Delicate Desires

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#15 of Commissions

My thirteenth commission which I did for Takerukun featuring his friend KillerCam.

It deals with two boys who decide to explore each others bodies.

Delicate Desires by: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. The characters within are not my own and are used with permission from and respect for their owners. Furthermore the characters depicted in this tale are underage. It includes homoerotic tones and is sexual in nature. You have been warned.

Youth is an interesting time for any persons life. Each person experiences it different and the life lessons that come with it vary between the individual. While some are negative, a veritable many others are positive. Jayce Neo was a 12 year old boy who frequented a local Junior High school where he attended as a second year student. It was a public institution which was shared by both the human and furry population,

Unlike most other environments in the country, the people of his community lived mostly in a quite state of peace. There was no competition for dominance nor was their any particular outright racism towards one species or the other. However the reason for which was purely due to the fact that neither held the majority. For ages the balance remained and harmony remained. Even still there was the occasional upstart when one or the other caused strife within the locality.

Jayce himself was a hybrid between a raccoon and a cat. From his brown toned fur many took him as the former but he often identified more as a feline. Some darker tones of stripes and circles adorned his body which offered some variation to his otherwise coffee colored fur. He had a wide variety of friends, most of whom happened to be boys. However very few of them were in the same grade as he was.

The cub found solace in the company of marginally younger boys. He was more at ease and didn't feel as threatened by them. As such the catcoon often found himself venturing over to the elementary school both during gym class as well as after school. Many of the younger kids paid him no attention but there was a small few who often entertained his presence. One day during PE class the boy decided to venture onto the opposing field where the younger kids often frolicked.

Jayce knew it was a risky task but he didn't feel like rough housing with the other boys on this particular day. Especially since it was rather awkward for him since he was caught trying to steal another boys underwear. He didn't particular find himself attracted to the other boy but still enjoyed smelling his delicates. It was something he did rather often and very seldom was he caught. He decided the issue needed to blow over as he didn't want to be made to feel any more awkward than he already was.

The coach saw him trot off but figured he needed some alone time. Especially after the victim of the theft had all but screamed his head off after figuring out Jayce's intention. Not many boys knew how to deal with homoerotic tendencies and neither of the two were sure of what it all meant. Regardless the catcoon knew the other boy needed some time to cool off. In the meanwhile he trotted off into the other field to see what the elementary school students were doing.

Once Jayce had made his way across the field to the opposite side of the field, he saw what he thought were likely the 6th year students. They were much too large to be any of the younger grades and far to aggressive to boot. He sat and watched quietly for a moment from afar. Many of the younger boys kicking around a soccer ball on their side of the field in front of a much larger bear who was administering the class with a whistle.

The coach looked at the seemingly older child, not used to seeing the junior high students on his side of the field. But he didn't pay him much attention other than that. Since he was not being shewed away, Jayce became more brave and began to approach the younger boys who were much to focused on their game to divert their focus to him. It made him recall to when he was that age and though it wasn't too long ago, it made him smile for a moment.

As he was lost in thought, someone suddenly crashed into him. Jayce was sent backwards onto his own tail and behind with a thud. Though it wasn't terribly painful, the cub was caught off guard and remained dazed for a moment.

"You alright?" An unknown voice beckoned to him in his moment of stupor.

"Heh...yeah." Jayce tried to shake himself out of, managing to do so after a few seconds.

"Cool. Sorry about that." A white paw was extended to him from the intruding boy.

Once the catcoon was standing back up he was able to get a clear look of who had run into him. A full head shorter than he was, stood another male cub with predominately black hair. After stepping back a bit, it seemed the boys fur were polar opposite of the hair atop of his head.

By the looks of it the boy was a fox or at least appeared to be. However his ears and his tail varied from the traditional vulpine style, instead seeming more similar to a feline one. A single stroke of a black ring wrapped around near the tip of his tail. Like all of the other boys on the field he wore the same navy blue shirt which clung to his otherwise sweaty body.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Jayce." The older cub figured he should introduce himself.

"My name is Cameron, but you can call me Cam." The younger boy extended out his right paw.

The two shook rather loosely before the coach eventually beckoned for the younger boy to return to playing with his age mates.

"See you later, I guess." Cam began to walk off before gradually picking up pace into a run to join his friends.

"See ya!" Jayce smiled feeling contempt that he'd made a friend through his make-shift journey. However it seemed it was time for him to go back as well and so he did.

