Chapter 4 Good Taste

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#4 of The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Good Taste

Chapter 4

Likoa sat at a table beside his unhappy wife, wrapped in a feather cape and rings on his fingers as he sipped wine from a wooden goblet and watched the festivities in calm amusement. The wedding feast was the happiest he had seen his bitter, starving tribe in a very long time. Not since his own wedding to Ujana had his mother actually wept with joy, and the rarity of his oh-so-serious sister's willingness to dance had become a running joke throughout the village. But weep with joy Chieftess Nsowaa did, her long dark mane plaited in a single thick braid that fell over one shoulder as if to catch her tears. And dance Nkroma did, with flowers in her mane, with her tail flashing, with her naked breasts trembling and her eyes sparkling like a girl's.

The wolves of Clan Kweku laughed and danced and drank under the stars, howled to the moon, and lifted giggling pups into the air. On a great round table in the center of the feast sat Skylar's Lochlain sheep, completely shorn, roasted and glossy, and a little fatter than Likoa remembered. Skylar himself sat at the table behind the roasted sheep, draped in wedding feathers and beads and unable to hide his misery, no matter his forced smiles should their mother - who sat beside him weeping -- speak to him. On Skylar's other side sat his new wife, the lovely Subira, all fluffy, sweet-smelling, and swept with flowers. Her large, round eyes were eager to dance, and Likoa could see her tail tapping under the table to the heart-pounding beat of the drums, yet Skylar ignored her silent pleas completely, too busy staring at Kai as he danced with their sister.

Likoa knew why his brother was so miserable. Though Skylar hadn't said a word to him about it, it was painfully obvious he'd completed the malehood ritual as some way of breaking things off with Kai. It was the most brutal and most humiliating way he could have done it, for many of the wolves among Clan Kweku were aware of their relationship - they just looked the other way because Skylar was a prince and Kai was so deeply respected.

Almost everyone at the wedding feast naturally knew something was the matter, for Skylar had never been able to hide his emotions, and Kai was bold enough not to care what anyone thought. Many heads went together in quick whispers, and eyes darted back and forth between Skylar and Kai. The only ones completely oblivious - as they had always been completely obvious - were Chieftess Nsowaa and the little children who flitted in and out between the tables.

Kai was not bearing the humiliation well. He was cold and quiet - quieter than usual - and though his eyes smiled whenever Nkroma - in a rare moment of playfulness -- rubbed her backside against him during the dance to cheer him up, he was otherwise content to glare at Skylar every chance he could.

Skylar, for the most part, sat in misery at the great table, ears down, eyes down, only glancing up every now and then should Chieftess Nsowaa speak to him. Oddly enough, sometimes his eyes went to the roast sheep on the table, and they would linger there for a long time, brooding and intent.

Likoa understood the misery his brother must have been feeling. He couldn't fathom what it was like, being forced to hide who and what he was, to the point that even his wedding feast was something miserable, false, and put-on for show, like the crown of feathers Skylar had worn for the ceremony. As a male who desired other males, Skylar could never have a real wedding, where he could be openly happy, where his love could be celebrated. Instead, he was expected to do his duty, to fill Subira with pups he didn't want and create new hunters for the tribe.

As much as he pitied Skylar, Likoa felt happy for Subira. It was every village girl's dream to marry a prince, and Subira seemed perfectly content, even proud as she sat beside Skylar, her little paw closed in his paw, her smiling eyes on the dancing wolves. For the rest of her life, she would have the fattest portion of the kill, the finest jewelry and clothing, and all she had to do was bear the burden of her handsome, kind-hearted husband every night. But Likoa looked at his brother and wondered how kind-hearted he was going to be to Subira. If anything, he seemed completely indifferent about her and was holding her paw only absently.

In that moment, though he pitied Skylar, Likoa wanted to berate him for treating his wife so abysmally. For unlike Skylar, Subira didn't have a choice in the matter. A girl who refused a prince was ridiculed and shamed, and it was very unlikely anyone else would want her after that. The very least Skylar could do was be kind to her after asking her to put up with him for the rest of her life. Determined to yank his brother to the side for a lecture, Likoa set down his goblet and was on the verge of rising from his seat when a snapping voice stopped him.

