In Darkness I Hide: A Zootopia Story - Monday: The Unstandard Grind - Afternoon

Story by darkflamewolf on SoFurry

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#2 of In Darkness I Hide

The ZNN scene was basically a way to broaden the overall world building as well as continue the central relationship established in the first chapter between Murana and Steven. We continue to introduce new characters throughout the chapter, setting up each piece of the overall puzzle that is the core conflict of the story. I had fun diving a bit more into the newly formed working relationship of both Ronald and Murana, dropping in tons of world building in the process that many won't get until a second read through. We get to the most important part of this chapter, in my opinion, at the Tail Hollow Orphanage where we meet Max. He was someone I truly wanted to get right and according to the owner of his character, I nailed him on the first try through writing his scene. It displayed how much Murana is flawed as a character and how much she wishes she could be better for those she wants to love and will form part of the basis for her transformation as we go through the rest of the story.

Savannah Central - Zootopia News Network Office Building - Corner of Elm and Birch

Monday - 11:07 AM - Sunny / Clear Skies

Murana spied the tall spindle that was ZNN Studios crest the high rises as she turned the corner of Birch St. It was a magnificent structure where each side spiraled up into the sky like a curved horn. The northern-facing side was nothing but open panes of glass where one could see the busy inner workings of the mammals employed at this prestigious news company. She smiled wistfully as she closed the distance on the building; although she was here for a business reason, she just might get a chance to see her son at his job.

Upon entering through two layers of sliding glass doors into the vestibule, she could see the jittery arctic fox clicking his claws on the front informational booth counter. The white reynard was checking the clock on his phone every ten seconds, clearly anxious for something to happen. He was gaudily dressed in a tight-fitting teal suit with a white undershirt and maroon tie. She had to stifle a small snort at his attire that was clearly inappropriate for this time of year.

Flicking his tail agitatedly, Andy Lagopus looked up to see her walk through the entrance and flashed a devilish smile. "Mrs. Wolford!" He spread his arms wide in greeting as he sprang off the booth towards her. "So glad of you to meet me on such short notice!"

"Yes, I'm here to rectify a problem my idiotic secretary caused." She riposted.

His ears dropped slightly, "Clearly she isn't that bad of an employee, I'm sure it was just a simple mistake that-"

"I fired her and she is now on her way to jail. She just about bankrupted me." She explained hotly.

He wrung his hands, "Oh, that is very unfortunate." With a gulp and swift change in demeanor he switched topics effortlessly, "So I hope you've come here with a solution then?"

She kept walking towards the elevator, forcing Andy to keep pace with her. "Yes, I want you to cancel that purchase order you made immediately and save the buying for tomorrow."

"Well that's the thing, it already got charged through and if we cancel it now, it won't get cleared until tomorrow." He responded dismally, his normal chipper mood deflated.

Murana stopped suddenly as she rubbed a paw down her muzzle in frustration, "Then it's going to bounce when the numbers clear tonight at midnight. You're going to get over-drafted and that, along with a dozen other purchases clients are making, is going to send a red flag to the IRS and they'll come audit me and shut the bank down." She pinched the bridge of her nose, trying hard not to growl in rage.

"So does that mean we don't have money to work with?" He asked unsure.

"Yes!" She snapped, which caused Andy to step back a few paces. She sighed heavily, "I'm sorry, I am just a bit stressed. Can I look at your record books and see what we can liquidate for emergency funds so that can be in the system before the cutoff?"

He nodded vigorously, "Absolutely! We have plenty of merchandise we can sell off to help curb some of the damage." He bounced over to the podium, snapping his talons for the receptionist to move aside as he pulled out a box filled with memorabilia. "You think this will do?"

Murana sneered a bit as she pawed the contents of the box. It was filled with nothing but backpacks, mugs and magazines with Lagopus's face plastered all over them. It was a vanity project nightmare. She sifted through the junk and realized that even with all of this stuff it wouldn't be enough to match up with what was going out that day.

"Do you have anything better?" She waved her paw around as she thought of ideas. "Like unused desks, computers, printers, cubicle walls, anything office related we can chuck off for instant cash?"

Andy's eyes brightened, "Yes! Of course! We'd have to look in the records to see which assets are ready to be trashed. I'll have my secretary pull them up and we'll meet in my office upstairs. Is that okay?" With a quick nod from the wolf, he smiled. "Besides," he gave a quick peck on the lips to his face on the backpack, "I really don't think I could part with any of these anyway!"

Murana rolled her eyes, "I'll see you in ten minutes Andy. I need to visit someone here."

"Take your time Mrs. Wolford! I'll see to it that we're ready!" He beamed jovially.

Relieved to finally be rid of his perky presence, she rode the escalator up to the second floor balcony before heading over to the elevator that would allow her access to the upper floors. She got in and pressed the floor button she knew Steven would be working at and relaxed up against the glass wall of the cabin. There was a marvelous view of Zootopia as the elevator rose up alongside the exterior of the building, its rails shifting with the curvature of the façade.

