Erotic Fairy Tales #2 Cinderella

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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Once upon a time there was a beautiful lioness named Cinderella and she lived with her wicked step mother and her three step sisters. This wicked pride of lioness' made poor Cinderella work hard all day, sowing their cloths and cleaning their dildos. while the other lioness' got new dresses she was forced to where old ripped cloths, that would barely cover her large firm breasts and stopped short of her upper thighs. The young lioness was on all fours with a scrub brush in her hands, she worked feverishly to clean the floors when suddenly her wicked step sisters walked in each carrying a new dress. "look what we have Cinderella, brand new dress for the royal ball" Cinderella stopped scrubbing the floor to admire the dresses, standing "royal ball? what royal ball?" "The royal ball you will never get to go to" the second wicked step sister gloated. "by the way did you clean my dildos" the third wicked step sister grabbed her arm. Cinderella walked over to the table in the room and produced a large dildo "here it is! see i worked hard" The wicked step sister grabbed it from her "its filthy!" Cinderella looked concerned "no its not, i cleaned it" The other step sister took her by her arms " I thought i could trust you with my toys, it looks like we are going to have to clean it the hard way Cindy"

Cinderella found herself on her back on the floor, two of her wicked step sisters holding her down and pulled her legs open. "wh..what are you doing!" One of her wicked step sisters press her lips against her ear " You should have cleaned our toy better" giving her cheek a seductive lick. Cinderella blushed looking around for the third lioness, she got down on her knees while sucking on her dildo, she ran her tongue along the shaft letting her drool drip down the length of the toy. Letting the dildo slid out of her mouth and started to jerk it off like a real cock making sure it was nice and slippery. "OK sisters, lets give Cindy her punishment" Cinderella blushed a deeper red as the two wicked step sisters holding her down, used their fingers to spread her pussy lips revealing the depths of her love channel. The wicked step sister with the saliva soaked dildo quickly and suddenly thrusted the toy deep into Cinderella. She grimaced with pain as she felt the long thick dildo penetrated her. The wicked step sisters giggled as they watched Cinderella squirm under them, her breasts began to bounce up and down as the thrusts of the dildo pushed her body. The wicked sister licked her lips as she watch Cinderella's pussy became more wet encouraging her to thrust into her faster. Cinderella let out a soft moan as pain was turning into pleasure. She could feel the dildo slide deeper into her with ease as her hot wet pussy gave less resistance. Cinderella tilted her head back and moaned with pleasure as the wicked step sister thrusted into her even faster. Cinderella's breasts bounced wildly, her hard nipples pushed through her ragged top, she curled her toes in pleasure as she felt her orgasm approaching. She moaned more loudly giving in to the pleasure of the sex toy, Suddenly arcing her back she screamed and came on her wicked step sisters hand. The wicked sister licked her fingers just as their mother walked in. " what are you three doing, hurry up and get ready for the royal ball." The three wicket step sisters scurried off to their room get their dresses on and Cinderella's wicked step mother turned to her who was still lying on the floor, the dildo slowly sliding out from between her legs. " oh and Cinderella, clean up this mess" She stepped out of the room.

"Well its not ever night i leave you alone, just don't burn down the house" The wicked step mother stated "yeah Cindy, and make sure our beds our ready or you will regret it" The three wicked step sisters and their mother left Cinderella alone to go to the royal ball. Cinderella sat next to the fire to warm herself "I really would like to go to that royal ball". "So whats stopping you?" Cinderella looked around for the mysterious voice "who said that!" Suddenly she heard the door knob jiggle, but nothing "oh come on!" then a dark figure appeared in the window and Cinderella heard a tapping on the glass, she rose to lift the window open and a strange skunkete crawled through falling on the floor in the process, she quickly shot up "why it is me! your fairy god mother" The skunkete in a long white dress with a wand spoke. Cinderella examined the intruder. She then spoke again "why cant you go to the royal ball?" Cinderella cross her arms with an uncertain gesture. "well i don't have a beautiful dress like my step sisters" The fairy god mother waved her wand "pish posh that, my boys are working on that, i will help you get to the ball my dear" She closed with her and stroked her cheek with her fingers. Cinderella hugged her fair god mother. "oh thank you so much, i don't know how i could ever repay you" The skunkete grinned "well, we could have a little fun while your dress is getting ready" She pushed the end of her wand down Cinderella's cleavage. Cinderella blushed as she watched her breasts tit fuck the wand, her fairy god mother pulled the wand out and closed with her, starting to kiss Cinderella's lips. Cinderella returned the kiss as the two girls opened their mouths exchanging their tongues.

