Bigwig Dreams of Colourful Bucks

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#9 of Up on the Down

It's been a while since I wrote one of these!

All characters created by Richard Adams

Odd Twisting courtesy of me.


Bigwig looked over the Owsla training disdainfully. Certainly things were improving gradually, but he was sure that it would go faster if Strawberry, Dandelion, and Hawkbit weren't so prone to goofing off. Pipkin was even more disciplined than the older bucks, during training, even though his own strength had not developed past what his own age would generally dictate.

Fiver was with them today. He wasn't part of the Owsla, officially, but he often trained with Pipkin. Bigwig thought that alright, since the little mystic could do with some more strength of body to go with the agile mind.

Blackavar was not strong, but he had endurance. The scarred buck was able to run the obstacle course three times in a row without signs of fatigue. Thinking about the obstacle course made Bigwig remember the time Pipkin tried to run it backwards while the others ran forward. The former Efrafan jumped over Strawberry with a smirk, and continued along the course.

Holly had the best marks overall of the Owsla. After Sandleford's fall, he wanted to prove he wasn't just someone that was given a title.

The chieftain surprised Bigwig, standing beside the taller buck silently for a few moments before he noticed, too intent on his Owsla. "Evening Hazel." He said as he regained his composure, "was there something you wanted to speak to me about?"

"Well, not anything urgent. I was wondering when a good time for another meeting would be?" The slender brown buck spoke warmly.

Bigwig had known Hazel most of his life, but had only really gotten to know who he was over the last few years, ever since they left Sandleford together. He trusted the Cheiftain to make good decisions with the information presented to him, and to be able to bridge the gap between people, getting them to work together. He never would have thought the buck would have amounted to anything back at Sandleford, but adversity had brought out the best in Hazel.

The large buck pondered, "Well, tomorrow is pretty open for me between morning exercises and evening training."

Hazel nodded, looking over his Captain of Owsla's strong body idly, "I'll have to see if Blackberry is available at that time." He looked over to the obstacle course, waving idly to his little brother as the runt paused to take a break.

Bigwig smirked, "C'mon, Fiver, Elil don't stop to take breaks!"

Hawkbit couldn't help letting out some steam in the form of a retort on the younger buck's behalf, "I haven't seen you training, Bigwig!"

Bigwig let out a low rumble of disapproval, "I train as Frith falls beneath the horizon, while you lot are taking evening silflay and your group showers."

Dandelion hopped over a waist high wall and straddled it to be facing his Captain and Cheiftain, "You should join us in the showers sometime, Bigwig! It'll do ya good!"

"Training is what does Bucks good, not soaking up in hot rain." Bigwig didn't move from his spot, but he was getting louder. He didn't notice how Hazel was eyeing him.

Hawkbit grinned, arriving at where Dandelion had paused and straddling right behind him, looping his arms around his sweaty mate, "I don't know about that, Bigwig, maybe you just don't know what you're missing..."

Pipkin arrived, "Hawkbit, I can't get over the wall with you two sitting there..." He said softly, as not to hurt the older bucks' feelings.

Fiver came up behind Pipkin, "Yeah, you are kind of blocking the way..."

Hawkbit slid one of his arms away from Dandelion's waist to pat Pipkin on the head condescendingly, "'Salrigh' Pip. I'm thinking it's just about time for the showers." He grinned broadly.

"I decide that." Bigwig practically roared, "Not you!"

Hazel hmmed, "Well, maybe it is time. The light is fading, and I don't know if you'll be able to get those two moving otherwise..."

Bigwig looked at his chieftain and growled. He knew Hazel was right, but he didn't like it. He looked back to the steadily less active bucks, "Alright, go clean up and silflay for all I care. It'll free up the course for my training."

Hawkbit smirked triumphantly, giving Dandelion's rump a squeeze as the taller buck slipped off the wall, soon following him. "Sometimes, insurrection is what is needed to bring a dictator to his senses."

Fiver followed Pipkin out of the course, "I don't think that's very nice, Hawkbit."

"I do still have ears, Hawkbit." Came the biggest buck on the down's voice.

"Oh good, sometimes I worry the hair's overtaking them." Hawkbit snarked back with little pause.