Doors opening, she flowed out into the cubicle farm of dividers, hearing the constant flow of ticking coming from the multitude of keyboards strewn throughout the open bay room. Having memorized the layout from previous visits, she counted the openings down one row along the left side for several dozen meters before rounding the bend and seeing a small skunk tapping happily away on a report, oblivious to her presence.

She rapped on the metal end piece, causing the skunk to jump. "So you still wear that hat even indoors on the job?"

After recovering from his squeak, he pivoted the chair around and angrily glared at her, "You know I hate it when you sneak up on me like that! I could have embarrassed myself and stunk up this entire floor! I still...have problems with maintaining control."

Her ears drooped, "I'm sorry Steven. I'm just happy to see my little stinker again. I was in the area for business and I thought I should drop in and see how you were doing. Did you get that girl's number from the coffee shop?"

He slouched back, "No I did not! I told you I'm not interested or looking right now."

Her mirth fading, she realized this probably wouldn't be a very pleasant conversation, "Look, I'm sorry about this morning Steven. I didn't really expect you to find out."

Crossing his arms ardently, "Well I did and you showed no respect for me by taking that tip I got for you. I was hoping maybe, just maybe, you'd have the decency to honor your son's wishes and leave it. I put it out there because I thought for sure you wouldn't do that to me. After all, we've been through so much together! I guess it really doesn't matter since all I am is just an adopted son, not even a real son to you!" He ended bitterly, casting his eyes to the ground.

Murana's heart was pierced as she heard him utter those words. She had rescued Steven years ago and lacking his parents or the ability to track them down at the time, she took him into her home and raised him as her own. Now after all this time, it was her that was pushing him away and she felt powerless to do anything to stop it from happening.

"I'm sorry...I don't know what to say. My intent was not to hurt you Steven. You must understand that I'm doing this to save those who need help seeking justice." The skunk further sunk into the chair and looked away from her. Trying in vain to come up with something to ease the tension, she clicked a nail to her earrings, "I'm still wearing your present. They are lovely and they smell nice."

"Big whoop." He snarked, still not looking at her.

"Steven...please don't be like this." She pleaded. "You know I can't take it when you're angry at me."

His eyes locked onto hers, "Of course I'm angry. You kick me out of my home on your husband's insistence well before I was ready, you then barely text or call me unless it has something to do with your night excursions, and you completely forgot to celebrate my promotion to video journalist within ZNN." The mortified look on Murana's face sealed the deal, "Yeah, don't think I had forgotten that. And now today you completely miss our anniversary and showed just how much respect you have for your own 'son.' Sometimes I wonder if you even deserve the title of mom."

He couldn't have destroyed her resolve any better than if he had stabbed her right in the heart with a sword. With her tail tucked between her legs, she gripped the divider wall tightly, "I do apologize for all the times I was not a good mother to you Steven. I felt like I was doing my best but clearly I was not up to the task of being a parent. Maybe you're right...maybe I shouldn't be your mom."

Casting a glance in her direction to see if she was pulling his chain with her sincerity he was a bit jolted to see her genuinely remorseful, not even wanting to look him in the eye, but rather stare off down the row. He relaxed his arms, "I'm sorry I said those just got me really frustrated."

She held up a paw, "No, are absolutely right. I have failed you many times as a mother. I brought you in not knowing what to do with you or even how to raise you. Clearly it seems I was not up to the task."

Feeling guilty for lashing out at her like that, he cocked his head to the side, "That's not true, I feel you-"

"What's up Stinker?" Came a chipper voice from behind the partition.

With a sudden hop, a tawny-red maned wolf vaulted over into the cubicle and whacked Steven's hat off his head, chuckling as it hit the floor. He was about to comment further on his antics when he spotted the rather large wolf at the entrance to the skunk's workspace. "Oh, hello there Mrs. Wolford!" He straightened up, his expression and body posture changing to something more formal. "The name is Christopher Guára! Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Surprised Steven told you about me." She narrowed her eyes, unimpressed with this smaller wolf. The smell alone emanating from him was noticeable several spaces down but she had thought nothing of it until his appearance. "Is this that fox you were talking to me about earlier? The one who teases you?"

"Mom...that's not a good idea." He blurted out quickly, eyes darting back to the maned wolf.

The wolf twitched his ears in annoyance, a low growl erupting from his throat. "I am NOT a fox! I am a maned wolf!" Rolling up the sleeves of his orange hoodie, he pointed a finger at Murana, unafraid of her tall and brooding stature. "You of all mammals should have recognized what I am!"

Folding her arms calmly, she leaned up against the divider edge. "With your size and color fur, you could even fool a fellow wolf into thinking you're a fox. Ever thought of dyeing it a different color to you less confusing?" She smirked.

