Just Another Day

Story by InkblotFox on SoFurry

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#3 of Gifts and Trades

Based off of FA: Flipside 's amazing mayor concepts. I wrote this based off of some concept pieces she did recently about life for her ACNL mayor!

(All characters are of legal and consenting age. Contains depictions of sex between human and anthro animals. Viewer discretion is advised, please do not read if you are not of legal age or if such content offends.)

Day 412 She considered for a long moment as she lay in her bed that this wasn't really a dream at all. But that was insane, she laughed to herself. A town full of anthropomorphic animals who went around wearing nothing but t-shirts and smiles, arbitrarily electing her mayor before she had one foot off the train? Clearly she was dozing on the long train ride to her new home, her new leaf not yet begun. Still, she saw no reason she couldn't enjoy the dream while it lasted, nor to worry if it would actually end. Far more interesting things to do than fret, she figured. Jas stepped out of her house in the same oddly excited fashion she always felt compelled to, pausing for a moment to decide just what she wanted to do 'today', her hand running through her short-shaved hair in mild contemplation. It was a warm day, but a nice breeze was blowing, playing under her thing sarong and across her bare legs. Likely this would be the last really warm day of the summer, a perfect time for beachcombing and fishing - maybe she could find something new to add to her museum of oddities. First, though, there was the matter of her promised morning workout, words she regretted promising the moment she recalled them. Why anyone would want to wake up and immediately exhaust themselves was a mystery to her, but Rudy had been so sweet in his request that she was hard-pressed to turn the athletic feline down. She almost turned around, hesitating at the thought of a morning caffeine rush to help push her into the ordeal, only to have the chime of the town's clock tower drive the notion from her mind. Yawning, she made her meandering way to Rudy's humble home, half-hoping he was still asleep when he got there. Jas couldn't help but be frustrated at how infrequently her dream would follow her wishes when she saw Rudy waiting for her outside, midway through his morning stretches. She couldn't help but admire the way the athletic cat looked as he moved, toned muscles rippling under crimson fur, subtle strength you wouldn't notice at first glance. All the inhabitants of her dream town seemed the same, rounded cute folks whose details came out the more you looked at them. She wasn't sure how her mind had come up with such a thing, but the results were nothing to complain about. It was adorable the way Rudy flushed with embarrassment when he realized he had an audience, a lovely shade of pink blossoming under his already deep-red fur. He straightened abruptly, managing most of his usual grace as he composed himself. "Good morning, Mayor! Sorry to keep you waiting, nyan!" She had to stifle a giggle - more than a 'year' had passed and she still wasn't quite used to her animalistic neighbors catch phrases. His, at least, was fitting and cute besides. "No worries, Rudy. You cute quite the dashing figure." She pretended for his sake not to notice how much darker his blush became at that. "Are you all ready to go?" Mercifully, Rudy only made her walk once around the cherry grove, his brisk jog far more than she cared to keep pace with so early in the morning. Jas found herself unable to resist flopping down into the soft grass under the trees as they made their way back, deciding her dream could wait a moment for her to catch her breath. From above, Rudy's chuckles brought a blush to her cheeks as he knelt down beside her prone form. "I don't know how you do this everyday," she said between panting breaths, looking up at his friendly squint. "Just takes practice, nyan! Baby steps, that's all." "Yeah, well. My legs are gonna kill me if I try any more steps, baby or otherwise." Her quip brought another chuckle from him, his paws gently stroking her arm. "How about you roll over then, and I'll give those sore legs a massage they'll never forget. My thanks for working out with me today, nyan!" An offer like that sounded too good to turn down. Jas grunted as she coaxed her body into complying, laying her head on her arms as his gentle paws pushed her sarong aside, working into her thick calves without hesitation. The way he worked her muscles quickly had her groaning with pleasure, dexterous fingers coaxing her sore muscles to loosen up almost like magic. "Geeze, how'd you get so good at this?" she sighed, all but melting under his touch. "I used to get lots of leg cramps, nyan. My sister taught me how to do this for myself!" Rudy could hardly contain his pride as he continued to massage her, his touch so wonderful that at first Jas didn't notice his hands creeping up her legs. She had never considered her neighbors in a sexual way, beyond the vague notion that they had to breed somehow. Perhaps because despite their bottomless attire, she never saw them acting in anything other than an innocent way. But when she felt those soft paws gently kneading just below her ample rear, it occurred to her that maybe Rudy wanted to thank her in another way. He hesitated to proceed, almost pulling away when she raised her hips back against his hand, deciding it couldn't hurt to indulge her dreamed-up companion in his