On Call

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#29 of Kinktober 2017

While trying to unwind after a long shift, a doctor finds herself caught in a rather private moment and ends up somewhat breathless at the hands of one of her interns!

This story was written for Day #29 of Kinktober 2017! Today's theme is Breath-Play, and the story was written for Honeymoon. This story contains M/F sex between consenting adults and dom/sub play in a semi-public setting. :3

On Call

Sarayu yawned as she stepped into the small, darkened space of the secondary doctor's lounge, glancing at the couple of armchairs and couches already piled with blankets before ultimately selecting one of the couches and padding over to it. The house-cat stretched, groaning in soft satisfaction for a moment as she lifted her arms up over her head and arched her back, the grey furred length of her tail flicking out behind her as she did so. Then she flopped down onto the couch itself, pulled the blankets up over her exhausted form clad in rich violet scrubs, and closed her eyes. She was asleep within a minute.

When she woke up once more, it was dark. The fading evening light was now gone, and the only illumination filtering into the empty room was that of the hallway beyond, filtered through some narrowly drawn blinds meant to offer her or whatever other docs were trying to catch some shut eye while on call a little peace and quiet. Of course, quiet was a relative term where the hospital was concerned, the ER's nearby presence to the pharmacy where Sarayu worked ensuring that there was always a constant hum of activity, but she had long since learned to block out the vast majority of irrelevant noise. Right now all Sarayu could hear was the ticking of a clock upon one wall, currently invisible in the darkness, and the sound of her own heartbeat in one ear as she lay upon her side, eyes now wide open. She sighed, unsure exactly why she had woken, and tried to settle in once more. Rolling over she closed her eyes, got comfortable once more, and...

Nothing. She rolled onto her back with a frown, blinking sightlessly in frustration in the near pitch darkness. What the hell? She was tired. She was still pretty exhausted in fact, so it couldn't have been more than a couple of hours since she had gone to sleep at the end of her regular ten hour shift and the commencement of the on-call period immediately afterwards. But if that was indeed the case, why couldn't she sleep?

It didn't take long for Sarayu to come up with an answer, albeit one that she truly didn't want to be the case. The evidence was all there though. The timing. The feeling of fatigue yet restlessness. The racing rate of her heart despite the utter lack of activity she was performing. In the darkness and the solitude, Sarayu cursed softly under her breath. She was horny. It had been almost three days since she'd last gotten off, and if the cat was perfectly honest with herself that was a lot longer than she liked. She'd been so busy these last few days though, and so exhausted when time for rest and relaxation finally came, such considerations simply hadn't occurred to her. Not until now, at least. And now that they had, she could feel an itch between her legs. An itch that slowly but surely grew into an ache, and then blossomed into a full on, pleading throb of desire.

Sarayu sighed in frustration. She knew she could have gotten up and darted over to one of the restrooms. Slipped into a cubicle, sat down upon the pot and frigged herself to a temporarily satisfying release in a matter of minutes. But if she got up and walked all the way over to the restrooms and back, what were the chances that she wouldn't get called on to help with something? Even if by some miracle the hospital was quiet tonight, even if they were so fully staffed and lacking in patients that she hadn't yet been woken for an on call emergency, there was no way they wouldn't be able to find something for her to do if they saw that she was up and about. But, if she couldn't go elsewhere to masturbate, and if she couldn't sleep without first granting herself some small measure of relief, then realistically speaking the cat knew she only had one solution left.

She lifted her head, blindly glancing around the darkened room towards the door and the other couch across from hers, still empty and unoccupied. She blushed deeply, and reached her hands below the blankets covering her. She carefully, slowly eased her scrub-trousers and the panties beneath them down over her thighs until they were hooked around her knees, and with her eyes fixated upon the door and any shadows of approaching figures that might fall upon it, Sarayu heard her breathing growing ragged and the couch creak slightly beneath her as she spread her legs, traced two fingers through the warm, flushed lips of her pussy, and began to rub slow but firm circles around the already eagerly receptive nub of her clitoris.

A minute later, undisturbed and still teasing her clit, a brief ragged moan of pleasure escaped Sarayu's lips.

Another minute after that, as she slipped two fingers inside herself and began to pump slowly in and out, legs slightly raised beneath the blankets to grant herself better access, she moaned again, and again. Her eyes fluttered shut for a moment, no longer focused upon the doorway.