He snarled, baring his teeth at her, "Do not mock me. I don't care if you're some haughty bank CEO or Steven's mom. No one insults me or my species!"

"I'd rethink those teeth there." She clucked smoothly. "That is just the same as brandishing a weapon and I really don't think you want to lose your job. So I suggest you put those back in where they belong and move along now."

He cracked the muscles in his neck with a jerk, heatedly debating with himself on if it was worth dragging this out further. At length he unfurled his hoodie sleeves and huffed. "Whatever. Enjoy your visit with your son, but from what I heard it probably isn't going to end well." On his way out past her, he stole a look at her earrings. "And those look ridiculous on you, just like something Steven would like."

He scampered off quickly as Murana attempted a kick at his rear on the way out. Seeing that it was pointless going after the punk wolf, she turned back to her son. "Is he always this disagreeable?"

He shook his head, "Not really. He's actually kind of nice when he's not teasing me. I guess he just likes messing with those he considers friends. However, you just set him off with his trigger. He really doesn't like being called a fox or treated like one."

"And I don't like my son being teased either. Someone needed to put him in his place." She sniffed with finality, watching the retreating figure turn the corner and disappear.

"So...are we okay?" Steven broke her focus and brought her attention back to him.

"I don't know. I hope so." She smiled forlornly.

"Will you be going out tonight?" He pressed, holding her gaze.

There was silence between them, nothing but the sound of keyboards could be heard. Her expression was unreadable as she finally spoke, "We'll see Steven." His face fell at her words. There was no promise there. "Look, it's been a bit longer than ten minutes and Lagopus is probably waiting for me upstairs with his secretary to go over finances. I have to leave."

"Yeah, go do your job mom." He waved a paw at her as he swung the chair back around to his monitor, claws ready to tap the keys again. "I'll just be here doing mine."

"I love you son." She said, lingering at the opening waiting for his response. After a few moments, she dejectedly left the cubicle and made her way back to the elevator.

He turned around one last time to see her gone and whispered, "I love you too mom."

Savannah Central - Lemming Bros. Bank Corporate HQ - 44th Floor, Executive Offices

Monday - 13:21 PM - Sunny / Clear Skies

Murana nearly spit out her third cup of coffee as she entered the bank. The normal sounds of activity met her ears. The gatling guns had already been retracted back into the ceiling with nary a hint of their location to those uninitiated to their presence. She noticed the receptionist chatting away happily on her cell phone, quickly giving her a curt smile and wave. The orderly lines of customers were straight and pristine, with only a few mammals aggravated at the length of the wait. Taking a long sip of her drink, she was intensely curious as to what had occurred while she was gone.

Sweeping through the mass of lemmings, utilizing her instincts to save half a dozen more from unfortunate deaths, she discerned a rather short shape through the opaque glass of her office. Bursting into the room elicited a squeak from the otter who had been busily typing away on her laptop. Beside him was a single cup of coffee that had been mostly drained. The look on his face was that of apprehension and worry.

"Just what exactly are you doing on my computer?" She interrogated, gliding over to the other side of the desk and getting ready to rip the brazen otter from her chair.

He kicked back from the desk to swiftly shift the chair just out of her grasp. It butted up against the wall before he stood up in it and raised both paws. "Boss! Don't get angry, but I advise you to quickly take a look at your screen to see exactly what I'm doing!"

Lingering with a heady glower, she turned to the laptop and scanned the spreadsheets and online web data. The more she scoured, the wider her eyes got. She looked back at the otter, "You did all this?"

He nodded eagerly, "Of course Boss! I'm sorry for hacking into your laptop but you literally gave me nothing to work with here!"

Murana's eyes dropped into slits, "Wait, you had no business being up here to begin with. I asked you to take care of the guns in the lobby. Why are you here?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "Already done, Boss. I called those contractors just like you wanted and I even had them install a brand new control system to prevent accidents like this morning from happening again."

"A new control system?" She probed, slightly suspicious.

"Yes, quite." He clasped his paws behind his back, looking especially pleased with himself. "We now have a DNA filtering system installed at the entrance to the bank that employees and customers alike have to pass through and get scanned. Nobody's in the database yet, but if there is anyone that is on the deny list, the guns will activate and train on them."

She scratched her chin a bit, "Seems a bit underhanded to me."

"Oh, it's a painless and subtle process. The mammals going in and out don't even notice it's happening. Brilliant, I say." He assuaged.

Raising an eyebrow, she shook her head. "That still doesn't answer why you are up here in my office and...what was your name again?" She had completely forgotten from this morning.

"Ronald Latrinae Boss." He repeated.

"I'm not your Boss yet, otter." She stated flatly.

"I did what you asked, which was fix the problem in the front lobby." He smiled smugly.

She pointed a claw at him, "That remains to be seen Ronald. Now answer me, why are you here in my office without permission? Your answer might determine your fate."