Bigwig growled. If Hazel weren't watching, he'd probably pull Hawkbit aside and make him do exercises until the rest of the group was out of the showers. He found that to be an effective punishment, though he didn't want to think about what the group did in the showers to make it so.

Hazel waved to his little brother again, "I'll be taking Silflay here today, Fiver, don't wait up for me."

The runty buck nodded, "Yes Hazel." He followed Pipkin and Hawkbit and Dandelion, not noticing Blackavar and Strawberry gravitating to each other behind him, paws starting to feel at one another as they exited the training space to the large group showers.

As the sound of water running started to drift over, Bigwig stepped away from Hazel, starting to stretch out his body. He leaned down, grasping his toes and feeling the soft burning ache of his muscles stretching, waiting for it to subside before he moved to another position, careful not to put too much strain on any one part of his frame. He perked, looking back to see Hazel sitting down and munching on his silflay out of a brown paper bag. "Uh, can I help you, Hazel..?"

The slender brown buck smiled warmly, "I just wanted to see you train." His eyes were half lidded as he looked over Bigwig's form.

Bigwig nodded, shrugging and dropping down into a plank position, starting to do push-ups rapidly, breathing deeply in time with his motions. Halfway through he suddenly hefted one paw off the ground and flexed it up behind his back, doing the rest with one arm, then the other. When he finished he rolled onto his back and started doing sit ups, breathing deeply still, before switching and sitting up diagonally towards alternate knees, lifting that knee at the same time. After he finished that, he walked over to the wall and grabbed a sandbag that they used for weight and slung it over his shoulders, starting to do squats.

Hazel calmly watched Bigwig working out, glad he had a bag between his legs to hide the reaction his body had to watching his friend and captain's body flex and work.

Bigwig finished his squats and slung the bag in front of him, getting a good grip with both paws and bending over with a flat back, pulling the bag up to his abdomen repeatedly, the muscles on his back rippling and pulling together over and over, where they weren't obscured by the mass of Bigwig's mane. He dropped the bag, grasping a smaller bag and began to raise it over his head in different ways, working different parts of his arms.

The strong buck finished that part of the workout before walking over to the obstacle course. He bounced on his paws a bit, waiting for an unheard signal, and then ran through the course, deftly bounding over and diving under various obstacles. He breathed deeply, trying to time it with his exertion, glad he stretched before the exercises, but feeling fatigue setting in rapidly. He knew he could have taken the course sooner if he hadn't worked his muscles first, but this way, he was preparing his body for necessary flights from battle...

He made it through two full loops of the course, panting heavily. Of course real cover wasn't nearly as diverse as the course he set out, but it covered all the possibilities his Owsla could face. He panted, sitting down to catch his breath, looking to see Hazel, sitting there calmly. Bigwig stood up again, huffing, not wanting to look weak in front of his Rah. He steadied his breathing, while stretching out his arms and legs, feeling his exercise trousers had become moist and clingy from his sweat.

Bigwig walked over to the wall with their makeshift weapons. Poles and pipes, a few weighted chains, and there, at the center was an Efrafan officer's sword. The reminder to Bigwig of the time he had spent undercover at that dark place, where he had learned their tactics and fighting style, but more importantly, helped smuggle out many of the oppressed does and their kits. Now he used it to train the Owsla how to defend against the Efrafan style of attack. He carefully picked it up, seeing where he had scratched out the symbol of Efrafa, the raking claw. He slowly felt his left hip, where the brand of the near hind mark showed in a bare patch of fur, burnt flesh never growing back its fur.

Bigwig closed his eyes, tightening his digits on the woven leather of the grip, before he opened his eyes, and began to go through the martial exercises he learned under Captain Chervil. He knew that to defeat his enemies he had to know how they fight.

Hazel watched as the large buck went through the motions, a steely look on his face, losing himself to the repetition of movements. Jabs and slashes, smooth, efficient movements sending the shining blade through the air rapidly, cutting sound into the silence of the room, apart from the Captain's moist clothing rubbing against itself, and the soft munching of the Chieftain slowly partaking in his evening meal.

Bigwig saluted the air with the blade, and set it back in the rack, picking up a length of pipe approximately his own height, and beginning to block and deflect invisible sword blows. When one side of the pipe moved away, the other followed through into counter attack. Every so often Bigwig would frown, as if what he had just done wouldn't work, and he'd try it again in another manner.