After making his way back into his own pack of age mates, Jayce decided he would spend the rest of the time horsing around. He didn't want to be marked off by his coach and had dilly dallied enough to at least alleviate his concern. The rest of the class he spent in playing with other boys his age working up quite the sweat in the meanwhile. The ordeal lasted a little less than an hour before the warming bell was heard.

It was the same routine he'd experienced every day at school. All it meant was that gym class was almost over and it was time to head in doors. So he made his way in doors and prepared for the worst. But it never came, the other boy who he had taken the underwear from earlier never showed up and truthfully Jayce was happy that the conflict was avoided. Little did he know the other boy was sidestepping the issue all together. It was something that neither wanted to deal with right now.

The rest of the day went like normal. Jayce never even saw the other boy which was both a concern and a benefit to his purpose. He didn't let it bother him though and rushed out the door once the dismissal bell rang signaling every students favorite part of the day. Like every other kid the boy followed the flood of fur and skin out the front doors to their various routes home. Going the opposite was was nothing short of foolhardy.

Once he was outside the gaze of the sun fell against his fur making him feel even warmer than he was. It wasn't quite yet fall so the humidity of the summer season had yet to pass. Similar to many others he eagerly awaited the change of weather as it would at least ease some of the heat generated by his own fur. In front of the school many students lounged about in various locations, some waiting for the bus while others waiting for their parents or older siblings to pick them up.

Sure enough the younger boy from earlier was outside. Standing by one of the trees that blew gently against the breeze of the day. Cam broke himself away from the foliage and kicked some leaves up as he began to walk. After walking closer to the older boy it became more obvious that it was in fact the same child from earlier.

"Hey, what's up?" The younger cub asked the older one.

"Nothing, nice to see you again." Jayce smiled at the smaller boy.

"Cool, I was thinking maybe we could hang out." Cameron asked innocently.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind that at all." The catcoon felt flattered at the request.

"Sweet, what do you want to do?" The cheefox asked innocently.

"Would you like to come over and chill?" The taller cub suggested.

"Oh that would be awesome. Let me call and ask." Cam pulled his phone out from his pocket.

The cheefox discussed the ordeal over the phone asking his parents if he could spend the rest of the evening at his new friends. Their answer was yes, so long as he returned home by 8 at night. He agreed.

"They said I can come over as long as I'm home before bed time." Cam passed the information on to his new friend.

"Great, we can play some games or something along those lines." Jayce coaxed the boy over into following him.

"Where do you live?" The cheefox curiously asked wondering how long a walk it would be.

"I don't live that far away. Maybe 20 minutes at most." The catcoon exaggerated slightly.

The two began to walk off together away from the school. They got to know each other a little bit more during the walk. Finding they had a common love in the form of video games. Neither was ornately in love with the idea of sports nor did they disfavor physical activity. Instead finding solace in the indoors. Perhaps the oddest thing they seemed to share in common was their favoring role play and even dress up. Though neither had a costume to wear, they discussed how their characters differed and were designed for board games similar to Dungeon and Dragons.

By the time they were done discussing the specifics of various episodes they'd encountered through their young lives, they found they had a number of things in common. It seemed they had missed out on each others companies all these years. As if they were meant to be friends the two droned on about the subject until they arrived at Jayce's house. The structure was a two story home and from the empty parking bay, there was no one home.

"This is my house." Jayce remarked once they stood on the front lawn.

Cam looked it over once. It was larger than his own but didn't seem overly extravagant. They continued together to the front door as Jayce fiddled with the keys to open the fixture. Once they were inside it allowed the younger cub to get a better feel of where he was. Jayce was an only child so his parents often went out of their way to make him more comfortable. Whereas Cam himself was often the recipient of many hand me downs. It was an experience completely alien to him.

Jayce locked the door behind them before taking off his shoes at the door. Cam did the same since he didn't want to be rude and assumed that the older boy was only following rules. He didn't want to be a bad guest. The catcoon locked the door and led the younger boy to the living room where the television sat with a blank screen.

"Excuse me for a moment." The older boy stepped away to turn on the air conditioning.

It didn't take long and shortly after he returned, plopping onto a large plush sofa.

Gradually the temperature in the room began to drop but not too much as to cause a chill. Once Jayce rejoined his new friend in the living room he began to think of what they could do to pass the time.

"What would you like to do? Your the guest so you can pick." The catcoon wanted to be a good host.

