The Floofy Display

Story by FluffyShutterbug on SoFurry

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Here's a cute and uh, lusty little RP romp that I did back in the summer, that celebrated the closure of my original Discord server and the start of my new one.

There's an old mechanics' saying about vintage British automobiles: If there ain't oil under them, then there ain't oil in them. I should've thought twice then, when I asked to borrow my buddy's old Range Rover. On the way back from an important photoshoot, I noticed a cloud of bluish smoke being belched from the back of the old 4x4. Sure enough, the oil pressure gauge read 0 PSI.

Not wanting to ruin my friend's car, I had to pull over and check the engine myself. And... The pressure gauge wasn't broken. The dipstick also showed absolutely no oil whatsover inside. Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat! All I wanted to go was to go home and take a load off, but that was much further out of reach, now. Only one thing to do now.

I pulled out my smartphone and called the same garage where my old clunker was at.

"Hello...?" I said. "Yeah, um... I'm going to need a tow, if that's all right. Yeah... Oil leak; it can still drive, but I'll blow the engine. Mmh hmm. Yeah. 30 minutes? Uh, okay. Thank you so much! Bye!"

I hung up and let out a big sigh... A half-hour to kill... What to do, what to do?

I locked up the Range Rover; as if anyone was going to steal it, and walked down the block a little ways. Once I got up to the intersection, sometehing caught my eye.

It was a club called "The Frisky Feline". However, it was all borded up, and had a large "For Sale" sign placed over the front door. Looking at the entry, I now realized why it piqued my interest: One of my most wild nights ever happened there!

Several months ago, I went there with a neon-colored fox with a chipmunk tail by the name of Zenoth. I had never been to a strip club before, let alone a bisexual strip club. So, when the chipfox floated that idea over to me, how could I refuse?

Shortly after ordering our drinks at the bar, Zenoth and I took a seat near the main stage. Checking out the stripper lions in front of us, I asked him,

"So... Zenoth. What do you think of the dancers?"

He took a quick sip of his drink before replying,

"Pretty damn hot!"

"Heh... But, which do you like better? The lions? Or the lionesses?"

"They're both as sexy as fuck! But, the lions? They seem to put just a little more umph into their dances, if you know what I mean."

Looking closer at one of the lions dancing, I felt a bulge grow in the front of my pants.

"Goddamnit!" I uttered. "I have a woody..."

Zenoth patted me on the back and casually pointed at one of the lion dancers winking to me on the stage.

"Oh my!!!" I exclaimed, face burning with embarrassment.

Zenoth raised his glass and shouted,

"Go get 'em tiger, er, foxxo!"

Aw, fuck it! It's about time that they saw some foxbutt on here. I removed my blazer and my scarf and climbed onto the stage.

"Woo! Shake it!" Zenoth shouted.

I pulled off my shirt and threw it into the audience, followed by my pants. Hearing Zenoth whistle at me, I pulled off my underwear and threw it to him. Everybody now could see my feminine curves, au naturel, and how I was packing major heat for a meek-looking fella.

Zenoth caught my pair of briefs and gave them a casual sniff before winking to me. I then grabbed the pole and spun around, showing off my erect, knotted penis to them. Zenoth let out a loud whistle of approval. Smiling, I twerked around the pole, making sure that I was in full view of him. He began to drool at the sight of my rahter glorious-looking booty gyrating around.

I then stopped and grabbed onto the pole, trying to make use of it the best I could. Seeing Zenoth's eyes widen, I winked at the audience and blew an air-kiss. He raised his glass in approval and uttered,

"Hot damn..."

I paused my dance for a moment to ask,

"Do you want more, or shall I let the lions take over again?"

With his tongue hanging out, he demanded,

"More please!!!"

I winked at him and slapped my rump before going back to work on the pole. Zenoth nearly fainted when he saw my booty jiggle from the slap.

I resumed my erotic dance, but a little more slowly this time. I wanted the audience to see the movements of my body. Zenoth couldn't help but grow hard watching my ass and my thighs work their subtle magic. I gave Zenoth a teasing look as I blew yet another kiss to the audience.

Feeling hot and bothered, he ordered another drink and tried to remain calm and resist the urge to join me on the stage. Knowing this, I teased him by swinging my big, juicy foxbutt around again. He literally had to use his paws to tuck his tongue back into his maw.

I then swung back around and began to hump the air with my erect peen. Seeing Zenoth's eyes bulge out of his head, I knelt down in front of him, dangling my pink, veiny fox meat right in front of his face. He closed his eyes and took in its musky aroma.

"Did I mention that I didn't shower in a day or two?" I teased.

He continued to smell my crotch musk.

"Mmmh... Nice..." He commented.

"You can touch it if you want~!"

He reached out and grabbed my erect cock. He held it in his hand and stroked it, feeling and enjoying its warmth. I then got back up and swung around the pole a few more times before taking a bow and leaving a stage. A good performer should always leave their audience wanting more.

I got dressed again and sat down next to Zenoth, who was still sniffing his paw.

"How was it?" I asked.

He crossed his legs, hiding his erection from me, before replying,

"It was a damn fine show! Dem hips, boi~!"

"D'aww! Thank you~!"

My thoughts were then shattered when I saw an amber-colored light reflect off of the door's window. I turned around, and I saw a tow truck pull up next to the Range Rover. Time to leave! Once the Range Rover was hooked up to the tow truck, I got inside, and we were off to the garage. But, before we could drive past the now shuttered strip club, I asked the driver,

"So... The Frisky Feline is gone forever, isn't it?"

The driver chuckled a bit before replying,

"Not exactly. They hit a rough patch with their funds and were acquired by another business across town. I believe it's called The Fuzzy Muzzle Cafe. I heard that they reopened the club in their basement. Heh... I think I should check it out at some point. Need some lovin'~!"

I smiled and closed my eyes, sinking into the tattered leather seat of the truck and began to think of the debauchery that could be in my future... And reveling in that one night that I was a yiffstar.


\* \* \* HIEROGLYPHS \* \* \* Hieroglyphics: the written language of the ancient Egyptians. When most people think of hieroglyphics, they think of the pyramids and the mummified pharaohs laid to rest inside. Indeed, those hieroglyphs were carved into...

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