A Survey

Story by DarkRyu on SoFurry

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#1 of A Survey

This is just something very basic I threw together in about half an hour. Nothing special. I thought I'd share it with all of you. Anyways, let me know what you think.

I sighed as I walked down the landing ramp of my ship. I'm both a bounty hunter and a mercenary, but jobs have been rather scarce lately so I've taken up a job with Doctor Keegan. I didn't particularly enjoy the assignments I got from him, but he paid well. At least it was enough to send back to my wife and son so at least they could live a comfortable life. I didn't like the fact that what I did was so dangerous, but in these troubled times, NOTHING paid well enough to keep food on the table so I was forced to seek alternatives that I had never imagined. But at least this assignment wouldn't be life-threatening. At least that's what I had thought.

My assignment was to collect various flora samples from the different worlds around the Twilek system. Most of the planets had civilized societies and governments, and it was just a matter of landing and asking if I could take some samples. But this world....this world was different. It was a vast jungle with plants that I had never seen before. I had heard that this planet's predominant species was a type of carnivorous raptor. They did speak and had a nomadic type of society, but I had been warned that they could be dangerous as there was no law or central government. In addition to the threats from the raptors, there were also poisonous snakes and plants that I had to look out for. I took the paper out of the pocket in my vest and looked at the diagram of the plant that Doctor Keegan had drawn for me. Approximately 12.5 centimeters long, 2.2 centimeters wide, light green in color, rough to the touch.......

Just as I was about to put the paper away and begin looking for the plant, the platform I was standing on shook violently. I looked back in fear to find a large brown-colored raptor staring at me. I could tell from its eyes that it wasn't there to say hello. It meant business. "Umm...hi..." I said awkwardly. The creatures lip turned up in a smile as it lunged forward. Before I knew what was happening, it had grabbed me and slung me over its shoulder as if I were nothing but a mere child. "Hey!" I cried. "Put me down!" It ignored me and began running away. Obviously its intent wasn't to hurt me or it would have done so already, so I thought that I had a chance of dealing with it. "I'm here to look for a plant called Oblivious Rentaris." I said. "Do you know where I could find it?" The creature ignored me and continued running. "I sorta need to lock up my ship." I said. There was still no response. Then a horrible thought occurred to me. What if this creature was taking me back to its nest to feed me to its children or something? I had to get out of there. I kicked the creature as hard as I could. I groaned in pain. Its skin was as hard as a rock!

"Put me down!" I screamed. It continued to ignore me. I looked forward and saw a cave directly ahead of us. That must be its home. That's it. I was dinner. What would happen to my family if I died here? Surely my wife couldn't make enough to be able to support them. I looked up as we ran into the cave. The creature stopped and set me down gently. This was odd to me. If I was going to be its dinner, why would it be so careful with me? Maybe this one couldn't talk. Whatever the case, I didn't care. I had to get back. I quickly got up and bolted for the cave exit. The raptor quickly stepped in front of me and firmly but gently put its hands on my shoulders, preventing me from escaping. "Let me go!" I yelled. "In due time." I heard a feminine voice say. I looked up at her in surprise. "So you can talk." I said. "What do you mean, in due time? I've got a job to do and a family to get back to." "Your job and family can wait at least for a little while." She said. "It'll only take an hour or so to help me.....or a bit more depending on how good you are." "What are you blabbering about?" I asked, annoyed. "Help you with what?"

"You'll see." She said, backing me up against the wall. I wanted to try to run again, wanted to protest....but for some reason, I couldn't. Those eyes....I could tell that she didn't want to hurt me. I yelled as she pressed her muzzle against my lips, but my yells were quickly muffled by her tongue. I could feel her tongue deep in my throat and I was instantly aroused. It had after all been a long time since my wife and I had been together. I pressed back against her shoulders, pushing her away, but she pushed back insistently. My resistance didn't even last five seconds. This raptor could do anything she wanted to me. I might as well enjoy it. I jumped as I felt something rub against my covered erection and gasped frantically for air as she removed her tongue from my throat. "My my, we're ready already are we?" She asked seductively. "Please....I have a wife...." I said softly. "I know." She said. "That's why I'm forcing you. Normally I would never do such a thing, but I don't want you to have to cheat on your wife, especially for someone like me who you don't even know." I looked into her eyes, which I realized were quite beautiful. If I hadn't been married.... "Just don't struggle too much or I might hurt you." She said. "But I'll make sure you have the most pleasure possible." "I won't struggle at all." I said. "What would be the point? You're ten times stronger than I am." I reached forward and kissed her passionately. She looked at me with a surprised and happy look on her face. "Your wife is a lucky one." She said, pushing me back towards a large pile of furred animal skins in the corner of the cave.