"Well you said you like games, right? Why not play something then?" The idea seemed enticing enough when Jayce had suggested it earlier.

"Sure what would you like to play? What type of games do you enjoy?" The older boy had a wide variety of selection available.

"Hmm I like role playing games." Cam looked over at the TV half expecting the suggestion to be a console based game.

"How would you like to set up a mission in Dungeons and Dragons?" Jayce rather enjoyed the creative aspect of the idea.

"Oh cool, I don't have my player sheet with me though." The cheefox wasn't expecting this proposition.

"We can make new characters together and then set up a scenario." The catcoon was rather excited he finally had someone to play it with.

Cameron picked himself up from the floor and headed towards the table in order to wait for his friend. Jayce in the meanwhile head back into his room.

The older boy began to rifle through his things in order to find the materials necessary for a D&D game. Grabbing the board and some make-shift character sheets which were designed for the creation of new characters on the fly. It wasn't quite as free flowing as the in depth version but since they didn't have all day it would have to do. Jayce picked up a small satchel of dice as well as his little Dungeon Master guide since it wasn't often that he was the DM for scenarios.

He was truthfully over-excited to have a partner especially since he normally played the game using a simulator on the computer. This was actually the first time he was playing a scenario using the board based format instead of the virtual one. The catcoon gently wagged his tail behind him and walked back towards the living room carrying his things to the best of the ability in between his folded arms. It was a bit of a challenge but he figured he could handle it.

As he arrived into the larger room from exiting the hallway leading from hallway, Jayces sock became loose and he tripped over it. The boy tumbled over himself in a fit of clumsiness. The gaming materials which he had formerly fastened against his chest sprung forward jolted from his sudden lurch forward. Some of it landing below him which once his body hit the floor only resulted an increased sense of pain and discomfort. The catcoon couldn't help but feel embarrassed about the ordeal.

Cameron heard the sudden sound before looking over to get a sense of just what was happening. A feeling of fear and concern came over him once he caught a glimpse of Jayce on the floor. Jayce's fought back some tears but managed to control his emotions but still dealt with the impending sense of pain. The cheefox got up from where he was sitting bringing himself over to other boy. Coaxing himself into a kneel the younger boy wanted to make sure his friend was alright.

"Are you hurt?" Cam looked

"Yeah I'm fine . Thanks for asking." Jayce was almost looking directly into the other boys eyes.

"Cool, I'm glad." The younger boy extended his paws out in order to help the other up.

Jayce blushed a bit as he got back onto knees and began to pick up the stuff that had fallen all over the floor. It had seemed to have been to much for him to handle so he decided this time to allow the other boy to help in the endeavor. Once it was cleaned up the two eased themselves off the floor before returning to the living room in order to set up. There was a large table easily sizable enough to fit the whole set onto. The catcoon placed down the board before handing each of them a sheet with a pencil to fill out the information.

The rest of it was placed down temporarily with little concern with where they were placed. Both of them were more interested in creating their character. Additionally each already had an idea of just what they wanted. Jayce wanted to make himself an Elven ranger while Cameron decided on an Elven mage. After sharing with each other it seemed rather coincidental that they had chosen the same race. Both smiled at the their friend finding solace in what they had in common.

All that was left now was designing the dungeon itself. Fortunately Jayce himself had already an idea for what he wanted to plan for the excursion. He decided it shouldn't be shared since he wanted it to be a surprise. Once they figured out the finer details of the project, it was finally time to get started. So Jayce secured figures to represent their characters and placed them on the start point.

"Ready to get started?" The catcoon asked feeling rather excited to get under way.

"Yup, let's do it!" The cheefox was equally enthusiastic to commence.

The two fit themselves under the large table allowing their tails to rest underneath their behinds. Their legs commingled beneath the furnishing as they became comfortable in their position.

After setting up Jayce read off the rules. Then the game finally began in earnest. With each dice roll the two cubs delved deeper and deeper into the dungeon. Many perils were fraught throughout it's walls. One such encounter was rather comical. An encounter was triggered on the 4th roll and after the dice decided on the enemy the boys entered into combat. The enemy was a joke. A rather large and plump beast with a tongue larger than it was. It's stomach louder than it's own growling.

The engorged fiend salivated all over the floor and a pool of wetness gathered around it's base.

"Food!" The monster bellowed out between a burp and a swallow.