Effortlessly disregarding the malicious threat, he mollified, "Please call me Ron. Now, after finishing up with the task you asked of me downstairs, I noticed there was a lot of commotion regarding normal operations here. After doing some poking around, it appears your bank is in a bit of a quandary of sorts."

"One could call it that." She grumbled.

"Right, right...well as I was saying, I knew there was a problem and I figured you'd appreciate me at least trying to help out, being your new executive secretary and all. So I came up to this floor and found that I did not have access to any of the lemmings' computers, not that any trusted me enough to use their tiny workstations. So to discover what the true issue was here, I had no choice but to pick the lock on your door and get into your computer. I do apologize for that, but I had no other resources to work with to help solve the problem."

"So what precisely am I seeing here?" She gestured to the monitor. "Where did this money come from? We did not have this amount available this morning and we shouldn't have it now."

Ronald brought his paws forward again, holding one elbow with the other. "Ah yes, that is...erm...shall we say a bit more underhanded than what I fixed this morning." At a look from Murana, he increased his rate of speech, "Going through your files, I noticed you had three linked offshore accounts filled with money that could be transferred over."

She banged a paw onto the desk, causing the otter to jump in the chair, "Those were not to be touched! That was our buy-out money to allow the bank to limp along a bit longer while we secured more clients and cash inflow to help stabilize the accounts! Why did you get into them?!" She practically roared, causing a few lemmings outside the office to stumble over themselves in their haste to get as far away from her office as possible.

If the otter was fazed by the fierce wolf that would be towering over him if he had been on the ground just feet from her, he didn't show it. "Well, if you'll hear me out Boss, I can explain." He pushed off the window sill to gravitate the rolling, plush chair back to the desk, forcing an irritable Murana to the side as she allowed him to get back to her personal laptop. Gripping the mouse, he navigated a few screens to the offshore accounts. "Okay, you see these?"

"Of course I do!" She retorted, her patience wearing thin.

"Of course." He mimicked. "Well, once I discovered these, I realized this would be the perfect solution to our problem! While we are out securing new clients and reassuring our old ones we are still solvent, we can show them these numbers and get them back into the fold. In fact," he swapped tabs and showed her the current roster of companies investing, "we already got quite a few back just at lunchtime."

Her mood lightened just a hair as she considered the possibilities Ronald was getting at, "But what happens tomorrow after all transactions close out and clear? Will this money stay in the active accounts or what?" She had to admit, the otter was already impressing her with his ability to respond to crisis, even if some of the tactics used were a bit unorthodox.

"Absolutely not!" He chortled, a bit to her irritation. After a few more clicks, "If you see here, once most of our clientele are back onboard Lemming Brothers Bank, we verify that the amount of money returned is the same as what we pulled from the offshore accounts. Once done, we then transfer that money safely back to those accounts and resume normal business operations as usual tomorrow, and no one is the wiser."

"And no one will be short of funds today for any additional purchases!" Her expression brightened as she stared at the screen.

"Brilliant!" He clicked his claws. He turned to her formally, causing her to back up after realizing she was closely reading over his shoulder. "I apologize again for overstepping my bounds, but I couldn't just idly sit by and watch this bank go under." After a moment's pause, he inclined his head back toward her office door, "Did you happen to notice anything else on your way in?"

"Not really." She admitted. She did count a few less lemmings she had to save this time around but didn't really catch on to anything else out of the ordinary.

Stepping out to the main office space, she surveyed the scene and was amazed to find that there was some semblance of order in the chaos that was the lemming work ethic. Lines of patient lemmings were formed just outside the various pipes strewn throughout the room. Hundreds of little, ticking keyboards were heard as the multitudes of employees were legitimately doing their work. No need for threats of violence or rousing growls of encouragement. Just what the heck did the otter do while she was gone?

She took a few steps back before twirling around and shutting the door behind her. She beheld the expectant otter still standing up in her chair for a few moments. "What did you do to my employees?" She marveled.

He nearly bowed but checked himself, "Nothing that a stirring speech of encouragement and a firm hand couldn't fix. Sometimes some positivity is needed along with stern direction, Boss."

"Indeed, I am quite amazed they are so compliant." Cocking her head to the side, the phrase he just uttered resonated with something she could barely remember now. She regarded his face. "You look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?"

Readjusting the glasses on his face, he smiled, "I don't believe so Boss. I'm just a friendly otter looking for a secure job. Do I have the position?"

Putting a paw to her breast, she had to stifle a giggle. Boy was this guy cheeky! "Well, you certainly went about your interview in a rather bold and innovative way. You were resourceful and adaptive to the situation. Yes, I do believe you'll do, Ron."

Clapping his paws together, he couldn't contain his excitement. "Excellent Boss! I knew you'd see the potential I have!" Hopping down off the chair and backing away a few paces before extending his paws out to it in offering for her to sit, "So what is your first official task? What do you require of your executive secretary?" He rather liked that title and beamed as he said it.