Hazel finished his silflay, watching the Captain as he realized the big buck was presently working out the techniques he would show the Owsla. He smiled at the dedication, and slowly stood, watching Bigwig's mane of fur starting to fall flat with the weight of sweat, revealing the shape of his chest, shoulders, and upper back to the chieftain.

Bigwig set one end of the pipe down on the ground beside him, so that it stood upright in his paw, looking to see Hazel approaching, "Yes Hazel?"

"Just enjoying the show, Bigwig." Hazel smiled warmly to his Captain, "I am certain our Owsla is in the most capable of paws." Bigwig thought he saw something in Hazel's face as he spoke, but he could not be sure what it was. "I'm going to shower, now. I spent most of the day getting filthy while helping Blackberry."

Bigwig smiled broadly at the praise, "I will be joining you by and by, Hazel." He walked to the rack and set down the pipe, grasping a length of chain, starting to swing it. As the slender brown buck walked to the showers he began to experiment with the chain, building off his earlier tests with the makeshift weapon. He wanted his Owsla prepared to defend themselves with anything.

After striking himself in the shins a few times from failed actions, he sighed, setting the chain back down. It would take a lot more work to master that. Sometimes he missed Sandleford, when all he had strapped to his hip was a slender, if mostly ornamental, saber. It was elegant, but then again, much about Sandleford was lost to the decadence of the Rowan.

He walked into the large communal shower. He had to admit that Blackberry had done a good job with restoring the facility. There were many showerheads set up, each one having a valve between it and a communal pipe to turn on or off. At the other end of the chamber, wreathed in steam, was Hazel, under flowing water. Bigwig chose a showerhead on the other side of the small room out of respect of his friend and Chief, and started up the water there, working his exercise trousers off. He stepped into the warm water, closing his eyes as the water saturated his fur, making it lay down against his body, and delivering its warmth to all his well used muscles. He sighed softly, perking as his pressure increased. He shrugged, figuring Hazel had finished up, and began to rub his paws into his pelt, to help the water wash away the sweat.

The pressure lowered again. Bigwig looked to his side, and Hazel was there, resuming his shower at a closer showerhead. He hmmed, but figured the chieftain had paused to put something in his fur or something. Strawberry was very enthusiastic about such things, and he had to admit the ruddy buck's coat did have a nice sheen. He just was not so sure about rubbing all sorts of liquefied flay into his pelt, just to wash it out again. Surely eating it would be more beneficial.

Soon enough, the pressure increased again, "Goodnight, Thayli."

Bigwig perked at the use of his lapine name, but Hazel had slipped out the other side of the room alright. He pondered as he soaked in the water. He had heard Hazel call his brother by his own lapine name. Was it a sign of familiarity to the Chief? They had known one another for a long time. Bigwig thought he should ask next time he had the chance.

He shut off the water and shook himself, long fur flying wildly to rid itself of the sopping moisture. He walked to the exit of the room, to where the towels were. He hmmed. At least there was one towel left, but it was rather small. He began to wick the rest of the wetness from his fur using the cloth, sighing softly to himself. He was a bit relieved to be alone now. The warm water had made his body less inclined towards behaving modestly, specifically the length hanging between his legs. He would have to tend to that once he arrived at his chamber. He finished drying, and walked to where he had left his spare set of clothing. He picked up the shirt, throwing it on and smoothing it out as a good deal of his mane poofed up and out the neck, no matter what he did. He reached for his pants... to find them not there. Bigwig blinked at his empty paw, and looked around. He grumbled, pretty certain he knew the culprit to be one of three less than dedicated bucks. He'd just have to work them harder, so they didn't have the energy left to steal his trousers.

Wrapping the just barely too small towel around his hips, using a paw to keep it in place as he walked into the passages back to the main warren, sighing heavily. His brand was exposed between the ends of the small towel, just below where his paw held it up. He walked along, trying not to think about the sensation of the fabric against his already bothersome swelling, not wanting to become any less decent than he was now. He soon found his way to his chamber, and stepped in, closing the door and dropping the towel over the back of his chair, padding to his cot. He yawned, not really hungry, and sat down, glaring at the pulsing lapine meat between his legs, "I have got to get you under better control."