"I want to dance!" Ujana complained. "Why don't you ever dance with me?"

Dragged from his reverie, Likoa glanced irritably at his wife. Ujana was a lovely young she-wolf whose family had joined Clan Kweku after migrating down from the north. As a result, she was of a fluffy northern breed, with puffy white fur and black markings covering her face like a winged mask. Her slanted blue eyes glittered from the depths of that "mask" as she gave Likoa an impatient, sneering look.

Ujana was always sneering. Likoa supposed it had everything to do with her being a spoilt princess. Even now she was spoiled, sitting beside him in fine feathers and glittering jewelry, rings on her fingers, jewels hanging against her bare breasts. She had been princess of her tribe, Clan Milani, and so when the northern clan was run off by bears and then asked for sanctuary in the south with Clan Kweku, it only seemed natural that Ujana should marry one of the clan's princes to ensure peace between the meshing tribes.

Though Ujana had shown more interest in Skylar, she was forced to marry Likoa instead, who stepped forward to protect his brother from an unwanted marriage. Now, sitting at the wedding feast and watching Skylar's dull-eyed misery, it suddenly seemed to Likoa as if his gesture had been in vain - if not completely unappreciated.

"Did you hear me?" Ujana demanded. "I want to dance. Get up!"

"No," Likoa said, eyes dulling.

"Why!" Ujana barked.

"Because someone has to watch our many brats, and I know it won't be you," Likoa muttered under his breath and reached out, grabbing one of their children as the boy ran by. It was his youngest son, Ahe, who'd been running by with an up-turned bowl on his head. The tiny pup sheepishly pushed the bowl back from his eyes and smiled guiltily at his father. He looked just like his mother, with white fur and a black "mask" over his blue eyes, but - thankfully - he did not have Ujana's temper.

"What have I told you about wearing bowls on your head?" Likoa wearily scolded.

". . . you said not to," muttered Ahe sullenly. "Hic . . ."

Likoa's eyes narrowed. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were drunk. Is that wine on your breath!"

"I only had one sip! Honest!" Ahe squeaked at once.

Likoa sighed, gave the boy a pat on the behind, and went back to drinking as he scampered off.

"What? No punishment?" scolded Ujana. "He was drinking! What kind of father are you?"

"A drunk one," Likoa muttered as he took another bitter sip of wine.

"Well, if you would just _marry_again," Ujana snarled, "we could make the second wife watch the pups, and then I'd have more time."

"To do what?" Likoa snorted. "Sharpen your claws? Berate me for being a failure husband?"

"Don't be silly!" snapped Ujana. "All husbands want two wives!"

"Why? Then it's two voices nagging. No, thanks," Likoa muttered and ignored it when Ujana's pretty eyes narrowed on him in a glare.

Ujana's face softened, and she said in a wheedling tone, "Come now, husband. If you take a second wife, that's two she-wolves in the bed."

Likoa wasn't fooled. Ujana was using the sweet, purring voice she always used whenever tantrums proved useless. His dull, weary expression didn't change when she lovingly stroked his mane and tweaked his ear, though he had to ask himself why she wanted him to marry again so badly. She had been after him to take a second wife since Akoni, their first son, had been born ten years ago. He was horrified by the very idea. He had the sneaking suspicion she was going to try making him marry Akina, her equally bratty cousin who had gone unwed for ten years simply because she was a nightmare, and he would rather slit his own throat.

"I said no," was Likoa's soft answer, and he was secretly satisfied when Ujana's face darkened in a furious pout.

Ujana bit her lip and angrily studied her husband for such a long time, Likoa started to feel nervous. Just what was she up to? She looked on the verge of scratching his eyes out! Finally, Likoa set his goblet down and said seriously, "Look . . . why do you _want_this so badly?" He was shocked when his wife blushed crimson and her nails raked the tablecloth as she hissed, "I want pussy!"