Her fairy god mother caressed her sides as their tongues mingled. As the kiss broke the skunkete loosened her dress and let it slid down her body revealing her form, Cinderella watched as the dress glided down her firm round breasts, pass her tight tummy and stopped at her wide hips, the skunkete gave her rump a quick shake then the dress fell to the floor. Her fairy god mother used the star on the end of her wand to cut Cinderella's top open, watching her breasts bounce out, the star continued down her belly and cut her dress off. This required little effort as they were nothing more then poor rages. The fairy god mother closed with Cinderella again and continued to kiss her as they stood naked together caressing and pushing there breasts together. As the two broke the kiss again Cinderella lowered her head to lick her god mother's nipples until they were hard then started to suckle them. The fairy god mother moaned softly as she watched groping Cinderella's breasts in her own hands.

The fairy god mother slowly guided Cinderella to the floor in front of the fire, she laid down next to her but facing the other way. She quickly went to work sticking her muzzle between Cinderella's thighs letting her tongue explore. Cinderella opened her legs for her and gasped feeling her pussy lips making contact with a warm tongue. She moaned softly as her god mother licked her clit and pussy with even more force. Cinderella surrendered to the lust and nosed her way between her fairy god mother thighs, returning the favor by licking her pussy in return. The two girls moaned with pleasure on the floor as they ate each other, their thighs softly squeezing the heads between them as pleasure jolted through their furry bodies. The moaning became more loader as their wet pussies burned with lust encourage themselves to lick harder and sucking on that clit. Cinderella started to use her fingers, sticking two deep into her fairy god mother's pussy, the skunkete returned the favor by using her wand wedging it between the lioness' pussy lips and pushing into her. Cinderella pumped her fingers faster as more pleasure over took her, her moaning became louder as she felt the wand plunge into her wet pussy with faster speed. Pleasure rose faster in her body as she felt her orgasm rising encouraging her to thrust her fingers faster herself, she could hear her fairy god mother's moan rising. Suddenly Cinderella felt the skunkete's thighs squeeze giving a long moan feeling her juices flow down her hand.

Cinderella pulled her fingers out to lick the juices when she felt fast thrusts into her hot pussy enticed her orgasm to peak as she arced her back and came, moaning loudly letting her pussy juices flow down her god mother's wand. The fairy god mother gave the wand a few more thrust into Cinderella soft pussy then pulled it out, the two rose to join for a another passionate kiss ending with a soft lick on the skunkete's cheek. The two heard a throat clearing and looked over to see two dogs wearing elf ears holding a beautiful dress between them. " its finished boss" The fairy god mother rose "ah great, here put this on my dear" she took it from the dogs and gave it to Cinderella. As Cinderella put on the dress one dog turned to the other "i see the god mother was having all the fun while we are doing all the work again". Cinderella looked at herself in the mirror "oh its great!, but wait. How will i get to the ball". "Don't worry about it, these guys will take you there in my ride" The fairy god mother responded. As Cinderella boarded the coach her fairy god mother ran out "Don't forget this hun" She handed Cinderella a baroque mask with large feathers and she put it on "just so your step mother doest recognize you. Remember this above all, you must be back before midnight cuz thats when this all has to go back hehehe" As the coach pulled away the fairy god mother waved goodbye and suddenly realized she was still naked, she quickly put an arm across her breasts and a hand down below and turned to the door only to jiggle the door nob. "Shit!" She went to the window and tried to lift it but nothing "AH son of a!"

Cinderella arrived at the palace and stepped out of the coach "don't worry we will wait for you here" one of the dogs yelled from up top. "ok, here goes nothing" Cinderella walked inside and nobody seemed to stop her. She found her way into the main hall where the party was, she watched everyone dance and even notice her wicked step family, one of the sisters seem to look right at her but did nothing. Cinderella felt more confident behind her mask when suddenly she felt a tap on the shoulder. She spun around to find a handsome tiger starring back at her. Cinderella knew exactly who he was too, the prince. He took her hand and kissed it "greetings mad dam i am..." "the prince, yes i know...everyone knows" The prince smiled "well then would you care to dance" Cinderella nodded as she was led to the dance floor and began to dance with the handsome prince. Their eyes stayed locked as they twirled on the dance floor, Cinderella was happy that he couldn't see her blushing under her decorative mask. As the song ended the two were close and the prince kissed her on the lips "who you like to get some air my lady" Cinderella was shocked by a kiss from the prince and nodded again "ok" The prince took to the balcony outside where there was no one to be found.