The boys characters acted quickly on the whim of a dice roll. Each Elf letting loose a blow the struck soundly into the flesh of the monster. A regurgitation of blood and spit as it was felled into the netherworld. Each of the two bathed in a fresh coat of wetness to add to their extravagant costumes.

"Ew...." Cameron flicked himself as if he were actually involved.

Jayce giggled a bit before allowing the venture to continue. A few rolls later bringing a variable threshold of treasures in an otherwise trapped chest. But they were able to save against the vengeance against their plunder. Inside the chest was a rather nice find, some various armors and even a magic arrow that would seduce even the most foul critter into complying.

"Take that foul beast!" Jayce fired a make believe bolt at Cameron.

The cheefox fell forward to play into the forbearance of his friends blow. Clasping his paw against his chest as if he was hit. Jayce rushed forward to the aid of his friend forgetting all about the game which was well under way at this point.

Once he was within arms reach the other boy fell into his grasp allowing the full weight of his body to rest in Jayce's paws. The older boy struggled a bit since he wasn't that strong but fortunately the younger one didn't weigh all that much. Again their eyes met in a soft stare as the two remained in an awkward stance for embrace. Slowly and softly the catcoon began to lower the younger boy against the floor.

Jayce found himself beginning to stroke the other boys fur with his paw. The fabric of the younger boys shirt lifting as catcoon stroked it gently. Cameron didn't seem to adverse to it either simply allowing the innocent exploration to happen. Eventually Jayce ceased in order to join the other boy on the floor. The two laid down rather calmly next to each other remaining rather motionless for a short time.

Eventually Jayce coaxed himself into a vertical position hoisting himself on his left side in order to look over at the other boy. He found himself at ease around the smaller boy and felt strangely warm in the close proximity of the other cub. Soon enough he allowed himself to let go of his own inhibitions, even going as far as to wrap his right arm over the top of the other boy pulling him in closer.

The two met in a firm sense of embrace on the floor, Jayce dug his snout into the fur of the other boy. The catcoon began to sniff rather aggressively into the other boys clothed stomach. He had a keen sense of smell and was other to pick up the mixed scent of sweat and pheromones despite him not being all that musky.

"Hey...that tickles!" Cam began to fidget underneath the alien attention.

Jayce was becoming braver by the second especially since Cam really wasn't protesting. The top of the older boys head continued to rise before the two met in a soft gaze. The catcoon leaned forward gently meeting his lips with the pronounced snout of the other boy. An innocent kiss was exchanged and it wasn't held for very long before it was broken. The older boy eased himself off before returning to his flat position.

Cameron soon returned the affection with some of his own. The cheefox didn't seem adverse to the new feelings he was experiencing. Truthfully hormones were raging between the two boys and they weren't about to stop what felt good to them. The smaller boy imitated, to the best of his ability the same motions that were initiated by Jayce. First lining up his own nose against the catcoons more pronounced and larger chest.

The older boys scent was much stronger than his own. He had worked up quite the sweat throughout the day and especially during gym. But it didn't bother Cam much and he continued to allow himself to indulge. Even bringing his paw around to lift up the other boys shirt to give him more access to his friends chest. Jayce's fur was slightly matted and moist from the activity of the day and pressing his nose into it made the older boy squirm against it's coolness.

Surprisingly enough Cameron partook for a good several seconds, his tail wagging slowly, clearly into the ordeal. Before finally lifting it his face to show a smirk of approval. The cheefox bringing himself back up to return the affection given to him by his new friend. Sharing a kiss in the same fashion modeled by the catcoon. This time the smooch remained longer than the first. It was a sickly sweet moment that was followed by the two holding hands, remaining flat on the floor as in a perpetual state of bliss.

Jayce's grip was firmer than the younger boys but it wasn't enough to induce discomfort. By this point the two had no space to separate them, their bodies literally lay adjacent of each other making the pair rather warm from their combined body heat as well as their fur.

"Come on...let's go to my room." Jayce thought it would be a reasonable enough suggestion considering the more public access to the living room.

The older boy got up first before the smaller one joined him in standing up. The distance down the hall was rather short. Cameron followed closely behind the taller cub.

Once they were inside the room Cameron couldn't help but look around. It was larger than his own and more well decorated. It seemed Jayce was into Pokemon since the room had a number of items around the room that portrayed characters that existed in the series. Even more striking was the number of Pikachu merchandise strewn about the room. From plushes to posters the yellow mouse was the most prevalent figure evident in every corner of the room.