"Remove those clothes." She demanded. I quickly obliged, tearing off everything that covered my body. She looked down at my member with satisfaction. "Pretty good." She said. "Normally raptor cocks are about ten inches, but yours will do fine." I grunted as she roughly pushed me back onto the skins. I gasped in pleasure as my cock was engulfed in her hot maw. She wrapped her tongue around my member and bobbed her head up and down quickly. "Why are you doing this?" I asked with difficulty. The feeling of her tongue was incredible... She ignored me and continued, speeding up the pace. I couldn't take it anymore. My stomach seized up as I shot my load down her throat. She gulped it down quickly and continued her little tongue play, sucking me dry. Satisfied that she had sufficiently warmed me up, she took my member from her mouth and smiled up at me. "Does it really matter why?" She asked, smiling. I looked at her razor-sharp teeth in horror, wondering how my manhood hadn't been cut to ribbons. She was obviously very skilled at this. She suddenly crawled up on top of me, sitting on my lap awkwardly. My member was pressed hard against her loins. I gasped as she put her hands on my chest and lifted herself up, my member sticking straight up beneath her. "Wait!" I said. She looked at me, puzzled. "Don't you want me to pleasure you?" I asked. She smiled widely and looked down at me. "You're sweet, but no." She said. "I'm more than ready and by the looks of it, you are too." With that, she slowly lowered herself onto my cock, taking all eight inches into her in a single stroke. I gasped in pleasure.

Inside she was soft, moist, and very feminine. Her silky walls clamped down on my member like a vise. I was both relieved and worried that she hadn't been a virgin. Of course, someone as sexual as this has to have been around the block a few times. I moaned in pleasure as she lifted herself up and gently lowered herself again. She kept this up for several minutes. I could tell she was teasing me. I couldn't take it anymore. She was going so slowly! I quickly thrust into her a few times, moaning softly at the exquisite pleasure. She gasped and pushed down on my stomach, preventing me from thrusting. "Oh no..." She said seductively. "If you want to do that, you'll have to earn it." "How?" I asked, desperate to continue. "Beg for it." She said evilly. "But my wife..." I said, trailing off. "She'll never know." She said. "Besides, I'm forcing you to do this, remember?" I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to continue. My entire body was aching for it. "Please..." I said weakly. "Please what?" She asked seductively. "What do you want?" "Please...." I said hoarsely. "Please let me fuck you..." I sighed in relief as she removed her hands from my stomach and smiled down at me. I quickly thrust up into her and she moaned loudly. I continued this pace, going as fast as I could. I suddenly felt the familiar tight feeling deep in my stomach. I thrust up into her one more time, blasting my load up into her. She moaned loudly, shaking violently and putting her hand around her entrance. I blasted stream after stream of warm cream up inside her. As the final spurt left my rapidly shrinking member, I collapsed in exhaustion. She had really worn me out.

She looked down at me and smiled. "You were pretty good." She said. "I didn't expect to cum." "Now can you tell me why?" I asked. "I'm lonely..." She said, trailing off. "And it's been so long since I've had sex. When you landed, I just couldn't resist." "I'm sorry." I said. "I wish I could stay..." "You can." She said. I shook my head. "I have a job to do and my wife and family wouldn't be able to survive without my support." I said sadly. "But know that if I wasn't married...we might have started something together. And that was some damn good sex." She looked down at the ground, looking sad. "Will you come back to see me at least?" She asked. I walked up to her and smiled up at her. "Count on it." I said. "Any chance we can have a replay of today?" She smiled down at me. "Count on it." She said, smirking. "Oh, and here's the plant you're looking for." She walked over to the edge of the cave and picked a small plant. "They're quite common here." She said, handing it to me. "Thanks." I said. "I'll be back in about a month. There's a rather large bounty that I have to pick up on the third moon here. After I snag him, I'll stop by and pay you a visit." "Okay." She said, smiling. I started walking away. "Well, I'll see you in a bit." I said. I continued to watch her as she went back into her cave. The poor woman. Well, I'd be back. I knew that at least. I whistled happily as I walked towards my ship, looking forward to seeing her again............

My Love...Lucario - A Working Title (Part 2)

Okay, this is part 2 of this story. I've cut it short because I really don't have time for this at the moment. My life is kind of crazy right now. But anyway, sorry for having to cut it short and all. Here's the rest of the...

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My Love.....Lucario - A Working Title

Sorry about the dumb name. I haven't really thought of one for this story yet. I had to put something down so anyways... This is my very first public submission to any public website. I have my own website full of stories that's only...

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