Passing him as she settled back into her seat, she leaned back in it a bit, pondering on the situation. She never really had a fully competent secretary before, nowhere near as ingenious as this otter. She could probably ask anything of him and it'd get done. The possibilities were endless to the point she was almost ecstatic that she could probably get actual work done during the day without having to worry about the place burning down. She needed to calm herself though and not overextend her role as his boss.

Oblivious to her inner thoughts, he cleared his throat. "Boss?"

Shaken out of her reverie, Murana looked him directly in the eyes, "Yes...yes, Ron. I actually want you to continue with what you were doing before I got here. Since you're kind of in the middle of doing it and I'd just be jumping in at the halfway point, I don't think I'm the best mammal to be finishing what you started."

He looked curiously at her and then at the computer, "Do you have another laptop for me to work with or should I continue to use yours?"

She returned her gaze back to the screen in thought, "Yeah, that'd probably be best. I'll have a brand new laptop furnished to you tomorrow morning down at the reception desk when you clock in. For now, you can stay here with me in the office and continue to work and resolve our problem."

"So will I be in the chair or on the floor? I can't really reach up to the top of your desk to work Boss." He reasoned.

Scowling at him, she pointed to a spot on the rug before the desk. "You can bring the laptop down there and work. I'll be in my seat checking on our stocks to make sure they weren't badly affected." This otter really was daring! He had no qualms about expecting more than what was due to him and yet somehow remained likeable to her despite her misgivings about his attitude.

Ronald looked from the floor to her before cracking a grin, "I see. I should have expected Boss. Just hand me down the laptop and I'll get to work on it right away!"

After placing the computer on the floor, the otter unfastened his tie slightly before situating himself comfortably with his back up against the front of Murana's desk. Spreading his legs and placing the device neatly between them, he began happily tapping away on it. Keeping an occasional eye on his progress, she hitched her hind paws up on her desk and began flicking through the stock numbers on her phone, making purchases and sells to further her business revenue.

She grew bored with the stillness of the office, so unused to having the entire bank operation running so smoothly. She got up and walked past Ronald who had a look of consternation on his face, several spreadsheet windows open to his purview. He glanced up as she went past but said nothing, preferring to observe in silence. She opened the office door and scrutinized the lemmings hard at work. She could scarcely believe that this otter had brought them so under heel that there wasn't a catastrophe happening every minute. This was such an alien feeling to Murana that it unnerved her.

Flummoxed, she went back in and shut the door quietly so as to not disturb the critters who probably had little awareness that she was watching them. She reclined back into her chair and turned on the flat panel across the room. It sprung to life with a small hum just as the ZNN news was airing their daily report. She shared a look with Ronald before returning to the television. On the headline news were the two standard anchors: Fabienne Growley, a snow leopard of some fan-boy renown and Peter Moosebridge, a no-nonsense moose who took his job very seriously.

"Today Zootopia was plagued by yet another electrical storm this morning during the wee hours as everyone was in their beds." Peter began. "Several locations of the city are still without power, but officials say that they are working around the clock to get power back online for those affected residents."

"This has been yet the third instance of these storms, and meteorologists are baffled as to why these could be occurring." Fabienne continued. "Although there has been no lasting or impactful damage to the city itself, the power outages are, to many, annoying at best, costly at worst."

Murana muted the station as she bobbed one hind paw over the other, mulling over the top news story of the day. Without looking at him, she spoke out, "Ron, what do you make of these odd storms we've been having every night?"

He looked up from his work to the screen, seemingly absorbed in what he was doing, "Oh...those?" He cleared his throat, "I don't think they're natural. Definitely not something Mother Nature would have made. Maybe there was an electrical fault in one of the Zootopia wall grids that caused this and the mayor is covering it up?"

She tapped her chin a few times, considering his words. "Not too sure myself. I will agree with you on one point however, they are not natural." Clicking her phone off and dropping it in a pocket, she stood up from her chair. "Well Ron, I actually do have a small errand I need to get done before close of business today. You feel like you can handle the fort while I'm gone?"

His face wilted at her words, "You're not staying Boss?"

"Afraid not." She smiled. "Something I promised someone a while back and I need to make good on my promise. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow at 0730. We have a lot of work to do to make up for the disaster that was today."

"Indeed, indeed." He agreed. "From what I'm seeing here, there has been embezzling for years. Whoever was your previous secretary set you up for failure Boss."

Murana barked a laugh, "Figures. I always knew that little shit was up to no good. She was always the best at sucking up though. Please collect as much evidence from those hard drives as you can. We'll go over it in the morning." She waved a paw in the direction of her TV, "The remote is on my desk. You can keep it on if you wish or turn it off at your leisure. Feel free to continue to work in my office until you close up for the night. The procedures should be in a binder in the upper left drawer. Congratulations on your position Ron."

