dragon cave

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Phil had a talent for hiding his cave from anyone with i'll intent as he was a baby that needed food but had to leave his cave to get it.

Phil is a dragon cub that's food is a mix of sperm and mom milk.

Phil had to go potty after eating his morning meal from his mommy who changed his diaper with love.

Phil whimpered need a hug mom asked Phil.

Phil nod yes and ask if he could have a baby boy friend to play with.

Mom said your playmate is in my stomach waiting to be born like you where Phil.

mommy gave birth to a baby boy named Fireball that whimpered from hunger and wanting to have his brother hold his peepee.

Phil said Fireball do you have to go potty?

Fireball said yes i really need the potty i have to go pee.

Phil put Fireball's peepee in a pee bottle then said pee i have you covered with a pee bottle.

Fireball peed in bottle and filled it half way.

Phil said you done Fireball nods.

Phil clean's Fireball's penis then place diaper on him.

mommy smiled while putting there baby bottle's where they can feed each other.

Phil started to feed Fireball his baby bottle which Fireball empted very fast because it was tastey.

Fireball whimpered not wanting to go to sleep but felt sleepy so Phil started to rock Fireball to sleep before placing him in his bed.

Phil then drink his own milk and cum bottle that is the only thing baby dragons can drink and eat.

Phil then lay down next to Fireball who sleeply cuddled him from fear of the nightmare he had dreamed.

Fireball whimpered feeling scared of nightmare that was of a white female tiger hurting and running to the den to give birth away from a evil black tiger male who wanted her baby for power.

mom found the baby boy named tommy by his mommy the white tiger.

white tiger ask mom to keep her son tommy safe from her evil twin brother who would use him as a slave.

challenge for all writers

a baby story where cubs wish to go back to there baby years to not have to worry about grown up things and still be able to have fun. the baby time last's for as long as needed to give the cub the love it needs.

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hidden dragon land 3

Tommy started drinking pee that was cotton candy pee from James foreskin penis. James loved tommy pee as it tasted like apples to him so he sucked it done until nothing came out anymore. Tommy drink james pee that tasted like cotton candy to him so...

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Baby dragon 3

Nova loved his wife and his twin baby boys who liked to play around in bed wearing only a diaper. Twin baby boys liked to suck on each other foreskin dick as it felt good to them. Nova said hello what are my boys doing this night. Twin baby boys...

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