Soon after that the unmistakable sound of fingers moving within and against hot, increasingly damp flesh began to emanate from between the grey furred and breathlessly gasping cat's legs. She whimpered in pleasure between more wordless moans, the couch creaking loudly as her body rocked back and forth against the motion of her fingers and the thumb grinding hard and fast against her clit.

"Yes. Yes."

Her fingers moved faster. Harder still. The sounds of her pleasure both in moans, cries and lewd, wet shlicking intensified to ever greater extremes as Sarayu felt herself beginning to rise towards an unmistakable plateau. A hand sought out her throat. Her own. Caressing her own neck. Feeling her blood pounding through her carotid artery. Squeezing, gurgling in wild pleasure as she teasingly choked herself. Her legs kicked and her tail thrashed, the blankets falling aside but Sarayu's body in too great, too extreme a state of pleasure to care about how dangerous and risky it was. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she fought to draw breath through her own restricted airflow, fingers pounding harder, pussy gushing with hot droplets of ever increasing volume. She was close. So fucking close now.

A dazzling flash of light burst through the room, but Sarayu was so lost to her pleasure she thought it was just her brain short-circuiting. It was only when another burst through her vision, then another as her eyes opened slightly wider that she recognised something accompanying them. A sound which until now she had forced herself to filter out. The unnecessary but ever present snapshot and whirring sound of a camera. A camera, which combined with those flashes of light from within the darkened room could only mean...

Sarayu mewled in horror, in shame and dismayed humiliation, and dragged her fingers out of herself and away from her pussy. Instinctively she wiped them off on her scrub top, and only then drew them back down to cover her pussy with one hand while the other fought to tug her scrubs and panties back up. Out of the darkness, now even more piercing and complete after the flash, the aghast, horrified cat heard a soft chuckle. Then a voice. A voice she knew all too well.

"You didn't have to stop, Doctor."

Swinging her legs around so that she could sit bolt upright on the couch even if she couldn't see, Sarayu glared into the darkness towards the source of the voice. She focused with all that she possessed, and in the thinnest glimmers of light reaching that side of the room she could just make out a figure resting over the back of one of the armchairs, no doubt on his knees on the chair itself with arms raised, a phone in one hand. Sure enough a moment later a dazzling beam of light burst forth from that part of the room, and Sarayu cried out in frustration and embarrassment again as the figure wielding the phone turned flashlight stepped out of the chair and began to walk towards her. His body was dressed in a pale green set of intern's scrubs, and the rich rusty brown hair hanging down in a tousled manner around the fox's face perfectly framed the knowing, gleeful grin spread across his face.


Sarayu whimpered to one of her pupils, one of the first year doctors whom she was meant to be training. Meant to be setting an example for. Already it had been hard enough working with someone like him. Someone so bold and confident, able to charm almost any patient into liking him regardless of what painful treatment he was there to provide. Someone for whom flirting and talking were almost indistinguishable. But... this? She never would have expected this.

"I've gotta say, Doctor. Or... do you mind if I call you Sarayu, since it seems like you've set a less professional tone for this, uh... situation? I never would have expected this from you."

He flopped down onto the couch beside her, holding up his phone and flicking across to the first of the pictures, the flash illuminating the room and clearly showing Sarayu's body with back arched and legs spread, hand between them and rubbing furiously at a pussy with blurred, glistening fingertips. Of course the cat grabbed for the phone, and of course he yanked it back with a burst of laughter before she could.

"Or this."

He switched from the camera to what Sarayu realised was the phone's dictation app. Useful for doctors when taking case notes, and apparently just as useful for other sorts of audio recording too. She listened to the sounds of heavy breathing. Of rapid, frenzied shlicking, and of her grunts. Her moans. Her own cries of pleasure. They shut off again as Fawks stopped the playback, though at a glance Sarayu saw that there was over a minute of audio recording remaining.

"I just came in here to sleep, I swear. To get some rest while I was on call. I even took a chair rather than the couch, in case someone else wanted to come in and use it later on. I didn't expect to get much sleep, but... man, I really didn't expect to get woken up by this of all things."

He flashed Sarayu the first of the pictures again, grinning as in the pale light of the phone he saw her face flushed beneath its grey fur.

"Ryan... Fawks, I..."

She tried to speak, half choked on her own humiliation, knowing that there was nothing she could say, nothing she should have tried to say to excuse her behaviour. It was entirely unprofessional. It was shameful that she had even considered it, let alone done it. And from the look on the intern's face, he knew it.