There was silence between Likoa and Ujana for a time. For a long time. Thankfully, Ujana's outburst had been hissed under her breath, as she'd been sensible enough not to scream for the moon to hear, but Likoa was still terrified that someone might have heard her: females who preferred the same sex faced a harsher punishment than males. He glanced around, and though everyone else was still feasting and drinking, he squirmed nonetheless in his chair, played with his fork, and avoided looking his wife in the eye. Eventually, he glanced her way and was surprised to see how slumped and miserable she was. And suddenly, their ten-year marriage of hellish frustration made sense: her disgust with going down on him, her bitterness about their marriage, her initial desire to be with Skylar. She'd likely known Skylar desired only males and had probably thought a life with him would be easier to bear: Skylar would have little interest in sex with her.

Likoa cleared his throat. "So all this time . . ." he said in sympathy.

Ujana seemed surprised to hear his sympathetic tone. Her ears went forward and she looked at him with fluttering lashes. "Yes," she sighed in wretched confession. "Of course, Mother Dearest didn't care what I wanted, just that I should marry one of you and secure peace between our people." So saying, she glanced across the feast at her mother, who was sitting at a table with Ujana's father and was talking with Ujana's older brother.

"Sorry I never realized," Likoa said heavily. "I was always so busy wallowing in self-pity . . ."

"And drinking. It's alright. I didn't exactly make it easy for you," returned Ujana briskly and straightened-up, suddenly businesslike. "Well, now that you know, we might as well proceed. No use either of us remaining dismal. Let's pick a she-wolf, someone who can keep her mouth shut and please both of us in bed."

Likoa could hardly believe what he was hearing, but his heart leapt with joy, and he looked at his wife with new eyes. Ujana smirked at the delight in his face and nodded at a young she-wolf who was dancing, breasts bare, among the crowd. "What about her?" Ujana breathed, hungry eyes narrowing like a predator on the girl.

Likoa had to admit: Ujana had good taste. The girl she had picked was young and lovely, with high, perky breasts, round hips, and quivering thighs. She was a gray wolf, with a long, wild mane that fell to the small of her back. Mane and tail flashed as she was spun around by suitor after suitor, a flower behind her ear, pretty eyes alight in the moon. Likoa liked how her trembling breasts were jutting with small, rigid nipples, just waiting to be suckled and pinched. All the eyes of the males were on her, and aside from Subira and Skylar, she was practically the center of attention.

"You sure like a challenge, don't you?" muttered Likoa with a laugh. "That's Kealani, and she's already got every male in the village fighting over her. If I step in and use my authority to claim her, I'll make a lot of enemies."

"You always did care for politics," sneered Ujana with a roll of her eyes.

"Be glad for my astute political mind, lovely wife," Likoa returned in amusement. "It is what has kept your pretty head on its shoulders this long."

Ujana only rolled her eyes again and took a sip of wine.

It was true, however, that Likoa's cleverness had kept Ujana alive. Being from another tribe, Ujana and her people had different laws and ways. It had taken some quick maneuvering on Likoa's part to keep his wife from accidently offending Clan Kweku.

"What about her?" sighed Likoa. His eyes had alighted on an older female, way past forty summers, who was sitting quietly at a table and enjoying a goblet of wine as she watched the dancing. She was very beautiful and composed, almost regal in her elegance, with ruffled black fur and very lengthy black lashes that fanned slowly with thought. Her mane was a long shadow around her shoulders, tumbling away down her back, and her bare breasts were mature, full, large, and sagging slightly with age. She was supple and soft and serene, a graceful beauty in the height of her sexual prime . . . and Likoa wanted her heat on his cock. He was therefore beyond irritated when Ujana snorted in disdain.

"What? The widow Leona? You sure like 'em old, don't you?" Ujana mocked.

Likoa scowled. "Older she-wolves are experienced she-wolves," he returned. "They are also in the height of their sexual prowess . . . I can smell_it on her. The years of practice will have honed her into a proficient _beast. I heard she can take a cock right down her throat, that her pussy clenches like a fist."

"But she would not submit to me," Ujana said at once and waved a dismissive paw. "The younger they are, the more likely to submit. And if the stories are to be believed, Leona only likes cock. You forget we are looking for a she-wolf for the two of us - not merely for you."

Likoa awkwardly cleared his throat. "Right. Sorry."

"Don't worry," sighed Ujana. "We'll find someone eventually. If your tribe is abundant in one thing, it's pretty bitches."