Cinderella looked out across the city as he felt the large tiger press up behind her placing his hands on her hips. She Breathed the night air in deeply when suddenly she felt the prince kissing her neck. Cinderella tilted her head "oh my prince" The prince slowly slid his hands up and down her sides "would you like to serve the price" He licked her neck " prince" Cinderella softly moaned. "good" The price continued to kiss and lick her neck softly, she leaned back and pressed against the tiger. The prince slid is hands up her body and cupped her breasts continuing to kiss her neck. He undone the top of her dress letting it slide down to her hips and started to squeeze her exposed breasts pinching her nipples between his fingers Cinderella moaned softly again using her fingers to stroke the increasing bulge in the tigers pants. The prince turned her around and the two kissed deeply.

The prince pushed his tongue into her mouth which she willingly excepted. He broke the kiss and ran his tongue down her chin, neck and to her hard nipples. Cinderella placed her hands on his head and moaned as she felt him suckle her breasts one at a time. He rose again and kissed her and now Cinderella slowly dropped to her knees feeling the growing bulge in his pants she undid his pants and pulled his growing dick out and put it in her mouth. The moaned breathed in deep as he felt his cock touch warm wet flesh and placed a hand on her head. Cinderella bobbed her head back and forth sucking the princes growing large cock out of his pants. The cock grew thicker and larger with every second and when Cinderella pulled her head back she watched the prince's large cock stand straight up. She stroked the tip with her hand and tried warping her tongue around the thick shaft sliding her tongue along its length. She guided the head again into her mouth and sucked his cock faster feeling her saliva dripping down and off the shaft. The prince moaned "I'm cumming my lady". Cinderella was only encouraged so suck the big thick cock in her mouth until she felt the shaft pulsate, the prince growled and shot his hot cum into Cinderella's receiving mouth. She swallowed as much as she could but was forced to back off quickly feeling more of the thick cream spray on to her face.

As soon as the prince stopped cumming Cinderella started to lick his cock clean of any cum and then her face. As she did this the prince removed his own cloths and sat on a bench stroking his dick. Cinderella stood and let her dress fall to her feet. She kicked the dress away and slid her panties down her legs, they were damp from her wet pussy. Wearing only her feathered mask and white high heels she turned and sat on his lap squeezing his cock between her thighs. The prince grabbed her breasts again, groping the soft mounds. Cinderella perched on the bench and guided the prince's cock to her wet pussy lips. He took her by the hips and thrusted his thick cock into her, she moaned with pleasure as she started to bounce on the prince's royal dick watching her breasts heave up and down as she rode him. Cinderella moaned more loudly enjoying every thrust the prince was giving into her hot wet love channel. Her pussy lips slid faster across his thick cock as the pace became faster and faster. " oohh i love you my prince" Cinderella screamed out in lust feeling her orgasm coming hard. The prince thrusted deeper and faster into her slapping against her soft ass. Cinderella's moans turned into screams of pleasure feeling her pussy being filled completely by the princes rock hard cock. She arced her back cumming and moaning as her orgasm hit hard. The prince gripped her tighter as he felt her pussy juice flow down his thick shaft, thrusting harder into her, giving a few more slaps against her ass he then shot his hot cum into her.

The two rode their orgasms as hot cum dripped out of her pussy lips and down his shaft. Cinderella lifted herself off letting his cock slid out and she fell into his arms, sit in his lap kissing. Cinderella heard the bells of the great clock tower in the center of the city, when she looked she gasped. "its ten to twelve" the prince stroked the back of her neck "yeah so?" Cinderella lept off the the prince's lap and scrambled to put her cloths on. "I'm sorry but i must go" She ran off, the prince was going to run after her but just remember his own nakedness and found the lioness' panties at his feet. He picked them up. " I will find you my love".

The next day was like any other for Cinderella as she was back in her old cloths doing her old humiliating chores again. Suddenly everyone heard a knocking at the door. The wicked step mother rose from her chair "all see who that is, Cinderella get in that kitchen and prepare a drink for me" Cinderella quietly obeyed the command. As the step mother opened the door she blushed to find the handsome prince tiger standing there. "oh your majesty please come in" As the tiger stepped in he held the pair panties up to the step mother "last night i met an amazing lioness, i was told that the most beautiful come from this house hold.