"Thank you kindly Boss! I won't let you down!" He boasted.

"You haven't yet." She winked before waving goodbye and exiting the room.

Downtown - Tail Hollow Orphanage - Happytown District - Corner of Deluge Ave and 34thSt.

Monday - 15:02 PM - Sunny / Sporadic Clouds

Happytown was honestly a hovel. Sandwiched between the Rainforest District and downtown Savannah Central, the sparse collection of buildings seemed more like an afterthought than an actual planned district of the city. Steaming plumes of smoke dissipated into the air from various chimney spouts encrusted onto the roofs from years of weathering, a product of a bygone era of technology that was cheap enough for the residents of this place to afford.

Murana sidestepped several beggars and sleeping lobos straddling out their filthy bodies across the grimy sidewalks. The noxious fumes hung in the air around the factories that dominated this section of the city. For those who never came here and experienced the happier side of life in Zootopia, this little district would be a culture shock in the extreme. For her, however, it felt almost like coming home to the familiar.

Her destination wasn't something unusual in these parts however; in fact, given the pristine nature of the rest of the city, it was no wonder higher leadership decided to migrate all their forsaken orphans and wretches to this part of town. She located her target dead ahead down a rather mangy street littered with refuse and debris, several cars jacked high with wheels long since stolen. No wonder so many orphans still lived in these parts, no self-respecting citizen would endanger themselves to come here to adopt. There was one orphanage in Tundratown, but that catered mainly to the rich, ironically enough.

Passing by the spinning fans of several ancient air conditioner units hanging precariously out of several low built windows, she strode up the steps to the Tail Hollow Orphanage and rapped on the door several times. Her ears perked up as a gunshot went off several blocks down, but given that another did not follow she knew that she was safe where she was. Presently she heard several locks and deadbolts being unhinged as the door creaked open to reveal a female panther in a black habit peeking out at her through the slit of the opening.

"Murana?" She said relieved, opening the door wider before embracing the wolf in a jovial hug. "It is so good to see you." She glanced up the rickety stairs to the upper rooms. "You here for Max again?" After a nod she raised her hand to the bannister above, "Feel free to take as long as you like. I'm sure he'd be happy to see you again."

"Thank you Matron." She bowed slightly. "Has he asked about me at all?"

The panther beamed, "Oh yes, just this morning actually. You haven't been around for several weeks, he was wondering if you had forgotten about him."

Murana's smile turned to one of sadness, "I could never forget about Max."

The Matron reached out and gripped a paw firmly, gently pulling her back to face her. "When do you plan on filling out the paperwork Murana? I can see plain as day that you want him. It has been over three months. What is holding you back?"

The wolf just stared at the panther for what seemed like an eternity, for that was a question she truly didn't have an answer for yet. "I don't know." She said finally, sending the cat into a rather gloomy expression. "I'm sorry Matron, I just don't feel like I'm ready."

"Well, he is." She responded morosely. She released her and waved a paw up the stairs. "Go. My only advice is to not drag this out any further if the heart is not willing and break his."

Without a word, she bowed her head in acknowledgement before setting foot upon the creaking stairs. Each step expressing a loud cry of protest as her weight was impressed upon them. She could hear some clopping of hooves up above as she ascended the last few steps to the upper balcony, several of the support pillars holding the bannister broken or missing. She rested a paw on the railing and sighed, she was aggrieved at the appalling state of these institutions for children in Zootopia. There should be far more funding put into the future of this city, but was being siphoned off to more frivolous causes.

She was about to open the door leading to the hallway of rooms where Max was, but yelped loudly as the door suddenly opened, nearly smacking her in the face. Before the door stood a rather large tawny-colored wildebeest with a brilliantly long mane of black reaching down to his very chest. His green sweater vest laid over his cyan shirt was swollen from the bulge of his muscular pecks. His dark grey eyes were quite penetrating. If it weren't for the fact Murana was married and had minimal interest in cross-species relationships, she might have made a pass at this fine specimen of savannah prey.

The gnu looked quite startled that she was on the other side of the door. He backed up promptly and nearly stumbled over himself in his haste at being polite. "Pardon me, my lady!" He spoke with a bold tenor in his voice. He held the wooden door open with a hoof as he stepped back into the hallway to allow room for Murana to pass by. "Please do not mind me."

Stunned at this uncanny flourish of proper etiquette and chivalry, Murana smiled at him, nodding at his gesture and striding past, "Thank"

"Grayz, Ma'am." He raised his free hoof to tip his cap before realizing it wasn't there, making him appear more awkward than he had intended. He let the hoof drop loosely before continuing, "You can call me Ralph, however."

"Thank you for the door, Ralph." She gazed down the hall a moment before looking back to the expectant wildebeest.