It just throbbed back up at him defiantly, if not harder. The large buck sighed, and gave in, laying back in his cot and rubbing over himself, pondering the many does on the down ever since their undercover operation. None of them really matched him. He closed his eyes, beginning to imagine his ideal doe, a strong figure, not built, but powerful nonetheless. His ideal doe is a warrior, like himself.

Bigwig hadn't realized how tired he had made himself. He passed out midstroke.


He yawned and awoke, looking around. The world was different. He was sitting in a depression in the grass, which seemed greener than green. There were colorful swirls in the sky around Frith as he rose to the east, and as he looked over himself, he saw tribal patterns dyed into his fur all over. He looked beside him, and saw a slender brown buck, covered in these markings as well. Though his dreamer's mind recognized the buck for who he looked like, the shape of those markings was unmistakable. It was the pattern of the stained glass at the chapel in Sandleford. Though this buck looked like Hazel, he knew, instinctually that this was El-Ahrairah, the Prince of a Thousand Enemies, the father of his kind. And this revelation brought another.

Rabscuttle stood up and stretched, the Captain of the Prince's Owsla standing naked in Frith's light. His mane shone with the colors of the Storyteller's words, and he awaited the awakening of his Chief and friend.

El-Ahrairah stirred, before standing and walking over to Rabscuttle, "Up early as always, my friend."

Rabscuttle smiled, "Well, we cannot have Prince Rainbow waiting too long for us." He and his chieftain shared an affectionate nuzzle. "Not after what happened last time you crossed him."

The Prince of a Thousand Enemies grinned, "That was thousands of years ago."

"Give or take a few." Rabscuttle smirked, "He's lived longer than we have, though."

"If he's still cross, I'll work my way out of it, as I always do." The slender buck smiled, and started off along a never-ending road of color towards where the rainbow touched down to the earth, away from Frith's light.

Rabscuttle followed, and they walked. They either walked for hours, or a few seconds, before Frith began to sink again.

"We should arrive Ni-Frith, past the morrow." El-Arairah said simply, stepping off the path into a shallow of grass.

Rabscuttle felt odd. His chief was moving so smoothly and with such strength. He found himself staring at the Prince's hips as they moved, then eased down, "We had better rest up, then." He muttered, stepping off the path after the first Rah.

El-Ahrairah looked back, smirking sultrily, "Oh, I see it's your turn, Rabscuttle..." He flitted his tail caressed with color up against the small of his back, revealing his rump fully to his Captain.

Without even thinking, Rabscuttle was easing up behind the Prince, starting to grind his firm arousal to the supple yet firm cheeks presented to him, "Ooh..."

Slowly, the two bucks joined bodily, the larger pressing deep into the smaller, mutual respect and affection tempering the powerful lust, guiding it into slow, passionate mating.

Rabscuttle pressed his large form to the Prince's own, grunting as he bottomed out, and slowly repeated the motion of his hips, the only marks there colors and light. He slowly began to move his hips faster, hilting with each repetition, his breathing beginning to get heavier, one paw easing around to caress his chief's arousal.

The Prince groaned and pressed back onto his Captain's arousal, the two moving together in the hot mating. Grasping at the grass, El-Ahrairah breathed deeply as his scent and Rabscuttle's own mingled all around them, growing stronger as their passion grew. He bore down on the thrusting shaft deftly, even from below, his strong sleek thighs flexing with his work to counter the thrusts pleasurefully, colors dancing about, shimmering in the twilight.

As Frith sank and Inle rose vividly in the distance, the Prince's ears gained an unnatural luster. As the sky darkened, and the stars appeared around the bright orb of Inle, the pair of bucks ground and thrust against one another, heat rising, heartbeats racing as their pleasures rose rapidly. Fur grew slick with sweat, the scent of rutting buck filling the air and their lungs, before Rabscuttle could take it no longer, calling out as he filled out the slender buck with his hot issue. El-Ahrairah cried out, and made his Captain's paw quite sticky himself.

Rabscuttle started to fade from consciousness, enwrapped in blissful warmth.


Bigwig sat up, gasping. He panted, and looked down at his messy paw. He grumbled, looking under his sheets at the gooey issue he had released during his dream. He paused, the contents of the dream flowing back to him.