Likoa was going to answer when he realized the feast was over. A laughing Subira had been lifted into a flower-draped litter and was being carried away to the cheers of a crowd: it was now time for Skylar to consummate the marriage. Subira would be borne to her father's home, at which point it was expected Skylar would climb through her window and make love to her. . . . except Skylar was walking toward Likoa and Ujana's table. Behind the troubled prince, wolves were cheering and tossing flower petals as Subira was carried away.

Skylar paused over Likoa's table and glanced anxiously at Ujana. Likoa knew immediately that his brother wished to speak to him alone, but now that he felt a sort of kinship with his wife for the first time in ten years, he felt a stubborn need for her to stay. "No, don't go, Ujana!" Likoa said when his wife made a move to rise. "Whatever Sky has to say to me, he can say in front of you!"

Ujana's lashes fluttered in surprise and she remained seated, looking back and forth between the brothers with curious, startled eyes. Likoa couldn't blame his wife for her surprise: it was rare that Likoa and Skylar ever argued, and there had been a clear note of furious resentment in Likoa's voice.

Skylar was likewise taken aback by his brother's apparent anger. He stared at Likoa and his blue eyes were hurt. Likoa tried not to care. He was drunk and his deep resentment, his anger and frustration with Skylar was peeling out of him. He didn't see why he should hide it any longer.

"I came to ask you a favor," Skylar said, ears going down, "but I guess it's a bad time . . ." He glanced again at Ujana, as if for an explanation. Ujana only shrugged helplessly.

"Then ask," sneered Likoa, lip curling to reveal a fang. "We all know I am always more than willing to jump through hoops for you!"

Skylar's lips slipped apart in hurt shock. "Brother . . ." he began, confused and sad.

"Well!" Likoa shouted, banging a fist on the table so hard that Ujana jumped. "What do you want!"

"I was going to ask . . ." Skylar swallowed hard. His eyes lowered, then he glanced at his brother and said with heavy shame, "I was going ask if you would make love to Subira for me."

Likoa froze, and beside him, so did Ujana. Shame filled Likoa for his anger, and he said unhappily, ". . . what?"

Skylar wretchedly bit his lip. "I don't know the first thing about pleasing a female! And Subira . . . she deserves better on her wedding night."

Likoa sat in silence for a time, and though he felt guilty for his bitterness, the anger welled up in him regardless. "Ex_cuse_ me?" he hissed furiously.

"Husband . . ." Ujana wheedled, only to be silenced with a barked, "No!" from her mate.

Skylar and Ujana waited tensely for's Likoa's drunken rant to continue, which it did, promptly after Likoa took another drink.

"You ungrateful piece of shit, Skylar!" Likoa practically roared. He saw his mother look their way in concern, saw Nkroma frown, but went on belligerently, "I gave up my youth and happiness - no offence, Ujee," he added, seeing Ujana's ears go down from the corner of his eye, "--so that you could live free, never having to marry, never forced to be a father or live with my burdens and responsibilities. And you throw that away -- for what! Just to get back at Kai!"

Skylar winced, and behind him, Likoa saw several heads turn. He didn't care. He went on bitterly, waving his wine goblet, "Kai, who's never done anything but love you! And now, after throwing all that way, you come to me and ask me yet again to help your sorry tail! Well, I won't! You go ask someone else and leave me alone! I've got - hic!" He reached out and grabbed Ahe by the head, who was standing nearby and listening in open-mouthed amazement. He pulled Ahe into his lap and patted the boy's head - dimly aware that he was actually patting a bowl - as he went on, "I've got kids to raise, thanks to you!"

Skylar dropped his eyes.

"Oh, for the sake of the gods!" Ujana suddenly burst and snatched a confused Ahe from her husband's lap. "Just go and fuck the girl!" she hissed in a low voice.

Likoa looked at his wife in surprise. Ujana's ears were back flat, she was snarling, and her face was practically as menacing as if she might slap him out of his chair.

"I have always known of your lust for Subira," Ujana went on calmly, her voice still low so that the others - who were staring now in wonder - could not hear. "Take Skylar some place private, trade clothes with him, and go fuck the girl!"

Looking in his wife's bitter blue eyes, it dawned on Likoa that Ujana desired Subira as well. He slowly smiled: she really did have good taste.

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