"Might I say those are lovely earrings you're wearing." The wildebeest complimented, gesturing to the sparkling pine trees by her ears.

Her paw instinctively went up to one, a bit self-conscious that anyone had noticed them. "Thank you. My son gave these to me this morning."

"He's got good taste! Your son must be a wonderful cub. How old is he?" He asked eagerly.

"He's actually a skunk." She corrected.

"Oh, my apologies. I overstepped and assumed." With that, the conversation died, each looking at the other with the grace of an awkward cow trying to dance.

Trying to alleviate the silence, "You here to adopt as well?" She didn't really recall there being any antelopes or other such youth housed at this particular orphanage.

He brayed slightly at the topic, seemingly embarrassed to be discussing such a thing. He looked nervously down through the slats of the bannister to the front door of the building, as if someone he didn't want to see would come strolling right in and spot him. "I'm the waters. Yeah... just checking to see if I'd be good at handling kids for my future job as a nanny."

She could see through the bald-faced lie but she did not reveal her hand, instead letting the gnu keep his dignity. "Well I'm sure you will be a fine nanny indeed. I can see it already that you have a good heart. Who knows?" She grinned evilly, "I might just look you up in the future for babysitting my kids at some point!"

"'ll be sure to keep-" He was interrupted as radio chatter buzzed through the back of his jeans. He gave her a sheepish look before excusing himself and letting the door swing shut before hurrying down the caterwauling stairs. She could faintly hear his conversation as it trailed off outside, "Yes, this is Officer Grayz. Yes Hopps, I am aware I have my first shift tonight..."

Shaking her head in amusement, she padded down the hall leisurely. Her ears darted this way and that as multiple voices and laughter of children could be heard behind various closed doors. At one point, a small cheetah cub barreled out of an entryway on her left, apologizing quickly as he zipped past her to slam the door on her right, followed by a fit of giggles beyond. She was in a different mindset here in this place, more at peace than she had ever been this week. She loved it here.

The door in question was already ajar by the time she got there. She couldn't hear much from out in the hall but she could smell that Max was in there. She gently pressed inward, wincing slightly at the annoying squeak it made as it opened. She could see his huddled form facing away from her on the bed. His striped tail of black, brown and tans was wrapped around his legs, which were bunched up to his chin, head resting on the knees.

Max Thrash was a torch key raccoon of about twelve years that was smaller than most, a runt of the family if you will. He had a tan complexion throughout his fur minus the black paws and the brown tummy, eyes, and muzzle. His eyes of hazel were some of the most breathtaking things Murana had ever seen and was one of the reasons she fell in love with him. He had on a black shirt with a red stripe across the middle and a pair of jeans that had holes torn at the kneecaps.

He did not respond to her entrance and was fiddling with some small stuffed animals that the Matron figured he was interested in. She took a couple steps inside, "Hey Max," she began tentatively, "It's me. Murana. I'm sorry I wasn't able to see you this last week but I'm here now."

"Hi Murana." He caroled back without feeling.

She shut the door quietly and surveyed the room, inspecting the condition of it. There were dust bunnies collecting in the corners and probably monsters under the bed. A few overly used toys were strewn across the floor with no real rhyme or reason for their placement. There was a glass of half-drunken water on his nightstand alongside his bed frame that was made of rotting wood and splinters. She took the chair from beside the nightstand and faced it towards him before smoothing down her suit and sitting down opposite him.

It was then she noticed the bruises and a cut along his eyebrow that seemed rather fresh. She nearly gasped in anger at the sight. "Did you get in another fight again, Max?"

His face moved toward her but didn't quite meet her eye level; instead he concentrated on her hind paws as he talked. "They called me stupid again. Said my last name was trash. I am not trash!" He hiccupped.

"You're not trash Max." She consoled, reaching out a paw to comfort him. The moment it touched his shoulder, he moved back further onto the bed. She managed a weak smile of encouragement before dropping the paw back onto her lap. "I would never think that about you Max. Those kids don't know what they're talking about. You are intelligent. You are smart. You are handsome."

He picked at the claws of his hind paw a few times. "Matron doesn't think so. She grounded me to my room until dinner tonight. She doesn't want the other kids to play with me. She thinks I'm too violent."

"I was a violent kid myself when I was younger." She chuckled, wanting nothing more than to hug this hurting raccoon and soothe his doubts and frustrations. "But we can't always be resorting to violence when the bullies come knocking Max, you know that."

He cradled his head a bit deeper between his two knees, "I know Murana. I know. But they wouldn't stop teasing me. I kept telling them to go away but they'd just keep coming back, saying 'Max is trash! Max is trash!' I just wanted to punch their little faces in!" He gripped his jeans tight, claws digging lightly into his flesh.