"Fawks, I... I can't tell you how embarrassed I am. I wish there was something I could say or do to l-let you know that this isn't me. That I'm not some sort of... some sort of nymphomaniac who can't make it through a shift at work without fucking herself senseless."

She forced herself to look at him, wishing she hadn't as she found him already staring right at her as though ready to meet her gaze. God. Why did it have to be him? The most confident of the bunch. The most talented of the first years from this entire group they had training with them. Never mind the cutest, the one whom Sarayu had already had to chide herself for having... inappropriate fantasies about before now.

Their eyes remained in contact. Lingering. Unwavering in their gaze, Sarayu's fixed with embarrassed anguish, Fawks' burning with mirthful fire. He nodded slowly.

"I know you aren't. What... you think I'm trying to blackmail you or something?"

He waved his phone at her, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

"I'm gonna kick ass in my tests, in my training, and I'm gonna be an amazing doctor, Sarayu. I don't need to blackmail you into giving me better assignments, I know you're only a resident so you're probably still almost as broke as me, and... well, blackmailing you into sex would be just fucking creepy."

He handed Sarayu his phone, grinning as he watched an utterly dumbfounded look cross the cat's features.

"You can delete all that stuff if you want. I'll be sad, the pictures, and especially the audio... man, that's fucking hot as hell. But, I won't blame you. And if you ask me to, I won't ever mention anything about this again. You have my word."

Sarayu stared up at him as he rose from his seat beside her, waiting for the but. It never came, though something fairly similar did follow.


The cat's gaze dropped slightly in desperation, and it was then that she noticed the front of Fawks' own scrub trousers. Tented, and with a slight dark spot at the front of the pale green material.

"Or, whether you delete it or not, you can ask me not to forget it. And instead... I'll help you out."

Sarayu watched as the bulge in his scrubs twitched, and returned her gaze, eyes wider, cheeks redder now by some degree, to his.

"H-help me out? How?"

The fox grinned.

"The same way a good intern would help out their resident in charge if they could. In any way you need."


A minute later, Sarayu's scrubs were around her knees again, and she was grunting in pleasure once more as Fawks' cock plunged into her as the fox lay over her upon the couch. The darkness surrounding them was almost complete once more, and with a blanket draped over them both even if someone did come in to rouse whatever on call docs were present, chances were they wouldn't be able to make out who or how many figures were upon the couch without moving a considerable length into the room to do so.

"Ah. S-stay quiet... you told me not to let you moan."

Fawks growled as he pressed a hand over Sarayu's muzzle, grinning down at her as the cat's eyes widened and she moaned louder still into the paw covering her face. His hips pumped down against hers, and as his hand pulled away from her mouth Sarayu almost immediately let slip another helpless cry of pleasure, followed by a pleading mewl to the younger male.

"Y-you try being this fucking turned on and not crying out. Oh fuck. Fuck me. F-Fawks... please, just... do anything. Anything, j-just don't let anyone hear, and... fuck me harder."

To Sarayu's brief dismay though, Fawks didn't fuck her harder. Indeed he stopped fucking her almost completely, lying hilted against her, cock twitching but nothing more against her innards as he reached down and grabbed his phone once again. He pulled up one of the pictures, tapping playfully at the screen with his thumb to zoom in on one particular portion before turning it to face Sarayu. She shuddered. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and with a giddy gurgle, she moaned and nodded.

His hips began to pump and piston against her once more, faster than ever, and a long, loud, single cry of pleasure began to erupt from Sarayu... only to be stifled, to be cut abruptly short as Fawks' right hand closed around her neck and began to apply pressure to her windpipe. Not enough to damage it, certainly nowhere close enough to collapse it, but enough for both doctors to know that they Sarayu's airway was being compromised. At the end of the couch, kicking free from the blankets once more and lying trembling over the far arm, Sarayu's toes splayed out and flexed violently as her back arched, hips humping and body shaking in pure ecstasy while she tried to cry out but found her every vocalisation low and hoarse, barely a whisper of what it might formerly have been. More exciting than that though was the building ache in her lungs as she gasped and attempted to cry out, emptying her chest of more and more air while unable to draw more than the most ragged, minimal gasps back in.