So if you don't mind i would like to know who these belong to" The step mother nodded and clapped her hands "daughters get in here" The three step sisters assembled before the prince "I met one of you last night at the ball but you were wearing a mask, do these belong to any of you". Immediately the three claimed the panties as their own. The prince frowned "oh this will never do, only if i could get that soft pussy feel out of my mind" Then the step mother grinned "well my prince if you want you can fit your cock inside my daughters i'm sure you could tell then!?" The prince nodded with a thoughtful look "that might work"

The three step sisters undressed and assumed the position, bending over the coffee table with their exposed pussies. The prince knelled behind the center lioness and dove his tongue into her pussy while caressing the other pussies with his free hands. The lioness moaned with pleasure as they felt their pussy get wet from the prince's royal touch, after he was satisfied of their arousal he removed his fingers and stopped licking. He stepped to the left and pulled his cock out pushing it into the first step sister. She moaned but after giving her a few thrust he pulled out. "sorry but your not her" he stepped aside and pushed his hardening cock into the second lioness who gave her own soft moan. The prince fucked her pussy taking her by the hips, it seemed to last longer as she moaned louder but soon he stopped pulling out his hard cock standing up right. He shook his head "sorry" He came to the last sister and pushed into her, she moaned with pleasure as the prince fucked her, she seemed to get the most pleasure out of it now that the prince was rock hard and filled her up. Alas pulling out of her "i'm sorry but none of you girls are the one i met last night" The step mother rose again "would you like to try me out sir?" The tiger looked away "no thank i know it wasn't you" The step mother didn't know if she was insulted or not. Cinderella walked into the room with a drink and dropped it, shocked to see the tiger prince and even more shocked to see his big hard cock again.

"who is this!" "oh this is just Cinderella, my lazy step daughter" The prince moved closer to her and took her by the hips, all the feeling from last night grew again for the both of them as they came together and kissed. The prince guided her to a chair and sat her down "yes, yes i know this smell, this fur" "but my prince, she was not even at the ball" the step mother spoke "yeah" one of the sisters cried out. The prince ignored them lifting Cinderella's dress and opened her legs, she leaned back in an accepting manner and moaned softly as she felt the prince lick her soft pussy lips "yes, yes this all tastes right" His cock pulsated as he continued to lick her clit making her pussy wet. The three sisters looked on in jealousy as they felt more horny watching, even the step mother looked hot and bothered. The prince stopped eating Cinderella's pussy and stood over her pushing his big cock into her. She cried with pleasure feeling his thickness inside her again, she wrapped her legs around his hips as the prince grabbed the chairs arms and thrusted his hips. The lioness' continued to look on as the watch the prince fuck Cinderella with his big hard cock without even a hint of stopping. The chair tilted with more powerful thrusts as the prince filled her up. Cinderella moaned louder and more wildly as her orgasm rose, his hips slapping against her soft ass again. The prince suddenly lifted her letting her continue to bounce on his cock when he let out a grown and came inside her he spun around and sat down in the chair with her in his lap, his cock still firmly wedged in her. "thats my princess" he exhaled.

The wicked step mother looked sower "excuse me" as she left she revealed a small puddle on the floor that was hidden by her dress. "Her! Cindy's your new princess. Thats not fair" The prince never seemed to be listening to them. As the too finished the tiger prince stopped at the door before leaving "hurry my dear we have many things to discuss"

Cinderella gathered her things, which wasn't much and before leaving she turned to her step sisters who still stood there, naked and horny. She looked like she was going to say something meaningful but gave them the double duce her middle fingers pumping in the air with a fuck you look on her face and she ran out the door leaving the sister with looks of disbelieve. As the royal carriage drove off on the roof of the house stood a skunkete flanked by two dogs "well boys you know what a job well done means" "drinks are on you tonight" one of the dogs spoke "she smiled and turned " you know thats why i love you, always the joker. Come on! i hear there is a female raccoon stuck with seven of the most hung dwarves in the land and we are going to be there to tape it all." she slapped one with the wand "go get a camera, it comes out of your pay" slapping the other "and you don't forget the booze"

The End

Erotic Fairly Tales #1 Goldilocks

Once upon i time there was a young golden retriever skipping her way through the forest, her long golden curls dangled around her shoulders as she bounce along the trail. She wore long...

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