interests. "If that's the kind of workout you wanted, we hardly had to leave the house," she all but purred at him, a smirk playing on her lips as she listened to the way she flustered him. His paws were nearly shaking as he pushed them against the curve of her ass, groping her while she murmured her approval. So unlike him to be timid or unsure, an adorable change from his usual recklessness. Even so, it didn't seem to take long for Rudy to decide her panties would look better around her ankles, her sarong pushed up and out of the way of his paws as he grew bolder. She spared a look back at him, noticing for the first time that not only did he have a sheathe, but that his cock was already halfway out of it as he teased her. Jas couldn't help but lick her lips as she eyed the tapered length, already curious how the barbs running down its length would feel. She could feel his paws wander down to her inner thighs and she spread her legs accommodatingly for him, revealing her drooling sex to his eager eyes. The gasp he made, strangled mix of arousal and shock, only stroked her ego more as she swayed her hips back at him. "Oh, Rudy? There's one more place I'd really appreciate a massage..." Jas let her desire drip from her words, closing her eyes as she felt those trembling fingers spreading her folds. She half-expected him to keep pussyfooting around, slowly exploring her body until they were caught and the mood was ruined. Color her pleasantly surprised to feel those strong paws seize her by the waist without warning, his knees pressed against hers as he ground his barbed shaft against her. "I hope you're alright with deep-tissue massages, nyan!" Rudy's cocky attitude seemed to have returned full-force, making Jas giggle even as her body shivered with anticipation. "Just don't go easy on me. I'll never get any stronger that way," she replied. Little more warning was given before she felt herself speared on that cock, the jock wasting no time in stuffing her to the hilt and dragging a shamelessly loud moan from her lips. He wasn't the longest man she'd ever had by any means, but his girth was more than enough to make her forget that, her slick folds stretched tight around him as those blessed barbs dragged along her sensitive walls with every thrust. She spared no effort to sing his praises in a series of moans and grunts as he adopted a slow, deep pace, any fear of being caught forgotten under the feline's care. She loved how he held her hips high in his strong paws as he rutted her, allowing her to simply relax and enjoy the ride. "Fuck, Rudy, I-" Jas found herself cut off as her first orgasm in what felt like a lifetime rocked her frame and blanked her mind, leaving her moaning shamelessly into her arms as she rocked her hips back against her impromptu partner needily. Growing cocky, Rudy went so far as to slap her ass as he rode her, her body clenching around his cock wonderfully with each rough strike, the pain adding a wonderful counterpoint to the consuming pleasure. Her fingers dug into the soft soil below her as he picked up his pace, her back arching as a second climax built up quickly in the wake of her first. "Don't stop," she moaned, panting under his rough thrusts as he fucked her into the ground, feeling his claws digging into her hips as his own pleasure built. "Don't stop, Rudy. Fill me up!" Her words oozed desire, mirroring the precum his cock oozed into her, warming her up for the main event as he redoubled his efforts against her. She was so close, she needed him. Those claws dug in deeper, and his voice joined hers echoing between the cherry trees. "Mayor... Hahh... Here it comes, nyan!!" She swore everyone in her imaginary village had to hear their joint cries of pleasure as he hilted her, holding her ass tight against him as he pumped rope after rope of hot feline seed into her waiting belly, making her sob with delight as she soaked his crotch with her pleasure. She could have sworn it was real then, the pleasure rocking her entire body just too good to be a dream, but of course even then she doubted. How could such a lovely lover possibly be real? It was a long while before she came down enough to notice Rudy's muzzle pressed into her sloppy sex, licking her clean as his cum oozed out onto his tongue. She found the act at once sweet and lewd, pushing herself back against him as he did his best to lick every inch of her clean. Too exhausted to get up, she managed at least to roll onto her back when at last he pulled away, giving him a warm, dazed smile as he looked down at her. "You didn't have to go and do all of that, much as I enjoyed the extra treat," she said, pulling him down into a sweet little kiss. She tasted him on his lips, a tart flavor that she planned to taste more of from the source sooner than later. "Nonsense, Mayor. Every good workout needs a cool down, nyan!" The bell sounded across the village, signaling the hour - was it really already ten? "Oh no, I have to run! I promised to help Reese move some things at ReTail... Do you mind terribly?" "Go on, I'm sure they need a big strong cat like you! I'll see you at our next workout." Jas gave him a wink that she was sure left his heart fluttering as he dashed off, leaving her to bask in the warm sunlight as she tried to muster the will to get up. What a sight she must be, her panties still hanging from one ankle and her freshly creamed sex on display for anyone happening by... She was glad this was nothing but a dream, lest the whole situation be completely mortifying.