"Hehe. You like Pikachu huh?" The cheefox stated the obvious.

"Yup, I think he's really cool. Ash would be nothing without his trusty Pikachu." Jayce stated rather confidently.

"Yeah, Ash would be pretty pathetic without Pikachu. I think he learned how to treat Pokemon correctly that way." Cameron didn't have a very high opinion of Ash.

Eventually Jayce motioned himself onto the bed. Sitting down on the mattress caused his pillows and sheets to fluff against the addition of his weight. Gesturing for Cam to join him by patting his paw down on the spot to the right side of him. The cheefox didn't take long to respond, playfully plopping down next to him. Once again the two remained rather closer. Enough to generate some additional body heat between them.

Jayce gradually moved his right paw over the other boy as if petting him. Then allowing himself to gravitate his hand over the shoulder of the other boy. This gave him the leverage he needed in order to coax him closer. As they couldn't possibly have given any closer together, Jayce was feeling rather brave, bringing his red paw closer and closer before it eventually too met with the bother boys body.

Rotating his left paw over the boys clothed stomach which caused the fabric to ruffle underneath the attention. Eventually he caught sight of the cubs furry belly. Like his own it was flat and his body overall seemed quite lithe in frame. Soon enough the catcoon moved his paw low enough to gain access below the boys shirt. The shirt continued to ride up as he rubbed in circular motions. Cameron himself simply watched, unsure of the older boys intention.

Jayce revealed it soon enough, though truthfully he was more exploring that anything else. The older cubs paw then rested itself right on top of Cam's bulge. This unexpected motion caught the cheefox off guard and resulted in him tensing up a bit. Whatever sense of ease had been created had washed away with his restless palm. But that cessation seemingly ended moments after it had even begun.

Jayce began to firm grip and slightly began rubbing at the boys bulge. Slowly the other cub began to calm, his legs opening up to the foreign sensation he was experiencing. The catcoon becoming more into it since he was seeing no obvious signs of protest from his friend. Jayce extended his index finger and stroked the boys shaft. Each touch bringing visible pulsations from within the cubs body. Cameron's arousal was quickly picking up.

Cameron was experiencing a new feeling he had not yet been through. At only 10 years of age, he had yet to play with himself to to extent at which his new friend was. The cheefox didn't understand what it all meant but was blushing rather profusely as no one had touched him "down there" before except when he was younger. Jayce's rubbing was becoming much more aggressive by this point, his grinding pushing more of his fur into the boys bulge.

"Oh...that feels good." The cheefox was panting quite heavily by this point.

Jayce smirked at this comment and used his fingers to begin fiddling with the boys zipper. It didn't take long before he loosed the metal fastening down. The chill of cool air conditioning into the formerly covered area caused Cameron to shiver. But the catcoon didn't leave him hanging long, fitting what he could of his paw into the little opening. The sudden invasion caused the button on his pants to unfasten from the lack of space.

Now that he was much closer to the boys flesh, Jayce could feel the heartbeat pulse beat by beat. The catcoon gripped his paw firmly and rubbed most aggressively. Not even several moments later, the boys shaft spasmed a few times. Cameron let out a loud sigh of relief, the older boy knew it must have been his limit. It seemed however he was too young to cum. But it didn't bother him too much, Jayce was just happy that he'd satisfied his new friend.

"Wow...that was cool. What just happened?" The cheefox asked innocently.

"Hehe you just orgasmed." The older boy tried to explain the event

"What does that mean?" Cameron had not learned about Sex Ed like Jayce had.

For the next few moments Jayce tried to explain it to the boy who simply nodded in confirmation that he understood the topic. In truth he was having a hard time grasping it, but he didn't want to seem naive to his friend. The older cub in the meanwhile had eased himself off the other boys shaft. The catcoon himself had gotten aroused by the ordeal was had popped quite the tent by this point. He didn't try very hard to hide it and secretly hoped Cam would notice.

Just as he had planned this was exactly the case. Curiosity had gotten the better of the younger cub who wanted to return the affection given to him by the older boy. Cameron soon tried to mimic what had just been done to him, allowing himself to move his left paw over to the tented trousers of the catcoon. Jayce eased into his touch knowing full well that he was expecting it to happen.

"Can I try something?" An idea began to form in the younger boys head.

"Uh sure..." Jayce wasn't about to deny his new lovers request.