Still Fawks' pace increased, and as he did so the pressure of his hand on the cat's throat increased too with his body becoming more and more focused on driving itself downward against and into her. He waited until Sarayu was gulping and gasping like a goldfish on land before releasing her throat, snarling in pleasure at the ragged, frantic gasp she drew in before letting half of it out again in the beginnings of a lustfully overwhelmed plea.

"Ohhhhfuckinggodyess.... d-don't st-..."

Obviously he had no intention of stopping anything but her cries, the thrusts growing ever more frantic and wild while the hand upon her throat, squeezing and choking her moans, by now her screams of outright ecstasy into breathless gasps, continued to do its work. He leaned down against her as they fucked and writhed together, his own muzzle gasping in one of Sarayu's ears, and growled tenderly.

"Y'know... the way you're acting someone might actually think it's not really about keeping quiet. Someone might start to think you liked being choked."

His free hand reached down between them, squeezing Sarayu's throat a little tighter still as his fingers grazed her swollen clitoris. The cat's back arched. She tried with all her might to shriek in wild, rampant bliss as she came so close to cumming right there and then, but barely made more than a choking, gurgling hiss. Almost immediately afterwards the hand fell away from her throat, but even as Sarayu trembled and gulped down fresh air, she heard Fawks whispering to her once again.

"In fact... a really observant, hot young doctor with a grant career stretching out ahead of him might even be so confident about his diagnosis that he'd tell a kinky resident like you to take a deep, deep breath... because it's the last one he's gonna let you take till after you've cum."

Sarayu shuddered violently and let loose a desperate, mewling cry that Fawks grinned and made utterly no move to conceal or stifle.

"Now's your chance to tell me no."

He growled.

"Now's your chance to tell me... anything."

Sarayu whimpered just three feverish, pleading words in that moment.

"F-fuck me, Ryan..."

And then the hand returned to her neck. Grasping, squeezing tight at her throat as Fawks did just that. The couch creaked loudly beneath them. The clock ticked. The hospital made all the noises that the two doctors were so used to just blocking out, leaving only the sounds, the smells, the feeling of one another to consume and occupy them. Fawks fucked Sarayu harder than he had fucked anyone, utterly merciless in the force and urgency of his thrusts. He pushed himself to the limit, racing towards his own orgasm now despite the head start Sarayu had gleaned by her earlier masturbation and watching, grinning and panting in the gloom as the cat writhed, gasped breathlessly and silently urged him on with unspoken wails and screams.

Thirty seconds passed, both bodies bucking in a frenzy, Sarayu's eyes bulging as she felt her lungs beginning to burn having exhaled her last, forced empty far quicker than her oxygen would naturally have run out had she not been so close to the brink of such intense and volatile ecstasy. .

A minute passed. Fawks had both hands upon Sarayu's neck now, ensuring that not a drop of air could be drawn in as she thrashed and shuddered, clamping down so hard around his cock while he drew ever closer to the ragged edge himself. The blanket covering them had long since been kicked aside, and Sarayu's hands were reaching down to grasp at Fawks' bare ass, holding his taut, firm cheeks as they pumped urgently, violently down against her below his raised, eagerly twitching tail.

After ninety seconds Sarayu's head was beginning to spin. Her claws were out, dug into the couch by her sides to keep herself from instinctively slashing at the arms still pressing down against her neck. Every part of her was consumed with a singular throbbing desire. A pounding rhythm of desperate need that emanated from between her legs, so intense, so overriding that she swore her heart was pounding to the beat of her throbbing clit and aching inner walls as they were pounded by Fawks' cock, not the other way around.

She tried to cry out. Tried to beg. Tried to put her hands upon his wrists and tell him that enough was enough. She was so close now, but she couldn't handle it. She couldn't wait any longer without passing out. Everything was dark, but not because of the empty doctor's lounge around them. It was dark because she was losing her grip on the conscious world. It was dark because her brain didn't have enough oxygen to function any more. It was dark because she was being rendered unconscious by her intern. Controlled, restrained, choked by the same man who not fifteen minutes ago had caught her approaching the very same brink of ecstasy on her own, and had forced her to stop.

Sarayu whimpered. Or rather she tried to as that last thought crossed her mind.

She couldn't stop. Not again. Not for anything. She was so fucking horny. This felt so fucking good. And... god, she just couldn't let this feeling slip away again. Not when the lack of control, the lack of breath in her lungs was making things so much more intense. So much more hazy and crystal clear all at once.