Nearly an hour passed before she managed to convince herself lying half-naked in the grass all day was a poor way to spend the day. The mess between her legs made her original plan of each combing all the more appealing, though the cool wet feeling of it all pressed between her and her panties was certainly pleasant. Nevertheless, she made her meandering way down to the shoreline, scooping up shells and flotsam as she fancied and hoping for something particularly noteworthy to put on display. So wrapped up was she in her scouting that she almost missed the great fin protruding among the waves, sure sign of something good in the water. Excited, Jas ran headlong for the shore, producing her trusty fishing rod from who-knew-where and casting the line among the breakers on the shore. She had long since stopped questioning why she never needed to bait the hook or replace the line of the rod, simply accepting that as long as her aim was more or less true she'd hook her mark. Sure enough, she felt the rod snap in her grip, something massive trying to pull free on the other end. She squared herself in the sand, pulling back stubbornly as she slowly recoiled the line around the reel, face set with steely determination. "Come on, you big son of a bitch," she growled, slowly managing to step her way back up the shore and hauling her catch along with her. Whatever it was thrashed up a storm in the breakers, yanking this way and that as it tried to drag her in with it. Long minutes passed filled with determined reeling and desperate struggling between the two, Jas's eyes narrowed as she refused to surrender her bounty back to the sea. The affair came to a head when a particular sharp yank managed to topple Jas, pulling her headfirst into the ocean. Undaunted, she pulled at the line in her hands, seizing hold of her quarry at long last. She emerged from the breakers thoroughly exhausted, but holding an absolutely massive shark in her arms, a victorious grin on her face and little else gracing her curvy frame. Adrenaline coursed through her system as she took off running back up the beach, completely oblivious to her nudity as she made a beeline towards the museum. The fact that it lay on the other side of the village didn't daunt her, too high on her successful wrangling to heed her muscles plea for rest as she tromped on down the path. So single minded was her focus, in fact, that Jas almost didn't notice when she passed by Digby, brother to her faithful assistant Isabelle. He certainly seemed to notice her though, a flustered look on his face as his gaze followed her past, locked on her retreating rear end until she'd passed out of sight. She couldn't blame him - how often did one see a shark so big, after all? It wasn't until she arrived at the museum that she realized what was amiss. Still, it was amusing to see Blathers so absolutely floored, first by her haul and then by her figure. She had to resist striking a pose as he tried to focus on assessing her catch, though she caught his eyes more than once dart back to her ample breasts and full hips, even running down the swell of her belly before darting away again in embarrassment. She had mercy on the poor, flustered owl though, allowing him to excuse himself with what grace he could muster, though his attempts to cover himself with the museum's newest addition failed to hide his growing erection. Left alone, Jas found herself glowing with amusement as she considered just how much fun it could be to tease her neighbors, the new possibilities of sex with them making this persistent dream all the more interesting. Even as she dressed herself in a new outfit, Jas found herself considering her assistant and her flustered brother, the pair of canines always so sweet and helpful to her. Maybe she could find creative way to "thank" them for their services. A task for another day, she decided as her body's aches finally caught up with her. Today had already been far too active for her liking, and she was looking forward to a hearty lunch and a long soak in the tub before any more hijinks. Still, it was a lovely possibility to consider, one that left her again hoping this lovely dream never came to an end. After all, she was sure no new leaf she could turn over in reality would ever be quite as fulfilling as this one.

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