The older boy relaxed allowing the other to have his way.

"Alright relax flat on the bed with your entire body on the mattress."

Jayce situated himself on the bed as he was instructed to do so. Shifting in such a manner created a small amount of distance between the two. But Cameron closed it soon enough, moving to the right side of the boy and using his strong hand to attempt adjusting the other cub in the way he had in mind. The catcoon followed his guidance and ended up vertically laying down on his right side using his legs and feet as leverage.

Cameron followed his lead by doing the same with his own body. Then gradually he moved himself against the other cub. Eventually the two boys bodies were touching and once again their body heat intermingled. Once the cheefox thrusted his hips forward his own bulge met against the slightly larger one of the catcoon. Jayce watched in amazement a bit surprised that his make-shift lover was going through with it.

Cam continued to edge himself ever forward. His own arousal was picking up though not with as much speed as it had during the start of the encounter. Truthfully he was a bit sensitive but he wanted to make his friend feel as good as he had made Cameron feel. Jayce was beginning to feel rather Pent up, even biting his upper lip from the wayward assault. The fabric of their briefs grinded together and soon the catcoon joined in the motions.

Each thrust forward was met by the fleshy mount of the other boy. Even if they were covered by the fabric of their pure white briefs, Jayce could sense himself getting closer and closer to the edge.

His heart beat was continuing to pick up despite having a rather sparse cycle of breaths. Cameron leaned in to press his snout against the other cub, entering into a soft kiss. Jayce welcomed the motion by placating it with his own wet smooch.

Once this happened, Jayce's own member let out a small spurt of cum. A wet spot forming over the top of his briefs before spreading. Cameron simply looked at it since the experience was all but alien to him.

"Did you just...pee?" The cheefox wasn't too sure of what had just happened.

"Nah you'll do that too when you get older." Jayce patted the other boy on the head ruffling his head fur.

Gradually Cam eased himself off the other boy. Some the sticky moisture clung to his own undies. Staring at it he felt like they needed to be changed.

"Do you mind if I change before I go home?" Cameron felt as if he were dirty.

"Sure, I don't mind. You can use my bathroom if you want." Jayce wanted to be sure the boy was offered his privacy.

"Can I borrow some of your underwear?" The cheefox asked feeling rather embarrassed to suggest the idea.

"Yeah, alright. It might not fit you great but it's better than nothing." The catcoon pointed at his dresser drawer.

The younger cub showed himself to the bureau and looked through the drawers before inspecting closer for a temporary pair which he could borrow. Like himself the tween preferred the

closer fit of the delicates in comparison to boxers. Once he had found a suitable pair Cameron went and showed himself into the bathroom. It didn't take him long before he re-appeared. The slightly soiled pair of his own held tightly in paw once he exited.

"I had a lot of fun today. Thanks for inviting me over." Cameron wanted to be a gracious guest.

"Sweet. Your welcome to come over whenever you want." Jayce smiled at the boy happy that he'd made a new friend.

"Alright I guess I should get going home so I'm not late and my mother doesn't get mad at me." Cameron began to began to head towards the door.

"Hey if you want I can wash your undies and give them back to you tomorrow at school." Jayce secretly hoped the boy would agree.

"Are you sure?" The cheefox couldn't help but wonder at the inquiry.

"Yeah, my Dad makes me do the laundry." Jayce smirked a bit at his own white lie.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow then?" Cameron passed off the underwear to his friend.

"Yup." The catcoon stood up, gripping his prize, before offering a hug to the smaller boy.

With that last show of affection, Jayce showed the boy to the door as he gathered his things and prepared for his exit. Once he had put on his shoes, he was ready. Jayce showed him out and waved goodbye to him. The younger boy walked into the distance before he could be seen no longer. Jayce smiled feeling rather content with his day overall. Now even more satisfied in the fact that he scored twice from his perspective.

Looking into his paw, he made sure he wasn't dreaming. Sure enough the younger cubs were still there firmly between his fingers. The white fabric was still slightly moist but the fact it was his own, now slightly dry, cum didn't bother him. He had other things he was focused on. Bringing it to his nose, he quickly sniffed it. The scent was just what he wanted. A mixture of the younger boys musk made more pertinent through the sweaty residue left throughout the day.

