but glance nervously around to check and see if anyone was watching him. Since it was the middle of the night, it made sense that he was alone with Ceylon in the field, his cock still half swallowed by her pussy lips as a thick torrent of their combined fluids escaped her, cascading over her clitoris as she winked.

He didn't want to be done, but that familiar post-orgasm bliss was quickly interrupted by an intense need to bail out. Ezio finished, and he was on someone else's property, mating with his gryphon mare. If he had the opportunity to leave, he should do it now. But he didn't. The split second before he'd made up his decision to quickly escape and return another day, his more compassionate side gave in and he felt the need to stick around, to cuddle, and to give her the pleasure back that she had given him.

Ezio slowly pulled out of her, releasing another gentle trickle of their combined mess all over his knot, hand, and sheath. He rubbed her up and down the lips with his shaft to tease and tickle her before pulling out completely, leaving her quivering and anticipating more. As she glanced back over her shoulder to him with a needy gaze, he realized what he had to do.

Ceylon was tight, surprisingly so, but that didn't mean she didn't deserve something more like what a gryphon drake her size would offer her. His cock, though respectably sized and knotted, was not the same as a gryphon knot, so he decided to give her more.

While she remained squatting in front of him, he used his fingers to tease at her opening, parting her lips and lightly pinching her clit before curling his wrist and pushing into her with the vigor of a stallion. He was careful to find the hole in her hymen that his knot had already made, and the girth of his bulging fist destroyed the rest of it with one punch, which seemed to catch her off guard.

The gryphoness backed up a bit, quickly knocking Ezio off his feet and onto his rump. Only, instead of kicking away, she basically sat on him in such a way that she took the entirety of his arm up to the elbow with ease!

At first he thought it was a mistake on her part - one he would pay for - but she quickly started bouncing on him, haunches slamming on his fist like she was using him as a dildo. Her walls clenched as she pushed up, then relaxed as she squatted back down. Time and time again she twitched and bounced on him, clenching with enough force to pull him off the ground before grinding back down.

He was a little frightened, as he was pinned between the hind legs of an aggressively sexual gryphoness that was bouncing and squatting on him like he would a toy after an intense session. He was trapped but he loved it, and it nearly got him hard again as she slammed down one final time, enjoyed a full bodied shudder, and gushed her arousal down his chest and onto his groin, soaking his arm in the process. Her clit winked and her walls twitched with a rhythmic delight before she tensed her legs and pulled off his fist.

Ezio offered one final rub between her lips ending at her clit - a motion that made her entire spine twitch and clit wink - as he leaned in to give her pussy a passionate kiss, tongue cradling her lips while being prepared to catch her squirting mess.

Ceylon glanced over her shoulder with a devious grin, one that Ezio thought was for him until a voice came from behind.

"So, I see you like my Ceylon, in both her forms." Ilorek said in a jovial tone.

Facetious or not, Ezio froze in place and gulped, the blood leaving every part of him to leave his flesh pale and his cock so small it might as well have been inverted. He slowly turned to look at Ilorek only to see that the homeowner was as nude as he, with his own cock dangling before him.

"Oh, don't be like that, my man. If I had a problem with this I would have said something last night." He stepped through the fence boards to join Ceylon and Ezio in the field. The gryphon stepped off and cuddled up next to her master. Ilorek extended a hand to offer Ezio help up. "But in the future, all you have to do is ask. Come on."

Knowing that there really wasn't anything else to do, Ezio took the extended hand and got to his feet, eyes focused on the ground all the while. He couldn't make eye contact.

But Ilorek wasn't letting this bother him. "I bet you're curious why Ceylon is female tonight. And, based off that tiny bit of blood on your lower belly, a virgin too." He didn't wait for a response before grabbing Ezio's pants and guiding the canine through the pasture towards his house. "Come with me and I'll answer all your questions. But like I said, all you gotta do is ask, because next time I won't be so nice. I had those cliffs erected for a reason, you know. Don't like people trespassing, but I do like you and you helped me with my ATV, so you get this one pass. Got it?"

All Ezio could do was meekly nod while glancing back to see Ceylon following them. "S-so you're not upset with me for....you know, doing that to your gryphon?"

Ilorek patted him on the shoulder and gave a squeeze. "I'd be more disappointed if you were somehow able to resist her. Trust me, when that girl demands someone, she gets him. Must have used her pheromones to entice you. Seems it worked." He pulled away and got to one knee, which was still a whole head taller than Ezio. "But like I said, this is a free pass. If you intend to court my creatures, I want to know in advance. If you trespass again, though...well, let's just say my gryphon here is also quite hungry."

Ezio gulped again, eyes wide and ears flopped.

Ceylon just grinned, chirping as she licked her beak. However, it wasn't that which caught Ezio's eye, but her tail curled up around her side with the end peeled open in three jaws converging at a throat; where it led was not something Ezio knew for sure, but he was sure he wasn't ready to find out.

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