He stood up, grabbing the still moist towel and cleaning himself and his cot up. He pulled on a pair of trousers, shivering at how sensitive his bits were at the moment, before he stepped out of his chamber, thinking he'd have some flay, then he'd be able to think about this.

He nearly ran right into Hazel, "Oh, good morning, Bigwig."

Bigwig stammered, "I-I'm sorry, Hazel, I wasn't watching where I was going." He couldn't bring himself to look his Chief in the face, as every time he looked at the slender buck he saw the swirling colors, and was reminded of his shameful pleasure.

"Well... be careful." Hazel said slowly, his brow furrowing at the bigger rabbit's behavior, "Are you alright?"

"I forgot to silf last night is all. I was about to go silflay." Bigwig stated. It wasn't exactly a lie. In fact it was the truth, just a different truth than the one Hazel asked for.

"Alright." Said Hazel, "Just remember. Ni-frith we have our meeting."

Bigwig rubbed his eyes, "I... p-pardon?" The memory of going to see Prince Rainbow outweighed his memory of the previous night.

Hazel perked, "With Blackberry and I... planning policy... You go Silf, alright? You need it." He looked concerned, putting a paw on Bigwig's shoulder, "I mean it Thlayli."

Bigwig nodded slowly, and broke away from his chief before he made a bigger fool of himself, headed for the open air and sunlight. The garden on the roof of the building they had built their warren into. There were many lush beds of thick, hearty grasses, and one plot at the back for Flayrah, vegetables for time of feasting. At one of the nearest beds sat Fiver, Hawkbit, and Dandelion, idly chatting as they munched on alfalfa.

Bigwig approached, "Mind if I Silflay here, lads?"

Fiver smiled softly up at Bigwig, "Of course, You missed it last night."

Bigwig had given up on asking how Fiver knew things, "Thank you, Fiver." He sat down, "I was wondering, I had an odd dream. Could you give me your insight?"

Dandelion chuckled, "Must have been some dream if you're willing to bare it to us, Bigwig."

"It left an impression." Bigwig said sideways to the slender storyteller.

Fiver smiled, "Well, I can try."

Bigwig began to describe the dream, but faltered as they came to the end of his dream, pausing, before eliding, "We stepped off the path, laid down into Hlaoil, and I woke up again, in bed."

"One would hope you woke up back in bed, instead of having sleepwalked halfway to Efrafa." Dandelion smirked.

Fiver pondered, "I don't know. I mean, it does seem like just something that re-enforces your relationship to Hazel. You are his Captain." The young buck reasoned.

"Sounded like delusions of grandeur if you ask me." Hawkbit muttered between bites.

Bigwig shot the grey buck a glare, "I didn't."

The storyteller mulled over it, munching over some grass, before swallowing, "Well, there is a school of thought that tells us that El-Ahrairah is in every Rah, and that Rabscuttle is each Rah's Captain."

Bigwig tilted his head, "What, like we are guided by them?" The large buck cut more alfalfa for himself, having missed a meal he felt justified in doing so. "Or we are them?"

Dandelion smirked, trimming himself some more grass from the planter, "Somewhere in between." Dandelion seemed amused that Bigwig was interested, as he hadn't really taken an interest into such things before, outside of the base lesson of the tales.

"Well that's even more less than helpful." Bigwig took another big bite of his own helping.

Dandelion could have elaborated, but Fiver spoke.

"It was a very vivid dream, wasn't it?" Fiver said softly. The insightful young buck seemed to be studying Bigwig's expression, only chewing a little at a time.

Bigwig nodded, swallowing, "Yes, as though I was living it. As if I was covered in the colors of the tales, and didn't have this damned brand on my hind..."

"Dreams can be vivid, Bigwig. But unless they knock you on your hind in the middle of your day, I wouldn't worry too much." Fiver smiled warmly, and finished the last of his portion, standing up.

Bigwig relaxed a bit, "I guess you're right." He chuckled, "I feel a little silly about it now." He pondered if he should mention Hazel using his lapine name. The largest buck stood, stretching out, feeling invigorated from his silflay, and decided against it. He was probably going to get enough grief from Hawkbit just for the dream. He paused.

"Hawkbit, aren't you supposed to be on patrol?"


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