But he knew he needed privacy in order to really get what he wanted out of it. Jayce quickly made his way back into the home, making sure that the door was locked. It was getting later and he wanted to be sure he wouldn't be caught indulging. It was still a well kept secret of his, the fact that he rather enjoyed the scent of other boys underwear. Now he had another to add to his collection. But before he stored it away, he wanted to enjoy it in it's freshness.

Once he was inside his room he looked around as if he were expecting mischief. The catcoon jetted for the bedding before plopping down on top of it. The bed furrowed against his weight as his body jostled a little bit from the springy mattress. The boy situated himself in bed before positioning himself somewhere near the middle so that his whole body fit onto the bed. Once he was in a comfortable position, Jayce slowly brought his right paw up to his snout.

Though the boy was still sensitive he was far from patient. He wanted instant gratification from his favorite vice. Once the fabric of the delicates reached his nostrils, it didn't take long in order for the scent to infiltrate his senses. The aroma of the cheefox was enticing enough to entertain him even know it didn't prove to be incredibly strong. The odor was rather more addicting that previous experiences he'd indulged in the past.

Jayce allowed himself to inhale deeply. The allure of the faint sense of pheromones mixed with sweat was all too familiar to him. It was still slightly moist from his own cum which had tainted the previously clean piece of laundry. Another deep smell caused the cub to roll his eyes back in his head, now leading his paw ever closer to his genitals which were getting quite worked up from just smelling the object.

Touching himself reminded him of the more susceptible state of his member. He tried to ignore it and began rubbing himself into his already moist underwear. It seemed to be rather cumbersome, so instead he opted out to just remove his own briefs. Now his shaft sprung out of it's confines , he felt rather cold since his flesh was now bare. But wrapping his paw around it provided some insular warmth around his engorged cock.

He began to pump his shaft rather vigorously not missing a moment in between the rather deep inhales to take in the younger boys scent. After feeling that the crotch area he rotated it around to the inside and lightly licked the fabric. It resembled a foreign taste he'd not yet encountered. What he didn't realize was that it was a mixture of his own semen and the other cubs sweat. It was salty but not all together distasteful. With each passing moment he was growing closer and closer to his limit.

Moments later his tip leaked out what little cum he had remaining. Since he was still young, the boy didn't have much else to go on. He panted and heaved trying to catch his breath, his heart beat rather rapid. Allowing his grip to release as the bodily fluid seeped out onto his pelvis. The warm and sticky fluid readily clung to his fur. He knew he would need a shower before his parents got home. He eased relaxed his arm allowing it to fall to his side.

After regaining his composure, Jayce had to hurry. He needed to take a shower and fast. Looking at the time had had not even a half hour to clean up. Stashing his newest prize away in the bottom of his drawer, the catcoon fetched a fresh pair of clothing. He rushed as quickly as he could in order to expedite the process. His parents hated when he smelt ripe after a long day at school and Jayce knew full well he'd likely made it worse by indulging as much as he had throughout the day.

Inside the warm shower proved to be taking more time than it usually did. The warm water wasn't doing much to get rid of his own sticky residue. Using soap seemed to remedy the problem and eased up some of his own body odor that he'd built up over the course of the evening. He made sure to pay extra close attention to all his usual problem areas. After feeling like he had paid his dues, he rushed back into the front of the bathroom.

He put on something more relaxing and quickly disposed of his dirty laundry into the hamper. By the time he did, Jayce could hear the shutting of a door. It seemed he had made it just in time. As he had suspected his parents had made it home. Much to his expectation his family never found out about his little excursion that day. The rest of the night went on like normal and Jayce himself played it off like nothing ever happened when asked what they'd done while being alone.

Jayce and Cameron would become better friends over time. They now shared in a rather intimate moment and became rather close because of it. Fortunately for Jayce, Cameron forgot all about his soiled underwear. Occasionally Jayce would take it upon himself to indulge in further such actions while in PE and the cheefox never did caught on. Where their relationship would go from here only time would tell...

The Trial

The Trial by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: All characters and setting in this story are purely fictional. Any resemblance to people either real or fake are purely coincidental. The main character in this work is the rightful property of it's owner. I...

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A Night to Remember

A night to remember by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: All characters in this story are fictional and have been created for the purpose of this tale alone. Any similarity to other characters is purely coincidental. Furthermore characters featured in this...

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Something in the Water Part 2

Something in the water Part 2 by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: All characters in this story are fictional. This piece contains underaged as well as micro/macro relationships. Some details have been fictionalized for simplicity sakes. You have been...

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