Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 1

Story by FoxSkunkDeer99 on SoFurry

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(Cut to the outside of a mansion, before cutting to the inside, in the living room, where 15 female preteens and 16 male adults in black suits are seated.)

Robyn: Well, that concludes our "Star Trek" marathon! What now?

Vincent: Well, we haven't...

Dixie: Lemme guess... We're doing part three of our "Harry Potter" spoof?


(Cut to a black and white furry nipple floating in space, while a plane soars around it, revealing the words "A Serenifi Picture", then cut to a similarly furry nipple against a white background with stars and the 3-d words "A Serenifi Picture" surrounding it. Cut to the nipple in full color with the words "Serenifi International", before cutting to another colored furry nipple with the word "Serenifi" in front. Finally, we cut to the edge of a sphere, where the text "Serenifi" emerges from, and circles, surprise, surprise, ANOTHER colored furry nipple! All while a grand orchestral score plays in the background, and the words "1st-1/2 Anniversary" appear just above the logo.)

Robyn: Wow, and I thought the LAST logo was a waste of time.

Vincent: You want a play-date at "Abandoned-Spot-Where-A-Freaky-House-Stood Kenshelm Lane"?

Robyn: Sorry.




(Cut to outside the past Blockbuster store, where we see a bunch of sparks surrounding the building. Cut to Lola Bunny ducking for cover as the place explodes in a flash of light, and presumably disappears. Cut to Lola's POV, where we see a few leftover sparks, followed by a series of flames emitting where the store previously stood. Cut to Lola observing in amazement, before approaching the spot, stepping back a bit after being affected by the fire, and then out-of-nowhere yelling in delight, before we then see Tranquility racing towards her.)

Lola: AH!

Tranquility: Lola! Lola, it's me, Tranquility!

Lola: But I sent you to the future!

Tranquility: I know, but I'm back. I'm back FROM the future!

(Zoom in to Lola's shocked face.)

Lola: Great Scott!

...... Roll Credits? *Gunshot*


Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 2

(Cut to the outside of a house in the middle of a storm, with award-bait music playing in the background, before cutting to the inside, where we see a bunch of old portraits of a grey male rabbit, a significantly younger, and blue-furred male rabbit,...


Halloween Spectacular Intro

(Cut to a young human man with glasses and a beard emerging from behind a curtain.) How do you do? Seeing how these stories are Halloween-themed, I feel it's necessary to give a word of friendly warning, so you don't go around ranting about how...

JBIAF: It's The Horny Dead, Robyn And Friends!

JBIAF: IT'S THE HORNY DEAD, ROBYN AND FRIENDS! "Wow..." Declared Vincent, as Robyn Mcclaire the young redhead vixen stepped out of the bathroom wearing a Wonder Woman costume. "You look gorgeous..." "Thank you Vincent..." Replied the young vulpine in...