This time she didn't let him pull away. She grappled both shoulders and turned him to her. Knowing his condition, she didn't expect him to face her directly or even look her in the eye. As she anticipated, he stared at her left ear as she spoke to him, "You are not trash to me, Max. You have a very special place in my heart and that is something no one can take away from you. I have been looking forward to coming back here to visit you since the last time I left."

"Really?" A smile began to blossom on his face as he regarded her ear more intensely.

"Yes! In fact," she released his shoulders as she dug in her pockets for something. At length she brought out a card and handed it to him. "Here is a library card for the one down the street. You can use this to check out as many books as you want at a time and have free access to any of their listening rooms. I know how you love music."

His mouth dropped open as he flipped the card over and over again in his paws, a claw gently rimming the edge of the card on each flip. "This is for me?" He gaped.

"Mhmm." She hummed, ecstatic that he was receiving his gift so well.

"Thank you Murana." He said, struggling with the words, still in awe at his present.

"If you want, I can come by tomorrow a bit earlier and we can go together to the library and pick out some books to read." She promised, eager to keep this trend of happiness.

His face fell however, "Why not tonight?" He asked earnestly, his eyes briefly darting over hers as he fixated on the other ear.

"I was planning on coming today around lunch, I truly was." She groaned. "Things just got hectic at work today and I really couldn't find the time to get here until now. I promise tomorrow I'll be able to visit you earlier, okay?"

"Okay." He replied numbly, looking back down at his new library card. Without moving, he blurted out unexpectedly, "So why haven't you adopted me yet, Murana?"

She was a bit taken aback by his sudden question. She could not prepare an adequate answer for him. Her thoughts immediately went back to Steven at ZNN. She wanted desperately to have another young cub in the house again but she was starting to doubt if she was even able to properly raise such a responsibility. Would she be doing Max more harm than good by taking him into her home? Would she be neglecting him unintentionally as she did with Steven?

"Murana?" He repeated, this time finally looking into her eyes, if only for a moment.

It was enough to startle her out of her apathy. "I'm sorry, what Max?"

Without missing a beat, "It's clear you want me Murana, or you wouldn't keep visiting me like this. No one else comes to see me but you. If you're not here to adopt me, then what are you here for?"

That was another thing she liked about Max, he was very blunt and forward on everything. She hated the fact that she had to deal with many mammals every day who had ulterior motives and had to deduce what they meant through the words they spoke, but with Max, he said his feelings and thoughts plain as day. His question penetrated right to the heart of the matter. Why was she stalling in adopting him? It was clear she had everything she needed to fulfill the legal requirements.

She had a few moments of hesitation before she could gather the words to speak, "It's complicated Max. There are just a lot of factors in my life right now that are denying me from completing the process. The lack of funds and-"

"You are a bank CEO. You don't have a lack of funds." He fired back without feeling.

She winced as she instantly regretted saying that to him. "Look, it's complicated ok?" She exasperated. "I really want you in my home, but I just can't right now." She was fighting for the words to express her intent. It wasn't that she couldn't take him in or care for him; it was if she could actually give him the due attention he needed.

"Then stop coming here if you're not serious, Murana." He said with sadness, setting the library card on his dresser silently. "I'll be fine. I can take care of myself on my own."

His words tore at her heart. This was twice in one day that those she deeply loved and cared for rejected her. This was truly an awful day. Feeling the tears starting to form at the edges of her eyes, she got up suddenly drawing a bit of a glance from Max. "Well, you can keep the card Max. That is a gift."

"Yeah..." He mumbled, his voice trailing off as he sunk back into his world.

She sighed deeply, "Look Max, give me until tomorrow and I'll see if I can figure out something to...un-complicate my life okay?" It was a bit too late now she realized, he had already retreated into himself again. The silence that greeted her was deafening. "So...I'll see you later Max?"

After a few more moments, she stifled back a sob before turning and shutting the door behind her. She hurriedly made her way down the hall and into the foyer of the orphanage, her mind no longer focused on the present. Max curled himself into a little ball on his bed and began to idly pick at the corner of his pillow. Why did the pain in his chest hurt so much?

In Darkness I Hide: A Zootopia Story - Monday: The Unstandard Grind - Morning

_Savannah Central - The Red Lion Apartment Suites - Forest Penthouse Suite - Den 23A_ _Monday - 06:23 AM - Scattered Clouds / Mostly Sunny_ Murana woke up panting, her entire body glistening with sweat, its smooth viscosity dribbling through her fur....

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Appendix - Twilight Princess Fan Theories

**_- Hero's Shade:_** The shade of the hero in Twilight Princess is one of the more pivotal characters who enabled Link on his journey to learn powerful and interesting sword techniques. It was also rumored and later confirmed in Hyrule Historia that...

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Event 5 - Blood on Their Hands

The filtering rays of sunlight prickled his eyelids as sleep dispersed from his mind. He blinked heavily several times as he shaded his eyes from the harsh light of morning from the rustic window built of mud and thatch. He smiled as he heard a nearby...

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