Then she heard it. A single word piercing the haze surrounding her. Piercing the ringing that she now realise was echoing loud and piercing in her ears with the sheer volume of her own thundering heartbeat. Yet still, she heard the word ring out over even that almighty sound.


A breathless growl. And then... heat. Potent, extreme heat blossoming inside her, thick ribbons of liquid lashing themselves out against her hot walls as the fox's member twitch, strained, emptied it's offering deep into Sarayu's violently clutching, quaking depths. And at the same time, as Fawks was lost to the unfathomable bliss of his own climax, his fingers twitched. His grip tightened just a little more before relaxing off again as the wave of ecstasy passed, but just that momentary increase was enough. Enough to send Sarayu into pure panic mode. Enough for her body and her oxygen deprived, hazy mind to convince itself with absolute certainty that Fawks wasn't going to let go, and that she was going to suffocate. Adrenaline flooded her system. Her muscles clenched as she began to struggle and flail with the power and fury of her every last survival instinct. And of course, as the muscles of her pussy clamped violently down alongside all the others, that was all Sarayu needed.

She didn't scream. She couldn't.

She didn't wail. She couldn't.

She didn't gasp. She couldn't even manage that.

But cum... god, did Sarayu ever cum. A hot, potent streak of ejaculate gushed out over the cock still throbbing and twitching inside her, pouring across the short, trimmed fur of Fawks' crotch as he held himself deep within her suddenly convulsing depths. Her body shook from ear-tip to toes, and the pleasure that consumed her was so intense, so overwhelming that even if Sarayu had been able to breath in those moments she wouldn't have remembered to even try. Indeed the harder, the longer she came, the more impossible it was for Sarayu to remember practically anything. The whole world was just one giant black morass of formless ecstasy, with her and Fawks whirling, spinning, locked together at its core. Soon she couldn't even remember Fawks, knowing only that there was someone else responsible for making her feel this way. Soon after that she couldn't even remember why she was feeling so good. What was causing it, what the sensation was even called.

And then, nothing.



Sarayu sat bolt upright, that voice, and more importantly the tone that spoke it one of the few things that could rouse her instantly, no matter the situation or how comfortably she could sleep through almost anything else. Her cheeks flushed, and she instinctively opened her muzzle to explain why she was in the state she was in. Why she shouldn't be fired. Why the police shouldn't be called.

Only a breathless gasp escaped her lips though, and as the light of the doctor's lounge was turned on by the tall, plump tigress intern who had no doubt been sent to fetch the folks on call, Sarayu drew in a ragged lungful of air as she looked down at herself and forced her mind to settle. She was covered by the blanket, and beneath that she could feel her panties and her scrubs exactly where they were meant to be. She was alone upon the couch, and sure enough as she glanced across the room she saw the figure of Fawks pulling himself upright from the armchair in which he had been resting, the multi-coloured piercings in his right ear catching the light as they twitched with curiosity.

He smiled at her. She smiled back, her breath catching in her throat for a moment with embarrassment, but with excitement too as she saw his phone in his hand before being slipped back into the pocket of his scrubs.

"What have we got?"

She pulled herself to her feet, head spinning slightly as she did so apparently a fraction too fast. The intern at the door straightened up and turned towards her, eager to prove herself.

"Multiple lacerations and concussions on around a dozen people, Doctor. Glass bottles thrown after someone was upset at being thrown out of a bar."

Sarayu nodded, and began to step towards the door as Fawks did the same. She paused, and smirked as she gestured for him to go first.

"After you, Doctor."

She smiled warmly, beaming as he thanked her and padded on through the door, past the other intern.

"Oh, and Ry-... uh, Doctor Fawks?"

The fox didn't pause as the trio began to walk towards the ER, from which multiple overlapping voices could be heard cursing drunkenly, but he did turn his head back towards the resident in charge, as did the tigress.

"Don't think I didn't see you with your phone on you just now. That's meant to be in your locker. Do it again and I'll have to write you up to your attending. Got that?"

Fawks' eyes widened slightly, and Sarayu couldn't help but blush as she saw him swallow thickly, taking in a calming breath before nodding in apology.

"R-right. Sorry, Doctor. I won't forget again."

Sarayu smiled at him, nodding in acceptance of his apology.


Her face grew more stern just a moment later though as the sound of a metal tray being knocked over and hitting the floor rang out around them, and their pace quickened as they rushed to assist their colleagues.

"Because I won't forget either."

By Jeeves

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